Hi again!

Missed "adm" in adm +<user> in my brief explanation earlier. Think
I'll first check for a command in /bin/rc that would be more
appropriate than 'uname'. There just must be one more obvious that
I've missed. Well, will see tomorrow.

Best wishes,

2014-12-02 21:54 GMT+01:00, Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com>:
> OK my bad. The question I asked was like thinking out loud without
> giving details. So I'm using Plan 9 on the Raspberry Pi (Plan 9 from
> Bell Labs that is). The problem is that after running "uname <user>
> <user>" (can't reproduce right now since my screen/TV is occupied) the
> rc shell is put on hold and in the documentation (just have a single
> side printout so I can't give any accurate source of it right now)
> says that you can give sys and adm rights to that user by continuing
> with: uname sys +<user> and uname +<user> witch gives you error
> messages (can't be more specific now because of the forementioned
> reasons). Then we also have the problem with this specific platform
> that defaults to user glenda without prompt. The cmdline.txt looks
> like this; readparts=1 nobootprompt=local user=glenda ipconfig= so the
> system must be halted to change the user. The file cmdline.txt is kind
> of the init file in several OS's for the Raspberry Pi. My first test
> would be to run "uname <user> <user> and ctrl+alt+del to reboot and
> cut the powed to change the user in the cmdline.txt file. Hopefully (I
> think it was possible to get into the system again) I get i to Plan 9
> and can run: "/sys/lib/newuser" as said in the "doc" I have. Now I
> should have asked (and do) if this is the right thing to do? or what
> could get me another user than the default? I hope you bear with me
> even if this whole thing went backwards. First the question and then
> the problem or more correct the situation. Thankful for any hints in
> the right direction or just what you guys think about the situation.
> I'll give it a try tomorrow anyhow. Thanks for showing interest!
> Kind regards,
> Mats
> 2014-12-02 19:08 GMT+01:00, misch...@9.offblast.org
> <misch...@9.offblast.org>:
>> what 'doc' do you refer to? what didn't work properly? nobody can help
>> you
>> if you don't explain what the problem is.

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