On Thu, 10 May 2018 08:40:51 -0700
stan <stanl-fedorau...@vfemail.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 May 2018 11:11:13 +0800
> Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com> wrote:
> > Just FYI.  Sorry, I can't shed any light on this since I just
> > installed qutebrowser on a fully updated F28/KDE system and it
> > starts and runs just fine.  
> Actually, that does shed some light.  qutebrowser uses qt5 with
> qtwebengine and pyqt5.  I have all desktops installed, since I use
> applications from other desktops (I usually use lxde), but obviously
> not everything needed for qutebrowser to work.  So, I can boot into
> kde and see if it works there to determine if it is lxde at fault, or
> if my kde install isn't complete enough.
> Thanks.

Well, my experience was different than yours; qutebrowser didn't work
for me in KDE either, with the same error.  So, it is some fundamental
configuration of my system that is not compatible with the way
qutebrowser wants to use certificates.  I did have a lot of errors and
warnings during kde startup because I have many services like
geolocation and dnfdaemon masked.  However, kde came up and worked just
fine, as far as I could tell.  It was responsive, and performed all my
requests without complaint.

Hmmm, back to the drawing board.
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