All this stuff on complexity of validations is interesting, but my
take on most of this (and especially on the pretzel functions) is that
predicates should just test for validity, strictly if possible, and
nothing else, since there are too many ways of combining these tests
into more abstract functions for anyone to agree on and trying to do
force these choices in the predicates themselves would make them less
useful and more confusing.

An input string of "foobar" is obviously not a number between 10 and
20, so whatever predicate you use to test for that should just return
false. That not everybody here agrees on that indicates to me that
people are trying to shove too much functionality into single tests/
predicates. I want simple, correct, well tested predicates that people
can use. I'm trying NOT to make design decisions that can be made by
the user of the library instead.

IOW, how you combine tests should not be up to the code in this level
of abstraction; it should be in the validation framework(s) that can
be build on top of them.

I've made my tentative choices about *that* in clj-decline, and if
those don't turn out to be flexible enough for me I'll change them. If
they turn out to be too cumbersome, I'll probably write some higher
level abstractions on top of them. YMMV.


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