Hi Nick,

I'm new to the listserv, but I think the following code will help with
your service pack requirements:
  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows XP or greater.">
    VersionNT >= 501
  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows XP SP2 or above.">
    NOT VersionNT = 501 OR ServicePackLevel >= 2
  <Condition Message="This product requires Windows 2003 SP1 or above.">
    NOT VersionNT = 502 OR ServicePackLevel >= 1

This will allow Vista (VersionNT for Vista is above 502), but I don't
know how to handle the Firewall requirement.  You might check for a
registry key...


-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 10:28:24 -0700
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Prevent installing on Windows 2000
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

That would work great...but my app needs WinXP-SP2 or better, or
Win2003-SP1 or
better, or Vista, and that's where it gets messy.  (It depends on
Firewall, which is only present in those operating systems).

On 5/10/07, Trevor Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do just the opposite and require it to be 2k or better. Here is my
> "Condition" line to do that:
> <Condition Message="You must have Windows 2000 or better to install
> software. Installation will now
> abort."><![CDATA[VersionNT>=500]]></Condition>
> You would modify the condition to be > 500 instead of >= 500 to
exclude the
> Win2k.  Then you can also customize your Condition message as you
> -Trevor

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