Hi Peter!

I've tried the suggestion from your first post excluding $font and
that made rio execute but I get a "permission denied" when it comes to
running the script. I'm running as the default user Glenda on my
Raspberry Pi. So how can I get administrative permissions? I've tried
to create another user with adm and sys rights but I couldn't make it
work even though I did it according to the documantation. So it seems
to boil down to get administrative rights to be able to get everything
to work the way I want. So if you could help me out about this I would
greatly appreciate that and thanks a lot for the help you have given
me up to now. Thanks again!

Sincerely Yours,

2014-10-20 7:28 GMT, P. D. Finn <p.d.f...@gmail.com>:
> One more thing, for the line:
> exec rio -f $font -i lib/script
> make sure $font is correctly set or the exec of rio will fail.  You
> can use that variable to set a different default font for rio if you like.
> Since you can run rio in a regular window, test the command out that
> way before you put it in your profile.
> Best,
> Peter

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