OK my bad. The question I asked was like thinking out loud without giving details. So I'm using Plan 9 on the Raspberry Pi (Plan 9 from Bell Labs that is). The problem is that after running "uname <user> <user>" (can't reproduce right now since my screen/TV is occupied) the rc shell is put on hold and in the documentation (just have a single side printout so I can't give any accurate source of it right now) says that you can give sys and adm rights to that user by continuing with: uname sys +<user> and uname +<user> witch gives you error messages (can't be more specific now because of the forementioned reasons). Then we also have the problem with this specific platform that defaults to user glenda without prompt. The cmdline.txt looks like this; readparts=1 nobootprompt=local user=glenda ipconfig= so the system must be halted to change the user. The file cmdline.txt is kind of the init file in several OS's for the Raspberry Pi. My first test would be to run "uname <user> <user> and ctrl+alt+del to reboot and cut the powed to change the user in the cmdline.txt file. Hopefully (I think it was possible to get into the system again) I get i to Plan 9 and can run: "/sys/lib/newuser" as said in the "doc" I have. Now I should have asked (and do) if this is the right thing to do? or what could get me another user than the default? I hope you bear with me even if this whole thing went backwards. First the question and then the problem or more correct the situation. Thankful for any hints in the right direction or just what you guys think about the situation. I'll give it a try tomorrow anyhow. Thanks for showing interest!
Kind regards, Mats 2014-12-02 19:08 GMT+01:00, misch...@9.offblast.org <misch...@9.offblast.org>: > what 'doc' do you refer to? what didn't work properly? nobody can help you > if you don't explain what the problem is. >