Peter Ryan wrote:
> I am trying to avoid a reflective callback with this function:
> (defn unsign-byte-from-buffer [#^java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer]
>   (bit-and 0xFF (.get buffer)))
> (println "should be 254" (unsign-byte-from-buffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer/
> wrap (byte-array [(byte 0xFE)]))))
> when run with (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) I receive the following
> error:
> Reflection warning...type-hint.clj:7 - call to and can't be resolved.

There is no bit-and for bytes; you need ints. At least that's what it
looks like to me.

(defn unsign-byte-from-buffer [#^java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer]
  (bit-and 0xff (int (.get buffer))))

seems to solve the issue for me.

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