On Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:36:33 +0100
François Patte <francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:

> When I log-in, sound is deactivated and I have to manually start it,
> doing:

Are you sure sound is deactivated?  Is it possible it is trying to use
the digital output associated with your video card?  It is usually
found first because video comes up before sound, and thus gets the
coveted position 0 that is the sound default.

> 1-
> killall -9 pulseaudio
> 2-
> start-pulseaudio-x11
> 3- open mixer go to "configation" tab and choose analogic stero
> duplex.
> What is wrong in my sound config and how to correct this.

After 3, when sound is working, open pavucontrol, go to the output
devices tab, and click the green checkmark on the device that you
want pulseaudio to start with.
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