On Nov 4, 4:07 pm, Chas Emerick <cemer...@snowtide.com> wrote:

> I've only looked at the code for ~5 minutes, but I think I might understand 
> what's going on.  To confirm: clojure-refactoring is sending something like 
> diffs back to the refactoring-mode/SLIME, and that mode/emacs is what is 
> actually performing the modifications to affected files?

Basically, what's happening is that the emacs code sends snippets of
code + some argument to the clojure backend, and gets a new snippet
back replacing the old one.

For instance, extract-fn gets called with a string representing the
original function, another string representing the expression to
extract and a function name, and it returns a string representing the
extracted function + the original function with the expression
replaced by a call to the new function.

Similar things happen with the threading functions and rename. The
emacs side of things pretty much consists of selecting, replacing and
re-indenting expressions.

On Nov 4, 4:30 pm, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> As far as I remember, clojure-refactoring considered (or is using ?)
> using parsley + the clojure grammar in paredit.clj for some (all ?) of
> its refactorings.
> What is the current status of this ? (I also have a long delayed todo
> list note on adding refactoring to CCW, for sure ! :-) )

clojure-refactoring currently doesn't use paredit.clj at all, it still
has its own parsley clojure grammar in clojure-

I haven't looked at paredit's grammar. it may be useful to use that,
especially if we can have some common higher-level operations on
parsed clojure trees (simple things like "find the argument list for
this function" etc), but I just haven't had the time to look into it.


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