[RBW] Re: FS: Ibex El Fito wool Knickers - medium-sizing?

2011-02-28 Thread rperks
I have been wearing an XL all winter, my waist measures at 37-38 with
a tape, although levi's help perpetuate my fantasy of a 36 fitting
loosely.  If you pull a tape around your real waist just below the
Belly button the ibex charts are really close.  I would have loved to
think I was still a large, but the tape does not lie unfortunately


On Feb 28, 7:12 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> That's nice to hear. I was looking at getting a pair but I'm not sure
> of sizing. I wear a large in all other shorts but maybe I'll get an XL
> in these?
> ~Mike
> On Feb 27, 10:57 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > Brand new with tags.  I wear a medium in everything else, but these are a
> > touch too tight.  I can get them on my 34 waist, but they are uncomfortably
> > tight when on, so they run a bit small
> > $90 shipped to your door.
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > Redlands, CA
> > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > probably benefit more from
> > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > Redlands, CA
> > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > probably benefit more from
> > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> > quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] WTT: Roughy Toughy for Roly Poly or?

2011-02-28 Thread rperks
I have a set of Roughy Toughy tires with less than 300 miles on them,
the rear barely shows wear and the front is even better.  I am looking
for something with a little more compliance and am willing to
sacrifice on the armor.  I would like to try a set of the rolly polies
or GB or Challenge tires.  Nothing bigger than 28 and if it is one of
the later two I might be able to even the trade out with cash or other


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[RBW] Re: Sturmey s3x or s2 on a Quickbeam?

2011-03-03 Thread rperks
That is very close to my layout for a bike I am planning.  I was
thinking of putting a set of clamp on DT shifters on the ST.  One coud
be routed to the hub, if needed, routed around a pullty on the upper
rack boss.  The second shifter could be for a BB dyno.  The theory was
about me getting another job here in town and wanting a beater comuter
that was easy on the mild hills here in town.  If the frame I end up
using had shift bosses on the DT I was just going to work out longer
cable runs.


On Mar 3, 12:18 am, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 3/2/11 10:42 PM, Philip Williamson at philip.william...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Excellent! Thanks for the report, Bill. It really is nudging me
> > towards the S3X. If the slack in the system isn't too bad, the other
> > stumbling block for me is the cable-run. Did you ziptie the housing to
> > the top tube? I'd love to see the photos when the Round Tuit arrives.
> > If I get one, I'll keep your cones and cable-slippage advice in mind.
> > Does the hub freewheel if you miss gears?
> > I'd like to engineer a little widget to mount the shifter at the
> > seatstay boss instead of the bar-end. (I'm thinking sawn-off piece of
> > drop bar mounted side-on)
> When I've "mind-built" my multi-gear, fixed QB, I've always envisioned the
> old Trials rider hack of putting the shifter on the seat tube, running the
> cable down to the bb and noodle-ing it aft.
> There used to be some widgets for multiplying cable stops so that you could
> run hyraulic lines.  Keep an eye out for old chainstay-sized stops.  My Zeus
> has that - you can it see pretty well in the second photo.
> http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc/2006/cc060r2-cc-jim0506.html
> Mine was part of the build kit I inherited, but I see them around.
> - J
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
>     Mahatma Gandhi

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[RBW] Re: New Sam Auction Color

2011-03-05 Thread rperks
I am suprised no one has said anything about the fork on this bike
yet.  With many here having a sharp eye on the bend, this one appears
rather abrupt even for waterford.  The last auction had a wonderful
smoothe bend.

I am sure it does exactly what it is supposed to, just curious.

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[RBW] Re: Woody Goody mounted with a quick release front wheel.

2011-03-11 Thread rperks
I found myself in a similar quandry a few years back.  I happened to
have a couple of Old Man Mountain rack mounts in my parts bin,
like you see at the bottom of the rack on the right.  I bolted the
basket to those, and then mount th ebottom of the basket like any of
the OMM racks.  It has been working fin for a long time in spite of
the super cheap nuts and bolts I grabbed to throw it together.  I will
grab some pictures later this morning.

On Mar 10, 9:04 pm, pcooley  wrote:
> I just received a WALD Woody Goody this afternoon and installed it.
> The instructions make a big deal about taking it in to your bike shop
> if you need to attach it to a bike with a quick release front wheel.
> I am guessing that they are trying to avoid liability issues.
> I went ahead and ran the quick release skewer through the smaller hole
> in the strut, and I placed the springs inboard of the strut.  (ie.
> quick release - strut - spring - fork - hub, etc.).
> I realized later that they might intend for you to attach the strut to
> the bosses on the dropout.  I could mount them to the outside of the
> sks fender safety release, but that seems less sturdy to me than
> having them held tight by the pressure of the quick release
> mechanism.  Since my bike is old enough to lack lawyer lips, the quick
> release skewer seems the best place to put the strut, and I'm sure
> that the skewer itself, coupled with the pressure from the mechanism,
> is strong enough to hold the strut in place.
> Is there some unforeseen danger I'm missing here?  Or is it that WALD
> doesn't want the average consumer to fool around with their quick
> release more than necessary?
> (I also sent an email to Rivendell.  It will be interesting to see
> what they have to say.  Their online catalogue makes no mention of
> quick release vs. solid axle in relation to the Woody Goody).
> Thanks,
> Paul Cooley
> Santa Fe, NM

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[RBW] Re: Woody Goody mounted with a quick release front wheel.

2011-03-11 Thread rperks
Ok, pictures and write up.
short link:
big link:

not the woody, but the same problem solved.


On Mar 11, 5:50 am, rperks  wrote:
> I found myself in a similar quandry a few years back.  I happened to
> have a couple of Old Man Mountain rack mounts in my parts 
> bin,http://www.oldmanmountain.com/Pages/RackPages/FrontRacks.html
> like you see at the bottom of the rack on the right.  I bolted the
> basket to those, and then mount th ebottom of the basket like any of
> the OMM racks.  It has been working fin for a long time in spite of
> the super cheap nuts and bolts I grabbed to throw it together.  I will
> grab some pictures later this morning.
> On Mar 10, 9:04 pm, pcooley  wrote:
> > I just received a WALD Woody Goody this afternoon and installed it.
> > The instructions make a big deal about taking it in to your bike shop
> > if you need to attach it to a bike with a quick release front wheel.
> > I am guessing that they are trying to avoid liability issues.
> > I went ahead and ran the quick release skewer through the smaller hole
> > in the strut, and I placed the springs inboard of the strut.  (ie.
> > quick release - strut - spring - fork - hub, etc.).
> > I realized later that they might intend for you to attach the strut to
> > the bosses on the dropout.  I could mount them to the outside of the
> > sks fender safety release, but that seems less sturdy to me than
> > having them held tight by the pressure of the quick release
> > mechanism.  Since my bike is old enough to lack lawyer lips, the quick
> > release skewer seems the best place to put the strut, and I'm sure
> > that the skewer itself, coupled with the pressure from the mechanism,
> > is strong enough to hold the strut in place.
> > Is there some unforeseen danger I'm missing here?  Or is it that WALD
> > doesn't want the average consumer to fool around with their quick
> > release more than necessary?
> > (I also sent an email to Rivendell.  It will be interesting to see
> > what they have to say.  Their online catalogue makes no mention of
> > quick release vs. solid axle in relation to the Woody Goody).
> > Thanks,
> > Paul Cooley
> > Santa Fe, NM- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Grant refers to this helmet guy for some reason

2011-03-15 Thread rperks
The points of view were the fact that cycling statistcly appears safer
then ever as a mode of local travel, and that the culture of fear sold
by the helmet salesmen is a detrement to the spread of cycling to more
people.  Likewise if the level of marketing helmets to activites
statisticly more dangerous than cycling: driving or walking, that we
think it would be silly?

Not sure what rubs you wrong about his delivery.  Likewise his blog,
http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/ , an dthe cycling chic seems to
rub people wrong.  This again confuses me as to why showing regular
people dressed smartly using bikes to get around town is a bad

To me it sounds like he is pushing knowledge to trump marketing and

Different strokes for different folks I guess.


On Mar 15, 5:03 pm, eflayer  wrote:
> not sure what the points of view are, but this guy, to me, is an hot
> air baloonfull of hot air. Not even considering his point of view
> about helmets, just how arrrogant he sounds/is:
> http://video.tedxcopenhagen.dk/video/911034/mikael-colville-andersen

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[RBW] Re: Gray Shimano derailer cable housing busted

2011-03-21 Thread rperks
Brake housing is fine for friction shifting, even bette rif it is what
you have on hand.  I would guess that many here are old enough to
remember the "slinky" housing that came with Suntour barcons.  Even
super cheapo brake housing is probably beter than that.  Yes the
furrels wil be bigger but they just but up against the shifter and
should fit into your downtube stops OK.  FWIW I have been running
brake cable as shifte ron the Roadeo for a year and a half now, I
wanted to use the brass furrels all around


On Mar 20, 10:55 pm, Earl Grey  wrote:
> Hi,
> yesterday, as I shifted my Sam with alacrity into the big chainring,
> the left silver shifter went past the limit of its range of motion
> determined by the derailer limit screw. I thought perhaps the cable
> had slipped, but then saw that the housing had burst in the loop
> coming from the bar-end shifter:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/gernothuber/5545443939/
> This is 1.5 year old silver gray Shimano SIS SD housing purchased from
> Riv.
> I have never burst derailer housing, nor have I ever heard of it
> happening to others. Was this a manufacturing defect, low quality
> housing, or caused by UV damage, which the gray housing is presumably
> more subject to than black housing? Fortunately there remained enough
> tension on the cable that I could move the derailer cage by hand to
> shift and have it stay in place over the middle chainring.
> Has anyone had a similar experience? There is some sign of rust inside
> the housing, pointing towards a slow failure, probably starting with a
> crack in the gray housing. The gray outer covering on the tight loop
> leading to the rear derailer is also cracked. The bike is always
> parked in the car port, and is only subject to direct sunlight when I
> am riding or when it's parked outside the yoga studio or on errands
> (about 8 hours a week).
> I like the look of the silver, but if I have to replace the housing
> once a year, I'll probably go with black housing, of which I have a
> spool. Or should I go with silver gray *brake* housing, since I only
> use friction shifting anyway?
> Thanks,
> Gernot
> Cheers,
> Gernot

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[RBW] New CoPilot

2011-03-28 Thread rperks
I am so stoked to have our little girl out and about on the bicycle
with us now.  She is 10 months old, her helmet finally fits and she is
tall enough for the straps to work on the BoBike Mini+.  Yesterday we
went for a test spin around the block, that went great, so then it was
off to the beach.  She is so pumped sitting up there in front, claps,
laugs and makes her happy sound (parents out there probably know what
that means). Pics and quick movies here:
and vid:

We are looking forward to being able to ride as a family again.  It
has been riding in shits for more than the last year.

Things I learned getting to this point.  Kids helmets are not easy to
get to fit well.  I ended up at the local skate shop working with the
fit kit foam the were able to provide.  The BoBike mini+ seemed like
the best option for our family as it easily can be moved from one bike
to another if you buy additional stem mounts.  This seat also seemed
to be the least invasive for the parents knees.  Handling is not bad
at all, but having a lower bottom bracket would be nice.

Riv Content, Albatross bars work perfict for this set up, and she
loves when I ring the brass bell.  Likewise I am dreaming of a 62cm
Gomez for the stable.


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[RBW] Re: New Roadeo frame. Now what?

2011-03-29 Thread rperks
I think I may be the only one who built mine up as a light and fast
Homer?  When these were first coming out there was some talk around
the design, and these are much like the Legolas, but caliper brakes
and slightly lower BB.  If you are below the 230lb'ish weight
guidlines and ride "light" there is no reason in my mind to not build
it up as a mixed terrain rough road bike.  We all know that most Riv
bikes are built stout, often post apocolyptic stout.  These frames
offer a great chance to get the riv ride and geometry with a tubeset
that is a little more forgiving.  You can see how I built mine up

short link

The Roadeo has become my go to bike, the rawland is sitting more and


On Mar 28, 11:20 am, Bike Hermit 
> How would you build it?

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[RBW] Re: Soma/Riv Bike

2011-04-05 Thread rperks
I would specualate that since the bike is using Riv style lugs that it
dictates the steerer size.  Same thing with the Roadeo.  Somewhere in
Grants style of blogging there was a more recent post on the upcoming
bike.  Ok found it

Kind of like a poor man's roadeo or Ramb I think


 On Apr 5, 11:33 am, bfd  wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2:03 pm, davidfrench  wrote:> maybe here :
> >http://somafab.blogspot.com/2010/01/rivendell-collaborates-with-soma-...
> I agree with one of the commenters, I don't understand why it will
> have 1" threaded fork/headset. Sorry, but in today's market THREADLESS
> headset should be standard.  They could still stay with 1" as there
> are shims to fit 1.25" stems. Good Luck!

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[RBW] Re: Flickr Legola group

2011-04-12 Thread rperks
Pictures of these are really hard to come by for some reason.  I
stared at the red one had on the specials page for months, kept
looking at that picture of the RCP one that Phillip had put up,
finally called Riv and ended up with my Roadeo.  I would think they
could sell boat loads of these, especially if they threw a few eyelets
on.  On the other hand my Roadeo will still clear a 35-37 mm tire and
the caliper brakes are a cinch to set up


On Apr 12, 1:38 pm, "Jim M."  wrote:
> Martin started a Legolas group 
> here:http://www.flickr.com/groups/legolas/members/
> Only 3 lonely Legolas (Legoli?) so far, including the only 2 copper
> colored ones. How about adding some more pics, or are Legolas owners
> too bashful, too busy riding?
> jim m
> wc ca

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[RBW] Re: AMOS... AndyUndertube

2011-04-18 Thread rperks
"on a bike that could conceivably be ridden by a 290-lb rider, a
little conservativeness is not a bad thing"

This is something all of us as rivendell consumers have to come to
terms with.  The potential for riders of this stature is real and a
constraint that production bike designers face and custom builders
deal with on a case by case basis.  For me to get to 290 I would need
over a 70lb touring load and my pockets full of penies, and I am not a
small guy.  If I want a "road" bike, no matter what the percieved
light and fast marketing schtik is, it will likely be built for the
potential heavy weight.  Not that this is bad, but something to be
realistic about whan you shop at this pricepoint or production model.
Once the bikes are in the wild the designer has no control over who
will do what with them, but if the frame is in its as sold state, they
likely bear some liabilty for its performance.

I was initially enamored with these, even considered picking one up to
use as a cheeper fast and light touring bike, maybe even sell the
Roadeo, but I can say I am in the undertube kills it for me group.  It
takes the bike to a level that is covered by my Rawland dSogn, it has
only one tube heavier than the nubers thrown out here, and was sold as
a mtn bike with no diagatube.

Rob (uderstanding the designer's challenge for big people doing silly
things on a road bike) in Ventura

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[RBW] Re: New Simple One frame

2011-04-20 Thread rperks
Yesterday I read on their site somewhere that the first order coming
in was sidepull, and the orders following would be canti.  Something
to do with the previously stated confusion on the site.  For what it
is worth that text is gone, and I can not find it this early, makes me
feel like I dreamed it or something.  Mayby a million fixed gear
flyers all placed orders at once because the green was so rad that the
whole culture would shift to putting brakes back on their bikes as
long as they were sidepull?  who knows.

On Apr 19, 8:34 pm, charlie  wrote:
> It appears the website shows a new green Simple One without Canti
> bosses making it suitable for center/side pull brakes. I prefer this
> but am curious, I thought there was a change to canti'sanyone know
> which brake style for sure? I'm real tempted to order one as I have
> many parts on an old frame that needs replacing with something safer.

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[RBW] Re: Stem Strength

2011-05-06 Thread rperks
I can say without question that it is my Tech Delux that moves around
under torque loads.  I have the same RM013 bars on bikes with both
different styles of stems. On my Rawland with the threadless setup you
can feel the spring in the drops rotating primarily around the about
the same axis as the bar tops. But on the Roado I have flex in the
stem along the front to back axis of the stem extension before the
bars start to give.  Enough that you can see it moving around on steep
climbs.  I have been looking for an economical (read deal on Ebay)
welded or lugged stem to compare, but most are either really short on
extension, beat up or 


On May 6, 7:13 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> Is he he sure it's the stem that's moving?  Based on the forces that
> are applied rididng out of the saddle and the different cross
> sectional areas, I would think that the bar is what's moving the most.
> Both move some amount. I've never usd the taller Nitto Technomic stems
> ( if that's what your son has) but on the Pearl model I've never felt
> stem flex and I'm also larger than your son.
> ~mike
> On May 6, 6:24 am, "Bill M."  wrote:
> > Back in 1991 I bought a Cannondale (very stiff frame) that came with a
> > standard quill stem.  I swapped it out for a hollow, welded stem that
> > had a much larger diameter extension.  The first time I stood up and
> > cranked the bike up a short steep rise I was astonished at how much
> > stiffer the front end of the bike felt.  The quill stem was allowing
> > the bars to twist, the new one wasn't.
> > That may or may not be seen as a good thing, but I have no doubt that
> > typical threadless stems are stiffer in torsion than traditional quill
> > stems.
> > Bill
> > On May 6, 3:58 am, MichaelH  wrote:
> > > The new RR contains an article by GP outlining his believes about
> > > various aspects of  bike strength, comfort, weight, and comfort.
> > > There wasn't much new there for anyone who has followed him for a few
> > > years, including why he prefers threaded headsets and stems, but it
> > > did trigger this question from me.
> > > My son, who is 39 years old and a very muscular 170 lbs claims that
> > > he experiences stem flex while climbing with a traditional quill
> > > stem.  I am always disinclined to challenge people's subjective
> > > experience but I have never experienced this and suspect it is in his
> > > imagination.
> > > Has anyone here felt their stem flex and has anyone ever broken a
> > > stem?
> > > michael- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Color-Coordination Assistance: Which color Ortlieb panniers for the Romulus?

2011-05-11 Thread rperks
I will vote in on the orange, it is across from the lighter shades of
blue gray on the color wheel.  Kind of like yellow going so well with
the darker blues.  Also, I have a thing for orange stuff, but that is
a personal problem.

What tires and fenders are you running?


On May 11, 10:41 am, Curtis Schmitt  wrote:
> I'm leaning towards the orange or the yellow, what's your vote? Anyone
> have a Rom with Ortliebs?
> My Romulus, palping the standard blue 
> colourway:https://picasaweb.google.com/curtisrschmitt/RivendellRomulus#55454758...
> Pannier color 
> options:http://s.wiggle.co.uk/images/ortlieb-front-roller-cl-pnr-10-zoom.jpg
> Thanks,
> Curtis

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[RBW] Re: A Little More Vanilla

2011-05-14 Thread rperks
Beautiful Ride!
What would you say makes this a different bike than your Roadeo?


On May 14, 5:32 pm, reynoldslugs  wrote:
> Fat Tire Flyer; very nice climber, fabulous on steep twisty descents
> on awful pavement. Love the Paul M-Racers and the Jack Browns
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41563482@N06/sets/72157626721226882/

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[RBW] Re: 58 Saluki Bomber

2011-05-15 Thread rperks
That looks really nice, and has me thinking about a set of 650b shoes
for the Rawland.

After you put a few more miles on the tires let us know your
impressions.  I cannot imagine they are worse off than a set of
marathon XR, and that is what I have on the bike at the moment.


On May 15, 7:56 am, frank_a  wrote:
> I recently found a Saluki on Craigslist. I sold off my 60 Saluki a few
> years ago and realized not too long afterward it was a bad idea. This
> was before the Hetre and Pari-Moto etc... Anyway I wanted to try
> another Saluki and while the 60 is the right size for me they don't
> pop up very often and for my plans I was pretty sure the 58 would work
> out.
>  I've set this one up as a replacement for my old 56 Atlantis. That
> one was shod with the 2.1 Continental Town and County tires with wide
> Brooks and Albatross bars. I was a great set up but small for me,
> especially the top tube.
>  This Saluki is set up with the Schwalbe "Fatties" from Rivendell.
> They measure just under 47mm wide on Synergys and clear the stays
> fine. This is working out better than I had hoped. It feels a lot like
> the 26" Atlantis did, probably due to the same set-up but I like the
> longer wheelbase and handling on this one. I'm more balanced on this
> frame. If it had a sub-72 seat tube angle (like my custom) It'd be
> perfect. The V/O seatpost gets the saddle where I need it.
>   I'm sure I'll try a set of Hetres sooner or later but for now I'm
> having a blast on this bike.
> Here's a link to a photo after a "rough stuff" ride:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/8531240@N06/5721871391/in/photostream/
> - Frank

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[RBW] Re: guu watanabe bag videos

2011-05-16 Thread rperks
Thanks for the tip.  I love to see the Japanese traditional cutting
tools, although I do like my rotary cutter.

While browsing his photostream I saw this rack from Nitto
and wondered if anybody here has tried one yet?  I know thay are
similare to the VO offering and some older racks, but interesting none
the less.  I saw these last week on the Ben's cycle page looking for
other stuff and promptly forgot about it until now.


On May 16, 8:43 am, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> I've been following this photo stream on flickr for a long time. Guu
> Watanabe is a maker of custom bags using leather and canvas. He makes
> a lot of cycling bags as well as any other kind of bag.
> Recently they put up a few videos of the process of making a bag.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/guuwatanabe/sets/72157626734300676/with/...
> I'm not sure what he's saying in the video since I don't
> speak/read/understand japanese but I enjoyed watching the snippets and
> browsing through the bags he has on:
> http://www.guu-watanabe.com/english.htm
> They appear to be fantastic products but I've never seen one in person.
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: How to remove black anodizing from aluminum handlebars?

2011-05-17 Thread rperks
I have used Red Devil lye in a warm water bath.  Long gloves and eye
protection, think Fight Club soap making scene.  Fast and easy, if the
anodizing is persistant you can help it along with a Scotch brite
pad.  Rinse with water well when done.  I stripped my A9 headset on
the roadeo this way, I bought it NOS Black.  I thought about polishing
it out with Simichrome, but th emat gray looked good with the RCP

Rob Perks

On May 17, 5:24 pm, reynoldslugs  wrote:
> LL at Archival Clothing (owner of a beautiful blue Vanilla) and I were
> discussing a problem - - how to remove black anodizing from otherwise
> nice handlebars?
> I love Salsa Bell-Lap bars, but am not crazy about the black finish.
> If there is a way to remove the black and return them to a nice silver/
> aluminum finish, that would be the holy grail of handlebars.
> Anyone have any secret methods for accomplishing this?
> thanks.
> RL

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[RBW] Re: Road Std up for sale on the bay

2011-05-19 Thread rperks
Not that I know the guy or anything about the bike, but from what I
have read the guys on the waterford line are not always bike people.
I know it sounds shocking but many of them a just guys working an a
factory on metal things.  Maybey he got a heck of a deal 15 years ago
on what was just a bike to him, thought he could give it a go, and now
he needs some cash?

you could always give waterford a call and ask if you were really
concerned.  As for the details you should be able to find what you
need on Road Standards, they were, well Standard


On May 19, 5:48 pm, Bruce  wrote:
> So, here's a Road Standard that looks like it has been repainted, maybe not, 
> and the seller says he was a framebuilder at Waterford and bought the bike 
> then, but he can't recall the date on this frame, somewhere 1995 - 1998. 
> Wouldn't a Waterford worker know to look at the date code on the BB shell?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/Rivendell-61cm-Road-Bicycle-Handmade-Steel-Lugged...

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[RBW] Re: Repair Manual

2011-05-24 Thread rperks
I will agree with what the others have said and add:
"Bicycling Magazine's Complete Book of Bicycle Maintenance and Repair"
It is great to have a paper book sometimes so the computer does not
get greasy keys.  Pick up a copy at the used book store, look for
something printed before the mid 90's and it will have the most
relavant info for your Riv Bike IMO.  I still have mine from college
and have used it more over the years then some of the others.


On May 23, 6:52 pm, "Darin G."  wrote:
> After a year of subscribing to this group I've decided to address some
> of my inadequacies head on and do some, if not most of my own
> maintenance.  I'm not necessarily handy, but clever enough, willing to
> buy the tools, and I figure if I can build a fly rod or tie a classic
> Atlantic salmon fly (which I can do, and do well), I can adjust a
> hub.  Besides, you all inspire me.  Thank you.
> That said, I do need a good reference manual.  I'm interested to see
> if there's a consensus amongst the tribe as to a solid reference for
> maintaining my Sam (nom de guerre: "Ramble-Rounder").

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[RBW] Re: Sulphur Mtn Ride Report

2011-05-26 Thread rperks
Jack Brown Green

They have faired quite well on our California fire  roads.  I finally
wore out my first rear after a year and a half and 5000 mile or so.
Great tires IMO


On May 26, 7:51 am, Tim Whalen  wrote:
> Very nice.  What tires are you running?
> Tim
> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Zack  wrote:
> > That descent looks like a blast.
> > On May 26, 10:31 am, rperks  wrote:
> > > Yesterday I made it out for a few, five actually, hours to ride a loop
> > > up and over Sulphur Mountain down to Santa Paula and back home to
> > > Ventura.  The ride is just under 50 miles and 4000 feet of total
> > > climbing.  Almost a quarter of that is dirt, and about half is no or
> > > little traffic.  The day was perfect.  The Roadeo did everything it is
> > > supposed to, the motor had a little more trouble.  The only thing I
> > > would change is getting out of the house a little earlier to beat the
> > > heat and wind.  Full ride report and pictures here:
> > >http://oceanaircycles.com/2011/05/26/sulphur-mountain-loop-through-sa...
> > > orhttp://wp.me/p19mfs-nX
> > > Some of you may remember parts of this ride we did as a group a while
> > > back.  It is sill just as nice back there.  If any of you are planning
> > > on being in the Ventura area feel free to drop me a line.
> > > Rob
> > > -http://oceanaircycles.com/
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Sulphur Mtn Ride Report

2011-05-26 Thread rperks
Yesterday I made it out for a few, five actually, hours to ride a loop
up and over Sulphur Mountain down to Santa Paula and back home to
Ventura.  The ride is just under 50 miles and 4000 feet of total
climbing.  Almost a quarter of that is dirt, and about half is no or
little traffic.  The day was perfect.  The Roadeo did everything it is
supposed to, the motor had a little more trouble.  The only thing I
would change is getting out of the house a little earlier to beat the
heat and wind.  Full ride report and pictures here:


Some of you may remember parts of this ride we did as a group a while
back.  It is sill just as nice back there.  If any of you are planning
on being in the Ventura area feel free to drop me a line.


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[RBW] Re: WTB: Tan Handlebar Bag

2011-05-26 Thread rperks
Deluth put the pockets on the wrong side, depending on your
perspective.  - Rob

On May 26, 7:03 pm, Ken Mattina  wrote:
> Duluth Pack has them in several colors including tan.
> http://duluthpack.com/outdoor-gear/biking/hobo-bag-bike-bag.html
> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:
> > Looking for a bag like this but in tan:
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/35176895@N03/sets/72157626779260644/
> > I need
> > a bag that mounts so that the top of the bag is level with the top of the
> > bars, and that allows me to get into the bag while riding.
> > Got one?
> > --Eric
> > campyonly...@me.com
> >www.campyonly.com
> >www.wheelsnorth.org
> >  --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Where did the spring go?
> Where did my hormones go?
> Where did my energy go?
> Where did my go go?
> Where did the pleasure go?
> Where did my hair go?
> -- Ray Davies- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Nitto Craft Stem

2011-05-30 Thread rperks
it appears to be here, tempting me


On May 30, 9:35 pm, Eric Norris  wrote:
> Anybody know if these are actually available for purchase?
> nitto-craft.jpg 500×900 
> pixelshttp://ruedatropical.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/nitto-craft.jpg
> via Friendly for Facebook
> --Eric N
> Sent from the iPad 2

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[RBW] Re: Experiments in Rolling Resistance and Low Speed Stability

2011-06-05 Thread rperks
I do understand how lucky I was for the dif. in elevation, if it had
been the other way around I probably would have been hitch hiking my
way out.

I am also sure a true kick bike would have been much more comfortable
compared ro stradling the bike, one foot in a pedal the other swinging
along.  I am not sure I would be as confident on the fast descents


On Jun 5, 8:25 pm, "Bill M."  wrote:
> There is someone who has done the Markleeville Death Ride (150 miles,
> 15,000 feet of climbing in the high Sierra Nevada south of Lake Tahoe)
> on a kick scooter.
> At least you weren't 4000 feet below home!
> Bill
> On Jun 5, 5:40 pm, Robert Perks  wrote:
> > Yesterday I set out on my Roadeo for a planned century ride up into the
> > mountains north of Ventura.  The ride was cut short due to a mechanical with
> > the freewheel.  Of course I was about 40 miles away from and 4000 feet above
> > home with zero cell coverage for miles.  This is when what would have only
> > previously been a thought experiment turned real.  Jack Brown greens 70lbs
> > in front 80 in the rear with about a 260 bike, rider and gear load.  The
> > goal was to get home without having to call for a ride.  No forward help
> > from the drive train and only my walking or kicking feet to keep things
> > moving.
> > Details 
> > here:http://oceanaircycles.com/2011/06/05/metric-cross-training-ride/
> > andhttp://wp.me/p19mfs-p2
> > I kept the average speed home above 9mph, and was able to coast on slopes I
> > previously thought were flat.  I can only imagine the average speeds I could
> > have attained if I had tires of even lower rolling resistance.
> > Anybody up for a really long distance soap box derby with different tires?
> > This could be an interesting experiment if repeated with different tires or
> > run with a group.
> > --
> > Rob Perks
> > oceanaircycles.com- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Experiments in Rolling Resistance and Low Speed Stability

2011-06-06 Thread rperks
It was actually a really fun day and I am planning to head back up in
a couple of weeks, unless the weather turns hot, to explore a bit
along pine mountain rd.

Yes it was one of the newer IRD freewheels.


On Jun 5, 10:03 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> Rob, this was a day to remember!  Curious about the freewheel, too.  Man,
> lucky it was downhill to the ocean!
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Michael_S  wrote:
> > lemme guess IRD?   I've been up that pass from the back side (started
> > at the Y in Frazier park). Beautiful country and a wonderful place to
> > be.
> > Glad you made it back home.
> > ~Mike
> > On Jun 5, 8:45 pm, rperks  wrote:
> > > I do understand how lucky I was for the dif. in elevation, if it had
> > > been the other way around I probably would have been hitch hiking my
> > > way out.
> > > I am also sure a true kick bike would have been much more comfortable
> > > compared ro stradling the bike, one foot in a pedal the other swinging
> > > along.  I am not sure I would be as confident on the fast descents
> > > though.
> > > Rob
> > > On Jun 5, 8:25 pm, "Bill M."  wrote:
> > > > There is someone who has done the Markleeville Death Ride (150 miles,
> > > > 15,000 feet of climbing in the high Sierra Nevada south of Lake Tahoe)
> > > > on a kick scooter.
> > > > At least you weren't 4000 feet below home!
> > > > Bill
> > > > On Jun 5, 5:40 pm, Robert Perks  wrote:
> > > > > Yesterday I set out on my Roadeo for a planned century ride up into
> > the
> > > > > mountains north of Ventura.  The ride was cut short due to a
> > mechanical with
> > > > > the freewheel.  Of course I was about 40 miles away from and 4000
> > feet above
> > > > > home with zero cell coverage for miles.  This is when what would have
> > only
> > > > > previously been a thought experiment turned real.  Jack Brown greens
> > 70lbs
> > > > > in front 80 in the rear with about a 260 bike, rider and gear load.
> >  The
> > > > > goal was to get home without having to call for a ride.  No forward
> > help
> > > > > from the drive train and only my walking or kicking feet to keep
> > things
> > > > > moving.
> > > > > Details here:
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/2011/06/05/metric-cross-training-ride/
> > > > > andhttp://wp.me/p19mfs-p2
> > > > > I kept the average speed home above 9mph, and was able to coast on
> > slopes I
> > > > > previously thought were flat.  I can only imagine the average speeds
> > I could
> > > > > have attained if I had tires of even lower rolling resistance.
> > > > > Anybody up for a really long distance soap box derby with different
> > tires?
> > > > > This could be an interesting experiment if repeated with different
> > tires or
> > > > > run with a group.
> > > > > --
> > > > > Rob Perks
> > > > > oceanaircycles.com- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> probably benefit more from
> improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Saddle Comparison - Brooks B17, Swift and Berthoud Touring

2011-06-23 Thread rperks
I was lucky enough to have a semi-surplus Brooks B17 on hand to trade
with Brad (jinxed) for his Swift - thank you.  While I was playing
musical chairs with the saddles in the stable I decided to take some
pictures and measurements comparing my three saddles of choice. The
Brooks B17, now a Swift and Berthoud Touring all have seen some time
on my bicycle rotation.  Detailed post with pictures here:


Bottom line, all three are great saddles.  The B17 is my go to saddle
for bars at saddle height all the way to albatross and sitting bolt
upright.  The berthoud is my Goldilocks saddle, it is just wide enough
to support, but all excess material is out of the way.  Likewise it
has proven light, durable and waterproof over the last two years and
thousands of miles.  The Swift being new and firm needs to be broken
in.  It will reside on my roadeo for a bit as it sees the most miles.
Initial impressions after a couple 20 something mile rides is really
good, similar to the berthoud it suports you where you need it, but
there is nothing left to get in the way when you are bent forward a


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[RBW] Re: Saddle Comparison - Brooks B17, Swift and Berthoud Touring

2011-06-23 Thread rperks
Compared to my B17 and the short stint with a SA, the Bertoud floats
between your thighs.  The long nose is there to help with steering,
but narrow to bring any rub to a screeching halt.  For me the SA was
the polar opposite, no matter where I had the tension the more
triangular shape and skirt edges tore up the back and inside of my
thighs.  Saddls are so personal and a serious investment for most of
us to experiment with, but when you find the right one for you it can
be fantastic.  Good luck on your quest, the only thing harder than
finding the right saddle for you is helping your spouse find one


On Jun 23, 6:59 am, MichaelH  wrote:
> Thanks for the posting, I found it interesting.  I use both the early
> Selle Anatomica, which is a bit narrower than the current offering,
> and a B17 and like them both very much.  My wife, on the other hand,
> has never found a saddle she likes.  They all seem to chafe on the
> inside parts.  From your pictures the Berthoud nose seems to get
> narrower faster and I wonder if that would work better for her.
> michael
> On Jun 23, 9:30 am, rperks  wrote:
> > I was lucky enough to have a semi-surplus Brooks B17 on hand to trade
> > with Brad (jinxed) for his Swift - thank you.  While I was playing
> > musical chairs with the saddles in the stable I decided to take some
> > pictures and measurements comparing my three saddles of choice. The
> > Brooks B17, now a Swift and Berthoud Touring all have seen some time
> > on my bicycle rotation.  Detailed post with pictures here:
> >http://wp.me/p19mfs-ql
> > orhttp://oceanaircycles.com/2011/06/23/saddle-comparison-brooks-b17-swi...
> > Bottom line, all three are great saddles.  The B17 is my go to saddle
> > for bars at saddle height all the way to albatross and sitting bolt
> > upright.  The berthoud is my Goldilocks saddle, it is just wide enough
> > to support, but all excess material is out of the way.  Likewise it
> > has proven light, durable and waterproof over the last two years and
> > thousands of miles.  The Swift being new and firm needs to be broken
> > in.  It will reside on my roadeo for a bit as it sees the most miles.
> > Initial impressions after a couple 20 something mile rides is really
> > good, similar to the berthoud it suports you where you need it, but
> > there is nothing left to get in the way when you are bent forward a
> > bit.
> > Rob
> > -http://oceanaircycles.com/- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Pics of my new Hunqapillar...and a question about handlebar bags

2011-07-04 Thread rperks
This bag was designed for your style of bar,
I know it it not teed or what not, but is the original bullmoose
solution as far as I know


.  Has anyone here with Bullmoose bars found a handlebar bag
> that works well with it?
> Thanks in advance!
> Geoff

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[RBW] Holiday weekend Rides?

2011-07-05 Thread rperks
I hope some of you out there were able to get in some nice holiday
weekend rides.

The family and I were up on the California central coast visiting with
even more family over the weekend.  I was able to squeeze in a nice
mixed terrain metric century on the Roadeo.  Every time I pull off a
ride like this on the Roadeo I fall deeper for it, lately it is the
only bike I ride unless the little girl is along, she still sits in
front of me on the xtracycle.

Back to the ride, 68 miles over hill and dale, along the coast and
back up into ranch country.  Temperature swings greater than 30
degrees over the ride, and maxing out near 100 deg near the end.  It
is nice to have a bike with bags so you cna carry some layers, snacks
and plenty of water.

Full report with pictures here

Everything went as well as you could hope.  Even the new to me Swift
saddle treated me well, not sure if it was brave or stupid to use a
new saddle on a day like this, butt it went well - pin intended


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[RBW] Re: Holiday weekend Rides?

2011-07-05 Thread rperks
I run Jack Brown greens, and find they strike a good balance.  I have
used them on everything from new pavement to some easy single track
and they have held up just fine.  The only place they have let me dow
nis in sandy corners out on the trails, but you can not realy hold
your hopes too high for any road tire in those conditions.  Out on the
dirt roads they are perfect as long as I keep my speed in check,
probably a good thing in the long run.


On Jul 5, 5:15 pm, Tim Whalen  wrote:
> Very nice Rob.  I agree with you about the Roadeo.  I am riding mine more
> and more on dirt roads and trails.  One set of wheels with GB Cypres for
> smooth and quick pavement, one with cx tires makes for an incredibly
> versatile and responsive bike.  What tires were you running there?
> Tim
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Michael_S  wrote:
> > That's one awesome ride Rob. Everytime I drive down the 101 grade into SLO
> > I look across at that old Stagecoach rd and wonder.
> > someday I'll get up there to ride when I'm semi-retired!   and soon I
> > hope.
> > ~mike
> > --
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[RBW] Re: Freewheel hypothetical

2011-07-12 Thread rperks
that is the biggest problem with trying to please everybody.

I have been happily using 14-28 5 and 6 speed freewheels for a few
years now, then recent failures led back down the garden path of
vintage.  I had found a 14-16-19-22-26-30 in a pile of junk at out
local swap meet, it had been sitting in my parts bin for a while, and
thought the spacing and range was a bit wacky.  have had it on the
Roadeo for over a month now with my 50-30 up front and it is a dream
come true.  The jumps are pretty big, but the middle 4 gears are just
perfect.  was able to track down another to keep in reserve, and the
average price between the two works out to almost be reasonable.


On Jul 12, 1:54 pm, William  wrote:
> So there is no dominant consensus among this group.  5, 6 and 7 would all be
> welcomed, it seems.  12-14 on the small end up to 26-30 on the large end.
>  That's over a dozen different models already, most likely.    

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[RBW] Re: Derailers that handle 36T cogs: shadow vs. non-shadow

2013-10-29 Thread rperks
One thing that caught me off guard this past week, and may have flown under 
the average Riv radar, is the new DynaSys shimano shadow detailers.  I had 
one show up that was ordered as a regular shadow.  Apparently there was a 
transition where all being sold as 10 spd are now DynaSys.  I am still 
sorting out the details, but bottom line is that it would neither index nor 
friction shift across a new shimano 9spd cassette.  I have had no problem 
with earlier generation shadow derailer as well as some labeled DydaSys.  I 
am still not completely sure what has changed, but it was as bad as trying 
to get a Sram 9spd MTB derailer to work with a retro friction DT shifter.  

I pulled it off and put on a regular new 105 GS cage, and it indexed 
perfectly across all 9 cogs including the 36 tooth one.  

Apparently there are DynaSys cassettes out there as well with non-uniform 
spacing between cogs as well, buyer beware


On Monday, October 28, 2013 7:33:09 AM UTC-7, Ron Mc wrote:
> fair enough, and certainly the truth - goes with the package-and-replace 
> mentality of the industry.  We people who put c. 2006 drivetrains on 1986 
> steel frames are the exception and not the rule.  
> On Monday, October 28, 2013 7:11:12 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
>> It's not even that that MF underrate(or rate at all, how we define 
>> "rating") their derailers . it's that when they give the spec, they have
>> * specific* cassettes in mind for each. The "rated" specs then, are not 
>> meant as hard ruled limitations , but are based on the MF* intended 
>> cassettes in mind*.  It's a marketing and well, logistical "suggestion" 
>> ... lol .  That's what I call it.   It minimizes confusion for some  
>> adds to it for others, no doubt. Considering ALL the parts made ... ALL the 
>> vendors  ALL the bike shops and manufacturers  it's an attempt to 
>> make some sort of standard that everyone can understand, or at least use a 
>> base from which to work from for others. 

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[RBW] Bunyan Velo No. 4

2014-02-26 Thread rperks
Many of you here may already know this, but Bunyan Velo No. 4 hit the 
digital street today:


Click on issues up in the top right corner.  Lucas does this with little of 
no ads, and the donations part helps keep the next issue coming. 



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[RBW] Re: Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-03-29 Thread rperks
I am not sure how much these have plumped up for you since install, 
hopefully a bit more.  One thing I have done out of habit is inflate them 
up to about 100PSI or so and let it sit over night.  This works 90% or more 
of the stretch in and also seats the rim tape nicely on fresh builds.  We 
ran into similar feedback on the C-Lines and as with Jan's mentioned black 
art to the making process, there is even a mm or so of variation throughout 
the tire run.  So if a wide set ends up on some A23 rims they met be the 
full 38mm while a narrow set on open pro rims may measure 35-36mm 


On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6:01:06 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
> Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.
> I'm gonna go out for a ride.
> -- 
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah 

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[RBW] Re: Stan's report: Longevity

2014-04-19 Thread rperks
thanks for the follow up.  Your early experiments motivated me to try this 
with Orange Seal in the tubes on my current build.  700x38 with 35mm tubes. 
 It also has been going fantastic, with plenty of goat heads.  I watch them 
make a couple of rotations and then they are gone.  I top the tires up with 
5 PSI every couple of weeks.


On Saturday, April 19, 2014 2:02:43 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> This might be useful to some. This month marks a full year of Stan's in 
> the 700CX28 tubes inside the Parigi Roubaix on the Ram that I finally built 
> and got on the road last April. I finally decided it was time to check the 
> fluid levels and, voila, when I removed the tubes and squeezed them, the 
> sealant was still fully liquid and, indeed, I managed to lose a couple of 
> oz out of the valve when I squeezed too enthusiastically. And this in a 
> climate where 5% humidity on a mid-summer afternoon is not uncommon.
> It looks as if Stan's sealed in tubes is as long lasting as Stan's sealed 
> in the original bottles ...?
> No flats, either!
> In other news, the Stan's filled, ghetto-tubeless Furious Freds have 
> gotten no flats either in a couple of months worth of riding in the 
> goathead infested bosque, the same terrain that continually flatted the 
> same tires when the Stan's was in tubes. I get home with goatheads in the 
> tires and remove them, causing air to leak, but a few revolutions of the 
> wheels fixes this. Someone who rides his Pugsley in the bosque urged me 
> simply to leave the thorns in: the heads break off and the spines left 
> behind act as plugs.
> -- 
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and letters that get interviews.
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
> Other professional writing services.
> http://www.resumespecialties.com/
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, Nouvelle Mexique, Etats Unis

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[RBW] Re: grease for son hub connectors

2014-05-04 Thread rperks
I would use the dielectric grease.   That said I have yet to bother, but it 
has been a dry year or three out west - Rob

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 10:58:25 AM UTC-7, ted wrote:
> Hey all you dyno lighting experts. The instructions for my Edelux light 
> suggested putting some grease on the spade connectors to facilitate 
> connecting the light to the hub. Would that be dielectric grease like you 
> get from the car parts store for spark plugs, or regular waterproof grease 
> like you use on bearings etc?
> thanks for the help
> Ted

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[RBW] Re: wool filler

2010-11-19 Thread rperks
This is really super cool, thank you.  I showed the wife and she gave
me this look like well lets just say she new about felting, but
never connected it to fixing our holy stuff.  I will be at the local
fabric store this weekend, where I will admit that I have seen their
felting section.  Testing to follow, and I will report back.


On Nov 18, 12:36 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> I know we've all suffered from a nice wool knitted object developing a
> hole. My significant other, a knitter, sent me this GREAT video of how
> to fix holes.
> http://www.swiss-miss.com/2010/06/woolfiller.html
> it's brilliant!
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: Using half clips with sandals?

2010-11-20 Thread rperks
Just use them as is if you like the way they feel against the bottom
of your foot.  The little built in toe flip should be enough to help
you get them  right side up.  My pedal of choice is an older no longer
made MTB pedal that has a top and bottom like that, I run them with
and without clips on different bikes and they do just fine with
sandals and no clips on my Rawland.  Ocasionally I just look down to
flip them the right way, but it is no big deal.


On Nov 20, 6:59 am, Earl Grey  wrote:
> Hi,
> anyone here ride with that combo, perhaps with leather covers on the
> half clips? I ride mostly in flip flops (commuting) or sandals (longer
> rides) and flat pedals, but have an old pair of MKS AR-2 touring
> pedals (http://www.evanscycles.com/products/mks/ar-2-pedals-ec005317)
> that are really designed to be used only on one side, so I don't think
> they would work well w/o some kind of clip to bring them into a
> consistent orientation. But I don't know if half clips would be
> comfortable with sandals.
> Cheers,
> Gernot

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[RBW] Re: 47 cm Atlantis finds new home

2010-11-21 Thread rperks
Cool deal Doug,
so now you guys have matching bikes? ;)
It sounds like karma pooints for bragging on the versitility justa few
days before.  Now you need to find one at a garage sale for your


Rob Perks

On Nov 20, 3:01 pm, doug peterson  wrote:
> Cyclotourist spotted a 47 cm Atlantis in the LA CL and forwarded it to
> several So Cal locals.  My wife takes a very small frame and this
> sounded interesting, even though she wasn't looking for a new bike.
> Well, we just got home with a barely ridden (my guess is 03 or 04)
> Atlantis in standard Riv build.  The gal we bought it from listed it
> for $1200 for quick sale and somehow we were lucky enough to be the
> first serious inquiry.  The bike is so nice & was such a deal I didn't
> have the heart to even make a lower offer.  We feel truly lucky to
> have scored this one.
> dougP

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[RBW] Re: FS- INUJIRUSHI handlebar bag

2010-11-22 Thread rperks
whay not put it on the CoHo?  Just wondering, the bag looks great, but
is there something about the design that you do not prefer and like in
other bags?


On Nov 22, 8:17 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> So far no one has contacted me so if I don't hear today  I'll throw it
> on Ebay tonight.
> ~Mike~
> On Nov 21, 5:07 pm, Michael_S  wrote:
> > I bought this six months ago but haven't used it. Brand new khaki
> > Inujirushi bag in smaller size, measurements are  (W: 250 mm X H: 220
> > mm X D: 170 mm). Cost $210 new. I'll sell it for $170 plus shipping.
> > here is a 
> > picture.http://www.flickr.com/photos/37347...@n05/5196321215/in/photostream/
> > contact me off line if you are interested.
> > ~Mike~- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: My Racing Riv Ram... finally complete

2010-11-27 Thread rperks
Nice build,

"Aren't you happy you now know everything about my bike"

What size fenders and which tires?


On Nov 27, 4:49 pm, BykMor  wrote:
> When the sun comes out and the temp is above 19° again, I'll take some
> better pics, but I think I finished fiddling with my Rambouillet last
> night. Rode it home and everything seemed pretty sound (lights worked
> and fenders didn't rattle.
> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/zmAuEz3xgzlpe_6qksMSMg?feat=dire...
> Honjo fenders, Mark's Rack, Sackville trunk, Schmidt front hub, Phil
> rear, EDelux headlight, B&M wired taillight, switched to a 12cm Nitto
> stem, which I like much more, Pauls brakes, Brooks B17, Arundel SS
> cages. Aren't you happy you now know everything about my bike. Fun fun
> fun.
> BykMor

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[RBW] Re: The Lady loves her Atlantis

2010-11-29 Thread rperks
That is so cool, congrats.  I have been trying to find a wife bike
like that for years.  The 650b conversion of her Miyata brought us
closer, but outside of the tandem the solution will likely be a
custom.  I looked long and hard at that Atlantis, but the timing is
not right, and I think it was a bit small for my wife, I am glad it is
going to be loved.

If you are not going to have matching jerseys you could at least have
matching hats:
while they are on sale


On Nov 28, 11:47 am, doug peterson  wrote:
> Following our story of the new-to-her 47 cm Atlantis posted earlier,
> my wife has been on the bike now 3 days this weekend (and we've still
> got Sunday afternoon).  After picking up the bike during last
> weekend's inclement (for us) weather, her first chance to get in a
> decent ride was Thanksgiving day.  The drop bars and bar end shifters
> were new to her so we took the familiar Newport Back Bay loop, a 22
> mile RT from our home.  She was so comfortable and confident with the
> bike that she insisted on taking it the next day on an overnight to
> San Diego with our local club.  I suggested that she take her trusty
> Trek (flat bars, grip shift) but was over-ruled.
> Bright & early Friday AM, we dropped our luggage at the start and
> hopped the train south to Oceanside.  This cut the mileage to around
> 40, a comfortable distance for her.  We took all the meandering back
> lanes I know of to minimize time on PCH and maximize the scenic
> element.  Many of our friends in the bike club had moaned about the
> dreaded Torrey Pines grade.  IMHO this is highly over blown.  When we
> took a rest stop at the park at the base of the grade, I gave her the
> choice of the main highway or the old road.  For those unfamiliar with
> it, the old road is perhaps one-third the distance so obviously a good
> deal steeper.  There is an interesting museum right at the top, and
> the views are worth the climb.  She opted for the old road and made it
> to the top non-stop.  She was so glad to be on the Atlantis and said
> she'd have been pushing her Trek, even though it's also fitted with
> very low gearing.
> The weather was picture perfect and we arrived in San Diego in plenty
> of time for some wandering about.  She's often ready for a short nap
> after 40 miles but not Friday.  After our group explored Little Italy
> on Friday night, we rode thru the harbor area and caught the Bayside
> Bike Trail back up Coronado and the ferry back to downtown.  My wife
> couldn't be happier with the Atlantis and personally supervised its
> loading into the luggage bin for the bus ride home.  We took a bit of
> ribbing about having matching bikes but it's all in good fun.  On the
> way home she was musing about other potential weekend tours, so I see
> lots of mileage in the future for Mini-lantis.
> dougP

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[RBW] Re: Margarita Mixed Metric

2010-11-29 Thread rperks
This could be done!!

There are more backroad loops up there than any other place I know.
This could skirt the Great western Bicycle Rally if any of our
contingent were thinking of making it a longer trip.  There is so much
possible with this.  Camping abounds in the region.


On Nov 28, 10:09 pm, James Warren  wrote:
> This is awesome.
> We should figure out a summit meeting/ride of the Northern California 
> Rivendell bunch and the Southern California Rivendell bunch and do it in this 
> area (about halfway between LA and SF). We could stir up some trouble at the 
> Pozo Saloon.
> On Nov 27, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Robert Perks wrote:
> > I made it out yesterday for a mixed terrain ride in the hills south of 
> > Atascadero, Ca.  Things unexpectedly turned into a metric century on a 
> > beautiful but cold day.  Still frost is better than snow anyday in my book. 
> >  Lots of country back roads, a little hike a bike and some incredible 
> > mountain dirt roads.  This area is a cyling wonderland.  Now it is time to 
> > figure out how to make a living in a place like this.  Short version of the 
> > pics here:
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/sets/72157625352786821/
> > and a full write up of the day here, still getting the full set of pictures 
> > put together
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/2010/11/27/magarita-mixed-metric/
> > Thanks for taking a look
> > --
> > Rob Perks
> > oceanaircycles.com
> > --
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[RBW] Re: Roadeo vs AHH. Your thoughts?

2010-12-06 Thread rperks
I have a 63 Rodeo,, and was pretty close to being in the early adopter
group.   In my discussions wiht Mark the "touch heavier" tubing for
the larger sizes may be 8-5-8, but that was up in the air at the time
as they were still working with Waterford to match the tubeset to a
bottom bracket that handled the external butt for the seat tube and
down tube.  In the end I was never able to confirm what tubeset was
used.  What we do know is that the stated tube set for the smaller
sizes is 7-4-7, but I an sure they reserve the right to do what ever
they want.  At the time I was very close to buyig the red Legolas they
had left, but the Roadeo was about to come out.  The slightly lower bb
and not-canti brakes called out to me, but god that Legolas looked
pretty.  Mark assured me that the ride would be similar dure to
similarity in the tube selection, and that riding it like a cross bike
shoul dnot cause it to come appart.

I love my Roadeo, it handles lightish loads and my 220 lb slab of self
OK on the trails, and is a dream with the JB greens on the rough
pavement.  The catch is the fender space in the rear.  I have about
7mm between the top of the JB and the brake bridge.  This is tight
enough that I am not likely to cram a fender in there no matter the
selection of brake.  That is really the only bummer on the bike.  If
you plan to run a 30 or smaller there should be enough room for
fenders, and or if you get luckier with bridge placement.

At times I have wondered if I should have gone with a different bike,
like the Hilsen, but that is ONLY due to my rear fender issue, I love
the bike in every other way.  If I were in you rshoes I would think
seriosly about a Ramb in your size, there have been so many coming up
recently I even thought a couple of times about selling my roadeo and
building up a ramb.  But thaen though about what SHMBO would do if she
caught me.  I would think you could make the Hilsen do close to the
same thing as a Roadeo, if you want a second bike, but cost is an
issue buy a used ramb.  If cost is not the issue, a Roadeo is hard to


On Dec 6, 12:08 am, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 12/5/10 7:54 PM, Kentileguy at ken_y...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
> > Lots of great input. Thanks! According to Riv's sizing chart I'm right
> > between a 57 and a 59. I bought Homer used, so I didn't have much
> > choice. On the plus side, it was local, like new and reasonably
> > priced. I have no regrets about buying it and after alot of tweaking I
> > think the fit is just about right. The 7cm stem is probably not ideal
> > and I am a little leery about squeezing the 135mm rear triangle around
> > a 130mm hub.
> You could put a couple of 2.5 mm spacers in there and ought to have plenty
> of room on the axle.  That's what I did with my current wheelset on the AHH.
> > I'm not fixated on weight, but I was very surprised at
> > how much different the lighter wheelset felt. I've considered the Ram
> > (there's a sweet 58cm orange one on ebay right now), but I thought it
> > might be too similar to the Homer. Ideally I would test ride a Ram &
> > Roadeo side by side to be able to form my own opinions, but there's
> > little chance of that happening, so I'm relying on the collective
> > wisdom of the group.
> I own a Hilsen (Toyo-built) and have ridden the Roadeo around the
> neighborhood over at the RBWHQ&L.  Setup was quite different from mine, but
> it had a noticeably snappy feel to it that made me salivate significantly.
> I think they are definitely different enough bicycles that each would morph
> towards discrete setups if I had them.
> But, as I've written before, Grant designs bicycles that handle in a way I
> appreciate.  All the Rivendells I've ridden have a similarity - stable &
> predictable under all kinds of situations - which leads me to ride them in
> all manner of daffy conditions.  For the Hilsen that means dirt access/fire
> roads, singletrack and more.
> If I had a Roadeo, I'd probably ride it the same way, especially since it it
> fits JB's and fenders.
> hope that's of some help,
> - Jim
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> Gallery updates now appear here -http://cyclofiend.blogspot.com
> "That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
> anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."
> William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"

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[RBW] Re: Front racks with fender bosses for the Ram?

2010-12-11 Thread rperks
I know there are pictures of this out there, but I do not have time to
find it at the moment.  If you visualize the metal strap that attaches
the rack at the top, when properly installed and the rack is slid as
far back towards the frame as it will go, the strap is actually a
little long, allowing for the front, just ahead of the middle
crossmember to be used as a fender mount point with a long spacer.

On Dec 11, 7:31 am, Will M  wrote:
> I’ve been talking offline to Mike “Leaf Slayer” about this; thought
> I’d open up the question to a larger audience.
> If you had a Ram (i.e., standard caliper brakes) and Riv's fork braze-
> ons for a small front rack, the Mark’s Rack is the best choice right?
> (i.e., thishttp://www.flickr.com/photos/41335...@n00/4436889284)
> But what if you also wanted a front rack with a fender attachment boss
> under the middle cross-piece, a la the Nitto M12?  Has anyone here
> found such a rack with a fender boss that works with caliper brakes
> and the Rivendell rack braze-ons (without going custom)?  Thanks.
> Will

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[RBW] Re: Dec. SoCal Rivendell Ride - Dirt Mulholland/Bay Cities Deli

2010-12-12 Thread rperks
Photos up and sorted,
Sore last night, better today after breakfast out, full ride reprt
later tonight

Thanks to all that helped make the day.


Rob Perks

On Dec 11, 11:55 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> Totally picked you out.  Aaron in front, you about four cars back, then John
> a car behind you.  Pretty cool to see you flying down the hill!
> On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > Eric - ENJOY the Big Eye.  That's brewed about 300 ft. from where I
> > now sit. Its a nice treat.
> > It was a very fun day.  Fantastic weather, and Aaron, James, and I
> > (who needed to get back from the mountains) really bombed down Topanga
> > Canyon.  I knew you guys could see us from the ridge!
> > Photo documentation:
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/
> > Esteban
> > San Diego, Calif.
> > On Dec 11, 9:57 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > > Eric, I read your post while I was running out the door this morning.
> > Just a
> > > touch different over here, low 70's, breezy, sunny.  No IPA though.
> > > For the record, we started off with 10 riders in Santa Monica.  Lost one
> > > going up Westridge.  Damn that's a climb and a half!  Pretty close to
> > losing
> > > another due to leg cramps.  A flat tire expertly repaired.  One wipe out
> > on
> > > a downhill sweeper.  Three folks had to leave early and took Topanga Cyn.
> > > down the hill (we could see you from the ridge!)  Hopefully good times
> > had
> > > by all.  Especially as we had a few folks from San Diego in the south,
> > > Ventura in the north, and Redlands out to the east.  As always, real good
> > > people that made the day really enjoyable.  And yes, we had the requisite
> > > bearded guy on an Atlantis, even though Doug couldn't make it!
> > > My legs were particularly dead and I struggled a bit.  Will probably have
> > > sore forearms and maybe neck tomorrow, maybe ITB as well.
> > > And yes, dinner at Bay Cities, although my ride and I had to split a bit
> > > early.
> > > And as always, the proof is in the pictures:
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/sets/72157625454132801/
> > > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:57 AM, EricP  wrote:
> > > > Okay, am now officially jealous.
> > > > Thursday - 20 hour power outage.  Bikes locked in garage.  Today
> > > > (Saturday) about 4 or 5 inches of snow with a lot more coming.  Mebbe
> > > > a foot or more.  And windy.
> > > > If I'm foolhardy, will try to ride one mile to a store and back.  Just
> > > > to get out.  Otherwise it's the Hillborne on the trainer (gack!)
> > > > At least will get some guitar practice in and hopefully catch up on
> > > > reading.  Plus, my order of Ballast Point Big Eye IPA showed up.  So
> > > > am prepared and willing to weather out any storm.
> > > > Eric Platt
> > > > St. Paul, MN
> > > > On Dec 10, 9:40 pm, james black  wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:16, cyclotour...@gmail.com
> > > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > Looking for a last minute stocking stuffer idea:  Hop on your bike
> > and
> > > > > > go for a ride with us Saturday morning!  Best mixed terrain ride in
> > > > > > SoCal!
> > > > > > Meeting in Santa Monica @ Peets on Montana & 14th.  Ride is planned
> > to
> > > > > > be underway @ 10:00, so get their early enough to hang out and
> > prepare
> > > > > > yourself for the ride by (ogle bike & drink espresso!).
> >http://www.flickr.mud.yahoo.com/groups/socal_rivendell_bicycle_apprec.
> > > > ..
> > > > > Good Evening RBWers and iBOBers,
> > > > > I am planning to join tomorrow's Santa Monica Mountains ride. I'm
> > > > > hoping for good weather. There were some unwholesome, warm gusty
> > winds
> > > > > while I was coming home from work, but tomorrow's forecast sounds
> > > > > pretty good - highs in the mid-70s with north winds at 1 mph. I'll be
> > > > > taking the white Nishiki with the 37mm Paselas.
> > > > > James Black
> > > > > Los Angeles, CA
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups
> > > > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > e...@googlegroups.com>
> > > > .
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> > > --
> > > Cheers,
> > > David
> > > Redlands, CA
> > > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > > probably benefit more from
> > > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > rbw-owners-bunch+

[RBW] Re: Dec. SoCal Rivendell Ride - Dirt Mulholland/Bay Cities Deli

2010-12-12 Thread rperks
Ride report done:

What an incredible day, and yes a grany gear would have been nice on
this ride.

On Dec 12, 10:08 am, rperks  wrote:
> Photos up and 
> sorted,http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/sets/72157625583483616/
> Sore last night, better today after breakfast out, full ride reprt
> later tonight
> Thanks to all that helped make the day.
> --
> Rob Perkshttp://oceanaircycles.com/
> On Dec 11, 11:55 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > Totally picked you out.  Aaron in front, you about four cars back, then John
> > a car behind you.  Pretty cool to see you flying down the hill!
> > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > > Eric - ENJOY the Big Eye.  That's brewed about 300 ft. from where I
> > > now sit. Its a nice treat.
> > > It was a very fun day.  Fantastic weather, and Aaron, James, and I
> > > (who needed to get back from the mountains) really bombed down Topanga
> > > Canyon.  I knew you guys could see us from the ridge!
> > > Photo documentation:
> > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/
> > > Esteban
> > > San Diego, Calif.
> > > On Dec 11, 9:57 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > > > Eric, I read your post while I was running out the door this morning.
> > > Just a
> > > > touch different over here, low 70's, breezy, sunny.  No IPA though.
> > > > For the record, we started off with 10 riders in Santa Monica.  Lost one
> > > > going up Westridge.  Damn that's a climb and a half!  Pretty close to
> > > losing
> > > > another due to leg cramps.  A flat tire expertly repaired.  One wipe out
> > > on
> > > > a downhill sweeper.  Three folks had to leave early and took Topanga 
> > > > Cyn.
> > > > down the hill (we could see you from the ridge!)  Hopefully good times
> > > had
> > > > by all.  Especially as we had a few folks from San Diego in the south,
> > > > Ventura in the north, and Redlands out to the east.  As always, real 
> > > > good
> > > > people that made the day really enjoyable.  And yes, we had the 
> > > > requisite
> > > > bearded guy on an Atlantis, even though Doug couldn't make it!
> > > > My legs were particularly dead and I struggled a bit.  Will probably 
> > > > have
> > > > sore forearms and maybe neck tomorrow, maybe ITB as well.
> > > > And yes, dinner at Bay Cities, although my ride and I had to split a bit
> > > > early.
> > > > And as always, the proof is in the pictures:
> > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/sets/72157625454132801/
> > > > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:57 AM, EricP  wrote:
> > > > > Okay, am now officially jealous.
> > > > > Thursday - 20 hour power outage.  Bikes locked in garage.  Today
> > > > > (Saturday) about 4 or 5 inches of snow with a lot more coming.  Mebbe
> > > > > a foot or more.  And windy.
> > > > > If I'm foolhardy, will try to ride one mile to a store and back.  Just
> > > > > to get out.  Otherwise it's the Hillborne on the trainer (gack!)
> > > > > At least will get some guitar practice in and hopefully catch up on
> > > > > reading.  Plus, my order of Ballast Point Big Eye IPA showed up.  So
> > > > > am prepared and willing to weather out any storm.
> > > > > Eric Platt
> > > > > St. Paul, MN
> > > > > On Dec 10, 9:40 pm, james black  wrote:
> > > > > > On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:16, cyclotour...@gmail.com
> > > > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > > Looking for a last minute stocking stuffer idea:  Hop on your bike
> > > and
> > > > > > > go for a ride with us Saturday morning!  Best mixed terrain ride 
> > > > > > > in
> > > > > > > SoCal!
> > > > > > > Meeting in Santa Monica @ Peets on Montana & 14th.  Ride is 
> > > > > > > planned
> > > to
> > > > > > > be underway @ 10:00, so get their early enough to hang out and
> > > prepare
> > > > > > > yourself for the ride by (ogle bike & drink espresso!).
> > >http://www.flickr.mud.yahoo.com/groups/socal_rivendell_bicycle_apprec.
> > > > > ..
> > > 

[RBW] Re: Dec. SoCal Rivendell Ride - Dirt Mulholland/Bay Cities Deli

2010-12-12 Thread rperks
Ok I am going to give away one of my sources for 94/58 rings in hope
that if people buy these that TA will not quit making them


if the link fails, try
then components -> drivetrain -> chains/chainrings -> and then filter
by 94/58

I would be shocked if it was a 56 not a 58 since it is A selling the
rings, but you never know unless you measure.  One of the nice things
about ring packaging is the measuring templates they include.


Rob Perks

On Dec 12, 7:57 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> I was wondering why you didn't show up!
> A 20T might be just the ticket.  Are there any downsides to running a
> chainring so small (chaindrop or something)?  I just checked, and it's a
> 56BCD, not 58... Actiontec doesn't have those, although they also have SS
> rings for very reasonable.
> Anyone out there know where to source a 20T 56BCD chainring?
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Michael_S wrote:
> > David, with that 58BCD crank you can run a 20T granny. That will give
> > you a similar gear to the 22-36 with your 34.
> > The 20T's are hard to find but ActionTec makes one in Ti!
> > I have an old S-works crank that will run that combo and so will some
> > of the Ritcheys.
> > The ride looked like a lot of fun. I'm sorry I missed it. I've been
> > nursing a sore hip and sticking to flat rides for the moment.
> > ~Mike~
> > On Dec 12, 6:59 pm, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> > > On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 18:44 -0800, Philip Williamson wrote:
> > > > Steve wrote:
> > > > > That can be as easy as changing the cassette, the chain and one
> > shifter.
> > > > I think they call that "the drivetrain."
> > > No, that's about half the drive train.  Front derailleur, front shifter
> > > and crank set do not have to be changed.  Nor does the freehub.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> probably benefit more from
> improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[RBW] Re: FS: Rawland Sogn, Bike Friday FT: Tikit, Nitto stem

2010-12-16 Thread rperks
It is not just Rawland, although I think Sean did things with his
pricing and timing that hurt the value of these bikes.  Have you
looked at the price of bike on ebay or even here?  You can get a used
surly complete well under $500 and the prices here for good Ranbo's in
my size on this list is astonishing.  1 year ago bikes were still
apreciating, but things are starting to dive in our world too.  It
always happens in the winter, and you could always throw the dice on
spring and summer prices coming back up.


On Dec 15, 10:04 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> Ah, unfortunately I teach in June and PBP is at the end of August.
> I'd be broke if I paid for food in Euros for two extra months while I
> panhandled in front of Notre Dame.
> I *am* planning a SR series this year, so you never know.  I want to
> do the Paris-Roubaix route, though.
> The Tikit should find a home - its really darn useful.  The market for
> the original Rawlands was kind of week even before the rSogn was
> announced.  I'm not sure why except that it was orphaned rather
> rapidly. I've never heard a complaint about that bike and i certainly
> don't have any.  That's one I wouldn't mind keeping, with Kirk Pacenti
> being involved in the design. I'd certainly take it over any Surly.
> Its a nice pathway to a Bombadil.  But it *is* for sale!  For now...
> Esteban
> On Dec 15, 9:00 pm, Roy Yates  wrote:
> > Is it a planned  coincidence that you're teaching in France in a PBP
> > year?
> > On Dec 15, 9:25 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> > > haha -- I teach in France this summer, and when the coupled Riv Road
> > > custom came up with couplers, I couldn't pass up the idea of running
> > > around the French countryside this summer on a Riv.  I also may be
> > > teaching in London in 2013, in time for the London-Edinburgh-London
> > > 1400K.  The Tikit is awesome -- really, awesome. But I'd rather be on
> > > a big boy bike for brevets!
> > > On Dec 15, 6:18 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > > So... I'm putting my Rawland Sogn and BF Tikit for sale to help pay
> > > > > for a Rivendell.
> > > > Wait - what riv are you buying now? Has your ebisu even come in, yet?
> > > > -sv- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[RBW] Re: FS: Rawland Sogn, Bike Friday FT: Tikit, Nitto stem

2010-12-16 Thread rperks
While I as well as others were able to do well with the sub $400
blemish bikes it cast a hue over the early sogn line,  and will keep
the prices low for these in the future.  This is unfortunate, but
pricing has an impact on perception.  While these are very good bikes
for the money, and IMO better than the second round of offerings due
to the vertical dropouts, But the marketing of each model as a one
time run without continuation, combined with blowout pricing dents the
long term customer impression.  Example, if you loved your Rivendell
Road and lost it to a wreck, you can pick up a Ramb, Hilsen, Roadeo or
Custom and be assured that you will be in the ballpark of ride and
customer experience.  If you go to the store and pick out a Trek and
split it at the BB 10 years later they will give you a new frame.  But
with the Rawland the impression is such that each round is it, and if
I were to loose my dSogn in a wrek it would have to be replaced with
something completely different or custom.  Even if they offered me a
replacement frame it would now have rear facing drops or possible low
trail geometry.  Again, the bike is a great bike and may roll on for
decades, but resale value is affected by lack of apparent long term
commitment to the offereing.  At this point you would not know from
Rawland that these bikes were ever for sale if it were not for flickr
and web forms, and they were for sale less than 2 years ago.

I am not trying to knock down the business model Sean is using, he
offers a decent price on styles of frames that are somewhat unique in
the market, you just have to realize that you may be getting into a
one time deal.  Keeping this on topic.  Rivendell offers a more
complete and sustained customer experience, and therefore is able to
build  a culture around their product line.  Taking that further,
Grant's approach of widening the pond with other companies in the
culture, e.g. Rawland, Minnehaha, acorn and what I am starting allows
this culture to flourish.


On Dec 16, 8:37 am, Ray Shine  wrote:
> Rob -- please elaborate re  Rawland possibly hurting the pricing of their 
> bikes.
> ____
> From: rperks 
> To: RBW Owners Bunch 
> Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 8:34:00 AM
> Subject: [RBW] Re: FS: Rawland Sogn, Bike Friday FT: Tikit, Nitto stem
> It is not just Rawland, although I think Sean did things with his
> pricing and timing that hurt the value of these bikes.  Have you
> looked at the price of bike on ebay or even here?  You can get a used
> surly complete well under $500 and the prices here for good Ranbo's in
> my size on this list is astonishing.  1 year ago bikes were still
> apreciating, but things are starting to dive in our world too.  It
> always happens in the winter, and you could always throw the dice on
> spring and summer prices coming back up.
> Rob
> On Dec 15, 10:04 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> > Ah, unfortunately I teach in June and PBP is at the end of August.
> > I'd be broke if I paid for food in Euros for two extra months while I
> > panhandled in front of Notre Dame.
> > I *am* planning a SR series this year, so you never know.  I want to
> > do the Paris-Roubaix route, though.
> > The Tikit should find a home - its really darn useful.  The market for
> > the original Rawlands was kind of week even before the rSogn was
> > announced.  I'm not sure why except that it was orphaned rather
> > rapidly. I've never heard a complaint about that bike and i certainly
> > don't have any.  That's one I wouldn't mind keeping, with Kirk Pacenti
> > being involved in the design. I'd certainly take it over any Surly.
> > Its a nice pathway to a Bombadil.  But it *is* for sale!  For now...
> > Esteban
> > On Dec 15, 9:00 pm, Roy Yates  wrote:
> > > Is it a planned  coincidence that you're teaching in France in a PBP
> > > year?
> > > On Dec 15, 9:25 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > haha -- I teach in France this summer, and when the coupled Riv Road
> > > > custom came up with couplers, I couldn't pass up the idea of running
> > > > around the French countryside this summer on a Riv.  I also may be
> > > > teaching in London in 2013, in time for the London-Edinburgh-London
> > > > 1400K.  The Tikit is awesome -- really, awesome. But I'd rather be on
> > > > a big boy bike for brevets!
> > > > On Dec 15, 6:18 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > > > > On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > > > So... I'm putting my Rawland Sogn and BF Tikit for sale to help pay
> > > > > > for a 

[RBW] Re: New-to-me Riv Road Custom in the house

2010-12-20 Thread rperks
Fitting tire choice considering where you want to take the bike.  You
post on flicker had me thinking about the route, tean this came up:
http://oceanaircycles.com/2010/12/20/race-movie-musings/ ‎

How do you like the Roubaix tires compared to your fat rubber?  I have
been running my Roughy Toughy set of tires with fenders this week,
with the pressure low thay are not really that bad, but still not the
cruiser like feel of the JB greens.


On Dec 20, 11:20 am, Esteban  wrote:
> Not too much room for fenders, and no mount on the chainstay bridge. I
> could put on SKS over the 28s with i little zip-tie/wine cork
> ingenuity down there.  I'd rather not, and refrain even from a
> saddlebag on this bike.  32s fit.  I'll try Jack Browns, out of
> curiosity, later this week.  Challenge Parigi-Roubaix 27s (stretched
> out to 29cm) will go on this bike soon.
> On Dec 20, 8:27 am, William  wrote:
> > Don't assault my view with that abomination until proper brake cable
> > housing ferrules are installed!
> > OK, that's overstated a bit.it looks dynamite even without proper
> > brake cable housing ferrules.
> > ##goes back to look some more##
> > On Dec 20, 7:17 am, Esteban  wrote:
> > > Its in the house because there are no fender mounts and its raining
> > > incessantly. New-to-me 1999 Rivendell Road custom by Joe Starck with
> > > paint by Joe Bell.  Lot's of San Diego in this bike.
> > > I wasn't going to post it here until I got a chance to trim the cable
> > > housing, re-wrap the bars, etc.  But I threw on a Brooks Pro and took
> > > a photo or three, and thought you all might like it:
> > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/sets/72157625512790049/
> > > I also wanted to use this opportunity to endorse buying stuff from the
> > > people on this list!  After you've supported Riv & Co., of course.
> > > Esteban
> > > San Diego, Calif.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[RBW] Jack Brown and Roadeo Fenders?

2010-12-20 Thread rperks
Not a prayer due to rear clearances at the brake bridge.   My bridge
is a little low for some reason.

The frame fork clear 45mm fenders.  I have the shimano brakes and they
limit the spece in the verticle direction.  So with the onset of our
California rains I went with a set of planet bike fenders and the 29mm
Roughy Toughy tires that were on my traut.  This season I will work
with what I have.  In a dream world I would try the Paul Racer M,
Honjo 41mm smooth and the roubaix tires, but at this time money is
still an object.


On Dec 20, 3:08 pm, James Warren  wrote:
> So Rob,
> I forget; have you tried JB's and fenders on your Roadeo?
> -Jim
> -Original Message-
> >From: rperks 
> >Sent: Dec 20, 2010 1:36 PM
> >To: RBW Owners Bunch 
> >Subject: [RBW] Re: New-to-me Riv Road Custom in the house
> >Fitting tire choice considering where you want to take the bike.  You
> >post on flicker had me thinking about the route, tean this came up:
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/2010/12/20/race-movie-musings/‎
> >How do you like the Roubaix tires compared to your fat rubber?  I have
> >been running my Roughy Toughy set of tires with fenders this week,
> >with the pressure low thay are not really that bad, but still not the
> >cruiser like feel of the JB greens.
> >Rob
> >-
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/
> >On Dec 20, 11:20 am, Esteban  wrote:
> >> Not too much room for fenders, and no mount on the chainstay bridge. I
> >> could put on SKS over the 28s with i little zip-tie/wine cork
> >> ingenuity down there.  I'd rather not, and refrain even from a
> >> saddlebag on this bike.  32s fit.  I'll try Jack Browns, out of
> >> curiosity, later this week.  Challenge Parigi-Roubaix 27s (stretched
> >> out to 29cm) will go on this bike soon.
> >> On Dec 20, 8:27 am, William  wrote:
> >> > Don't assault my view with that abomination until proper brake cable
> >> > housing ferrules are installed!
> >> > OK, that's overstated a bit.it looks dynamite even without proper
> >> > brake cable housing ferrules.
> >> > ##goes back to look some more##
> >> > On Dec 20, 7:17 am, Esteban  wrote:
> >> > > Its in the house because there are no fender mounts and its raining
> >> > > incessantly. New-to-me 1999 Rivendell Road custom by Joe Starck with
> >> > > paint by Joe Bell.  Lot's of San Diego in this bike.
> >> > > I wasn't going to post it here until I got a chance to trim the cable
> >> > > housing, re-wrap the bars, etc.  But I threw on a Brooks Pro and took
> >> > > a photo or three, and thought you all might like it:
> >> > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/sets/72157625512790049/
> >> > > I also wanted to use this opportunity to endorse buying stuff from the
> >> > > people on this list!  After you've supported Riv & Co., of course.
> >> > > Esteban
> >> > > San Diego, Calif.- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
> >--
> >You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> >"RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> >To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> >To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >For more options, visit this group 
> >athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[RBW] Re: Tan Sidewalls - Rain Problems

2010-12-23 Thread rperks
PJ would probably eat the rubber, not a good combo.  There are latex
products for protecting tubular tires, but not easy to come by.  I
experimented with theatrical liqud latex, but it was hard to keep off
the rims and dried with a tacky finish.  On the plus side after a
month and a half it pealed right off and the sidewalls looked new.
Next time I try it I might give it a dusting of Talc once it dries.

As for the gray sludge- soap, water and a scrub brush.  The sidewall
will always have a little beausage, but that looks better in my eye
than the crisp tan of a new tire.


On Dec 23, 9:39 am, Allan in Portland  wrote:
> I've been meaning to ask a similar question for a few weeks now.
> Anyone ever tried petroleum jelly as a sidewall prophylactic? I'm
> thinking something that would fill the rubber pores and coat the
> surface with a hyrdophobic layer would be perfect for keeping the
> aluminum slurry from accumulating on sidewalls. Hmm, now that I write
> it down, it sounds a like a pretty good product idea -- Phil's
> Sidewall Protectant.
> -Allan
> On Dec 23, 9:11 am, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 12:08 PM, JimD  wrote:
> > > I've been commuting on my Saluki through a series of rain storms here in
> > > Northern Calif.
> > > I like tires with tan sidewalls to my eye they look greatt but in 
> > > persistent
> > > rainy conditions they turn mucky gray.
> > > I'd sure like to know how people clean this stuff off once the sky clears.
> > > Maybe the answer is to switch from my col de la vies to some bombproof
> > > Schwalbes?
> > A little rubbing alcohol or peroxide seems to clean the grime off the
> > sidewalls just fine.
> > -sv- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Tan Sidewalls - Rain Problems

2010-12-23 Thread rperks
I have read that the aquseal is a bit thick and harder to apply, that
is why I went with the theatrical latex.  The latex dries translucent,
so the sidewalls still look tan.  Also, they do make clear but it cost
more.  You can find the latex at you local year round costume shops, I
happened to be working near LA when I found mine, no shortage of
theatrical stuff there.

One thing I have not tried is the Bleach White priduct used to get
whitewall tires on your car clean.  It would likely do OK, but I do
not care enough to try.


On Dec 23, 12:46 pm, Allan in Portland  wrote:
> Thanks Patrick. $7 a tube ain't too bad. At the risk of validating
> certain fob stereotypes, I think I might give it a try. :-)
> Merry Christmas,
> -Allan
> On Dec 23, 12:30 pm, Patrick in VT  wrote:
> > On Dec 23, 1:03 pm, rperks  wrote:
> > > There are latex products for protecting tubular tires, but not easy to 
> > > come by.
> > "aquaseal" is popular with folk that ride cx tubulars in the muck 
> > -http://cyclocrossworld.stores.yahoo.net/ducysise.html.
> > it can be found at diving shops, outdoor apparel stores, some hardware
> > stores and a zillion places online.  it works reasonably well to
> > protect the cotton/silk casing of $140 tires, but I wouldn't use it on
> > a clincher just to keep things looking clean.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell Vindicated Once Again

2010-12-23 Thread rperks
I have been looking at all the pictures of the Saluki frames I could
find, and nowhere did I see the fittings for the "mud flap".

On Dec 23, 12:09 pm, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 10:14 -0800, JimD wrote:
> > I'd been procrastinating about installing mudflaps on the Saluki.
> > Couldn't get around to  chasing down the appropriate hardware.
> > Motivated by the rain, I tempted fate and used black zip ties.  
> A Saluki will fit fenders properly with no hacking involved.  Bridges
> are correctly placed for a good fender line and there are fittings for
> fender mounts.  Everything fits as it should do, and there's really no
> need for crude hacks on this frame.  Do it right, you'll feel much
> better for it.

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[RBW] Re: Fenders for Roadeo

2010-12-29 Thread rperks
Get the fender nuts, and squeeze those fenders up as high as you can,
a 45mm fender should fit width wise but your height will be the
squeeze as you decide on what tires you are going to run. I went with
Planet bike fenders.  For the price they are decent, not honjo, but
better by far than nothing.  I ended up making a longer mud flap for
mine too.  The stock one on the front was really short.


Have fun, rain is what you make of it.  I think of it as a step closer
to the frictionless universe from physics class.


On Dec 29, 8:37 am, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> Would it be terrible to temporarily attach the front fender to my
> Roadeo with a bolt as usual at the fork blade tip, and zipties at the
> brake bridge? These fenders are just for a few days, and since I'm
> hopelessly bad at readjusting brakes I don't want to have to do it
> twice in a week.
> --
> -- Anne Paulson
> My hovercraft is full of eels

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[RBW] Re: How to convert a Bike with 1 1/8" headset to a 1" threadset

2010-12-29 Thread rperks
Option 4?
Rawland Elgokse


On Dec 29, 9:29 am, Carl Otto Wollin 
> Hello RBW List
> I´m interested to use my Nitto Bullmoose bar/stem on my Touring bike a Thorn 
> XTC that is build with a 1 1/8" headset. Is it possible to:
> 1. Use the existing fork and convert the steerer with threads and a new 1 
> 1/8" threaded headset. Is it possible to use a spacer to the smaller 1" Quill.
> 2. Is it better to get a new 1" threaded fork with a King Devolution headset, 
> 1 1/8" to 1".
> 3. Do you have a better idea/ solution for my problem.
> What do you recommend, is the first route possible or is it jusst Utopia!
> I wish you all a Happy new Year!
> Regards
> Carl Otto Wollin

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[RBW] Re: Riv Ride Chiang Mai 12-27-10

2010-12-29 Thread rperks
Looks warm, very nice.  There was an interloper though and therefore
75% Riv in the group.


On Dec 29, 9:24 am, doug peterson  wrote:
> Gernot:
> Great photos.  100% Rivendell participation is a high bar to meet;
> doubt we'll ever get there here in the States.
> Hope I can hook up with you guys when I'm there next month.  Gotta
> make that adjustment to riding British style.
> dougP
> On Dec 29, 6:52 am, Earl Grey  wrote:
> > Up in the far north, almost 20 degrees latitude. :)
> > Gernot- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Handlebar Bag on 60 cm Sam Hillborne

2010-12-31 Thread rperks
I have heard the siren song of the Berthoud bag and managed to
resist.  The main detractor for me is that the larger bag will look
best with my 63 Roadeo, and then I would fill it, compulsively with
stuff just becauce I had the space.  I opted for the Acorn Hobo style
bag and a Nitto light mount 2:
So far so good, I have other bags to add storage on the bike as
needed.  Camera, phone wallet and other quick on the bike typ ethings
go in the front, the rest is in the middle or rear.  The set up has
not significantly hurt handling as far as I can detect.


On Dec 30, 10:06 am, MikeC  wrote:
> Has anyone successfully mounted a classic handlebar bag with decaleur
> on a 60 cm Hillborne or other bike with a large drop from stem to top
> of fender? My Technomic Dlx is at the max exension. I have read poor
> stability is a potential issue with the integrated decaleur on the VO
> front rack. Anyone with experience with those and what bag did you
> use? I'm considering a midsize bag.
> -Mike C.

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[RBW] Re: Snow in LA

2011-01-02 Thread rperks
Just recieved a text from my fater in law that they have about in inch
or 2 sticking to the ground at their place in Stevenson Ranch.  Out
here in Ventura nothing but rain, am sure the mountains are packed in
with snow, but too many clouds to see.  Still fun riding, just layer
up with the wool!!


On Jan 2, 2:32 pm, Michael_S  wrote:
> Lucky I got in  a 20 miler this morning on the Ram, temp was about
> 45F.  Cuz' now we are getting some heavy wet snow flakes in Valencia
> about 40 min North of downtown.  We are about 1200 ft elevation.
> woohoo...snow!

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[RBW] Re: Short Hunqa vid from RBW

2011-01-03 Thread rperks
Very nice spec!

Assuming it is yours, how long of a reach is on the quill?  I have
been thinking of setting up my rawland like this, but the cockpit is
already on the short side of things.

On Jan 3, 6:17 am, zeidler.rob...@gmail.com wrote:
> I think, think I say, that may be my bike they are prepping to ship. Sure 
> looks like the same spec, but it could be a common set-up.  
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -Original Message-
> From: Esteban 
> Sender: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:39:24
> To: RBW Owners Bunch
> Reply-To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Short Hunqa vid from RBW
> I was up there to check out this bike and observe the videographers.
> The bike is really beefy with those tires.  I've got a photo
> somewhere...
> Esteban
> San Diego, "Made it over the snowstorm on the I-5 before it was closed
> in both directions this afternoon" Calif
> On Jan 2, 8:12 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > And the always appreciated valve stem shot (submit yours
> > here
> > )!
> > The 62cm frame makes those 29ers look like 26" tires!  I'm gonna' have to
> > think long and hard about a 58cm frame...
> > On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Michael_S  wrote:
> > > just a tease...looks pretty nice, perfect for those back road camping
> > > tours!
> > > ~Mike~
> > > On Jan 2, 6:54 pm, Mike  wrote:
> > > > Looks like a 62cm and shown with 2.25 tires.
> > > >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAS7IeATqs0
> > > > --mike
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > >  e...@googlegroups.com>
> > > .
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > Redlands, CA
> > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > probably benefit more from
> > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Gray Whale 200K

2011-01-03 Thread rperks
Awsome start to the year, great job making it to the end of the ride.
Be sure to share how you work out the bugs on you loading and
fendering etc. with your Roadeo.  I am going through some of the same
issues and hope to get back into some longer distances this year, that
was part of why I bought the Roadeo last year.

On Jan 2, 9:18 pm, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> As of last night, I'm averaging 200K per day for 2011.
> Thanks, everyone, for the brevet advice. As promised, here's the report.
> The forecast was for rain all morning, SE wind 5-15 mph in the
> morning, rain stopping and wind dying down in the afternoon; almost
> ideal for an out-and-back that went northeast for the first half.  I
> was worried about being cold and wet, so I packed up an extra pair of
> socks, a pair of gloves, and an spare wool undershirt (those Ibex
> woolies are *fantastic*). I also brought rain pants. I planned to wear
> an Ibex wooly undershirt, a jersey, a rain jacket, polarfleece tights
> over shorts, and wool socks with booties over them. For food I brought
> some brownie bites with peppermint patties in them, and a meat pie,
> plus a flask of gel.
> I overslept yesterday morning, so I had to rush to get out of the
> house. Luckily, I'd packed up everything the night before. In the
> rush, though, I probably didn't eat enough breakfast.
> I arrived in plenty of time, with a good chance to check out the other
> bikes. I didn't see any other Rivs, though I think there may have been
> an orange one I missed. Several riders had beautiful Steve Rex bikes.
> Several riders were using Rivish canvas handlebar bags, some with
> decaleurs. Oddly, about a third of the riders didn't have fenders,
> even though rain was predicted and it was in fact raining.
> Since it was raining steadily at the start, I donned the rain pants. I
> stopped a couple of times near the start of the ride, so ended up
> riding alone, but with a tailwind that didn't matter. The rain tailed
> off after about an hour, and the wind picked up. I was zipping right
> along, not working too hard. What a delight it was to ride an empty
> Highway 1.
> I stopped for a pitstop and snack just north of Pigeon Point, maybe 30
> miles in, but didn't eat very much. Between Pescadero and San Gregorio
> I was catching  up to a tandem. I had visions of that tandem being my
> new best friend on the way back into the wind, but then at the base of
> the hill just north of San Gregorio, I was feeling a little bonkish so
> I stopped for a peppermint, and I didn't see the tandem couple again.
> That hill is pesky-- it's only about three or four hundred feet, but
> it always seems more difficult that I think it should. Perhaps it
> always comes at a difficult time in a ride-. Usually I approach it
> after having climbed Page Mill, Haskins Hill and the two little hills
> on Stage Road, so I'm tired. There are three ways to climb it, and the
> one I was doing, north on Highway 1, is the easiest. Still, I was glad
> to summit and ride the rollers to Half Moon Bay. After Half Moon Bay,
> it was only a few miles to the turnaround.
> I reached the turnaround four hours in, feeling strong, and took the
> last parking spot at the end of the line-up of bikes stretched out
> along the wall of the market. I was hoping for hot soup or a tasty
> sandwich, but the convenience store had only nasty-looking premade
> sandwiches and no soup. I had a chocolate milk, a banana, a brownie
> bite and a couple of bites of meat pie-- not really enough. The people
> still left at the rest stop when I was ready to go looked strong, like
> I wouldn't be able to stay with them, so I headed out alone.
> It was tough. That happy dream of the wind dropping was a
> weatherliar's fantasy. The wind continued just as it had been all day,
> with whitecaps out on the ocean, only now I had to ride into it. I
> figured on stopping every fifteen miles on the way back. The first
> stop was a random beach, where I was the only one enjoying the cold
> windy picnic tables. I didn't linger, and again I didn't eat enough.
> My second stop was at Gazos Creek. I had just leaned my bike against
> the wall to go in the convenience store when I noticed a group of
> cyclists passing. I jumped back on the bike and with my last strength,
> bridged to join them. The benefit was obvious; I could sit in for a
> while and stop fighting the wind I'd been fighting for thirty miles.
> The cost became clear; I needed to eat and to get more water, but I
> didn't. But three angels riding Steve Rex bikes babysat me for the
> rest of the route, as I got weaker and weaker. We stopped in
> Davenport. One of the angels handed me a Coke. I slurped it down, but
> I was still draggling as one of my angels escorted me, slowly, to the
> end of the ride, ten and a half hours after I started.
> Reflections:
> The ride was harder than I expected, and the challenge was different.
> I expected to be cold and wet, but in fact it rained only f

[RBW] Re: Atlantis?

2011-01-04 Thread rperks
look to be Schwalbe Fat Franks - Rob

On Jan 4, 12:33 pm, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> What are the tyres?

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[RBW] Re: SoCal Riv Ride - Feb 12 in SD

2011-01-04 Thread rperks
I want to do this, but the distance on the highway has my head
spining.  Santiago Peak was the most time I spent in a car in 6
months.  This one would be 200 miles each way, through LA and Orange

But the mountains out there are so so cool, decisions.

I may have to use this as an excuse to head into our own back counrty
and partake in spirit.  or if you get there early and find me sleeping
in the green golf knock on the window,

Tough choices

On Jan 4, 12:27 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> The JBs would be great on the 35ish miles of paved road, and don't sound
> like they would be a hindrance on the dirt... so dust off that Ram!
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Esteban  wrote:
> > I think the dirt sections are relatively mellow (save for a few 50-ft.
> > sections with big rocks to prevent erosion, which may have all of us
> > walking).  35s recommended, but the jump from JBs up to those is not
> > huge.
> > On Jan 4, 11:27 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> > > Would Jack Browns be a good choice for this ride or something more
> > > studly?
> > > I'm marking it on my calender right now too.
> > > ~Mike~
> > > On Jan 4, 11:17 am, Esteban  wrote:
> > > > Folks - This is going to be a real treat.  Some of the attributes of
> > > > our back country are: 1) fairly close to downtown San Diego - our
> > > > starting point is about 12 miles east of the gleaming waterfront; 2)
> > > > Its really wild out there on the trails - no spa-style hikers and dog
> > > > walkers (no offense intended), just rugged country and surprising
> > > > wilderness; 3) wide open country roads with breathtaking vistas of the
> > > > mountains, Mexico, desert, ocean, etc.  This will be completely worth
> > > > the trip. Here's the photoset of the ride that Dustin curated last
> > > > year:
> > > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/sets/72157623972790726/
> > > > This ride won't be quite as alpine, but we have good beer here, too
> > > > (the famous, tiny, Alpine Brewery is not far off this route), and I'm
> > > > sure we'll include some in our activities for the day if you wish to
> > > > partake.
> > > > I'm hoping to run the freshly-painted Protovelo with Hetres, topped
> > > > perhaps by Albatross bars for pure fun.  We'll see.
> > > > No one's left behind, but there will be bail-out options.  Would be
> > > > worth a trip for disaster-prone Southern California-ians.  Perhaps
> > > > worth a trip for folks further out!
> > > > Esteban
> > > > San Diego, Calif.
> > > > On Jan 4, 10:08 am, cyclotourist  wrote:
> > > > > February's planned ride lets us get inland a bit, as well as giving
> > the SD
> > > > > crowd have a break from traveling (the price of living in paradise).
> >  It's
> > > > > shaping up to be a 50+ mile mixie, over mostly back roads and ~30%
> > dirt
> > > > > content guaranteed.  A chunk of climbing, so work on those intervals!
> >  Hope
> > > > > the North LA & Ventura crowd can make it down there!  We're going to
> > try to
> > > > > meet up @ 9:00 to get on the road by 9:30
> > > > > A route map and some more specifics can be seen here:
> >http://www.flickr.com/groups/socal_rivendell_bicycle_appreciation_soc...
> > > > > As with all these rides, expect to meet some really great folks and
> > put
> > > > > faces to  names, as well as to see some beautiful areas of SoCal that
> > you
> > > > > probably have never been to!  All bikes are welcome, aluminum, bamboo
> > and
> > > > > crabon. Run what you brung!  Rain or shine, unless there's one of the
> > recent
> > > > > "decade" storms we've been having.  Otherwise fenders and wool should
> > handle
> > > > > it nicely.
> > > > > --
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > David
> > > > > Redlands, CA
> > > > > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > > > > probably benefit more from
> > > > > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS-
> > Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> probably benefit more from
> improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Saddle comparison - Brooks B17 vs. Berthoud Touring

2011-01-07 Thread rperks
I have been outlining a writeup myself on this subject, looks like
Lovelybike beat me too it.  I think you and I are in a similar size
class, 6'2" 220 lb, so some of my thoughts may carry over.

I bought my Berthoud well over a year ago and have moved it around on
different bikes.  My other basis of comparison are the B17 on all my
other bikes, I am too embarrassed to count at the moment.

Out of the box the Berthoud was perfect, thicker leather but more
comfortable.  As I rotated the saddles around, the Berthoud has eneded
up on whichever bike is getting the most milage at the moment.  By
this point I have put a few thousand miles on it and it is starting to
take the shape of my arse.


I like the narrowness in the front with the suport in the rear.  It
hits my sit bones in the same way as the B17, but the narrow nose has
more thigh room.  Only downside so far was pulling all the screws to
add some locktite

Bottom line for me, this is my favorite saddle on bike where the bars
are at or below the saddle.  If I have the bars up high or albatross
bars I still like the Brooks more.


On Jan 6, 9:40 pm, Rene Sterental  wrote:
> Can anyone provide how the Berthoud Touring Saddles would compare to a B17
> saddle? I own B17 saddles but have never ridden a Berthoud one.
> Thanks,
> René

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[RBW] Loadeo Roadeo

2011-01-09 Thread rperks
I could not resist the title, Sorry ;)

I was abble to squeeze in my sunday farmer's market ride today and
decided to load up the Roadeo in lieu of the Rawland.  Write up and
pics here:


Short version is that my love affair with the Roadeo contiues to
expand.  If you are thinking of one but not sure if a "Leight Weight"
Riv is right for you, give it a second look. Fun, fast, and capible of
moderate loading and errands etc.  The ride is wonderful and sporty
compared to the Rawland which has a heavier tube spec.  More and more
the other bikes in my stable are seeing less time outside.


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[RBW] Re: Loadeo Roadeo

2011-01-09 Thread rperks
The fish eye pics have been coming out of the GoPro camera I bought.
I am really liking it so far, and it does not come with the emotional
fear factor of shooting a near $1000 DSLR while riding.  I am still
using the shotgun approach and shoot about 100-200 pics on a ride,
quickly weed it down to around 20 when I get home and then pic a few
from that.   Video is next on my agenda, but I need to come up with an
editor I do not hate using.


On Jan 9, 2:36 pm, Michael_S  wrote:
> nice photos Rob, Is that a fish eye lens your shooting with?
> It's a little cooler out here in the SCV... yesterday it was in high
> 40's most of the day, still nice enough for a nice ride to the other
> side of the valley.http://www.flickr.com/photos/37347...@n05/5337019801/
> ~Mike~
> On Jan 9, 2:23 pm, rperks  wrote:
> > I could not resist the title, Sorry ;)
> > I was abble to squeeze in my sunday farmer's market ride today and
> > decided to load up the Roadeo in lieu of the Rawland.  Write up and
> > pics here:
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/2011/01/09/loadeo-the-roadeo/
> > Short version is that my love affair with the Roadeo contiues to
> > expand.  If you are thinking of one but not sure if a "Leight Weight"
> > Riv is right for you, give it a second look. Fun, fast, and capible of
> > moderate loading and errands etc.  The ride is wonderful and sporty
> > compared to the Rawland which has a heavier tube spec.  More and more
> > the other bikes in my stable are seeing less time outside.
> > Rob- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Loadeo Roadeo

2011-01-10 Thread rperks
If it helps:
1. I did have two shirts and wool socks.
2. The Avacados are 7 for $5, and taste better than bacon
3. Bag matching is a disorder that taken hold in a big way, I think it
hits most of us here at least a little.

Thanks for taking a peek into the looking glass

On Jan 9, 2:50 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 5:23 PM, rperks  wrote:
> > I could not resist the title, Sorry ;)
> > I was abble to squeeze in my sunday farmer's market ride today and
> > decided to load up the Roadeo in lieu of the Rawland.  Write up and
> > pics here:
> >http://oceanaircycles.com/2011/01/09/loadeo-the-roadeo/
> Rob,
>  Thanks for the pictures - a few things:
> 1. it is mean to rub in the fact that you don't have to wear 4 layers
> of clothing to go outside
> 2. it is also mean to rub in that you can buy avocados at your farmer's 
> market.
> 3. I really love your bag matchering.
> :-D
> thanks!
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: Saddle comparison - Brooks B17 vs. Berthoud Touring

2011-01-10 Thread rperks
I fleshed out my feelings on the berthoud saddle a little mre here:

Bottom line is I love these saddles, the only thing keeping me from
owning more is a temporary speed bump in the cash flow.


On Jan 7, 10:13 am, rperks  wrote:
> Rene,
> I have been outlining a writeup myself on this subject, looks like
> Lovelybike beat me too it.  I think you and I are in a similar size
> class, 6'2" 220 lb, so some of my thoughts may carry over.
> I bought my Berthoud well over a year ago and have moved it around on
> different bikes.  My other basis of comparison are the B17 on all my
> other bikes, I am too embarrassed to count at the moment.
> Out of the box the Berthoud was perfect, thicker leather but more
> comfortable.  As I rotated the saddles around, the Berthoud has eneded
> up on whichever bike is getting the most milage at the moment.  By
> this point I have put a few thousand miles on it and it is starting to
> take the shape of my arse.
> http://oceanaircycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/1.5coast-2.jpg
> I like the narrowness in the front with the suport in the rear.  It
> hits my sit bones in the same way as the B17, but the narrow nose has
> more thigh room.  Only downside so far was pulling all the screws to
> add some locktite
> Bottom line for me, this is my favorite saddle on bike where the bars
> are at or below the saddle.  If I have the bars up high or albatross
> bars I still like the Brooks more.
> Rob
> -http://oceanaircycles.com/
> On Jan 6, 9:40 pm, Rene Sterental  wrote:
> > Can anyone provide how the Berthoud Touring Saddles would compare to a B17
> > saddle? I own B17 saddles but have never ridden a Berthoud one.
> > Thanks,
> > René- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Informal Tall Riders Group

2011-01-12 Thread rperks
I will also chime in from the fringes at 6'3" with a PBH around 91 I
would be the short kid in the club.  I hide my 220lbs well, but when I
see pictures of myself on the roadeo, at times it looks like a toy
beneath me.

I cannot resist throwing out a "hows the weather up there" as it was
the first thing that poped into my head when I made it home to take a
look at this pic:
As the tallest kid in the class my whole life I heard that almost as
much as "so do you play basketball?"


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[RBW] Re: Informal Tall Riders Group: What is the best vehicle for hauling your bike?

2011-01-13 Thread rperks
Take a look at the Ford Transit connect.  My buddy has one and we get
two decent sized bikes in there.  I can get my 63cm bikes into the VW
Golf, but that is with one rear seat removed and the other folded
down.  Even with that the seat is like 1/8" from the headliner and
people cringe when I shut the back hatch.


Smaller than the TC above and you a likely looking at seat removal,
other than that you are in van territory.  I dream of a Dodge


On Jan 13, 3:02 pm, robert zeidler  wrote:
> Here's why I ask?  I'm thinking about some new (4) wheels, and would
> like to be able to keep the bike inside at times in the event of rain,
> theft-prevention etc.  Thinking of maybe outfitting a Jeep Wrangler w/
> a floor-mounted fork mount-just back the bike in, tighten the QR,
> slide the wheel in next to it
> Anyway, what is everybody else doing?

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[RBW] Re: Informal Tall Riders Group: What is the best vehicle forhauling your bike?

2011-01-13 Thread rperks
Sexy is a state of mind, Google turned up this gallery:
draw your own conclusions

As for the Golf, the back seat is fully removed on the side behind the
driver to make room for the rear wheel, passenger side is folded
down.  This just fits my bikes by fractions of an inch, saddle height
around 86-88.  Main reason I worked this out was similar to yours,
security and weather.  If it were not for the wife and baby I would
have pulled all but the driver seat out, think road warior.

On Jan 13, 5:23 pm, zeidler.rob...@gmail.com wrote:
> Well that's just it. I had a Focus SVT w/ a roof-rack for a bit, but as a 
> bike hauler Bugs, a Brooks that you really can't get wet (only the 
> heaviest baggy will work, but even they shred), so I thought the 4dr Wrangler 
> might work. Fold/remove the back seat. Never measured the floor/ceiling 
> distance. The new little Ford van has promise but doesn't have enough sex as 
> far as I'm concerned. A VW GTI van would work.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -Original Message-
> From: Kelly Sleeper 
> Sender: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 16:25:45
> To: RBW Owners Bunch
> Reply-To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Informal Tall Riders Group: What is the best vehicle for
>  hauling your bike?
> Good luck with that.  I had a General Motors mini van 6 years ago that
> I could do that with.  When I got my Ford Mini 2 Years later I
> couldn't do it any more becauseof a bench rear seat an not enough
> length for my bikes anyway.  Then went to roof racks.
> We are now looking at a full sized van.   I don't think my bikes would
> fit inside a wranger without lowering the seat .. then I don't see the
> length with a rear seat.
> Since buying my Rivendells I've had a nightmare with roof mounts too.
> The only rack that works well is my tandem rack for fender
> clearance.   I found a simliar design at draftmaster which is made for
> bikes with fenders.  At 114 bucks I may have to buy some to replace my
> thules.
> I forgot to mention that locking the bikes to the roof has worked
> well ...though I hate the bugs and such.. the bra's just add wind
> resistance and kill gas milage dramatically.
> Kelly
> Good luck with that.
> robert zeidler wrote:
> > Here's why I ask?  I'm thinking about some new (4) wheels, and would
> > like to be able to keep the bike inside at times in the event of rain,
> > theft-prevention etc.  Thinking of maybe outfitting a Jeep Wrangler w/
> > a floor-mounted fork mount-just back the bike in, tighten the QR,
> > slide the wheel in next to it
> > Anyway, what is everybody else doing?
> > RGZ
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Is the light surface rust on the clear powdered Riv's a long term problem?

2011-01-19 Thread rperks
I believe your case as you state is very much to the extreme.  Coastal
basements have a temperature and moisture transition that is very hard
on bicycles.  Depending on the time of year you can move from a cool
dry air conditioned state to a warm humid one outside.  In the winter
the same thing happens but going the other direction.  Both times the
frame and components are bathed in a thin fresh coat of water, inside
and out.  For corrosion to occur you need Electrolytic path and
oxygen.  The coatings generally used on bikes are micro porus and the
above mentioned moisture provides a chance for a corrosion cycle to
begin.  Once the bike dries you have stopped the cycle.  If you allow
the bike to wet and dry frequently you will accelerate the process.
Likewise, you can take that Bombadil with the coating over rust to New
Mexico and it may never rust an atom of steel again, but the old rust
will forever look rusty.

Realisticly a bike made with thin tubing will be hard pressed to rust
to failure in any short amount of time.  Most rust is going to be
primarily of cosmetic concern.  When our brazed frames are coming out
of the flux removal process they look like crap, covered in thin scale
of rust.

In the case of hand print type corrosion failures, the metal was not
properly cleaned with a solvent wipe prior to coating.  This is a
problem because the coating is not adheared to the surface of the
steel in the location of the visible failure, and rust will progress
more rapidly in these types of locations.  Again, poor adhesion allows
moistire and oxygen to the surface of the steel.

Pigmented coating, both wet or dry are suceptible to the same modes of
failure, the major difference is that you do not SEE the corrosion
until it is severe, and then the repair, blast and paint, revove the
other surface scale during the repair.

Bottom line is that rust happens, slow it down and enjoy it for what
it is, just slowly.


On Jan 19, 12:57 pm, "Allingham II, Thomas J"
> Here's my post on the topic from the Bombadil Google group, a little over a 
> year ago:
> "The black frame that Steve Bilenky posted yesterday is mine. Used to be raw 
> clear powdercoat, but at least in the salt air of South Jersey beaches, it 
> started to rust very quickly. Double whammy is that because of the rough look 
> of the clear powdercoat, it's very hard to see the rust unless you're looking 
> for it.
> Rivendell, of course, was totally stand up about it"
> There's a short string that followed 
> here:http://www.flickr.com/groups/bombadil/discuss/72157622955616438/
> Riv had a quick piece on the general issue on the website, but I don't see it 
> there any more.  Personally, I think my problems were entirely the salt air 
> (my Bomba was parked in a basement less than 60 feet from the ocean).  Unless 
> you're in a similar environment (or plan on riding in snow in an area that 
> salts the roads), I would guess you're fine.
> Here's the Bomba before:http://www.flickr.com/photos/37542512@N04/4249456177/
> And the frame after (still building it after 
> repaint):http://www.flickr.com/photos/37542512@N04/4815169169/
> -Original Message-
> From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of williwoods
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:57 PM
> To: RBW Owners Bunch
> Subject: [RBW] Is the light surface rust on the clear powdered Riv's a long 
> term problem?
> Just curious if anyone agrees with various statements/opinions about the 
> clear powdered Rivendell frames I have received on some other forums.
> Personally im not too worried about it and I love the visual effect of the 
> pattern (see link of pics I provided above), much prefer the texture over it 
> being totally clean.
> I havent had my frame long enough to know if the rust effect is growing over 
> time or if its the same as it was when it left RBW HQ.
> Any other raw frame experiences?
> Here are some of the posts:
> "Curious, it looks like rust is popping up in various spots under the clear. 
> Wondering if they simply cleared over it all, and it'll stay as is, or if it 
> will spread, or is spreading? "
> "That rust is an issue."
> "I have a number of clear powder frames that are 5+ years old with no rust 
> and heavy sweaty use, and there's not a hint of rust. I also was a dealer for 
> Salsa when they were doing a clear powder option, and I talked to Ross about 
> a frame we got that developed rust on the tt in the form of a hand print... 
> he thought it was a big deal and refinished at no cost. Wonder why Riv 
> wouldn't blast those frames first. If there's rust, it wll become an issue."
> On Jan 18, 10:39 am, williwoods  wrote:
> > I havent tried the Albatross bars. To me the Singles Bar is comfy. You
> > would have to do a side by side comparison. I ride with gloves and am
> > comfy for 15 miles plus no problem. I havent really ridden it much
> > further dis

[RBW] Re: Oh snap! Now you can buy the ultimate crankset!

2011-01-21 Thread rperks
I love my 50/30 setup on the 94bcd ritcheys, but there is a point on
some grades where I just hop off and push it up.  I draw the line at
granny gears that keep me moving at or less than walking speed.  The
only bummer I have had over the last year and a half is a bit of
deflection in my 50 TA ring.  While the 94 bcd arms provide greater
support than an old TA, there is still some give.  I would speculate
that this would not be as big a problem on a 48 or 46 ring.  In this
regard the 110 bcd of the new Sugino will provide a little better
support for the outer chain ring.

While I have been stock piling Ritchey compact cranks I wran across
and they come in colors if that is your thing, blue would probably
look pretty good on my roadeo.  These seem to get good feedback from
the guys on MTBR.  Current exchange rates could get them to your door
with TA rings for about $400.  but if you were shopping at starbike
you might as well pick up a son hub and some lights.


On Jan 21, 12:05 pm, Michael_S  wrote:
> The only concern I would have with that combination is the lack of a
> real low gear. There are climbs I do, especially on dirt roads, that
> something like a 24-28 or 30 is far easier to maintain for a 30 min.
> duration then would be a 30-28.  On shorter climbs you can get out of
> the saddle to help and most paved roads are designed and built with
> reasonable grades.
> I wish there were some curently available cranks in the 94bcd, it
> seems to me the perfect design for a compact double without all the
> extra bolts of the TA.
> ~Mike
> On Jan 21, 11:11 am, William  wrote:
> > I'm running a 44/30 on a 94mm bolt circle with an 11-28 9 speed
> > cassette and it's spectacular.  I can cruise easily at 20kph in the
> > middle of the cogset on the 30.  I can cruise quickly at 20mph in the
> > middle of the cogset on the 44.  My highest gear is a 44-11 and I can
> > spin that out on a decent and be right at 40mph, beyond which I always
> > have been happy to coast.  I'm going to try 46/29 sometime (I already
> > have the rings), but so far so good.  With a double, the chainline
> > allows all 18 combinations to be used, although I still avoid the two
> > extreme crosschain combinations (44-28 and 30-11).  16 totally usable
> > gears with basically zero overlaps.  Furthermore, with the Campy
> > compact double front der that Riv sells, my setup miraculously is 99%
> > trim free.  It's great treating your front shifting like a switch,
> > instead of gently trying to hit the middle (and, yes, I have a number
> > of bikes with a triple.  I know how to shift a triple).  On a bike
> > that won't be heavily loaded, I think having 16 usable and well-spaced
> > gears between 28 and 104 gear inches is plenty.
> > On Jan 21, 7:24 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> > > For some reason I still prefer triples. On a long sustained climb in
> > > the mountains I find I fatigue less easily if I spin at a certain
> > > cadence and force.  I also prefer something in the 38-40 tooth range
> > > for most flatish riding. Coming down long gradual mountians a ring in
> > > the 48-50 range gives me a nice steady pace.  It also allows a tighter
> > > frewheel/cassette so it's easier to find a nice combinatioin in every
> > > terrrain.
> > > The one thing I need to try is something like a 44-29 to see if the 44
> > > can meet most conditions. I have been scouring EBAY looking for 94bcd
> > > cranks so I can cobble something together to try it out.
> > > And $500+ for a crankset seems crazy to me .
> > > ~Mike
> > > On Jan 20, 10:27 pm, rinjin  wrote:
> > > > Ah, I see. Well if one of those combinations makes sense for you and
> > > > you need to save some grams over the VO setup then I guess this makes
> > > > a certain kind of sense. For a light-ish road bike I'm pretty happy
> > > > with my 50-34 setup.
> > > > Brian
> > > > On Jan 20, 10:07 pm, Earl Grey  wrote:
> > > > > The cool thing about the 801 is that it has 74 BCD holes as far out as
> > > > > where the inner chainring sits (I 
> > > > > think):http://www.suginoltd.co.jp/english/ox801d_main_english.htm
> > > > > (A little hard to tell from the website, but if you look at the left-
> > > > > most bolt hole in the third photo you can see that a 74 BCD ring would
> > > > > replace the inner ring; i.e. this is not a triple.)
> > > > > So you can replace the inner 110 BCD ring with a 74 BCD ring and run a
> > > > > wide range double with an inner ring down to 24 teeth. A pretty cool
> > > > > idea, and if they make an XD2/XD600 variant like this, I'll buy it in
> > > > > a heartbeat. As far as what's available now, I'd rather get the VO TA
> > > > > copy; cheaper and prettier IMO.
> > > > > Gernot
> > > > > On Jan 21, 11:37 am, rinjin  wrote:
> > > > > > I don't mind the looks so much, but the price seems a little high. 
> > > > > > Is
> > > > > > there an advantage over a Ca

[RBW] Re: Soma New Express 650Bs are great.

2011-01-24 Thread rperks
Are yours the Express or b-line?  The b-line is the version with out
the hypertex and more like a plain passela, but in the 650bx38.  I
know they make the Express in 700c, but something more like the b-line
in 700cx38 no hypertex and the fun colors offered for the Express
would be really nice.


On Jan 24, 7:09 am, William  wrote:
> The Soma New Express 650B tires that I purchased from Rivendell are
> great tires.  On the 200k brevet I did this weekend I was alongside
> many 700x23, 700x25, 700x28 riders on some pretty rough pavement on
> Sir Francis Drake and elsewhere.  I noticed lots of grunts of pain and
> loud knocks and rattles from the skinny tired bikes and their riders,
> while my 650x38 Somas took the bumps in stride.  I didn't feel any
> penalty on the rolling resistance side, catching plenty of skinny
> tires bikes on descents when just coasting.  On one descent in
> particular, I was braking to not run into the group in front, and the
> skinny tired rider next to me was pedalling.  This isn't scientific,
> but qualitatively I felt no penalty.  On the climbs there were riders
> faster than me that disappeared into the distance, and riders slower
> than me that I passed.  I didn't feel my tires had anything to do with
> it.
> I've got about 1000k on these tires and have had zero flats, after
> getting 2 glass flats in Pari-Motos in about 100k.  I plan on using
> the Pari-Motos a lot more in the summer when glass isn't invisible on
> wet roads.
> I'm still a new 650B road rider, but I've ridden Gran Bois Hetres
> about 50 miles, Pari-Motos about 50 miles, and Roly-Polys about 50
> miles.  The Soma New Express seems to fit right in there with the
> other wide tires.   70psi was too hard for me, but 55 in front and 60
> in back seems to work great for mixed quality pavement (I'm about 175
> lbs).  I'll try to do a better comparison with the skinny Roly Polys
> and will also try the Soma B-Lines which have an unreinforced casing.
> I can't say that I expect a profound difference in "suppleness" at the
> same pressure, but I'll try to have  an open mind about it.
> If you want to use a 650B bike as an all-road machine, and want an
> great tire at a great price, I strongly recommend the Soma New
> Express.

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[RBW] California weather

2011-01-24 Thread rperks
A couple of weeks back, in an attempt to cram fenders and Jack Browns
onto the Roadeo I finally laid down my $10 and bought a set of
sheldon's fender nuts.  At first glance and a hand fit, it looks like
it might fit, tight but fit.  I belive that the fender nuts alone may
have been enough to trigger the end of the rains, if I contiue the
fitting of the fenders we may never have rain again.  I probably can
not take full credit, but will say you're welcome.

Rob "thinking about fenders in a coastal desert" Perks

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[RBW] Re: California weather

2011-01-24 Thread rperks
I have no beef with fenders.  The thing is that they barely fit on my
Roadeo with the Jack Browns, and by barely I mean not at all with the
shimano brakes and no fender nuts.  I like the JB greens so much, and
the bike, I am willing to put up with a dusty bike.  While the 28mm
tires can be nice when you find the sweet spot with the pressure, JB
greens are just dreamy in comparison.

WRT to melting the polar ice cap encroaching on North America east of
the Mississippi, you may need more than studded tires, one of you out
there needs to buy a Pugsley or something like that.


On Jan 24, 6:07 pm, charlie  wrote:
> You guys crack me up..I never take my fenders off. My bike
> stays cleaner even when it isn't raining and I have a place to mount a
> rear taillight that looks nice plus fenders belong on a bicycle.
> On Jan 24, 10:14 am, rperks  wrote:
> > A couple of weeks back, in an attempt to cram fenders and Jack Browns
> > onto the Roadeo I finally laid down my $10 and bought a set of
> > sheldon's fender nuts.  At first glance and a hand fit, it looks like
> > it might fit, tight but fit.  I belive that the fender nuts alone may
> > have been enough to trigger the end of the rains, if I contiue the
> > fitting of the fenders we may never have rain again.  I probably can
> > not take full credit, but will say you're welcome.
> > Rob "thinking about fenders in a coastal desert" Perks- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: My Roadeo on the Velo Cult blog

2011-01-25 Thread rperks
it should be a really fun ride.  I have done many of the pieces of the
route, but never all at once they way it was put together for this
brevet.  I know you are a strong rider, but put some thought intio
your gear range, there are some pretty serious hills thrown in there,
mostly in the middle.  Casitas pass has taken me by suprise with the
lack of breeze and steepness, it can get hot and long on the back side
of the lake, even on days when it is cool everywhere else.  I would
pack layers and have a few extra teeth in the rear jus in case.

I was thinking about doing this ride as it is the closest to my home,
but 300k on this route is not where my fitness is at the moment, maybe
I will see you guys out there though I hope to be riding in the mid


On Jan 25, 4:29 pm, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" 
> Thanks, William. Those are Velo-Orange Grand Cru brakes on my Roadeo,
> but I'm in the process of making all my bikes VO-free Zones, so Velo
> Cult is ordering me some Paul's Racer M's (center-mount since I don't
> have the braze-ons) to run instead. Those will go on the bike along
> with the "new" Classic Silver bars, stem, and post by Ritchey in the
> next week or two. I also sent off a twin of the Dura Ace 7800 cranks
> to Tom Davis atwww.perfectperforations.comto have them polished up
> nice and silver. So the whole shiny silver treatment, and "final" set-
> up of the bike will be done soon. Once it is, I'll post a slideshow of
> all the images. It's a great bike, to be sure!
> I'm planning to wear my Woolistic Velo Cult jersey at my 300km this
> Saturday, unless it's predicted to be well into the 80s, in which case
> I will wear a Rough Riders: Any Bike, Anywhere jersey with a thin Ibex
> wool base layer. I hope to see some other Rivendell riders out there.
> - Chris Kostman
> La Jolla, CAhttp://www.XO-1.org
> On Jan 25, 4:24 pm, William  wrote:
> > Looks great, Chris.  I saw a guy rocking a "RoughRiders Anybike
> > Anywhere" jersey at the SFR Lighthouse 200k this weekend.  He rode a
> > fixie.  Nice guy.  Oldtimer with a great grey beard.
> > What brake calipers are you running on your Roadeo?
> > On Jan 25, 4:05 pm, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" 
> > wrote:
> > > Thanks to Sky, Tom, Anthony, and the rest of the Velo Cult team for
> > > their amazing service as San Diego County's premier bike shop which
> > > caters to everybody except the mainstream - which means we fit right
> > > in! Today they have featured two of my Rough Riding bikes, and their
> > > recent work on them, on their blog:
> > >http://www.velocult.com/blog/post/raleigh_competition_rivendell_roadeo
> > > Click on over to their always fascinating blog which is always VERY
> > > well illustrated with incredible photography. Today their blog
> > > features my 1983 Raleigh Competition, which Tom outfitted with a 3-
> > > Speed Fixed Wheel set-up, and my 2010 Rivendell Roadeo, on which Sky
> > > installed hammer Honjo fenders and Challenge Paris-Roubaix 700x29
> > > tyres. They do superb work and are great people. And don't my bikes
> > > look as awesome as they ride??? (I'll be riding that Roadeo in a 300km
> > > brevet this Saturday, from Moorpark to Santa Barbara and back.)
> > > Velo Cult is located in the South Park area of San Diego, just a bit
> > > south of University Avenue and west of the 805, in a really neat
> > > neighborhood with a great restaurant next door (Whistle Stop Bar) and
> > > a classic coffee shop (Rebecca's) on the corner. Velo Cult often show
> > > films or have other social events at their shop in the evenings,. They
> > > are a driving force behind the San Diego Tweed Ride and they also
> > > created the San Diego Bike Commuter online forum and the
> > > SDBikeCommuter.com Discount Program through which local merchants give
> > > discounts to customers who arrive by bicycle.
> > > Related links:http://www.sdbikecommuter.com/
> > > andhttp://www.sdbikecommuter.com/find_businesses/
> > > - Chris Kostman
> > > La Jolla, CAhttp://www.XO-1.orghttp://www.adventurecorps.com- Hide quoted 
> > > text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] PCH Rando Route

2011-01-26 Thread rperks
For the curious here is a link to the route:
close to 9200 feet of climbing, multiple 5-10% pitches, sustained.
The views are incredible, if you have the time and legs it is going to
be a great ride.  I would have to break it into at leat 2 or 3 rides.
Lesson learned, never let Chris get you in a scissor hold, he and
those that do rides like this could probably crush you


On Jan 26, 9:05 am, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" 
> Hi Rob
> I've been riding all those same roads since my first double century in
> 1983. Up through the 80s, including when I raced RAAM in 1987, nobody
> had a lower gear than 42x23. We sneered at C-Record when it came out
> with a 39 tooth small ring. Eventually I got older, grew out of my
> skinny teenager body, and started riding up much steeper climbs (Santa
> Monica Mountains, for ex) and started running a 39 tooth front with a
> 25, then 26, then 27, and then finally a 28 largest rear cog.
> Nowadays I run a 39/48 in front (or 38/48 on some cranks) and 11/28 in
> rear. I can get up anything on that 39/28 low gear, including the vast
> majority of the Rough Riding adventures in which I partake. I'm not a
> fan of triple cranks and only have them on my two mountain bikes and
> mountain bike tandem. I don't like "compact doubles," either, because
> the jump is so wide between, for example, 34 to 48.
> - Chris Kostman
> La Jolla, CAhttp://www.XO-1.orghttp://www.adventurecorps.com
> On Jan 25, 8:41 pm, rperks  wrote:
> > Chris,
> > it should be a really fun ride.  I have done many of the pieces of the
> > route, but never all at once they way it was put together for this
> > brevet.  I know you are a strong rider, but put some thought intio
> > your gear range, there are some pretty serious hills thrown in there,
> > mostly in the middle.  Casitas pass has taken me by suprise with the
> > lack of breeze and steepness, it can get hot and long on the back side
> > of the lake, even on days when it is cool everywhere else.  I would
> > pack layers and have a few extra teeth in the rear jus in case.
> > I was thinking about doing this ride as it is the closest to my home,
> > but 300k on this route is not where my fitness is at the moment, maybe
> > I will see you guys out there though I hope to be riding in the mid
> > day.
> > Rob- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: SKS Lonboard fenders

2011-01-26 Thread rperks
I have also heard reports that these have a more rounded profile,
similar to the Berthoud models, but have not seen them in the flesh
yet.  Unfortunately the images on universal seem to be computer
generated.  These could be just the ticket for the roadeo if I had not
bought into the planet bikes fenders a couple months ago.

On Jan 26, 7:27 am, Mike  wrote:
> I saw these in beige on a SH when I was RBWHQ last Sept, they looked
> nice. They are longer than the standard SKS P45s. I realize some
> people prefer Honjos or Bethouds. I've used Berthouds and they're
> great but I don't mind SKS fenders and find them a bit easier to set-
> up. I was at the Universal website and saw them listed although not
> available. I'm sure RBW will be stocking them soon. Anyway, something
> to consider if you're looking for fenders. I bet the beige ones would
> look nice on a bike with a cream accents/headtube like a Hilsen.
> http://www.universalcycles.com/shopping/product_details.php?id=39107&;...
> --mike

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[RBW] Ventura Hills

2011-01-31 Thread rperks
I started playing with video on this morning's Roadeo ride.  As musch
as I like riding I love capturing the light, combining the two is even
bettsrer.  Video is a new frontier after years of still shots, I am
sure things will get better with practice.


Now to head up into the hills to capture the even bigger views,

Enjoy, and thanks for looking


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[RBW] Re: funky Riv frame on ebay

2011-02-02 Thread rperks
I said it the first time around and will say it again, thank God it is
not my size.


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[RBW] Re: 650B Wheels for Touring

2011-02-08 Thread rperks
I would not worry too badly anout 32 spokes.  Ask how many of us ran
32 spokes or less for years on our 26" MTB and managed to survive.

Also, as a point of reference, I built up a set of 32 hole 650b dyads
for my wife almost 6 months ago.  I had a set of Phil freewheel hubs
in the parts bin, so the rear wheel is near dishless 6 sp.  I did the
conversion on her go-fast (Miyata 712) so that she would be way more
comfortable after the baby, she rides with paniers full of stuff and
our 10 lb minpin in the basket.  Even with CDLv tires and hitting
potholes with abandon they are true as an arrow.  I am a firm believer
that 36 spokes is the way to go for my 220 lb self in the 700C, but if
I were in need of some 650b wheels for myself I would duplicate the
set I built for her in a heartbeat.


On Feb 8, 7:15 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> I am converting an older British Tourer to 650B. I need to have some
> wheels built and was wondering about spoke count.  I know on 700c that
> 36 spokes is preferred ( I know some even like 40+). Anyone out there
> tour on 650B 32 spoke wheels?  I am planning on Dyad rims and I weigh
> 188 and don't plan on more than 30lbs of stuff.
> ~Mike

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[RBW] Re: Contest!

2011-02-11 Thread rperks
post cards are sooo old fogey stuff like steel bikes and canvas bags,
pens paper and complete thoughts just slow me down mannn - ;-)

On Feb 11, 7:36 pm, Montclair BobbyB 
> Send a postcard?  Here's my first creative idea:  How about save a
> postcard, and send an email???  Maybe???
> On Feb 11, 10:13 pm, Bill Gibson  wrote:
> > Postcards Only! Get Creative! Demand pix of creative
> > postcards!
> > Grant has posted a request for submissions of ideas for the use of cork on
> > the bike. His comments rule out the low-hangin' fruit. Now to business...
> > --
> > Bill Gibson
> > Tempe, Arizona, USA- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: The Soma Mini Velo

2011-02-12 Thread rperks
That was my thought too, then I realised the 48 would finally get the
drop bars close enough for my wife and she has an obsession for bike
with "Cute" wheels  - must not let her se theese


On Feb 12, 7:18 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> it's very cute. Luckily it only comes in smaller sizes. ;~)
> ~Mike
> On Feb 12, 6:29 am, Montclair BobbyB 
> wrote:
> > That's pretty cool, but all I can say is thank God I have enough space
> > to keep a full-size bike...
> > On Feb 12, 9:01 am, Mike  wrote:
> > > This seems somewhat Riv related given it's produced by Soma. The
> > > sizing wouldn't work for me. Seems rather Rivish in set-up.
> > >http://somafab.blogspot.com/2011/02/mini-velo-has-arrived.html
> > > I wonder if Riv would do something like this if they had the
> > > resources?
> > > I used to think folding bikes were ridiculous but over the past year
> > > I've kind of warmed up to Bike Fridays. If it wasn't for wanting other
> > > things and one came up used at a fair price I'd probably consider
> > > buying it. I met a guy who had toured all over the PNW on one and
> > > loved it.
> > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/41335973@N00/4604952537/
> > > Soon I'm off for my first ride since early Nov using SPDs and wearing
> > > bibs.
> > > --mike- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Contest!

2011-02-13 Thread rperks
If you dig deep through the readers there was a write up about using
short pieces of PVC pipe to achieve the same goal, to flatten and
bring closer the arc of the bend - Rob

On Feb 12, 9:18 pm, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 2/12/11 7:15 AM, omnigrid at omnig...@gmail.com wrote:
> what is a "Handlebar Modolo-izer"?
> "Modolo Bend" was the first anatomicalization - patented back in the
> mid-80's.   You'll get the idea here (scroll down slightly):
> http://www.modolo.com/kx_handle.html
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> Gallery updates now appear here -http://cyclofiend.blogspot.com
> "I thought the idea was to waste the rest of our lives together.."
> -- Cyril, "Breaking Away"

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[RBW] Re: Video from Yesterday's 200K Brevet

2011-02-13 Thread rperks
I turned the volume down and let the Benny Hill music loop around in
my head.

The weather looks like it was good on the whole coast, I went out for
a quick solo metric
and by looking at the pictures I could have been around the corner
from you guys.  The group in San Diego looked to have had it pretty
well too.  We will see what the next weather system brings later this
week.  While we need the rain, it is pretty hard to give up the
weather we have had over the last few weeks.


On Feb 13, 1:05 pm, Eric Norris  wrote:
> A quick (heh heh) trip around the San Francisco Randonneurs 200K course from 
> the Golden Gate to Valley Ford and back.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbGqBMXuETA
> --Eric
> campyonly...@me.comwww.campyonly.comwww.wheelsnorth.org

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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel experiences?

2011-02-13 Thread rperks

Scroll down to lubricating frewheels, something like phil tenacious
oil or thick gear oil should work pretty well.  A little goes a long
way, so take it slow or look forward to cleaning off your spokes and
maybe the walls too.  I have done this on the IRD units with mixed
success.  I had a Mk 2 model that should have failed in theory, but
went strong for a very long time.  I had a Mk 3 on another bike and
the bearings went to crap and got all rough after about a year, IRD
recently sent me two new ones as replacements.  The new ones are silky
smooth, but have a little more play than I was used to, time will

Even though they have their quirks I still love how silent the
freewheels are.  On my weekend ride I crossed paths with a few groups
of other roadies.  When they would coast the noise was shockingly
loud, swarms of bees mixed with a whole deck of baseball cards
slapping through the spokes crazy loud.  While waiting for my
replacement wheels I looked into my other options for byulding a
dishless wheel and decided the price and noise are not worth it.


On Feb 13, 5:54 pm, "Thomas Lynn Skean" 
> Hi!
> I haven't tried that. But then again, I have no way to re-introduce grease 
> into the freewheel after I've flushed it with solvent. So earlier (before I 
> had any *complete* failures) I was reluctant to do anything like that. 
> Technically the IRD freewheels are not user-serviceable. If anyone has hints 
> as to how to get into the innards of an IRD freewheel without destroying 
> them, I'd love to hear them.
> Interestingly, my latest failure was happened *after* the temperature rose 
> from -13 to +33 within 5 days. And the first failure happened as the 
> temperature was dropping but was not yet super cold. Perhaps it has something 
> to do with "passing through" the freezing/melting point of any water that may 
> have gotten into the freewheel.
> In any case, there's no harm in futzing around with a non-funtioning 
> freewheel; it risks nothing but time. So I do intend to pursue getting a look 
> at the insides of one as time allows.
> Yours,
> Thomas Lynn Skean
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Jason Hartman
>   To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
>   Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 7:29 PM
>   Subject: Re: [RBW] Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel 
> experiences?
>   Have you tried flushing the non working freewheels with solvent?
>   It's pretty common for freewheels and even freehubs to stop
>   working when they get really cold.  The grease solidifies and
>   keeps the pawls from catching.
>   Jay Hartman
>   On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean 
>  wrote:
>     Hello, all!
>     Does anyone have any experience using the "Shimanopore" freewheel on a
>     Phil Wood "IRD" 7-speed freewheel hub? Does anyone have any experience
>     using the "Shimanopore" freewheel with a "normal" (i.e. non-"IRD") 7-
>     speed freewheel hub?
>     I've had to replace three IRD 7-speed freewheels in 7 months. The
>     first one (13-28) lasted a couple thousand miles but then started to
>     fail to catch within a reasonable amount of rotation. The next one
>     (non-mega 13-32) didn't work at all; the small cog was broken. The
>     next one (non-mega 13-32) lasted only a few hundred miles before
>     starting to "freeze" (introducing top-of-the-stay slack) and then,
>     within a week or so, began to fail to catch like the first one.
>     It had just gotten cold when the first one failed. It has just been
>     *really* cold when the third one failed. I don't know if that's
>     related.
>     If these freewheels typically last only a couple thousand mikes, I'll
>     be disappointed but I'll deal. If there's an alternative freewheel
>     like the Shimano I'll use those. If fteewheels are just this
>     inconsistent and I can't find an alternative freewheel arrangement,
>     I'll switch to a cassette system ASAP and move on.
>     Anybody have any insights / info / suggestions?
>     Yours,
>     Thomas Lynn Skean
>     --
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> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>     To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
>     To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>     For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
>   --
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>   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel experiences?

2011-02-14 Thread rperks
The difference between the touring and IRD as far as I know is in the
spacers or endcaps, this was published somewhere in the iBOB archives
in the last two years.  As for the specs from phil, they are in a slow
process of fixing their published data, call them and they are great
on the phone.  The threading is the same, english standard.  If you
freewheel is truly binding, that is weird.  is it rubbing anywhere,
back of the freewheel against the hub flange?  or at the stays?  As
for break in there should not need to be much, unsless you again have
frozen grease problems.


On Feb 13, 11:50 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean 
> Hi.
> It seems that Phil Wood has created a hub specifically to be used with the 
> IRD freewheel. I think it has to do with the IRD freewheel's sprockets being 
> spaced more closely than, say, the Shimano freewheel's. Or maybe there are 
> other differences as well.
> In any case, there is some significant difference in something. For when I 
> put the RBW-sold Shimano freewheel on my hub, it does not "coast" freely at 
> all. Now, maybe there's supposed to be a break-in period. But I don't think 
> that's what this is. The IRD freewheels I've used had no similar issues when 
> first installed.
> Yours,
> Thomas Lynn Skean
> On Feb 13, 2011, at 6:31 PM, omnigrid  wrote:
> > Phil Wood IRD hub?
> > I think you maybe confused. IRD is a company or brand.
> > On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 5:54 PM, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > I have no experience at all with IRD.
> > On my camper bike I use a Shimano Megarange FW.  On my more sporting
> > bike I have a Suntour Winner.
> > Picked up both from the eBay NOS store.  No problems with either.
> > On Feb 13, 4:45 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean 
> > wrote:
> > > Hello, all!
> > > Does anyone have any experience using the "Shimanopore" freewheel on a
> > > Phil Wood "IRD" 7-speed freewheel hub? Does anyone have any experience
> > > using the "Shimanopore" freewheel with a "normal" (i.e. non-"IRD") 7-
> > > speed freewheel hub?
> > > I've had to replace three IRD 7-speed freewheels in 7 months. The
> > > first one (13-28) lasted a couple thousand miles but then started to
> > > fail to catch within a reasonable amount of rotation. The next one
> > > (non-mega 13-32) didn't work at all; the small cog was broken. The
> > > next one (non-mega 13-32) lasted only a few hundred miles before
> > > starting to "freeze" (introducing top-of-the-stay slack) and then,
> > > within a week or so, began to fail to catch like the first one.
> > > It had just gotten cold when the first one failed. It has just been
> > > *really* cold when the third one failed. I don't know if that's
> > > related.
> > > If these freewheels typically last only a couple thousand mikes, I'll
> > > be disappointed but I'll deal. If there's an alternative freewheel
> > > like the Shimano I'll use those. If fteewheels are just this
> > > inconsistent and I can't find an alternative freewheel arrangement,
> > > I'll switch to a cassette system ASAP and move on.
> > > Anybody have any insights / info / suggestions?
> > > Yours,
> > > Thomas Lynn Skean
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel experiences?

2011-02-14 Thread rperks
Out of curiosity, where are you riding that it is so cold?  If it is
that cold and wet you may or may not have problems with diferent free
hubs freezing up as well, it can and has happened.  Some manufacturers
go as far as selling their own greases / oils partially for these
reasons.  If money were not the object, and wheel strentght is
paramount, you could look into some of the mountain bike single speed
hubs: King, Hope and DT all have single speed free hubs that will let
you run the back 6 cogs of a 9sp casette.  These hubs all can be built
up dishless, and will index as well since it is a casette.  Each has
some pros and cons, like stee vs Al freehub bodies, color options or
disc brake hole to ignore, but worth a look.  If I burn out on
freewheels that is the direction I am heading.


On Feb 14, 6:20 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean 
> That strength-comparison is based on the axle being the weak component in the 
> hub. With Phil hubs (and some others too, I'd guess) the axle is so 
> over-built that even in the case of the freewheel the axle simply isn't 
> likely to fail, even under the likes of me!
> So the idea is that uneven spoke tension rises to the top of the pile of 
> compromises one would like to mitigate/eliminate in the built wheel. So 
> reduced dish, as available with an IRD-style Phil FW hub when compared to a 
> Phil cassette hub, becomes a more valuable component of the wheel than a 
> strengthened axle.
> And yes, I have bent a Shimano axle and ruined a Deore hub that way. One of 
> my failed wheels.
> Yours,
> Thomas Lynn Skean
> On Feb 14, 2011, at 7:57 PM, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> >> Can you (or someone else) explain why this is so? I thought the whole
> >> point of the cassette hub design was greater strength because the axle
> >> is supported by bearings further out to the right. So what makes this
> >> fw hub stronger even than the Phil fw hub?
> > That is what I have heard as well.  Obviously I have no problem with
> > FW hubs - I've never even owned a set of cassette hubs - but always
> > thought maybe I was giving up some strength to the people riding on
> > those new fangled thangs.
> > On Feb 14, 5:59 pm, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> >> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean
> >>  wrote:
> >>> Generally, the 3-people-who-actually-know-these-things that I contacted 
> >>> all implied or stated outright that a wheel built around a Phil Wood 
> >>> IRD-style FW hub would be stronger than one built with a cassette hub, 
> >>> all else equal.
> >> Can you (or someone else) explain why this is so? I thought the whole
> >> point of the cassette hub design was greater strength because the axle
> >> is supported by bearings further out to the right. So what makes this
> >> fw hub stronger even than the Phil fw hub? I must admit that I am
> >> skeptical of this 3-person claim, but I am open to enlightenment.
> >> (Om )
> >> As to Phil track hubs, I learned today that the bearings on my 2Xf
> >> fixed Phil are fine after almost 11K miles: the roughness was the
> >> not-fully-tightened spacer.
> >> Patrick "no dish, no worries" Moore
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[RBW] Re: Phil Wood "IRD" FW hub and/or Shimano freewheel experiences?

2011-02-14 Thread rperks
Lots of guys in the MTB world have been running the above mentioned SS
freehubs for years and think poeople like us are nuts for using
freewheels to achieve dishlessness.

Also, surefire way to revive an IRD hub
send it back for a new one, they need to know if their stuff is


On Feb 14, 7:57 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean 
> Oh, and I'd never heard of that approach being implemented. But I've always 
> felt I'd be happy with 6 speeds, if they I dexed well with quality available 
> shifters. Alas, I fear that any solution involving 6/9-speed-cassette usage 
> is even more esoteric than an IRD freewheel. And, in the end, I think my next 
> step, if I need to take one, is to drop the need for dishlessness and get a 
> Phil cassette wheel.
> Yours,
> Thomas Lynn Skean
> On Feb 14, 2011, at 9:06 PM, rperks  wrote:
> > Thomas,
> > Out of curiosity, where are you riding that it is so cold?  If it is
> > that cold and wet you may or may not have problems with diferent free
> > hubs freezing up as well, it can and has happened.  Some manufacturers
> > go as far as selling their own greases / oils partially for these
> > reasons.  If money were not the object, and wheel strentght is
> > paramount, you could look into some of the mountain bike single speed
> > hubs: King, Hope and DT all have single speed free hubs that will let
> > you run the back 6 cogs of a 9sp casette.  These hubs all can be built
> > up dishless, and will index as well since it is a casette.  Each has
> > some pros and cons, like stee vs Al freehub bodies, color options or
> > disc brake hole to ignore, but worth a look.  If I burn out on
> > freewheels that is the direction I am heading.
> > Rob
> > On Feb 14, 6:20 pm, Thomas Lynn Skean 
> > wrote:
> >> That strength-comparison is based on the axle being the weak component in 
> >> the hub. With Phil hubs (and some others too, I'd guess) the axle is so 
> >> over-built that even in the case of the freewheel the axle simply isn't 
> >> likely to fail, even under the likes of me!
> >> So the idea is that uneven spoke tension rises to the top of the pile of 
> >> compromises one would like to mitigate/eliminate in the built wheel. So 
> >> reduced dish, as available with an IRD-style Phil FW hub when compared to 
> >> a Phil cassette hub, becomes a more valuable component of the wheel than a 
> >> strengthened axle.
> >> And yes, I have bent a Shimano axle and ruined a Deore hub that way. One 
> >> of my failed wheels.
> >> Yours,
> >> Thomas Lynn Skean
> >> On Feb 14, 2011, at 7:57 PM, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> >>>> Can you (or someone else) explain why this is so? I thought the whole
> >>>> point of the cassette hub design was greater strength because the axle
> >>>> is supported by bearings further out to the right. So what makes this
> >>>> fw hub stronger even than the Phil fw hub?
> >>> That is what I have heard as well.  Obviously I have no problem with
> >>> FW hubs - I've never even owned a set of cassette hubs - but always
> >>> thought maybe I was giving up some strength to the people riding on
> >>> those new fangled thangs.
> >>> On Feb 14, 5:59 pm, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> >>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean
> >>>>  wrote:
> >>>>> Generally, the 3-people-who-actually-know-these-things that I contacted 
> >>>>> all implied or stated outright that a wheel built around a Phil Wood 
> >>>>> IRD-style FW hub would be stronger than one built with a cassette hub, 
> >>>>> all else equal.
> >>>> Can you (or someone else) explain why this is so? I thought the whole
> >>>> point of the cassette hub design was greater strength because the axle
> >>>> is supported by bearings further out to the right. So what makes this
> >>>> fw hub stronger even than the Phil fw hub? I must admit that I am
> >>>> skeptical of this 3-person claim, but I am open to enlightenment.
> >>>> (Om )
> >>>> As to Phil track hubs, I learned today that the bearings on my 2Xf
> >>>> fixed Phil are fine after almost 11K miles: the roughness was the
> >>>> not-fully-tightened spacer.
> >>>> Patrick "no dish, no worries" Moore
> >>> --
> >>> You received this message because

[RBW] Re: Computers? No computers?

2011-02-15 Thread rperks
I have a few regular routes that I ride, and have mapped them out on
bikely or ridewithgps.  From there I just look at the garge clock on
the way out and on the way in.  Rambling is fun, but I find with life
commitments having some idea of the ground I can cover, average speeds
for terrain types etc, helps to make it home on time.  I ride at least
5 days a week, I go further by staying in decent enough shape to go
fast and cover ground then have some time ot enjoy the places a little
further afield, then cruise home in time to get back to the rest of
the day.  I find haveing a rough idea of my averages also helps when
sketching out a new-to-me route.  Having some idea of my speeds allows
me to roughly plan new adventures and still pull it off in a hour or
two before work.  Like wise knowing you can sustain 10 or 16 mph
averages over a 5 or 6 hour ride make a huge difference on a Saturday
morning when you set off on a hundred miles or more.

While riding to the numbers is more confining than a 3 piece suit, for
me riding totaly blind is not much better.


On Feb 15, 7:44 am, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> How many of y'all have computers on your bikes? The Avocet 35 on my
> gofast failed after many years and I am very tempted not to replace
> it. But weaning myself from the numbers is surprisingly hard,
> particularly mileage numbers.
> What do y'all do? Do you use computers? Just a watch to time yourself?
> Just ride and say the heck with it?
> Note: I'll still like going fast; I'm just not the rambling type. But
> I can ride hard even without the computer.
> --
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, NM
> For professional resumes, contact
> Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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[RBW] Re: Don't tell me that a few lbs don't make a bloody difference!

2011-02-15 Thread rperks
for some though that 3 mph is 16 or 13 mph, or about 23 minutes
diference over the 29 miles - the difference between time a shower or
no shower on your lunch break or before work?  and still having time
to ride 29 miles.  I would take the speed over a shorter ride,
especally if 8 of the miles in the middle of the ride were out in the
country after you escape the clutches of suburbia and then have to re-

Rock on Patrick - voice of speed

Bikes get us from pont a to point b faster than walking.  That often
why we ride them, otherwise just walk.  You do not have to be a racer
boy all the time, but the talk around here lately has me wondering if
riv should be sponsering low speed tech trials for god's sake.  Maybe
they should set up cones in the lot and run a reverse race with points
off for putting a foot down, the guy who can stay up longest spining
22 - 36 (MEGA) on flat ground wins!!


On Feb 15, 2:04 pm, Kelly Sleeper  wrote:
> 5 lbs means very little from my experience.   So the one built as a commuter 
> .. Same tires wheels geometry bars handlebar height?
> Add 5 lbs in water bottle on go fast and doubt you'll notice much.
> But if all you're interested in is speed have fun.   A 2 to 3 mph average 
> speed difference for me is nothing.
> So what Rivendell did you build to 17ish pounds?
> Kelly
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 15, 2011, at 2:41 PM, PATRICK MOORE  wrote:
> > I just got back from a nice if brief-ish 1 hour ride on the '99 Riv
> > gofast, newly equipped with pretty Phil front hub (I have decided not
> > to replace the computer -- just yet, anyway, but I guesstimate that I
> > covered, easily, 23 miles over rolling, mostly suburban terrain).
> > Anyway, I deliberately went out of my way to climb some steepish, 1/2
> > mile long hills, mostly standing in the 75" gear, and blow me down, if
> > I sped up those hills like ... like  like ... Oh! Like Bartali,
> > shifting into a *higher* gear at the bottom of a steep climb, turning
> > with a sneer and glare at his competition, and leaving them in his
> > dust. Sortof.
> > Anyway, the difference between this gofast that, now, without a
> > computer, weighs a featherlite 17 3/4 lb, and the almost identical but
> > built as a commuter '03, is about 5 lb, and I certainly can tell the
> > difference on the hills.
> > Just so you know.
> > --
> > Patrick Moore
> > Albuquerque, NM
> > For professional resumes, contact
> > Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.- Hide quoted text -
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[RBW] Re: Paul Jono Hub

2011-02-15 Thread rperks
I have been looking into them a bit.  if you look at the parts pile
it appears that these, while flexible in spacing, have different left
and right end cap fitting design.  While the phil endcaps are not
cheap, you have almost infinate flexibility in the left and right
spacing and the different caps can go on either end.  You just need to
call them and buy more end caps for you next application.  That being
said, if I were building up something new, and the paul unit fit the
bill, I might buy it just to have something other than phil.


On Feb 15, 3:30 pm, Michael_S  wrote:
> Has anyone seen the new Paul Jono freewheel hub?  MUSA and pretty
> clever and not even that pricey.http://www.paulcomp.com/jonohub.html
> With IRD making Freewheels again it is a workable alternate to the
> 10-11 speed world.
> I just love the new/old technology!
> ~Mike

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[RBW] Pre-Bomba?

2011-02-21 Thread rperks

Raleigh trail-rider, saw on craig's list then confirmed here


More proof that there is little new under the sun.

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[RBW] Re: Further ramblings on full suspension vs. Bombadil...new ideas.

2009-09-25 Thread rperks

What size are you looking at?  I may have missed it, but that would
help in the advice department.

I am running a Rawland Disc Sogun for the last year, for much the same
reason you are looking at the Bombadil.  The catch is I put 700 x 42
on it not 650 B.  Primarily because I had a really nice wheel set
already.  The Schwalbe marathon extreme is a REALLY nice all purpose
fast tire in the 42, dirt or road.  I have also run marathon XR, a
very robust tire but tended to wash out a bit in some corners, and the
Panaracer fire cross 45's, these were nice in the dirt, but dogs in
the street.  My point being that the monster cross catagory can cover
your one bike neds pretty well, I have done it for a year or so now.

Still I have a vintage go fast eisentrut, and on the list for a
Roadeo, there are times when I know I will only be on the pavement,
and I want to go fast and far.  But still less bikes in the garage
than there could be.


On Sep 25, 1:02 pm, jinxed  wrote:
> On Sep 25, 1:24 pm, Tim McNamara  wrote:

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[RBW] Re: Roadeo art

2009-10-14 Thread rperks

Looks good, but why are the hills blue and the sky silver?  Silver
clouds I understand.  If it is a too many color isue maybe the extra
shade of green should be on the hills?  Just seems kind of off, not
sure why.  When I saw it not filled in I thought immediately of my
local ride up into the hills, but never have the hills been blue?


On Oct 13, 8:09 pm, cyclotourist  wrote:
> More pics of the headbadge on the painted frame (scroll down to 
> bottom):http://www.rivbike.com/products/list/bicycle_models#product=50-618
> Looking good!
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:54 AM, RoadieRyan  wrote:
> > Agreed love the head badge, looking forward to seeing it with color.
> > I also like the job that Riv does with headbadges and decals but I
> > have to admit
> > Betty Foy kind of scares me.
> > On Sep 11, 8:02 am, Bill Connell  wrote:
> > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Mike  wrote:
> > > > I just noticed this posted on the Riv website:
> > > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/knothole_post/155
> > > > I really like the headbadge and lettering for the tubes. The Roadeo is
> > > > shaping up to be a winner.
> > > I agree, i love the decal work on the recent batch of new frames; the
> > > center line art and the asymmetry. They were good before, but even
> > > better lately. Kudos indeed to Grant and the graphic artist on these.
> > > --
> > > Bill Connell
> > > St. Paul, MN
> --
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
> wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
> scientist guy- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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