On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 13:03:58 -0400
Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@fastmail.us> wrote:

> I installed Virtual Manager in this Fedora 27 workstation system and 
> created afedora 28 beta installation and was surprised to find I 
> haveonly user bobg, no root account. Sometimes it's convenient to
> keep a work space for root and I was unable to do that, could not do
> dnf upgrade or groupinstall xfce unless I used sudo. Is that a
> virt-manager feature or is it going to be normal for Fedora 28?

I think I remember reading that there will be no default root
account after install of F28 or later.  Again, I think I remember the
workaround was to use sudo, and then create a root account with
useradd.  You will have to specify the root directory as /root (man
useradd), otherwise I think the default is to create it in /home
(/home/root? :-)).  Be sure to check the permissions on the /root
directory after you create it. The default that used to be created by
anaconda was 550.
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