Re: Who has created a directory called "~/updates"

2018-01-31 Thread stan
On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:08:11 +0100
Joachim Backes  wrote:

> I'm running F27, and  found coincidentally a directory called
> ~/updates containing megs of RPMs in my home directory. Does anybody
> know wherefrom these entries are coming?

Did you by chance define a local repository in /etc/yum.repos.d?

Or could it be that you used it for something at some point, and then
forgot about it?  Are the rpms in the directory recent?
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Fw: Who has created a directory called "~/updates"

2018-01-31 Thread stan
Sent to me personally instead of the list, forwarded.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 20:10:07 +0100
From: Joachim Backes 
To: stan 
Subject: Re: Who has created a directory called "~/updates"

On 01/31/18 19:49, stan wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:08:11 +0100
> Joachim Backes  wrote:
>> I'm running F27, and  found coincidentally a directory called
>> ~/updates containing megs of RPMs in my home directory. Does anybody
>> know wherefrom these entries are coming?  
> Did you by chance define a local repository in /etc/yum.repos.d?
> Or could it be that you used it for something at some point, and then
> forgot about it?  Are the rpms in the directory recent?

Same time, same date.


Fedora release 27 (Twenty Seven)

Joachim Backes
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Re: secure boot disabled

2018-01-31 Thread stan
On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:53:22 +0100
AV  wrote:

> However after install I find 'secure boot disabled'.
> $ dmesg | grep -i secure
> [0.00] secureboot: Secure boot disabled
> [5.630671] Loaded UEFI:MokListRT cert 'Fedora Secure Boot CA:
> fde32599c2d61db1bf5807335d7b20e4cd963b42' linked to secondary sys
> keyring
> $ ls -l /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/Secure*
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5 Jan 31 16:33
> /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/SecureBoot-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-
> 00e098032b8c

I don't know much about this, but I would interpret this as saying that
you have secure boot.  Maybe someone more knowledgeable will confirm.
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Re: how to audit chmod syscall system wide? a wired problem of home directory group write permission got set

2018-01-31 Thread stan
On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 20:06:38 + (UTC)
"mr.cheng"  wrote:

> I checked all bash_history and system logs, didn't see any explicit
> bash call of "chmod g+w ..."  ; so I suspect some software is calling
> by chmod syscall,

What is your umask set as?  That determines what permissions new files
get.  It is often set explicitly in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc  I
have a line in .bashrc of
umask 0077
and my files are created as rw-- if they are non executable.

 umask [-p] [-S] [mode]
  The  user  file-creation  mask  is  set to mode.  If mode
 begins with a digit, it is interpreted as an octal number; otherwise
 it is interpreted as a symbolic mode mask similar to that accepted by
 chmod(1).  If mode is omitted, the current value of the mask is
 printed.  The -S option causes the mask to be printed in symbolic
 form; the default output is an octal number.  If the -p option is
 supplied, and mode is omitted, the output is in a form that may be
 reused as input.  The return status is 0 if the mode was successfully
 changed or if no mode argument was supplied, and false otherwise.
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Re: Fedora 27 curl 7.55.1 ignore self-signed certificates

2018-01-31 Thread stan
On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 16:26:39 -0200
Kleber Rocha  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problema with curl, in Fedora 26, I imported the certificate
> into the /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/, and after I run the
> command: update-ca-trust extract, after that, curl trust on the
> self-signed certificate.
> But, in Fedora 27, I do the same configuration, but curl don't trust
> in the self-signed certificate.

I vaguely recall seeing something on this list or devel about self
signed certificates being banned;  I can't remember if that was just
about firefox or fedora in general. Maybe someone else here has a better
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Re: how to audit chmod syscall system wide? a wired problem of home directory group write permission got set

2018-01-31 Thread stan
On Thu, 1 Feb 2018 01:41:43 + (UTC)
"mr.cheng"  wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 4:37:02 PM PST, stan
>  wrote:  
> > I checked all bash_history and system logs, didn't see any explicit
> > bash call of "chmod g+w ..."  ; so I suspect some software is
> > calling by chmod syscall,  
> > What is your umask set as?  That determines what permissions new
> > files  
> I did search of umask in bash_history log or any system wide logs,
> didn't see any manual changes of umask, and checking its value now,
> is still the default 0022 as I understand, umask applies for new
> files creation only, while my home directory existed for a long time,
> since the system installation
> for those Linux servers, fortunately I still have other accounts can
> login to check, and run sudo chmod g-w /home/user; it looks like only
> the most often used account is affected; many other user accounts
> under /home have no impact.  

Sorry I misunderstood.  It is really strange that existing directories
would have their permissions changed without any action on your part.
Like you, I can't see any reason for a virus to do this.  Is there any
new user attached to your group in /etc/group?  I think it is more
likely that a process is doing it because of a bug.  Maybe write a shell
script that checks permissions on your home directory every 5 minutes,
writes it to a file if there is no change.  If there is a change, it
notifies you.  Then you can examine what you are doing and look at the
programs that are running.

Maybe someone else here will be able to give you better guidance.
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Re: secure boot disabled

2018-02-01 Thread stan
On Thu, 01 Feb 2018 12:17:26 +0100
AV  wrote:

> I very much doubt this. On a pc with secure boot you see:
> $ dmesg |grep -i secure
> [0.00] secureboot: Secure boot enabled
> [0.00] Kernel is locked down from EFI secure boot; see man
> kernel_lockdown.7
> [1.364686] Loaded UEFI:MokListRT cert 'Fedora Secure Boot CA:
> fde32599c2d61db1bf5807335d7b20e4cd963b42' linked to secondary sys
> keyring
> Furthermore at boot (after grub kernel choices) the line:
> "EFI Stub: Secure Boot enabled" is shown. 

I'm chastised for my ignorance.  Thanks for the information.
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Re: Copying/duplicating files from ServerA to ServerB

2018-02-02 Thread stan
On Fri, 2 Feb 2018 08:36:25 -0500
bruce  wrote:

> Looking to completely duplicate/replicate one server to
> another.Running Centos/Fed. I've seen a number of different
> articles/etc on different ways of doing this.
> Assuming I'm not using chef/puppet/ansible/etc can anyone give
> thoughts on best approaches for this. Articles are cool as well.
> Key Items:
> -Need to Maintain same users/passwds
> -Need to maintain all dirs/files heirarchy
> -Need all system/3rd party processes/apps running
> -All config/cron files
> -All port/db/ssh functions..
> I'm testing the process to do this on cheap cloud vms so I can screw
> up as I figure out best approach for this.
> Thoughts/comments?

I would use
# rsync -C -x -u -a -v -A -X / /[new mount point without a trailing /]

You will have to clean up /boot and /etc/fstab so it will boot properly.

You can read the rsync docs to see what it is doing.
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Re: Copying/duplicating files from ServerA to ServerB

2018-02-03 Thread stan
On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:12:27 -0500
bruce  wrote:

> does the rsync handle "hidden" files/dirs??

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Re: rsync question

2018-02-10 Thread stan
On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 12:16:47 -0500
bruce  wrote:

> Is there an attribute or approach to allow/force rsync to redo a
> "complete" xfer of files..?

I'm not aware of a way, and it makes sense.  If the identical file is
already there, why would rsync spend the resources to replace it?

If you want to re-transfer everything, just rm -rf the files and
directories on the destination.  Be careful that you are definitely in
the right directory, as this will wipe out everything below the
directory where you run the command.

If you just want to change owner:group, permissions or attributes use
the chown, chmod, or chcon programs on the destination.  This can be
recursive with the -R option.
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Re: Dual screen

2018-02-17 Thread stan
On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 22:25:19 +0100
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> The Hardware of the PC does not let me access to any monitor
> configuration. It seems that every thing is automatic (It is a recent
> Asus Motherboard).

This doesn't seem right.  Have you checked on their website?

> The new monitor says that it is running with a resolution
> 1920x1080@60Hz. I guess that it may be correct if I check on the
> pictures, but the bizarre thing is that the characters are just
> difficult to read, like if there is a lack of resolution. I can
> switch to 1366x768. 
> I do not know what to do.

There was a conversation here about 6 months ago about the introduction
of a different level of font hinting and a different font optimizer that
many people found problematic.  That is probably where your
problem, and your solution, lies.

The details have faded for me, but I think there is a setting that can
be increased to use more hinting, and it is still possible to use the
old font optimizer by specifying a setting different than the default.

At least that should send you in the right direction.
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Re: Dual screen

2018-02-17 Thread stan
On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 17:18:59 -0800
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> Do you happen to remember the program's name?  If so, it would be a 
> great help to anybody who needs it.

It's a package, not a program, and it turns out to be freetype.  They
switched default font rendering, and turned off hinting.

Here is some relevant information from the thread begun by Heinz Diehl.

for those who love razorsharp fonts just like me but got the new v40
interpreter coming with freetype-2.7 enforced on them when installing
F26: the good old v35 interpreter is still there (and I hope it will be
forever). You can use it by setting the environment variable


If you also want subpixel rendering, which now is disabled by default,
you can dig into the foption.h file in the config directory of the
freetype sourcecode, uncomment the option and recompile.

I have never been able to understand why people like the blurry and
muddy Micro$oft-like font rendering... gaah.. Now we have to hack the
source to get rid of that crap.

> where are you setting this?  

Global environment variables belong into /etc/profile, and local ones
into .bash_profile in your home directory. Here's the diff to
re-enable subpixel rendering (simply uncommenting the option):

diff -urN a/freetype-2.7.1/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
b/freetype-2.7.1/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h ---
a/freetype-2.7.1/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h 2016-12-11
07:53:49.0 +0100 +++
b/freetype-2.7.1/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h 2017-07-13
20:51:26.727210939 +0200 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ /* This is done to allow
FreeType clients to run unmodified, forcing */ /* them to display
normal gray-level anti-aliased glyphs.
*/ /*
*/ -/* #define FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING */ +#define

> where are you setting this?  

If you aren't using wayland, session-wide environment variables can be
set in scripts added to the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ directory.

> to do something similar in wayland.  

By exporting the env var in ~/.bash_profile and possibly in a script
in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; have a look at:

freetype-freeworld on has subpixel rendering enabled.
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Re: Dual screen

2018-02-17 Thread stan
On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 17:18:59 -0800
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> Do you happen to remember the program's name?  If so, it would be a 
> great help to anybody who needs it.

In thinking about this a little more, I wonder if fred doesn't have the
right of it.  Using monitors with different resolutions and dot pitches
at the same time must play havoc with font selection.  Maybe it's taken
care of automatically by the desktop.  What happens with laptops that
use an external monitor that's a different size than their built in
screen, especially larger? Do they have this font discord?
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Re: How to install the new Video Download Helper Companion App and have Firefox recognize it

2018-02-23 Thread stan
On Fri, 23 Feb 2018 07:48:22 -0500
Temlakos  wrote:

> VDH will not download most videos from YouTube. (Was that the idea?)

That's been a suspicion I've had as well.  A requirement for further
funding? For some reason, content providers frown on the practice of
viewers downloading their creations.  :-)

The splitting of extensions into two parts *does* improve security,
however, so it could be legit.

> Has anyone gotten that companion app to work? If so, how may I do it?

Sort of.  When dwhelper fails to download a video, at the bottom of the
drop down when the icon is clicked, you will see a details link.  Click
on that, and you will likely see that one of the libraries in 
is failing.  I converted some of the files there to symbolic links to
the equivalent files on Fedora.  In particular, ffmpeg, ffplay,
ffprobe, and libz so far. dwhelper is developed using ubuntu, and I
think they expect libraries in different places and with different

I vaguely recall I had it working properly when I replaced every file
there with a link, but every upgrade overwrites that, so I haven't
tried it for a while since it is tedious to do.

With that change, it downloads files when I click on them.  However, it
only saves small files.  It downloads large files, I see the
large temporary file, but when it tries to save them, it writes some
kind of small meaningless file.  I haven't found the reason yet.  I
recall seeing something about the app being open source, so I was going
to get the source and see what it was doing / why it was failing.  When
I click the configuration option that says 'save temporary files', it

One alternative would be to hack firefox to put in a switch that saves
files as they are being viewed.  That's a lot more work, and requires
domain and C++ knowledge.  Probably beyond me.

ant video downloader might be an alternative, but they were focusing on
windows the last time I tried them.

Yeah, the new firefox might be great internally, but it sure took a hit
for user customization and extensibility.

Another alternative is to get firefox 57 from koji and run it in a
virtual machine.  The ant video downloader and dwhelper for 57 and
before are still available on their websites, so you can istall them,
and tell firefox not to automatically update extensions.  Then, when
you want to download a file, just use that firefox to do it.
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Re: How to install the new Video Download Helper Companion App and have Firefox recognize it

2018-02-23 Thread stan
On Fri, 23 Feb 2018 17:46:48 -0500
Temlakos  wrote:

> Did it make any difference that I tried to install it system-wide,
> and not for a user only?

I can't say for sure, but it didn't for me as I followed the
instructions from their web page for user.  If it works for Andras, it
must be something about my (and your) system setup causing the problem.
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Re: Uefi/csm -

2018-02-25 Thread stan
On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 12:15:05 -0500
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> I ordered another Asrock motherboard to replace the one I haven;t
> been able to install Fedora 27 on. The user manual says it can be
> setup to boot uefi or legacy bios by enabling csm. I do not need to
> dual boot with Windows, only Fedora 27 so it appears to me that the
> legacy option is best in my case.
> Is that rightor am I missing something?

My understanding is that secure boot is to protect from unauthorized
access to the machine, and prevent unauthorized software from running
on the machine.  Important for things like laptops that are liable to
be stolen, but less necessary for home desktop computers.

That is, I agree with you.  But I look forward to seeing the reasoning
of people who disagree.
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Re: OT: force re-download in clasw-mail

2018-02-25 Thread stan
On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 22:49:12 + (UTC)
Amadeus WM  wrote:

> I accidentally deleted my inbox messages. I'm accessing my email via
> pop3 and they are still on the server, but when click "Get Mail" in
> claws- mail, nothing happens. Probably claws-mail knows I once had
> them and deleted them, so it's not bringing them again. 
> Is there any way to trick claws-mail into re-downloading my inbox 
> messages? 

I haven't done this, but it should work.  Exit claws mail.  In your home
directory there is a directory called .claws-mail.  In that directory
there is another directory called uidl.  Go into that directory and do
an ls.  Look for the file of the email account that you are interested
in resetting.  Edit its file, and remove the last X entries, enough to
capture all the messages that you accidentally deleted.  Save it, and
now restart claws mail.  If you click get mail, it should download the
messages you deleted (actually, all the X messages whose markers you
removed from the file you edited).
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Re: OT: force re-download in clasw-mail

2018-02-25 Thread stan
On Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:52:31 + (UTC)
Amadeus WM  wrote:

> That's what I've been looking for, seems to be working. Thank you
> very much! 

You're welcome.

> I'm glad I wasn't using IMAP.

No kidding.
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Re: Fedora 26 & 27 are unable to boot with normal graphic mode on this PC with AMD/ATI RS740 [Radeon 2100] GPU

2018-02-27 Thread stan
On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 11:58:36 -
"Farhad Mohammadi Majd"  wrote:

> Hello, I have an old PC from 2008 which has integrated graphics
> processors (IGP), I did install Fedora 26 few months ago and it had
> mentioned problem, I used "nomodeset" kernel parameter for boot
> during installation and local boot, but I didn't report the problem.
> Today I did install Fedora 27 (Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-27-1.6)
> and same problem was exist, fortunately Fedora 27 is smarter and it
> added "nomodeset" kernel parameter to the GRUB configuration file for
> local boot, so there is no need to enter it manually to GRUB.
> $ lspci | grep VGA
> 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
> [AMD/ATI] RS740 [Radeon 2100] 
> Please guide me step-by-step to solve this problem, thank you.

It isn't clear to me from your description what your problem is.  Is
there no video?  Is the video at the wrong resolution?  Does X (or
wayland) fail to start?  If your system is using the radeon driver from
the kernel, I think that is the best that the kernel provides for older
radeon hardware. There is an amdgpu module for newer hardware.

wayland might not support older hardware.  In X, you will need to be
sure that the correct xorg-X11-driver package is installed, 

What does lsmod show for the module the kernel is using?
What shows in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?

Can you successfully boot into multiuser (runlevel 3)?  When the grub
menu comes up, you can hit a key and edit the kernel option line to add
a 3 to the end of it to boot into multiuser.  If you can, what happens
if you then run the command startx?

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Re: Fedora 26 & 27 are unable to boot with normal graphic mode on this PC with AMD/ATI RS740 [Radeon 2100] GPU

2018-02-28 Thread stan
On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 20:07:52 +0330
Farhad Mohammadi Majd  wrote:

> > What does lsmod show for the module the kernel is using?  

The radeon driver is not being loaded by the kernel.  It has support
for your card, from what I can find online.  This is what is causing
your lack of hardware support.  I run the radeon driver and when I do
lsmod | grep -i radeon 
I get
radeon   1552384  12

> > What shows in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?  

The X module for radeon shows support for the RS740 (your card).

> > Can you successfully boot into multiuser (runlevel 3)?  
> Yes, I did add "3" to the end of the line that begins with "linux" and
> removed "nomodeset" parameter to boot as normal, see the line "Kernel
> command line"

Could you try doing a
dnf distro-sync
as root from runlevel 3, just to be sure no cruft was left around from
the upgrade to F27. I notice that your X was compiled on F26, and it
should have updated to an F27 version, I think.

After that, try rebooting with the nomodeset gone from the kernel
line.  I think it is adding nomodeset because the radeon driver is not
loading.  Could you show the kernel settings line?  

What is the resolution on the virtual console when you boot into
runlevel 3?

Until the kernel loads the radeon module at startup, your video card is
not going to work properly.  Something is preventing it from doing
that.  If you type the command 
journalctl -b
and look through the output, do you see any error when the kernel tries
to load the radeon module?  What does the negotiation look like for
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Re: setting screen resolution at boot

2018-03-01 Thread stan
On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 19:47:25 -0700
JD  wrote:

> Hi all,
> on fc27:
> how do I set the screen resolution to less than 1920X1080 ?
> I would like to reduce it to something like  1280X1080
> Is that "doable"? (Pardon my use of doable :) :)
> I would like the DT (Mate) to respect that resolution and show
> everything on desktop as if that is the HW resolution.

I think you meant 1280x720.  But if your monitor is digital, this is a
bad idea.  There was a recent discussion on this list about why it is a
bad idea; the summary is that the dots will not align properly for
text on a lower resolution.  Everything will look fuzzy.

If you are using X, and an analog monitor, you can put a configuration
file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d.  A search on the web will give you
the format.  Use xrandr to get the numbers to plug in.

I don't know how to do this for wayland.

But I think the better thing for you to do is to up the size of fonts
that everything uses, if possible.  Text will look a lot better.
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Re: Weirdnes on screen when booting.

2018-03-01 Thread stan
On Thu, 01 Mar 2018 15:53:45 +0100
"Ger van Dijck"  wrote:

> Hi Fedora,
> When booting Fedora 27 (fully updated) suddenly totaly unpredicted  
> sometimes I get three aps on screen : Home , Filesystem root and Boot.
> If this is the case suddenly in the directory Computer appears the
> aps Boot,Filesystem root,Home and File system : Normally I get
> following content : PLUS DVD +/-RW DU-8A5HH , ST1000LHN101MBB system
> reserved , ST etc.Ger (my name) ,ST etc. Windows 10 Pro and File
> system.
> You understand when this happens I cannot approach the DVD/CD  
> reader/burner and the other aps , that normally  in the directory
> Computer are listed , anymore .
> How can I correct this failure ?

I am not sure what you mean by aps, but I'll assume you are talking
about an icon or menu item.

I can't tell you how to correct this, but it sounds like an
intermittent bug.  When this happens at boot, and when it doesn't, run
journalctl -b, and cut the part of the boot that is concerned with
mounting filesystems and paste it into a text file.  Then, do a diff on
the two files to see what is different in them.  That should point to
what is happening, and allow you to open a bugzilla against the proper
component to get this fixed.

The types of things you are talking about are usually mounted based on
the information in /etc/fstab.  But that doesn't match with Windows
being in the list.  Is this before linux starts, the menu of what
system to start?
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Re: Fedora 26 & 27 are unable to boot with normal graphic mode on this PC with AMD/ATI RS740 [Radeon 2100] GPU

2018-03-02 Thread stan
On Fri, 02 Mar 2018 15:29:18 -
"Farhad Mohammadi Majd"  wrote:

> Instead of upgrade, I did install LightDM, then stop-disable
> gdm.service and enable lightdm.service, then I did boot Fedora without
> "nomodeset" kernel parameter and the result was LightDM ran on the
> highest resolution supported by the monitor, 1920x1080, but like the
> past, none of the available sessions can't start, I did reboot again
> without "nomodeset" and log-in as normal user in one TTY then `startx'
> the below log is for this:

This seems strange
RADEON(0): Setting screen physical size to 508 x 285
but everything else looks good right up until you switch back to a
virtual console.  So, I think there is an error in the startup of the
gnome desktop you are using.  Can you try another desktop?  The lightest
weight desktop available is LXDE, so it wouldn't take a lot of
installs.  And, because it is so simple, it is likely to be less
affected by any conflicts that are affecting your gnome desktop.

I think there is also a way to tell Gnome to run X instead of wayland
from the desktop manager.  Have you tried that?

When the desktop fails to start, and you switch to a virtual console,
if you run journalctl -r (reverse) there should be an indication of what
went wrong with the desktop startup also.

Here's another method.  Boot into runlevel 3.  Then run the commands
below in your home directory.  This boots Gnome directly into X.  The
advantage here is that the errors will display in the terminal if Gnome
fails to start.

echo '#! /bin/bash' > $XCLIENTS
echo ' ' >> $XCLIENTS
chmod +x $XCLIENTS
echo 'GSESSION="$(type -p gnome-session)"' >> $XCLIENTS
echo 'exec $GSESSION' >> $XCLIENTS

> you can see them in log files in the line begins with "Kernel command
> line"
> "  ro nomodeset rhgb quiet LANG=en_US.UTF-8"

If this were a kernel problem, it might be worthwhile to remove quiet,
but for the actual issue this line is fine (you might want to
permanently remove the nomodeset, though, since your card supports

> > What is the resolution on the virtual console when you boot into
> > runlevel 3?  
> the highest resolution supported by the monitor, 1920x1080

Your kernel and driver are just fine.  You can confirm by running
lsmod | grep radeon
and seeing radeon show up.

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Re: setting screen resolution at boot

2018-03-02 Thread stan
On Thu, 01 Mar 2018 19:54:08 -0700
JD  wrote:
> Interesting!!! I am not familiar with that, as this is the first time
> I am encountering this problem of fedora on a 1920x1200 screen.
> 1. Default fonts are just too small.
> 2. Icons of running apps on the bottom panel of Mate DT
>  are incredibly small and undiscernible.
> 3. On the first gui login creen, if  click on the tiny icon of power
> switch, the drop down menu is so tiny,  I have to use 2.0 power
> reading glasses to see where the Shutdown, or Restart selections are.

I can understand why you want to fix this.

> I have done that, but I thought it is a rather kludgey thing to do,
> because there does not seem to be a system-wide setting that
> is used by all components of system and apps.

You might get some ideas from this older question from someone with the
same issue.
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Re: Claws-Mail filters -

2018-03-04 Thread stan
On Sun, 4 Mar 2018 10:49:02 -0500
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> I wanted to try Claws-Mail but after several days of sporadic
> attempts to filter messages into my usual directories I am ready to
> admit defeat and remove Claws. It was installed via dnf in this
> updated Fedora 27. I asked on the Claws list but there was no
> response.

It's a little convoluted (so is my explanation below).  Suppose I want
to send all the mail from you to a spam folder.

I would click on Tools -> Create Filter rule.  I haven't used
automatically, so I'm not sure what will happen there. To get rid of
your mail, I would click By From.  This brings up the list of current
rules.  It shows your address, but a blank action.  I click on the
Define button to the right of Action.  It brings up a window with move
as the default action.  I click on the Select, to select where I want
your mail moved.  Let's say I already have a mail folder called
spam_folder (it has to be defined in claws), and I just click on that.
Then, here's the tricky part, I have to add it to the actions before I
say OK.  Then I have to add it to the list of rules before I say OK.
Now, the filter is all set and will work.

> As a last resort perhaps someone can give me an example of a working
> set of entries for the filter menu? I tried what appeared reasonable
> based on what help I found in google but it always refused to save.

You probably skipped a step, see above.

The actual filter rules are in a file called matcherrc in the directory

Here is an example for folder bugzilla using one of the built-ins
(from) (should be single line, wrapped on re-editing)

enabled rulename "" from matchcase "" move

Here's one for a non default header component (should be single line,
wrapped on re-editing)

enabled rulename "" header "Authentication-Results" matchcase
"spf=fail" move "#mh/Mailbox/spam_folder"

If you decide to make your rules by editing the matcherrc file, be sure
that claws is not running.

Claws might not be suitable for your work flow.  So it goes.  That's
why choice is so great, we all get the tools we want to use.
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Re: Razer laptop Caps-lock key of the death

2018-03-04 Thread stan
On Sun, 04 Mar 2018 16:26:10 +0100
Jeandet Alexis  wrote:

> I tried to add XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:nocaps" in /etc/default/keyboard.

This won't work for wayland.  You would have to run X.
> I'm using Gnome with Wayland. Any idea?

Stop using wayland.  This is an area of wayland that hasn't been
brought up to the same standard as X.  I use a custom keymap, and there
is no way to tell wayland that (last I checked).  It will probably
happen at some point, but this is a pretty obscure use case, and they
have bigger fish to fry right now.
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Re: Starting programs when no internet connection is available

2018-03-14 Thread stan
On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:48:35 +0100 wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm encountering a strange issue with my Fedora 27 Gnome installation.
> I'm sometimes connected to a WiFi network without a working Internet
> connection. When that's the case, some programs like Firefox,
> Thunderbird or even LibreOffice take really long to start. As soon as
> I disable the connection to that particular network (e.g. by enabling
> Airplane Mode), everything works smooth again.
> Any thoughts why that might be?

Thoughts only, not sure if they are true.  My suspicion is that they
are made aware of the connection from network manager as if it is
active, so try to access it, and then have to wait a period of time
until they decide it is not active.

A few months ago there was a discussion here about how network manager
decides that a network connection is live before it has actually
connected.  I think it would be neat if network manager did a ping of
a / the dns address associated with a connection before marking the
connection as active.  Maybe that isn't possible.

I don't think there is a solution to your issue other than the one
you've already found, or waiting for the timeout.

PS  pedantic note, no sanction, 'works smooth' should be 'works
smoothly'. smooth is an adjective, smoothly is the adverb.  Though
there are lots of native speakers who don't adhere to that e.g. real
and really, 'worked real hard' vs 'worked really hard'.  For them, not
you, it's a sign of poor education, and thus a class indicator.
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looking for nonlinear optimizer with constraints accessible from python

2018-03-14 Thread stan
I want to solve a small (a few hundred variables) nonlinear optimization
problem with constraints in Fedora. I've found the scipy optimization
routines, but they are for unconstrained problems.  And there are the
coin-or routines (ipopt, etc.), but they are not easily accessible from
python. Fedora doesn't package pyomo, which can access them, so I've
installed it to --user, but it seems like overkill, so I'm still

I would like something like pulp for linear programming; the closest
I've found is pyOpt, and I like its interface, but it hasn't been
maintained for 4 years, and it throws errors indicating that it might be
incompatible with more recent versions of numpy (f2py) and multiarray.
It can't find the shared libraries, compiled into python using f2py, of
the fortran77 optimization routines it uses.

So, before I go the pyomo route, does anyone have any recommendations
for simple python accessible software that would do this in Fedora?

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Re: sound problem

2018-03-14 Thread stan
On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:36:33 +0100
François Patte  wrote:

> When I log-in, sound is deactivated and I have to manually start it,
> doing:

Are you sure sound is deactivated?  Is it possible it is trying to use
the digital output associated with your video card?  It is usually
found first because video comes up before sound, and thus gets the
coveted position 0 that is the sound default.

> 1-
> killall -9 pulseaudio
> 2-
> start-pulseaudio-x11
> 3- open mixer go to "configation" tab and choose analogic stero
> duplex.
> What is wrong in my sound config and how to correct this.

After 3, when sound is working, open pavucontrol, go to the output
devices tab, and click the green checkmark on the device that you
want pulseaudio to start with.
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Re: What do you open .mobi files with??

2018-03-14 Thread stan
On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 20:18:08 + (UTC)
Beartooth  wrote:

>   Something on sourceforge has been recommended to me, but I
> try to stick to things that dnf can install. Surely there must be
> some Fedora- native ebook reader!

package fbreader
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Re: What do you open .mobi files with??

2018-03-14 Thread stan
On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 13:45:43 -0700
stan  wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 20:18:08 + (UTC)
> Beartooth  wrote:
> > Something on sourceforge has been recommended to me, but I
> > try to stick to things that dnf can install. Surely there must be
> > some Fedora- native ebook reader!  
> package fbreader

After I sent this I checked the date, and this is a very old package.
It still works, though.  You can probably go here,
and get the last version that successfully compiled.  Then install it
dnf -C install fbreader-[version, etc.]
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Re: sound problem

2018-03-15 Thread stan
On Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:03:32 +0100
François Patte  wrote:
> > After 3, when sound is working, open pavucontrol, go to the output
> > devices tab, and click the green checkmark on the device that you
> > want pulseaudio to start with.  
> That is what I do evetime I lo-in but this does not survive to a
> log-out

That should take effect immediately, and pulse should store it
immediately.  Something is wrong in the configuration of your system.
Is there anything in the logs about pulse or alsa failures after you
set your system up the way you want?  How about problems during
discovery at boot in recognizing the sound devices?
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Re: sound problem

2018-03-16 Thread stan
On Fri, 16 Mar 2018 09:06:12 +0100
François Patte  wrote:

> journactl -u pulseaudio (or alsa*) returns nothing
> > How about problems during
> > discovery at boot in recognizing the sound devices?  
> How can I check that?

It sounds like you need a stronger approach.  Can you go here
and download the script and run it.  Put the output in a
file when it asks you.  Then use fpaste (a fedora package) to put the
file in the fedora project pastebin.  That will give you a link that you
can post here so it is possible to examine your setup in more detail.
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Re: sound problem

2018-03-16 Thread stan
On Fri, 16 Mar 2018 18:50:20 +0100
François Patte  wrote:

> Here is the link:

From that output, you should have sound.  Your system put the PCM
(analog) card in the 0 slot, and that is the default location for sound
to be routed to pulseaudio.  Do you by chance have a configuration file
for sound in /etc/modprobe.d that assigns a default device other than 0?

You could also do a 
man pulse-client.conf
and check the locations at the top of that to see if you have a pulse
configuration file that is overriding your settings via the gui.
Especially in your home directory.

Also in ~/.config/pulse there should be a file with []-default-source.
Look at that to be sure that it is pointing to device 0, and analog.

It doesn't make sense that you don't have sound.  I can offer no more
help, perhaps you should post on the alsa-user mailing list, with the
link you showed here, to see if anyone there has an answer.
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Re: sound problem

2018-03-17 Thread stan
On Sat, 17 Mar 2018 11:08:46 +0100
François Patte  wrote:

> But in /usr/lib/modprobe.d/ I have a dist-alsa.conf file with:
> # ALSA Sound Support
> #
> # We want to ensure that snd-seq is always loaded for those who want
> to use # the sequencer interface, but we can't do this automatically
> through udev # at the we have this rule (just for the
> moment). #
> # Remove the following line if you don't want the sequencer.
> install snd-pcm /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-pcm &&
> /sbin/modprobe snd-seq
> Don't know what it means

I also have that and sound works fine here.  So, I would say not a

> In ~/.config/pulse I have:
> bd9a117e29a44dd4b335896e866a41d2-default-sink
> bd9a117e29a44dd4b335896e866a41d2-default-source
> Which are empty when I log-in (in that case the config is: "sortie
> stéréo numérique (iec958) + entrée stéréo analogique" which does not
> work, no sound)

You must have run after you corrected your system because
this is not what it showed.  It showed that the default was pcm
(analog). For some reason, at start up, your system is defaulting to
the iec958 (digital) interface on your nvidia card at startup.  What
happens if immediately after startup you run?
aplay -D plughw:0,0 [some wav file here]
It has to be a wav file as there is no decoding in aplay.  You should
get sound without making any changes to configuration.

> If I change, in the config tab, to duplex stéréo analogique (which
> works) and going to the "output peripheric" tab and press the button
> "define as alternative" these two files in ~/.config/pulse, have
> alsa_input.pci-_00_1b.0.analog-stereo inside, but these files are
> erased at next login/boot.

This is correct, but the erasure, I don't know where that is coming
> > It doesn't make sense that you don't have sound.
> What could erase the files source/sink in my ~/.config/pulse and why
> does the fedora default config does not follow the man
> pulse-client.conf for, according to this manual, there should be a
> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf file or
> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf.d/*.conf files...

I suspect, because of the signature at the front, that those files are
recreated by pulse at each start.  I think *you* have to create the
configuration files in your ~/.config/pulse directory.

Try this:
cp the /etc/pulse/client.conf file to ~/.config/pulse.
Edit the home directory file and change the line
; default-sink =
default-sink = hw:0,0

That should do the right thing at next boot.

If it doesn't work, run
pulseaudio --dump-conf
Then paste the output and the contents of /etc/pulse/
somewhere and show the link here.  That tells the settings that pulse
defaults to and how it is actually running.  Do the run after boot and
before you make any changes.
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Re: sound problem

2018-03-18 Thread stan
On Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:33:36 +0100
François Patte  wrote:

> > You must have run after you corrected your system
> > because this is not what it showed.  It showed that the default was
> > pcm (analog). For some reason, at start up, your system is
> > defaulting to the iec958 (digital) interface on your nvidia card at
> > startup.
> Not the nvidia card: I recently installed this card and the problem
> existed before.

That's good information.

> > What
> > happens if immediately after startup you run?
> > aplay -D plughw:0,0 [some wav file here]
> > It has to be a wav file as there is no decoding in aplay.  You
> > should get sound without making any changes to configuration.  
> Yes, that works

So, it's only a configuration issue.  The hardware is being recognized
and initialized correctly, but not set to analog as default.

> > I suspect, because of the signature at the front, that those files
> > are recreated by pulse at each start.  I think *you* have to create
> > the configuration files in your ~/.config/pulse directory.
> > 
> > Try this:
> > cp the /etc/pulse/client.conf file to ~/.config/pulse.
> > Edit the home directory file and change the line
> > ; default-sink =
> > to
> > default-sink = hw:0,0  
> This does not work.

It was a guess, using alsa conventions.  I couldn't find any pulse
examples that set the sink so I could see what convention they use.
You could try variations on this, like hw:0, or device = hw:0, etc.  It
might be a name though, I'm not sure.
> > That should do the right thing at next boot.
> > 
> > If it doesn't work, run
> > pulseaudio --dump-conf
> ->  
> daemonize = no
> fail = yes
> > Then paste the output and the contents of /etc/pulse/  
> --->  
> #!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF
> #
> # This file is part of PulseAudio.

Both of these look fine.

> Is there somewhere a comprhensive list of configuration files for alsa
> and pulseaudio?

I am not aware of such a list, though it might exist.

I think the configuration file for alsa is /etc/asound.conf

For pulse, the files is man pulse-client.conf and man pulse-daemon.conf
would be the configuration files.

As far as I can tell, there is no reason for the behavior you are
experiencing from the information you have provided.  I wonder if it
has to do with the fact that the realtek ALC892 is part of a video
card, and thus is automatically hard coded to digital output by the
video driver. I would think there would be lots of complaints if that
was happening, because it wouldn't be only you affected.

Do you have another sound card you can try?  If not, there are cheap
stereo USB sound devices that sell for around a dollar on ebay.  The
sound of these is surprisingly good.  If everything works correctly when
using a dedicated sound device, then it probably has something to do
with being part of a video device.

I'm tapped out.  You could try opening a bugzilla ticket against
pulseaudio to see if anyone there has an idea.
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Re: Administrivia: DMARC mitigations enabled -- applies to Yahoo addresses, at least (was Re: HYPERKITTY does not show messages parts being addressed in replies.)

2018-03-29 Thread stan
On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 17:27:40 -0400
Todd Zullinger  wrote:

> Hi all,
> As we've discussed in this thread and others recently,
> messages from subscribers do not reach
> subscribers (among others).  This is due to an
> aggressive policy set by Yahoo which breaks mail sent via
> the mailing list.
> The mitigation enabled should change the From: address of
> the outgoing mail to the list address.  This should only
> apply to users of and other domains which set a
> similar DMARC policy.  Subscribers at other domains should
> see no change to the From: address of mail they send to the
> list.
> I believe that only the email address will be changed, and
> not the sender's name, but I am not certain of that yet.
> Hopefully this mitigation will work well and provide an
> overall improvement to the list.  If not, we'll revert it.

Would this change be why I'm suddenly seeing oodles of old messages
showing up on the list?  Messages that I've already seen, since I don't
have a problem with messages from yahoo addresses being invisible.  I'm
not sure what this will do to any messages I've saved - will they be
deleted when I delete these old messages that are showing up as if they
are new?
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Re: Administrivia: DMARC mitigations enabled -- applies to Yahoo addresses, at least (was Re: HYPERKITTY does not show messages parts being addressed in replies.)

2018-03-29 Thread stan
On Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:49:28 -0400
Todd Zullinger  wrote:

> This shouldn't be related to that.  All it does is change
> the From: field of messages sent from domains with very
> strict DMARC policies, so that they use the list address.
> The sender name is kept, with 'via $list_name' appended.

Then why all of a sudden am I seeing these old messages?  I've seen
messages from as long ago as last November, but most are from February
and March.  And coincidentally, they started at around the time you
made the change.  :-)  Since I get my mail as pop3, and the messages
are saved on the mail server, is there any way that some header field
could be telling the mail server that those old messages are suddenly
new again?  Or is it more likely that they made a change to their
mail servers at the same time that you made a change to the Fedora
mailing lists?

> No change we make to the list settings could affect your
> saved messages.  (I'm presuming that you're referring to
> messages saved in your email client.)

That's what I thought, but it is good to have confirmation.  My
thought is if the same message comes in as new that I have saved, it
must have different header metadata of some sort or the client would
show it as already read.
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Re: Administrivia: DMARC mitigations enabled -- applies to Yahoo addresses, at least (was Re: HYPERKITTY does not show messages parts being addressed in replies.)

2018-03-29 Thread stan
On Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:49:28 -0400
Todd Zullinger  wrote:

> > Would this change be why I'm suddenly seeing oodles of old messages
> > showing up on the list?  Messages that I've already seen, since I
> > don't have a problem with messages from yahoo addresses being
> > invisible.  
> This shouldn't be related to that.  All it does is change
> the From: field of messages sent from domains with very
> strict DMARC policies, so that they use the list address.
> The sender name is kept, with 'via $list_name' appended.

I checked the headers on some of the messages, and they show the
original date for the mail, while the receipt from the client shows
today.  That to me indicates that it is a problem at my email service
provider, and I'll take it up with them.

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Re: vt's enable screen blanking

2018-04-09 Thread stan
On Mon, 09 Apr 2018 08:57:12 -0700
Wolfgang S Rupprecht  wrote:

> How does one activate screen blanking on the vt's these days?

I use setterm --blank=60 to prevent the screens from blanking after
whatever the default is (10 minutes?).  I don't know where the actual
setting is, though.  But you could put it in an rc.local file with
whatever value you want to use so it is set on startup.
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Re: vt's enable screen blanking

2018-04-09 Thread stan
On Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:56:43 -0700
Wolfgang S Rupprecht  wrote:

> That looks like a fine solution if you are logged in on a terminal and
> you want to change it for your current terminal.  I'm not sure how
> that would work from rc.local.  How would I tell it to do that to all
> the vt's?  (I tried the stdin and stdout as redirection targets but it
> didn't seem to work.)

A quick search turned up these pages, which should get you a little
further on your journey.
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Re: vt's enable screen blanking

2018-04-12 Thread stan
On Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:16:52 -0700
"Wolfgang S. Rupprecht"  wrote:

> stan  writes:

> > A quick search turned up these pages, which should get you a little
> > further on your journey.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> Thanks.   Those are both 7 years old and things appear to have changed
> much.

Did you try this from the suggestions at the links?  I didn't, but the
console has not changed that drastically lately because the emphasis
has been on the GUI, so it should still work.

The only permanent solution is to add consoleblank=0 to the kernel
command-line. You can view the value (which defaults to 600 seconds) in:


The default console blanking behavior is baked into the kernel at
compile time. It is configurable at boot time with the paramater
consoleblank=, or in userspace with setterm. From the kernel
documentation (kernel-parameters.txt):

consoleblank=  [KNL] The console blank (screen saver) timeout in
   seconds. Defaults to 10*60 = 10mins. A value of 0
   disables the blank timer.

I see it is still documented in the kernel Documentation, so I don't
think it has gone away, and the path is still there on my system.
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Re: HW and SW threats: how to block?

2018-04-14 Thread stan
On Sat, 14 Apr 2018 00:20:28 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 04/12/2018 04:04 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
> > And again, if you don't allow your browser or mail client to install
> > software (which is a spectacularly bad idea in the first place) and
> > you're careful about which links you click and which packages you
> > download and install, it's sort of a moot point.  
> It's not about installing something.  A website can run javascript on 
> your browser (unless you're using the mentioned javascript blockers 
> which cripple most sites).  And apparently a website could have 
> javascript keep running even after you leave the site.  This has 
> possibly been corrected by Firefox.  I don't remember all the details.

I think that closing the tab ends the javascript access for that site.
But I'm running noscript, so it might be that it is noscript, and not
firefox, enforcing that.  I also run cookie autodelete, and that might
end access for a site because any cookies it created are deleted when
the tab is closed.  I say this because when I close a tab for a site
that I've logged into, and then open a new tab for it, I have to enable
javascript and log in for that site again.

This is complicated, because of the way the web works.  If everything
displayed in the browser was created by the foreign web server, it would
be simpler, though slower.  Allowing foreign software to run in the
client browser is a security hole, because there will always be bugs, or
unintended access routes, in complex software for the bad guys to
exploit.  The binary for firefox is about 80 MBytes (the hg
source repository is over 4 GBytes), that's a lot of attack surface.
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Re: Fedora 27: Remmina and VNC incoming connection

2018-04-19 Thread stan
On Thu, 19 Apr 2018 14:29:43 +0200
Dario Lesca  wrote:

> I think Fedora must buil the remmina package with this option enabled
> If this plugin is enable, and sometime and in some circumstance not
> work, is better than it's not enable and alway do not work.
> What is the best way to report this my suggest?

Open a bugzilla against remmina package at the address below.

You will have to click through "enter a new bug", and then select
Fedora until you have received a new bug entry page.  Select the
component (remmina) at the top, and then pretty much fill it in with
what you have put in your emails.
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Re: Sudo but no su -

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 13:03:58 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> I installed Virtual Manager in this Fedora 27 workstation system and 
> created afedora 28 beta installation and was surprised to find I 
> haveonly user bobg, no root account. Sometimes it's convenient to
> keep a work space for root and I was unable to do that, could not do
> dnf upgrade or groupinstall xfce unless I used sudo. Is that a
> virt-manager feature or is it going to be normal for Fedora 28?

I think I remember reading that there will be no default root
account after install of F28 or later.  Again, I think I remember the
workaround was to use sudo, and then create a root account with
useradd.  You will have to specify the root directory as /root (man
useradd), otherwise I think the default is to create it in /home
(/home/root? :-)).  Be sure to check the permissions on the /root
directory after you create it. The default that used to be created by
anaconda was 550.
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Re: Sudo but no su -

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 10:30:37 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> There *has* to be a root account.  By default there is no root
> password unless you set one during the installation.  I think there
> has been talk of removing that option from the installer.  All you
> have to do is "sudo passwd" to set the root password and then you can
> directly use the root account again if you want.

Thanks for the info.  Does there have to be a home directory for
the obligatory root account?  The tone of the discussions I read was
that root user was an anachronism, and linux would be better without
it.  That's only my interpretation, of course, so it could be wrong.
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Re: Sudo but no su -

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 11:05:28 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> The home directory for root is /root.

Good to know that it will always be there.  Habit for me is to use root
and su instead of sudo.  old dog - new tricks  :-)
> I think the majority opinion now is that logging in as the root user
> is discouraged.  In almost all cases sudo is sufficient and if you
> need to do root things for a while, just use "sudo -i".  For remote
> access as root, use keys.

I guess I hold the minority opinion, but that's OK.  Linux is all about
choice, and the more the better.
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Re: Sudo but no su -

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 12:54:08 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> I'm curious what you find you need to use a root login for.  I used
> to use that all the time, but gradually I switched over and on my
> desktop system, it is extremely rare that I use it.  (I think only
> when the graphical display is messed up and I have to switch to a
> console to fix it.)  The places I do use a root login are for remote
> admin, either servers or remote laptops and computer that I
> administer.  And in almost all cases, the root account is accessed
> using ssh with keys, no passwords.

I use it mostly to install software.  I run dnf updates from a virtual
console as root, and when I build the kernel or a package from a
src.rpm, I use root to install it also.  I have used the root password
when an upgrade to a new rawhide failed.  I could probably get by with
using sudo, but like I said, habit.  Why expend the effort to learn a
new way of doing things that is no better than what I'm already doing?
The only advantage I see with using sudo is that there is only 1
password to remember instead of 2, but that isn't an issue for me.
Another minor benefit is that I always log in as root on the same
virtual console, so that when I go to that console I know that I am
root, and I take greater care.

TLDR; if I had to I could switch, but why bother?
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Re: H.264 video broken after updating to Fedora 28

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 21:41:46 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> After upgrading to Fedora 28, most of Youtube is broken in Firefox,
> claiming lack of H.264 codec support.
> Googling around, found this:
> But none of the packages are currently available:
> [root@thinkpad yum.repos.d]# dnf config-manager --set-enabled
> fedora-cisco-openh264 [root@thinkpad yum.repos.d]# dnf install
> gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 mozilla-openh264 Last metadata expiration
> check: 0:00:00 ago on Thu 26 Apr 2018 09:40:47 PM EDT.
> No match for argument: gstreamer1-plugin-openh264
> No match for argument: mozilla-openh264
> Error: Unable to find a match
> Meanwhile, back on Fedora 27, H.264 video works fine in Firefox,
> without any of this.

I'm running F28 and haven't had any problem playing videos for the weeks
I have been. I just went to youtube and had no problem watching a video
with both the Fedora firefox and nightly. Is there a specific way to
make sure that a video is H264 (mp4) instead of webm (most of youtube)?
Can you maybe point me to a video that has the problem so I can try
playing it?

It appears there might be something in your configuration causing a
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Re: H.264 video broken after updating to Fedora 28

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 22:38:16 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> If you go to does it tell you that
> your browser has H.264 support?
> Fedora 27 Firefox does. Fedora 28 Firefox does not.

Yes, it does.  I thought of a reason why this might be true.  I had
been running a version of rawhide that was updated for many releases,
and decided to stop at F28.  I probably carried over into F28 from those
earlier releases whatever is causing your problem, especially if yours
was a new install.

To Todd's point, I noticed in my updates today that rpmfusion had ffmpeg
updates, so that might solve your problem.
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Re: H.264 video broken after updating to Fedora 28

2018-04-26 Thread stan
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 23:23:28 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> > To Todd's point, I noticed in my updates today that rpmfusion had
> > ffmpeg updates, so that might solve your problem.  
> Yes, that seems to be one way to get there.
> I already had rpmfusion, and this us where I had full HTML5 support
> from, including H.264, up to F27. But I did not have
> rpmfusion-rawhide enabled, and I lost H.264 after updating to F28.
> If you say that you were only on Fedora rawhide, but not rpmfusion
> rawhide, and you still have H.264 without compat-ffmpeg28 from
> rpmfusion rawhide, it would be useful to compare notes, to figure out
> where you're getting H.264 from, in F28.
No, I have
Name: compat-ffmpeg28
Version : 2.8.14
Release : 1.fc28
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Thu 15 Mar 2018 03:05:26 PM MST

installed.  And I've had rpmfusion-rawhide enabled the whole time, so
that is probably why it is working.  I don't have the cisco repo
enabled, though.

installed today, so rpmfusion now has an F28 repository.  You should be
able to install the compat-ffmpeg28 from there.
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Re: pip install as non-root on Fedora

2018-05-02 Thread stan
On Wed, 2 May 2018 09:48:36 -0400
Todd Zullinger  wrote:

> Ian Pilcher wrote:
> > Is it possible to get $SUBJECT working?  I need to install 'grip'
> > from, and trying to do so as a
> > normal user isn't working (permission denied errors trying to write
> > to /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages).  
> I believe you need to add the --user option.  That may
> become the default at some point, but it looks like it isn't
> yet for pip (I didn't check if pip3 defaults to --user).
> This works for me: pip install --user grip
And if you want to decide where pip will install to with the --user
option, put something like this in your .bashrc

PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/[your user]/src/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
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Re: F28 - kernel-PAE missing?

2018-05-02 Thread stan
On Wed, 2 May 2018 06:26:23 -0400
Jim Simmons  wrote:

> I upgraded a 32-bit Fedora 27 system to Fedora 28 using the normal dnf
> upgrade procedure.  The upgrade finished but the system is still
> running a Fedora 27 kernel.
> There don't appear to be any kernel-PAE* packages in the repos and I
> don't see this mentioned anywhere in the docs I've found.  Are they no
> longer supported?  A quick attempt at using the normal kernel didn't
> work - the system went to a black screen with just a cursor and hung.
> I did a control-alt-del and it hung with a message from systemd about
> starting something to do with the root device.  I ran out of time
> testing - I'll look at it later.
> Is there anythng special about going back to the regular kernel?

I don't think PAE kernels are supported anymore.  So, unless you
download the src.rpm and build it yourself, you will not get one.
There is no maintenance for 32 bit anymore, so probably not a good idea.
Or, you could continue to run F27 PAE kernels on F28 until F27 goes end
of life, or a dependency problem arises.

The suggestion there seems to be to buy new hardware, or move to a
distribution that continues to support PAE.
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Re: The /crypt method to support habitual clean installs of Fedora without losing data

2018-05-02 Thread stan
On Wed, 2 May 2018 17:24:41 -0400
Temlakos  wrote:

> The syntax I have worked out for the commands to mount the auxiliary 
> filesystem as /crypt is:
> $ sudo mkdir /crypt
> $ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /crypt
> (Here I start with "$ sudo" instead of "#" because to get a "#"
> prompt I have to execute "su," and that can be dangerous.)
> The syntax for establishing a symlink is even simpler:
> ln -s /crypt/UserName/Dir
> where UserName is the name of a specific created user, and Dir is 
> Documents, Pictures, Music, Public, Templates, Videos, and anything
> else I want to preserve from one iteration of Fedora to the next. Of
> course I have to remove the "hard" directories that Fedora normally
> sets up before I execute these link commands.
> To whoever invented this method: am I missing anything?

I don't think it was me, but I do use something very similar.  Except
that since I only have one user, I put the /crypt equivalent that I use
into /etc/fstab so it gets mounted under /mnt/[disk-identifier]/crypt on
boot. The advantage of disk-identifier (UUID or custom label) is that
it doesn't change if you boot from a different disk or the disk order
changes because you add a disk. You should only have to do your first
command once, and the second one each time you boot with your method.
The conventional place to put such mount points is under /mnt, though
you can of course put them anywhere you like.

Then the links in home just point to the various directories
under /mnt/[disk-identifier]/crypt as you have above.  From then on, it
is maintenance free.  And it allows me to boot a second version of
Fedora (the previous one) with access to all the same data as the
primary version. Great if there are problems since it has the same
links in its home directory.
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Re: The /crypt method to support habitual clean installs of Fedora without losing data

2018-05-02 Thread stan
On Wed, 2 May 2018 16:02:01 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 05/02/2018 03:57 PM, stan wrote:
> > Then the links in home just point to the various directories
> > under /mnt/[disk-identifier]/crypt as you have above.  From then
> > on, it is maintenance free.  And it allows me to boot a second
> > version of Fedora (the previous one) with access to all the same
> > data as the primary version. Great if there are problems since it
> > has the same links in its home directory.  
> Do you link the user home folder or the folders inside of the user's 
> home?  It sounds like you are doing the first, but the OP is wanting
> to do the second.

I do the second.  I have a bunch of directories like src and jpg and
vid and ... that are just links to directories in the data store.
These are things that I want to have access to whichever system I
boot.  It sounds complicated and difficult, but it is straightforward.
Maybe not for everyone, but works for me.
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Re: Any way to disable debugsource generation on fedora >= 27

2018-05-02 Thread stan
On Thu, 3 May 2018 11:08:47 +0800
Robin Lee  wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently upgrade my host from f26 to f28. But to keep compatible
> with old behavior,
> I am figuring out a way to revert the change 'Separate Subpackage and
> Source Debuginfo'[1].
> That means let rpm not generate debugsource and subpackage debuginfo.
> Simply adding '%_debugsource_packages 0' to ~/.rpmmacros does not
> work.
> [1]

A possible suggestion:

From /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros
#  configure macros.  note that most of these are inherited
#  from the defaults.
%_localstatedir /var

%_pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}

%_fmoddir   %{_libdir}/gfortran/modules

%_enable_debug_packages 1
%_include_minidebuginfo 1
%_include_gdb_index 1
%_debugsource_packages  1
%_debuginfo_subpackages 1

From the man page for rpmbuild:
--with OPTION
  Enable configure OPTION for build.

--without OPTION
  Disable configure OPTION for build.

Does adding the option --without _enable_debug_packages  to the end
of the rpmbuild line work?  If it does, you could just disable any 
other debug options above that you don't want the same way.

You could ask on the fedora-devel list where people will be more
familiar with this topic.
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Re: Any way to disable debugsource generation on fedora >= 27

2018-05-03 Thread stan
On Wed, 2 May 2018 23:57:53 -0400
Todd Zullinger  wrote:

> stan wrote:
> > From the man page for rpmbuild:
> > """
> > --with OPTION
> >   Enable configure OPTION for build.
> > 
> > --without OPTION
> >   Disable configure OPTION for build.
> > """
> > 
> > Does adding the option --without _enable_debug_packages  to the end
> > of the rpmbuild line work?  If it does, you could just disable any 
> > other debug options above that you don't want the same way.  
> The --with/--without arguments toggle conditions set via
> %bcond_with and %bcond_without.  So that won't do what Robin
> wants.
> More details on --with/--without are here:


My knowledge of this is minimal, but I was going by the kernel, which
was probably a bad choice, as the kernel is unique.  There, passing
--without-debuginfo turns off debug package generation, but that is
probably due to special coding in the spec file, shown below.
# The following build options are enabled by default.
# Use either --without  in your rpmbuild command or force values
# to 0 in here to disable them.
# standard kernel
%define with_up%{?_without_up:0} %{?!_without_up:1}
# kernel PAE (only valid for i686 (PAE) and ARM (lpae))
%define with_pae   %{?_without_pae:   0} %{?!_without_pae:   0}
# kernel-debug
%define with_debug %{?_without_debug: 0} %{?!_without_debug: 0}
# kernel-headers
%define with_headers   %{?_without_headers:   0} %{?!_without_headers:   1}
%define with_cross_headers   %{?_without_cross_headers:   0} 
%{?!_without_cross_headers:   0}
# kernel-debuginfo
%define with_debuginfo %{?_without_debuginfo: 0} %{?!_without_debuginfo: 0}
# kernel-bootwrapper (for creating zImages from kernel + initrd)
%define with_bootwrapper %{?_without_bootwrapper: 0} %{?!_without_bootwrapper: 
# Want to build a the vsdo directories installed
%define with_vdso_install %{?_without_vdso_install: 0} 
%{?!_without_vdso_install: 1}
# Additional options for user-friendly one-off kernel building:
# Only build the base kernel (--with baseonly):
%define with_baseonly  %{?_with_baseonly: 1} %{?!_with_baseonly: 0}
# Only build the pae kernel (--with paeonly):
%define with_paeonly   %{?_with_paeonly:  1} %{?!_with_paeonly:  0}
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Re: desktop background image

2018-05-05 Thread stan
On Fri, 4 May 2018 18:57:30 -0400
Jeffrey Ross  wrote:

> I upgraded my system to Fedora 28 (from 26 -> 27 -> 28) and when I 
> upgraded to 28 I no longer had a desktop background image, the
> desktop was simply "black".  I dismissed it as a minor issue and
> Suggestions?

I don't have much experience with this, since I run wallpapoz, but I
think it matters which desktop manager and which desktop you use.
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qutebrowser fails with a certificate error in F28 - Seems that it is looking for and not finding it in

2018-05-09 Thread stan
So, I'm trying qutebrowser from the Fedora package, and it starts, but
can't reach the web. It has this error that it is unable to verify the
certificate, not only for this website, but for any website I try.

CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-5992

A little searching and messing about, and /usr/lib64/libnssckbi
follows some weird redirections twice, and its dependency on doesn't seem to be found.  But it seems that vdso
is automatically mapped into all executables, so shouldn't be an issue.

Everything else seems to be installed for certificates to work, and
they work fine in firefox. Can anyone shed light on a possible solution?
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Re: qutebrowser fails with a certificate error in F28 - Seems that it is looking for and not finding it in

2018-05-10 Thread stan
On Thu, 10 May 2018 11:11:13 +0800
Ed Greshko  wrote:

> Just FYI.  Sorry, I can't shed any light on this since I just
> installed qutebrowser on a fully updated F28/KDE system and it starts
> and runs just fine.

Actually, that does shed some light.  qutebrowser uses qt5 with
qtwebengine and pyqt5.  I have all desktops installed, since I use
applications from other desktops (I usually use lxde), but obviously not
everything needed for qutebrowser to work.  So, I can boot into kde and
see if it works there to determine if it is lxde at fault, or if my kde
install isn't complete enough.

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Re: kernel not configured for semaphores

2018-05-10 Thread stan
On Thu, 10 May 2018 07:57:29 -0700
Paolo Galtieri  wrote:

> Folks,
>    twice now in the last 2 days when I have sat in front of my PC I
> have found the following message on the screen:
> Kernel not configured for semaphores (System V IPC). Not using udev 
> synchronization code.
> Halting.
> Since I have not modified my kernel from what I downloaded when I did 
> the most recent update I don't understand why this message is
> appearing. Both times it occurred during the night because I find it
> first thing in the morning.
> Anyone have any idea what is causing this message to appear?

This is probably something else other than the kernel that has a bug.
You can check if your kernel has semaphores set by going into /boot and
grep -i -e 'IPC' [config file for your running kernel]
It should show something like
My suspicion would fall on systemd as a cause for your problem.  But
that's just a guess based on the error message, I haven't actually
checked for the error message in the source.
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Re: qutebrowser fails with a certificate error in F28 - Seems that it is looking for and not finding it in

2018-05-10 Thread stan
On Thu, 10 May 2018 08:40:51 -0700
stan  wrote:

> On Thu, 10 May 2018 11:11:13 +0800
> Ed Greshko  wrote:
> > Just FYI.  Sorry, I can't shed any light on this since I just
> > installed qutebrowser on a fully updated F28/KDE system and it
> > starts and runs just fine.  
> Actually, that does shed some light.  qutebrowser uses qt5 with
> qtwebengine and pyqt5.  I have all desktops installed, since I use
> applications from other desktops (I usually use lxde), but obviously
> not everything needed for qutebrowser to work.  So, I can boot into
> kde and see if it works there to determine if it is lxde at fault, or
> if my kde install isn't complete enough.
> Thanks.

Well, my experience was different than yours; qutebrowser didn't work
for me in KDE either, with the same error.  So, it is some fundamental
configuration of my system that is not compatible with the way
qutebrowser wants to use certificates.  I did have a lot of errors and
warnings during kde startup because I have many services like
geolocation and dnfdaemon masked.  However, kde came up and worked just
fine, as far as I could tell.  It was responsive, and performed all my
requests without complaint.

Hmmm, back to the drawing board.
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SOLVED: cruft, bad ldconfig path Re: qutebrowser fails with a certificate error in F28 - Seems that it is looking for and not finding it in

2018-05-10 Thread stan
On Thu, 10 May 2018 09:50:49 -0700
stan  wrote:

This turned out to be a file in /etc/ that had a path set
to /usr/local/lib/firefox.  When I removed that file and ran ldconfig,
qutebrowser started just fine.  And it had no effect on running
nightly (firefox), which is installed in that directory along with the
libraries it needs by mach. I probably set it at some time in the past
to get nightly to start because of a library conflict with the fedora
packaged firefox.  It was dated January of this year.
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Re: Package dependency paradox with package 'tuned'

2018-05-14 Thread stan
On Mon, 14 May 2018 13:05:41 +0200
Eino Virtanen  wrote:

> Error: Package: tuned-profiles-realtime-2.8.0-5.el7.noarch (@rt)
>Requires: tuned = 2.8.0
>Removing: tuned-2.8.0-5.el7_4.2.noarch (@updates)
>tuned = 2.8.0-5.el7_4.2
>Updated By: tuned-2.9.0-1.el7.noarch (base)
>tuned = 2.9.0-1.el7
>Available: tuned-2.7.1-5.el7.noarch (rt)
>tuned = 2.7.1-5.el7
>Available: tuned-2.8.0-5.el7.noarch (rt)
>tuned = 2.8.0-5.el7
> ###
> My interpretation is that the 'tuned-profiles-realtime' requires
> 'tuned' version '2.8.0', but version '2.9.0-1.el7' is currently
> installed? Should I force installation of 'tuned' version '2.8.0', or
> what would be a sensible solution to this problem?

My interpretation is that 'tuned-profiles-realtime' needs to be
compiled with tuned version '2.9.0-1.el7.  Because it requires
version 2.8 of tuned, it is blocking the update to tuned 2.9.

You should open a bugzilla against tuned-profiles-realtime asking for
it to be recompiled with tuned 2.9.  Maybe it's already done, and just
waiting in testing for enough karma, and you've just been caught by a
timing issue, though.  So, you could wait a day or two to see if the
situation resolves itself.

PS this is the Fedora list, your question is probably more appropriate
for a centos list, if there is one.  I know, I know, cousins.
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Dialog box pops up now when double clicking on desktop icons in LXDE, asking for confirmation. Want to stop this behavior.

2018-05-15 Thread stan
The subject pretty much says it.  In the last week or so, the behavior
of the icons on the desktop has changed to require confirmation before
opening the application in LXDE.  There is one icon, the one for
spectacle, the screen capture application, that this does not happen
for.  So there must be a way to stop it from happening.  Would this be
an issue in X (LXDE still runs only on X as far as I am aware), LXDE, or
maybe selinux or some other security app?  There have been hundreds of
updates in that time frame, so unless I absolutely have to, I'd rather
not go back looking through them for a likely culprit.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Package dependency paradox with package 'tuned'

2018-05-15 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 08:34:07 +0200
Eino Virtanen  wrote:

> Ah, allright, thanks for clearing that up for me Stan!

You're welcome, glad it helped.
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Re: How to repair a Fedora28 file system ?

2018-05-15 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 17:14:28 +0200
"Ger van Dijck"  wrote:
> Question : Is there a way to repair the unix file system under Fedora
> 28 ?

I think it depends on the filesystem, and the problem you are having.
For ext[2-4] file systems, there is e2fsck.  Be very cautious with
using any tool, since you can damage the filesystem with the tool if
used incorrectly.  man e2fsck for details.

Other people might be able to help if you give the filesystem type and
describe the problem.
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Re: Dialog box pops up now when double clicking on desktop icons in LXDE, asking for confirmation. Want to stop this behavior.

2018-05-15 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 11:55:38 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 05/15/2018 08:06 AM, stan wrote:
> > The subject pretty much says it.  In the last week or so, the
> > behavior of the icons on the desktop has changed to require
> > confirmation before opening the application in LXDE.  There is one
> > icon, the one for spectacle, the screen capture application, that
> > this does not happen for.  So there must be a way to stop it from
> > happening.  Would this be an issue in X (LXDE still runs only on X
> > as far as I am aware), LXDE, or maybe selinux or some other
> > security app?  There have been hundreds of updates in that time
> > frame, so unless I absolutely have to, I'd rather not go back
> > looking through them for a likely culprit.  
> Check that the executable bit is set on those files.

It's strange, spectacle had no executable permission, and when I looked
at the properties it says no one can execute it.  The problem icons all
had executable permissions, and the properties were anybody can
execute.  I removed the executable permissions, but no difference.
When I have a chance, I'll try restarting X to see if it picks up the
new properties of these icons, and they then have the same behavior as
spectacle.  I think you are onto something, since the executable
permissions were such a match for behavior, if in a negative manner.
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Re: Dialog box pops up now when double clicking on desktop icons in LXDE, asking for confirmation. Want to stop this behavior.

2018-05-15 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 14:18:35 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> When I double-click a .desktop file in Nautilus, Gnome pops up a
> dialog box saying that the file is not trusted and do I want to trust
> it and execute it.  After agreeing, the proper icon shows up instead
> of the basic file icon.  I don't know where it stores the
> information, but it must save the path somewhere, because if you
> replace the file with something else, the new file is still trusted.

Restarting X didn't work, but the above gave me the hint I needed.  I
deleted the offending icons and re-created them, and now they work like
they always did.  It seems some api changed, and needed the re-creation
to configure it so it would work properly. That was one of the first
things I tried, deleting and re-creating an icon.  Then, it had the
same behavior, now it works.  The only difference between the two icons
I can see is that the new one doesn't have a description or tooltip.
What would the universe be without mysteries?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Dialog box pops up now when double clicking on desktop icons in LXDE, asking for confirmation. Want to stop this behavior.

2018-05-16 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 16:02:12 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> You can go into the ~/Desktop folder and see the files that
> correspond to the icons.  They should be .desktop files, but maybe
> they weren't before.

They are all desktop now.  I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if they
weren't before, since I was looking for inconsistencies.  But, whatever
they were, everything was working fine until the update that broke
this.  I still have no idea what that was, but at least everything is
working now, so I'll just let it go.
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Re: Unable to lower cpu frequency

2018-05-16 Thread stan
On Tue, 15 May 2018 19:59:53 -0600
JD  wrote:

> # /bin/cpupower --cpu all frequency-set -g performance 2G
> # /bin/cpupower --cpu all frequency-info | grep "current CPU
> frequency is" current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz (asserted by call to
> hardware). current CPU frequency is 2.80 GHz (asserted by call to
> hardware).
> Cpu can accept frquencies as low as 800MHz.
> So, does anyone have a more magical incantation to force the 2 cores
> to run at 2.0 GHz?

You could try adding --max?  I'm not sure what the default is, might be

When governor is set to performance, the CPU runs full out all the time.
It is possible to change the governor on a running system, but I'm not
sure how.  You could change it to one of the below other than
performance, if it has been compiled into the kernel.  As you can see,
I have only the ondemand governor in my kernel.

These are the settings for my CPU, from boot/config-[]
# DEVFREQ Governors

Also, IIRC, the setting of CPU frequency is usually done directly in the
BIOS / firmware.  In the kernel docs they say that some CPUs can't be
set from the kernel (but don't give a list).  i.e. the BIOS would be
your only option if you have one of those, and it sounds like you
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Re: after F27->F28 upgrade, hangs at end of boot

2018-05-16 Thread stan
> > On May 15, 2018, at 1:51 PM, Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> > It's likely that the vbox video driver doesn't have the full
> > support that works with Wayland.

On Wed, 16 May 2018 06:50:44 -0500
Bev in TX  wrote:

> Is this a Gnome specific issue, or does it affect all Linux desktops?

It would affect any desktop that tries to run wayland as default.  As
far as I know, right now that is only Gnome and KDE, but I don't pay
much attention to this, since wayland lacks functionality I need, so it
isn't on my radar.

PS  On mailing lists, it is good etiquette to post replies under the
portion of the text they refer to, so it isn't necessary to be
familiar with the topic chain to understand the question.  More answers
are likely that way.
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Re: F27 problems with pam?

2018-05-16 Thread stan
On Wed, 16 May 2018 10:09:04 +0200
Gianluca Cecchi  wrote:

> BTW: with latest updates there is also a problem with audio card, not
> detected any more.
> From hwinfo point of view I see this:
> snd_hda_codec_hdmi: /devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/hdaudioC0D3
> snd_hda_codec_hdmi: module = snd_hda_codec_hdmi
> snd_hda_codec_generic: module = snd_hda_codec_generic
> snd_hda_codec_realtek: module = snd_hda_codec_realtek
> snd_hda_codec_realtek: /devices/pci:00/:00:1b.0/hdaudioC0D0
> The pc is an Asus U36SD
> Running  in the ouptut I see
> pcilib: sysfs_read_vpd: read failed: Input/output error
> and in the generated file I see
> !!Soundcards recognised by ALSA
> !!-
>  0 [PCH]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH
>   HDA Intel PCH at 0xdf00 irq 34
> !!PCI Soundcards installed in the system
> !!--
> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
> Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)
> !!Advanced information - PCI Vendor/Device/Subsystem ID's
> !!---
> 00:1b.0 0403: 8086:1c20 (rev 05)
> Subsystem: 1043:1ba3
> but in mate and cinnamon nothing as hardware device
> Up to three days ago I could choose between analog and hdmi
> Full output file here:
> Any help on these problems?

Can't help with the network permissions problem, but for the sound
problem, you can install pavucontrol, and check which device is set as
default.  Since non-deterministic instantiation of drivers is the norm,
it is possible that the order of your sound devices has changed, and
the old default now points to the hdmi device.  An easy try, at least.
alsa-info shows that the pci device is there.  If you have a wav file,
you can try 
aplay --D plughw:1,0 [wav file]
to see if the device is working.
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Re: Compile issues after F27 -> F28 upgrade

2018-05-16 Thread stan
On Wed, 16 May 2018 10:16:26 -0700 wrote:

> I did an upgrade from Fedora 27 to the Fedora 28 beta a while back.
> (About a week before final release.) After the update I tried to
> recompile a program I use often. The program would compile after a
> bit of patching, but it would not start.
> Using ldd I was able to determine that the ldconfig database still
> had old entries from the Fedora 27 install that had been
> upgraded/erased.
> Is this a known issue or am I just going mad?

Is it possible that *you* put those entries there?  If they didn't come
from a package, they wouldn't have been changed by the update.   It's
possible there was a packaging miscue, but having been recently burned
by a file I left in /etc/, it's the first thing I thought
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Re: F27 problems with pam?

2018-05-17 Thread stan
On Thu, 17 May 2018 10:54:57 +0200
Gianluca Cecchi  wrote:

> Thanks Stan for your feedback.
> Actually it seems I've narrowed the origin of the problem.
> I have been using Mate as DE for many months without any problem.
> Only recently (when still in F27 and some days before the start of the
> problems described in this thread) I switched from gdm to lghtdm
> because I had some lagging events and I tried to eliminate at all
> gnome/gdm/gnome-shell dependency
> Now (I'm in F28) it is simply sufficient to re-enable gdm and
> connectusing Gnome as DE to see that all is ok:
> - logout/shutdown buttons without problems (previously a logout
> originated an automatic relogin...)
> - switch wifi on/off and other components (such as external usb disks)
> without getting authorization errors
> - audio adapter is seen ok with its analog and hdmi settings (and it
> works too... ;-)
> So it seems that the problem doesn't show with default Fedora
> environment but only with the combination I outlined above.
> I also tried Cinnamon (with lightdm) and same problems.
> Possibly gdm in its start enables some permission for  normal users
> that lightdm (at least in latest updates) doesn't provide?
> I'm going also to test other combinations, to narrow down better (eg
> lightdm with gnome DE session, ecc...)

Excellent!  And you know you have a working fallback, which is always
nice when testing.  It's strange that a desktop manager would affect
this, since it is the desktop that performs the actions that are having
problems.  Maybe you eliminated some gnome dependency that cinnamon and
mate were depending on?  Or maybe you are right, and it is some
permission or configuration that lightdm is not completing as gdm does.
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Re: after F27->F28 upgrade, hangs at end of boot

2018-05-17 Thread stan
On Thu, 17 May 2018 06:52:29 -0500
Bev in TX  wrote:

> Thanks for the info.  I’ll try to remember to bottom post in this
> group. 

Yeah, it's exactly the opposite of business communications, where
everyone just puts their response at the top, and the whole chain is in
the message below.  There, everyone is in the loop, so it makes
more sense to just put the response at the top.  I suppose that style
would work in mailing lists, also, but it would be a lot more traffic,
and people who pop in on the middle of a conversation would have to do
a lot of work to come up to speed.

I'm pretty forgiving of lapses, but be warned, there are some fierce
advocates of interspersed responses and trimming in the mailing
list world.  :-)
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Re: Strange behavior with MATE desktop

2018-05-17 Thread stan
On Thu, 17 May 2018 08:39:24 -0700
Paolo Galtieri  wrote:

> on my F27 system with MATE desktop.  First issue is that when I tried
> to logout it didn't, even though it prompted for logout.  What's 
> The second issue is that now whenever I plug in an external USB drive
> I get a popup saying I'm not authorized to perform the operation.

> What's interesting about this last issue is that sometimes it does
> mount the drive when I login, however, if I unmount it, unplug it and
> plug it back in I get the "Not authorized to perform operation"
> message.
> These 2 problems only occur on one of my 2 F27 systems running MATE.
> Anyone know what might have changed and how do I fix it?

No real help, but these sound like timing issues because of the
intermittent behavior.  Anything using lots of CPU or disk at the time
the problems occur?
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Re: Unable to lower cpu frequency

2018-05-17 Thread stan
On Thu, 17 May 2018 13:13:34 -0600
JD  wrote:

> You hit the nail on the head.
> I found that the command line I was using contained the word
> performance. Now, I am doing:
> /bin/cpupower --cpu all frequency-set -u 2.00G
> and cpu-info  is showing:
> current CPU frequency is 1.60 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
> for both cpus.
> This was necessary because of running ffmpeg alongside with
> playing videos cause HW errors.
> Even thought the kernel throttled the cpu, it did not help much.
> Now, I do not get the HW errors and kernel ooops messages.

Glad to hear it worked out for you.
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Re: Strange behavior with MATE desktop

2018-05-17 Thread stan
On Thu, 17 May 2018 12:51:47 -0700
Paolo Galtieri  wrote:

> The system is about 80% idle.  What is interesting is I tried using
> the Gnome Classic desktop and I had the same issue regarding logging
> out. The difference is I was never able to logout of Gnome Classic
> until I killed off the processes.  I also found an curious issue.
> The system this problem is occuring on is a laptop, and I have an
> external monitor attached.  When I loggen into Gnome Classic the
> external monitor was an extension of the laptop display, i.e. I move
> the mouse off the right side of the laptop display and it shows up on
> the external monitor.  I changed the configuration so that the
> external monitor showed the same as the laptop display.  I also added
> an icon for gnome-terminal on the desktop.  So far so good.  When I
> logged out of Gnome Classic and logged back in to MATE the display
> configuration had changed from what it was before, now under MATE the
> external monitor was no longer a clone of the laptop display as it
> was previously, and there was now an icon for the terminal app on the
> MATE desktop which there was not previously.  I also was unable to
> mount any external drive under Gnome Classic either, and I got no
> message about not being authorized.
> Is there some kind of interaction between Gnome Classic and MATE?

From memory, mate is based on Gnome GTK2, while Gnome Classic is a
desktop environment similar to Gnome2, but based on GTK3.  So there
shouldn't be code overlap.  But it might be that some configuration
settings are in conflict, as they are both trying to emulate Gnome2.

> As I mentioned I have a second F27 system which does not exhibit
> these problems.  On both of these systems I have installed VirtualBox
> from Oracle.  I also installed the VirtualBox extension pack.  On one
> system, the one that does not show any issues, the install went
> fine.  On the one having the problems, the install of the extension
> pack failed with the following error:
> The installer failed with exit code 127: Error creating textual 
> authentication agent: Error opening current controlling terminal for
> the process (`/dev/tty'): No such device or address.
> I checked /dev/tty does exist.

It might be that something else is using the device, and the error
message is generic and only says doesn't exist instead of unavailable.

> Any ideas?

Again, not any good ones.  On the system that isn't working, you could
remove the virtualbox extension pack, and then install it again to see
if it can bypass the error.

And, is it possible there is some hardware error?  Is air circulation
good (might be overheating)?  Try a memory check to see if memory has
issues.  Run a diagnostic on the hard drive to see if it is in
pre-failure mode.
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Re: Unable to use DNF on Fedora 28 KDE

2018-05-19 Thread stan
On Sat, 19 May 2018 14:39:38 +0800
Robbi Nespu  wrote:

> I just fresh installed Fedora 28 KDE but I got something like th is
> when run dnf update. "Unable to detect release version (use
> '--releasever' to specifyrelease version)" which need me do define 28
> each time using DNF

You could try running 
dnf --releasever=28 reinstall fedora-release fedora-repos
just in case those have inconsistencies.  dnf doesn't seem able to find
the updates repo for F28.  Is there anything odd about entries
in /etc/yum.repos.d/?  Extra repos, missing repos, turned off/on repos?
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Re: gimp-2.10

2018-05-19 Thread stan
On Sat, 19 May 2018 16:28:14 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> I have seen that in fedora 28, 2.8 version of gimp is still
> provided Is there any chance to have the 2.10 version before f29
> release?

You could open a request bugzilla asking the maintainer if they would
put the f29 version in f28.

Or, if that isn't going to happen, you could get the f29 version from
koji, and do a local install.
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Re: Could LightDM be bad?? (LONG)

2018-05-20 Thread stan
On Sun, 20 May 2018 13:58:36 -0400
Beartooth  wrote:

>   I'd like to try replacing LDM with something else; how do I
> do that?? (I like Mate well, and would prefer not to swap it out,too)

I use openbox (it's in the Fedora repositories) with lxde.  I usually
use startx from multiuser, but openbox is configured as the dm in lxde.
There was a thread here recently about how to switch desktop managers.
I ignored it since it didn't apply to me.  Sorry.  :-)  Maybe someone
else will pipe up.
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Re: Could LightDM be bad?? (LONG)

2018-05-20 Thread stan
On Sun, 20 May 2018 13:58:36 -0400
Beartooth  wrote:

Forgot this:

>   Finally, #1 has two F28 kernels -- which do no better than on
> #2 nor #3 -- and a rescue kernel from F26. Sic. Twenty-six, not 27
> nor 28. But that rescue kernel does support almost my whole GUI (I
> miss Pan badly.), and I don't have to descend to the console.

There was a thread about how to update the rescue kernel on a system
here recently as well.  Courtesy of Samuel Sieb:
You delete the rescue initramfs from /boot.  Then the next time you 
install a new kernel, it will create a new one.  Possibly reinstalling 
the existing kernel would work as well.

As far as pan goes, going to koji, getting a version that works, and
downgrading seems to be the only recourse.  There is a ticket open for
the problem, but I don't think upstream is active on pan anymore.
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Re: yum hangs and results in problems (Centos 7)

2018-05-24 Thread stan
On Thu, 24 May 2018 20:44:08 +0100
Gary Stainburn  wrote:

> Sorry for cross posting folks, but I'm a bit desperate and the Centos
> mailing list doesn't seem to like me at the moment.
> All of this is on a Centos 7 system, but I'm hoping someone here can
> help

It's been years since I used yum, so the answers could be polluted with
dnf usage.

> Questions
> 1) Any ideas why my yum runs keep hanging, and what I can do to fix
> it? 

Turn up the debugging in /etc/yum.conf.  I think the max is 10.
Redirect the output to a file, both stdout and stderr.

> 2) How do I go about fixing the problems listed above?

Below?  You need to remove the duplicate packages.  You can do that
manually, using rpm -e on the older duplicate package.

> 3) What do I need to do to get my server back in a safe, consistant
> state?

I think something was preventing yum from completing, so it was in
sleep.  When you interrupted it, that left things in an inconsistent
state.  Was your server running while you did the update?  Could it
have been blocking access to something that yum wanted to update?

> Details:
> My live mail server was due an update so I ran
> yum update
> All seemed file so I told it to proceed.  HOwever it then hung for
> over 30 minutes.

You should have checked the status of yum with top at least, to see
what was happening.

> yum-complete-transaction
> and 
> package-cleanup --cleandupes
> both of which failed.

Bad sign, these should have worked if the system was left in a
consistent state.

> yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only (which worked)

You could try the

package-cleanup --cleandupes

again.  If it doesn't work, remove the duplicates manually and
individually using 
rpm -e
Read the manual for exact syntax, and use verbose.

Then run 
rpm --rebuilddb
to put the rpm database in a consistent state.  That should have you
back in business.
You can test by running another yum update.  It might complain about
rpm updates outside yum, but that's all right.
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Re: gitlab on Fedora 28

2018-05-26 Thread stan
On Sat, 26 May 2018 09:37:39 -0500
Ranjan Maitra  wrote:

> An user had, in 2016, installed a gitlab (8.x, don't recall x
> anymore) version that was the latest at the time using the EL7 RPM.
> However, the upgrade to Fedora 28 has stopped this from working. We
> tried upgrading gitlab using step by step the 8.x+ version but it is
> unable to update and unusable.

Not surprising since the latest version on their page is 10.8.

> Any suggestions as to what we should be looking at and how to fix
> this. I guess the hope is to have a functional gitlab on the Fedora
> 28 system. 

There is nothing in the fedora repositories, so it has to be done using
the gitlab tools.

I just had a look at this page
I see there installation instructions for both centos7 and a docker
image.  I think in F28 it is possible to install the docker image (a
self contained gitlab instance?).  But it should also be possible to
use the centos7 image.  I haven't tried either, so could be wrong, and
there will probably be some tweaking required for the centos7 procedure.
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Re: dmesg spam after f26 -> f27 upgrade

2018-05-26 Thread stan
On Sat, 26 May 2018 13:38:29 +0100
John Pilkington  wrote:

> I just upgraded my kde/f26 system to f27 using dnf.  It seems to be 
> working well but dmesg has
>  rc rc1: error -5
> repeated around 10 times per second.  ISTR that when I first saw it
> it was rc0:
> Searching hasn't been much help.   I use MythTV but not the lirc 
> infra-red remote-control features, and thought it might be
> lirc-related, so installed lirc-disable-kernel-rc. But the messages
> continue.  They make it impossible to query dmesg for anything else.
> /etc/rc.d includes various Kxxx files, and rc-local.service is
> 'static'
> Suggestions please...

No specific idea, but anything writing that often should be visible in
top.  Once you know what program it is, you can use rpm -qf to find
which package it is.

You could also try disabling dmesg logging, and see what complains.
Does anything show up in journalctl -r?
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Re: dual boot Windows10 fedora28

2018-06-02 Thread stan
On Sat, 2 Jun 2018 20:03:59 +0200 (CEST)
""  wrote:

> Hi,
> I purchased an Asus laptop with 2 hard drives (SSD 256 GB and HDD 1
> TB). Windows10 was preinstalled on the SSD and the HDD drive is used
> for data. I wanted to install fedora alongside Windows. 
> So I shrinked the partition on the SSD drive (sdb)  and also the
> partition on the HDD drive (sda). I installed fedora on the new
> partition of the SDD drive. So far so good. I can boot into Windows
> as well as Fedora. Now I want to have /home, /usr/ and/ /tmp on the
> HDD drive, which I intend to use as data-drive. I created a
> mountpoint for the new partition of the HDD drive (sudo
> mkdir /mnt/sda2 and sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2). Now I am stuck.
> This is beyond my (limited) skills. How do I realize that /home, /usr
> and and /tmp wil be stored on the HDD? I need a step-by-step tutorial
> to proceed. Thanks in advance. Peter

I don't do this, so I'll just point you in the right direction.

First, don't use the drive id to mount partitions.  Run /usr/sbin/blkid
and use the UUID in /etc/fstab, in lines like this.

UUID=6fce1ad7-4382-4634-8a62-7ac8d707f5ff /mnt/s2b3   ext4
defaults0 2

And you won't mount at /mnt/sda2, you'll mount at /home, /usr /tmp in
order to do what you want. You'll have to create those directories
under your new partition, and make sure they have the correct
parameters (the same as /usr and /home have under /).

Some caveats.

/tmp is a temporary directory in that it is created each boot.  Not sure
how well your separate mount point will play with that default behavior.

I vaguely recall that /usr is required to be on the same partition
as /, in order for the kernel to find it during boot.  This is because
everything is now under /usr (libraries, binaries, etc.)  If that is
true, a separate /usr won't fly.

Finally, these new partitions don't replace the existing partitions
under / (except for /tmp).  So all the space they are using will still
be used, unless you clean it up after your new partitions are in place.

Someone else here might be able to give you better instructions (and
correct any errors I've made).
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Re: any upcoming resolution on rubygem-prawn-templates install issue?

2018-06-05 Thread stan
On Tue, 5 Jun 2018 07:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
"Robert P. J. Day"  wrote:

>   it's been impossible to install rubygem-prawn-templates on fedora
> for some time, as documented here:
>   "Error:
>Problem: conflicting requests
> - nothing provides rubygem(pdf-reader) < 2 needed by
> rubygem-prawn-templates-0.0.4-4.fc28.noarch"
> and no one seems to be working on this. anyone know of any plans to
> resolve this issue?

You can resolve it for yourself.  It seems that pdf-reader has been
updated since the F28 mass rebuild, but prawn-templates has not.  That
might be because it is incompatible with pdf-reader > 2 and upstream
has not fixed it.  Or it might be orphaned.

You can go here,
and get the older pdf-reader.

Then use dnf 
dnf -C downgrade [pdf-reader package]

That should allow you to install prawn-templates, but you'll have to
block pdf-reader from updating (see man dnf and man dnf-conf).
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Re: FC27 packages after upgrade

2018-06-16 Thread stan
On Sat, 16 Jun 2018 18:10:36 +0100
Ronaldo Mercado  wrote:

> Hi,
> I upgraded last week to fedora 28.
> Today I found that 'dnf upgrade' could not complete.
> $ sudo dnf upgrade
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:55 ago on Sat 16 Jun 2018
> 12:26:26 BST. Error:
>  Problem 1: package kernel-modules-extra-4.16.11-200.fc27.x86_64
> requires kernel-uname-r = 4.16.11-200.fc27.x86_64, but none of the
> providers can be installed
>   - conflicting requests
>  Problem 2: package kernel-4.16.11-200.fc27.x86_64 requires
> kernel-core-uname-r = 4.16.11-200.fc27.x86_64, but none of the
> providers can be installed
>   - conflicting requests
> I solved that by removing the two packages

I think kernel-modules-extra was discontinued in the f28 kernels.
Removing the two packages should resolve your problem for the future.

> I notice that there are several 'fc27' packages in my upgraded system
> and I paste the list below.
> Is this a cause for concern?

No, they are probably holdovers from F27 that weren't rebuilt during
the F28 mass rebuild, or are orphans that no longer exist in F28.  If
they are updated in F28, they will be replaced.
> What is '@anaconda' (found in the third column in the listing below)?

anaconda is the Fedora installer, so those are probably leftovers from
the install of F27.

Bottom line, you are good to go, just some cruft showing up.
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Re: FC27 packages after upgrade

2018-06-17 Thread stan
On Sun, 17 Jun 2018 13:31:30 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 16 June 2018, stan sent:
> > anaconda is the Fedora installer, so those are probably leftovers
> > from the install of F27.  
> I've always wondered *why* anaconda gets installed on a new system,
> and why it receives updates.

I don't know the answer to that question.  Maybe someone else can
explain the rationale.
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Re: cpupower

2018-06-24 Thread stan
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 03:55:23 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 24 June 2018, JD sent:
> > Reason I am posting this is because the normal speed of the cores
> > is 2.8GHz, and that is causing numerous kerneloops interrupts
> > (overheating).
> > Fans are at full speed all the time, as I can hear them :) :)  
> Sounds like you have inadequate cooling, and that's going to be a long
> term problem that mayn't be avoided by what you're trying to do.
> Hot components need a large enough heatsink to dissipate their heat,
> and it needs to be firmly attached, with heatsink compound filling the
> tiny gap between chip and heatsink.
> Heatsinks need to have a fan, or other heat distribution scheme, to
> make the heat radiate away sufficiently, and quickly enough.
> The case needs to have airflow that brings in fresh air, and expels
> hot air (running a case with the cover off can prevent adequate
> airflow *across* things, likewise with other obstacles in the case).
> Even systems that use liquid cooling still need to move air through
> the computer case, because not everything that generates heat will be
> directly connected to the cooling system.
I've thought about buying one of those little fridges and putting the
system in it.  Some advantages:

- keeps the system cool (set the fridge to 70F (20C), or even lower)
- closes off the noise of the system, I think fridges are quieter
- keeps dust out of the system

Would have to cut holes for the cables, and seal them.  And it would be

One of these days.  Maybe.
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Re: cpupower

2018-06-24 Thread stan
On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 11:27:04 -0600
JD  wrote:

> Manpage of cpu power make no mention of the
> selection of governor.
> How can set the governor to be the user mode governor
> instead of the performance governor and not the ondemand governor?

This might get you closer.  I didn't see anything directly relevant on
a quick scan, but a closer read might reveal something.
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Re: cpupower

2018-06-24 Thread stan
On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 11:27:04 -0600
JD  wrote:

> Manpage of cpu power make no mention of the
> selection of governor.
> How can set the governor to be the user mode governor
> instead of the performance governor and not the ondemand governor?

You can check which governor was compiled as default in your kernel by
running grep -i on the config file in /boot for your running kernel.
Because I compile my own kernel, I set that to ondemand as part of the
configuration during the build.  One way to solve your problem would be
to compile your own kernel, and set it to what you want.
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Re: cpupower

2018-06-24 Thread stan
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 09:45:27 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 24 June 2018, stan sent:
> > I've thought about buying one of those little fridges and putting
> > the system in it.  
> I remember seeing a page or two about people doing that, many years
> ago.  Though I can't recall what their success was like.
> I'd be concerned about moisture/condensation.

I'll have to look for those pages.  I think condensation isn't an issue
because there would be nothing to give off moisture, and the cool dry
air is dehydrating.  Leave a carrot out in the fridge for a few days
without any wrapping and it will start to become dried vegetable.  The
condensation occurs because of warming and cooling when vegetables are
wrapped in plastic.  The vegetables give up their moisture, and the
plastic is cooler than the vegetables because the fridge is blowing
cold air over it, so the water condenses.
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Re: cpupower

2018-06-24 Thread stan
On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 21:26:04 -0700
Joe Zeff  wrote:

> On 06/24/2018 09:13 PM, Doug wrote:
> > What makes you folks think that a computer will run faster in a 
> > refrigerated environment?  Only if it was too hot to begin with
> > should it make any difference.  
> Remember, this thread started out talking about working around a CPU 
> overheating.

Because of Tim's comment, I did a search for any info on this, and
found this video on youtube that addresses exactly this question:

No cigar, the fridge just isn't designed to dissipate that kind of heat
on a continuous basis.  Saved me the time, money, and effort. :-)
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Re: [OT] modula-2 compiler [ISO] for fedora 28

2018-06-25 Thread stan
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:28:27 +0200
Joachim Backes  wrote:

> anybody knows where to get an ISO version of the modula-2 compiler
> for LINUX, especially FEDORA-28?

Covers all versions, apparently.  Will have to use legacy gcc (6 or
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Re: How to install MPEG-4 AAC decoder ?

2018-06-25 Thread stan
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 08:35:01 +
郭 灵贤  wrote:

> How to install MPEG-4 AAC decoder ? I am a beginner of linux , I need
> detailed step .

I'll presume you want to play mp4 videos on linux.  

Go here,
and click the link to enable rpmfusion on your system,

Once that is done, from a command line (in a virtual console or in
a graphical term) type 
dnf install mplayer vlc ffmpeg

You can then use 
man mplayer
man ffmpeg
man vlc 
to get information on how to use them to play videos.

mplayer [video name here]
ffplay [video name here]
vlc [video name here]

There is a graphical interface smplayer to use mplayer in the gui, and
vlc is automatically a gui program.
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Re: Live ISO image creation

2018-06-26 Thread stan
On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 10:31:02 +0300
Jozsef K via users  wrote:

> I have a question about live ISO image creation. What I would like to
> achieve is to install exfat-utils and fuse-exfat while I am in live
> environment and then to create a new ISO image file which would be
> the same as the one I booted but with addition of those two packages.
> Is that possible?

I haven't done this, but from observing conversations over time, it is
possible.  However, I don't think it is possible in the way you want to
do it, clone an existing running system, with changes, as an ISO.  Here
is a reference link.

See particularly the section 'Creating and using live CD'
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Re: pychess endless loop - does anyone know, whom to address?

2018-06-26 Thread stan
On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 03:25:08 -0400
Joerg Lechner via users  wrote:

> I like to play chess with Pychess, on Fedora and Win. Sometimes
> Pychess seems to run in an endless loop. Does anyone know whom to
> address? I attach the log of this play.

The log doesn't give any insight.  However, this is probably a bug in
the move determination logic.  You should check for the issue,
and if it isn't mentioned, open a ticket, here:
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Re: Live ISO image creation

2018-06-26 Thread stan
On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 22:09:54 +0300
Jozsef K via users  wrote:

> Thanks. It's useful. But it
> seems I'll have to install Fedora first. In that case, if I take the
> Fedora Security Lab Live image and install that, am I going to get
> all the applications available on that live system even after
> installation? 

Yes, the live install is like taking a photograph of the live image,
and pasting it onto the hard drive / install location.

> Right now the option I'm using is to install
> exfat-utils and fuse-exfat locally. I saved the RPM files on another
> USB. I don't need those every time but occasionally I can install
> them like that, manually. But if I have everything in one place it's
> more convinient.

You would have to put them in the live image you create to have them
available without install.  I guess it depends on how much
inconvenience occasionally installing them is versus how much effort it
takes to create the live iso with them on it.
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