Re: TDP for Domino and Windows 2000 backup problems

2001-03-15 Thread Del Hoobler
.. 1 (Notice the "SUBDir" setting.) Check the domdsm.log file to see what is getting processed. If you still can't figure it out, please call Tivoli/IBM service. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTE

Re: TDP Domino on NT GUI inferface (Can backup but can't see files to restore from GUI)

2001-03-15 Thread Del Hoobler
/Tivoli support so a trace can be examined. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] amir mazli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/14/2001 08:15:46 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAI

Re: TSM, Domino, Transaction Logging, AS400

2001-03-23 Thread Del Hoobler
omino on AS/400. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Richard L. Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/23/2001 03:31:05 AM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Funny problem with TDP for Domino on NT

2001-03-28 Thread Del Hoobler
They should no longer show "4.1.0". If they do, then the TSM API was not removed properly. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] amir mazli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/28/2001 04:36:51 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" &

Re: TDP for Microsoft Exchange Server restore problem.

2001-03-28 Thread Del Hoobler
hange/chapt09.asp Backup and Restore Basics for Microsoft Exchange Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Ouzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03

Re: TDP for Exchange or Lotus Notes

2001-03-29 Thread Del Hoobler
li web page for more details. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Arturo Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/29/2001 10:05:08 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Automated Backup with TSM and TDP for Lotus Domino

2001-03-29 Thread Del Hoobler
to the BA client schedule. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Guillaume Vernay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/29/2001 11:59:03 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PR

Re: TDP for domino: filling archive logs disk.

2001-04-02 Thread Del Hoobler
he fix from here: Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] R Marcos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/31/2001 07:07:01 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[E

Re: TDP for Domino on Windows 2000 Cluster

2001-04-03 Thread Del Hoobler
Angélica, TDP for Lotus Domino is supported on Windows 2000 Advanced Server in a cluster environment. It is supported with TSM 4.1 server. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Angelica Tulipano <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: New versions of TDP for Exchange and SQL Announced!

2001-04-04 Thread Del Hoobler
Bruce, Yes. It is released and some customers have it installed and are using it already! Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bruce Lowrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 04/04/2001 03:16:07 P

Re: a question about archivelog

2001-04-05 Thread Del Hoobler
og.Type = Circular Database.RM.Sys.M.Chkpt.Interval = 16 Database.RM.Sys.M.Log.Size = 1489 Database.RM.Sys.M.Redo.Limit = 49 Database.RM.Sys.Phase = Normal === Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobl

Re: Lotus Domino Error ACD0106E

2001-04-10 Thread Del Hoobler
re-install the TSM API. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] John Bremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 04/09/2001 06:38:28 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wanted: Experiences with TDP Domino and Transaction Logging

2001-04-12 Thread Del Hoobler
Bill, See my comments embedded below. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono William Boyer <[EM

Re: TDP for Notes

2001-04-23 Thread Del Hoobler
ce is TDP for Domino. See the Tivoli web page for more details. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Gene Greenberg

Re: Exchange Error: Access is denied.

2001-04-24 Thread Del Hoobler
Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono "Zosimo Noriega (ADNOC To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MSExchange restore failes when Admin shares not available

2001-04-26 Thread Del Hoobler
t recommend it. Any third party backup product that uses the official Exchange backup/restore API should have this same problem. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Do

Re: Exchange Backup: Two sessions running.

2001-04-30 Thread Del Hoobler
ersion 1.1: start /B excdsmc /backup:IS,full >> excfull.log TDP for Exchange Version 2.2: start /B tdpexcc backup IS full >> excfull.log (By the way, make sure you are running either TDP for Exchange or the new version 2.2.0.) Thanks, Del ---

Re: Is there an FTP site to get newest MS-XCHANGE API?

2001-05-02 Thread Del Hoobler
you are referring to the latest service for version 1.1, then you can download it from the standard IBM FTP site: Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "

Re: TDP for Exchange 2.2 and storage group problem

2001-05-03 Thread Del Hoobler
Mark, Are you using the "/EXCSERVER=virtual-server-name" option? In a cluster setup, it MUST be specified. (See page 35 in the GUI chapter and page 66 of the command-line chapter.) Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL

Re: TDP for Exchange 2.2 and storage group problem

2001-05-03 Thread Del Hoobler
Jim, The group: Specifically TDP for Exchange 2.2: Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM

Re: TDP for Domino

2001-05-08 Thread Del Hoobler
anks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Radha Parameswaran To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TDP for Notes on ADSM

2001-05-09 Thread Del Hoobler
r TSM clients may not function as expected. So, it may work just fine, but be aware that you won't have the central logging that you would get on a 3.7 or 4.1 server. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It&#x

Re: TDP Exchange gives out of storage

2001-05-09 Thread Del Hoobler
. Version 1 also did logging when the backups succeeded or failed. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP Exchange gives out of storage

2001-05-09 Thread Del Hoobler
found that TDP for Exchange was logging the failure messages correctly. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP Exchange backup error

2001-05-09 Thread Del Hoobler
won't let you back up a corrupt database. You may need to investigate your standard procedures for handling corrupted Exchange Server databases. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful da

Re: TDP for Exchange 2.2

2001-05-14 Thread Del Hoobler
Richard, Yes. It has been available since 3/30/2001. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono "Dearman,

Re: R5 TDP Restores vs 4.6

2001-05-16 Thread Del Hoobler
while your Domino server is running, it is possible to get "inconsistent" backups.) Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: Tivoli for Domino

2001-05-16 Thread Del Hoobler
- Forwarded by Del Hoobler/Endicott/IBM on 05/16/2001 08:16 AM - Del Hoobler To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/15/2001 cc: 01:57 PM

Re: TDP for DOMINO and the time/date-settings

2001-05-16 Thread Del Hoobler
. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Upgrade: ADSM 3.1 to TSM 4.1 & Peripheral Software Pre-req Level s

2001-05-16 Thread Del Hoobler
And here are the Exchange answers... Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Client 4:     From:     ADSMConnect for MS Exchange (Unsupported)     To:     TDP for MS Exchange V2.2 (to replace

Re: tsm sql error messages

2001-05-17 Thread Del Hoobler
ervername". Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono 1h@N?1 cc: Sent b

Re: TDP for ORACLE 2.2

2001-05-21 Thread Del Hoobler
Thomas, The "TDP for " are not free. You must order them through your normal channels in order to get "Paid in Full" licenses. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautif

Re: TDP for MSSQL Server on NT License File ???

2001-05-22 Thread Del Hoobler
Herfried, "agent.lic" is the file you want. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Herfried Abel

Re: AW: TDP for ORACLE 2.2

2001-05-22 Thread Del Hoobler
Thomas, That is how it is for TDP for SQL V2 and TDP for Exchange V2. I am not sure about Oracle. To get a definitive answer talk with your IBM/Tivoli representative. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "I

Re: IBM Content Manager CommonStore

2001-05-23 Thread Del Hoobler
Try this web page... Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: tsm sql error messages

2001-05-29 Thread Del Hoobler
ope that gives you enough information to regain this customer. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Mark Stapleton

Re: TCP for Domino client

2001-05-31 Thread Del Hoobler
to the "DLT tape" to see the backups, it only needs to look at the local database volumes. It only needs to go to the DLT tape if a restore is actually requested. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It'

Re: sql error

2001-05-31 Thread Del Hoobler
e team determine what is going wrong. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono 1h@N?1 cc

Re: TDP for Domino

2001-06-01 Thread Del Hoobler
her data residing on it besides logs. This could cause the threshold calculations to be askew as well as cause performance problems due to disk contention. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful

Re: SQL backup

2001-06-01 Thread Del Hoobler
leting old backups) and SQL 2000 support. Other than that, you should open a problem with IBM service. A trace will help the service team determine what is going wrong. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It&#x

Re: Exchange backup recommendation

2001-06-01 Thread Del Hoobler
te that it requires a TSM 3.7 server... ...but I am guessing that it will probably work with your server. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bo

Re: TDP for Domino

2001-06-04 Thread Del Hoobler
Radha, Yes. This is fine. The TDP for Domino "incremental" command was designed just for that reason in a logged environment. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. D


2001-06-05 Thread Del Hoobler
to find out what the TSM server doesn't like about the verb communications that TDP for SQL is using. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it

Re: TDP Exchange V2 License

2001-06-06 Thread Del Hoobler
Eric, Talk with your IBM/Tivoli representative for this answer. I thought there was some timespan that allowed you a free upgrade. There is no place to download a licensed copy. It must be ordered. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation

Re: Schedule clients for backup

2001-06-06 Thread Del Hoobler
backed up. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Patrick Sheehan To: [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: TDP for MS SQL cross server restore

2001-06-11 Thread Del Hoobler
database. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Joel Fuhrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sql error during restore

2001-06-13 Thread Del Hoobler
osoft involved too. This seems like a strange error to get... I personally haven't seen this one yet. Anybody else? Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't l

Re: "ACN4226E -- Exchange Error: ACN3516E -- An unknown Exchange API error has occurd."

2001-06-13 Thread Del Hoobler
n call IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't l

Re: Exchange 5.5 restore fails with TDP

2001-06-14 Thread Del Hoobler
at is wrong. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it

Re: Domino TDP Woes

2001-06-14 Thread Del Hoobler
of September. In the mean time, the work-around for IC29998 is to rename the domdsm.log file, and rerun the operation. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get

Re: Domino TDP Woes

2001-06-19 Thread Del Hoobler
anks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Radha Parameswaran To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Su

Re: Domino TDP Woes

2001-06-19 Thread Del Hoobler
Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Radha Parameswaran To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Re: TDPS in a cluster

2001-06-20 Thread Del Hoobler
TSM level 2. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Glen Churchfield <[EMAI

Re: sql restore error(urgent..)

2001-06-21 Thread Del Hoobler
that process releases it, so you can do your restore successfully. If you cannot get this to work, I suggest calling IBM/Tivoli support. We may also have to get Microsoft involved... Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] &q

Re: sql backup error

2001-06-22 Thread Del Hoobler
ction for Microsoft SQL would be: Version 1.1.2: SQL 7 SP1 Version 2.2.0: SQL 7 SP2 You should look at the SQL Server log to find out more about the error. Otherwise, I suggest calling IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hooble

Re: Exchange mailbox restores

2001-06-26 Thread Del Hoobler
it requires an alternate server restore. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono - Forwarded by Del Hoobler/Endicott/IBM on 06/26/2001 07:32 AM ---

Re: TSM and TDP for Domino command file.

2001-06-26 Thread Del Hoobler
ne the scheduler log file to see if it logged any errors. I hope this gives you some ideas on where to start. If you are still having trouble diagnosing, call IBM/Tivoli support and they can help you identify the problem. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoo

Re: SQL Server Disaster Recovery question

2001-06-27 Thread Del Hoobler
ok examples show the restore using TDP for SQL 2.2 but, you can at least follow the general process used. You can find it at: Or... here is a direct link: Thanks, Del -----

Re: SQL backup failed.

2001-06-27 Thread Del Hoobler
return code that the scheduler sees from a COMMAND type schedule is a return code generated from the command file execution and not the commands that it runs. To determine success or failure for certain, examine the sqldsm.log. Thanks, Del Del

Re: tdpsql v2.2 gui opens then immediately closes

2001-06-28 Thread Del Hoobler
... but without a trace there is no way I can tell. To get to the bottom of this, it will require some traces to be gathered. Please call IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful d

Re: tdpsql v2.2 gui opens then immediately closes

2001-06-28 Thread Del Hoobler
your SQL 7 configuration. (SP level, character set, ???) Are you able to get this to work on any of your SQL 7 servers? Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get

Re: tdpsql v2.2 gui opens then immediately closes

2001-06-28 Thread Del Hoobler
Bruce, Thanks for the info. I am going to try to get this problem a little more attention. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: MS Exchange related question

2001-06-29 Thread Del Hoobler
anks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono Yahya Ilyas cc: Sent by: Subject:

Re: Lotus Notes TDP Support

2001-07-09 Thread Del Hoobler
only worked with R4. TDP for Lotus Domino will work with R5 and planning for Rnext. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP for SQL 1.1.2

2001-07-12 Thread Del Hoobler
you the answer.) If it's a Windows 2000 cluster and an older TSM API, it may not be working correctly. You should be running at least 3.7.0 of the TSM API. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a be

Re: TDP for SQL 1.1.2

2001-07-12 Thread Del Hoobler
t sure how far you'd get since your not running in a supported environment. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away."

Re: Tivoli for Domino

2001-07-17 Thread Del Hoobler
quot; log whether it is full or not. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: Output query

2001-07-18 Thread Del Hoobler
ind these stats are only a "snapshot" of a current instance in time. The snapshot is taken at 1 second intervals. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don'

Re: Tivoli for Domino

2001-07-18 Thread Del Hoobler
"ready" for archive. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't l

Re: TDP for Exchange v2.2

2001-07-24 Thread Del Hoobler
uffers, buffer sizes, and some of the "TCP" settings...but if you gained anything, you might also see in increase in the CPU utilization. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It&#

Re: TDP for Domino

2001-07-25 Thread Del Hoobler
ain, we should see if we have sessions being created by some application and not letting go. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TSM quick questions

2001-07-31 Thread Del Hoobler
ase.html Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TSM quick questions

2001-07-31 Thread Del Hoobler
more info about Copy Storage Pools, check this URL: Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: Data Protection for Exchange 2.2

2001-08-02 Thread Del Hoobler
was unable to start. >>... >>I think there is a simple fix, anyone have it??? Joe, Did you check the "Erase Existing Logs" checkbox on the Restore Tab in the GUI? or Did you specify the "ERASEEXISTINGDATA=Yes" on the command-line RESTORE invocation? Thanks, Del -

Re: TDP for Lotus Domino Performance

2001-08-02 Thread Del Hoobler
servers (both Windows and AIX) to a TSM server on AIX (a 4-way RS6000 S70). Of course, your numbers will depend heavily on the particular hardware and network configuration. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP SQL v2.2

2001-08-06 Thread Del Hoobler
>Getting the following message when I try to start TDP backup through the >scheduler: ACO5424E Could not connect to SQL server; SQL server returned: >[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT >AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 28000) >(HRESULT:0x80

Re: TDP Exchange v2.2 Problem

2001-08-07 Thread Del Hoobler
up failed, then that is the problem. You need to run a full backup on the IS before starting the incremental backup type again. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TDP for SQL Server

2001-08-08 Thread Del Hoobler
7 servers. The new version, TDP for SQL 2.2.0 also skips "tempdb". Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bo

Re: TDP SQL v2.2

2001-08-09 Thread Del Hoobler
TDP for SQL uses to contact the SQL server. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP for SQL Server

2001-08-13 Thread Del Hoobler
> Is there any way to > get the install process to work? Thomas, I am not the installation person and I know we have installed this on Windows NT... So I am not sure what is going on. Please call IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del

Re: Strange message from API client

2001-08-14 Thread Del Hoobler
know about. Make sense at all? The message is coming from the TSM API and displayed by TDP for SQL. Upgrade your TSM API and retry. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don&#x

Re: Expiring DB2 backups/what about ms-exchange?

2001-08-15 Thread Del Hoobler
icy management that will handle expiration of old backups automatically. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono

Re: TDP for Domino in W2K cluster..

2001-08-16 Thread Del Hoobler
s. If you cannot get this to work, please call IBM/Tivoli support. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TCP Failair on SQL TDP.

2001-08-16 Thread Del Hoobler
ou will probably need to look at the TSM Server console to find out why it thinks the connection was severed. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Log Archiving on Tivoli

2001-08-17 Thread Del Hoobler
is caused when you have more than 70 logs to archive at once and the other case it is when your Domino server is halted prior to an internal checkpoint (which is not exposed to the user.) These particular issues are corrected with Domino 5.08. Thanks, Del

Re: ADSM for Exchange Restores

2000-09-18 Thread Del Hoobler
Secondly, if you are not using/checking the "erase existing" option during restore, you need to be very aware of the sequential order of the restored AND pre-existing logs to make sure there is no gap in sequence. Thanks, Del ---- Del H

Re: sql agent causing user32.dll error

2000-09-20 Thread Del Hoobler
hanged on the system besides the installation of TDP for SQL? If you are still having problems, please open a problem with IBM support. It may be worth while to find out why the SQL server "LINK" command is having a problem...that is ask Microsoft. Thanks, Del ---

Re: ADSM for Exchange Restores

2000-09-21 Thread Del Hoobler
errupt the "Full" + "Differential" backup scheme. By the way...if one of the backup products had been running "Copy" backups it would have been OK since the log files would not have been truncated. Thanks, Del ------------

Re: Unknown Exchange API error

2000-09-21 Thread Del Hoobler
eed a trace to see exactly the error message and return code so that we can determine the error and possibly get Microsoft involved to help us diagnose the problem with the Exchange Server. Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTE

Re: Exchange 2000 TDP

2000-09-22 Thread Del Hoobler
Mehdi, We are targeting Q1 2001. As promises. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Amini, Mehdi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 09/22/2000 11:44:42 AM Please respond to "

Re: TDP for Lotus Domino: Run from the same system User ID Domino server is running under???

2000-09-27 Thread Del Hoobler
many ways to configure Windows NT... Let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 09/27/2000 06:18:55 PM Please respond

Re: Database Corrupted after Full Restore (TDP for Exchange)

2000-09-27 Thread Del Hoobler
EADME file. * We recommend all customers install this FIXTEST to avoid possible restoration problems in the future. * Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [

Re: Connect Agemt Error

2000-09-27 Thread Del Hoobler
d:\NewDb_Log.LDF = Thanks, Del -------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Maria Ragan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 09/27/2000 04:37:11 PM Please respond to "ADS

Re: Database Corrupted after Full Restore (TDP for Exchange)

2000-09-28 Thread Del Hoobler
, call IBM support to open a problem so we can get some traces to look at. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Claudio Cofre Caro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 09/28/2000 10:48:11 AM Please respond to "

Re: Exchange 2000 TDP-follow-up

2000-10-03 Thread Del Hoobler
Microsoft APIs would allow this in the future... ...and his answer was there were no plans to add this to the backup and restore API. Thanks, Del Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Amini, Mehdi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.M

Re: TDP for Domino for NT

2000-10-04 Thread Del Hoobler
Franco, Restore the user's database to an alternate name and pull out the desired mail item. Individual item level restore is not supported with TDP for Domino. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Giuseppe Ta

Re: Exchange 2000 TDP-follow-up

2000-10-04 Thread Del Hoobler
Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cris Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/04/2000 10:25:54 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAI

Re: Exchange 2000 TDP-followup

2000-10-04 Thread Del Hoobler
Mehdi, Look back at the yesterday's appends. I answered this already. Thanks, Del ---- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Amini, Mehdi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/04/2000 10:51:50 AM Pleas

Re: Does your TDP for Domino inactivation work?

2000-10-05 Thread Del Hoobler
FTP.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM website. Thanks, Del ------------ Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "T.Y. Wu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/04/2000 10:41:44 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROT

Re: Notes/Domino Agent

2000-10-09 Thread Del Hoobler
that just backup the changes made to the database. If your "Notes people" do not want to use this then I would like to know why. If there are issues with it, we would certainly like to know what they are so we can address them. Thanks, Del ---------

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