Hi, First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks. I would like to let others join the thread and explain or translate the dialogs.
Second, sometimes I don't have context what you are referring to. For example "The current state of the budget", I actually don't know what kind of state you are looking for so I simply guess it. I probably need to ask about what exactly you are looking for before answering the questions. Sorry for my premature reply. I am stressed out because it involves money and we are having communication problems. Yao Wei On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 13:28 Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org> wrote: > Yao Wei, > > > > I think working out some kind of solution to these communication > > > problems _now_ would be productive. > > > > > > Do you have any ideas? :) > > > > I think it could be better letting others being treasurer than me. > > Oh. Isn't that a bit.. premature? I remain optimistic we can work > this out. > > I wasn't suggesting a replacement treasurer — and just to underline > again what I said in my previous messages — I am certain this is not > 100% due to you... :) > > > Best wishes, > > -- > ,''`. > : :' : Chris Lamb > `. `'` la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk > `- >