[WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo

2007-05-10 Thread Pseudonymic Wannabe
Is there any way to prevent MSI from automaticly filling out the 
Username/Organization dialogs with system info for the userregistrationdlg?



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Re: [WiX-users] Progress bar overall instead of per feature

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Hamflett
I'm not sure.  I think you just get progress info for the current task, and 
some text back so you 
can report what the current task is, but it seems to be on a per-file level.


Magus wrote:
> Too bad I won't be able to do that.  My Custom UI is required and already
> complete except for a few minor details.  Is there a way to display
> something like Feature 1 of X or something so that at least they have that
> detailed information available.
> I also noticed if the file is over 2gb it really screws up the Progress Bar.
> Rob Hamflett wrote:
>> I don't think there is.  I experimented with this a while back and
>> basically asked the same question 
>> on one of the MSI forums.  What you have to do is guess how long it takes,
>> and adjust your guess as 
>> you get results back.  Not exactly what you want I know.  Thankfully I was
>> able to abandon the 
>> external UI project.
>> Rob
>> Magus wrote:
>>> Is there a way to make the progress bar display the installation overall
>>> instead of per file? If it helps I am using a External UI and the example
>>> from MSDN for Handling progress messages.
>> -
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Re: [WiX-users] Folder and File permissions.

2007-05-10 Thread Palit

More Over I try ton Registre an ActiveX in a custom DLL, wich call the 
DllResiterServer function wich doesn't work when the UAC is enabled.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Palit 
  To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
  Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 5:50 PM
  Subject: [WiX-users] Folder and File permissions.


  I'm trying to change my Wix Installer in order to make it works under Vista.
  My problem : I Have a Web-Plug-in which had to write some data on his current 
directory and can update itself..

  But Vista don't give to the plug-in enough right to write in the directory.
  I tried the Permission Element in order to create the folder with enough 
rights, but I dont have satisfying results.

  What I do :










  but my config.3dl file is not modified and I think that the update of the dll 
will don't work either.
  What is wrong ?

  Thx a lot :)



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[WiX-users] Suppressing MSM conditionals

2007-05-10 Thread Pseudonymic Wannabe
Is it possible to suppress conditionals embedded inn mergemodules? Some 
Microsoft merge-modules our project is dependent on seem to not want to 
install on Windows 2000 when embedded in our WIX/MSI. Anyway around this? I 
guess editing the MSM's is one way, not a pretty one though.


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Re: [WiX-users] Forcing Fatal Exit/error or any other failure dialog

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Hamflett
You can force an error by creating a custom error type and then calling it.  
Under the UI element 
create an error element with a unique id like this:
Your error message here

Then create a CustomAction like this:

You can then schedule that CustomAction in your InstallUISequence.


Magus wrote:
> Is there a way to force these dialogs at run time.  I am trying to make sure
> my Custom UI Dialogs for them appear and get the proper information to
> display in them that would appear normally.

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[WiX-users] Event execution install/Uninstall

2007-05-10 Thread Thomas B.
I have some events i need to be called appropriately, how can I make an 
event be called only after an install and how can I make an event be called 
only before files are removed (even from GAC) on an uninstall (Need to 
execute my application after install and need to execute it before files are 
removed/cleared from GAC). I tried using InstallFinalize but that event 
seems to be called even on uninstall and I couldn't use conditions either? 
As in


or simular.


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[WiX-users] Add/remove programs buttons

2007-05-10 Thread Thomas B.
When looking at add/remove programs I see some apps have a modify and 
remove, some have "modify/remove" and some have only remove. How can I set 
our installation to only have a "remove" button?


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Re: [WiX-users] Add/remove programs buttons

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Hamflett
You want


Thomas B. wrote:
> When looking at add/remove programs I see some apps have a modify and 
> remove, some have "modify/remove" and some have only remove. How can I set 
> our installation to only have a "remove" button?
> Sincerely
> -T
> _
> MSN Messenger overalt med WebMessenger 
> http://webmessenger.msn.com/?mkt=nb-no - Den korteste veien mellom deg og 
> dine venner
> -
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Re: [WiX-users] Event execution install/Uninstall

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Hamflett
For an install only event you want a condition of Installed, and for uninstall 
only you want 
REMOVE="ALL".  You also have the condition in the wrong place.  The condition 
has to be a child of 
the Custom element when you schedule it in the install/ui sequence.  I'm 
surprised WiX let you do that.


Thomas B. wrote:
> I have some events i need to be called appropriately, how can I make an 
> event be called only after an install and how can I make an event be 
> called only before files are removed (even from GAC) on an uninstall 
> (Need to execute my application after install and need to execute it 
> before files are removed/cleared from GAC). I tried using 
> InstallFinalize but that event seems to be called even on uninstall and 
> I couldn't use conditions either? As in
>  Return="asyncWait">INSTALLED
> or simular.
> Sincerely
> T
> _
> MSN Music http://music.msn.no Finn din favorittmusikk blant nesten 1 
> million låter
> -
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Re: [WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo

2007-05-10 Thread Rennie Petersen
Is that a WiX 3 dialog? (I can't find any userregistrationdlg file in
WiX 2.)

Anyway, just guessing, if you look at the source for this dialog it
probably contains references to some built-in properties that are given
default initial values. Change this to two new properties you define


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Pseudonymic Wannabe
> Sent: 10. maj 2007 10:11
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo
> Is there any way to prevent MSI from automaticly filling out 
> the Username/Organization dialogs with system info for the 
> userregistrationdlg?
> Sincerely
> Olaf
> _
> Make every IM count. Download Messenger and join the i'm 
> Initiative now. 
> It's free. http://im.live.com/messenger/im/home/?source=TAGHM_MAY07

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[WiX-users] Removing a non-empty folder

2007-05-10 Thread Hooman Amini
Hello wipers,

I have a folder including a lot of information that I do not know what
they really are. I know this is not the best practice but I need to
remove them before copying my information to the destination folder. Can
someone please offer a snipt for how to use removeFolder or RemoveFile
elements to remove a "non-empty" folder before copying the msi files to
the destination computer. It is also important that I need to stop a
service in advance to be able to remove the folder.

Thanks in advance,
Hooman Amini

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[WiX-users] Localizing UIText table

2007-05-10 Thread Pseudonymic Wannabe
We have a wixlocalization file that works fine for the most part, one thing 
that doesn't seem to work though is having the UIText there.

This feature requires [1] on your hard 

Any of our other localization strings are loaded fine with $(loc.StringId) 
but our installer seems to not want to use for example the UIText as above. 
This is also evident in add/remove programs when uninstalling, the 
progress-box has no text at all.

What's causing this?


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[WiX-users] upgrade don't change any files

2007-05-10 Thread Anton Filippov


I have minor update (package-guid changed, upgrade and product - not

My minwor upgrade have some new versions for files and new features.
If I run ny .msi file with

C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi
/log reinstall.log REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus

I reinstall all old files to new, but I can;t choose new features to be

If I run install with
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi
/log reinstall.log REINSTALLMODE=vomus

I only can choose new feature, but old files are not updates.

What wrong? May be I must use some other keys for success?

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Re: [WiX-users] upgrade don't change any files

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Hamflett
What you've got here is a repair versus a modify.  In the first line, by 
specifying REINSTALL="ALL", 
you've told Windows Installer to perform a repair.  It does this, but since you 
can only repair 
something that's already installed, none of the new features are added.  You're 
not given the option 
to choose the new features because you've told it to do a repair, which is 
different to a modify.

In the second line you performing modify.  This is just adding new features, 
and leaves the existing 
ones alone, because they're already installed.

If you want to updates existing files and install new features in one go, you 
probably want a major 


Anton Filippov wrote:
> Hi
> I have minor update (package-guid changed, upgrade and product - not 
> changed)
> My minwor upgrade have some new versions for files and new features.
> If I run ny .msi file with
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi 
> /log reinstall.log REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus
> I reinstall all old files to new, but I can;t choose new features to be 
> installed.
> If I run install with
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi 
> /log reinstall.log REINSTALLMODE=vomus
> I only can choose new feature, but old files are not updates.
> What wrong? May be I must use some other keys for success?
> Thanks.
> Anton.
> -
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[WiX-users] InstallPrivileges='elevated' question...

2007-05-10 Thread Albert van Peppen
When i have a ALLUSER=1 installation and i use the attribute
InstallPrivileges='elevated' on my Package element, what does this mean?
1 - The package will be run elevated, the user installing the MSI must
have sufficient rights to install this MSI (needs to write HKLM for
example) OR AlwaysInstallElevated-policy must apply (HKLM or HKCU)
2 - The package will be run elevated, it doesn't care about what rights
the user has; it will be installed.
Can someone give me some clearance on this?
I try to install a MSI with ALLUSER=1 and needs to add a file in
ProgramFiles, write in HKLM and needs to add a shortcut to the
application on the All Users desktop.
Albert van Peppen
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Re: [WiX-users] heat website command not working

2007-05-10 Thread suedeuno

Unfortunately there is a host of different information out there on how to
run this command. I found my example at the wix wiki:

running it with LM changes the error, it can't find the website. My guess is
either this isn't correct or there is a bug with this portion. 

Thanks though.

Mike Dimmick-2 wrote:
> I'm not sure what the parameter to "heat website" *should* be, but it
> should
> not start with a '/' character. That causes the command-line parser to
> think
> that that argument is an option, not the vdir to process.
> I have a vague recollection that it should be LM/1/Root/MyWebSite but I'm
> not familiar with using heat to process websites.
> -- 
> Mike Dimmick
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of suedeuno
> Sent: 09 May 2007 22:07
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] heat website command not working
> I'm using the following command:
> heat.exe website /1/Root/MyWebSite -out web.wxs
> I'm getting HEAT0001 : Value cannot be null
> System.ArguementNullException
> Stack Trace: at
> Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Harvester.Harvest(String
> arguement)
> Can someone tell me if my command arguments are correct?
> -- 
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/heat-website-command-not-working-tf3718301.html#a10402
> 769
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
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> -
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> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
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Re: [WiX-users] heat website command not working

2007-05-10 Thread suedeuno

Tried adding LM and just "MyWebSite" but neither are found. Doesn't sound
like this works or least I haven't seen anyound that could provide an
example that works.

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
> Mike Dimmick wrote:
>> I have a vague recollection that it should be LM/1/Root/MyWebSite but I'm
>> not familiar with using heat to process websites.
> Derek's blog entry introducing heat 
> says:
> Although its a bit under construction, Heat has the capability, today, 
> to capture IIS web sites. Simply run 'heat.exe website "My WebSite Name" 
> -out sourceFile.wxs' to harvest a web site and all its files.
> -- 
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
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Re: [WiX-users] heat website command not working

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Mensching
It is very possible this does not work.  Derek wrote heat.exe in its entirety 
and when he left no one new showed up to pick up the pieces and carry it 
forward.  The web site stuff was some of the last stuff he did and while I saw 
it work once, that doesn't mean it works in all (or even many) cases.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of suedeuno
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:32 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] heat website command not working

Tried adding LM and just "MyWebSite" but neither are found. Doesn't sound
like this works or least I haven't seen anyound that could provide an
example that works.

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
> Mike Dimmick wrote:
>> I have a vague recollection that it should be LM/1/Root/MyWebSite but I'm
>> not familiar with using heat to process websites.
> Derek's blog entry introducing heat
> says:
> Although its a bit under construction, Heat has the capability, today,
> to capture IIS web sites. Simply run 'heat.exe website "My WebSite Name"
> -out sourceFile.wxs' to harvest a web site and all its files.
> --
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [WiX-users] Wix Question

2007-05-10 Thread Elnata Degefa (Bluwater Consulting Inc)
Perfect, thank you Dustine.

From: Dustin Andrews
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 6:37 PM
To: Elnata Degefa (Bluwater Consulting Inc); wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Wix Question

This is really simple. You just supply the parameters (that match properties in 
the MSI) on the command line.

myInstall.msi DOMAINACCOUNT=domain\user PASSWORD=password

Be sure to include conditions in your msi to fail the install if required 
options are missing. (or installed will allow upgrades, repairs and un-install 
to work without them).


  PASSWORD Or Installed

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Elnata Degefa 
(Bluwater Consulting Inc)
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 6:05 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Wix Question

I am a new user of Wix, I wanted to create msi for our deployment process. I 
want the msi to accept different parameter (command line argument), I couldn't 
find any doc which explain how to do this.

Any idea how I can do this? Or is there any documentation that I can use.


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[WiX-users] create website setup with 2.0- help

2007-05-10 Thread suedeuno

I was tried 3.0's heat and that didn't seem to want to work for me so I'm
going to try and use tallow in 2.0. I've looked at the following for an
example: http://www.dalun.com/wix/01.05.2007.htm

I'm trying to figure out the xml structure for the site I'm deploying. When
I run tallow I get a wxs file that has the following structure:

Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [WiX-users] Error on uninstall?

2007-05-10 Thread Julie Campbell
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I caught a bug, then another one
... long week.

Here's what seems to be the applicable part of the log.  The user error is
something like "one or more files needed for restoration cannot be found.
Restoration is not possible."  

I don't know what "19C29D7B9D408814D8EF629B9E4E4D76" is, it isn't a GUID I'm

MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:381]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:381]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
ackages 3: 2 
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:391]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:391]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:401]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:401]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:401]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
29B9E4E4D76 3: 2 
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:401]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:411]: Executing op:
RegAddValue(Name=ProductName,Value=Keithley Test Script Builder Software
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:411]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:421]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:421]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:421]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:431]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:431]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:441]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:441]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:441]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:451]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:451]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:461]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:461]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:461]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:471]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=1,Value=;,)
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:471]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:471]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:471]: Error in rollback skipped.  Return: 5
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:511]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (20:9C) [14:02:55:511]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted
property. Its current value is '1'.
Action ended 14:02:55: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
Action ended 14:02:55: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property(S): IVIDIRPROP = C:\Program Files\IVI\


Julie Campbell

-Original Message-
From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:24 PM
To: Julie Campbell
Cc: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Error on uninstall?

Julie Campbell wrote:
> I started getting an error on uninstallation a couple days and despite
> verbose logging have been unable to determine the cause.  Something I've
> changed is the mostly likely culprit.  Anyone have guidance?  The verbose
> log gives me (error codes looked up from
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835.aspx, numbers in log):
>   1302: Please insert the disk: [2]
>   1725: Removal failed.
>   1709: Product: [2] -- [3]

There's probably another error lurking -- 1302 isn't necessarily a 
source prompt. Search the log for "return value 3" -- that usually 
indicates the action that failed.


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For more information please visit http://www.ers.ibm.com



[WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
I am trying to make a setup that does NOT install on Windows 2000.  Here's what
I have so far:





When I run the MSI on a Win2K machine, here's the beginning of the log file...

=== Logging started: 5/10/2007  11:27:12 ===
Action 11:27:12: INSTALL.
Action start 11:27:12: INSTALL.
Action 11:27:12: PrepareDlg.
Action start 11:27:12: PrepareDlg.
Info 2898. WixUI_Font_Bigger, Tahoma, 0
Info 2898. WixUI_Font_Normal, Tahoma, 0
Action 11:27:12: PrepareDlg. Dialog created
Action ended 11:27:12: PrepareDlg. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
Action start 11:27:13: AppSearch.
Action ended 11:27:13: AppSearch. Return value 0.
Action 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWINVISTAORBETTEREXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
Action start 11:27:13: LaunchConditions.
Action ended 11:27:13: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: ValidateProductID.
Action start 11:27:13: ValidateProductID.
Action ended 11:27:13: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir.
Action start 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir.
Action ended 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: CostInitialize.
Action ended 11:27:13: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: FileCost. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: FileCost.
Action ended 11:27:13: FileCost. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: CostFinalize.
Action ended 11:27:13: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: WelcomeDlg.
Action start 11:27:13: WelcomeDlg.

What am I missing here?  Why does it install on Win2K???  I know I had a similar
question before, but I can't find that thread...

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Trevor Clifton
I do just the opposite and require it to be 2k or better. Here is my
"Condition" line to do that:

You would modify the condition to be > 500 instead of >= 500 to exclude the
Win2k.  Then you can also customize your Condition message as you wish.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:52 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

I am trying to make a setup that does NOT install on Windows 2000.  Here's
I have so far:





When I run the MSI on a Win2K machine, here's the beginning of the log

=== Logging started: 5/10/2007  11:27:12 ===
Action 11:27:12: INSTALL.
Action start 11:27:12: INSTALL.
Action 11:27:12: PrepareDlg.
Action start 11:27:12: PrepareDlg.
Info 2898. WixUI_Font_Bigger, Tahoma, 0
Info 2898. WixUI_Font_Normal, Tahoma, 0
Action 11:27:12: PrepareDlg. Dialog created
Action ended 11:27:12: PrepareDlg. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
Action start 11:27:13: AppSearch.
Action ended 11:27:13: AppSearch. Return value 0.
Action 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWIN2KSP4EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWINXPSP2EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS.
Action start 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWIN2K3SP1EXISTS. Return value 1.
Action ended 11:27:13: IDWINVISTAORBETTEREXISTS. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
Action start 11:27:13: LaunchConditions.
Action ended 11:27:13: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: ValidateProductID.
Action start 11:27:13: ValidateProductID.
Action ended 11:27:13: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir.
Action start 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir.
Action ended 11:27:13: AssignTargetDir. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: CostInitialize.
Action ended 11:27:13: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: FileCost. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: FileCost.
Action ended 11:27:13: FileCost. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements
Action start 11:27:13: CostFinalize.
Action ended 11:27:13: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
Action 11:27:13: WelcomeDlg.
Action start 11:27:13: WelcomeDlg.

What am I missing here?  Why does it install on Win2K???  I know I had a
question before, but I can't find that thread...

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WiX-users mailing list

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
That would work great...but my app needs WinXP-SP2 or better, or Win2003-SP1 or
better, or Vista, and that's where it gets messy.  (It depends on Windows
Firewall, which is only present in those operating systems).

On 5/10/07, Trevor Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do just the opposite and require it to be 2k or better. Here is my
> "Condition" line to do that:
> You would modify the condition to be > 500 instead of >= 500 to exclude the
> Win2k.  Then you can also customize your Condition message as you wish.
> -Trevor

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control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] How can I configure MD_UPLOAD_READAHEAD_SIZE that applies to a virtual folder using wix

2007-05-10 Thread Ravit Shapira

I'm looking for information about configuring IIS custom property using WIX 
such as MD_UPLOAD_READAHEAD_SIZE that will apply to a virtual folder.
Currently I'm using the IIS Metabase Explorer for creating a new Identifier, 
set the data to 0 with Inherit attribute and I've been looking for information 
about how to add this support to my wix setup.

Where can I fond an example or some documents that show how to do it using wix?


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Trevor Clifton
If I understand you correctly, you want the following conditions only:

If it is XP and SP2 or greater
(VersionNT = 501 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR

Or if it is Win2003 and (SP1 or greater)
(VersionNT = 502 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1) OR

Of if it is Vista
(VersionNT = 600)

Then you can also check if it is 64 bit or not with 

Us this reference for the syntax:

and use this reference for the values look here:


-Original Message-
From: Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:28 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

That would work great...but my app needs WinXP-SP2 or better, or Win2003-SP1
better, or Vista, and that's where it gets messy.  (It depends on Windows
Firewall, which is only present in those operating systems).

On 5/10/07, Trevor Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do just the opposite and require it to be 2k or better. Here is my
> "Condition" line to do that:
> You would modify the condition to be > 500 instead of >= 500 to exclude
> Win2k.  Then you can also customize your Condition message as you wish.
> -Trevor

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control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-05-10 Thread Chris.Rowland

I was having this issue on a Vista machine and I changed my build
settings to use the setting "No Common Language Runtime support" and the
problem went away.


Now the same type of issue (use of a CA in the DLL fails) has popped up
on a couple of XP and a 2K system, while it works fine on others.  Is
there a way to get more information than Error 2896?


From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 10:34 PM
To: Rowland, Chris
Cc: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?



My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its
dependant on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in
VC++.  Is .NET always a requirement of installers that use CustomActions
or is this a result of the build settings I used to build the DLL?

It's definitely your settings. Are you sure it's a dependency on .NET?
The typical problem is using the DLL CRT and not having it installed on
the target system.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Lewis Henderson
Hi Nick,

I'm new to the listserv, but I think the following code will help with
your service pack requirements:

VersionNT >= 501
NOT VersionNT = 501 OR ServicePackLevel >= 2
NOT VersionNT = 502 OR ServicePackLevel >= 1

This will allow Vista (VersionNT for Vista is above 502), but I don't
know how to handle the Firewall requirement.  You might check for a
registry key...


-Original Message-
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 10:28:24 -0700
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

That would work great...but my app needs WinXP-SP2 or better, or
Win2003-SP1 or
better, or Vista, and that's where it gets messy.  (It depends on
Firewall, which is only present in those operating systems).

On 5/10/07, Trevor Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do just the opposite and require it to be 2k or better. Here is my
> "Condition" line to do that:
> You would modify the condition to be > 500 instead of >= 500 to
exclude the
> Win2k.  Then you can also customize your Condition message as you
> -Trevor

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Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Disk Cost dialogs not show cost?

2007-05-10 Thread Magus

I believe the problem occurs because once my CustomAction is running.  I can
check costing complete, however it will not fix the problem, I would need to
be able to check CostingComplete inside the msi before calling my
CustomAction. I am using a CustomAction for my options dialog, because it
required me to set and get properties from the MSI, and the External UI
doesn't have the MSIHANDLE.  I have to use the MsiInstallProduct because the
other ways of calling the MSI caused parental problems for Vista :( .  Might
be a catch 22?

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
> Magus wrote:
>> Is there any way to call that Publish event without a dialog?  or a
>> dialog
>> that doesn't require user input to exit.  
> The dialog doesn't do anything except tell the user costing isn't 
> complete. Check CostingComplete; if it's not set, costing isn't complete.
> -- 
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

View this message in context: 
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

2007-05-10 Thread Jason Van Eaton


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Van Eaton
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 1:45 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

Is there a way to detect the file system type (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) and limit 
the install to only a praticular format type?  I didn't see anything obvious 
when querying the help file for any of those acronyms.

Thank you.


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[WiX-users] (no subject)

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
So be it.  I'm dropping custom actions, since they don't evaluate to a 1 or a 0
anyway, but rather evaluate to something like 500=500.  I'll use

(VersionNT = 501 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT = 502 AND
ServicePackLevel >= 1) OR (VersionNT > 502)


On 5/10/07, Trevor Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand you correctly, you want the following conditions only:
> If it is XP and SP2 or greater
> (VersionNT = 501 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR
> Or if it is Win2003 and (SP1 or greater)
> (VersionNT = 502 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1) OR
> Of if it is Vista
> (VersionNT = 600)
> Then you can also check if it is 64 bit or not with
> VersionNT64
> Us this reference for the syntax:
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368012.aspx
> and use this reference for the values look here:
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa370556.aspx
> -Trevor

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[WiX-users] How do I get rid of the "...installed to run from network" option

2007-05-10 Thread Scott Palmer

One of my features has "Will be installed to run from network" and "Entire
feature will be installed to run from network" as possible install options.

What is stupid about that is:
- it's the only feature that shows those options
- the feature has no components of its own, just sub-features, and all the
sub features DON'T have those options... That lets me choose "Entire feature
will be installed to run from network" for the parent feature and "Will be
installed on local hard drive" for all the sub features.  It doesn't make
any sense.

All of my features are specified the same way, so I don't understand why
these "network install" options just show up out of the blue.

Every feature element looks like this:

... ComponentRefs, FeatureRefs, ComponentGroupRefs...

Though some only contain FeatureRefs, while others only contain
ComponentRefs.  All are nested under one main Feature representing the
general application.


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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] How to check length of input string?

2007-05-10 Thread Lewis Henderson
Hi All,


I'm new to the list, but I've scanned back a month or so and didn't find
anything for this.


I'd like to enforce a length requirement for an authorization number in
a dialog box.  If the value entered isn't exactly 24 characters, I want
the Next button disabled.  Additionally, I'd like to make sure a User ID
isn't longer than 16 characters.

Any ideas on how to do this (short of a length-checking custom action)?




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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Disabling and hiding a feature based on key...

2007-05-10 Thread Lewis Henderson
Hi All,


I've got an install that prompts for a product key, and based on the
value of that key, certain features may not be available.  How do I
disable these features and remove them from the subsequent FeatureTree
dialog?  My key validation custom action can set a property value for
each feature indicating if it's authorized or not, if that helps.


Thanks for the help.


This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo

2007-05-10 Thread Wilson, Phil
You can set the NOUSERNAME and NOCOMPANYNAME properties to 1 to prevent
the automatic setting of USERNAME and COMPANYNAME properties, which is
probably what the bound properties are. I think they're from
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization
and RegisteredOwner (or somewhere like that). 

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rennie
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:39 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo

Is that a WiX 3 dialog? (I can't find any userregistrationdlg file in
WiX 2.)

Anyway, just guessing, if you look at the source for this dialog it
probably contains references to some built-in properties that are given
default initial values. Change this to two new properties you define


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Pseudonymic Wannabe
> Sent: 10. maj 2007 10:11
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Preventing MSI from fetching userinfo
> Is there any way to prevent MSI from automaticly filling out the 
> Username/Organization dialogs with system info for the 
> userregistrationdlg?
> Sincerely
> Olaf
> _
> Make every IM count. Download Messenger and join the i'm Initiative 
> now.
> It's free. http://im.live.com/messenger/im/home/?source=TAGHM_MAY07

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Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000

2007-05-10 Thread Nick

Thanks for your answer!  The firewall is included with WinXPSP2 and Win2003SP1,
and Vista, that's why I was looking for the particular combo.

Unfortunately, the code you provide would fail on this condition:

>VersionNT >= 501

if I'm running XPSP2.  (It wouldn't evaluate any further conditions).

What I was trying to do is define custom variables instead of making one long
string.  Oh well, I can live with one long string :)


On 5/10/07, Lewis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I'm new to the listserv, but I think the following code will help with
> your service pack requirements:
>VersionNT >= 501
>NOT VersionNT = 501 OR ServicePackLevel >= 2
>NOT VersionNT = 502 OR ServicePackLevel >= 1
> This will allow Vista (VersionNT for Vista is above 502), but I don't
> know how to handle the Firewall requirement.  You might check for a
> registry key...

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[WiX-users] Prerequsite RTL installs...

2007-05-10 Thread Lewis Henderson


This is my last question for the day.  I'm working on an install that
uses a custom action to validate a product key early in the UI sequence.
However, the custom action code requires the C++ RTL for VC 8.0 (2005
.NET).  How do I check for and install this RTL if needed before the UI
sequence kicks in?


Thanks for the help.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Disabling and hiding a feature based on key...

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
I had dealt with this issue before, you may find the discussion if you search
the archives.

Note, if you disable a feature from the installation tree, a savvy user can
still use something like Orcas and extract *all* the files that are sitting in
your .msi file...

What I ultimately did was this; I made a basic installer with the basic
features, and added a dialog like this:


In my custom action...
I create a password.  I encrypt it, and include the public key in my dll.  I
include the encrypted password in my dll.  If the password they typed in can be
verified against the encrypted password (this is all .NET stuff), then I take
the hash of the password, and use it to decrypt a second installer, the one
with all the features.  My dll launches the second installer, and sets
PIDACCEPTED to 2.  Then the original MSI terminates (see code above).

On 5/10/07, Lewis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’ve got an install that prompts for a product key, and based on the value
> of that key, certain features may not be available.  How do I disable these
> features and remove them from the subsequent FeatureTree dialog?  My key
> validation custom action can set a property value for each feature
> indicating if it’s authorized or not, if that helps.
> Thanks for the help.
> Lewis
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

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[WiX-users] (no subject)

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
I create a dummy installation project with Visual Studio 2005, and I make it
install .NET runtime and VC++2005 as pre-requisites.  Then I delete the .msi
file that VS generates, and I put in the one WiX generates.  Congratulations,
you have a setup.exe that installs all the pre-requisites.

On 5/10/07, Lewis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my last question for the day.  I’m working on an install that uses a
> custom action to validate a product key early in the UI sequence.  However,
> the custom action code requires the C++ RTL for VC 8.0 (2005 .NET).  How do
> I check for and install this RTL if needed before the UI sequence kicks in?
> Thanks for the help.
> Lewis
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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[WiX-users] IIS Setup for ASP.NET Runtime?

2007-05-10 Thread S C
I am attempting to set the version of the ASP.NET runtime in my WiX v3 wxs. 
In the IIS 6 MMC, getting Properties on the default web site and choosing 
the "ASP.NET" tab gives a dropdown with the available runtimes, it default 
to 1.1 on most systems; I need to set that to 2.0 within my .wxs, how to do?


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Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-05-10 Thread Chris.Rowland
One system in question had version 1 of the .NET framework, and
installing version 2 made the problem go away.


Any tips on how to find out what the dependency is, and how I can
configure my build setting to remove it?


From: Rowland, Chris 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:07 PM
To: 'Bob Arnson'
Cc: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?



I was having this issue on a Vista machine and I changed my build
settings to use the setting "No Common Language Runtime support" and the
problem went away.


Now the same type of issue (use of a CA in the DLL fails) has popped up
on a couple of XP and a 2K system, while it works fine on others.  Is
there a way to get more information than Error 2896?


From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 10:34 PM
To: Rowland, Chris
Cc: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?



My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its
dependant on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in
VC++.  Is .NET always a requirement of installers that use CustomActions
or is this a result of the build settings I used to build the DLL?

It's definitely your settings. Are you sure it's a dependency on .NET?
The typical problem is using the DLL CRT and not having it installed on
the target system.

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[WiX-users] heat dir .wxs missing Class/@Server attribute

2007-05-10 Thread suedeuno

I ran heat dir command and tried to compile in visual studio but got the

Error The Class/@Server attribute was not found; it is required.

Yes, I could add this but I've got about 39k llines of code in the wxs. 

Is there a hidden switch for this?
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Re: [WiX-users] How do I get rid of the "...installed to run fromnetwork" option

2007-05-10 Thread Chris.Rowland
I'm curious about this as well.  I've noticed the same behavior in my
installer, and I haven't been able to figure out a) what it is doing, or
b) how to make it go away.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:06 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] How do I get rid of the "...installed to run
fromnetwork" option


One of my features has "Will be installed to run from network" and
"Entire feature will be installed to run from network" as possible
install options.

What is stupid about that is: 
- it's the only feature that shows those options 
- the feature has no components of its own, just sub-features, and all
the sub features DON'T have those options... That lets me choose "Entire
feature will be installed to run from network" for the parent feature
and "Will be installed on local hard drive" for all the sub features.
It doesn't make any sense. 

All of my features are specified the same way, so I don't understand why
these "network install" options just show up out of the blue.

Every feature element looks like this:

... ComponentRefs, FeatureRefs, ComponentGroupRefs...

Though some only contain FeatureRefs, while others only contain
ComponentRefs.  All are nested under one main Feature representing the
general application.



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Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Mensching
No built in support for that, that I know of.  You'd need a CustomAction to set 
a property or something.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Van Eaton
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:21 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Van Eaton
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 1:45 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

Is there a way to detect the file system type (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) and limit 
the install to only a praticular format type?  I didn't see anything obvious 
when querying the help file for any of those acronyms.

Thank you.


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Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
If you wrote it in VC++ 2005 then one of your dependencies will be the Visual
C++ 2005 redistributable.  One of your dependencies will also probably be .NET
framework 2.0.  You put these in your bootstrapper, since neither are included
by default with your XP or 2K system.  (Unless some other app already installed

How do you deal with it?  Write your CA DLL in MS C++ version 6.0.  I'm not

> One system in question had version 1 of the .NET framework, and installing
> version 2 made the problem go away.
> Any tips on how to find out what the dependency is, and how I can configure
> my build setting to remove it?
> From: Rowland, Chris
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:07 PM
> To: 'Bob Arnson'
> Cc: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: RE: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?
> I was having this issue on a Vista machine and I changed my build settings
> to use the setting “No Common Language Runtime support” and the problem went
> away.
> Now the same type of issue (use of a CA in the DLL fails) has popped up on a
> couple of XP and a 2K system, while it works fine on others.  Is there a way
> to get more information than Error 2896?
> From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 10:34 PM
> To: Rowland, Chris
> Cc: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] CustomAction = .NET dependancy?
> My installer is failing on some systems, and it appears that its dependant
> on the .NET framework.  My CustomActions were authored in VC++.  Is .NET
> always a requirement of installers that use CustomActions or is this a
> result of the build settings I used to build the DLL?
> It's definitely your settings. Are you sure it's a dependency on .NET? The
> typical problem is using the DLL CRT and not having it installed on the
> target system.--
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
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> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

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Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

2007-05-10 Thread Jason Van Eaton
Thanks, Rob.  By CustomAction, do you mean an action that cobbles together 
existing stuff from inside WIX or Windows Installer, or do you mean calling off 
to a custom .dll to provide that data?


-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:35 PM
To: Jason Van Eaton; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

No built in support for that, that I know of.  You'd need a CustomAction to set 
a property or something.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Van Eaton
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:21 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Van Eaton
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 1:45 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

Is there a way to detect the file system type (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS) and limit 
the install to only a praticular format type?  I didn't see anything obvious 
when querying the help file for any of those acronyms.

Thank you.


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Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

2007-05-10 Thread Magus


Magus wrote:
> I am trying to work with multiple media, so that I can have files stored
> on CD's. The thing is my Diskprompt never appears, instead I get the
> ErrorDlg, with Retry/Cancel Option.  It doesn't say Insert Disk ? like I
> would want it to. Is there a specific dialog that does this. Do I create
> that dialog and where do I put it in the Sequences or Condition

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[WiX-users] per-machine and per-user in same install?

2007-05-10 Thread Don Tasanasanta
I'm looking to create an install that will always install default
features as per-user and then if the user happens to have admin access
to the machine they can go to Add/Remove Programs, choose "Modify" and
turn on the per-machine components. 


I haven't tried this yet but was wondering... is this possible?

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Re: [WiX-users] Detecting the type of file system

2007-05-10 Thread Nick
DLL.  See here:


On 5/10/07, Jason Van Eaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Rob.  By CustomAction, do you mean an action that cobbles together
existing stuff from inside WIX or Windows Installer, or do you mean calling off
to a custom .dll to provide that data?

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Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

2007-05-10 Thread Dustin Andrews
Can you post a minimal Wix example of your install? I have a vague feeling you 
might need to set some DiskId someplace.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:15 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions


Magus wrote:


> I am trying to work with multiple media, so that I can have files stored

> on CD's. The thing is my Diskprompt never appears, instead I get the

> ErrorDlg, with Retry/Cancel Option.  It doesn't say Insert Disk ? like I

> would want it to. Is there a specific dialog that does this. Do I create

> that dialog and where do I put it in the Sequences or Condition





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Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

2007-05-10 Thread Magus

I have that both for Components and on Each file. Does one overwrite the

Dustin Andrews wrote:
> Can you post a minimal Wix example of your install? I have a vague feeling
> you might need to set some DiskId someplace.
>  Guid="----">
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:15 PM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions
> bump
> Magus wrote:
>> I am trying to work with multiple media, so that I can have files stored
>> on CD's. The thing is my Diskprompt never appears, instead I get the
>> ErrorDlg, with Retry/Cancel Option.  It doesn't say Insert Disk ? like I
>> would want it to. Is there a specific dialog that does this. Do I create
>> that dialog and where do I put it in the Sequences or Condition
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Multi-Media-Questions-tf2392296.html#a10421713
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
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> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
> -
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> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

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Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Mensching
File/@DiskId overrides Component/@DiskId.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:25 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

I have that both for Components and on Each file. Does one overwrite the

Dustin Andrews wrote:
> Can you post a minimal Wix example of your install? I have a vague feeling
> you might need to set some DiskId someplace.
>  Guid="----">
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:15 PM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions
> bump
> Magus wrote:
>> I am trying to work with multiple media, so that I can have files stored
>> on CD's. The thing is my Diskprompt never appears, instead I get the
>> ErrorDlg, with Retry/Cancel Option.  It doesn't say Insert Disk ? like I
>> would want it to. Is there a specific dialog that does this. Do I create
>> that dialog and where do I put it in the Sequences or Condition
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Multi-Media-Questions-tf2392296.html#a10421713
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
> ___
> WiX-users mailing list
> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
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Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions

2007-05-10 Thread Magus

Thats good to know, it doens't seem to solve my problem though.  I still do
not recieve the proper error or please insert this disk message, is there
something else I am missing that would be important to this?

Rob Mensching-2 wrote:
> File/@DiskId overrides Component/@DiskId.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:25 PM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions
> I have that both for Components and on Each file. Does one overwrite the
> other?
> Dustin Andrews wrote:
>> Can you post a minimal Wix example of your install? I have a vague
>> feeling
>> you might need to set some DiskId someplace.
>> > Guid="----">
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Magus
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:15 PM
>> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multi Media Questions
>> bump
>> Magus wrote:
>>> I am trying to work with multiple media, so that I can have files stored
>>> on CD's. The thing is my Diskprompt never appears, instead I get the
>>> ErrorDlg, with Retry/Cancel Option.  It doesn't say Insert Disk ? like I
>>> would want it to. Is there a specific dialog that does this. Do I create
>>> that dialog and where do I put it in the Sequences or Condition
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Multi-Media-Questions-tf2392296.html#a10421713
>> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> -
>> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
>> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
>> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
>> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
>> ___
>> WiX-users mailing list
>> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
>> -
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>> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
>> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
>> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
>> ___
>> WiX-users mailing list
>> WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Multi-Media-Questions-tf2392296.html#a10421828
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
> This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
> control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
> http://sourceforge.net/powerbar/db2/
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Re: [WiX-users] IIS Setup for ASP.NET Runtime?

2007-05-10 Thread jrcolons

S C-4 wrote:
> I am attempting to set the version of the ASP.NET runtime in my WiX v3
> wxs. 
> In the IIS 6 MMC, getting Properties on the default web site and choosing 
> the "ASP.NET" tab gives a dropdown with the available runtimes, it default 
> to 1.1 on most systems; I need to set that to 2.0 within my .wxs, how to
> do?
> Thanks.

There are some older posts that refers to that problem, you can search the
forum for asp.net set, and those will appear.  here i found 2 ways of work
that problem up. One was spawning aspnet_regiis.exe by a custom action
means, and the other was registering each one of the extensions by
WebApplicationExtension. The easiest and "politically correct" (that's an
expert opinion, really I'm a newbie so, I dont know) is spawning
aspnet_regiis.exe. A forum describing more in detail is at:

Just an observation... be sure that you schedule the property custom action
before the aspnet_regiis customaction...

hope it helps
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[WiX-users] Replacement for Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.HelpExtension

2007-05-10 Thread Doug Payne

We recently upgraded from WiX 2.0.3620.0 to a later 2.0 build. We were
using the Help Extension, like this:

Candle.exe -ext
Extension, Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.HelpExtension" ...

I'm told that the help extension was consolidated into WixVSExtension.
When I tried building like this:

Candle.exe -ext
Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions" ...

Candle complains that it cannot find the extension. WixVSExtension.dll
is in my toolset. Suggestions?

If you respond, please include me directly, as I am not on this alias.
Thanks for your time!

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[WiX-users] Conditional Custom Action on Install

2007-05-10 Thread Aaron Feng

I would like to run a custom action only on install and when a specific
feature is being installed.  If someone could point me toward the right
direction that would be great.


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Re: [WiX-users] Conditional Custom Action on Install

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Mensching
Custom elements can be conditionalized by putting the condition as the text() 
of the element.  The Condition Syntax topic in the MSI SDK has information 
about how to do what you want.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Feng
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:17 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional Custom Action on Install

I would like to run a custom action only on install and when a specific feature 
is being installed.  If someone could point me toward the right direction that 
would be great.


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Re: [WiX-users] Replacement for Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.HelpExtension

2007-05-10 Thread Rob Mensching
This works for me:

candle.exe -ext 
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 2.0.5304.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.


light.exe -ext 
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version 2.0.5304.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug Payne
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:08 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Replacement for 


We recently upgraded from WiX 2.0.3620.0 to a later 2.0 build. We were using 
the Help Extension, like this:

Candle.exe -ext 
 Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.HelpExtension" ...

I'm told that the help extension was consolidated into WixVSExtension. When I 
tried building like this:

Candle.exe -ext "Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions.VSCompiler, 
Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Extensions" ...

Candle complains that it cannot find the extension. WixVSExtension.dll is in my 
toolset. Suggestions?

If you respond, please include me directly, as I am not on this alias. Thanks 
for your time!

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] create website setup with 2.0- help

2007-05-10 Thread Schrieken, Rene
I use this xlst script to do exactly that...






-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of suedeuno
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:31 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] create website setup with 2.0- help

I was tried 3.0's heat and that didn't seem to want to work for me so
going to try and use tallow in 2.0. I've looked at the following for an
example: http://www.dalun.com/wix/01.05.2007.htm

I'm trying to figure out the xml structure for the site I'm deploying.
I run tallow I get a wxs file that has the following structure:

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