Still trying to understand reducers & transducers. Is the difference 
between r/folder and r/reducer the parallelization?

Anyone know what this error is about?

(r/foldcat (r/map #(apply + %) (r/folder (into [] (range 10000000)) 
(partition-all 5))))

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 47427  java.util.ArrayList.add 

Is this error to do with partition-all being stateful?

This works as expected, with reducer instead of folder:

(r/foldcat (r/map #(apply + %) (r/reducer (into [] (range 10000000)) 
(partition-all 5))))  ; XXX large output

Is there some way to express "map over partitions, in parallel, without 
creating an intermediate collection" with reducers and transducers?

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