OK, thanks for your input. Looking forward to it. I've tried to import
the sources of Go and have failed. First I tried with "wget" a command
that doesn't exist in Plan 9. Looking in bin I found "webfsget" tried
it and the screen was filled with "runes". Deleted it and still I
can't get the syntax right to get the Go sources to my home directory.
If someone can give me a hint about how to get it right I would
greatly appreciate that. Then I can try to figure out how to compile
and set the environment right. Thanks again David!

Kind greetings,

2014-12-24 15:19 GMT+01:00, David du Colombier <0in...@gmail.com>:
> Go doesn't support Plan 9 on ARM yet.
> Anthony Martin is working on the plan9/arm port,
> and it might be available for the 1.5 release in July.
> --
> David du Colombier

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