d for records it's definitely
arguable that they shouldn't support empty anyway even though they
*are* a logical target for walk.
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> I run this line
> java -cp c:/opt/jars/clojure.jar:. clojure.main foo.clj
On windows, the java classpath separator is ";", so that should be
java -cp c:/opt/jars/clojure.jar;. clojure.main foo.clj
> I get it can't find clojure.main
Doesn't really seem to matter here, but to eliminate
On Nov 11, 5:29 am, jayvandal wrote:
> I tried this command but can't find how to execute it.
> $ lein run -m gaidica.core
> What folder do I execute this ? (Vista windows )
> Probably simple but it's difficult for me
> Thanks
> # gaidica
> Example Seesaw application. Display weather data
On Nov 8, 7:33 pm, megabite wrote:
> I'm trying to use Math/sqrt using clojure 1.3.0 and lein but for some
> reason I can't get it to work.
> What do I need to put in the project.clj file and what needs to go
> into the (ns ...) statement in the core.clj file in order to get this
> work? It shou
I haven't looked at paredit's grammar. it may be useful to use that,
especially if we can have some common higher-level operations on
parsed clojure trees (simple things like "find the argument list for
this function" etc), but I just haven't had
enever you run clojure-jack-in to start a SLIME session.
For more info, see the readme at https://github.com/joodie/clojure-refactoring
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On Nov 3, 10:52 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
> Joost,
> This looks great. I think I might have been vaguely aware of
> clojure-refactoring before, but I'm glad to have been reminded of it.
> Q: how much of it is Emacs/SLIME specific?
> I ask because I
> I hope to have this documented soon, but I believe it's pretty much
> exactly what you are looking for. Please let me know if you have any
> trouble with it.
That sounds great. I will look into that and see what I can do with
You received this message b
ler than
that for the end-users, I would appreciate any suggestions. I think it
would make a lot of probably already overwhelmed new Emacs / Clojure
users feel a little less intimidated. :)
Please let me know what you think is a good idea.
Thanks in advance,
Joost Diepenmaat.
ponse if you want to do this
in a war/jar web app.
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On Jul 12, 7:27 am, Tarantoga wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to make a web-app to which I could connect using slime and
> make some changes there while the application is still running. How to
> start Swank-server from the working Ring-application?
The simplest way during development is to start swa
On Jul 10, 7:15 am, Michael Gardner wrote:
> I think Christian wanted to know *why* one "should" eliminate recur. I can't
> think of a reason to avoid it myself, though I also don't recall hearing any
> recommendations against using recur.
Just my two cents, but the main reason to consider ma
(defn read-files-into-memory
[ & filenames ]
(print filenames)
(map #(read-json-filename %1) filenames))
The [& filenames] argument spec turns all the arguments given into a
sequence. You're not passing the filenames as separate arguments, but
as a vector, so you either have to change that:
I noticed I hadn't addressed this question earlier, so.
On Apr 9, 3:48 am, James Reeves wrote:
> The problem I have with such a scheme is that it seems more complex to
> use in practise. For instance, let's say I wanted an optional value.
> If predicates that fail a precondition return a truthy
On Apr 12, 6:35 pm, James Reeves wrote:
> On 12 April 2011 12:16, Joost wrote:
> > An input string of "foobar" is obviously not a number between 10 and
> > 20, so whatever predicate you use to test for that should just return
> > false. That not everybody h
I'll change them. If
they turn out to be too cumbersome, I'll probably write some higher
level abstractions on top of them. YMMV.
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James Reeves wrote:
> On 7 April 2011 20:03, Joost wrote:
> > Yup. I'm mostly in the same boat. That's why all the predicates I've
> > produced for now are in the pretzel.strings namespace. I expect to end
> > up with few non-string predicates, but those will
James Reeves wrote:
> On 7 April 2011 06:48, Joost wrote:
> > I think your choice of currying makes more sense, at least in the
> > context of validations, so it might be a good idea to switch pretzel
> > over to that scheme.
> Would it make sense for clj-decline?
> Also, it looks like your ^String type hint is in the wrong place for
> your length? predicate.
Oh, you're right. I really should work on extending the tests...
If you want, I can take a stab at unifying the code for this.
You received this mess
;m not sure right now how useful the predicate-combination
functions are, or if they should be part of the same distribution as
the string predicates. If you feel strongly one way or the other,
please let me know.
Joost Diepenmaat
Zeekat Softwareontwikkeling.
You received this message beca
ME. run-lisp starts the inferior-lisp
interaction model, which is much more minimal than SLIME. If you've
already got a swank server running, the correct function to connect to
it is slime-connect.
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Groups "Cl
On Apr 6, 10:33 am, MohanR wrote:
> Hi,
> I use clojure box and I have included (add-hook 'slime-mode-hook
> 'slime-redirect-inferior-output) in .emacs
> I open M-x run-lisp and I still see the exception trace in inferior-
> lisp
> I though it will be redirected to the slime repl. Will it be
7;t necessarily need to change game state,
but where you do still need to have shapes and collision detection -
like walls. So to me it sounds like you're talking about two different
concepts that are probably complicating your design when you force
them to together.
Hope that helped,
that what you're
asking to do strongly smells like a problem that is better solved by
avoiding it. :)
If you can't find a "cleaner" solution, please post a ~ preferably
short ~ example in code and maybe we can expand on possible solutions.
Good luck,
You received th
On Apr 2, 10:30 pm, icemaze wrote:
> I'm writing a macro that defines a symbol through let, but I also
> needs to unbind (unlet?) it, so that further uses of that symbol throw
> an exception.
> I hoped I could use symbol-macrolet, but local symbols are protected
> from expansion
> Thanks!
Some people indicated they wanted some example code for my clj-decline
(validation) and flutter (form generation) libraries. So today I wrote
a simple demo application that uses both.
Get the code at https://github.com/joodie/flutter-decline-demo
Feedback is always welcome.
I just pushed release 0.0.2, which has many improvements and a bit
more documentation on the API.
If you're interested, please take a look and let me know if you have
any questions or remarks.
Joost Diepenmaat.
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On Mar 28, 11:18 am, Saul Hazledine wrote:
> On Mar 27, 12:04 am, Joost wrote:
> > I'm currently working on a library to provide a consistent and
> > extensible method for generating form fields, based on hiccup.
> I think this is a cool thing to do. On
u'll have a good chance that I'll accept your suggestions :-)
Joost Diepenmaat
Zeekat Softwareontwikkeling.
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On Mar 23, 8:07 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> a bit naive, but it seems to work…
> user=> (defn round
> [x & {p :precision}]
> (if p
> (let [scale (Math/pow 10 p)]
> (-> x (* scale) Math/round (/ scale)))
> (Math/round x)))
> #'user/r
On Mar 10, 5:31 pm, kurtharriger wrote:
> That was basically my question, protocols are designed for this but
> ILookup isn't a protocol. Is it possible to make ILookup into a
> protocol? I haven't looked at the java code much at all, but I might
> take a stab at creating a patch it that seems p
I think the question is, how transparent concurrency is
> in Clojure. The ultimate goal would be to just write code, that is
> concurrent, but to not have to think to much about it.
Again, anything that doesn't use mutable objects is automatically
But I think you're conf
On Mar 2, 2:05 am, Jason Wolfe wrote:
> > But I don't know what the plan is if you really do want truncating
> > arithmetic on longs.
> On 1.3 alpha 4:
> user=> (+ Long/MAX_VALUE Long/MAX_VALUE)
> ArithmeticException integer overflow
> clojure.lang.Numbers.throwIntOverflow (Numbers.java:1581)
..), (let ..),
no automatic returns etc.
Its possible to do a real port of clojure that sort of does the basics
right, but that would be a lot more involved than just translating
source code.
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Groups "Clojure&qu
f the main themes of 1.3 seems to be speed/efficiency,
I'm sort of surprised by this but I might have missed something.
What's the plan for fast math on longs (and floats)?
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Groups "Clojure" gro
On Feb 22, 4:08 am, yair wrote:
> I'm hoping this is a dumb question and I've missed something obvious.
> I have a map with various key-value pairs and I want to transform some
> of the values, e.g.
> (def mymap {:first "john" :last "smith" :age 25}) and say I want to
> change the strings to be
On Feb 19, 12:38 am, Alan wrote:
> user=> (take 100 (distinct (repeatedly #(rand-int 200
Nitpick: the distinct call may be useful in some circumstances, but if
you want a truly random sequence, you definitely do not want it there.
You received this message because y
On Feb 14, 4:32 pm, cej38 wrote:
> Laziness is great when there are things that may not ever be needed.
> But it slows things down when you know that you are going to need some
> function applied to every element of some col. The doall function is
> your friend in this case.
AFAIK, most if not a
On Feb 11, 12:02 am, Joost wrote:
> Yes it's arbitrary, but the other way around would be arbitrary too,
> and IME
> 1) it's fairly rare that you actually *need* a declare "kludge".
> 2) full free ordering generally makes stuff harder to find than
> "
x27;s arbitrary, but the other way around would be arbitrary too,
and IME
1) it's fairly rare that you actually *need* a declare "kludge".
2) full free ordering generally makes stuff harder to find than
"enforced order".
In conclusion, I see the current behavior as slig
in about 20% of the code base (and I think I'm being very
generous here). For the other 80% dynamic vs static typing is a non-
issue. But in a static language, you're still paying the extra
development time for that 80% of code where it doesn't matter.
Again, YMMV, IMHO, bla bla bla
On Feb 9, 6:48 pm, Bojan Jovicic wrote:
> Dear all,
> what are in your opinion 3 biggest advantages that Clojure and
> functional languages have over .NET, with focus on LINQ?
.NET is not a language, it's a runtime with explicit multi-language
support. There's even a clojure implementation that r
Andreas Kostler wrote:
> Hi all,
> Suppose I have the following function:
> (defn foo [x changeling]
> (cond
> (= (first x) 'bar)
> (map #(foo % changeling) (rest x
> (def foobar (atom {:something "in-here"}))
> Now, changeling gets bound to (atom {:something "in-here"}).
Joost wrote:
> you're supposed to use assoc! and
> friends as if they're pure functions.
Just correcting myself for clarity:
assoc! etc MAY modify their transient arguments, but not always, and
not always in the way you might think. The correct result of these
operations is th
That is not a bug. You should NEVER use transient and its related
functions to emulate variables - you're supposed to use assoc! and
friends as if they're pure functions. That is, always use the return
value of assoc! and don't rely on its argument being modified.
something like:
(loop [x (transi
Christian Guimaraes wrote:
> Hi,
> the problem is the
> (concat "http://repo.technomancy.us/";
> "swank-clojure-1.1.0.jar")
> in the swank-clojure.el
> this repo no longer exists.
> -- christian
That's because swank-clojure.el no longer exists and is no longer
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((3 4 5 6) (4 5 6 7) (5 6 7 8
In which case (since you can't use nested #( .. ) forms, something
like this will work:
user> (map #(map (fn [c] (reduce + c)) %) signal)
((10 14 18) (18 22 26))
Which is probably clearer like this:
(defn sum [c]
(map #(reduce + %) c))
(map sum
Belun wrote:
> why does everything have to be a data structure ? like (operation
> parameter parameter ...)
I assume you can see why parameters are data structures (or just plain
data, if you want speed). Operations - or function calls - are data
structures because it makes sense. Especially in Li
Peter Ryan wrote:
> I am trying to avoid a reflective callback with this function:
> (defn unsign-byte-from-buffer [#^java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer]
> (bit-and 0xFF (.get buffer)))
> (println "should be 254" (unsign-byte-from-buffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer/
> wrap (byte-array [(byte 0xFE)]
Josh Stratton wrote:
> Are there any tutorials specific to developing and debugging large
> clojure apps through the REPL?
While some people seem to really love going through the REPL all the
time, personally I prefer something a little more integrated with my
editor. I use the above mentioned swa
Dave Snowdon wrote:
> ; helper function that splits a collection into halves
> (defn halve [coll]
> (let [len (count coll), hl (- len (/ len 2))]
> [(take hl coll) (drop hl coll)]
> )
> )
> ; takes a value and an ordered sequence and returns the index of the value
> or -1
> (defn chop
On Jun 29, 5:50 am, Sean Corfield wrote:
> If folks find the Java stack intimidating, maybe Clojure isn't for
> them? Lots of language run on the JVM and they all require some basic
> knowledge of classpaths, build tools and existing IDEs such as
> Ecliper, NetBeans, IntelliJ etc. If folks are new
On Jun 24, 1:55 am, Joost wrote:
> compojure in whatever was the last release version - with a few lines
> of patches.
This may be interesting to anyone in the US or Japan:
All the patches I made were to fix UTF-8 handling. I live in Europe.
We use characters like Ø and ß and you'd
relational databases unless you really need to get rid of
Don't think of the previous sentence as an excuse to squeeze/enforce
an OO/relational mapping in whatever web framework you're thinking of
writing. I'm doing fine without one, thank you very much.
Joost Diepenmaa
some code like this:
(ns your-namespace
(:require [swank.swank]))
(defn run-swank []
(swank.swank/start-repl 4005 :host "localhost"))
Calling (your-namespace/run-swank) will start a server that you can
connect to with M-x slime-connect from Emacs.
You received thi
them the default will
mean that in the longer run you won't be able to use your bigints with
any library, since they'll all default to using the exception-throwing
I may have misinterpreted the current proposals somewhere, so please
correct me if I'm wrong. Keeping up with this
On Jun 21, 3:07 pm, Joost wrote:
> For core swank-clojure (without the elisp parts), you start a swank
> server somewhere (using leiningen or some other script) and connect to
> that using slime-connect. This means you don't need to install swank-
> clojure in your clojure pro
On Jun 20, 8:03 am, Larry Travis wrote:
> So far so good. But then when I open a new file, say /foo.clj/ (and
> indeed am presented with a buffer in clojure mode), and do /M-x slime/,
> I get the error message "Symbol's function definition is void:
> define-slime-contrib". As I understand things,
On Jun 14, 7:12 pm, Travis Hoffman wrote:
> I'm a n00b with git (but experienced with cvs and svn); I'm still
> trying to figure out how to push my local git repository changes to
> the fork I created on github. Can anyone help me there?
> The fork on git-hub is:
> git://github.com/travis-a-h
On Jun 14, 10:09 pm, Jared wrote:
> Also, I thought this language is functional but I'm able to do change
> declarations in the repl. For example:
> user=> (def x 1)
> #'user/x
> user=> x
> 1
> user=> (def x 2)
> #'user/x
> user=> x
> 2
> user=> (def x (+ 1 x))
> #'user/x
> user=> x
> 3
> Why do
Oh, and make SURE pressing TAB actually calls slime-complete-symbol
and not some non-slime completion function.
You can check by doing (in a clojure-mode buffer) C-h C-k TAB
I believe the default binding is C-c TAB and M-TAB - not TAB.
You received this message because you are
> check your slime-complete-symbol-function.
> slime-complete-symbol* does not complete java classes, but slime-
> simple-complete does
that last one should be slime-simple-complete-symbol
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Groups "Clojure" group.
To pos
On Jun 8, 12:34 pm, Rick Moynihan wrote:
> user> java.lang.Str
> "No dynamic expansion for `user> java.lang.Str' found.
check your slime-complete-symbol-function.
slime-complete-symbol* does not complete java classes, but slime-
simple-complete does
(and (vector? bindings) (nil? oldform)) "a vector for its
> binding"
> (= 2 (count bindings)) "exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
> (let [form (bindings 0) tst (bindings 1)]
> `(let [temp# ~tst]
> (if temp#
> (let [~form temp#]
> statement to fix it.
Be aware that counting a list is an O(n) operation (since it needs to
walk all the links in the list). The preferred way to test if any seq-
able thing is empty is (empy? thing) and the already mentioned (seq
thing) to test if it's not empty.
You received
n't need a running swank in the background. Although
> it's not completely accurate, it's a reasonable approximation.
Well, when you're working with SLIME, you've got a running swank
anyway, so doing a less accurate (and probably much more complex)
search through the s
the defined keywords at run time? I
imagine that would be interesting for other development/debugging
systems beside SLIME too.
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On Jun 4, 2:03 pm, Joost wrote:
> Seems correct as far as the documentation of update-in is concerned.
Addendum: though I think you've got a point in that inserting a nil
key is unexpected.
Personally, I don't really know what to expect from that expression.
that you give it,
since that's what ((constantly {2 3}) nil) returns.
Seems correct as far as the documentation of update-in is concerned.
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On Jun 4, 7:37 am, "Heinz N. Gies" wrote:
> Update-in behaves oddly when getting an empty path. (update-in [] {1 2}
> (constantly {2 3})) returns {nil {2 3} 1 2} not {2 3} as I'd expect. get-in
> works well with empty pathes so I think this isn't a good behavior.
I don't know why you expect tha
On May 31, 8:14 pm, Joost wrote:
> True, but that's more a question of the interface provided by def. The
> real problem is that if you want to access the vars defined by that
> function anywhere else, they need to be defined (if not initialized)
> before you can compile t
On May 31, 7:54 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> It works sometimes. Of course you can redef a Var via function.
> (defn foo [y] (def x y))
> (foo 5)
> However, you cannot define arbitrary Vars.
> (defn bar [x y] (def x y))
> (bar 'c 5)
True, but that's more a question of the interface provid
Oh, and you code throws "clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast
to java.lang.Number
[Thrown class java.lang.ClassCastException]" for me.
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On May 31, 2:11 pm, garyk wrote:
> Hi,
> I've started learn Clojure. While I am writing some functions I was
> getting the java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn. I
> was wondering if somebody could help me to move on:
> ; for testing
> (def sudoku ( sorted-map '[1 1] '(98) '[1 2]
On May 31, 4:35 pm, Quzanti wrote:
> That was interesting.
> One more Q.
> What determines whether special forms can be used in functions eg you
> can't def a variable in a fn.
You can:
user> (defn fun [v] (def my-v v))
user> (fun 'a)
user> my-v
user> (fun 'b)
user> my-v
I'm not aware
On May 31, 1:11 pm, Michael Jaaka
> Well, this is just an example.
> I need to refer to global vars from eval.
You can do that already:
user> (def bla "foo bar")
user> bla
"foo bar"
user> (eval 'bla)
"foo bar"
It's just not a good idea.
You received this message be
want to redefine globals in a function body
if you have any pretense of doing functional code. Why don't you use
(let []) instead?
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On May 30, 8:11 pm, Richard Newman wrote:
> > 2. Why is there no other way to determine an empty coll except (not
> > (seq coll)).
> user=> (empty? [])
> true
And in fact, the docs for (empty?) say:
"Please use the idiom (seq x) rather than (not (empty? x))"
Perhaps the seq docs should indi
On May 28, 9:26 pm, Steve Purcell wrote:
> If it helps, I've got a working non-ELPA set-up which you can browse here:
> http://github.com/purcell/emacs.d
> It uses git versions of Slime, Clojure-mode and Swank-clojure (as git
> submodules). Feel free to mail me off-list with any questions.
e what you're trying to do with this, but as an
alternative, you can assoc lazy-seqs to a standard map. That is, if
your values are going to be seqs (IME, most of the things you want
lazy evaluation for are).
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Personally, I prefer SWT over Swing mostly because seems a lot more
useful and a little more responsive to the user.
But then I think Swing is horrible and SWT is just a bit better. I
seriously prefer Tk over both (except for the file selection dialogs
on Unix).
Consider this a + vote for SWT and
On May 27, 8:24 pm, Oleg wrote:
> Hello Guys!
> Yes, i know that i can run "lein swank" in my project directory and
> then use M-X + slime-connect in emacs. But all the time with clojure
> 1.1.0 i used this procedure: M-X cd to project directory and them just
> M-X slime (classpath is set relati
pam, so either send me an email or reply to this thread
if you've got something to say :)
You can find all the posts in the series in reverse chronological
order at the following URL.
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On May 23, 9:21 pm, Michael Gardner wrote:
> I need to use a predicate to divide one list into two, one containing all
> values for which the predicate is true, and the other with all remaining
> values. I can do this easily by filtering twice, once with the predicate and
> once with its comple
omewhere in your emacs init script.
As this thread shows, using incompatible swank/slime versions can
cause problems, but personally I find the warning too intrusive so
I've switched it off.
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Groups "Clojure&quo
On May 7, 12:14 am, Stuart Halloway wrote:
> Just pushed a fix for this. (An ugly hack, really.)
> Let me know if it works for you.
Thanks Stuart, that seems to have done the trick.
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Groups "
On May 6, 7:01 pm, ataggart wrote:
> What "defalias" are you talking about?
The one in clojure.contrib.def
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Note that posts from new membe
In clojure 1.1 you can use defalias on macros, but as far as I can
tell, in the current 1.2 branch, this won't work anymore.
Is this intentional, and if so, how can I work around it once I start
porting stuff to 1.2?
Joost Diepenmaat.
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On Apr 21, 11:48 am, Remco van 't Veer wrote:
> Nice! That's a lot better than depending on some quirky sql construct.
Agreed. There's just one potential issue (which is the same issue I
have with
clojure.contrib.sql): it doesn't quote the column or table names,
meaning you
can't use such nice c
ava.awt.headless=true -cp /home/joost/lib/clojure/clojure-1.2.0-
contrib.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
user=> (binding [clojure.contrib.sql/do-commands #(prn %)
On 1 mrt, 23:02, Michael Wood wrote:
> I don't know if the following's "allowed", but it works:
> user=> (def ð Math/PI)
> #'user/ð
> user=> ð
> 3.141592653589793
Sine the JVM considers all strings to be 16-bit unicode, I would
expect all the usual java/unicode number/letter types to be valid,
A Very Simple Example:
(defn list-projects
[request posts]
(wrap request :project
(text :projects)
(map project-block posts)
(link-to "/project/edit/" "new")))
That's a top-level view function from a (nearly) production site I'm
working at right now.
Clean readable code. This
On 7 feb, 13:09, Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
> Great to hear that there is Clojure group around.
> For ease of finding
> it:http://groups.google.com/group/amsterdam-clojurians?hl=en
> Cheers,
> Hubert
Joined as well. I'm in Utrecht.
Shame I missed today's meeting.
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nd, which does the same sort of
completion, but doesn't query the running lisp.
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Personally, I prefer to use multple "prototypes":
(defn bla
([aaa bbb ccc] )
([bbb cc] (bla 0 bbb cc)))
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Note that posts from n
Personally, I prefer to use multiple implementations, like:
(defn aaa
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You can also create a small start.clj file that does whatever it needs
to do (use 'foo) and ends with a call to (clojure.main/repl)
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On 21 dec, 15:38, kyle smith wrote:
> Martin, you're trying to argue that some hypothetical 'unwashed
> masses' of programmers won't like clojure because of parenthesis. The
> problem is you're just assuming it's the parenthesis, and there is no
> way to know for sure (short of a peer-reviewed st
On 19 dec, 15:25, Martin Coxall wrote:
> > I guess it's mostly a matter of judging a language by its long-term
> > merits instead of initial appearance -- just like with so many other
> > things in life.
> That - right there - is a tacit admission that the Clojure community will
> find it activ
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