More Over I try ton Registre an ActiveX in a custom DLL, wich call the
DllResiterServer function wich doesn't work when the UAC is enabled.
----- Original Message -----
From: Palit
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 5:50 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Folder and File permissions.
I'm trying to change my Wix Installer in order to make it works under Vista.
My problem : I Have a Web-Plug-in which had to write some data on his current
directory and can update itself..
But Vista don't give to the plug-in enough right to write in the directory.
I tried the Permission Element in order to create the folder with enough
rights, but I dont have satisfying results.
What I do :
<Directory Id="PlayerFolder" Name='Player'>
<Component Id="component0" DiskId="1"
<CreateFolder Directory="PlayerFolder">
<Permission ChangePermission="yes" GenericAll="yes"
User="Everyone" TakeOwnership="yes" CreateFile="yes" WriteAttributes="yes"
WriteExtendedAttributes="yes" />
<File Id="file100" Name="config.3dl" src
="C:\alienbrainWork\WIX\Test\bin\config.3dl" >
<Permission ChangePermission="yes" GenericAll="yes"
User="Everyone" TakeOwnership="yes" Write="yes" WriteAttributes="yes"
WriteExtendedAttributes="yes" />
</Directory >
but my config.3dl file is not modified and I think that the update of the dll
will don't work either.
What is wrong ?
Thx a lot :)
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