Thanks Skip! I get the idea but how do I save the changes in the file? Sorry for being such a NEWBIE.
Kind Regards, Mats <-----Ursprungligt Meddelande-----> From: Skip Tavakkolian [] Sent: 6/10/2014 10:51:42 PM To: Subject: Re: [9fans] Clean desktop on Raspberry Pi using Plan 9. from the shell window take a look at bin/rc/riostart (i.e. $home/bin/rc/riostart). remove the startup windows you don't want (like first.window, etc) term% cat bin/rc/riostart #!/bin/rc scr=(`{cat /dev/draw/new >[2]/dev/null || status=''}) wid=$scr(11) ht=$scr(12) window 0,0,161,117 stats -lmisce window 161,0,560,117 faces -i if(~ `{screensize} small) dump=acme.dump.small if not dump=acme.dump a=`{echo $wid-35 | hoc } window 60,90,$a,$ht acme -l lib/$dump window 20,140,610,450 /usr/glenda/lib/first.window term% On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Mats Olsson < <> > wrote: Hi guys! How can I get a clean desktop at bootup on the Raspberry Pi using Plan 9? No tutorials starting etc. Would highly appreciate to know how to know how to configure the Raspberry Pi to start clean. Thanks beforehand! Kind Greetings, Mats