Should we reach out to via Zulip for more information?
Brian F.
On Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 9:29:13 AM UTC-4 Judith Soltis wrote:
> The current focus is mainly on data wrangling, data visualization, and
> tooling, so I believe many Clojurians would find some parts of this
> intere
In this example
(defrecord x [y])
(defn b [x] (.getBytes ^String x))
The compiler fails to resolve .getBytes. It emits reflection code, saying x
is a class. It is resolved by deleting the defrecord, or renaming the
Is this expected, or documented? Are there other cases like this?
Thanks everyone for your answers. I understand much better now. I just had
to make up some words like "rendezvous" and "pseudothread" to help me piece
together these implicit concepts.
On Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 10:33:07 AM UTC-7, Brian Beckman wrote:
> The d
> hangs.
> If it helps you can read "go" as "please run this somewhere else, possibly
> at a different time" and let the current thread continue after the go.
> I can't explain this very well but the documentation aspect is accurate.
The documentation for >!! reads:
([port val])
puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Will block if no
buffer space is available. Returns true unless port is already closed.
I have a case where I believe that the channel has no buffe
Is there any way to inspect what the jit does to it?
On Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 10:07:38 PM UTC-8, Alex Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 11:07 PM Brian Craft > wrote:
>> With much experimentation, I ended up with this:
>> (let [a 1
n Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 8:41:49 PM UTC-8, Brian Craft wrote:
> The full context is large. But, for example, in this code:
> (let [a 1
> b (:foo {:foo 3})
> c (if (< a b) a b)])
> b and c are Object (if the disassembly is to be believed) which l
context. From that I
> could probably talk a little more about what I would expect the compiler to
> understand and how you might be able to influence it.
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 8:50 PM Brian Craft > wrote:
>> If there is unnecessary casting or boxing, how do you av
where there is unnecessary casting or
> boxing.
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 6:55 PM Brian Craft > wrote:
>> I haven't tried much. I'm getting the java via clj-java-decompiler.core
>> 'decompile' macro.
>> A long cast does dro
unning this hot enough for the JIT to kick in? Usually this is
> the kind of thing it's good at, but it might take 10k invocations before it
> does.
> On Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 4:03:43 PM UTC-6, Brian Craft wrote:
>> Profiling is showing a lot of time s
Profiling is showing a lot of time spent in RT.longCast, in places like
(aget flat-dict (bit-and 0xff (aget arr j)))
arr is hinted as ^bytes, and flat-dict as ^objects.
which compiles to this:
Object code2 = RT.aget((Object[])flat_dict, RT.intCast(0xFFL &
Still trying to understand reducers & transducers. Is the difference
between r/folder and r/reducer the parallelization?
Anyone know what this error is about?
(r/foldcat (r/map #(apply + %) (r/folder (into [] (range 1000))
(partition-all 5
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 47427 java.uti
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> *From: *Brian Craft
> *Sent: *Friday, January 25, 2019 3:36 PM
> *Subject: *r/fold combinef and reducef
Looks like it's something that's changed over different clojure releases.
On Friday, January 25, 2019 at 3:35:58 PM UTC-8, Brian Craft wrote:
> From the docs:
> r/fold takes a reducible collection and partitions it into groups of
> approximately n (default 512
>From the docs:
r/fold takes a reducible collection and partitions it into groups of
approximately n (default 512) elements. Each group is reduced using the
reducef function. The reducef function will be called with no arguments to
produce an identity value in each partition. The results of tho
Are there any docs on transducer parallelism? I had the impression, from
various sources, that they could operate in parallel, but in doing some
benchmarks over a largish collection (counting character frequencies in
1.3M strings), transduce never uses more than one thread. Is this expected?
The transducers doc suggests transduce works with standard reducing
functions, but then transduce makes a one-argument call to the function.
The code docs for transduce say the reducing function must support a
one-argument call, but don't give any information about what that call
should do.
Probably more of a java question, but I'm finding that floating point
formats with (format) are inflating data sizes enormously with meaningless
trailing zeros, because the underlying java conversion methods don't work
as they do on other platforms.
E.g., in C
printf("%.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g\n", 0.
I'm interested.
For my own uses I would be curious to see how difficult it would be to
update (degrade? retrograde? :) ) to 3.5/Pathfinder.
On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Davide Taviani wrote:
> Hey!
> I'm a DM, a user of OrcPub2 and a full-time clojure + cljs developer (for
> data science s
> On Jan 6, 2018, at 12:11 PM, Brian J. Rubinton
> wrote:
> Thanks! I will. Just signed the CA.
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018, 12:10 PM Alex Miller <mailto:a...@pure
Thanks! I will. Just signed the CA.
On Sat, Jan 6, 2018, 12:10 PM Alex Miller wrote:
> On Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 10:56:06 AM UTC-6, Brian J. Rubinton wrote:
>> Alex - it makes sense to me that the buffer temporarily expands beyond
>> its normal s
Typo — I meant to say the channel executes puts during a take! even though the
buffer is full before executing the puts. This is clearer in code (please see
the gist).
> On Jan 6, 2018, at 11:55 AM, Brian J. Rubinton
> wrote:
> Alex - it makes sense to me that the buffer
> I will do that. My current producer is doing too many other things, but if I
> break it up into separate threads or go blocks for each work queue, then that
> should work. Thank you.
> On Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 8:22:34 AM UTC-5, Brian J. Rubinton wrote
Rob - I’d go with Gary's approach, which essentially moves the splitting up of
the chunk of results from the core.async channel’s transducer to the producing
function. You can do that using a channel with a fixed buffer of 50 and >!!. As
long as the next db query is blocked until each of the res
I don’t know; I don’t fully understand the implementation differences of >!!
and offer!. The behavior of offer! makes me think the buffer is not empty until
all the outputs of the transducer are consumed, but the behavior of >!! makes
me think otherwise.
Moritz - is the buffer cleared if:
- it’
; ( ( (offer! work-queue (range 50))
user> (dotimes [_ 48] ( (offer! work-queue (range 50))
user> ( On Jan 5, 2018, at 2:10 PM, Rob Nikander wrote:
> On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 2:03:00 PM UTC-5, Brian J. Rubinton wrote:
> What is the buffered channel’s
result is consumed.
> On Jan 5, 2018, at 1:44 PM, Rob Nikander wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m wondering if there is a core.async design idiom for this situation...
> - A buffered channel
> - One producer feeding it
> - A bunch of consumers pulling from i
Hi Jonathon,
I am trying to figure out the same thing. I am using all namespace
qualified keys, but curious how this works when using s/conform on a json
payload. Did you ever find a solution for this?
On Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 10:11:55 AM UTC-5, Jonathon McKitrick wrote
This looks like a partial solution:
perhaps inspired by this discussion:
On Friday, May 5, 2017 at 5:10:27 AM UTC-7, Herwig Hochleitner wrote:
> 2017-05-04 19:35 GMT+02:00 Brian Craft >:
t not cover all of the scenarios you’re thinking of, though.
> On Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 1:35:48 PM UTC-4, Brian Craft wrote:
>> The with-open style is used a lot in the jdbc lib, and elsewhere. It's
>> pretty simple when data is very small, as you can just eval
The with-open style is used a lot in the jdbc lib, and elsewhere. It's
pretty simple when data is very small, as you can just evaluate the entire
result with doall, etc.
How do you deal with larger data, where you need to evaluate iteratively?
If there's only one with-open it can be reasonably
INFINITY) ; false
> I'd suggest, if you need Double, use Double. If you need something close
> to Double, and you can build on top of it, simpler to go with the style of
> my first gist. If you can't build on top of double, deftype is probably
> what you want.
Wow... that's a comprehensive solution, Didier :) Bravo! It's a good lesson for
s/fdef, which I haven't yet studied. I gather from your solution that
"orchestra" is not needed to spec :ret types?
As to semantics, on the one hand, I can spec ::virtual-time as a light overlay
over Double and risk
James -- just the kind of simplification I was looking for! In fact, I
think the following will do everything I need --- generate numbers avoiding
only NaN (which isn't equal to itself, nor less than anything)
(s/def ::virtual-time
number? #(not (Double/isNaN %)))
These are good comments that give me things to think about. I'm grateful.
* The pattern concerned me because (1) it was just the first thing I came
up with, so not sure there wasn't a better way staring me in the face (2) I
didn't see any clearly better alternatives, so not sure whether I just
"I apologize for the length of this post ..." Blaise Pascal?
I am seeking critique of a certain "programming pattern" that's arisen
several times in a project. I want testable types satisfying a protocol,
but the pattern I developed "feels" heavyweight, as the example will show,
but I don't kn
if / when I need to.
On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 10:55:44 PM UTC-7, Brian Beckman wrote:
> I have found a few data types in Clojure that support search and priority
> queues. In particular, I found
> Priority Map
> PSQhtt
I have found a few data types in Clojure that support search and priority
queues. In particular, I found
Priority Map
I would be grateful for a few clarifying words on whether any of t
March 30, 2017 at 2:13:23 AM UTC-7, Christophe Grand wrote:
> A funny thing is that octal or hexadecimal escapes are not part of EDN
> (even if most readers recognize them).
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Brian Craft > wrote:
>> A funny hole in the meta-prog
A funny hole in the meta-programming story. I don't think the String or
Character classes have methods that do this.
Also interesting, clojure's print methods will handle some escapes, but not
cavm.core=> (println (pr-str "foo\tbar"))
cavm.core=> (println (pr-str "foo\
Is there an easy way to display a string as a string literal that can be
read by clojure?
> (let [x "\001"] (what-goes-here x))
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So, this seems to work pretty easily, though I'm relying on 'require'
resolving references in the same order as the directories in :source-paths.
For :source-paths ["src-dev", "src"], it will find
src-dev/foo/instrument.clj,instead of src/foo/instrument.clj, when both
I can't find anyth
How do you instrument code, e.g. apply ring wrap-reload,
wrap-stacktrace-web, etc., only in dev, not in uberjar?
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Note that posts from new me
I think java locks may be the only good answer. I can't usefully divide the
vector, because the distribution of updates is uniform along the length of
Perhaps there's a solution with queues, with multiple threads generating
potential placements, and a single thread updating the vector and
find Clojure’s reducers library
> <> to be helpful.
> On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 9:38:01 PM UTC-5, Brian Craft wrote:
>> ans: this scales badly.
>> There must be a way in clojure to operate on large data struct
ans: this scales badly.
There must be a way in clojure to operate on large data structures in
parallel, no?
On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 6:03:39 PM UTC-8, Brian Craft wrote:
> Would this not scale badly? When the vector is hundreds of thousands, or
> millions?
> On Mon
dified at once
> without stepping on other unrelated refs.
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 5:26 PM, Brian Craft > wrote:
>> I'm experimenting with ref, dosync, and alter to run some code in
>> parallel, but so far haven't been able to figure out how to structu
I'm experimenting with ref, dosync, and alter to run some code in parallel,
but so far haven't been able to figure out how to structure it such that it
runs faster, instead of slower.
The problem looks something like this.
The current state is a long vector. Input is a long sequence of values.
noying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> On 12/9/16, 3:00 PM, "Brian Craft"
> on behalf of > wrote:
> Trying to profile some code, and the stack traces look like
> c
t; *OmitStackTraceInFastThrow*
> On Friday, December 9, 2016 at 6:25:24 PM UTC-5, Brian Craft wrote:
>> Yes, but not very practical: since I don't know which one to change, this
>> would be a huge rewrite of code to eliminate #() and (fn []).
>> On
PM UTC-8, Brian Craft wrote:
> Yes, but not very practical: since I don't know which one to change, this
> would be a huge rewrite of code to eliminate #() and (fn []).
> On Friday, December 9, 2016 at 3:16:06 PM UTC-8, Alex Engelberg wrote:
>> If yo
fn-with-a-name [] (/ 1 0))
> ArithmeticException Divide by zero clojure.lang.Numbers.divide
> (
> user=> (pst)
> ArithmeticException Divide by zero
> clojure.lang.Numbers.divide (
> clojure.lang.Numbers.divide (
> user/eval20857/m
Trying to profile some code, and the stack traces look like
How can I figure out what that last function is? I can access the symbol
from the repl, b
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 9:28 PM, wrote:
> I do not think your tone and lack of constructive feedback to Alex's (and
> others) thoughtful responses is helping your case.
Probably not(*), though I would characterize the responses differently. They
are polite, and they
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
> So why not do it in the bottom layer? Is there some deep reason why only an
> unserious programmer would want information in anything other than the
> current clojure.spec order? (We’re talking here about reordering a list.)
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 8:39 AM, Stuart Halloway
> wrote:
> 3. "Follow the inverted pyramid so people see what is most important." This
> kind of thing is easily done in a layer above spec, e.g. a custom REPL
> printer for spec macro errors. Worth working on but not critical to getting
> sp
> On Aug 22, 2016, at 7:50 PM, Alex Miller wrote:
> You've complained in other channels about the "learning to read" error
> messages part and I think you've taken it entirely the wrong way or maybe I
> just disagree. There are benefits from reporting errors in a generic,
> consistent way. […
> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Leon Grapenthin
> wrote:
> Still the error messages are simply far from good enough and that is what
> appears to me as the main problem OP has.
This is important. Will the new, stricter error messages be improved before 1.9
is finalized?
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[com.gearswithingears/shrubbery "0.4.0"]
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As an update. I’ve fixed the `ns` oopsie in Suchwow (one file), and the
coincident `ns` oopsie in Midje (one file). But this happens when running
Midje’s self-tests against Clojure 1.9alpha11:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Call to
> clojure.core/fn did not con
> On Aug 20, 2016, at 6:30 PM, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
> Brian, let's make it more concrete then...why should the Clojure compiler
> continue to support undocumented features that make code unportable?
1. People who want to port to clojurescript will incur exac
> On Aug 20, 2016, at 5:26 PM, wrote:
> I disagree (strongly) with your position here Brian. I’ll try to explain
> clearly why but first a little background…
I too have felt the pain of having to maintain backward compatibility. However,
I’m reminded, in this c
> On Aug 20, 2016, at 9:03 AM, Alex Miller wrote:
> We discussed this before releasing the specs and decided to start on the
> strict side. That said, this is still an alpha and there is plenty of time to
> change our minds prior to official release of 1.9 if that ends up being a
> catastro
> On Aug 20, 2016, at 9:03 AM, Alex Miller wrote:
> You left out this next important line too since it points you to exactly the
> file and line where the error occurs:
> , compiling:(such/sequences.clj:1:1)
This is interesting. Here’s why I missed it. I attach the error message I saw
Yesterday, a bug was filed against Suchwow under 1.9alpha11. It turns out to
have been a use of `ns …(require…` instead of `(ns …(:require`. Not in Suchwow,
but in Midje. Unfortunately, the Suchwow file the bug report pointed at *also*
had that typo - apparently I am prone to it - so adding the
With an empty target directory 'lein trampoline test' fails with a protocol
exception, 'No implementation of method'.
Running 'lein test' works fine. After running 'lein test', 'lein trampoline
test' also works.
Anyone know what's going on? Seems like something isn't being compiled, or
On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 7:25:50 AM UTC-4, Bruno Bonacci wrote:
> To answer Brian on the "potential" problem of the clock drift I would
> recommend to have a look to
> Beside the
> hardware prob
oblems are real enough to warrant the risks.
My other curiosity is if System/nanoTime is guaranteed to increment across
threads. I know at least a while ago that this guarantee did not exist.
On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 8:38:58 AM UTC-4, Bruno Bonacci wrote:
> Hi this change it
On Friday, June 17, 2016 at 4:04:31 PM UTC-4, Alex Miller wrote:
> On Friday, June 17, 2016 at 2:46:37 PM UTC-5, Brian Platz wrote:
>> I'd like to be able to use clojure.spec for input validation where the
>> specs are stored in a database
I'd like to be able to use clojure.spec for input validation where the
specs are stored in a database using a data structure to represent them.
s/keys and its requirement to use the registry makes this challenging.
I'm able to generate specs dynamically using a workaround like:
(eval (cons 's/a
In a web-app you probably want the thread safety an atom provides, so it
would be a good choice.
You can include a reference to your atom in your system config if you want
to retain the reloaded-like / dependency injection pattern:
(def changing-config (atom {}))
;; system-map
(def sys-map
On Apr 19, 2016, at 6:03 AM, Jeroen van Dijk wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> When looking at the Readme of Mount (I think) I already see global state
> backed in.
> (defstate ^{:on-reload :noop}
> mem-db :
"Structural typing for Clojure, somewhat inspired by Elm. Tailored to
'flow-style' programming, where complex structures flow through a series
of functions, each of which makes a smallish change. Can also be used in
testing tools and the like that need to describe how a nested structure
Colin Yates wrote:
Also, you might want to invest in either core.typed or prismatic
schema for validating shapes of data. I think Brian Marick of Midje
fame has a similar answer but I can't recall the name.
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es to code in. I cringe a bit when I repeatedly see that Mount
promotes global state, I think that is a falsehood.
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To add to the list, I wrote `defpatterned` for /Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer/. There are probably many others.
Moving pattern matching closer to `clojure.core` might be a good thing for a roadmap. I'm pretty excited by pattern-match
Suchwow is my grab-bag library of Clojure functions. 5.0.0 is a major
version bump because I dropped support of Clojure 1.5.
Otherwise, it adds a few new functions plus one potentially significant
new namespace.
In two jobs, I've wanted to slurp in tabular data (CSV or relational
queries) an
Timothy Baldridge wrote:
This is a good example of a DSL, and it falls under the criticisms I
level at most DSLs, mainly they aren't Clojure. If we dive into
I note that Midje once had an intermediate “semi-sweet” functional
interface that the `fact` macro expanded into. (It was most similar
dimitris wrote:
This is a small testing library inspired by midje.
For what it's worth, I (author of Midje) think this is wonderful.
You might consider emphasizing that you have similar checkers, as I
think that's one of Midje's strong points. I've been recently
incorporating https://github.
Noam: does this mean it's not an issue with Midje? If it is, I'll look
into it.
Noam Ben-Ari wrote:
After upgrading to [reduce-fsm "0.1.4"] all my tests pass with RC3 :-)
On Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 3:14:21 PM UTC+2, Noam Ben-Ari wrote:
Thanks for the prompt response, I have filed a t
I announced a while back that I'd be writing a short book on Specter After some thrashing and the usual
interruptions, I have the first chapter written. I've taken an unusual
approach: teaching Specter by having you implement parts of it. I'm
curious to hea
nt (if (seq some-sequence) true false) is preferred by
> some (I won’t say more idiomatic) than (if (empty? some-sequence) true
> false). Also, in no-errors branch you probably want to return status: 200?
> On 12 Nov 2015, at 19:44, Brian wrote:
> Thanks Colin, Thanks Er
; Also, in terms of enforcing contracts - Prismatic Schema is highly
> recommended but hard to ‘englishify’ the errors. Failures are considered
> API failures rather than happy-case failures.
> On 12 Nov 2015, at 16:09, Brian Forester wrote:
> I'm writing a very small
I'm writing a very small REST application in clojure using compojure and ring.
One problem is that I don't have anyone who can review my work or provide
I've written a small function to validate a simple JSON request. I'm
validating the three values that are in the post and colle
This is a validation or type-checking library for Clojure, playing in
roughly the same space as Prismatic Schema, Bouncer, or Validateur. It
was inspired by Elm's structural typing and my previous need to validate
complex data structures flowing int
Is there a way to tell if `v` is a lazyseq other than `(instance?
clojure.lang.LazySeq v)`? Seems like there should be, but I'm not seeing it.
[Preparing to say "duh!"]
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William la Forge wrote:
Going forward, I'd like to deprecate some functions and have a warning
displayed on first use. So I've done this:
I use defprecate
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ier to set up call-based return values; I'll think on it. Thanks for
the feedback.
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Note that posts from new membe
Great to hear! Let me know if there are any questions I can answer.
Feedback gratefully accepted.
On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:56 AM, James Reeves wrote:
> Very nice. I was looking for something like this.
> - James
> On 5 October 2015 at 15:14, Brian
the given implementation's
protocols, and tracks calls to all of them. (This behavior can be
– Replaced all macros with plain functions. (Unfortunately, this means
leaning on eval in some cases.)
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I have no flipping clue what "system-level programming" means these days,
and I'm hoping someone could spell it out. I used to think (back when I
was doing that sort of stuff) that it mean operating systems level stuff-
device drivers, embedded, real time, stuff like that. But no language with
=> ({:name "foo", :location 100} {:name "bar", :location 101})
On Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 10:56:14 AM UTC-4, Colin Yates wrote:
> I would transform the locations into {location id} and then use merge.
> On 13 Sep 2015, at 3:14 PM, Brian Platz >
I have a pattern that comes up frequently, when I need to merge some value
into one map list from matching keys in a second map list.
I've developed a way to handle it, but I think it could be better. Here is
a simple example of it:
In the below case, we are looking to replace the :location in
Roland Kaercher wrote:
I *strongly* recommend doing all your testing in a repl buffer. That
given, there are two ways to solve your problem. The first, which I
prefer, is to start by testing everything:
(use 'midje.repl)
Other than having a REPL, is t
I *strongly* recommend doing all your testing in a repl buffer. That
given, there are two ways to solve your problem. The first, which I
prefer, is to start by testing everything:
(use 'midje.repl)
Then, when you change any text and save the namespace it's in, all tests
en starting out, I would have liked a short, exercise- and
example-filled book on Specter. I'm thinking of writing that book.
Leanpub lets people indicate their interest on a book's webpage, which
is here: If you are, please do.
Brian Marick
You rece
Dave Tenny wrote:
Specter looks nice. I didn't see any examples in the readme or tests
for working with more deeply nested data structures such as those
discussed in this thread, any pointers?
Here's an example that might be relevant to the original question.
Suppose you have this structure
A bit late to the party but please include me in the list of possible
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:06 AM, Akhil Wali
> Thank you everyone for the great response!
> I'll notify Packt and they shall contact anyone who is shortlisted as a
> reviwer.
> On Monday, Augu
Andy- wrote:
I have yet to evaluate it myself but this might do help you:
Specter is great.
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Colin Fleming wrote:
I think that would be great. It would be preferable to have a single
repo for docstring improvements so that tools can obtain them without
bringing in other things from e.g. such-wow.
Note that everything in suchwow is public domain, so the docstrings
there can be grabbe
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