On Feb 22, 4:08 am, yair <yair....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm hoping this is a dumb question and I've missed something obvious.
> I have a map with various key-value pairs and I want to transform some
> of the values, e.g.
> (def mymap {:first "john" :last "smith" :age 25}) and say I want to
> change the strings to be upper case.
> Right now all I can think of doing is using reduce and passing in an
> empty map and the re-associating each key with the (possibly)
> transformed value.  Is there something like the map function that
> takes two parameters, one a function that receives a pair and returns
> a new pair, and the other a map, and returns a map that's
> reconstituted from those pairs?

since hash-maps aren't lazy, what's wrong with using hash-map?

(apply hash-map (mapcat (fn [[k v]] [(.toUpperCase k) v]) {"bla" 1
"bloop" 2}) )
=> {"BLOOP" 2, "BLA" 1}


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