On Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:49:28 -0400
Todd Zullinger <t...@pobox.com> wrote:

> This shouldn't be related to that.  All it does is change
> the From: field of messages sent from domains with very
> strict DMARC policies, so that they use the list address.
> The sender name is kept, with 'via $list_name' appended.

Then why all of a sudden am I seeing these old messages?  I've seen
messages from as long ago as last November, but most are from February
and March.  And coincidentally, they started at around the time you
made the change.  :-)  Since I get my mail as pop3, and the messages
are saved on the mail server, is there any way that some header field
could be telling the mail server that those old messages are suddenly
new again?  Or is it more likely that they made a change to their
mail servers at the same time that you made a change to the Fedora
mailing lists?

> No change we make to the list settings could affect your
> saved messages.  (I'm presuming that you're referring to
> messages saved in your email client.)

That's what I thought, but it is good to have confirmation.  My
thought is if the same message comes in as new that I have saved, it
must have different header metadata of some sort or the client would
show it as already read.
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