[re-adding CCs]

Yao Wei,

> > > > Whats the current state of the budget as a whole? For the avoidance
> > > > of doubt, I believe the ball is in your court at the moment.
> > >
> > > I am currently in charge of the budget yes.  Currently, only few of those
> > > pre-approved budget (stickers and posters) has been paid by OCF.
> >
> > No, sorry, I meant: what is the next step for the budget...
> The below is the list of items categorized by emergency:  […]

Let's take a step back for moment.

My role as DPL here is to make sure that you are never blocked on me
and thus being entirely clear about "who is waiting on who" and the
current tasks is more important than anything else. This does not
appear to be the case right now.

There have been many times when I have asked what (I thought were)
sensible questions in (what I thought was) a fairly straightforward
manner, but I received replies that were either incomplete, did not
really address the questions at hand, or in some cases, were plain

I am in no way ascribing all blame to you here — indeed, other DDs
have asked me in the past to use simpler language so they can
understand me better — but I feel like we are often talking past each
other. This is to the detriment of each other, anyone else reading
this list and, most importantly, DebConf18 itself.

I think working out some kind of solution to these communication
problems _now_ would be productive.

Do you have any ideas? :)


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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