
Further to Phil's question, has anyone tried reading and controlling a keynote presentation using the keynote app for the iPhone.

I will likely have to begin lecturing regularly next year, and it strikes me that it would be nice to be able to refer to notes, control the slides, and be mobile, which might all be accomplished using this app and a Mac in a smart classroom.

I'll try it out in the next while, but I wonder if anyone has already thought of this, or anything similar for that matter.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Esther" <mori...@mac.com>
To: "MacVisionaries" <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: Voiceover with Keynote

Hi Phil,

Export your Keynote or PowerPoint presentations as PDF files and use
an application called Skim to give the presentation under VoiceOver
control.  You'll want to set the "View" menu option for Skim to
"Presentation" (shortcut Command-Option-P), and before you do that you
might want to set up any "Presentation Options…"  you might want
(shortcut Command-Control-T), such as the time a slide is displayed,
kind of transition, etc.  Then you'll be able to advance through your
presentation by pressing the space bar, or by using the left and right
arrow keys if you want to move a few slides backwards or forwards.
You should also be able to control the presentation with an Apple
Remote if you have one.  (This is an IR remote that is currently
included with the Apple TV, and that used to be included with
MacBooks, Mac Minis, and some other models before early 2008. Button
directions are on a circular wheel. You can likely use other
presentation remotes, too, or separately purchase the Apple Remote.)

Skim is a free download from:

It operates like Preview, but with some extra features.  You can find
a discussion of this topic in the Mail Archive -- a secondary list
archive for this list -- and read down the thread posts with the
access key combinations Control+N for next post and Control+P for
previous post in the thread:
You can also use different access keys (Alt+N instead of Control+N,
for Internet Explorer instead of Safari, for example) if you are using
different web browsers.  The Mail Archive pages also have nice search
options, so you can either Option+Tab or Tab to the search box at the
top of the page, and type in your search terms.

HTH. Cheers,


On Dec 8, 6:46 am, Phil StephensonPhil  wrote:

Can anyone tell me if I can successfully use Keynote with voiceover.
At this stage I'm only after viewing and presenting presentations that
have been created by other people but I may want to move on to
editing / creating my own.

If this is possible can anyone point me to somewehre where I can find
some help files or tutorials as ideally I have a presentation I need
to do on Sunday and need to know if I can use Keynote to do this.

Thanks as ever,


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