What you've got here is a repair versus a modify.  In the first line, by 
specifying REINSTALL="ALL", 
you've told Windows Installer to perform a repair.  It does this, but since you 
can only repair 
something that's already installed, none of the new features are added.  You're 
not given the option 
to choose the new features because you've told it to do a repair, which is 
different to a modify.

In the second line you performing modify.  This is just adding new features, 
and leaves the existing 
ones alone, because they're already installed.

If you want to updates existing files and install new features in one go, you 
probably want a major 


Anton Filippov wrote:
> Hi
> I have minor update (package-guid changed, upgrade and product - not 
> changed)
> My minwor upgrade have some new versions for files and new features.
> If I run ny .msi file with
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi 
> /log reinstall.log REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus
> I reinstall all old files to new, but I can;t choose new features to be 
> installed.
> If I run install with
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i D:\Anton\!output\setup\icsinstall.msi 
> /log reinstall.log REINSTALLMODE=vomus
> I only can choose new feature, but old files are not updates.
> What wrong? May be I must use some other keys for success?
> Thanks.
> Anton.
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