On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 19:47:25 -0700
JD <jd1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> on fc27:
> how do I set the screen resolution to less than 1920X1080 ?
> I would like to reduce it to something like  1280X1080
> Is that "doable"? (Pardon my use of doable :) :)
> I would like the DT (Mate) to respect that resolution and show
> everything on desktop as if that is the HW resolution.

I think you meant 1280x720.  But if your monitor is digital, this is a
bad idea.  There was a recent discussion on this list about why it is a
bad idea; the summary is that the dots will not align properly for
text on a lower resolution.  Everything will look fuzzy.

If you are using X, and an analog monitor, you can put a configuration
file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d.  A search on the web will give you
the format.  Use xrandr to get the numbers to plug in.

I don't know how to do this for wayland.

But I think the better thing for you to do is to up the size of fonts
that everything uses, if possible.  Text will look a lot better.
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