explanation of how to use autocompletion and hash tags in YoruFukurou

2012-01-03 Thread Marc Workman
Hi all,

After a quick look through the archives, it seemed that the only way to deal 
with autocompletion and hash tags in YoruFukurou was to turn them off in 
preferences. Some will prefer this, but if you're trying to remember a twitter 
handle, and you know the first few letters, the autocomplete feature can be 
very useful.

Autocompletion can be used with VO.  It's a little clunky, but it works.

Once you type the "@" symbol, a list of suggestions will come up. This list 
will include every possible suggestion associated with your account, so you'll 
want to narrow it. The problem is that, if you just go ahead and start typing 
the first few letters, the cursor does not stay in the right place, so if 
you're looking for
you might end up with

To make this work, you simply have to go one letter at a time, readjusting the 
cursor after each additional letter. So first type the @ symbol, then move the 
cursor to the right of the @ symbol.  Then add the letter M.  This will bring 
up a list of those handles starting with M. If this is all the filter you need, 
you can move down the list with a down arrow and press return on the handle you 
want. To filter it further, though, move the cursor to the right of the M and 
add the letter A.  Now the list only includes handles starting with MA. And 
again, press return once you've found the handle you want.

The same process works for hash tags.

I hope someone finds this useful.



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Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions

2011-07-11 Thread Marc Workman
Agree with Ricardo.  Despite sharing many gestures in common, they are very 
different experiences.

I love the iPhone experience, but I almost never use the track pad.  I 
expect this is because I use a USB keyboard with my Mac Mini.  I use the num 
pad a great deal, and I suspect if I had some sort of MacBook lacking a num 
pad, I would be more inclined to use the track pad.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions


One has little to do with the other.  on an iPhone, the entire OS is 
optimized to be run via gesture input.  Not so for snow leopard.  Yes there 
are some similarities but the overall experience is much different.  At 
least in my opinion Trackpad commander can be very helpful but you need to 
choose your spots with it just like any tool.  We don't use chainsaws to 
slice bread right?  lol.  For example, I think the trackpad commander shines 
when using it on the web.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 11, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Christopher Peppel wrote:

Hi there,

I bought a magic trackpad when they first came out.  Maybe I have a 
learning disability, but it seems to be more trouble then it is worth. 
Maybe that will change in Lion, but for now, it just sits on my bottom 
shelf.  This is why I am still debating getting an Iphone in December.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 1:51 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Donna:
Well, I had been using the trackpad with some success, particularly for 
continuous read text.  I have had success previously working with mail in 
the past. But, I just tried to reply to your post using the trackpad to 
get in place to type, and got all of nowhere.  I can interact with scroll 
area to read from the top of a message, but trying to double-tap on 
"reply to" gets me nowhere.  Also, I typically interact with my messages 
list to move down subject lines, and enter on anything I want to read 
But, on the trackpad, I had to stop interacting with messages just to 
select yours to try to work with.  Either some things are broken/changed, 
or I need a quick refresher course.  I'm guessing it's the latter.  But, 
now you've got me curious.  I'll let you know what I find.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi Jim, Colin, and all,

Not sure why, but this isn't working for me.  In fact, I'm having 
abysmal results with the trackpad commander as a whole.  Does anyone 
seriously use this thing?  The only column I can get it to read in mail 
is the mailbox column, despite swiping left and right and having it tell 
me I've moved to a different column.  Moreover, the text that is spoken 
when I try and navigate with Trackpad Commander isn't the same as that 
which is spoken when I use the arrow keys.  I've tried all this while 
interacting and not interacting.  If anyone is really using the Trackpad 
commander, I'd appreciate any pointers.  I've used an iphone since the 
3gs was released in 2009, so I'm really surprised by this.

On Jul 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Jim Fettgather wrote:

According to keyboard help, you are supposed to be able to hold down 
the the control key and tap to jump linked item, such as moving from 
the messages table in mail to the text.

I can get this to accknowledge this gesture in keyboard help, but for 
some reason, I cannot get it to work in the mail program.


On Jul 10, 2011, at 9:12 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi Esther,

thanks for this info.  I knew that  there are some gestures that are 
different from or not present on the iPhone, so I'm sure I'll find the 
help section very useful.

I'm really surprised that there isn't a way to open an email message 
using the trackpad.  that seems like a major oversight, particularly 
given that this obviously works on the iPhone.  It's interesting, too, 
because doubletapping does work for opening an app.  But, at least I 
know I wasn't missing something, either in regards to this or having 
all columns of the messages table read (another major oversight imho)


On Jul 9, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Donna,

1. There's a section in the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (Chapter 
11 on Using VoiceOver Gestures) that describes using TrackPad 
Commander. Use VO-H to bring up the help menu and press "g" to go to 
the "Getting Started Guide" and return.  Open the web item rotor with 
VO-U and press "g e s" to get the two relevant sections (Chapter 11 
and Appendix A listing the Commands and Gestures). If you want the 
list of standard gestures, go directly to Appendix A and navigate to 
the section on "VoiceOver standard gestures". (I'd use VO-U for the 
web rotor and press "s t".)  A lot of these will be familiar to you 
from using the iPhone, but there are some other ones like going to 
the dock or menu bar (two finger double tap near bottom or top of 
trackpad), or 

Mac Super Bundle

2011-07-14 Thread Marc Workman

I came across another bundle that some might be interested in.  I'll list the 
included apps with brief descriptions along with any info I could find after a 
quick search of the Mac Visionaries archives.  As you will see, there is not 
much info in the archives on these apps, or rather, I could not find much.  I'm 
hoping if anyone has experience with any of these apps he or she will share it.

It includes 10 apps.  The unbundled price is $366, and the bundle price is $49. 
 All apps are Lion compatible or will get compatibility updates after Lion 
comes out.  This is of course a limited time offer.  You need to pick it up by 
July 27 if you want it.

For more info, visit

1. Media iPod to Mac Transfers
iPod file transfer made easy.
No info in archives.

2. Parallels Desktop 6.
Run windows on your Mac without rebooting.
This is the jewel of the bundle, but the archives suggest it is not accessible 
with VO.  However, most comments refer to version 4, so I wonder if things have 
improved in version 6.

3. Food Network Recipe Manager.
The easy-to-use recipe and meal manager.
No info in archives.

4. Money 4.
Keep control of your financial life.
No info in archives.

5. DVD Remaster.
The ultimate DVD re-encoding solution.
I believe this one is accessible.  As pointed out by someone on this list, it 
was recently on sale in the Mac appstore for $5 from $50, so I snatched it up 
but haven't actually played with it much.

6. VirusBarrier X6.
Anti-virus protection reinforced.
A post on the archives says this one is accessible, but it also listed the 
price at $9.99 whereas this version is supposed to be $49.95.  I don't know if 
they are different versions, or if there is a significant discount through the 
Mac Appstore.

7. Washing Machine 2.
Protecting you and your Mac.
No info in archives.

8.Yummy FTP.
The fast, flexible, and reliable FTP client.
No info in archives.

9. Inspiration Set.
150 professional templates for Pages.
No info in archives.

10. Font Explosion Volume 2.
Professional fonts for brochures, logos, presentations and more.
No info in archives.

Hope someone finds this useful.  I'm often tempted by these bundles, but this 
one is less tempting than usual.  If it were VM Fusion instead of Parallels, I 
would definitely grab it, but I need more info before I get this bundle.



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Re: one bad thing I've found in mail

2011-07-20 Thread Marc Workman
VO home/end is not working for me.  I've tried interacting in various ways, 
but all that happens when I press VO home/end is that focus is moved by a 
few messages.  If I keep pressing VO home/end, focus stays on that message, 
yet if I move up or down once, and then press VO home/end, it again shifts 
several messages.  I can't determine any pattern explaining why it stops at 
the messages it stops at.

Any help would be appreciated.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ronald McEwan" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: one bad thing I've found in mail

VO+home and VO+end will do that.

In the Journey,


On Jul 20, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

Well, I'm sad to say that the Option Down arrow command that used to move 
you to the top and bottom of the message list is now gone. (sigh)


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Re: getting more voices for 10.7

2011-07-20 Thread Marc Workman
400 mb was just the one voice.  I selected 12 voices, and it was nearly 4 
gb.  I'll likely stick with Alex, but I do like several of the French ones.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Tanner" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: getting more voices for 10.7

Well, I got there by going to System Preferences and then to the Speech 
settings.  When I got the list of voice choices I chose a voice that had 
not been available in Snow Leopard to be my System voice.  Once I took an 
OK on the change I was prompted whether I wanted to download that voice. 
I answered yes and the entire group of voices apparently got downloaded 
since it was almost a 400 meg download.  Once it was downloaded I was 
prompted as to whether I wanted to go ahead and install them or install 
them later. I answered yes to go ahead and install the package and the 
"multi-lingual" package was installed.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ed Worrell" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 5:42 PM
Subject: getting more voices for 10.7

Hello, I was wundering if anyone knew where to find, the place to 
download the new voices for Lion.

Thanks ED

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Re: Turning off and on VO speech

2011-07-20 Thread Marc Workman
Once you turn voiceover on with cmd f5, and after you hear speech off, tap 
twice using three fingers on the track pad.  That should unmute voiceover.


- Original Message - 
From: "Cakes" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 10:12 PM
Subject: Turning off and on VO speech

Hi folks,


First of all, every once and a while I somehow mute VO by simply 
accidentally touching the track pad.  I think the way to unmute VO on a 
13" mbp is by hitting the fourth button from the top right corner of the 
keyboard.  Right?  But this time; and I think it happened one other time, 
I somehow shut off vO speech altogether.  Oh my!  Hitting cmd F5 turned VO 
on but then it reported that VO speech is off.  Now I am unable to get VO 
to speak at all.  Any help is always appreciated.



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Re: Launchpad

2011-07-20 Thread Marc Workman
After playing with this for a bit, there seem to be some accessibility 
problems.  Though, that said, this doesn't strike me as a very useful tool 
for blind people.

First off, you don't seem to be able to navigate by pressing letters.  If I 
could find an app or a folder by pressing the first few letters, that might 
be useful, but this doesn't work as far as I can tell.

Secondly, you can't command tab or command accent your way away from 
launchpad.  In fact, I wasn't even able to navigate away using the 
application chooser.  I could only move away by choosing an app.

Honestly, for a blind person that is comfortable with using the keyboard, 
there are faster ways of launching apps.  You could get to finder with the 
application chooser, hit command shift A to bring up the applications menu, 
and type the first few letters to find the app.  Or you could use the doc 
with VO D and then use keyboard navigation to find the app.  Or, what I do, 
use keyboard maestro to set a macro that launches the applications folder 
and frequently used apps.

Launchpad seems to me to be one of several Lion features, including 
full-screen apps, mission control, and new gestures, that do little if 
anything at all for blind people.

Still, I think there's enough accessibility enhancements and other features 
that justify the low price tag.


- Original Message - 
From: "Austin Seraphin" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:50 PM
Subject: Launchpad

Ok so has anyone figured this out? I really hoped for an iOS-style home 
screen, and it definitely seems similar. But how does one move apps around 
with VoiceOver? I tried dragging and dropping, including with the cool new 
commands VO-comma to mark and VO-period to drop. Nothing worked. I really 
really hoped that a double-tap and hold would work, like in iOS, but no such 
luck. Any clues?

- Austin

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Re: Launchpad

2011-07-21 Thread Marc Workman
So I never intended to suggest that launchpad doesn't work, and thanks to Chris 
for the tip about escape, that will indeed dismiss the launchpad.

I maintain that it is pretty useless though.  Folders make sense in IOS, where 
there is no list of all your apps that can be accessed quickly through first 
letter navigation, with the exception of spotlight.  With Lion though, the 
applications folder, the doc, spotlight, all seem like much faster ways of 
locating and launching apps.

I'd be interested in knowing if and how others have found launchpad to be 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Austin Seraphin 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:48 AM
  Subject: Re: Launchpad

  I don't know about worthless. I actually think it might have some cool 
potential. It does have a few differences than a standard grid view. Firstly, 
in theory, you can drag and drop applications like in iOS. This includes 
dropping one application on top of another to form a folder. Many blind people 
already know about this from having an iDevice. I'd kind of like a nice home 
screen or three with some cool folders. The launchpad also has another 
interesting feature: in addition to looking in /Applications (off the root), it 
also looks in ~/Applications (off the home directory). I could imagine some 
interesting uses for that. But as you've pointed out elsewhere, we have several 
quite handy ways to launch applications.

   - Austin

  On Jul 21, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


It works its just worthless.  lol.  Its just basically viewing apps in a 
grid view.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Jul 21, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

  There was a post on this list from someone who said that launchpad 
doesn't seem to be a very useful tool for blind folks, and then he detailed 
some of his reasons.
  Mary Otten

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Re: Italian iPad: was getting more voices for 10.7

2011-07-21 Thread Marc Workman

Hi Carolyn,

Did you end up trying what I suggested on the viphone list?

In case you missed it, try using the roter to select language.  Then flick
up or down until you get back to the default voice.


- Original Message - 
From: "carolyn Haas" 

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 5:36 PM
Subject: Italian iPad: was getting more voices for 10.7

Hey Teresa:

Sorry to highjack this.  But, You've brought up something that I wanted to
ask but was hesitant.  I'm experiencing strangeness with.  My iPad has
suddenly become an Italian voice, speaking pigeon English!  I'm not kidding!
It's making me crazy, as it hard to track down anything with her speaking
half Ital and half English.  I did go to settings, and US English is indeed
selected.  But, when I press any other buttons, or drag around the screen,
the little Italian Lady is back, and then she says, "screen looking!"

Anyone have any thoughts on this, short of restoring the iPad to factory


Now  Where's my spaghetti?:)

On Jul 21, 2011, at 8:46 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Nope. I just downloaded eleven voices for free, including the English
Indian one and the Scottish and Irish. Also, I downloaded Italian, since
I'm learning some Italian songs. Very fun. :) They do take up quite a bit
of space, however.

On Jul 21, 2011, at 7:43 AM, Christopher Peppel wrote:

Hi there,

Hate to ask, but does it cost anymore for the extra voices?

As far as Lion goes, I think it is a matter of getting used to some of
the changes.

On Jul 20, 2011, at 10:03 PM, David Tanner wrote:

Well, I got there by going to System Preferences and then to the Speech
settings.  When I got the list of voice choices I chose a voice that had
not been available in Snow Leopard to be my System voice.  Once I took
an OK on the change I was prompted whether I wanted to download that
voice.  I answered yes and the entire group of voices apparently got
downloaded since it was almost a 400 meg download.  Once it was
downloaded I was prompted as to whether I wanted to go ahead and install
them or install them later. I answered yes to go ahead and install the
package and the "multi-lingual" package was installed.


- Original Message - From: "Ed Worrell" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 5:42 PM
Subject: getting more voices for 10.7

Hello, I was wundering if anyone knew where to find, the place to
download the new voices for Lion.

Thanks ED

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Re: Automatic Language Change.

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman
It's worth noting that you can switch activities quickly by either 1) 
bringing up a list of activities with VO X, or 2) automatically switching 
back and forth between activities with VO XX.

So it won't automatically detect languages and switch, but the introduction 
of activities does make switching languages very easy.  And you can also 
adjust things like rate, pronunciation, verbosity, etc by using activities. 
So if you're not as strong with one language, you can set the speaking rate 
lower for that activity.

- Original Message - 
From: "Shen" 

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: Automatic Language Change.

Thanks, that is helpful. I was thinking I have to change the language to 
what I want to use so I was tuck with that language.
It would certainly be helpful if I can use Alex for any English content, 
then use the appropriate tts engine for the matching language.

I'll give that a try.

On Jul 21, 2011, at 8:18 PM, Braille wrote:

IOS handles it automatically so long as the text encoding is done 
appropriately. It does not seem like that the lion can do it.
What I have done was to create an activity and specify the speech 
synthesizer of the language along with a webkit so that, when I open 
safari, for example, it reads in English voice while the selected voice is 
being used when webkit was fired up.

Better than manual change.

On Jul 21, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Shen wrote:

I don't believe VoiceOver will change languages on the fly. You have to 
change the local language setting to what you want. Then VoiceOver will 
be able to use the correct language for the tts. This is the same with 
iOS devices.

On Jul 21, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:


In addition to the English voices I installed two Swedish voices and two 
Arabic as well.  Now I wonder is there any setting I can make so that 
voiceover changes to correct synthesizer at the right time automatically 
depending on the language of the document I read or on the language of 
the homepage I am on?  The way I am doing it now is by changing default 
voice manually.

By the way, is there a way to make voiceover change braille table 
automatically when changing synthesizer like on the ios devices?


Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315
E-mail: humorlessg...@samobile.net

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
www.serotek.com to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: typing first letters of message in mail

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman
It's worth noting that it is still possible to move back and forth between 
the top and bottom of the messages colum.  You need to interact with it, and 
pressing VO-shift-home and VO-shift-end will take you back and forth between 
the top and bottom respectively.

Perhaps not as convenient as option up and down arrow, but certainly more 
convenient than arrowing down 9000 messages.


- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: typing first letters of message in mail

Hi all,

In case anyone is interested, typing the first letter of a recipient's name 
does work if you switch to classic view.  Also, if you switch to classic 
view, when you go into your sent folder, you're placed at the bottom, rather 
than the top of the message list.  Since we know longer have the Option up 
and down arrow, I personally find that useful.  Yesterday I had to sit there 
and scroll through nine thousand messages in order to check something in a 
message I'd just sent. GR.

Just thought I'd pass this along in case these items are helpful to anyone 


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Re: typing first letters of message in mail

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman
The control, option, shift, and function keys are all right next to each 
other, no? I can do the keystroke without much difficulty on an Apple 
bluetooth keyboard.  It's not as easy as option up or down, but it surely 
would have been easier than arrowing down through so many messages.  Even 
locking the VO keys with VO semi colon would be faster than arrowing down 
through a lot of messages.  I agree it's less convenient, but it seems only 
slightly less convenient to me.


- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: typing first letters of message in mail

That's great if you have a full keyboard.  If you're on a Macbook pro, that 
is a much more difficult keystroke to manage.


On Jul 22, 2011, at 5:05 PM, Marc Workman wrote:

It's worth noting that it is still possible to move back and forth between 
the top and bottom of the messages colum.  You need to interact with it, 
and pressing VO-shift-home and VO-shift-end will take you back and forth 
between the top and bottom respectively.

Perhaps not as convenient as option up and down arrow, but certainly more 
convenient than arrowing down 9000 messages.


- Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: typing first letters of message in mail

Hi all,

In case anyone is interested, typing the first letter of a recipient's 
name does work if you switch to classic view.  Also, if you switch to 
classic view, when you go into your sent folder, you're placed at the 
bottom, rather than the top of the message list.  Since we know longer 
have the Option up and down arrow, I personally find that useful. 
Yesterday I had to sit there and scroll through nine thousand messages in 
order to check something in a message I'd just sent. GR.

Just thought I'd pass this along in case these items are helpful to anyone 


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Re: typing first letters of message in mail

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman
You should be able to change the keystroke to something easier using 
keyboard commander, though this still wouldn't allow you to go from 
beginning to end in classic layout without interacting.  However, you can 
see all the headers even when you do interact with the messages table if you 
use the new layout.


- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: typing first letters of message in mail

First, on the MBP, you also have to hold down the function key.  I am unable 
to perform that keystroke.  Second,  assuming that you *can perform that 
keystroke, in order for that to work, you have to interact with the messages 
table, otherwise those keystrokes take you out of the message list.  I 
prefer not to interact with the message list, as I like to hear all the 
headers spoken, not just the one I'm sitting on.


On Jul 22, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Donna,

I'm a little confused.  I am able to use arrow keys in both Classic and 
the new Mail view.  I concur that first letter navigation does not work in 
the new view.  Although, when in the Sent folder,, the very first time, it 
took me directly to the bottom, but subsequent times put me where I last 
was.  As well, when I was placed at the bottom, I simply pressed 
VO-shift-left arrow and I was quickly moved to the top of my list of Sent.


On 2011-07-22, at 2:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

In case anyone is interested, typing the first letter of a recipient's 
name does work if you switch to classic view.  Also, if you switch to 
classic view, when you go into your sent folder, you're placed at the 
bottom, rather than the top of the message list.  Since we know longer 
have the Option up and down arrow, I personally find that useful. 
Yesterday I had to sit there and scroll through nine thousand messages in 
order to check something in a message I'd just sent. GR.

Just thought I'd pass this along in case these items are helpful to 
anyone else.


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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Iphone bluetooth keyboard questions

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman

Hi Colin,

VO-H is the equivalent of pressing the home button, and VO-HH will take you 
to the app switcher.

I would recommend doing a google search for the list of short cuts.  I don't 
have the link handy, but it is easy to find.  And you will find that 
virtually every voiceover gesture can be performed using the keyboard.


- Original Message - 
From: "Red.Falcon" 
To: "macvisionaries group" ; "mac access" 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 5:25 PM
Subject: Iphone bluetooth keyboard questions

Hi all!
So I've finally joined the Iphone crowd!
I've had a little play with connecting my Apple keyboard with the Iphone 
and it works great!

So to my question!
Is there a way to get back to the home screen with the keyboard, the only 
way I've found so far is to use the home button on the Iphone!
And the other question is are any of you using a Freedom i-Connex Mini 
Bluetooth Keyboard - White with your Iphone and if so does it work ok with 

Any suggestions welcome!

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Re: conversations in new mail

2011-07-22 Thread Marc Workman
Don't bother with a hot spot on the mailbox list.  You can simply shift tab 
and tab to go back and forth between the mailbox list and the message table.

I did end up setting a hot spot for the search field since, unlike in SL, 
you don't seem to be able to tab into the search field.


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Westbrook" 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: conversations in new mail

No, I just tried it, it works in the regular view, with the caveat that you 
must use vo+up and down arrow to move through the messages when in the 
message content area.  also if you set a hot spot on the mailbox list I 
think you can get there a lot quicker.

On Jul 22, 2011, at 10:44 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi Shameless,
A small caveat here.  THis seems to only really work in Classic view, but 
is otherwise very sound advice.  I appreciate it.

Best and thanks,
On Jul 22, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:

You don't, and can in fact merely tab over once you're sitting on the 
thread you want to view. This will get you to a list of messages within 
that thread, from where you can either use left and right, or up and down 
arrows to navigate through them. To return to the threads list, either 
use VO left arrow, or shift tab. For the record, to return to the list of 
inboxes, stop interacting with the message list, (for me, this requires 
two presses of VO shift up arrow), and VO left twice to return to your 
list of mailboxes.

I HTH guys
On Jul 22, 2011, at 10:31 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi CHris,
The area you mention is accessible if you don't expand a conversation, 
but instead stop interacting and move right.  I'm not sure what goes on 
visually in conversation view, but it occurs to me you might not need to 
expand them all that often actually.  Experimentation is in order.

On Jul 22, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

I just wanted to say I'm getting used to the new conversation view in 
mail.  The way i do it now is to expand a conversation I'm interested 
in and then down arrow to the first message.  Then I do a vo+j to go to 
the preview pane and then read the message, then I either delete it or 
do a vo+j again to go to the message list to select another message. 
My question is that it seems that if you're not focused on a message 
within the conversation, if you stop interacting with the message list 
and then vo+right arrow a couple of times the message content area 
displays all the messages in a conversation, one per line.  I tried to 
set a hotspot there but I can't get to it from the message list.  IS 
there a quick hot key to get to the area I am thinking of?  This isn't 
as bad as I thought it was going to be now that I have gotten used to 

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assistance moving mailboxes to the favourites bar

2011-07-23 Thread Marc Workman
Hi all,

I'm trying to use drag and drop to move various mailboxes to the favourites 
bar, primarily so that I can switch between them using command plus the number 

I'm sure someone said this is possible, but when I try VO comma on the mailbox, 
I get the message: mailbox is not draggable, item may be hidden.  I've tried 
interacting in different ways, and I've closed all but mail and finder.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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Re: assistance moving mailboxes to the favourites bar

2011-07-23 Thread Marc Workman
I appreciate the response.  I can now mark the mailboxes for dragging and 
dropping (usually by first moving the mouse pointer to the voiceover cursor).  
However, I can't seem to drop the selected mail box in or on the favourites bar.

I've tried hovering over the favourites bar, I've tried interacting with the 
favourites bar, and I've tried interacting with the inbox in the favourites 
bar.  I get a variation of the same message every time: failed to drop on 
favourites bar, or failed to drop on inbox.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


On 2011-07-23, at 2:56 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> I was able to do this.  I had to interact with the mailbox list and then 
> highlight the mailbox.  Then it said the mailbox was selected for dragging 
> when I hit vo+,.  Hope this helps somehow.
> On Jul 23, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to use drag and drop to move various mailboxes to the favourites 
>> bar, primarily so that I can switch between them using command plus the 
>> number row.
>> I'm sure someone said this is possible, but when I try VO comma on the 
>> mailbox, I get the message: mailbox is not draggable, item may be hidden.  
>> I've tried interacting in different ways, and I've closed all but mail and 
>> finder.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Marc
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found a solution was Re: assistance moving mailboxes to the favourites bar

2011-07-23 Thread Marc Workman
In case anyone else runs into this problem, what I ended up doing is using 
VO-shift-period, i.e., VO-greater than.

My favourites bar contained four items: inbox, drafts, sent, and hide mailboxes 
button.  The only way I could get drag and drop to work was to drop the item 
after the sent check box by using VO-greater than.  I tried dropping the 
mailbox after the inbox check box, but that didn't work.  It had to come after 
the sent check box.  Presumably, dropping it before the hide button using 
VO-less than would have worked as well, but I didn't try that.

The problem I have now is that I can't rearrange the items.  If I try to mark 
one for drag and drop, I get the message: Voiceover will not drag item that has 
press action.  I know someone else said it was possible to rearrange the 
mailboxes.  I would like to do this, but I'm happy enough for tonight just to 
have them in the favourites bar.  Any advice would be appreciated.


On 2011-07-23, at 9:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> To drop the folder is voice over plus period.  Once you do this you should
> hear a swishing sound until it's done copying it there for you.  HTH
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
> (Marriage group) http://groups.google.com/group/committed-married-christians
> Sent From my Imac 
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marc Workman
> Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 9:56 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: assistance moving mailboxes to the favourites bar
> I appreciate the response.  I can now mark the mailboxes for dragging and
> dropping (usually by first moving the mouse pointer to the voiceover
> cursor).  However, I can't seem to drop the selected mail box in or on the
> favourites bar.
> I've tried hovering over the favourites bar, I've tried interacting with the
> favourites bar, and I've tried interacting with the inbox in the favourites
> bar.  I get a variation of the same message every time: failed to drop on
> favourites bar, or failed to drop on inbox.
> Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Marc
> On 2011-07-23, at 2:56 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> I was able to do this.  I had to interact with the mailbox list and then
> highlight the mailbox.  Then it said the mailbox was selected for dragging
> when I hit vo+,.  Hope this helps somehow.
>> On Jul 23, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Marc Workman wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to use drag and drop to move various mailboxes to the
> favourites bar, primarily so that I can switch between them using command
> plus the number row.
>>> I'm sure someone said this is possible, but when I try VO comma on the
> mailbox, I get the message: mailbox is not draggable, item may be hidden.
> I've tried interacting in different ways, and I've closed all but mail and
> finder.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Marc
>>> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: The "show more" link in Mail?

2011-07-25 Thread Marc Workman
Sorry, I have no suggestions, but I have had the same experience as you.  I got 
it to work once, but I've been unable to reproduce this one successful attempt. 
 I would be very interested in any suggestions as well.


On 2011-07-25, at 4:38 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi good people.
> Sometimes i want to see what's been said in other mails in a conversation of 
> mail without necesarily leaving the message itself, in other words i want to 
> see the quoted material. To this end, there's a link that says "show more", 
> however, try as i might, i can't reach it with VO. I can see that the link is 
> there, but trying to click it doesn't do anything, and it seems the VO cursor 
>  doesn't want to go to that link although it's perfectly visible. Has anyone 
> tried this and has some suggestions for the problem?
> /Krister
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Re: saving audio form a flash video?

2011-07-25 Thread Marc Workman
I played around a bit with an app called Jaksta.  If I recall everything 
correctly, and I may not, so you'll want to look on the website to confirm, 
this program captures the audio from any video playing.

There is a demo version that will grab half the audio, but in my tests, it 
grabbed the whole thing if it was a short video.  The full app costs tens of 
dollars, can't recall the exact price, and I found that I was able to use it 
with voiceover.  I just didn't end up having much of a need for it, but I bet 
it will do exactly what you're looking for.


On 2011-07-25, at 6:18 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> what a nifty looking trick, I may have to try it myself, like this Kevin to 
> be sure i have it correct?
> www.pwnyahootube.com/watch, all the rest that follows.htm
> or something?
> thanks,
> Karen
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> I know some others have had success with putting the letters pwn
>> in front of the youtube address to get to a web service that lets you take 
>> the audio off. So, you'd put in www.pwnyoutube.com/whatever and then get a 
>> choice of services to use.
>> That's PWN by the way, just in case VO pronounces it as pone which 
>> apparently it does on my end.
>> Kevin
>> On 2011-07-25, at 8:00 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> I may be revisiting an old dance number, but is there a concrete way to 
>>> draw the audio only from a flash video?  I know it can be done in youtube, 
>>> so guess? it can be done from other things?
>>> as I shared, I believe this has been covered before, yet the question arose 
>>> on another list, so I am asking.
>>> Karen
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Re: when I take delivery of my mac mini then what?

2011-08-04 Thread Marc Workman
One of the challenges I had when I turned on my mid-2010 Mac Mini after 
bringing it home was the bluetooth window.  Once you turn the Mini on, if you 
don't have a USB keyboard and a magic track pad or mouse, a window will come up 
saying that the Mac is searching for these things.  I don't know if I did 
something I shouldn't have, but hitting Command F5 while this window was up 
didn't seem to bring VO up.  If you find that VO is not starting when you hit 
CMD F5, then try command tabbing around and using CMD W to close the window.

The other thing is that you might have a problem if you don't have a USB 
keyboard.  When I pair my bluetooth keyboard with my Mac, I am required to 
enter a randomly-generated code on the keyboard, but of course you won't know 
what the code is unless you can use VO to read it, and you won't be able to 
turn VO on unless you can use the keyboard.  All this is assuming you won't 
have sighted assistance.


On 2011-08-04, at 4:40 PM, Joe Paton wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm taking delivery of a Mini next week.
> So when I set it up, turn the machine on, What will happen next. Do I press 
> command f5 and vo should start speaking? Do I need to request any particular 
> settings from the store?
> I seem to recall with my mac book of 3/4 years ago, out of the box, as soon 
> as the power switch was activated, VO started talking and I was away with a 
> basic setup routine. . But the world of apple has moved on and I reckon I 
> need your guidance, or at the verry least advice for the store assistants.
> Many thanks,
> Joe
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Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-11 Thread Marc Workman
Hi Donna,

It is already possible to disable the lock feature.

Go to system preferences, then time machine, then options.  You will find a 
"lock documents" check box.  There is also a pop up button where you can change 
how much time has to elapse before a document is locked.

You don't actually have to be using time machine, so it is a little strange to 
find it there, but that's where it is.

Paul, I find auto saving and versioning a little puzzling myself, but I can 
offer a few comments.

First, you need to know that there is a distinction between these two things.  
In your experiment, you didn't actually create versions.  I'm not even sure it 
was auto saving so much as resuming where you were when you left off.

Auto saving is when the application will automatically save the current 
version, and it happens at regular intervals and when you pause to do something 
else like check email.

When you create a version though, you make the equivalent of another document.  
And I believe this will happen automatically as well after a certain interval, 
but you can also force the saving of a version by using command S.

So here's an example and a test you can perform.  I open a document at 4:00 and 
use command S to give it a name and put it in the folder I want it in.  I work 
on it for half an hour, and that whole time it is auto saving all my changes.  
I hit command S again, and I proceed to make a bunch of changes to what I've 
written, and the whole time it is auto saving everything I'm doing, which means 
I can close text edit and open it with all the changes still there.  Let's say 
it's now 5:00, and I hit command S again, and I decide that the changes I made 
are terrible, and I want to go back to what I had at 4:30.  What I would do is 
stop interacting with the scroll area, then VO right over to the versions menu 
button.  I can then browse all versions.  Once you VO space on browse all 
versions, you VO right over to the vertical slider, interact with it, select 
the 4:30 version, stop interacting and VO left and VO space on the restore 
button.  You could do a similar test with shorter intervals.

I think of versions as snapshots.  So I know I'm often reluctant to simply 
delete whole paragraphs from papers that I'm writing.  I will often copy them 
into a different document or paste them at the bottom until I know for sure I'm 
not going to use them.  With versions, though, I can hit command S before I 
make major revisions like deleting paragraphs, and if I note the time, then I 
can always go back to the state it was when I hit command S, which means I 
don't have to worry about saving the paragraphs elsewhere.

I'm sure there are many tips and tricks I'm not aware of, but I hope this helps 


auto saving was happening, but you didn't actually create more than one version.
On 2011-08-11, at 2:44 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> thanks. I hope eventually we can just disable that feature.  It seems sort of 
> pointless.  It doesn't really protect your document, it just creates an extra 
> step if you want to edit it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> I don't know of a way to turn the feature off, where documents in lion text 
>> edit are locked after a certain time. But I do remember that there should be 
>> an unlock button somewhere. If you unlock, you can just go ahead and edit as 
>> you wish. If you leave the lock for what it is, you can create a duplicate, 
>> while leaving the original unchanged. This is only theory for me though. I 
>> don't know yet how to use versioning, but hopefully some knowledgeable soul 
>> will kick in on this.
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 11, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a related question.  I went on vacation for about the last week and 
>>> a half.  When I got back, I found that all my documents had been "locked".  
>>> Upon returning home, when I opened a document and began to type, I got the 
>>> message, "this document has been locked because you haven't made changes to 
>>> it in a while".  The while was not all that long, and I hadn't made any 
>>> changes because I wasn't here to make them.  It's been kind of annoying.  
>>> Does anyone know if there's a way to turn that feature off?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 11, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Hi listers,
 I've been playing a while now with versioning in text edit. The concept, I 
 now understand for a small part. But doing it is a different matter. I've 
 been reading the help within text edit, but it doesn't say much about 
 versioning, except that it keeps versions on a daily, weekly and monthly 
 bases. I'm interested to learn how this works.
 When you open text edit, you can now simply type away, and if I am 
 correct, you can forget about saving your document. I tried this, and 
 indeed it is true. You can now

Re: versioning in text edit

2011-08-12 Thread Marc Workman

That's right.  The version browsing controls do not come up automatically for 
me either.  I feel like it used to when I first played around with versioning 
after Lion first came out, but perhaps not.  At any rate, you can find the 
vertical slider byVO spacing on the "Browse all Versions" button, and then 
after you are taken back to the main window, bring up the window chooser with 
VO F2 twice.  You will then want to look for "Version Browsing Controls", and 
there you will find the vertical slider.

I'm not sure about using VO space to get to the Doc.  I use VO D to get to the 

I don't have Pages, but I know versioning and auto saving can be included in 
applications by developers, so I would be surprised if it weren't in Pages.


Marc doesn't come up for me either.
On 2011-08-11, at 7:08 PM, Jessica and Goldina wrote:

> hi Paul,
> I've been playing with versions a lot today trying to get the hang of it 
> myself. it definitely looks like a neat feature! but I can't seem to get it 
> to work. I get what you mean about saving a version, but when I go to the 
> "browse all versions" and VO space, it just gets sluggish for a minute and 
> then brings me back to the main window where my text is. I don't see the 
> vertical splitter you use to pick a version. is versions on by default? I'm 
> thinking it is because when I pressed command s it said "saving version." but 
> I can't seem to find the vertical splitter to select a different version.
> also, and this may just be my system, after I quit text edit after playing 
> with versions, I can no longer use VO space to get to the dock. it just dings 
> at me until I unload and reload voiceover! very strange!
> is it possible to use versions in pages or just text edit? I didn't see the 
> option in pages.
> thanks!
> peace and positivity
> Jessica and Goldina
> follow me on Twitter:
> http://www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
> On 2011-08-11, at 5:52 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Bless you!  I absolutely never would have looked for it there.  thanks!
>> Donna
>> On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Marc Workman wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> It is already possible to disable the lock feature.
>>> Go to system preferences, then time machine, then options.  You will find a 
>>> "lock documents" check box.  There is also a pop up button where you can 
>>> change how much time has to elapse before a document is locked.
>>> You don't actually have to be using time machine, so it is a little strange 
>>> to find it there, but that's where it is.
>>> Paul, I find auto saving and versioning a little puzzling myself, but I can 
>>> offer a few comments.
>>> First, you need to know that there is a distinction between these two 
>>> things.  In your experiment, you didn't actually create versions.  I'm not 
>>> even sure it was auto saving so much as resuming where you were when you 
>>> left off.
>>> Auto saving is when the application will automatically save the current 
>>> version, and it happens at regular intervals and when you pause to do 
>>> something else like check email.
>>> When you create a version though, you make the equivalent of another 
>>> document.  And I believe this will happen automatically as well after a 
>>> certain interval, but you can also force the saving of a version by using 
>>> command S.
>>> So here's an example and a test you can perform.  I open a document at 4:00 
>>> and use command S to give it a name and put it in the folder I want it in.  
>>> I work on it for half an hour, and that whole time it is auto saving all my 
>>> changes.  I hit command S again, and I proceed to make a bunch of changes 
>>> to what I've written, and the whole time it is auto saving everything I'm 
>>> doing, which means I can close text edit and open it with all the changes 
>>> still there.  Let's say it's now 5:00, and I hit command S again, and I 
>>> decide that the changes I made are terrible, and I want to go back to what 
>>> I had at 4:30.  What I would do is stop interacting with the scroll area, 
>>> then VO right over to the versions menu button.  I can then browse all 
>>> versions.  Once you VO space on browse all versions, you VO right over to 
>>> the vertical slider, interact with it, select the 4:30 version, stop 
>>> interacting and VO left and VO 

Locating the function key on a USB keyboard

2010-12-02 Thread Marc Workman
Hi all,

I bought my first Mac today, and I've run into a snag turning VO on.

I tried command F5, but it only made a bonking noise.  My guess is that the 
function keys are controlling hardware, and I need to press the function key 
plus command F5, but I don't know which key is the function key.  I'm using a 
full size USB keyboard that I bought along with the Mac mini today.

If you can tell me where the function key is, or if you have any other 
suggestions, I would be very appreciative.



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can't get voiceover going after an installation

2010-12-02 Thread Marc Workman
Hello again,

I wasn't able to get voiceover running on my new Mac Mini, so I decided to just 
install, or perhaps reinstall, the OS.  The installation went fine, but after 
the restart, I'm still not able to get VO going using either command F5, 
control command F5, or function command F5.  I also tried pressing enter after 
a restart, since one of the archive post mentioned something about having to 
choose the setup language first, but no go.  Every keystroke seems to produce a 
bonking sound.

I've listened to a couple of podcasts of installations for both Lepard and Snow 
Lepard, and in both cases, some music started playing after the restart 
following the installation, but that didn't happen in my case.

Apologies for the nuby question, but I can't find an answer in anything I've 
read or listened to.



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Can't Get Home Sharing Working

2010-12-02 Thread Marc Workman

I can't seem to get home sharing working.  I've authorized two different 
computers, I've turned on home sharing, and I gather I'm supposed to be able to 
find the other computer somewhere, but I don't know where to look.  I couldn't 
find anything in the archives concerning this specific issue.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be very appreciated.



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Re: Data Detector

2011-09-14 Thread Marc Workman
If you open the short cut menu with VO shift M on some text that says data 
detector, you can perform various actions.  For example, if someone sends an 
email containing the date and time of a meeting, I can use VO shift M to bring 
up a menu that includes the option of creating a quick cal event.  Choose that 
option, and the information will automatically be entered into the edit fields 
for creating an iCal event.  You may have to edit things like the title of the 
event, but it is still faster than starting from scratch.

I believe you can also do things like add an email or phone number to contacts 
with VO shift M on a data detector containing either of these two pieces of 

I agree it can be annoying, and there ought to be some way of controlling when 
it is and is not announced, but it can also be a pretty handy feature.


On 2011-09-14, at 1:06 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi All
> Can you please tell me what it means when VO says data detector whilst 
> reading mail?  Is there a way I can stop it?
> Garth 
> -- 
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Re: Data Detector

2011-09-15 Thread Marc Workman
Hi Rachel,

You simply have to find the relevant bit of text, phone number, email, date and 
time, etc, by arrowing to it.  You'll hear it say data detector.  Then you just 
press VO shift M, and this will bring up a context menu.  You can select the 
option that you want from the context menu.


On 2011-09-15, at 7:14 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Paul and Garf,
> I respect your positions. I hope they make an option to turn it off, but not 
> do away with the feature. It did not bother me before and now that I know I 
> can make this in to a ical or address book entry. I am excited! Could someone 
> send me the email where someone just explained how to make this entry in to 
> an ical deal. I know it would not fill every thing, but any field that is 
> already filled is a time saver, plus it would help bad spellers like me! ;) I 
> cant find that other message, where someone explained how to use it.
> Thanks,
> Rachel.
> 1, at 7:36 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> I wrote Apple accessibility about the data detector issue, and it has been 
>> passed on to the right people they answered. Curious for the next update. I 
>> would like to turn this off as well.
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 14, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Can you please tell me what it means when VO says data detector whilst 
>>> reading mail?  Is there a way I can stop it?
>>> Garth 
>>> -- 
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Re: Data Detector

2011-09-15 Thread Marc Workman
I'm working in Lion.  What I choose is "quick look event", but I'm afraid I 
can't remember how this worked in SL.

Sorry about that.  Hopefully, experimenting a bit will help, or perhaps someone 
else will chime in.

On 2011-09-15, at 8:25 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Thanks Mark,
> Is that on lion or snow?
> I did on snow and I chose new to do, but I did not get the icall window to 
> fill in the rest of th appointment Do I need to do something else?
> Thanks again.
> Rachel
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Hi Rachel,
>> You simply have to find the relevant bit of text, phone number, email, date 
>> and time, etc, by arrowing to it.  You'll hear it say data detector.  Then 
>> you just press VO shift M, and this will bring up a context menu.  You can 
>> select the option that you want from the context menu.
>> HTH
>> Marc
>> On 2011-09-15, at 7:14 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> Paul and Garf,
>>> I respect your positions. I hope they make an option to turn it off, but 
>>> not do away with the feature. It did not bother me before and now that I 
>>> know I can make this in to a ical or address book entry. I am excited! 
>>> Could someone send me the email where someone just explained how to make 
>>> this entry in to an ical deal. I know it would not fill every thing, but 
>>> any field that is already filled is a time saver, plus it would help bad 
>>> spellers like me! ;) I cant find that other message, where someone 
>>> explained how to use it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rachel.
>>> 1, at 7:36 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>>> I wrote Apple accessibility about the data detector issue, and it has been 
>>>> passed on to the right people they answered. Curious for the next update. 
>>>> I would like to turn this off as well.
>>>> Paul.
>>>> On Sep 14, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>>>> Hi All
>>>>> Can you please tell me what it means when VO says data detector whilst 
>>>>> reading mail?  Is there a way I can stop it?
>>>>> Garth 
>>>>> -- 
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Mail changes resulting from latest security update

2011-09-15 Thread Marc Workman

I installed a security update through software update this morning, and it 
seems to have resulted in some changes to Mail, changes I'm not particularly 
happy with.

I wonder if others have installed the security update and are noticing similar 

The issue has to do with the message content table.  In the past, when I came 
across a conversation of, say, 9 messages that I wanted to read, I would simply 
hit tab in order to be taken into the message content table.  I could then VO 
arrow down the messages, and I would hear who sent the message as well as the 
entire message itself.

Now, if I do the same thing, I will sometimes hear who sent it, but I will 
often just hear the number it holds in the sequence of messages.  If it's the 
third message, VO says 3 and then reads the message.  I like to know who sent 
the message before reading it, rather than possibly discovering the source at 
the end, assuming that the person signed it at all.

I've tried customizing the header information in preferences, but this has not 
solved the problem.

It also seems that I am getting the busy message much more than usual, 
particularly in the message content table as I am VO arrowing up and down 
through the messages.  Mail also unexpectedly shut down as I was composing this 
message.  Mail is the only app running besides finder, so there is really no 
reason for the sluggish behaviour.

Anyone else noticing this after installing the security update?



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Re: Mail changes resulting from latest security update

2011-09-15 Thread Marc Workman
Okay, my apologies.  It looks like I was taken out of full screen mode.  I 
didn't realize I was in full screen mode in the first place, but I guess I was 
since putting it back in full screen mode has restored the usual information in 
the message content table for conversations.  It also made it possible to read 
messages again with VO J.


On 2011-09-15, at 8:48 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Well Mark, I did install a security update a few days ago.  Could that be the 
> one to which you are referring?  As for slugishness, I am noticing that, when 
> I reply to certain messages, I too get slugish typing response and over the 
> keyboard generally.  This is not happening right now as I reply to your 
> message.
> As for the conversation view, what I normally do is when I run across a 5 
> message conversation or so, I just use the right arrow to open up that 
> conversation and arrow down to the first message in that conversation.  then, 
> if I want to read it, I just use VO+j to interact with the text area of the 
> message.  When done, I just back out again using VO+j.  That brings me to the 
> list of messages in the conversation.  When I've had enough of the 
> conversation, I just go all the way to the top of it, close it with  left 
> arrow and delete it.  Makes it much faster for me that way.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed a security update through software update this morning, and it 
>> seems to have resulted in some changes to Mail, changes I'm not particularly 
>> happy with.
>> I wonder if others have installed the security update and are noticing 
>> similar changes.
>> The issue has to do with the message content table.  In the past, when I 
>> came across a conversation of, say, 9 messages that I wanted to read, I 
>> would simply hit tab in order to be taken into the message content table.  I 
>> could then VO arrow down the messages, and I would hear who sent the message 
>> as well as the entire message itself.
>> Now, if I do the same thing, I will sometimes hear who sent it, but I will 
>> often just hear the number it holds in the sequence of messages.  If it's 
>> the third message, VO says 3 and then reads the message.  I like to know who 
>> sent the message before reading it, rather than possibly discovering the 
>> source at the end, assuming that the person signed it at all.
>> I've tried customizing the header information in preferences, but this has 
>> not solved the problem.
>> It also seems that I am getting the busy message much more than usual, 
>> particularly in the message content table as I am VO arrowing up and down 
>> through the messages.  Mail also unexpectedly shut down as I was composing 
>> this message.  Mail is the only app running besides finder, so there is 
>> really no reason for the sluggish behaviour.
>> Anyone else noticing this after installing the security update?
>> Thanks,
>> Marc
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Mail changes resulting from latest security update

2011-09-15 Thread Marc Workman
Appreciate the response, Ray.

It could be the same update that you installed a few days ago.  I only noticed 
the software update window this morning, but it could have been released a 
while ago.

I appreciate you sharing your method for reading messages, and I might end up 
having to use it, but there are several ways in which it is less efficient than 
the one I was using up until this morning.

First, rather than having to jump back and forth with VO J to read each 
message, the method I used only required a press of the VO down or up arrows to 
read each message, one keystroke, VO down arrow, as opposed to three, down 
arrow followed by VO J to read the message and VO J again to jump back.

Also, once done with the conversation, I only had to press shift tab and delete 
to get rid of the entire conversation.  I could do this from anywhere in the 
conversation.  No searching for the beginning of the conversation to first 
close it and then press delete.

I should restate, it is still possible to tab on a conversation and VO down 
arrow through the conversation.  The problem is that I no longer know who sent 
each message as I land on it.

There's one other difference that relates to what Ray said.  VO J is no longer 
working to jump me into the message content.  I used to use this to read 
messages that weren't part of conversations.  Now, if I hit VO J on a message, 
I'm brought into the mailbox table, a second VO J brings me back to the 
messages table, and continual VO J presses cycles me back and forth between 
these two.

Since VO J still works for Ray, I assume this has something to do with my 
configuration, but if others could confirm, I'd appreciate it.


On 2011-09-15, at 8:48 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Well Mark, I did install a security update a few days ago.  Could that be the 
> one to which you are referring?  As for slugishness, I am noticing that, when 
> I reply to certain messages, I too get slugish typing response and over the 
> keyboard generally.  This is not happening right now as I reply to your 
> message.
> As for the conversation view, what I normally do is when I run across a 5 
> message conversation or so, I just use the right arrow to open up that 
> conversation and arrow down to the first message in that conversation.  then, 
> if I want to read it, I just use VO+j to interact with the text area of the 
> message.  When done, I just back out again using VO+j.  That brings me to the 
> list of messages in the conversation.  When I've had enough of the 
> conversation, I just go all the way to the top of it, close it with  left 
> arrow and delete it.  Makes it much faster for me that way.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed a security update through software update this morning, and it 
>> seems to have resulted in some changes to Mail, changes I'm not particularly 
>> happy with.
>> I wonder if others have installed the security update and are noticing 
>> similar changes.
>> The issue has to do with the message content table.  In the past, when I 
>> came across a conversation of, say, 9 messages that I wanted to read, I 
>> would simply hit tab in order to be taken into the message content table.  I 
>> could then VO arrow down the messages, and I would hear who sent the message 
>> as well as the entire message itself.
>> Now, if I do the same thing, I will sometimes hear who sent it, but I will 
>> often just hear the number it holds in the sequence of messages.  If it's 
>> the third message, VO says 3 and then reads the message.  I like to know who 
>> sent the message before reading it, rather than possibly discovering the 
>> source at the end, assuming that the person signed it at all.
>> I've tried customizing the header information in preferences, but this has 
>> not solved the problem.
>> It also seems that I am getting the busy message much more than usual, 
>> particularly in the message content table as I am VO arrowing up and down 
>> through the messages.  Mail also unexpectedly shut down as I was composing 
>> this message.  Mail is the only app running besides finder, so there is 
>> really no reason for the sluggish behaviour.
>> Anyone else noticing this after installing the security update?
>> Thanks,
>> Marc
>> -- 
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Re: data recovery on mac?

2011-09-25 Thread Marc Workman
Hi Eric,

I got a program called Data Rescue 3 as part of this fall's Mac Update bundle.  
I have not had occasion to use it yet, but when I just opened it, I found that 
everything was nicely labelled.  It looks accessible to me.  I also bought the 
Mac Legion bundle and received a program called Disk Drill that I found totally 

Here is a link where you can download a demo of data rescue 3.

The demo allows you to recover only one file that is 10 Mb or less, so it might 
not get you back the file you're looking for, but it should let you know 
whether the entire recovery process is accessible.

Not sure of the price, but that will be easy to find out.


On 2011-09-25, at 7:30 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Help!  I was working on a file and it got corrupted.  I'm a dope and 
> obliterated all other traces because it was a huge file.  Are there any 
> accessible data recovery tools for the mac that could potentially rescue the 
> original file from the flash card?  I am not expecting it to do this for free.
> I just tried Steller phoenix but it's not accessible.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Agree with Ricardo.

Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them all 
available on a single device.

It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up for 
version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up at the 
version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten dollars is 
a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than people would be 
willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to pick it up, assuming 
it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.


On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel that 
>> we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you say, for 
>> some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is quite useful.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> IDK,
>>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
>>> free?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> www.mobileaccess.org
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
 for free?
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
 will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
 Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
 On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> I believe that the version will show up as 2. However if everything is as 
> it normally is, even if you buy now it will be a free update to version 
> 2. Having said that, I am waiting till I see the correct version before 
> putting down the money. 
> On 27/09/2011, at 10:02 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> When hearing that the new money reader would support canadian money 
>> finally, I went to the app store to find it, however, the one in the 
>> canadian store says 1.10 or something. I don't want to spend $10 on it 
>> if its the wrong one. Can anyone confirm this?
>> Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Sorry, what I meant was the initial version.  The one that identified only US 
currency.  I bought it for I believe 1.99 just to see how well it worked, 
knowing I couldn't use it for Canadian currency.  Looktel indicated some months 
back that the next version would include a price hike, so I encouraged some 
friends to pick it up based on the, turns out successful, prediction that the 
subsequent version would support Canadian currency identification.  I'm a 
little surprised it went up to ten, I would have thought five or maybe seven, 
but I believe people will be willing to pay the ten.


On 2011-09-27, at 8:24 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hey Mark
> The version 1 that I saw in the app store was $9.99. Thank god for store 
> credit. :)
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Agree with Ricardo.
>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
>> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
>> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
>> all available on a single device.
>> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up 
>> for version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up 
>> at the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
>> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
>> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to 
>> pick it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
>> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> www.mobileaccess.org
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>>>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>>>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>>>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>>>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel 
>>>> that we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you 
>>>> say, for some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is 
>>>> quite useful.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
>>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>>> IDK,
>>>>> What if you do some traveling?  BTW, you guys hand out money readers for 
>>>>> free?
>>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>>>> www.mobileaccess.org
>>>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:24 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>>>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada 
>>>>>> one for free?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion 
>>>>>> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility 
>>>>>> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>>>>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
>>>>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>>>>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>>>>>> On 2011-09-27, at 8:07 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's "out 
of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.

It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality can 
be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone device. 
 Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app doesn't? I 
think it's actually the other way around given the variety of currencies that 
can be identified.

I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not just 
about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always tends to 
be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to the swiss-army-knife approach, eggs, 
basket, etc, but I do think there are good reasons for preferring the money 
reader app over the free stand-alone device, and so I'm glad the developer 
listened to my and others' calls for including Canadian currency rather than 
thinking it unnecessary, like some may have implied, given the free stand-alone 


On 2011-09-27, at 11:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> The problem with my separate mp3 player, gps, camera OCR, and so on is that 
> they all blow the eyephone out of the water when it comes to feature sets, 
> quality, and ease of use.  So, while I feel like a dope walking around with 
> my pockets stuffed and bulging with with kit, not to mention paying for each 
> tool A la Cart, the fact is I'm more comfortable with the separate tools than 
> the IPhone.  Now, if the tools on the IPhone do what you need and your 
> requirements aren't that steep, there's nothing at all wrong with buying an 
> IPhone and letting fly.
> I don't usually bother carrying the money reader.  If I don't know what my 
> bills are, I sort them before I leave the house.  Anything else can usually 
> be taken care of using the markers on the money.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2011-09-27, at 11:21 AM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> Agree with Ricardo.
>> Why not carry a separate daisy player, mp3 player, colour identifier, light 
>> detector, gps unit, money identifier, camera, etc.  Even if these were all 
>> available for free, I would rather pay a relatively  small fee to have them 
>> all available on a single device.
>> It's also worth noting that Looktel announced that the price was going up 
>> for version 2.  So many Canadians, myself included, were able to pick it up 
>> at the version 1 price of either 1.99 or 2.99, I can't recall exactly.  Ten 
>> dollars is a bit steep, but I thought that the initial price was less than 
>> people would be willing to pay, and I would still encourage canadians to 
>> pick it up, assuming it identifies our currency as well as it did the US's.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
>> On 2011-09-27, at 5:57 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Another advantage is is its 1 less thing to carry.  A person is more likely 
>>> to forget their money reader at home than their phone I would think.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> www.mobileaccess.org
>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 8:44 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>>> That we do,  Have for over 15 years.  Our government had certain 
>>>> accessibility standards back as early as 1990.  Not that all of them were 
>>>> worth the paper they were printed on, but the money identification one has 
>>>> been taken very seriously by bank of canada.  The old gadget they put out 
>>>> first was a bit lame but the new one is super.  I Told gary at looktel 
>>>> that we already had a free piece that covered all the bases, but as you 
>>>> say, for some one travelling either two or from canada the IPhone app is 
>>>> quite useful.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burg

Re: Money reader in canadian app store

2011-09-27 Thread Marc Workman
Well, we could have a feature off.

Does the mp3 player have a search feature allowing you to search through 
thousands of songs? Create and edit playlists on the device? Purchase music and 
download it wirelessly? Download audible books and podcasts wirelessly? Have 
access to 15,000 internet radio streams? Provide you with music recognition?  
This is of course scratching the surface, and some of what you mentioned, mp3 
audio books, ogg and flac, the iPhone will do.  An mp3 player blowing the 
iPhone out of the water on feature sets, quality, and ease of use seems like 
less of a "no brainer" than you suggest.

But this is really beside the point.  The initial discussion was sparked by 
your comment:

>>>> It's ten bucks for a money reader?  Why not just get a bank of canada one 
>>>> for free?

If you still don't see why someone would pay the ten bucks, I'm probably not 
going to change your mind.

If I suggested that the iPhone competes feature for feature with things like 
GPS units, mp3 players, cameras, etc, I didn't intend to.  The point is that, 
where an app allows you to accomplish what you would normally accomplish with a 
stand-alone device, then being willing to pay a small amount of money for the 
app even when the device is free doesn't seem that strange to me.


On 2011-09-27, at 1:49 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Well, the MP3 player is a bit of a no brainer.  It's cheep, less than a 
> hundred bucks.  I get 30 hours of listening on a single charge which is 
> important for me since I'm often on the road for 12 hour days.  It plays ogg 
> which is not so important to me, but it also plays flac which is crucial.  It 
> will let me use SD cards without buying an expensive and proprietary adapter. 
>  it bookmarks up to 10 folders for me on the fly and can bookmark up to 10 
> places in each folder.  It lets me control settings like bass, trebble, and 
> gain and it has a limiter preamp and a host of other settings which I can use 
> to improve the listening experience for various types of audio.  It has a 
> fully adjustable crossfader,  All features are fully self-voicing.  I can 
> play audiobooks in standard MP3, and I can copy and paste files with no 
> benighted piece of bloatware to hoof  music and books from computer to player 
> and back.
> The camera I use is ridiculously expensive and there are lots of things to 
> love or love to hate about it.  On the love side, it's on a monopod so I 
> don't have to worry about holding the camera straight or at the appropriate 
> height.  It auto focusses so I don't have to worry about not lining up the 
> shot properly.  It has a provision for automatically taking multiple pictures 
> for cases such as scanning books, and it has a motion sensor to take the new 
> picture when I flip a page.  It gives me easy access to both the image file 
> and the converted OCR and I can convert to mp3 on the fly if I want.
> Barcode reader $300 bucks it's omny directional so I don't have to know where 
> to point.  It comes with several databases onboard.  Need I go on?
> it sucks to pay a lot of money for stuff that the IPhone sorta does for free 
> or very cheep, but honestly it's not really there yet and I need technology 
> that works.  I just don't have the patience anymore to mess around and force 
> things into line, although I'm very happy for the people who have persevered 
> and gotten some things to work well for them.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/mailman/listinfo/ebony-promos_erik-burggraaf.com
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2011-09-27, at 3:27 PM, Marc Workman wrote:
>> I'm curious how your stand alone mp3 player and camera blow the iPhone's 
>> "out of the water" in terms of feature sets, quality, and ease of use.
>> It sounds like you agree, though, that where the equivalent functionality 
>> can be gotten out of an app, the app would be preferable to the stand-alone 
>> device.  Is there something the stand-alone money reader does that the app 
>> doesn't? I think it's actually the other way around given the variety of 
>> currencies that can be identified.
>> I think I would prefer fewer stand-alone devices even at home.  It's not 
>> just about carrying them, but losing and recharging.  My phone also always 
>> tends to be on hand.  There's obviously a risk to

Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou

2011-10-04 Thread Marc Workman

If I press command 3 on a tweet that is part of a conversation, it takes me to 
the conversation view.  The problem I have is that, when arrowing up and down 
through the conversation, only part of each tweet is read by voiceover.  It 
might say the first three or four words, but that's it.  I can see the entire 
tweet by going into the drawer, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to 
read the tweets in a conversation.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



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Re: a new strange behavior in my mail

2011-10-09 Thread Marc Workman
I had this same problem and wrote to the list about it three weeks or so ago.

What I did for a while was use full screen, and the jump command seemed to work 
better after that, but full screen had problems like not allowing me to command 
tilda back to the inbox while composing a new message.

The other thing I did was move the vertical slider after the messages table and 
the horizontal slider after the message content table both to 0%.  Honestly, I 
don't know if this solved the problem or if I did something else without 
realizing it, but I can now use the jump command outside of full screen mode.


On 2011-10-09, at 4:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay,  Now this is weird.
> Until this morning, I have been arrowing up and down through my messages and 
> when I want to read one, I just press VO+J and that interacts with the 
> message content table.  When done, I just press VO+J and that usually pulls 
> me right back to the message table.  Now, though, when I press VO+J I get 
> pulled back in to the mail boxes table even though I was interacting with the 
> messages table.  BTW, when I come to a message conversation, Pressing the 
> return key on it only lets me read the top most message.  Is there a better 
> way to view and read conversations without going back to the classic view?  
> Thanks.
> Any other settings I might consider changing?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> -- 
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keyboard command for launching the Item Chooser was Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Marc Workman
Ricardo wrote,
> For example, you can't use a keyboard to delete applications or bring up the 
> item chooser.

The first part is true, but the second is not.  VO-I will bring up the item 
chooser like it does on the Mac, unless this is a feature specific to iPhones.

I'm asking

to make VO-shift-M perform the same actions as the double tap and hold, which 
would allow for deleting apps via the keyboard.  No idea if this is possible, 
but I think this short cut makes sense given what double tap and hold does in 
IOS and what VO-shift-M does on the Mac.


On 2011-10-26, at 7:30 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> no.  You can't access all features that you could by using gestures on the 
> touch screen but, most of them.  For example, you can't use a keyboard to 
> delete applications or bring up the item chooser.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Gigi,
>> Where can I get a keyboard?
>> Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?
>> On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
>>> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
>>> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
>>> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
>>> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
>>> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
>>> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
>>> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
>>> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
>>> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
>>> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
>>> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
>>> be. I hope this explanation helps.
>>> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
>>> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
>>> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
>>> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
>>> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
>>> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
>>> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
>>> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
>>> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
>>> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
>>> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
>>> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
>>> letter.
>>> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
>>> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
>>> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
>>> typing from there.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
 Hi all,
 Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
 I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
 and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
 properly for me.
 BTW, I have a question.
 How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
 You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
 practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
 On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
> finger
> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
> fingers,
> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
> around
> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
> this
> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Rahul,
>> You can start with your home screen.  You can 

Re: Undownloaded Podcasts

2010-12-07 Thread Marc Workman
I got my Mac last Thursday, and I was having the same problem.  You want to 
change the podcasts to a list view.  You can do this by interacting with the 
podcast table and pressing command option and the number 3.  After that, 
your VO shift M should bring up the option to download.


- Original Message - 
From: "Israel" 

Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Undownloaded Podcasts

Thank you Anne, Jude, and Jonathan,

I made sure to check the setting and it is set to download most recent 
episode.  Also, I did arrow down to the episode, interacted with it just to 
ensure I was on the correct one, then VO+shift+m to bring up the contextual 
menu.  Unfortunately, there was not an option to download.  The only options 
I received were small, medium, large with a check mark on medium.  Am I 
still doing something incorrectly?

Thank you and sorry for my continued confusion.

Sexy Isra
Israel Antonio

On Dec 7, 2010, at 1:31 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Isra,

To download an undownloaded podcast, go to the episode and use the 
contextual menu (VO-Shift-M) to find the item "Download Podcast Episode".



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Re: strange rite click itunes problem!! please help!!

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Workman
Try interacting with the table, and then press command option and the number 
3 in order to put it in list view.  After you do this, VO shift M should 
bring up the right context menu.


- Original Message - 
From: "trahern culver" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 5:13 AM
Subject: strange rite click itunes problem!! please help!!

hey all after interacting with a tabel of tracks and rite clicking
them to add them to a play list the menue with that option does not
come up instead a menue with options like smaler larger show a rt work
and show by artist appears does any one know what the problem is and
how to solve it??? ?

your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!

kind regards trahern.

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Keynote on the iPhone was Re: Voiceover with Keynote

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Workman


Further to Phil's question, has anyone tried reading and controlling a 
keynote presentation using the keynote app for the iPhone.

I will likely have to begin lecturing regularly next year, and it strikes me 
that it would be nice to be able to refer to notes, control the slides, and 
be mobile, which might all be accomplished using this app and a Mac in a 
smart classroom.

I'll try it out in the next while, but I wonder if anyone has already 
thought of this, or anything similar for that matter.


- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: Voiceover with Keynote

Hi Phil,

Export your Keynote or PowerPoint presentations as PDF files and use
an application called Skim to give the presentation under VoiceOver
control.  You'll want to set the "View" menu option for Skim to
"Presentation" (shortcut Command-Option-P), and before you do that you
might want to set up any "Presentation Options…"  you might want
(shortcut Command-Control-T), such as the time a slide is displayed,
kind of transition, etc.  Then you'll be able to advance through your
presentation by pressing the space bar, or by using the left and right
arrow keys if you want to move a few slides backwards or forwards.
You should also be able to control the presentation with an Apple
Remote if you have one.  (This is an IR remote that is currently
included with the Apple TV, and that used to be included with
MacBooks, Mac Minis, and some other models before early 2008. Button
directions are on a circular wheel. You can likely use other
presentation remotes, too, or separately purchase the Apple Remote.)

Skim is a free download from:

It operates like Preview, but with some extra features.  You can find
a discussion of this topic in the Mail Archive -- a secondary list
archive for this list -- and read down the thread posts with the
access key combinations Control+N for next post and Control+P for
previous post in the thread:
You can also use different access keys (Alt+N instead of Control+N,
for Internet Explorer instead of Safari, for example) if you are using
different web browsers.  The Mail Archive pages also have nice search
options, so you can either Option+Tab or Tab to the search box at the
top of the page, and type in your search terms.

HTH. Cheers,


On Dec 8, 6:46 am, Phil StephensonPhil  wrote:


Can anyone tell me if I can successfully use Keynote with voiceover.
At this stage I'm only after viewing and presenting presentations that
have been created by other people but I may want to move on to
editing / creating my own.

If this is possible can anyone point me to somewehre where I can find
some help files or tutorials as ideally I have a presentation I need
to do on Sunday and need to know if I can use Keynote to do this.

Thanks as ever,


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Using the iPhone as a track pad on the Mac

2010-12-14 Thread Marc Workman

I was thinking it might be nice to use my iPhone to control navigation on my 
Mac mini.  I've looked through the archives to see if anyone has tried this 
successfuly, but I couldn't find anything conclusive.

There are several apps that are suppose to turn the iPhone into a track pad.  
I've played around a bit with one called Touch Pad Elite.  I've been able to 
pair it with my Mac, and I can do things like input text and perform operations 
like copy and paste, but I'm basically just double tapping on buttons in the 
app, which isn't really the idea.  I tried using command option plus two 
fingers rotated clockwise, which I gather is the gesture to turn on voiceover 
gestures for Mac Books, but it didn't work.

If anyone is actually using her iPhone as a track pad, I'd be very interested 
in knowing how it's done.



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Indie Mac Gift Pack: 6 apps for $60

2010-12-15 Thread Marc Workman

I heard about a gift pack that I thought some of you might be interested in.  
It includes 6 apps for $60.  To buy the 6 apps at their regular prices would be 
something like $270.  Here are the 6 apps:

Delicious Library
Mars Edit
Sous Chef
Radio Shift
Sound Studio

They are all the latest versions of the apps.  I checked the Googlegroups 
archives to see if they are accessible, and from what I could tell:

Mars Edit is highly recommended as a blogging tool,
Radio Shift is useable but has a lot of unlabelled buttons, it is a program 
used to record internet radio streams,
Sound Studio I believe is fairly useable, though it costs $80 regularly, and so 
I don't think it is used as much as some of the cheaper audio editing software,
Sous Chef, which has something to do with cooking and recipies, was never 
mentioned as far as I could tell,
Acorn, which is apparently a cheaper version of Adobe Photoshop, was never 
Delicious Library is, I think, useable, and it is a program that uses a camera 
to snap pictures of books and other media to read their bar codes so they can 
easily be organized.

I haven't used any of these programs, so I'm only reporting what I was able to 
find.  If anyone does have experience with these programs and wants to correct 
or add to what I've said, I think that would be helpful for anyone thinking 
about taking advantage of this offer.  If you put Indie Mac Gift Pack in 
Google, it will bring up a link where you can buy the software.



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Re: downloading podcasts in Itunes

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Workman

Hello Allison,

I believe this issue was fixed in the most recent version of iTunes, so you 
may want to upgrade.  If that doesn't work, though, or if you don't want to 
upgrade, a work around is to interact with the podcast table and put it in 
list view.  I think the keystroke is command 2, but I'm on a PC so can't 
varify.  You can change to list view in the view menu.  Once in list view, 
VO shift M should bring up the familiar list of choices.


- Original Message - 
From: "Allison Manzino" 

To: "Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 11:22 AM
Subject: downloading podcasts in Itunes

Hi all,

I can't for the life of me figure out how to download  specific episodes of 
podcasts. I used to be able to interact with podcast table, find out which 
eps were undownloaded and hit VO shift M on the ep I wanted to download. Now 
it doesn't seem to work; It brings up a menu of the podcasts size. What am I 
doing wrong? ANy assistance would be greatly appreciated. There are several 
episodes of the TFfP and Candleshore podcasts I want to download. Thanks 
again and happy holidays to all.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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The Accessibility of Google Docs

2010-12-21 Thread Marc Workman

I'm guessing this has been asked and answered before, but I'm not finding 
anything in the archives.

I'm wondering if anyone is successfully using Google Docs to colaborate on 
writing documents.  I was not able to do this with my PC, but I was hoping it 
might be possible with the Mac.  After a little time spent playing around with 
it, it seems a bit better than it did when I was using jaws, but I still wasn't 
able to edit documents.  Perhaps there are some work arounds that I'm not aware 



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Re: iPod and ogg?

2011-01-02 Thread Marc Workman
This question just came up on the iPhone list.  I thought the iPhone didn't 
play ogg, but someone suggested downloading an app called something like VLC 
video player.  It's free, and it should allow you to transfer ogg files via 
iTunes that you will then be able to play in the app.  I found it by 
searching for VLC in the app store, and I downloaded it, but I haven't used 
it yet, so I can't say for sure that it works.


- Original Message - 
From: "James Malone" 

Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: iPod and ogg?

Hi guys. I've been wondering this for a couple of years now, but I've never 
found anything yet. iPods don't support the Ogg format, and apple don't look 
like they will. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure. Anyway, onto my 
question. Is there some sort of plugin that will make my iPod touch play ogg 
files? I know there is an iTunes plugin for ogg, but I've never installed 
it. I've got a perfect media player that plays things in ogg. Any help would 
be greatly appreciated.


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Re: New to the iphon intrested in opinions and have a question or two.

2011-01-12 Thread Marc Workman
1. I prefer touch typing, and I suspect most users do, though I'm sure there 
are those that prefer the standard method.  To switch to touch typing: use 
the roter to select typing method.  Put two fingers on the screen and rotate 
them either clockwise or counterclockwise until you hear voiceover say 
typing method.  Lift your two fingers, and then swipe up or down with a 
single finger until you hear VO say touch typing.  You are now using touch 
typing.  Note that certain keys, e.g., shift, delete, return, etc, will 
still require you to select them using the standard method.

2. I keep the orientation locked all the time.  The main reason is that I 
don't like VO to interupt and tell me that it has switched orientations 
whenever I sit down or when the phone shifts while in my pocket.  I also 
have never found a need to use landscape mode.  To lock orientation: press 
the home button twice to go to the app switcher.  Use three fingers to swipe 
in a horizontal motion from left to right.  Flick around until you find the 
lock orientation changes button.  Double tap that button.  You've now locked 
the orientation.

3. I don't use gmail on the phone so cannot help here.

Lastly, I only mention this in case you're not aware.  You can search the 
archives to find posts you may have discarded.  I used to keep every post 
that I thought might come in handy some time down the road.  Now I delete 
them knowing that if I have a related question, I can go to the archives and 
find the answer.  To get to the archives, just do a google search for the 
viphone googlegroup.  I use these so often that I have bookmarked them. 
Then I go to the site, type in my search terms, and can usually find what 
I'm looking for.  It can some times be difficult to find specific things, 
but I also often end up finding things I wasn't particularly looking for.


- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Ford" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: New to the iphon intrested in opinions and have a question or two.

Hello everyone,
I have been learning my iphone for the last day or two.  I am using the 
keyboard in the touch and then tap with another finger to choose an item. 
Is this the best way that people have found to type?  Or have people found 
that the drag and release method to be better?  If so I cannot for the life 
of me find where that is changed.  Could someone tell me how to change the 
setting?  I saw on the list that one can lock the screen, is there a reason 
that one would want to and why?  Can someone repost that setting as well?  I 
saved it however I cannot find it.
Now.  I have also saw on the list how to change from archiving gmail message 
to deleting them, I saved that as well, however I cannot find that post 
either.  Can you tell me how?  Is there a way to keep the mail application 
running in the background and switch to other applications or just always 
have it collecting messages?  Thank you for your help. b
my opinion and observations.  I am a service connected vet and the VA has 
spent a lot of money on me for adaptive technology.  I sit here and learn 
how to use this device and I am amazed that a company has not taken this 
approach until now.  We have had to endure technology that looks like it was 
developed in soviet Russia for so many years.  In fact we still have devices 
that look and operate this way and cost money that one only shakes their 
head in disgust.  With this device I can operate it totally independent of 
anyones assistance.  I plugged it into my computer and I did not have to do 
any setup, it just worked.  I was syncing with my address book in minutes. 
The speech is whip lash fast and responsive.  I was using an HTC 4200, when 
I got it it was considered fast.  The speech delay was awful and navigation 
was painful.  I have a device that is a very powerful PDA and could be so 
much more, however it cost around 6200.  and the company will not open the 
environment for development.  I have been pa rousing the app store and I can 
replace every application pick up a braille display and still not reach that 
cost.  Please keep in mind the apps will differ a bit, however in most cases 
they are superior.  I was told by a friend that if one buys an app and it is 
not accessible you can go to the mac store and they will refund your 
purchase.  I certain do not see the adaptive technology company doing that 
when we discover that we cannot accomplish that task that we had intended 
for the machine to do.  I could go on and on but this will get old quickly.

Thank you all for your help.

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Re: bad language was Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-12 Thread Marc Workman

Scott asked,
What's reasonable, who's definition of language?

Marc says,
The communities definition, the moderators definition, the definition of the 
wider society.

Scott asked,
Why do prudes always want reasonable when their beliefs aren't and use some 
sort of artificial moral high ground to brow beat others in to submission?

Marc asks,
why do you insist on calling others names because they don't share your 
opinion on this subject? I use offensive language all the time, but this 
doesn't mean that it is appropriate in all situations.  You don't have to be 
a prude to think that swearing in front of a child, or on a bus, or on this 
list is inappropriate.

Scott asked,
What if I objected to the word piano because I had a bad Piano experience as 
a child and expected you to be reasonable and not use the word piano?  If 
this is acceptable then where does that logic end?

Marc says,
It's a good thing we're not talking about the indiosyncratic linguistic 
preferences of a single person because then you might actually have a point. 
We're talking about linguistic standards that shift over time and are 
nagotiated through social dialogue, not one single person's feelings towards 
a couple of words.

Scott said,
At no time did anyone post anything that violated the FCC rules for over the 
air transmition.  Even though I think the FCC is a bunch of stufed suits 
that seems like a fairly reasonable template and anyone who objects to 
content that fits with in that template is an old fuddy duddy of the highest 

Marc says,
again with the name calling.  You clearly don't understand the opposing 
position on this issue.  I would urge you to take some time to reread the 
posts and think about what is being said.

Scott said,
Here's a brilliant idea with a lot of historical backing.  Instead of 
silencing someone which is a very common practice in the blind community 
lists especially why not use that delete key that's located in the upper 
right of your keyboard?  Nobody loses in that situation.  You don't get your 
pretty little sensibilities hurt and nobody loses their right to express 
themselves.  Live and let live, turn the other cheek, all that mumbo jumbo.

Marc says,
If we were talking about silencing a controversial idea, simply because it 
was controversial, I, and I'm sure many others, would totally agree.  We're 
not talking about silencing a different opinion, a minority position, or 
anything like that, despite your attempts to suggest that is what's going 
on.  We're talking about avoiding language that is generally considered 
offensive.  It's really not a difficult request to comply with, especially 
when writing as opposed to speaking, where things tend to slip out 



- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Granados" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: bad language was Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

What's reasonable, who's definition of language?

Why does your definition superseed mine?  Why do prudes always want 
reasonable when their beliefs aren't and use some sort of artificial moral 
high ground to brow beat others in to submission?

What if I objected to the word piano because I had a bad Piano experience as 
a child and expected you to be reasonable and not use the word piano?  If 
this is acceptable then where does that logic end?

At no time did anyone post anything that violated the FCC rules for over the 
air transmition.  Even though I think the FCC is a bunch of stufed suits 
that seems like a fairly reasonable template and anyone who objects to 
content that fits with in that template is an old fuddy duddy of the highest 


Here's a brilliant idea with a lot of historical backing.  Instead of 
silencing someone which is a very common practice in the blind community 
lists especially why not use that delete key that's located in the upper 
right of your keyboard?  Nobody loses in that situation.  You don't get your 
pretty little sensibilities hurt and nobody loses their right to express 
themselves.  Live and let live, turn the other cheek, all that mumbo jumbo.

Good times!

On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

I hope the moderators will follow through and move to read-only status 
those persons who continue to disregard the very reasonable requests 
regarding language.

Marlaina, a very happy A T & T customer who has never been treated with 
anything but respect and professionalism by A T & T.

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To p

Four and Five Finger Gestures was Re: Apple to Remove the Home Button from Future iPads and iPhones?

2011-01-17 Thread Marc Workman
Scott's right.  According to everything I've read, the new gestures work 
with the iPad IOS, not iPhone 4.3.  One article that was sent to this list 
specifically said that they do not work with the iPhone.  Other articles 
simply don't mention the iPhone when discussing these gestures.


- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 

Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Apple to Remove the Home Button from Future iPads and iPhones?

Keep in mind this is only a rumor and there is little to support the 
assertion at this point. I also do not believe the five finger gesture would 
be used on the iPhone. I recall the article I read indicated these gestures 
would be only for the iPad, but this is from memory.


On Jan 17, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

Saw this story and thought I'd pass it along. This could spell trouble for 
some of the accessibility features on the iPhone, for example, 
triple-clicking the home button to toggle VO on and off.



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Re: moveaddict

2011-01-19 Thread Marc Workman
Is it necessary to have this app running any time you want to perform a cut 
and paste? I can't tell from the description.

Seems like a useful app, but one that creates functionality that probably 
should have been there to begin with.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: moveaddict


I just bought this app after reading your post and it works just as 
advertised for me.  I'm able to cut and paste with no problems.  I didn't 
even need to do a restart.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 19, 2011, at 9:55 AM, William Windels wrote:

Hi all,

I have just installed moveaddict from the app store on the mac to cut 
files and folders with command+x.

I have just installed the program, I answered some questions of the setup 
and it should work normally.

If it shouldn't , they advices me to restart the system.
I have done so but, command+x isn't still working in the finder.

They spoke also  about a new button with properties features but I can't 

Are here some people with experiences or suggestions for this program?

thx for your answer,

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Productive Macs App Bundle

2011-05-17 Thread Marc Workman
Hi all,

I came across a pretty good app bundle from Apparent Software.  Purchased 
individually, the eight apps are valued at $221 total, but you can get them all 
for $29 through the bundle.  I was planning on picking up Text Expander anyway, 
which is normally $35, so this app alone makes it worth it to me.

Here are the eight apps:

a.. TextExpander: TextExpander lets you use customized abbreviations to let you 
insert frequently-used text strings and images. Originally priced at $35.
a.. Path Finder: Path Finder is a file browser and management application. 
Originally priced at $35.
a.. Socialite: Socialite is a multi-social network client that lets you pull 
information from Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Google Reader into a single app. 
Originally priced at $20.
a.. HoudahSpot: HoudahSpot increases the functionality of Spotlight with the 
ability to save queries, set up templates for common search terms and tag 
files. Originally priced at $30.
a.. Today: Today syncs with iCal and gives you a quick and easy way to view 
your daily agenda without launching iCal. Originally priced at $25.
a.. Blast: Blast tracks your file usage and prioritizes files that you 
frequently access by placing them in your menu bar. Originally priced at $10.
a.. Keyboard Maestro: Keyboard Maestro is a macro program the lets you execute 
scripts, launch applications, close multiple windows and more. Originally 
priced at $36.
a.. Mail Act-On: Mail Act-On is a Mail plug-in that lets you process multiple 
email messages at once using rules and keyboard shortcuts. Originally priced at 

In checking through the archives before purchasing, it looks as though at least 
four of the apps are being used with voiceover (text expander, keyboard 
maestro, path finder, and socialite).  I can't say whether the other four are 
accessible, but I'd be interested if anyone has any comments.

Here is a link where you can buy the bundle, which will be available for 
another two weeks.  Full disclosure, if two people purchase the bundle by using 
the link below, the money I spent to buy it will be refunded.  I'm happy to pay 
the $30, it's a good deal, but if you're planning to purchase anyway, using 
this link will help me out.




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