Take Care,
Sean Seaver, PhD
Dear All,
Alhough there are on-line explainations on the space group, I found it was
difficult to fully understand. Here we take P 1 21 1 as an exmaple, will you
please explain to me with easy language what each number
Hi Georg,
I haven't used the agarose method, but have sealed many capillaries using bees
wax without an issue.
Simply heat the wax until it melts, dip the capillary (rotate if it has a
larger diameter) then let cool.
I hope that helps, cheers!
Sean Seaver, PhD
Hi Pius,
I just checked Monodihydrosterculin against our database of more than 1 million
antibodies and we aren't seeing anyone that normally offers this product for
Take Care,
Sean Seaver, PhD
Take Care,
Sean Seaver, PhD
supp...@p21221.com .
Take Care,
Sean Seaver, PhD
that helps in getting you started, take care!
Sean Seaver
sizes can be more tightly regulated.
Sean Seaver, PhD
I'd also recommend:
Learn Python The Hard Way By Zed A. Shaw
Online Python Tutor
Take Care,
Sean Seaver, PhD
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
tion with DTT but
>can be reduced with TCEP?
This could be due to the effective pH of TCEP HCl (~1.5-8.5) being wider than
DTT ~7.
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
Dear Badsha,
Is it possible to share the pdb such as by linking to it using dropbox, google
docs, etc..? It's hard to trouble shoot the issue without seeing the file.
Sean Seaver
DMSO: http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/publications/bi035849h.pdf
Sodium malonate: http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2003/12/00/fw5004/fw5004.pdf
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
for a 'free' alternative would consider using google sites (
https://sites.google.com/ ) to roll your own solution.
I hope that helps.
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
Hi Jacob,
A couple of years ago, I put together a list of papers that touch on radiation
To answer your question more directly - see pg. 40 of the following paper:
iquid nitrogen. I hope that helps.
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
more screen real estate.
Take Care,
Sean Seaver
Hi Jacob,
Darn that site doesn't seem to be working. I generated the files ion files and
thought it was good to go, but didn't view the outputs.
Sean Seaver
Hi Christina,
The WASP server seems to working at this location (about half way down the
I hope that helps.
Take Care,
Dear Ivan,
If you take a look at the MPCD ( http://www.cinam.univ-mrs.fr/mpcd/ ) and
search for Fab it brings up 172 crystallization conditions. The names should
help you narrow down, which conditions are of a complex. Hopefully, you can
use those conditions to help you decide, which directio
>Better yet, RbBr? and pH MES, MOPS, and HEPES with RbOH?
>I haven't checked the price.
Including shipping in the US
RbBr: 50 g 99% pure is ~$150.
RbOH: 25g 99+% pure in 50 % water runs about ~$120.
It would be interesting to see how the substitution would influence the
crystallization or cryst
>do not diffract to sufficiently high resolution so as to allow us to read off
>the sequence from the map).
>Since we have access to a lot of pure protein, I wonder if some clever mass
>spec jock would be able to assemble >enough overlapping sequenced fragments so
>as to give complete coverage
Dear Mark,
I put together a post about creating a movie using PyMOL, eMovie (free) and
Adobe ImageReady CS2 to generate a Quicktime movie.
I hope that helps.
Take Care,
I've been curious if there has been discussion about moving data processing and
refinement to a software as a service (SaaS) deployment. If programs were web
accessible then it may save researchers time and trouble (maintaining and
installing software). In turn, one could then process data via
Hi Padmaja,
-Will it work on a Mac OS?
-Is there another program (free or cheaper) that will do everything DS does?
Currently, there is a free version that you can use of DS.
Hopefully that will give you a feeling if the
Hi Chandan,
The closest sodium-sulfur interaction that I know of within a protein is in
entry 2BDG, Na (Atom 402, Chain A) to a CYS with a distance of 3.3 Angstroms.
A couple of examples exist of sodium-sulfur interactions that involve coenzyme
A (1FY7 and 1MJ9). I hope that helps.
Take Care
Hi Michael,
The carve command displays the radial density of a selected atom. As per the
example, a carve=1.6 would mean that density around a selected atom will be
shown with a 1.6 Angstrom radius. The carve command can prove useful in
figures in which density obscures relevant information.
Hi Rojan,
This paper may be more on the intermediate level, but is certainly worth a read.
Koch MH, Vachette P, Svergun DI. Q Rev Biophys. Small-angle scattering: a view
on the properties, structures and structural changes of biological
macromolecules in solution. 2003 May; 36(2): 147-227.
Dear D.L.,
I suspect the issue is in determining the correct space group. Sharing the
Rmerge and current space group would be useful.
Take Care,
You may want to try the Heavy-atom Database System
Version 2 (http://hatodas.harima.riken.go.jp/hatodas_v2/query/queryheavy.jsp)
allows for pH as a search option.
Hope that helps,
>Dear All,
>I am trying to find out which molecules are frequently used by X-ray
>crystallographers serving as cryoprotectants or as buffer molecules. The
>idea behind this is to sort native ligands from molecules that appeared in
>the electron density just because they were used in the crysta
>Dear all,
>We are working on protein-inhibitor complex crystal structures, although
> we did get nice crystals and soaked them with >inhibitor for several days,
> all structures we obtained were empty!!There are nothing at the active site.
> For several crystals. >their color turned very cl
How about having people just link to uploaded photos on flickr
(http://www.flickr.com/) or similar free service? If you upload the photos and
select 'all images' a link is produced that can be easily shared
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4134/4755503052_bc6835dcdc.jpg). CCP4 doesn't
have wor
Perhaps this is a case of a 'phantom crystal' that was discussed on the CCP4bb
awhile back:
All the Best,
Dear all,
I would like to know which is the more suitable method of using 2,3-Butanediol
as cryoprotectant? Addition in to reservoir buffer or crystal soaking or both
can be tried?
I am sure both could be tried, but have found quite few papers mentioning brief
soaking with 2
I found the paper "An Excel Spreadsheet for a One-Dimensional Fourier Map
in X-Ray Crystallography" by William Clegg quite helpful. The paper
includes a supplemental spreadsheet in which you can adjust various
contributions of phase and amplitude. I wrote an outline of the first part
of the pape
On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 20:11:29 -0400, Karthik S wrote:
>Hi, I was looking around for programs that display space group symmetry
>information and could not find any but perhaps i am lost for valuable or
>relevant keywords.
>I found two references TABLES and CRYST, but are there other alternatives
>I am trying to create a homology model of a coiled-coil for use in
molecular >replacement. I have a template poly-ala coiled coil that I like
to use, so that is fine. >I want to thread my sequence onto the helix and am
trying to find a server/easy >program that will do this.
As a starting point
I believe this is the article that you are looking for:
> You can build any 3D molecule easily in Discovery Studio Visualizer - It
is free but > not for Mac OS
I have been pretty impressed with Discovery Studio Visualizer and feel that
it can serve as a nice compliment to Pymol.
I wrote up a brief overview and comparison between the two programs her
We are going to be a pretty unpopular bunch if this thread concludes that we
need to set off fire alarms in order to nucleate our crystals.
I wanted to follow up on this 'older' thread and let people know that I have
updated the RSS feed to now include 26 resources. The feed now generates
about 1500 articles that are continuously updated, which is a bit much to read.
Therefore, over the next day or so I'm going to offer to create a c
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 13:06:36 -0600, Tanner, John J.
>Some of you might be curious about the "Ajees et al debacle" that Jacob
mentioned in his message. Here are two links:
>Nature Brief Communication that questioned the validity of one of Murthy's
On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 15:30:53 -0500, Ibrahim Moustafa wrote:
>You are absolutely right, more information describing to what extents these
>structures were falsified will be valuable to the community. Actually, it
>will be more useful if the investigators can publish their report as an
>article in
Thanks for bringing this article to our attention. I went ahead and created
a table of the PDBs in question including links to the structures, journals
and citations. My hope is that it will save others time trying to track
down this information.
Hope it helps.
>I have a small complex, one component is 13 kDa with structure available
and the other is 7 kDa, which could not be able to grew crystals after lots
of efforts. It grew crystals after methylation and diffracted to 2.3 A,
however, I could not be able to solve the structure using the structure of
Hello Raju,
Welcome to crystallography! I don't have much information about predicting
structures, but have put together a list of resources about protein
Happy reading :)
Hello Fred,
Thanks for sharing! I have also been looking for ways to keep up on
literature. This weekend, I combined 17 structural journals into a single
RSS feed using yahoo pipes. I did a short post about it here:
I would be curious if others have any tips or tric
Hello FX,
As already mentioned there a number of programs that can perform this task.
If you end up deciding to go with Coot, I put together a play by play that
should help.
Hope that helps.
>I like any attempt to set up a proper science channel, but I don't think
>it will solve the problem of too few people choosing to do science.
>Neither will any Internet thing.
The internet or tv will not solve the problem entirely, but I can say for
certain that not every scientist is going
Hello Fred,
Thanks for bring this to attention and am sure that it will receive support
from those on the CCP4bb. I am huge a fan and supporter of science! I also
feel that virtually any effort to spread the word about science and research
should be taken. However, I am confident that the best
Hello Sylvia,
Two issues I would consider:
1) recheck the space group
2) make sure that I had selected a good model for my MR search
All the Best,
I say deposit it both ways, someone needs to start keeping those
computational chemists on their toes.
questions or comments you may have. I will follow up with results in about a
Sean Seaver
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