
Thanks for your answer!  The firewall is included with WinXPSP2 and Win2003SP1,
and Vista, that's why I was looking for the particular combo.

Unfortunately, the code you provide would fail on this condition:

>  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows XP or greater.">
>    VersionNT >= 501
>  </Condition>

if I'm running XPSP2.  (It wouldn't evaluate any further conditions).

What I was trying to do is define custom variables instead of making one long
string.  Oh well, I can live with one long string :)


On 5/10/07, Lewis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I'm new to the listserv, but I think the following code will help with
> your service pack requirements:
>  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows XP or greater.">
>    VersionNT >= 501
>  </Condition>
>  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows XP SP2 or above.">
>    NOT VersionNT = 501 OR ServicePackLevel >= 2
>  </Condition>
>  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows 2003 SP1 or above.">
>    NOT VersionNT = 502 OR ServicePackLevel >= 1
>  </Condition>
> This will allow Vista (VersionNT for Vista is above 502), but I don't
> know how to handle the Firewall requirement.  You might check for a
> registry key...
>                                Lewis

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