A funny hole in the meta-programming story. I don't think the String or 
Character classes have methods that do this.

Also interesting, clojure's print methods will handle some escapes, but not 

cavm.core=> (println (pr-str "foo\tbar"))



cavm.core=> (println (pr-str "foo\001bar"))



Apparently org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava is one 

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 11:02:40 AM UTC-7, Alex Miller wrote:
> Clojure leans on Java to read that literal. There is no Clojure function 
> to forcibly print it that way again, but you can probably use the Java 
> methods on String or Character to get the String representation of a 
> character somehow. 

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