I can't set the correct timezone on my Raspberry Pi running Plan 9. What
I've found on the net is that I need administrative rights. I didn't
know that even was a concept in Plan 9. So please help me out! I'd
really appreciate it.
Kind Greetings,
Mats Olsson
Hi guys!
How can I get a clean desktop at bootup on the Raspberry Pi using Plan
9? No tutorials starting etc. Would highly appreciate to know how to
know how to configure the Raspberry Pi to start clean. Thanks
Kind Greetings,
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Mats Olsson < m...@spray.se
<mailto:m...@spray.se> > wrote:
Hi guys!
How can I get a clean desktop at bootup on the Raspberry Pi
using Plan 9? No tutorials starting etc. Would highly appreciate to know
how to know how to confi
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Mats Olsson < m...@spray.se
<mailto:m...@spray.se> > wrote:
Hi guys!
How can I get a clean desktop at bootup on the Raspberry Pi
using Plan 9? No tutorials starting etc. Would highly appreciate to k
I have searched the web but can't find an answer. Any help highly
appreciated since I really want to use Plan9 on Raspberry Pi.
>> On 11 Oct 2014, at 13:27, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> I have searched the web but can't find an answer. Any help highly
>> appreciated since I really want to use Plan9 on Raspberry Pi.
Hi Quinti!
Do you have mail configured in Acme? If so, how did you make it work?
On 10/12/14, Quintile wrote:
> can you explain?
> I cannot imagine what would be different on a pi, it's just a computer after
> all.
> -Steve
>> On 12 Oct 2014, at 0
Hi Richard!
I've read the /acme/mail/readme but it just explains how it works not
how to configure it.
Kind Regards,
On 10/13/14, kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp wrote:
>> okay with comparatively little ram. the primary reason that we
>> haven't pushed to replace upas with nupas by default in 9f
Hi Peter!
That sounds like something I could manage to try out. Thanks a lot!!!
Kind Greetings,
On 10/13/14, Bakul Shah wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:15:31 EDT erik quanstrom
> wrote:
>> On Sun Oct 12 14:37:47 EDT 2014, st...@quintile.net wrote:
>> > I am fairly sure the problem is to d
OK now I can receive email in Acme in Plan 9 for the Raspberry Pi. I'm
trying to get auth/fgui to start automatically when I start Plan 9.
Have tried to put it into the profile file but it doesn't work. Any
hints greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
2014-10-15 15:00 GMT+02:00, trebol :
> Steff
Hi Peter!
Thanks a lot for your information. This will help me further to
configure Plan 9 OS on the Raspberry Pi. Thanks agai! I really
appreciate this info.
Kind Greetings,
2014-10-20 0:26 GMT+02:00, P. D. Finn :
>>OK now I can receive email in Acme in Plan 9 for the Raspberry Pi. I'm
Hi Peter!
I've tried the suggestion from your first post excluding $font and
that made rio execute but I get a "permission denied" when it comes to
running the script. I'm running as the default user Glenda on my
Raspberry Pi. So how can I get administrative permissions? I've tried
to create anoth
Hi again Peter!
Thanks for your patience. I did "chmod +x /path to/riostart but I
still get the error message that follows: lib/script '/bin/lib* file
does not exist . Since the script is in /lib I don't get the meaning
of < '/bin/lib* file does not exist>. Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
/lib/script does. Would greatly appreciate a hint about what to do.
Kind Greetings,
PS Typo corrected DS
2014-10-20 19:25 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi again Peter!
> Thanks for your patience. I did "chmod +x /path to/riostart but I
gt;. Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
/lib/script does. Would greatly appreciate a hint about what to do.
Kind Greetings,
PPS Text changes when sent DDS
* should be an apostrophe like before /bin
2014-10-20 19:28 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi again Peter!
> Thanks for your pat
n classify commands - object orientation ? 😃
> so, your script should be in lib, or bin/rc under your home
> directory, and this is what your script should reference.
> plan is different.
> -Steve
>> On 20 Oct 2014, at 18:32, Mats Olsson wrote:
Hi again!
Tried again with different setups in and I didn't get any
error messages sometimes but auth/fgui didn't start but it works just
fine manually. Maybe it's a Raspberry Pi thing.
Kind regards from a cold Sweden,
2014-10-20 20:44 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi!
Hi Steve!
Thanks a lot! Now auth/fgui is running from start. But I got some
error messages though. The shell window that came up looked like this:
cpu: can't dial: plan9.lanl.gov: The operation completed successfully.
calendar: can't open /usr/glenda/lib/calendar:
'/usr/glenda/lib/calendar' does
Don't kill the messenger!
2014-10-22 12:35 GMT+02:00, Charles Forsyth :
> On 22 October 2014 11:32, Charles Forsyth
> wrote:
>> That "The operation completed successfully" is not a native Plan 9
>> message, surely?
>> It looks like a Linux message. And it's stupid.
> My mistake: it's a Win
That makes two of us.
2014-10-22 15:29 GMT+02:00, Charles Forsyth :
> On 22 October 2014 13:24, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Don't kill the messenger!
> No, not at all! I couldn't work out what you could be running to cause
> that.
oting Charles Forsyth :
>> On 22 October 2014 15:34, Kurt H Maier wrote:
>>> Quoting Mats Olsson :
>>> cpu: can't dial: plan9.lanl.gov: The operation completed successfully.
>>> this exact erro
finition coming on...
>>> -Steve
>>> On 22 Oct 2014, at 19:14, Skip Tavakkolian
>>> wrote:
>>> i think this situation is more fortune-worthy than the fortune that
Hi guys!
OK, now I can get my mail but not send mail. This is what I've done:
Changed the header file in /mail/box/$user/headers (since it
didn't exist i filled in the below).
Added my login information to factotum according to the docs.
Sent email to the server like this:
Hi again!
Forgot to mention that I've installed the sha fingerprint for the
2014-10-29 22:43 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi guys!
> OK, now I can get my mail but not send mail. This is what I've done:
> Changed the header file in /mail/box/$
Hi Steve!
First I want to mention that I've added the login information to
factotum prior to trying to send an e-mail from Acme. I open a new
window in Acme and type in the body of the mail. Afterward I type in
the tag line: ;upas/smtp -d -a -h localhost.localdomain
net!smtp.gmail.com mye-mail rec
Yes, I did and I made changes in the configuration of that mail box
accordingly but it still does give the same error message.
2014-10-30 15:08 GMT+01:00, Kurt H Maier :
> Quoting Mats Olsson :
>> 535 – 5.7.8 Username and Password bot accepted. Learn more at (*)
Well that is what I meant with changing configuration since the level
of security was lowered with this action. In other words security
2014-10-30 17:00 GMT+01:00, erik quanstrom :
> could it be that with recent ssl/tls bugs, and the general fix being to
> turn
> sslv3 off, plan 9 s
Hi Erik!
FYI my middle name is Erik. I'm kind of leaning towards an ssl problem
since gmail require ssl to receive e-mail.
2014-10-30 17:11 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Well that is what I meant with changing configuration since the level
> of security was lowered with this action. In
ven if it's just a hint how to solve it.
Sincerely Yours,
2014-10-30 17:14 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi Erik!
> FYI my middle name is Erik. I'm kind of leaning towards an ssl problem
> since gmail require ssl to receive e-mail.
> 2014-10-30 17:11 GMT+01:00
Hi trebol!
Thanks for your response! Will check it out ASAP.
Kind Regards,
2014-10-31 11:59 GMT+01:00, trebol :
> You can try other smtp server. If the problem is in the authorization
> with Google, remember that you can use heirloom's mailx. I compiled it in
> plan9 some time ago, and I
#x27;m new to Plan 9 I need all help I can get.
Kind greetings,
2014-10-31 14:30 GMT+01:00, erik quanstrom :
> On Fri Oct 31 09:10:50 EDT 2014, sdao...@yandex.com wrote:
>> Mats Olsson wrote:
>> |error message keeps coming up. Don't know what to do next. I
ted link? I think SMTP has a flag to force tls on,
> and to use macrame or digest auth.
> worth a try, it looks ok to me on the plan9 side. I used to use gmail but
> haven't for several years, but my old setup looked like yours.
> -Steve
>> On
Hi again Richard!
Thanks a lot for your advise! Will try it out ASAP.
Yours Sincerely,
2014-10-31 22:14 GMT+01:00, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com>:
> To send mail from acme on native Plan 9 via gmail, this is what just
> worked for me:
> - make sure the last line of /mail/lib/rewrite
Hi Anthony!
Very informative link, thanks!
Kind greetings,
2014-11-01 1:14 GMT+01:00, Anthony Martin :
> Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com> once said:
>> - finally, after receiving a "Google Account: sign-in attempt blocked"
>> email from google, followed their suggestion to:
>> "change
installation of plan 9 on the
Raspberry Pi according to the way Richard Miller suggested DS
2014-10-31 22:53 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi again Richard!
> Thanks a lot for your advise! Will try it out ASAP.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Mats
> 2014-10-31 22:14 GMT+01:00, Richard
ngs in my installation of plan 9 on the
Raspberry Pi according to the way Richard Miller suggested DS
2014-10-31 22:53 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi again Richard!
> Thanks a lot for your advise! Will try it out ASAP.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Mats
> 2014-10-31 22:14 GMT+
Hi again Y'all!
Sad to say I haven't been able to send a mail with any content more
than a . using Acme (desåite all the help I've received from you guys;
thanks by the way). It seems that the problem is the domain name. With
localhost.localdomain I get a mail through to the recipient but I get
And that could be obtained how?
2014-11-04 15:27 GMT+01:00, Steffen Nurpmeso :
> erik quanstrom wrote:
> |
> |on the dissertation "some
> |aspects of the ethoecology of richardson's ground squirrel" that the two
> |are directly related.
> This becomes really interesting. Squirrels.., the
I mean: How can I get the DNS name of my machine using Plan 9 on a
Raspberry Pi? I've tried the names I can come up with but nada. Please
help me out!!!
2014-11-05 19:21 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> And that could be obtained how?
> 2014-11-04 15:27 GMT+01:00, Steffen Nurp
l and I'm now trying to send an e-mail to a
Swedish address though from a gmail address DS
2014-11-05 19:38 GMT+01:00, Steffen Nurpmeso :
> Mats Olsson wrote:
> |I mean: How can I get the DNS name of my machine using Plan 9 on a
> |Raspberry Pi? I've tried the names I c
Hi guys!
Is there a way to get a persistent font in Acme? I'm using a Raspberry
Pi and usually invoke Acme this way; acme -f
/lib/font/bit/lucidasans/latin1.10.font and that gives me a font that
looks good on my 32" TV. Grateful for any hint!
Kind regards,
Hi again!
The DNS problem only occurs when I try to send from the gmail account
I'm using now to the Swedish domain: "spray.se". An empty message
comes through ending with a dot . and that's it. Thanks for all your
effort to help me out!
Kind Greetings,
2014-11-06 20:12 GMT+01:00, Steffen N
Hi again!
Actually it seems to be a cosmetic error but anyway I'd like to get it
solved. This is what I get at bootup after ipconfig ... :
-s: 'bin/-s' file does not exist
rc: /rc/lib/rcmain:30 token EOF: syntax error
init: starting /bin/rc
So after the message I can boot my setup by just
On my Raspberry Pi a cordless mouse with wheel worked out of the box
and so did the cordless keyboard.
Kind Regards,
2014-11-07 18:25 GMT+01:00, tre...@india.com :
> Have you set the mouse to ps2intellimouse?
I like the idea of making a small script but I couldn't make it work.
What I want is to get this to execute without to much typing:
term%acme -f /lib/font/bit/lucidasans/latin1.10.font and that's it.
Any suggestion for a script and how to execute it would be most
Kind greetings,
Hi sl!
Thanks for your input. I tried something similar and got an error
message. I tried your suggestion and got the same error message. It
says: "rc: /bin/a:3: token EOF:syntax error". So something else must
be added. Thanks!
Kind Regards,
2014-11-07 20:03 GMT, s...@9front.org :
>> I like
rst time you login as a new user you need to run the newuser script, I
> think it is /sys/lib/newuser (no plan9 to hand)
> check the plan9 wiki
> -Steve
>> On 7 Nov 2014, at 12:17, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Hi again!
>> Actu
A followed your advise and got "permission denied" so I executed
"chmod 755 ..." and then it worked. Thanks a lot! I really appreciate
your help.
Kind Greetings,
2014-11-07 21:22 GMT, s...@9front.org :
>> Thanks for your input. I tried something similar and got an error
>> message. I tried yo
It was a quick and efficient fix of the issue at hand even if it
wasn't by the book.
Kind regards,
2014-11-08 8:18 GMT+01:00, erik quanstrom :
>> So, you could make a script $home/bin/rc/a:
> curious choise. not that you'd want to use this anymore, but ...
> ; cat /bin/a:
> #!/bin/rc
Hi Richard!
Talking about digital archaeology I tried to install Plan 9 from a cd
on my Dell 500H (something). That laptop came with an attachable
floppy drive, cd rom and a cdrw but it was as I remembered the drives
are all dead but the machine is loaded with Watt OS 5. A linux distro
that has a
The last HD I installed is 100 GB in size but it's all linux
partitions. Would it be possible to ssh into the machine to reformat
and install Plan 9. Then it would come to use at least.
Kind Regards,
2014-11-08 14:47 GMT+01:00, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com>:
>> It would be nice to inst
Hi Y'all!
Just a simple question: Is it possible to print the screen in Plan 9?
The question just popped up and I'm not able to make some tests right
now. Haven't found any info about it.
Kind greetings,
>> -Steve
>>> On 8 Nov 2014, at 19:23, andrey mirtchovski
>>> wrote:
>>> topng < /dev/screen > /tmp/screenshot.png
>>>> On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Mats Olsson
>>>> wrote:
Hi guys!
I've tried multiple ways to change the font in Abaco but failed. It
seems to be compiled in. Is there a way to change the font in Abaco.
Would really appreciate some help.
Thanks for confirming Lee I appreciate that! And who knows, things happen.
2014-11-08 22:57 GMT+01:00, Lee Fallat :
> On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Hi guys!
>> I've tried multiple ways to change the font in Abaco but failed. It
>> see
Hi guys,
Talking about digital archaeology. I tried to install Plan 9 from a cd
on my Dell 500H (something). That laptop came with an attachable
floppy drive, cd rom and a cdrw but it was as I remembered the drives
are all dead but the machine is loaded with Watt OS 5. A linux distro
that has a pr
Hi sl!
Thanks for your answer regarding fonts in Abaco. I tried with the
fonts already installed and that works with some. Then I installed
contrib and via contrib vera but Abaco can't find them. I've looked
around and saw a mention of fontsrv. Is that application needed to
update a fontcache (you
What could be considered to be the best (userfriendliness is of
importance) way of sending e-mail from Plan 9? I haven't cracked that
nut yet although I've gotten a lot of help. Would be very grateful for
your point of view in this matter (especially if it helps me to work
this issue out and leave
Hi dante!
I would appreciate it a lot if you could send the "clone script" that
you used to clone the 9pi imate to a larger SD card. Thanks
Kind Regards,
2014-11-18 21:29 GMT+01:00, Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com>:
>> If you must use a rpi, you should strive to use it as a t
> Please see the attachment for the script.
> Cheers,
> Dante
> On 18.11.2014 22:28, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Hi dante!
>> I would appreciate it a lot if you could send the "clone script" that
>> you used to clone the 9pi imate to a larger SD
2014-11-18 23:09 GMT+01:00, dante :
> Hi Mats,
> I posted it before; unfortunately the archive doesn't save the attached
> files.
> Here is the original post: http://9fans.net/archive/2014/08/78.
> Please see the attachment for the script.
> Cheers,
> Da
in your
> case, an USB-to-SD adapter),
> the boot device shall be /dev/sdM0 and
> the USB/SD device shall be /dev/sdU0.0
> Kind Regards,
> Dante
> On 26.11.2014 18:16, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Hi dante!
>> I copied your piclone script in Plan 9 but even
Hi dante!
In answer to my own question: DONE. Thanks a lot!
Kind Greetings,
2014-11-26 18:56 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> Hi!
> So "piclone sdU0.0" would be right? I have the script in
> /usr/glenda/home does that matter?
> Yours Sincerely,
> Mats
I have to agree with Erik when it comes to SD cards. I've used and
abused many SD cards for years and have never had problems with them.
I could recommend Sandisk Expert Pro that comes with a limited
lifetime warranty (at least in Sweden). They are fast, up to 95 mb/s,
and very reliable according t
Hi guys!
Does anyone use Plan 9 as platform for Go programming? If so, How is
your setup (remember that I'm a noob to Plan 9 so in layman terms
please)? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
what happens.
Kind Regards,
2014-11-30 15:16 GMT, Ryan :
> I *think* the commands would go something like this (untested):
> hget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.3.3.src.tar.gz > go.tgz
> tar xf go.tgz
> cd go/src
> all.rc
> Mats Olsson wrote:
Yes, I'm using 9pi. OK. Thanks!
2014-11-30 18:31 GMT, Skip Tavakkolian :
> are you using 9pi? if so, i don't think Go is available on plan9/arm yet.
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> Hi guys!
>> The thing is that I
Just googled and found: https://code.google.com/p/go-wiki/wiki/GoArm
So it seems that it's supported.
2014-11-30 20:06 GMT, Mats Olsson :
> Yes, I'm using 9pi. OK. Thanks!
> 2014-11-30 18:31 GMT, Skip Tavakkolian :
>> are you using 9pi? if so, i don't think Go
The following quote from GoArm makes me believe it can be done on a RPi:
Supported operating systems
Go supports ARM on Linux. You must be running a EABI kernel. These are
generally known as armel for softfloat (compatible with ARMv5) or
armhf for hardware floating point (ARMv6 and above).
Hi David!
I have several Raspberry Pi's and I'm kind of doing a research of what
can be done on this platform when it comes to programming etc.
Preferable in Plan 9 OS. I'm certain that there are lots of other
options but I'm focusing on the use of the Raspberry Pi as a hardware
Kind Re
Hi guys!
I think the doc about adding a new user is outdated (or it's just me
that can't make it work properly) so I would be very grateful if
someone could describe the steps of adding a new user in terms so that
even I can understand. Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
OK my bad. The question I asked was like thinking out loud without
giving details. So I'm using Plan 9 on the Raspberry Pi (Plan 9 from
Bell Labs that is). The problem is that after running "uname
" (can't reproduce right now since my screen/TV is occupied) the
rc shell is put on hold and in the d
Hi again!
Missed "adm" in adm + in my brief explanation earlier. Think
I'll first check for a command in /bin/rc that would be more
appropriate than 'uname'. There just must be one more obvious that
I've missed. Well, will see tomorrow.
Best wishes,
OK. Got the message. Will act accordingly.
2014-12-03 1:41 GMT+01:00, erik quanstrom :
> On Tue Dec 2 16:40:27 PST 2014, quans...@quanstro.net wrote:
>> On Tue Dec 2 13:48:46 PST 2014, s...@9front.org wrote:
>> > The following is 9front-specific but is still generally useful:
>> >
>> > http://co
Hi guys!
Problem solved. Have my new user.
Have fun,
2014-12-03 9:31 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson :
> OK. Got the message. Will act accordingly.
> 2014-12-03 1:41 GMT+01:00, erik quanstrom :
>> On Tue Dec 2 16:40:27 PST 2014, quans...@quanstro.net wrote:
>>> On Tue Dec
I'm running the Plan 9 from Bell Labs on a Raspberry Pi. It's the 9pi
ported to Raspberry Pi by Richard Miller. I've managed to install Go
on a Linux box but I would rather use Plan 9 OS since it's my
preference among operative systems. The problem is that it means that
I will have to compile
OK, thanks for your input. Looking forward to it. I've tried to import
the sources of Go and have failed. First I tried with "wget" a command
that doesn't exist in Plan 9. Looking in bin I found "webfsget" tried
it and the screen was filled with "runes". Deleted it and still I
can't get the syntax
m all ears.
Otherwise I might try to use hget. Thanks again!
Kind Greetings,
2014-12-24 15:01 GMT, David du Colombier <0in...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Mats Olsson wrote:
>> OK, thanks for your input. Looking forward to it. I've tried to import
>> the
Thanks for your input!
I went for the third option. Copying the uncompressed source go dir to
the fat partition on the SD card and then copying it from there to my
home directory in which I planned to compile it. Is it sure that go
can't be compiled and work on Plan 9 on a Raspberry Pi?
Since compiling GO in Plan 9 on a Raspberry Pi won't work I've removed
the source code of it from my home directory. It's a pity though since
it took me so long to figure out a way to put it there in the first
place. Thanks for all your assistance!
Kind Greetings,
2014-12-25 0:20 GMT+01
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