Hi again!

Tried again with different setups in <riostart> and I didn't get any
error messages sometimes but auth/fgui didn't start but it works just
fine manually. Maybe it's a Raspberry Pi thing.

Kind regards from a cold Sweden,

2014-10-20 20:44 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> Sorry for the confusion! It's easier for me to compile a kernel in
> linux than understand the basics of Plan 9. So, yes you're right, Plan
> 9 is different. But I won't give up so easy so thanks for your
> patience with a 15+ years linux user trying to grasp something
> completely different. Thanks Steve. I'll give it some more time
> tomorrow since I feel kind of shot right now. Busy day and a lot of
> travelling during the past weekend.
> Kindest regards,
> Mats
> 2014-10-20 19:49 GMT+02:00, Quintile <st...@quintile.net>:
>> FYI I'm Steve๐Ÿ˜„
>> I think some misunderstanding
>> lib/riostart refers to a file in the lib directory
>> in your home dir, as Rio is started in your home did.
>> /lib/riostart is a different file.
>> when rc(1) searches for command it does not strip
>> the leading path like sh(1) does, so you can run commands like
>> fs/zipfs, so you can classify commands - object orientation ? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
>> so, your script should be in lib, or bin/rc under your home
>> directory, and this is what your script should reference.
>> plan is different.
>> -Steve
>>> On 20 Oct 2014, at 18:32, Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi again Peter!
>>> Thanks for your patience. I did "chmod +x /path to/riostart" but I
>>> still get the error message that follows: lib/script '/bin/lib' file
>>> does not exist . Since the script is in /lib I don't get the meaning
>>> of < '/bin/lib' file does not exist>. Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
>>> /lib/script does. Would greatly appreciate a hint about what to do.
>>> Kind Greetings,
>>> Mats
>>> PPS Text changes when sent DDS
>>> * should be an apostrophe like before /bin
>>> 2014-10-20 19:28 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi again Peter!
>>>> Thanks for your patience. I did "chmod +x /path to/riostart" but I
>>>> still get the error message that follows: lib/script '/bin/lib* file
>>>> does not exist . Since the script is in /lib I don't get the meaning
>>>> of < '/bin/lib' file does not exist>. Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
>>>> /lib/script does. Would greatly appreciate a hint about what to do.
>>>> Kind Greetings,
>>>> Mats
>>>> PS Typo corrected DS
>>>> 2014-10-20 19:25 GMT+02:00, Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi again Peter!
>>>>> Thanks for your patience. I did "chmod +x /path to/riostart but I
>>>>> still get the error message that follows: lib/script '/bin/lib* file
>>>>> does not exist . Since the script is in /lib I don't get the meaning
>>>>> of < '/bin/lib* file does not exist>. Well /bin/lib doesn't exist but
>>>>> /lib/script does. Would greatly appreciate a hint about what to do.
>>>>> Kind Greetings,
>>>>> Mats
>>>>> 2014-10-20 13:34 GMT+02:00, Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net>:
>>>>>> Under plan9 the user who boots a machine has rights to its
>>>>>> filesystem,
>>>>>> so unless you are accessing a remote plan9 file server which is
>>>>>> running
>>>>>> an auth server I doubt your problems are to do with administration
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Somtimes plan9 will produce slightly misleading error messages,
>>>>>> permission
>>>>>> denied might be saying the OS will not allow you to do what you
>>>>>> wanted
>>>>>> because it doesn't make sense.
>>>>>> What I suspect is that you didn't chmod your startup (riostart)
>>>>>> script
>>>>>> to make it executable?
>>>>>> If this isn't the problem can you cut and paste the exact command
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> produced
>>>>>> the permission denied error?
>>>>>> I have attached my startup script for interest, it lives in my
>>>>>> $home/bin/rc/startup
>>>>>> (other script names are available).
>>>>>> -Steve

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