>I like any attempt to set up a proper science channel, but I don't think
>it will solve the problem of too few people choosing to do science.
>Neither will any Internet thing.


The internet or tv will not solve the problem entirely, but I can say for
certain that not every scientist is going to spend a week/year visiting schools.

I feel that the solution arises from a combination of approaches.  The
interaction with people in real life (such as visiting schools) makes a
lasting impression that is different then the internet or tv.  However, I do
not think we should assume that internet or tv should not be used as a tool
in helping to spread science.

The internet allows the spread of ideas faster than traditional word of
mouth.  This conversation, in a sense, proves my point in that you are able
to instantly communicate with hundreds of others virtually instantly.

I think we agree that if scientists’ expression their passion and enthusiasm
for science then the next generation will take note.  I do see the internet
playing a large role in how this message is delivered.

All the Best,


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