That is very close to my layout for a bike I am planning.  I was
thinking of putting a set of clamp on DT shifters on the ST.  One coud
be routed to the hub, if needed, routed around a pullty on the upper
rack boss.  The second shifter could be for a BB dyno.  The theory was
about me getting another job here in town and wanting a beater comuter
that was easy on the mild hills here in town.  If the frame I end up
using had shift bosses on the DT I was just going to work out longer
cable runs.


On Mar 3, 12:18 am, CycloFiend <cyclofi...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> on 3/2/11 10:42 PM, Philip Williamson at philip.william...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Excellent! Thanks for the report, Bill. It really is nudging me
> > towards the S3X. If the slack in the system isn't too bad, the other
> > stumbling block for me is the cable-run. Did you ziptie the housing to
> > the top tube? I'd love to see the photos when the Round Tuit arrives.
> > If I get one, I'll keep your cones and cable-slippage advice in mind.
> > Does the hub freewheel if you miss gears?
> > I'd like to engineer a little widget to mount the shifter at the
> > seatstay boss instead of the bar-end. (I'm thinking sawn-off piece of
> > drop bar mounted side-on)
> When I've "mind-built" my multi-gear, fixed QB, I've always envisioned the
> old Trials rider hack of putting the shifter on the seat tube, running the
> cable down to the bb and noodle-ing it aft.
> There used to be some widgets for multiplying cable stops so that you could
> run hyraulic lines.  Keep an eye out for old chainstay-sized stops.  My Zeus
> has that - you can it see pretty well in the second photo.
> http://www.cyclofiend.com/cc/2006/cc060r2-cc-jim0506.html
> Mine was part of the build kit I inherited, but I see them around.
> - J
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
>     Mahatma Gandhi

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