On Feb 9, 6:48 pm, Bojan Jovicic <bojan.jovi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> what are in your opinion 3 biggest advantages that Clojure and
> functional languages have over .NET, with focus on LINQ?

.NET is not a language, it's a runtime with explicit multi-language
support. There's even a clojure implementation that runs on .NET.
There's also F#, which is Microsoft's functional language for .NET.
The JVM and .NET runtimes both support loads of languages. There are
several other multi-language runtimes in the works at the moment.
AFAICS "serious" hosted languages are all moving towards a split
between langugage and runtime. Comparing languages to runtimes is not
very useful at this point in time and the question will probably
become even more pointless in the future.

Never heard of LINQ until you mentioned it, but it appears to be a
general data querying library. That sort of thing is generally
implemented as on top of a language/runtime. Clojure/Java doesn't
currently have something like that as far as I know,  (unless you
count JDBC and the Clojure-specific layers on top of it like the
interesting ClojureQL), though I may be wrong - there is a stupendous
amount of Java libraries and frameworks out there and most work with
Clojure if need be.

> E.g. I thought of set functions, but this is supported in LINQ.

Clojure has sets and related functions in the core language, ClojureQL
implements sets in a way that might be closer to what you're thinking

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