Brake housing is fine for friction shifting, even bette rif it is what
you have on hand.  I would guess that many here are old enough to
remember the "slinky" housing that came with Suntour barcons.  Even
super cheapo brake housing is probably beter than that.  Yes the
furrels wil be bigger but they just but up against the shifter and
should fit into your downtube stops OK.  FWIW I have been running
brake cable as shifte ron the Roadeo for a year and a half now, I
wanted to use the brass furrels all around


On Mar 20, 10:55 pm, Earl Grey <> wrote:
> Hi,
> yesterday, as I shifted my Sam with alacrity into the big chainring,
> the left silver shifter went past the limit of its range of motion
> determined by the derailer limit screw. I thought perhaps the cable
> had slipped, but then saw that the housing had burst in the loop
> coming from the bar-end shifter:
> This is 1.5 year old silver gray Shimano SIS SD housing purchased from
> Riv.
> I have never burst derailer housing, nor have I ever heard of it
> happening to others. Was this a manufacturing defect, low quality
> housing, or caused by UV damage, which the gray housing is presumably
> more subject to than black housing? Fortunately there remained enough
> tension on the cable that I could move the derailer cage by hand to
> shift and have it stay in place over the middle chainring.
> Has anyone had a similar experience? There is some sign of rust inside
> the housing, pointing towards a slow failure, probably starting with a
> crack in the gray housing. The gray outer covering on the tight loop
> leading to the rear derailer is also cracked. The bike is always
> parked in the car port, and is only subject to direct sunlight when I
> am riding or when it's parked outside the yoga studio or on errands
> (about 8 hours a week).
> I like the look of the silver, but if I have to replace the housing
> once a year, I'll probably go with black housing, of which I have a
> spool. Or should I go with silver gray *brake* housing, since I only
> use friction shifting anyway?
> Thanks,
> Gernot
> Cheers,
> Gernot

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