----- Forwarded by Del Hoobler/Endicott/IBM on 05/16/2001 08:16 AM -----

                    Del Hoobler
                                         To:     "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
                    05/15/2001           cc:
                    01:57 PM             From:   Del Hoobler/Endicott/IBM@IBMUS
                                         Subject:     Re: Tivoli for Domino(Document 
link: Del Hoobler)

Resending.... didn't seem to make it the first time...



>From redbook SG24-5247,
"Backing Up Lotus Domino R5 Using Tivoli Storage Management"

"Additional Notes Administration is necessary when you are planning to use
Domino cluster, because it is necessary to make sure that all replicated
databases in the cluster environment are synchronized. The cluster
database is very useful to control the databases that are replicated
the cluster servers. This database is replicated between all the cluster
members and it has an entry for all databases in each cluster member. You
can use it to disable or enable the replication between databases in

So, you will probably need to disable replication and make sure that the
one you restored is somehow marked as a master...




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away."  -- Bono

                    Sheehan              To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <psheehan@GLOB       cc:
                    E.COM>               Subject:     Tivoli for Domino
                    Sent by:
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    11:56 AM
                    Please respond
                    to "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

Tivoli people

     I've configured two TSM servers to backup Domino databases and things
appear to be running rather smooth, but I have a couple of questions about
how certain things operate. First, I have two redundant mail servers that
cluster-rep. The TSM server is on the secondary server. When I restore a
database using the transaction logs and the point-in-time recovery it works
well except for when the primary server replicates the deletions again.
What is someone elses experiences/workaround with this? (I have a few in
mind but they are kind of sloppy, I'd rather restore and be done) Also, I
have many databases that have more than 30 meg worth of changes in a day
and I get the old "More than 30 meg has changed blahblah run Backup Db to
...., is there a flag I can set to increase or eliminate this error or just
do full backups every night (yuck)



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