I have a pattern that comes up frequently, when I need to merge some value 
into one map list from matching keys in a second map list.

I've developed a way to handle it, but I think it could be better. Here is 
a simple example of it:

In the below case, we are looking to replace the :location in entities with 
the respective location id found in the second list:

(def entities [{:name "foo" :location "us"} {:name "bar" :location "de"}])
(def locations [{:location "us" :id 100} {:location "de" :id 101}])

(reduce (fn [entities loc]
          (->> entities
               (map (fn [entity]
                      (if (= (:location entity) (:location loc))
                        (assoc entity :location (:id loc))
        entities locations)

=> ({:name "foo", :location 100} {:name "bar", :location 101})

This works, however it feels like there should be an easier way in clojure 
that is at minimum more readable, and ideally even more performant.

Any suggestions?


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