I should have called them "blueberries" instead of the more provocative 
"virtual times."  I was trying to go from an abstract mathematical 
definition to a formalization in Clojure. Eventually, virtual times will be 
part of a discrete-even simulation platform, but it's too early to say much 
about that now. I'm just setting up the pylons at present.

Clojure number? excluding NaN will do for now: they have the required 
semantics at the limits and they're comparable amongst Double, Integer, 
Fraction, etc. Later, I may need a density axiom ("between any two finite 
blueberries there is another blueberry") and that's not true for Doubles. 
At that point I will definitely look back at your excellent answer and 
consider s/fdef's.

On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 10:15:19 PM UTC-7, Didier wrote:
> Here it is adapted to use a deftype: 
> https://gist.github.com/didibus/2ccd608ed9d226039f944b02a10f9ad5
> I gather from your solution that "orchestra" is not needed to spec :ret 
>> types?
> It is not. The return spec will be used during st/check. If you want the 
> return spec to be validated outside of st/check though, than you need 
> Orchestra.
> I shall have to read up on deftype versus defrecord.
> I recommend the clojure.org explanation: 
> https://clojure.org/reference/datatypes#_deftype_and_defrecord
> In a nutshell, deftype is a blank Java class, defrecord is an extended 
> PersistentHashMap.
> I am not sure why you need a VirtualTime, and what it will be doing, so I 
> can't really comment on which solution is best. As James said, it appears 
> you might be creating something that behaves the same way Double does? 
> Double already has positive and negative infinity and NaN:
> (/ 0.0 0.0) ; NaN
> (* 99e9999 99e9999) ; Infinity
> (* 99e9999 -99e9999) ; -Infinity
> I'd suggest, if you need Double, use Double. If you need something close 
> to Double, and you can build on top of it, simpler to go with the style of 
> my first gist. If you can't build on top of double, deftype is probably 
> what you want.
> On Monday, 10 April 2017 21:41:35 UTC-7, Brian Beckman wrote:
>> Wow... that's a comprehensive solution, Didier :) Bravo! It's a good 
>> lesson for s/fdef, which I haven't yet studied. I gather from your solution 
>> that "orchestra" is not needed to spec :ret types?
>> As to semantics, on the one hand, I can spec ::virtual-time as a light 
>> overlay over Double and risk conflation of ordinary operators like < <= = 
>> etc. On the other hand, I have several options for full protection. I shall 
>> have to read up on deftype versus defrecord.

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