Re: Advanced wireless settings

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Airport Utility has new window is telling you just that.  In certain 
situations, when focused on specific items within Airport Utility, new pop-up 
windows will appear.  These windows give you more information about those 
items, as in Hardware Addresses, specific error messages etc.  Usually, as 
Barry mentioned, VO-f2-f2 will give you access to that window.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:30 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Hi Traci,
> You can see all of what you are looking for in the wifi section in system 
> information.  It is in the utilities folder.
> I’m not sure this is what you’re talking about, but when I read through the 
> connected wireless clients list, I don’t hear vo say “airport utility has new 
> window.”.  You might see if you can find something with vo-f2 twice.
> Hope that helps.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> A few questions here:
> Does anyone use a different utility aside from Airport?
> How do you read the wireless traffic on and around your network?  How do you 
> find out which channels are the busiest in your neighborhood?
> Lastly, when I’m reading through the wireless devices list, VO says airport 
> utility has new window.  Should I be able to jump to this window, or is there 
> information inside it I need to know?
> Thank you,
> Traci
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, the all mail folder can be safely hidden. Every email message is given a 
label. When you change the emails folder, what is actually changed is the label 
which is assigned to the message.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 7:24, "Christina C."  wrote:
> I am not having any problems at all with gmail. Despite the suggestion that 
> you not hide the all mail folder…mine is hidden from apple mail. I have no 
> idea why, but this has not caused me any problems whatsoever. I also delete 
> instead of archive any unwanted mail. If it’s an email I want to save I just 
> move it to a folder/label called “filed” and this seems to work for me if I 
> don't’ want an email in my inbox but I might want to access it later.
> If only showing 1000 messages fixes your problem than maybe you could use 
> safari and the gmail website to search for an old email? Or maybe even though 
> you only show 1000 messages when you do a search it will search all 
> messages??? I do not know. Maybe someone else here has a suggestion on 
> accessing old emails.
> A long time ago I wanted to get rid of tons of unwanted emails so I created 
> folders in apple mail to the on my mac instead of in the gmail portion of the 
> side bar in apple mail. I don’t know how to explain that one, except to say 
> that the folders were on my computer’s hard drive instead of syncing with 
> gmail. then I went to gmails’ website and cleaned everything up except for 
> the newest incoming messages. Then I went back to apple mail and moved the 
> emails from my hard drive back to the appropriate folders in my gmail 
> account. It was a crazy time but that was how I got rid of all the years and 
> years of unwanted emails but I still was able to keep the ones that I wanted. 
> It wasn’t a perfect solution but it worked for me.  It was a couple of years 
> ago and I don’t remember all the details. So I don’t remember exactly 
> everything I did so I hope I am not leading you astray. I am absolutely no 
> expert of any kind, very very far from it. I just cannot put my finger on why 
> some are having major problems and some are not. The one thing I know I do 
> different than a lot of people is that I do not Archive, I delete emails.
> Christina 
> -- 
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Re: RSS syncing with the Newsify iOS app?

2014-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
I'll try that, thanks. I've never done RSS before last year, and never synced 
anything until right now. I thought about it, then Google Reader got killed off 
and put a damper in those plans. :)
On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:11 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Alex,
> There are only two sync options in Newsify both I believe free, Feedly and 
> Newsify. If you are looking to sync with Read Kit, use Feedly, and you can 
> sync all of your subscriptions through Feedly in both Read Kit and Newsify.
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently started using Newsify on iOS. I noticed it has a couple
>> different sync options, and I'm wondering which I should do? I want it
>> to be free, and I want it to sync with the rss reader I have on the
>> Mac, Readkit. What's the best way to do this? Thanks, and
>> Readkit-specific questions are coming - there are things about that
>> app I don't get, but that's another email. :)
>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Hawkins
That’s an ouch! Whell somebody just wasted $1,000 for a Surface Pro. Wait! NVDA 
to the rescue! lol.

Maybe partnered with MS it will be slipstreamed in Windows 9? Hopfully!
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:40 PM, David Tanner  wrote:

> One thing that may be a bit of an issue is that looking at Jaws, NVDA, 
> Window-Eyes and even adding System Access to the list, Window-Eyes is the 
> only one out of the four that apparently has no ability to be used on a 
> Windows 8 tablet.  That may be an issue that Microsoft hasn’t taken into 
> consideration.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Hawkins
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:02 PM
> To: Mac Visionary
> Subject: Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader 
> built in
> Lol, Windows 3.1 is a little before my time. But in a way Microsoft is trying 
> to catch up, their Windows 8 Pro can do both do the ARM based Windows 8 apps 
> and are cross platforms. Apple are slowly intregrating IOS and Mac. And 
> Google have the Chromebook.
> As ARM based cpu get more powerful that can bridge the gap between Intel 
> based OS it will be streamlined soon. Even Linux is now getting into ARM bsed 
> OS.
> So in that case, I still think the three major screenreaders will be 
> around.Unless JAWS can’t keep their contracts, they will be forced to lower 
> their prices, so we will see.
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hey guys,  Another thing has occurred to me about this.  As you know, 
> window-eyes has been under developed for several years.  You might not be 
> aware that the personal computer is set to go on the long tail in 2016.  
> Sales of personal computers have been falling by about 30 per sent per year.  
> April 2013 was the worst quarter for PC sales in 20 years.  In 2012 
> smartphones made up more than 50 per sent of all cell phone use in the United 
> States.  In 2013, Tablet sales exploded and the tablet is poised to out sell 
> the personal computer in 2014.  
> It will take a long time for corporate and government to catch up, but they 
> are both already in the mobile space.  Where do jaws, Window-eyes, and even 
> NVDA fit in to the 5 year trend of the over all market?  Especially with 
> IPhone and android being very high quality accessibility choices and new 
> accessibility features emerging on Blackberry to compete with the other two 
> leading mobile platforms.
> Remember when windows 3.1 came along and people started competing for access 
> to windows?  How many market leading companies raced to add accessibility 
> features.  Let's see…  henter-joice, gw michro, synthavoice computers, artic, 
> dolphin, AISquared…  How many of those companies, most of whom are still with 
> us, have competed for anything in the mobile space?  AISquared, codefactory, 
> that's all I can think of.  Humanware and AFB have stepped into the mobile 
> space but their efforts have met with mixed success.
> Very few of Our so called leaders in accessibility are hungry for shares of 
> the new economy the way they were when windows 95 came out and blind people 
> could somewhat use it.
> Could it be that there is no money or not as much money as we think in the 
> window-eyes for office move and that it's part of an exit strategy to keep as 
> much value in the product as possible for as long as possible?  I'm sure Dan 
> and Doug have rock solid RRSPs/retirement packages  So do Eric and the other 
> FS bigwigs.  These people aren't showing the drive to innovate that they once 
> did.  They are in fact, stodgy.  What has GW done for us lately?  Proprietary 
> desktop applications  for skype and facebook, both of which are much more 
> accessible in the mobile space to begin with and both of which are better 
> suited to the mobile space than the desktop space IMHO.  It's GW's attempt to 
> coast through for another couple of years until the pc space evaporates and 
> the heads can retire.
> All speculation on my part.  I loved  window-eyes when it was on the cutting 
> edge.  I just don't see it now though.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2014-01-20, at 5:45 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:
> I do not understand all of the ins and outs of this but overall it appears to 
> be a positive thing for blind and visually impaired as well as for others 
> with  various disabilities and challenges requiring adaptive software and 
> equipment. I did crack up at the line about being leaders. LOL! They are 
> be

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. So, 
Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the nature of 
programming and bugs.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have never 
> upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a problem, so 
> yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the gmail problem. 
> Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything you hear anymore.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
>>  If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in the 
>> inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail outside 
>> the gmail account, its gone.
>>  I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but gmail 
>> is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see what I 
>> want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care of the 
>> other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>> The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant duplicity.  
>> Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite 
>> of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike, and rejoice at what 
>> brings you nothing but misfortune.
>> --Boris Pasternak
>> Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
>> E-mail-
>>> On 1/21/2014 7:15 AM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>>> Hey Nicholas,
>>> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
>>> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
>>> this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there 
>>> a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance 
>>> to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu 
>>> to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where 
>>> it is. Thanks,
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
 Hi Bryan,
 First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
 Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
 hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
 Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
 I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
 seems to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
 community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I 
 think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
 reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
 messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
 hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
 Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
 notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
 downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this 
 can take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing 
 else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. 
 So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as many other online 
 services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave 
>> your Mac online for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave 
>> it, and don't do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure 
>> your energy preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail 
>> activity every few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems to 
>> have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
 Best of luck,
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with 
> Gmail and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I 
> had my busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their 
> VoiceOver people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail 
> and mac mail problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the 
> specialist was claiming my issue was caused by my other mail account from 
> go daddy. It took us a good hour to check settings, and mail was 
> constantly caught in a busy loop, after that did nothing, I did a system 
> repair which Apple felt would fix the mail busy issue. I am not going to 
> go in to the bad set of

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey David,

How do you hide the all mail folder? As I have labels and individual folders 
that I save the messages I need to save, and have never used the all mail 
folder, so would love to hide it if that is what is causing my issues. I also 
noticed that in my inbox when I move over to the column which tells me which 
email the message was sent to it, in Mountain Lion it would just read Gmail, 
and now it says google all mail. Thanks,
On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:54 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Yes, the all mail folder can be safely hidden. Every email message is given a 
> label. When you change the emails folder, what is actually changed is the 
> label which is assigned to the message.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 7:24, "Christina C."  wrote:
>> I am not having any problems at all with gmail. Despite the suggestion that 
>> you not hide the all mail folder…mine is hidden from apple mail. I have no 
>> idea why, but this has not caused me any problems whatsoever. I also delete 
>> instead of archive any unwanted mail. If it’s an email I want to save I just 
>> move it to a folder/label called “filed” and this seems to work for me if I 
>> don't’ want an email in my inbox but I might want to access it later.
>> If only showing 1000 messages fixes your problem than maybe you could use 
>> safari and the gmail website to search for an old email? Or maybe even 
>> though you only show 1000 messages when you do a search it will search all 
>> messages??? I do not know. Maybe someone else here has a suggestion on 
>> accessing old emails.
>> A long time ago I wanted to get rid of tons of unwanted emails so I created 
>> folders in apple mail to the on my mac instead of in the gmail portion of 
>> the side bar in apple mail. I don’t know how to explain that one, except to 
>> say that the folders were on my computer’s hard drive instead of syncing 
>> with gmail. then I went to gmails’ website and cleaned everything up except 
>> for the newest incoming messages. Then I went back to apple mail and moved 
>> the emails from my hard drive back to the appropriate folders in my gmail 
>> account. It was a crazy time but that was how I got rid of all the years and 
>> years of unwanted emails but I still was able to keep the ones that I 
>> wanted. It wasn’t a perfect solution but it worked for me.  It was a couple 
>> of years ago and I don’t remember all the details. So I don’t remember 
>> exactly everything I did so I hope I am not leading you astray. I am 
>> absolutely no expert of any kind, very very far from it. I just cannot put 
>> my finger on why some are having major problems and some are not. The one 
>> thing I know I do different than a lot of people is that I do not Archive, I 
>> delete emails.
>> Christina 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One of 
these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It means, 
whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the message. 
For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it assigns them 
back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 140,000 email messages 
since 2005.

The solution is: go to
and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I do 
not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted messages. 
Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another setting found 
in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail can be set to do 
both at the same time. I used to do this, but found occasional headaches from 
it, so changed everything to IMAP.

I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I occasionally 
sort out important messages during the process. I am doing this on my iPhone as 
the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down to 44,000 messages at this 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey Nicholas,
> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at this 
> all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is this 
> folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there a way 
> to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance to purge 
> some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu to see what 
> mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where it is. Thanks,
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
>> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
>> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I think 
>> is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and reconfigure every 
>> message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of messages, easily in the 
>> tens of thousands, and some people even have hundreds of thousands. So when 
>> you launch Mail after recently installing Mavericks, if you show the 
>> activity window with command-option-0, you'll notice that Mail is busy 
>> accessing the gMail server and checking and downloading all your messages. 
>> Even for a reasonably small account this can take a long time. I left my Mac 
>> online with Mail running but nothing else for a couple of days. This seemed 
>> to allow it to get up and running. So I'd suggest you close every 
>> application and stop as many other online services as you can from 
>> operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac online for a good long 
>> time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and don't do anything else 
>> with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your energy preferences so your 
>> Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail activity every few hours to check 
>> that it's making progress. If it seems to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
>> Best of luck,
>> Nic
>>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
>>> and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
>>> busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver 
>>> people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail 
>>> problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was 
>>> claiming my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It 
>>> took us a good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a 
>>> busy loop, after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt 
>>> would fix the mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of 
>>> instructions that Apple gave me for a VoiceOVer user to do a repair. So the 
>>> repair finally finishes and as soon as I launch mail, busy busy busy. I 
>>> decided to delete my gmail account from mail to see if mail worked with 
>>> just my go daddy account, and sure enough mail worked fine, so bingo it is 
>>> definitely a gmail problem. What angers me so much is Apple’s claim that 
>>> the fix they released in December fixed the gmail and mac mail issue. The 
>>> whole reason I held off upgrading to Mavericks was because of the gmail 
>>> issue. Not sure how they can claim the issue is fixed when it is obviou

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not a 
gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t fix 
anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail account 
from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t just admit 
and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. So, 
> Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the nature of 
> programming and bugs.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
>> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have never 
>> upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a problem, so 
>> yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the gmail problem. 
>> Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything you hear anymore.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
>>> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in the 
>>> inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail outside 
>>> the gmail account, its gone.
>>> I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but gmail 
>>> is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see what I 
>>> want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care of the 
>>> other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
>>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>>> The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant duplicity. 
>>>  Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the 
>>> opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike, and 
>>> rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune.
>>> --Boris Pasternak
>>> Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
>>> E-mail-
 On 1/21/2014 7:15 AM, Brian Fischler wrote:
 Hey Nicholas,
 Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
 this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
 this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is 
 there a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted 
 assistance to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the 
 activity menu to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but 
 not sure where it is. Thanks,
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
> seems to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the 
> tech community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what 
> I think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
> reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
> messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
> hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
> Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
> notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
> downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this 
> can take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing 
> else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. 
> So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as many other online 
> services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave 
>>> your Mac online for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave 
>>> it, and don't do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure 
>>> your energy preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail 
>>> activity every few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems to 
>>> have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
> Best of luck,
> Nic
>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with 
>> Gmail and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I 
>> had my busy busy problems again. I called Apple a

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
In all honesty, I just never open the all mail folder. I prefer not to hide any 
folders. If I cannot find a message I need, I occasionally search in the all 
mail folder. In other words, I searched through every email message. My advice 
is, just do not open the all mail folder. If you delete messages from all-male, 
and you're setting in Gmail is set to delete rather then permanently archive, 
the message will disappear from the other folder you have it in, because all 
messages are actually only in the all mail folder. Folder labels for Gmail are 
actually flags. They instruct the email Program as to where to show the message.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:12, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey David,
> How do you hide the all mail folder? As I have labels and individual folders 
> that I save the messages I need to save, and have never used the all mail 
> folder, so would love to hide it if that is what is causing my issues. I also 
> noticed that in my inbox when I move over to the column which tells me which 
> email the message was sent to it, in Mountain Lion it would just read Gmail, 
> and now it says google all mail. Thanks,
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:54 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Yes, the all mail folder can be safely hidden. Every email message is given 
>> a label. When you change the emails folder, what is actually changed is the 
>> label which is assigned to the message.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 7:24, "Christina C."  wrote:
>>> I am not having any problems at all with gmail. Despite the suggestion that 
>>> you not hide the all mail folder…mine is hidden from apple mail. I have no 
>>> idea why, but this has not caused me any problems whatsoever. I also delete 
>>> instead of archive any unwanted mail. If it’s an email I want to save I 
>>> just move it to a folder/label called “filed” and this seems to work for me 
>>> if I don't’ want an email in my inbox but I might want to access it later.
>>> If only showing 1000 messages fixes your problem than maybe you could use 
>>> safari and the gmail website to search for an old email? Or maybe even 
>>> though you only show 1000 messages when you do a search it will search all 
>>> messages??? I do not know. Maybe someone else here has a suggestion on 
>>> accessing old emails.
>>> A long time ago I wanted to get rid of tons of unwanted emails so I created 
>>> folders in apple mail to the on my mac instead of in the gmail portion of 
>>> the side bar in apple mail. I don’t know how to explain that one, except to 
>>> say that the folders were on my computer’s hard drive instead of syncing 
>>> with gmail. then I went to gmails’ website and cleaned everything up except 
>>> for the newest incoming messages. Then I went back to apple mail and moved 
>>> the emails from my hard drive back to the appropriate folders in my gmail 
>>> account. It was a crazy time but that was how I got rid of all the years 
>>> and years of unwanted emails but I still was able to keep the ones that I 
>>> wanted. It wasn’t a perfect solution but it worked for me.  It was a couple 
>>> of years ago and I don’t remember all the details. So I don’t remember 
>>> exactly everything I did so I hope I am not leading you astray. I am 
>>> absolutely no expert of any kind, very very far from it. I just cannot put 
>>> my finger on why some are having major problems and some are not. The one 
>>> thing I know I do different than a lot of people is that I do not Archive, 
>>> I delete emails.
>>> Christina 
>>> -- 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their gmail 
website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think it reverted 
back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem to find the damn 
link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. Very frustrating that 
Google still refuses to design their apps and stuff to work with VO.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One 
> of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It means, 
> whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the message. 
> For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it assigns 
> them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 140,000 email 
> messages since 2005.
> The solution is: go to
> and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I do 
> not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted 
> messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another 
> setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail 
> can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but found 
> occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
> I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
> occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing this 
> on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down to 
> 44,000 messages at this point.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Nicholas,
>> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
>> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
>> this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there 
>> a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance 
>> to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu 
>> to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where it 
>> is. Thanks,
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Bryan,
>>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
>>> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
>>> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I 
>>> think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
>>> reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
>>> messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
>>> hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
>>> Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
>>> notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
>>> downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this can 
>>> take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing else 
>>> for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. So I'd 
>>> suggest you close every application and stop as many other online services 
>>> as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac online 
>>> for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and don't 
>>> do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your energy 
>>> preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail activity every 
>>> few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems to have frozen, 
>>> quit it and re-launch.
>>> Best of luck,
>>> Nic
 On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Hey all,
 Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
 and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
 busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver 
 people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail 
 problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was 
 claiming my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It 
 took us a good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a 
 busy loop, after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt 
 would fix the mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of 
 instructions that Apple gave me for a VoiceOVer user to do

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, but it is not just VO. Bye had similar problems when I used Windows 
systems. Google regularly has problems with screenreader access.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:21, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their 
> gmail website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think it 
> reverted back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem to find 
> the damn link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. Very 
> frustrating that Google still refuses to design their apps and stuff to work 
> with VO.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One 
>> of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It 
>> means, whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the 
>> message. For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it 
>> assigns them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 140,000 
>> email messages since 2005.
>> The solution is: go to
>> and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I 
>> do not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted 
>> messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another 
>> setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail 
>> can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but found 
>> occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
>> I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
>> occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing this 
>> on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down to 
>> 44,000 messages at this point.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey Nicholas,
>>> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
>>> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
>>> this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there 
>>> a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance 
>>> to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu 
>>> to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where 
>>> it is. Thanks,
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
 Hi Bryan,
 First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
 Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
 hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
 Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
 I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
 seems to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
 community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I 
 think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
 reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
 messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
 hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
 Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
 notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
 downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this 
 can take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing 
 else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. 
 So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as many other online 
 services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac 
 online for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and 
 don't do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your 
 energy preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail 
 activity every few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems 
 to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
 Best of luck,
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with 
> Gmail and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I 
> had my busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their 
> VoiceOver people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail 
> and mac mail problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the 

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail actually 
uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. It is 
difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail handling 
protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support person went 
down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail actually does.

In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
called all mail. This folder contains every email message.

What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages in 
it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.

In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only one 
copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access it in 
any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the message that 
is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should move the message 
from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message is copied from all 
mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a message from one gmail 
folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all mail folder, but 
its indexing label name is changed. If you copy a message from one gmail folder 
to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all mail folder, but it is 
given a second indexing label.

Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try and 
cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person is 
only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and the 
gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another problem, 
you might be able to educate that tech support person on something which is 
extremely confusing. 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not 
> a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t 
> fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail 
> account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t 
> just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
>> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. So, 
>> Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the nature of 
>> programming and bugs.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
>>> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have never 
>>> upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a problem, 
>>> so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the gmail 
>>> problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything you 
>>> hear anymore.
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
 If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in 
 the inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail 
 outside the gmail account, its gone.
 I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but gmail 
 is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see what I 
 want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care of the 
 other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
 Quote of the nanosecond . . .
 The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant 
 duplicity.  Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say 
 the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike, and 
 rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune.
 --Boris Pasternak
 Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
> On 1/21/2014 7:15 AM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey Nicholas,
> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck 
> is this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is 
> there a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted 
> assistance to purge 

Re: Pages

2014-01-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jessica,

The strange language you see in templates is fake Latin used as placeholder 
text. If you highlight this text then type over it, your own text has the same 
formatting as the placeholder text.

Jürgen runs his computer in German, so his version of Pages is in German, what 
he asked for was the English versions of the names of the templates.



On 21 Jan 2014, at 19:55, Jessica D  wrote:

> i have tried most of these templates and they are not in english, the only 
> way i have found to change this is to type your own text into the 
> placeholders.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:39 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Jürgen,
>> Here are the names of the predefined templates in Pages:
>> Under Basic: Blank, Blank Landscape, Note Taking.
>> Under Reports: Essay, Term Paper, School Report, Visual Report, Research 
>> Paper, Modern Report, Project Proposal.
>> Under Letters: Classic Letter, Modern Letter, Business Letter, Traditional 
>> Letter, Photo Letter, Elegant Letter, Bold Type Letter, Informal Letter.
>> Under Resumes: Curriculum Vitae, Classic Resume, Modern Resume, Business 
>> Resume, Elegant Resume, Bold Type Resume, Informal Resume.
>> Under Envelopes: Business Envelope, Classic Envelope, Modern Envelope, 
>> Business Envelope, Elegant Envelope, Bold Type Envelope, Informal 
>> Envelope(The two Business Envelopes are apparently different).
>> Under Business Cards: Classic Business Cards, Modern Business Cards, 
>> Business Cards, Elegant Business Cards, Bold Type Business Cards, Informal 
>> Business Cards.
>> Under Flyers & Posters: For Rent Flyer, For Sale Flyer, Tab Flyer, Real 
>> Estate Flyer, Lost & Found Flyer, Photo Poster Small, Photo Poster Big, 
>> Event Poster Small, Event Poster Big, Party Poster Small, Party Poster Big, 
>> School Poster Small, School Poster Big, Type Poster Small, Type Poster Big.
>> Under Cards: Photo Card Vertical, Photo Card Horizontal, Birthday Card, Real 
>> Estate Postcard, Event Postcard, Moving Postcard.
>> Under Miscellaneous: Invoice, Elegant Brochure.
>> Under Newsletter: Classic Newsletter, Journal Newsletter, Simple Newsletter, 
>> Serif Newsletter.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 17:55, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> what are the forms called in english that I can choose from after I opened 
>>> Pages? I mean "Empty" or "Modern Letter" and so on.
>>> Thanks and all the best
>>> Jürgen
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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Thanks for letting me know the Google issues are not just with Apple. I am an 
Apple loyalist, but assumed the Gmail issues and screen reader were just with 
Apple. I am noticing that all of my sent emails are also going to this ALL mail 
folder. I found some instructions on the web on what to do, but can’t seem to 
navigate Gmail on the web at all, as the old classic view seems to gone away. 
Hilarious that Google still can’t make their mail and apps work with a screen 
reader, but people are going to trust Google to put them behind the wheel of a 
self driving car. Makes me laugh. At least mail is working a lot better today, 
but would like to get to the root of the problem before the problems arise 
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:42 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Yes, but it is not just VO. Bye had similar problems when I used Windows 
> systems. Google regularly has problems with screenreader access.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:21, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their 
>> gmail website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think it 
>> reverted back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem to 
>> find the damn link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. Very 
>> frustrating that Google still refuses to design their apps and stuff to work 
>> with VO.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One 
>>> of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It 
>>> means, whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the 
>>> message. For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it 
>>> assigns them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 
>>> 140,000 email messages since 2005.
>>> The solution is: go to
>>> and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I 
>>> do not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted 
>>> messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another 
>>> setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail 
>>> can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but found 
>>> occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
>>> I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
>>> occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing 
>>> this on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down 
>>> to 44,000 messages at this point.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Hey Nicholas,
 Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
 this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
 this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is 
 there a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted 
 assistance to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the 
 activity menu to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but 
 not sure where it is. Thanks,
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
> seems to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the 
> tech community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what 
> I think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
> reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
> messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
> hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
> Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
> notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
> downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this 
> can take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing 
> else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. 
> So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as many other online 
> services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave your 
> Mac onli

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey David,

Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out, and yes, it makes much more 
sense to me now. I guess what I need to do is follow the steps Mac World is 
suggesting, unless mail continues to work as good as it is now.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
> actually does.
> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message is 
> copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
> which is extremely confusing. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not 
>> a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t 
>> fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail 
>> account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t 
>> just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
>>> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. 
>>> So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the 
>>> nature of programming and bugs.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
 quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
 never upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a 
 problem, so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the 
 gmail problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything 
 you hear anymore.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in 
> the inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail 
> outside the gmail account, its gone.
> I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but 
> gmail is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see 
> what I want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care 
> of the other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant 
> duplicity.  Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you 
> say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike, 
> and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune.
> --Boris Pasternak
> Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn
> E-mail-

Re: Pages

2014-01-21 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Anne,
thank you so much for your efforts. :-) That really helps me very much.
All the best

Am 21.01.2014 um 19:39 schrieb Anne Robertson :

> Hello Jürgen,
> Here are the names of the predefined templates in Pages:
> Under Basic: Blank, Blank Landscape, Note Taking.
> Under Reports: Essay, Term Paper, School Report, Visual Report, Research 
> Paper, Modern Report, Project Proposal.
> Under Letters: Classic Letter, Modern Letter, Business Letter, Traditional 
> Letter, Photo Letter, Elegant Letter, Bold Type Letter, Informal Letter.
> Under Resumes: Curriculum Vitae, Classic Resume, Modern Resume, Business 
> Resume, Elegant Resume, Bold Type Resume, Informal Resume.
> Under Envelopes: Business Envelope, Classic Envelope, Modern Envelope, 
> Business Envelope, Elegant Envelope, Bold Type Envelope, Informal 
> Envelope(The two Business Envelopes are apparently different).
> Under Business Cards: Classic Business Cards, Modern Business Cards, Business 
> Cards, Elegant Business Cards, Bold Type Business Cards, Informal Business 
> Cards.
> Under Flyers & Posters: For Rent Flyer, For Sale Flyer, Tab Flyer, Real 
> Estate Flyer, Lost & Found Flyer, Photo Poster Small, Photo Poster Big, Event 
> Poster Small, Event Poster Big, Party Poster Small, Party Poster Big, School 
> Poster Small, School Poster Big, Type Poster Small, Type Poster Big.
> Under Cards: Photo Card Vertical, Photo Card Horizontal, Birthday Card, Real 
> Estate Postcard, Event Postcard, Moving Postcard.
> Under Miscellaneous: Invoice, Elegant Brochure.
> Under Newsletter: Classic Newsletter, Journal Newsletter, Simple Newsletter, 
> Serif Newsletter.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 17:55, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> what are the forms called in english that I can choose from after I opened 
>> Pages? I mean "Empty" or "Modern Letter" and so on.
>> Thanks and all the best
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Visit this group at
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> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at Apple, 
hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in my sent 
folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will this help? I 
assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail folder anything that 
I have labeled and put in to what I call a folder will still be there and 
remain. And of course, right after I mention how good mail has been working the 
busy busy issues have returned a little.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
> actually does.
> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message is 
> copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
> which is extremely confusing. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not 
>> a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t 
>> fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail 
>> account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t 
>> just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
>>> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. 
>>> So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the 
>>> nature of programming and bugs.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
 quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
 never upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a 
 problem, so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the 
 gmail problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything 
 you hear anymore.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in 
> the inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail 
> outside the gmail account, its gone.
> I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but 
> gmail is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see 
> what I want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care 
> of the other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant 
> duplicity.  Your health is bound to be affec

RE: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hi David, 

If I understand what you have explained with GMAIL, if I go to, and 
to the all-mail folder and delete all the old (thousands of them), then they 
shouldn't be downloaded once I think about upgrading to Mavericks. Is that 
correct? The master folder is the all mail folder and the rest of the folders 
are just virtual ones in Gmail and on the Apple mail native client. Did I get 
this right? I just want clarification to see if I thoroughly got the concept. 



-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail actually 
uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. It is 
difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail handling 
protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support person went 
down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail actually does.

In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
called all mail. This folder contains every email message.

What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages in 
it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.

In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only one 
copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access it in 
any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the message that 
is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should move the message 
from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message is copied from all 
mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a message from one gmail 
folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all mail folder, but 
its indexing label name is changed. If you copy a message from one gmail folder 
to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all mail folder, but it is 
given a second indexing label.

Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try and 
cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person is 
only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and the 
gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another problem, 
you might be able to educate that tech support person on something which is 
extremely confusing. 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not 
> a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t 
> fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail 
> account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t 
> just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
>> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. So, 
>> Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the nature of 
>> programming and bugs.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
>>> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have never 
>>> upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a problem, 
>>> so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the gmail 
>>> problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything you 
>>> hear anymore.
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
 If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in 
 the inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail 
 outside the gmail account, its gone.
 I use message filters (not using Mac Mail yet, still on Windows) but gmail 
 is gmail. Before I dump All Mail, I look at the sent folder to see what I 
 want to archive. Then I delete mail from All Mail which takes care of the 
 other mentioned folders. I do this weekly.
 Quote of the nanosecond . . .
 The great majority of us are required t

What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that for the 
last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I wonder if 
Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.


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RE: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hi David, 

Another question about Gmail. Can one create new label folders on the iPhone or 
does it need to be created at Also, if you have a folder listed in 
the account Gmail area on the phone, can the rule be created on the phone or 
again the rule needs to be created in 



-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One of 
these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It means, 
whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the message. 
For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it assigns them 
back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 140,000 email messages 
since 2005.

The solution is: go to
and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I do 
not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted messages. 
Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another setting found 
in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail can be set to do 
both at the same time. I used to do this, but found occasional headaches from 
it, so changed everything to IMAP.

I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I occasionally 
sort out important messages during the process. I am doing this on my iPhone as 
the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down to 44,000 messages at this 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey Nicholas,
> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at this 
> all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is this 
> folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there a way 
> to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance to purge 
> some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu to see what 
> mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where it is. Thanks,
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
>> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
>> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I think 
>> is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and reconfigure every 
>> message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of messages, easily in the 
>> tens of thousands, and some people even have hundreds of thousands. So when 
>> you launch Mail after recently installing Mavericks, if you show the 
>> activity window with command-option-0, you'll notice that Mail is busy 
>> accessing the gMail server and checking and downloading all your messages. 
>> Even for a reasonably small account this can take a long time. I left my Mac 
>> online with Mail running but nothing else for a couple of days. This seemed 
>> to allow it to get up and running. So I'd suggest you close every 
>> application and stop as many other online services as you can from 
>> operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac online for a good long 
>> time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and don't do anything else 
>> with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your energy preferences so your 
>> Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail activity every few hours to check 
>> that it's making progress. If it seems to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
>> Best of luck,
>> Nic
>>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
>>> and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
>>> busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver 
>>> people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail 
>>> problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was 
>>> claiming my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It 
>>> took us a good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a 
>>> busy loop, after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt 
>>> would fix the mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of 
>>> instructions that Apple 

Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Miller
No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and reinstalling the 

On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello.
> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that for 
> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I 
> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
> Kawal.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, creating a folder in mail under your Gmail account, creates the label for 
the indexing folder on Gmail. Back out to the outer most list in the mail. 
Double tap on edit. Find the create mailbox and double tap on it. Navigate to 
the place where you want the mailbox folder to be.

Gmail rules need to be set on the Gmail website.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 10:13, "Eileen Misrahi"  wrote:
> Hi David, 
> Another question about Gmail. Can one create new label folders on the iPhone 
> or does it need to be created at Also, if you have a folder listed 
> in the account Gmail area on the phone, can the rule be created on the phone 
> or again the rule needs to be created in 
> Thanks. 
> Cheers, 
> Eileen 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still
> Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. One 
> of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It means, 
> whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the message. 
> For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, it assigns 
> them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 140,000 email 
> messages since 2005.
> The solution is: go to
> and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I do 
> not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted 
> messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another 
> setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail 
> can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but found 
> occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
> I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
> occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing this 
> on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down to 
> 44,000 messages at this point.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Nicholas,
>> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
>> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is 
>> this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there 
>> a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance 
>> to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu 
>> to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where it 
>> is. Thanks,
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Bryan,
>>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
>>> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
>>> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I 
>>> think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
>>> reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
>>> messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some people even have 
>>> hundreds of thousands. So when you launch Mail after recently installing 
>>> Mavericks, if you show the activity window with command-option-0, you'll 
>>> notice that Mail is busy accessing the gMail server and checking and 
>>> downloading all your messages. Even for a reasonably small account this can 
>>> take a long time. I left my Mac online with Mail running but nothing else 
>>> for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it to get up and running. So I'd 
>>> suggest you close every application and stop as many other online services 
>>> as you can from operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac online 
>>> for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and don't 
>>> do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your energy 
>>> preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail activity every 
>>> few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems to have frozen, 
>>> quit it and re-launch.
>>> Best of luck,
>>> Nic
 On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Hey all,
 Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
 and Macm

saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Jess

I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to 
people who have older versions of windows.  It sends them as .zip 
files instead of .xls, csv, or .doc.  why could this be?

I walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5: 7

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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, this is correct, as long as you have set your preferences, on the Gmail 
website, to delete messages rather than permanently archive all messages. If, 
on the other hand, you have not changed this setting, all messages deleted from 
the all-male folder Will still remain. Their labels will be switched to 
archive, and because this action is taken, will seem to disappear from the 
all-male folder. Technically, they are actually still located in the all-male 
list. However, the Gmail website, and most email programs, will only display 
them in archive.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 10:08, "Eileen Misrahi"  wrote:
> Hi David, 
> If I understand what you have explained with GMAIL, if I go to, and 
> to the all-mail folder and delete all the old (thousands of them), then they 
> shouldn't be downloaded once I think about upgrading to Mavericks. Is that 
> correct? The master folder is the all mail folder and the rest of the folders 
> are just virtual ones in Gmail and on the Apple mail native client. Did I get 
> this right? I just want clarification to see if I thoroughly got the concept. 
> Thanks. 
> Eileen 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still
> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
> actually does.
> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message is 
> copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy a message 
> from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains in the all 
> mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
> which is extremely confusing. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is not 
>> a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately didn’t 
>> fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my gmail 
>> account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple can’t 
>> just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after the 
>>> Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email problems. 
>>> So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This is the 
>>> nature of programming and bugs.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
 quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
 never upgraded to M

Re: Filenames longer than 31 characters on the mac

2014-01-21 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Hello Anne,

That is the strange issue: I'm trying to save to the hard drive the way 
I've always done. And suddenly this message when trying to do it in 
TextEdit. It threw me completely.

Maybe it will settle down. If you don't know what might have gone wrong 
with your experience, I think it must be some kind of a crazy gremlin. 

Thanks for responding.


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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Yes, deleting sent messages is deleting the messages that you have written and 
sent to other people. Again, if your Gmail preferences are set to archive, your 
sent messages will then be archived rather than deleted. At least, this is how 
I understand the way sent messages works. This specific situation might be a 
little different from the rest.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 10:03, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at 
> Apple, hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in 
> my sent folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will this 
> help? I assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail folder 
> anything that I have labeled and put in to what I call a folder will still be 
> there and remain. And of course, right after I mention how good mail has been 
> working the busy busy issues have returned a little.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
>> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
>> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
>> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
>> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
>> actually does.
>> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
>> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
>> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
>> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
>> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
>> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
>> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
>> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
>> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
>> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
>> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
>> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
>> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message 
>> is copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a 
>> message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy 
>> a message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
>> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
>> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
>> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
>> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
>> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
>> which is extremely confusing. 
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is 
>>> not a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately 
>>> didn’t fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my 
>>> gmail account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple 
>>> can’t just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  
 Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after 
 the Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email 
 problems. So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This 
 is the nature of programming and bugs.
 David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
 Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
 Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
> never upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a 
> problem, so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the 
> gmail problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything 
> you hear anymore.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
>> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete every

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Oh, by the way, the busy busy issue with Mac Mail indexing all of the Gmail 
messages is why I do all of my email on my iPhone. After I have cleared out all 
of the extra email messages, I will try Mac mail again.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 10:03, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at 
> Apple, hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in 
> my sent folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will this 
> help? I assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail folder 
> anything that I have labeled and put in to what I call a folder will still be 
> there and remain. And of course, right after I mention how good mail has been 
> working the busy busy issues have returned a little.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
>> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
>> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
>> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
>> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
>> actually does.
>> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
>> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
>> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
>> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
>> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
>> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
>> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
>> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
>> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
>> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
>> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
>> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
>> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message 
>> is copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a 
>> message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy 
>> a message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
>> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
>> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
>> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
>> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
>> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
>> which is extremely confusing. 
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is 
>>> not a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately 
>>> didn’t fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my 
>>> gmail account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple 
>>> can’t just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  
 Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after 
 the Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email 
 problems. So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This 
 is the nature of programming and bugs.
 David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
 Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
 Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
> never upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a 
> problem, so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the 
> gmail problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything 
> you hear anymore.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
>> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is in 
>> the inbox, deleted, drafts, sent. So if you do not move or archive mail 
>> outside the gmail account, its g

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
Actually, Google is an excellent research company. Outside of universities, 
Google hires more PhD's and researchers then any other private company. The 
problems are: because they have mainly very geeky people, they are not good at 
writing basic level user interfaces, and Devices the research work well for 
people who know what they are doing, but do not necessarily work so well for 
average people.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:54, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Thanks for letting me know the Google issues are not just with Apple. I am an 
> Apple loyalist, but assumed the Gmail issues and screen reader were just with 
> Apple. I am noticing that all of my sent emails are also going to this ALL 
> mail folder. I found some instructions on the web on what to do, but can’t 
> seem to navigate Gmail on the web at all, as the old classic view seems to 
> gone away. Hilarious that Google still can’t make their mail and apps work 
> with a screen reader, but people are going to trust Google to put them behind 
> the wheel of a self driving car. Makes me laugh. At least mail is working a 
> lot better today, but would like to get to the root of the problem before the 
> problems arise again.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:42 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Yes, but it is not just VO. Bye had similar problems when I used Windows 
>> systems. Google regularly has problems with screenreader access.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:21, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their 
>>> gmail website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think it 
>>> reverted back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem to 
>>> find the damn link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. Very 
>>> frustrating that Google still refuses to design their apps and stuff to 
>>> work with VO.
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  
 Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. 
 One of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. It 
 means, whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on the 
 message. For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old messages, 
 it assigns them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up with over 
 140,000 email messages since 2005.
 The solution is: go to
 and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page (I 
 do not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle deleted 
 messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. Another 
 setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, so Gmail 
 can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but found 
 occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
 I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
 occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing 
 this on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down 
 to 44,000 messages at this point.
 David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
 Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
 Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey Nicholas,
> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck 
> is this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is 
> there a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted 
> assistance to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the 
> activity menu to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but 
> not sure where it is. Thanks,
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
>> seems to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the 
>> tech community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But 
>> what I think is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and 
>> reconfigure every message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of 
>> messages, easily in the tens of thousands, and some 

Re: saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying 
to 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.


On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:

I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to 
people who have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip files 
instead of .xls, csv, or .doc. why could this be?

I walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5: 7


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Re: saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Matt Dierckens
Have your friend open the zip and make sure its a .xls file.
Matt Dierckens
Macintosh Trainer
Blind Access Training
1-877-774-7670 ext. 4

On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> i have no clue, how would i find out?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying to 
>> 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.
>> CB
>>> On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to people 
>>> who have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip files instead of 
>>> .xls, csv, or .doc. why could this be?
>>> Jessica
>>> I walk by faith, not by sight.
>>> 2 Corinthians 5: 7
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Jessica D
i have no clue, how would i find out?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying to 
> 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.
> CB
>> On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to people who 
>> have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip files instead of .xls, 
>> csv, or .doc. why could this be?
>> Jessica
>> I walk by faith, not by sight.
>> 2 Corinthians 5: 7
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi David,

Thanks for fielding all these messages about Gmail.  You beat me to the punch 
most of the time and explained everything excellently.  Just to comment on this 
message about the busy, busy stuff in the latest Mail, I’m confident that you 
could upgrade to this  and not be extremely frustrated.  If you leave your Mail 
on for a few hours or overnight, everything would transfer and from then on, 
Mail should behave somewhat normally.  I run a MBP 15 Late 2011 with a regular 
spinning HD and 8 GB of RAM with no issues at all.  Also, there is the option 
to get rid of lots of the very old archived messages ahead of time thus making 
the sync of the All Mail much quicker.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Oh, by the way, the busy busy issue with Mac Mail indexing all of the Gmail 
> messages is why I do all of my email on my iPhone. After I have cleared out 
> all of the extra email messages, I will try Mac mail again.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 10:03, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at 
>> Apple, hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in 
>> my sent folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will 
>> this help? I assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail 
>> folder anything that I have labeled and put in to what I call a folder will 
>> still be there and remain. And of course, right after I mention how good 
>> mail has been working the busy busy issues have returned a little.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
>>> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
>>> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other 
>>> mail handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech 
>>> support person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand 
>>> what Gmail actually does.
>>> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
>>> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
>>> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and 
>>> learned about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any 
>>> messages in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which 
>>> match its criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and 
>>> handles the same way that it does in any other folder. You are just 
>>> manipulating the message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual 
>>> folder.
>>> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
>>> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
>>> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
>>> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
>>> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message 
>>> is copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a 
>>> message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>>> in the all mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy 
>>> a message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message 
>>> remains in the all mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
>>> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
>>> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support 
>>> person is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual 
>>> mailboxes and the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you 
>>> have another problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person 
>>> on something which is extremely confusing. 
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is 
 not a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately 
 didn’t fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my 
 gmail account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why 
 Apple can’t just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  
> wrote:
> Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after 
> the Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email 
> problems. So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This 
> is the nature of programming and b

Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread matthew dyer

No problems here.  I am able to use it  just fine.


On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello.
> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that for 
> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I 
> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
> Kawal.
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Re: Advanced wireless settings

2014-01-21 Thread Traci Duncan
Thank you both.

I didn’t know about the system settings under utilities.  That wireless 
information is interesting.

VO-f2f2 did tell me about the additional pop-over, but it wouldn’t let me 
interact with it.  Each time I entered or VO-spaced on it, the window 
disappeared from view.

Another question:
I have a main network, then a guest network.  Is it possible or advisable to 
have one network dedicated to wireless N, and the other dedicated to wireless 
G.  Most of our devices are wireless N, but there are one or two hanging around 
that still use G only.


On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> The Airport Utility has new window is telling you just that.  In certain 
> situations, when focused on specific items within Airport Utility, new pop-up 
> windows will appear.  These windows give you more information about those 
> items, as in Hardware Addresses, specific error messages etc.  Usually, as 
> Barry mentioned, VO-f2-f2 will give you access to that window.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:30 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>> Hi Traci,
>> You can see all of what you are looking for in the wifi section in system 
>> information.  It is in the utilities folder.
>> I’m not sure this is what you’re talking about, but when I read through the 
>> connected wireless clients list, I don’t hear vo say “airport utility has 
>> new window.”.  You might see if you can find something with vo-f2 twice.
>> Hope that helps.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> A few questions here:
>> Does anyone use a different utility aside from Airport?
>> How do you read the wireless traffic on and around your network?  How do you 
>> find out which channels are the busiest in your neighborhood?
>> Lastly, when I’m reading through the wireless devices list, VO says airport 
>> utility has new window.  Should I be able to jump to this window, or is 
>> there information inside it I need to know?
>> Thank you,
>> Traci
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Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread Scott B.

How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?

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Fwd: braille star 80 and osx mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread William Windels

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

> Van: William Windels 
> Onderwerp: Antw.: braille star 80 and osx mavericks
> Datum: 21 januari 2014 23:59:16 CET
> Aan: Margot von Bedö
> Kopie: Accessibility Accessibility 
> Hello Margot from handy tech and apple accessibility,
> I find this a very pour answer from Apple  and specially, as always, they 
> don’t know when the problem will be resolved.
> My hardware = braille display including firmware haven’t changed so, in my 
> opinion, the problem is only caused 
> by the os.
> It’s so disappointing that apple doesn’t make any priority of supporting 
> older hardware on the way it was in previous versions.
> As quality label, waiting more then 3 months for a fix of this essential 
> hardware problem, for blind users, is not acceptable in my opinion.
> And, even more since the particular hardware isn’t working at all.
> I can only wish and pray that 10.9.2 is coming soon and brings a fix for this 
> problem.
> Kind regards,
> William Windels
> Op 8-jan.-2014, om 15:36 heeft Margot von Bedö  
> het volgende geschreven:
>> Hello  William,
>> We are aware of this problem, and are assisting Apple to get it resolved. A 
>> fix will soon be provided in the form of an OS update.
>> However, we cannot specify exactly when the update will be released. 
>> Unfortunately we are not aware of any workaround except to
>> either wait for the update (which shouldn't take long), or, for the time 
>> being, roll back to a previous version of MacOS.
>> Sorry for not having a better idea!
>> Best regards
>> Margot von Bedö
>> Handy Tech Elektronik GmbH
>> Brunnenstraße 10
>> 72160 Horb
>> Germany
>> Tel: +49 (0)7451 5546-55
>> Fax: +49 (0)7451 5546-67
>> E-Mail:
>> Internet:
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Horb-Nordstetten - Handelsregister Stuttgart HRB 
>> 440471 - Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Kipke -
>> USt-IdNr.: DE 213 128 795
>> Werden Sie Teil unserer Handy Tech Internetgemeinde und bleiben Sie immer 
>> informiert!
>> Join the Handy Tech web-community and stay up to date!
>> Facebook: Deutsch: English:  Youtube:  Twitter:  Google+:  RSS-Feed: 
>> Deutsch:  English:  
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: William Windels [] 
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014 12:15
>> An:
>> Betreff: braille star 80 and osx mavericks
>> Hello,
>> My handy tech braille star 80 isn't working anymore on osx mavericks 10.9
>> while it works perfectly on 10.8.5.
>> I have reported this at and they are investigating
>> the problem.
>> I tought with 10.9.1, the problem should be fixed but it wasn't.
>> Perhaps you know more about changes in drivers or some other changes that
>> are causing this problem?
>> kind regards,
>> William Windels=

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Re: saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Jessica
she can’t open it.

On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Have your friend open the zip and make sure its a .xls file.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> i have no clue, how would i find out?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying to 
>>> 'help' you along the way by zipping the files.
>>> CB
 On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
 I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to people 
 who have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip files instead of 
 .xls, csv, or .doc. why could this be?
 I walk by faith, not by sight.
 2 Corinthians 5: 7
>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Filenames longer than 31 characters on the mac

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

Try saving the document to the Desktop.  When you do the cmd-s to Save, press 
cmd-shift-d to set the save location to the Desktop.  Try a longer than 31 
character title there.  I’m wondering if TextEdit is trying to save your 
document to iCloud,, and if that could cause this sort of error message.  Not 
sure, just a thought.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:08 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> That is the strange issue: I'm trying to save to the hard drive the way I've 
> always done. And suddenly this message when trying to do it in TextEdit. It 
> threw me completely.
> Maybe it will settle down. If you don't know what might have gone wrong with 
> your experience, I think it must be some kind of a crazy gremlin. 
> Thanks for responding.
> Andrew
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Re: Advanced wireless settings

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

I don’t believe that you need to go to that much effort.  The newer Airport 
devices are dual bandwidth and the devices that use N will grab the N signal 
and the other devices that use G will grab that signal.  Your Airport will 
handle that stuff on its own.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:56 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> Thank you both.
> I didn’t know about the system settings under utilities.  That wireless 
> information is interesting.
> VO-f2f2 did tell me about the additional pop-over, but it wouldn’t let me 
> interact with it.  Each time I entered or VO-spaced on it, the window 
> disappeared from view.
> Another question:
> I have a main network, then a guest network.  Is it possible or advisable to 
> have one network dedicated to wireless N, and the other dedicated to wireless 
> G.  Most of our devices are wireless N, but there are one or two hanging 
> around that still use G only.
> Thanks,
> Traci
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The Airport Utility has new window is telling you just that.  In certain 
>> situations, when focused on specific items within Airport Utility, new 
>> pop-up windows will appear.  These windows give you more information about 
>> those items, as in Hardware Addresses, specific error messages etc.  
>> Usually, as Barry mentioned, VO-f2-f2 will give you access to that window.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 12:30 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>>> Hi Traci,
>>> You can see all of what you are looking for in the wifi section in system 
>>> information.  It is in the utilities folder.
>>> I’m not sure this is what you’re talking about, but when I read through the 
>>> connected wireless clients list, I don’t hear vo say “airport utility has 
>>> new window.”.  You might see if you can find something with vo-f2 twice.
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>> A few questions here:
>>> Does anyone use a different utility aside from Airport?
>>> How do you read the wireless traffic on and around your network?  How do 
>>> you find out which channels are the busiest in your neighborhood?
>>> Lastly, when I’m reading through the wireless devices list, VO says airport 
>>> utility has new window.  Should I be able to jump to this window, or is 
>>> there information inside it I need to know?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Traci
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
I take it you aren’t implying all blind people are average, as I have yet to 
meet a blind person who can fully use google and all of there native apps with 
On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:20 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Actually, Google is an excellent research company. Outside of universities, 
> Google hires more PhD's and researchers then any other private company. The 
> problems are: because they have mainly very geeky people, they are not good 
> at writing basic level user interfaces, and Devices the research work well 
> for people who know what they are doing, but do not necessarily work so well 
> for average people.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:54, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Thanks for letting me know the Google issues are not just with Apple. I am 
>> an Apple loyalist, but assumed the Gmail issues and screen reader were just 
>> with Apple. I am noticing that all of my sent emails are also going to this 
>> ALL mail folder. I found some instructions on the web on what to do, but 
>> can’t seem to navigate Gmail on the web at all, as the old classic view 
>> seems to gone away. Hilarious that Google still can’t make their mail and 
>> apps work with a screen reader, but people are going to trust Google to put 
>> them behind the wheel of a self driving car. Makes me laugh. At least mail 
>> is working a lot better today, but would like to get to the root of the 
>> problem before the problems arise again.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:42 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Yes, but it is not just VO. Bye had similar problems when I used Windows 
>>> systems. Google regularly has problems with screenreader access.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:21, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 I think it is in settings but the idiots at Google still can’t make their 
 gmail website work with VO. I just looked at the gmail site, and I think 
 it reverted back to the view that doesn’t work with VO, and I can’t seem 
 to find the damn link for classic view or non html whatever it is called. 
 Very frustrating that Google still refuses to design their apps and stuff 
 to work with VO.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, David Chittenden  
> wrote:
> Gmail has a couple settings which are initially set in a confusing way. 
> One of these settings is archive all mail. This is the default setting. 
> It means, whenever an email is deleted, Gmail places the archive label on 
> the message. For some reason, when Apple mail first sees these old 
> messages, it assigns them back to the original inbox folder. I ended up 
> with over 140,000 email messages since 2005.
> The solution is: go to
> and log-in to your gmail account. Find the preferences or settings page 
> (I do not remember what it is called), and locate the how to handle 
> deleted messages. Change this setting from permanently archive to delete. 
> Another setting found in this area is POP3 or IMAP. These are checkboxes, 
> so Gmail can be set to do both at the same time. I used to do this, but 
> found occasional headaches from it, so changed everything to IMAP.
> I am currently in the process of deleting all my older messages. I 
> occasionally sort out important messages during the process. I am doing 
> this on my iPhone as the mail interface makes more sense to me. I am down 
> to 44,000 messages at this point.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 4:15, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Nicholas,
>> Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at 
>> this all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck 
>> is this folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is 
>> there a way to manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted 
>> assistance to purge some mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the 
>> activity menu to see what mail is doing? Will explore around for it, but 
>> not sure where it is. Thanks,
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Bryan,
>>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There 
>>> seems to be lots of different issues

Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread CJ Daniel

It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer any 
prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, depending 
on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app specific folders 
on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to repair disk 
permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like “CCleaner” do a good 
job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.

Hope this helps,


On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:

> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
> ---
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Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Good luck with that, as I deleted Downcast and have yet to be able to get it to 
actually open since reinstalling it from the app store, have traded a ton of 
emails with the developers but still have yet to be able to get Downcast to 
open on my mac, it just quits as soon as launched.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and reinstalling 
> the app.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that for 
>> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I 
>> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally, 
especially for .app files. Some applications, mostly the ones that come with a 
.pkg installer, will include uninstall tools you should use. These will clear 
up any folders or files the app created when it was installed. Again, though, 
the more common .app files can simply be deleted to uninstall them.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:39 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:

> Scott,
> It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
> something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
> Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
> have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer 
> any prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, 
> depending on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app 
> specific folders on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to 
> repair disk permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like 
> “CCleaner” do a good job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.
> Hope this helps,
> CJ
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:
>> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
>> ---
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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RE: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Jesus Garcia
Try the following see below.
1) Close Downcast 
2) Open Terminal 
3) Run this command in Terminal: defaults delete com.jamawkinaw.downcast.mac

That will delete your Downcast preferences. The next time you start Downcast
you should hit CMD 
+ R after it starts up to refresh all your podcasts. Since this is deleting
your preferences, you'll need 
to then re-enable iCloud settings so you get back in sync with your other
Good luck. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: January 21, 2014 18:41
Subject: Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

Good luck with that, as I deleted Downcast and have yet to be able to get it
to actually open since reinstalling it from the app store, have traded a ton
of emails with the developers but still have yet to be able to get Downcast
to open on my mac, it just quits as soon as launched.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and
reinstalling the app.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that
for the last few days, I can't use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I
wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Christina C.
There is a setting i use to automatically delete messages in my sent 
folder/label after 30 days. I am sure this setting is in apple mail but I 
cannot remember if it is also in gmail. It seems like I remember this setting 
in gmail. This is how I keep my sent folder from growing so large. :) I do not 
archive though, I delete so my deleted messages are truly gone and not simply 
labeled as archive.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey David, One last question. I left a message for the guy I spoke to at 
> Apple, hopefully he will call me back. Anyway, I just noticed in Mac mail in 
> my sent folder there are 14000 messages. Can I delete all of these, will this 
> help? I assume since I am not deleting anything from the All mail folder 
> anything that I have labeled and put in to what I call a folder will still be 
> there and remain. And of course, right after I mention how good mail has been 
> working the busy busy issues have returned a little.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:36 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Look at how much you are struggling with the label concept that Gmail 
>> actually uses. It took me a couple years to get my head around the concept. 
>> It is difficult to understand because it is so different from any other mail 
>> handling protocols I have seen. So, I am not surprised that the tech support 
>> person went down the wrong track. Most people do not understand what Gmail 
>> actually does.
>> In point of fact, there are no folders in Gmail. There is only one folder 
>> called all mail. This folder contains every email message.
>> What helped me to understand this was when I switched to the mac and learned 
>> about virtual folders. A virtual folder does not actually have any messages 
>> in it. A virtual folder is an index list of all the messages which match its 
>> criteria. However, when in the virtual folder, email appears and handles the 
>> same way that it does in any other folder. You are just manipulating the 
>> message in its original folder, but you are in the virtual folder.
>> In Gmail, all folders are virtual except the all mail folder. There is only 
>> one copy of your message, and it is in the all mail folder. When you access 
>> it in any other folder, you are using a label index system to access the 
>> message that is actually only located in the all mail folder. If you should 
>> move the message from the gmail folder to a local only folder, the message 
>> is copied from all mail and then deleted from all mail. If you move a 
>> message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but its indexing label name is changed. If you copy 
>> a message from one gmail folder to another gmail folder, the message remains 
>> in the all mail folder, but it is given a second indexing label.
>> Like I said, it is difficult to get one's head around how it works, so try 
>> and cut the tech support person a little slack. Even the tech support person 
>> is only human. Figure out how to understand mac mail's virtual mailboxes and 
>> the gmail system should start making more sense. Then, if you have another 
>> problem, you might be able to educate that tech support person on something 
>> which is extremely confusing. 
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 9:14, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Well what makes it even more irksome is for the Apple rep to claim it is 
>>> not a gmail issue, and walk me through a ton of stuff that unfortunately 
>>> didn’t fix anything, so after I was off the phone with Apple, I deleted my 
>>> gmail account from mail, and mail worked perfectly fine. Not sure why Apple 
>>> can’t just admit and be honest that there is still a gmail issue. 
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:59 PM, David Chittenden  
 Apple fixed the problems in Gmail for many of their Max. However, after 
 the Mavericks update was released, some users still reported email 
 problems. So, Apple continues trying to figure out what is going on. This 
 is the nature of programming and bugs.
 David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
 Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
 Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Jan 2014, at 6:59, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Yes, that is what I thought. Hilarious as now I only get new mail upon 
> quitting mail and restarting mail. Very frustrating, and I would have 
> never upgraded to Mavericks if I knew the gmail issue was still such a 
> problem, so yeah, I am pissed off at Apple for claiming they fixed the 
> gmail problem. Very misleading, and I guess you just can’t trust anything 
> you hear anymore.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Robert C  wrote:
>> If you delete mail from All Mail, you will delete everything that is

Switching Between Docs In iText Express On A Mac Air

2014-01-21 Thread Eileens Misrahi
Hello Folks,

I am hoping someone can assist me in using iTex Express in switching between 2 
or more files that are opened on my Air. I am using ML. I am viewing one 
document and need to make notes for training purposes. This feature I am 
well-acquainted with on the PC side and I was wondering if it exists on the Mac 
side. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to accomplish this. 

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread CJ Daniel


Yes, of course.  I should have mentioned the packages uninstaller.  But 
honestly, it seems as if I hardly ever have the luxury of using one.  I.E. they 
never seem to be available when I need one.  H’mmm, kind of like a cop on the 


On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally, 
> especially for .app files. Some applications, mostly the ones that come with 
> a .pkg installer, will include uninstall tools you should use. These will 
> clear up any folders or files the app created when it was installed. Again, 
> though, the more common .app files can simply be deleted to uninstall them.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:39 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Scott,
>> It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
>> something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
>> Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
>> have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer 
>> any prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, 
>> depending on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app 
>> specific folders on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to 
>> repair disk permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like 
>> “CCleaner” do a good job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:
>>> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
>>> ---
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread David Taylor
Fine here too


On 21 Jan 2014, at 22:42, matthew dyer  wrote:

> Hi,
> No problems here.  I am able to use it  just fine.
> Matthew
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that for 
>> the last few days, I can’t use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I 
>> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I'll try that. Thanks for all the tips. Downcast was working just fine three 
days ago!

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 12:05 am, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
> Try the following see below.
> 1) Close Downcast 
> 2) Open Terminal 
> 3) Run this command in Terminal: defaults delete com.jamawkinaw.downcast.mac
> That will delete your Downcast preferences. The next time you start Downcast
> you should hit CMD 
> + R after it starts up to refresh all your podcasts. Since this is deleting
> your preferences, you'll need 
> to then re-enable iCloud settings so you get back in sync with your other
> devices. 
> Good luck. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
> Sent: January 21, 2014 18:41
> To:
> Subject: Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?
> Good luck with that, as I deleted Downcast and have yet to be able to get it
> to actually open since reinstalling it from the app store, have traded a ton
> of emails with the developers but still have yet to be able to get Downcast
> to open on my mac, it just quits as soon as launched.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and
> reinstalling the app.
>>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that
> for the last few days, I can't use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I
> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
>>> Kawal.
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Re: iBooks, Was just upgraded to Mavericks, question re Eva voice

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi, Teresa,

Thanks for the tips.  I’ve been following the iBooks discussions pretty closely 
in anticipation of the upgrade, but I’ll definitely keep this in mind.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Donna,
> Just be aware that iBooks is a bit tricky. When you’re in the library, push 
> the lists radio button to have VO say your book titles. When you open a book, 
> the chapter will be in an HTmL area, which you have to interact with. The 
> shortcut key to switch chapters doesn’t work well with vO, so use the Go menu 
> instead. Also, books with complicated sections within chapters don’t work 
> properly with vO. Straightforward text within chapters will read well.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:23 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Ah. I thought I had a vague recollection of seeing some postings to that 
>> effect, but couldn’t remember for sure.  Thanks for confirming.  
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:17 AM, David Taylor  wrote:
>>> No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:41, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to 
 Mavericks.  Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade.  Though I haven’t had 
 much time to look at iBooks, I’m looking forward to having it on my Mac, 
 and I’m pleased to see that some commands that didn’t work in ML have been 
 I tried out the Eva voice, but am finding that changes to pitch and volume 
 have no impact.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there a fix?
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Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread Jim Gatteys
also an app called App Delete will clean up unwanted files associated with a 
specific application being deleted.  It works great and does not cost a lot.

On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally, 
> especially for .app files. Some applications, mostly the ones that come with 
> a .pkg installer, will include uninstall tools you should use. These will 
> clear up any folders or files the app created when it was installed. Again, 
> though, the more common .app files can simply be deleted to uninstall them.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:39 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Scott,
>> It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
>> something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
>> Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
>> have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer 
>> any prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, 
>> depending on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app 
>> specific folders on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to 
>> repair disk permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like 
>> “CCleaner” do a good job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:
>>> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
>>> ---
>>> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
>>> protection is active.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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DBT To Preview At ATIA DBT 11.2 and DBT Mac

2014-01-21 Thread Eileens Misrahi

I thought this was an interesting post from Duxbury. ATIA is next week and in 
their post they were plugging to preview DBT 11.2 and possibly DBT Mac. That's 
right!!! I just said the magic words: DBT Mac. I hope they can pull it off and 
have DBT mac ready for distribution. This would cross one item off my list and 
maybe I could get use to iWorks. JMO.


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-21 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Eric, as always well written.
I have to admit  have not thought of that, but of course it is a given
that " special " products will be less and less needed.
if you mean that fewer and fewer computers are being sold, it is both
exciting and also scary. I for one wonder how i would connect my
scanner too my iPad, or what ever that little device is called in 2, 3
years time  smiles.
I have always found that jaws did what it was suppose too do, but it
simply costs too much and i moved on too linux, from linux to mac. Am
actually considering messing with linux again. however that is another
What i think honestly  is this, today stick with nvda, it is cheap, =
free, open, and it really gets the job done.
My next project will be in Espeak too make something that sounds like
eloquence, am not saying it will be easy, but it should be doable. Mac
and windows, the best of 2 worlds.
if you wanna get something done in this wonderful world as a blind
person, you sometimes granded gotta know more about the things you are
using, but in the end it will just make you stronger.


On 1/21/14, Daniel Hawkins  wrote:
> That’s an ouch! Whell somebody just wasted $1,000 for a Surface Pro. Wait!
> NVDA to the rescue! lol.
> Maybe partnered with MS it will be slipstreamed in Windows 9? Hopfully!
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:40 PM, David Tanner 
> wrote:
>> One thing that may be a bit of an issue is that looking at Jaws, NVDA,
>> Window-Eyes and even adding System Access to the list, Window-Eyes is the
>> only one out of the four that apparently has no ability to be used on a
>> Windows 8 tablet.  That may be an issue that Microsoft hasn’t taken into
>> consideration.
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Hawkins
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:02 PM
>> To: Mac Visionary
>> Subject: Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader
>> built in
>> Lol, Windows 3.1 is a little before my time. But in a way Microsoft is
>> trying to catch up, their Windows 8 Pro can do both do the ARM based
>> Windows 8 apps and are cross platforms. Apple are slowly intregrating IOS
>> and Mac. And Google have the Chromebook.
>> As ARM based cpu get more powerful that can bridge the gap between Intel
>> based OS it will be streamlined soon. Even Linux is now getting into ARM
>> bsed OS.
>> So in that case, I still think the three major screenreaders will be
>> around.Unless JAWS can’t keep their contracts, they will be forced to
>> lower their prices, so we will see.
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>> 4GB DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf 
>> wrote:
>> Hey guys,  Another thing has occurred to me about this.  As you know,
>> window-eyes has been under developed for several years.  You might not be
>> aware that the personal computer is set to go on the long tail in 2016.
>> Sales of personal computers have been falling by about 30 per sent per
>> year.  April 2013 was the worst quarter for PC sales in 20 years.  In 2012
>> smartphones made up more than 50 per sent of all cell phone use in the
>> United States.  In 2013, Tablet sales exploded and the tablet is poised to
>> out sell the personal computer in 2014.
>> It will take a long time for corporate and government to catch up, but
>> they are both already in the mobile space.  Where do jaws, Window-eyes,
>> and even NVDA fit in to the 5 year trend of the over all market?
>> Especially with IPhone and android being very high quality accessibility
>> choices and new accessibility features emerging on Blackberry to compete
>> with the other two leading mobile platforms.
>> Remember when windows 3.1 came along and people started competing for
>> access to windows?  How many market leading companies raced to add
>> accessibility features.  Let's see…  henter-joice, gw michro, synthavoice
>> computers, artic, dolphin, AISquared…  How many of those companies, most
>> of whom are still with us, have competed for anything in the mobile space?
>>  AISquared, codefactory, that's all I can think of.  Humanware and AFB
>> have stepped into the mobile space but their efforts have met with mixed
>> success.
>> Very few of Our so called leaders in accessibility are hungry for shares
>> of the new economy the way they were when windows 95 came out and blind
>> people could somewhat use it.
>> Could it be that there is no money or not as much money as we think in the
>> window-eyes for office move and that it's part of an exit strategy to keep
>> as much value in the product as possible for as long as possible?  I'm
>> sure Dan and Doug have rock solid RRSPs

Re: Switching Between Docs In iText Express On A Mac Air

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Do you mean switching between applications? If so, cmd tab will do the trick. 
If not, maybe I am not getting the question.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:20 PM, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:

> Hello Folks,
> I am hoping someone can assist me in using iTex Express in switching between 
> 2 or more files that are opened on my Air. I am using ML. I am viewing one 
> document and need to make notes for training purposes. This feature I am 
> well-acquainted with on the PC side and I was wondering if it exists on the 
> Mac side. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to accomplish this. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-21 Thread Mike Arrigo
I mostly use a mac, but was at a friend’s place the other day, they use windows 
7 with NVDA, and it works great. Unless you are using a really nonstandard 
application, I can’t see any reason to pay for these expensive screen readers 
anymore, they simply are not needed.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:40 PM, David Tanner  wrote:

> One thing that may be a bit of an issue is that looking at Jaws, NVDA, 
> Window-Eyes and even adding System Access to the list, Window-Eyes is the 
> only one out of the four that apparently has no ability to be used on a 
> Windows 8 tablet.  That may be an issue that Microsoft hasn’t taken into 
> consideration.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Hawkins
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:02 PM
> To: Mac Visionary
> Subject: Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader 
> built in
> Lol, Windows 3.1 is a little before my time. But in a way Microsoft is trying 
> to catch up, their Windows 8 Pro can do both do the ARM based Windows 8 apps 
> and are cross platforms. Apple are slowly intregrating IOS and Mac. And 
> Google have the Chromebook.
> As ARM based cpu get more powerful that can bridge the gap between Intel 
> based OS it will be streamlined soon. Even Linux is now getting into ARM bsed 
> OS.
> So in that case, I still think the three major screenreaders will be 
> around.Unless JAWS can’t keep their contracts, they will be forced to lower 
> their prices, so we will see.
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hey guys,  Another thing has occurred to me about this.  As you know, 
> window-eyes has been under developed for several years.  You might not be 
> aware that the personal computer is set to go on the long tail in 2016.  
> Sales of personal computers have been falling by about 30 per sent per year.  
> April 2013 was the worst quarter for PC sales in 20 years.  In 2012 
> smartphones made up more than 50 per sent of all cell phone use in the United 
> States.  In 2013, Tablet sales exploded and the tablet is poised to out sell 
> the personal computer in 2014.  
> It will take a long time for corporate and government to catch up, but they 
> are both already in the mobile space.  Where do jaws, Window-eyes, and even 
> NVDA fit in to the 5 year trend of the over all market?  Especially with 
> IPhone and android being very high quality accessibility choices and new 
> accessibility features emerging on Blackberry to compete with the other two 
> leading mobile platforms.
> Remember when windows 3.1 came along and people started competing for access 
> to windows?  How many market leading companies raced to add accessibility 
> features.  Let's see…  henter-joice, gw michro, synthavoice computers, artic, 
> dolphin, AISquared…  How many of those companies, most of whom are still with 
> us, have competed for anything in the mobile space?  AISquared, codefactory, 
> that's all I can think of.  Humanware and AFB have stepped into the mobile 
> space but their efforts have met with mixed success.
> Very few of Our so called leaders in accessibility are hungry for shares of 
> the new economy the way they were when windows 95 came out and blind people 
> could somewhat use it.
> Could it be that there is no money or not as much money as we think in the 
> window-eyes for office move and that it's part of an exit strategy to keep as 
> much value in the product as possible for as long as possible?  I'm sure Dan 
> and Doug have rock solid RRSPs/retirement packages  So do Eric and the other 
> FS bigwigs.  These people aren't showing the drive to innovate that they once 
> did.  They are in fact, stodgy.  What has GW done for us lately?  Proprietary 
> desktop applications  for skype and facebook, both of which are much more 
> accessible in the mobile space to begin with and both of which are better 
> suited to the mobile space than the desktop space IMHO.  It's GW's attempt to 
> coast through for another couple of years until the pc space evaporates and 
> the heads can retire.
> All speculation on my part.  I loved  window-eyes when it was on the cutting 
> edge.  I just don't see it now though.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2014-01-20, at 5:45 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:
> I do not understand all of the ins and outs of this but overall it appears to 
> be a positive thing for blind and visually impaired as well as for others 
> with  various disabilities and challenges requiring adaptive software and 
> equipment. I did crack up at the line about being leaders. LOL! They are 
> behind the ball if you ask me. I love apple and my mac

Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
I was under the impression that hiding the Gmail All Mail folder in Mavericks 
Mail causes all messages to reappear in the Inbox. Is this not the case?


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:54 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> Yes, the all mail folder can be safely hidden. Every email message is given a 
> label. When you change the emails folder, what is actually changed is the 
> label which is assigned to the message.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 7:24, "Christina C."  wrote:
>> I am not having any problems at all with gmail. Despite the suggestion that 
>> you not hide the all mail folder…mine is hidden from apple mail. I have no 
>> idea why, but this has not caused me any problems whatsoever. I also delete 
>> instead of archive any unwanted mail. If it’s an email I want to save I just 
>> move it to a folder/label called “filed” and this seems to work for me if I 
>> don't’ want an email in my inbox but I might want to access it later.
>> If only showing 1000 messages fixes your problem than maybe you could use 
>> safari and the gmail website to search for an old email? Or maybe even 
>> though you only show 1000 messages when you do a search it will search all 
>> messages??? I do not know. Maybe someone else here has a suggestion on 
>> accessing old emails.
>> A long time ago I wanted to get rid of tons of unwanted emails so I created 
>> folders in apple mail to the on my mac instead of in the gmail portion of 
>> the side bar in apple mail. I don’t know how to explain that one, except to 
>> say that the folders were on my computer’s hard drive instead of syncing 
>> with gmail. then I went to gmails’ website and cleaned everything up except 
>> for the newest incoming messages. Then I went back to apple mail and moved 
>> the emails from my hard drive back to the appropriate folders in my gmail 
>> account. It was a crazy time but that was how I got rid of all the years and 
>> years of unwanted emails but I still was able to keep the ones that I 
>> wanted. It wasn’t a perfect solution but it worked for me.  It was a couple 
>> of years ago and I don’t remember all the details. So I don’t remember 
>> exactly everything I did so I hope I am not leading you astray. I am 
>> absolutely no expert of any kind, very very far from it. I just cannot put 
>> my finger on why some are having major problems and some are not. The one 
>> thing I know I do different than a lot of people is that I do not Archive, I 
>> delete emails.
>> Christina 
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Re: DBT To Preview At ATIA DBT 11.2 and DBT Mac

2014-01-21 Thread Robert C

   I saw that too and thought, wow! Cannot wait to hear more after this 
event. I am curious to find out if MS Word will still be used or if this 
version of DBT will work with the Apple version. If that be the case, 
then I could pack up Windows, or better yet, break some windows (which I 
never did as a kid).

Quote of the nanosecond . . .
Hackers make toys. Crackers break them.
Robert & Dreamer Doll  ke7nwn

On 1/21/2014 5:15 PM, Eileens Misrahi wrote:


I thought this was an interesting post from Duxbury. ATIA is next week and in 
their post they were plugging to preview DBT 11.2 and possibly DBT Mac. That's 
right!!! I just said the magic words: DBT Mac. I hope they can pull it off and 
have DBT mac ready for distribution. This would cross one item off my list and 
maybe I could get use to iWorks. JMO.


Sent from my iPhone

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Confusion About Junk Mailbox

2014-01-21 Thread Desi Noller
Good Evening!

Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox.  I want to mark 
them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how!  I've only had this problem 
since Mavericks.  What am I missing?


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Re: Confusion About Junk Mailbox

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
I believe that moving the message from your junk mailbox to your inbox will 
change its status so that mail no longer marks it as junk.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jan 2014, at 15:40, Desi Noller  wrote:
> Good Evening!
> Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox.  I want to 
> mark them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how!  I've only had this 
> problem since Mavericks.  What am I missing?
> Desi
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Re: Confusion About Junk Mailbox

2014-01-21 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks David!  That makes perfect sense to me!  In fact, I did that with at 
least one message, but haven't received any further messages from that person, 
so am not sure that it worked.  Thanks for letting me know I'm at least on the 
right track!


On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:48 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> I believe that moving the message from your junk mailbox to your inbox will 
> change its status so that mail no longer marks it as junk.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 15:40, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Good Evening!
>> Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox.  I want to 
>> mark them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how!  I've only had this 
>> problem since Mavericks.  What am I missing?
>> Desi
>> -- 
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Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler

That si the file I deleted and since then I can’t even get Downcast to open. I 
have even uninstalled and reinstalled it, done a system repair and still 
Downcast will not open the program quits upon launch and just asks if I want to 
send an error report.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:05 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Try the following see below.
> 1) Close Downcast 
> 2) Open Terminal 
> 3) Run this command in Terminal: defaults delete com.jamawkinaw.downcast.mac
> That will delete your Downcast preferences. The next time you start Downcast
> you should hit CMD 
> + R after it starts up to refresh all your podcasts. Since this is deleting
> your preferences, you'll need 
> to then re-enable iCloud settings so you get back in sync with your other
> devices. 
> Good luck. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
> Sent: January 21, 2014 18:41
> To:
> Subject: Re: What's wrong with Downcast on the Mac?
> Good luck with that, as I deleted Downcast and have yet to be able to get it
> to actually open since reinstalling it from the app store, have traded a ton
> of emails with the developers but still have yet to be able to get Downcast
> to open on my mac, it just quits as soon as launched.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No, Downcast on OS X works perfect fine here. Try deleting and
> reinstalling the app.
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Has anyone used Downcast in the last few days on their Mac?  Just that
> for the last few days, I can't use it and have to use it on the I phone.  I
> wonder if Downcast is down as my internet connection is fine.
>>> Kawal.
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Re: Filenames longer than 31 characters on the mac

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Just tried saving a textedit doc into icloud with the filename of "this 
is a really long file name to see if I get an error" and there was no 
error. So I don't think iCloud has any 31 character file limits. The 31 
character limit that I know of goes back to the days of MacOS 7 and the 
HFS format. That was replaced with HFS+ which removed the 31 character 
file length limit in MacOS 8.x. I don't think you can even format a 
drive in the original HFS format under OSX. Is the volume you are saving 
to something special like an old external drive, thumb drive or network 
share that might be under some ancient disk format?


On 1/21/14 6:23 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


Try saving the document to the Desktop.  When you do the cmd-s to 
Save, press cmd-shift-d to set the save location to the Desktop.  Try 
a longer than 31 character title there.  I’m wondering if TextEdit is 
trying to save your document to iCloud,, and if that could cause this 
sort of error message.  Not sure, just a thought.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:08 PM, Andrew Lamanche>> wrote:

Hello Anne,

That is the strange issue: I'm trying to save to the hard drive the 
way I've always done. And suddenly this message when trying to do it 
in TextEdit. It threw me completely.

Maybe it will settle down. If you don't know what might have gone 
wrong with your experience, I think it must be some kind of a crazy 

Thanks for responding.


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Re: saving files in different formats and also how to move them from one location to another under mavericks

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
If you have the file selected you can do a command-I to get info on the 
file and the Size field will tell you how big it is. In general 10MB and 
under should go through ok with most email providers. The internet 
standards for MIME encoded attachments have no size limits but that 
doesn't mean one service provider or another doesn't impose one. MIME 
also adds about a third again of overhead so emailing a 3MB file will 
take about 4MB of space, pushing you over the 10MB limit sooner. I know 
Outlook and some other email clients have options to automatically zip 
attachments but I was unaware of Apple Mail doing this. I have heard it 
will zip a folder. Are you attaching the actual file or a folder of files?


On 1/21/14 5:27 PM, Jessica D wrote:

i have no clue, how would i find out?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

How big are the files you are trying to send? Maybe something is trying to 
'help' you along the way by zipping the files.


On 1/21/14 5:04 PM, Jess wrote:
I am having extreme difficulty sending word and/or excel files to people who 
have older versions of windows. It sends them as .zip files instead of .xls, 
csv, or .doc. why could this be?
I walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5: 7


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Re: Switching Between Docs In iText Express On A Mac Air

2014-01-21 Thread Eileens Misrahi

I'll try this too. What my sighted son recommended was to use the window 
chooser (VO-F2 twice for us). The behavior of CMD-TAB relates to ALT-TAB on the 
PC. However, when I used this keystroke it just cycled between the opened 
applications and not the opened iText Express doc files. So, I'm left with the 
method which I first stated above. It's just getting use to the environment 
that works on the Mac. 

Thanks for your input.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Daniel Hawkins  

> Do you mean switching between applications? If so, cmd tab will do the trick. 
> If not, maybe I am not getting the question.
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:20 PM, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> I am hoping someone can assist me in using iTex Express in switching between 
>> 2 or more files that are opened on my Air. I am using ML. I am viewing one 
>> document and need to make notes for training purposes. This feature I am 
>> well-acquainted with on the PC side and I was wondering if it exists on the 
>> Mac side. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to accomplish this. 
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> Eileen
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Numbers | Merging Cells and Text Boxes

2014-01-21 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Tim,

Yes, and if in the situation you outline I enter text in B1 or C1 then the text 
in A1 changes.

However, even though this has technically worked properly, and probably looks 
fine to sighted people, it doesn't make a lot of sense to a VoiceOver user. If 
I or another VoiceOver user comes across an empty cell, our first inclination 
is probably that the cell is empty, not that it is merged with a neighbouring 

That in mind, do you know of any work arounds? I was thinking potentially of 
using a text box as a higher level heading rather than a merged cell. Do you 
know how to use text boxes in Numbers?

Thanks for your help!


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Opening the Context Menu (was: Re: Using pages, templates.)

2014-01-21 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi Jürgen,

I wouldn't want to mislead you… :) There are a number of different ways to open 
the context menu: VO-Shift-M, clicking the TrackPad with two fingers, holding 
the control key and clicking the TrackPad with one finger, or even, I believe, 
clicking with one finger on the right hand side of the TrackPad. All of these 
methods open the same context menu, or at least they are supposed to. Only 
sometimes VO-Shift-M doesn't work for some reason and one of the other methods 
has to be used instead. I just always go with the control click method out of 
the various TrackPad methods, just a personal preference. :)


On 21 Jan 2014, at 6:16 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:


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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Just to add a few points…
I believe that if you deleted messages in your Sent mailbox that these messages 
would actually be deleted, and would not still be found in All Mail. Although 
the Sent mailbox is just a label, deleting a message with the Sent label would 
remove the Sent label, apply the Trash/Bin label and tell Google to expunge it 
from the server in the time frame you set in the settings/preferences. If, on 
the other hand you archive instead of delete, which I do by pressing 
command-control-a, the Sent label would be removed and the message would only 
live on in the All Mail folder with no custom labels. With other email 
providers, and with gMail prior to Mavericks, archiving a message in Apple Mail 
by pressing command-control-a would create a folder (or, in gMail's case, a 
label) called ‘Archive’ if one did not already exist and move the message to 
that Archive mailbox.
JOe Kissell has written a number of Macworld and TidBits articles as well as a 
couple of books about gMail, IMAP and Apple devices. I highly recommend these 
to anyone who wants to learn more about how gMail actually handles your email. 
For something which you would think should be fairly simple like email, it's 
actually really quite complicated. Understanding it really helps to manage your 
email effectively.
Having said that, I still do not use gMail for all my most important email. But 
it works well for subscriptions, account creation and email lists.

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Re: Ftp and Terminal mode

2014-01-21 Thread Daniela Rubio
Please, can somebody give a hand to start an FTP by terminal? I have some 
instructions, but it says that I need to wright the FTP’s IP address and the 
only thing I have is an FTP link, the address that one uses as a host on an FTP 
Thank you very much for your help!
Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

El 21/01/2014, a las 16:31, Tim Emmons  escribió:

> Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the free 
> Ftp clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow irk or maybe I'm missing 
> something on the setup, not sure, cyberduck might work but I can't seem to 
> get the download to work, but I am able to get into ftp using terminal. Once 
> I've established a connection, got to a main directory say for instance 
> books, and then the directory is divided into letters of the alphabet showing 
> the author's first name, how do I first navigate to that directory list, and 
> then how do I get a book from that author's particular listing. I am sort of 
> new, but I like the terminal approach but just trying to learn. Thanks for 
> any help. take care and talk to you soon. 
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Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread David Chittenden
I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on 
an iPhone five.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:57, Mike Busboom  wrote:
> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard 
> feedback from the list.  I didn't rule out that I was doing something 
> fundamentally wrong, though I never had this problem in earlier OS versions.  
> I will report this to the accessibility group but not to anywhere else within 
> Apple  since none of my non-disabled friends with whom I have spoken has ever 
> encountered this issue, at least not to my knowledge.
> Mike
>> On 20,Jan,2014, at 8:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> This same thing happens to me also.  I sort of thought I was the only one or 
>> else that I had not entered information correctly.  I assume you already 
>> reported this to Apple?
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending text 
>>> messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number listed 
>>> there.
>>> Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile 
>>> phone, the message is always sent to the landline phone instead.  Since 
>>> this isn't possible, I get a message from my phone company telling me that 
>>> a text message can't be sent to a landline phone.  There is absolutely no 
>>> doubt in my mind that I am clicking on the recipient's mobile phone.  If a 
>>> person sends me a message, and I simply reply, the message is properly sent 
>>> to the recipient's cell phone; I just can't currently start a new message 
>>> thread to anyone in my contact list unless that contact only has a cell 
>>> phone number listed.  I suppose I could go through all of my contacts and 
>>> erase any landline numbers there, but I honestly believe that there is a 
>>> far better solution.
>>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>>> Mike
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
I’ve found Mail to be much more snappy when I went to the Gmail website and 
limited the number of messages to 1000. I realize that not everyone is willing 
or able to do this, but I was, and aside from the occasional delayed syncing 
issues, things are workable for me in Mail now.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:09 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi Bryan,
> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? Meaning 
> in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or hundreds of 
> thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I think 
> is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and reconfigure every 
> message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of messages, easily in the 
> tens of thousands, and some people even have hundreds of thousands. So when 
> you launch Mail after recently installing Mavericks, if you show the activity 
> window with command-option-0, you'll notice that Mail is busy accessing the 
> gMail server and checking and downloading all your messages. Even for a 
> reasonably small account this can take a long time. I left my Mac online with 
> Mail running but nothing else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it 
> to get up and running. So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as 
> many other online services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and 
> leave your Mac online for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just 
> leave it, and don't do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. 
> Configure your energy preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the 
> Mail activity every few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems 
> to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
> Best of luck,
> Nic
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
>> and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
>> busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver people 
>> and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail problem. 
>> I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was claiming 
>> my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It took us a 
>> good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a busy loop, 
>> after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt would fix the 
>> mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of instructions that 
>> Apple gave me for a VoiceOVer user to do a repair. So the repair finally 
>> finishes and as soon as I launch mail, busy busy busy. I decided to delete 
>> my gmail account from mail to see if mail worked with just my go daddy 
>> account, and sure enough mail worked fine, so bingo it is definitely a gmail 
>> problem. What angers me so much is Apple’s claim that the fix they released 
>> in December fixed the gmail and mac mail issue. The whole reason I held off 
>> upgrading to Mavericks was because of the gmail issue. Not sure how they can 
>> claim the issue is fixed when it is obviously gmail causing my problem.
>> I do have a ton of email in gmail that I keep saved in folders, but this was 
>> never an issue with gmail and Lion. Does anyone have any suggestions? I 
>> deleted all my trash in mac mail, and this did nothing either. Anyone who 
>> has gone through something like this and figured out a fix would love to 
>> hear it.
>> Thanks for listening.
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help retrieving my mail

2014-01-21 Thread Dionipher Presas Herrera
i dont know what happen to my mail. it seems like my mail are deleted, i check 
my inbox and deleted folder and there's nothing in there. is this a possible 
thing that happen to my account? or just somebody just hack my account? i did 
even go to my gmail account and my mail is already gone. 

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Re: please disregard previous message

2014-01-21 Thread Andrew Head
Hi Daniel,
Normally to play youtube videos, you just press enter on the file. This wasn’t 
working because my internet was down and once I connected my mac to my IPhone 
using the phone as a wireless network or personal hotspot, the internet worked 
again on my mac. :)
Hope you have a great day,
On 20 Jan 2014, at 1:58 am, Daniel Hawkins  

> Hello Andrew,
> How did you get the video to play? I can’t seem to find the play or pause 
> button.
> Thanks!
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Andrew Head  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> It appears the reason I couldn’t open youtube videos was our internet 
>> playing up. I tried connecting to my personal hotspot on my iphone and this 
>> fixed the problem. 
>> thanks,
>> Andrew 
>> Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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Sent from my 11 inch macbook air

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Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread Mike Busboom
I have a 4S and this problem occurs whenever I try to send a message to a 
contact that has more than one phone number in the contact entry.

On 21,Jan,2014, at 9:23 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on 
> an iPhone five.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:57, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard 
>> feedback from the list.  I didn't rule out that I was doing something 
>> fundamentally wrong, though I never had this problem in earlier OS versions. 
>>  I will report this to the accessibility group but not to anywhere else 
>> within Apple  since none of my non-disabled friends with whom I have spoken 
>> has ever encountered this issue, at least not to my knowledge.
>> Mike
>>> On 20,Jan,2014, at 8:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> This same thing happens to me also.  I sort of thought I was the only one 
>>> or else that I had not entered information correctly.  I assume you already 
>>> reported this to Apple?
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
 On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
 Hello listers,
 Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending 
 text messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number 
 listed there.
 Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile 
 phone, the message is always sent to the landline phone instead.  Since 
 this isn't possible, I get a message from my phone company telling me that 
 a text message can't be sent to a landline phone.  There is absolutely no 
 doubt in my mind that I am clicking on the recipient's mobile phone.  If a 
 person sends me a message, and I simply reply, the message is properly 
 sent to the recipient's cell phone; I just can't currently start a new 
 message thread to anyone in my contact list unless that contact only has a 
 cell phone number listed.  I suppose I could go through all of my contacts 
 and erase any landline numbers there, but I honestly believe that there is 
 a far better solution.
 Thanks for any thoughts.
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Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread Jessica D
 me either, i am running an iphone 5 with 7.0.4 as well and have never seen 
this issue at all.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:23 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> I have never experienced what you describe. I am running iOS version 7.04, on 
> an iPhone five.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 20:57, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard 
>> feedback from the list.  I didn't rule out that I was doing something 
>> fundamentally wrong, though I never had this problem in earlier OS versions. 
>>  I will report this to the accessibility group but not to anywhere else 
>> within Apple  since none of my non-disabled friends with whom I have spoken 
>> has ever encountered this issue, at least not to my knowledge.
>> Mike
>>> On 20,Jan,2014, at 8:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> This same thing happens to me also.  I sort of thought I was the only one 
>>> or else that I had not entered information correctly.  I assume you already 
>>> reported this to Apple?
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
 On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
 Hello listers,
 Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending 
 text messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number 
 listed there.
 Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile 
 phone, the message is always sent to the landline phone instead.  Since 
 this isn't possible, I get a message from my phone company telling me that 
 a text message can't be sent to a landline phone.  There is absolutely no 
 doubt in my mind that I am clicking on the recipient's mobile phone.  If a 
 person sends me a message, and I simply reply, the message is properly 
 sent to the recipient's cell phone; I just can't currently start a new 
 message thread to anyone in my contact list unless that contact only has a 
 cell phone number listed.  I suppose I could go through all of my contacts 
 and erase any landline numbers there, but I honestly believe that there is 
 a far better solution.
 Thanks for any thoughts.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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just upgraded to Mavericks, question re Eva voice

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to 
Mavericks.  Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade.  Though I haven’t had much 
time to look at iBooks, I’m looking forward to having it on my Mac, and I’m 
pleased to see that some commands that didn’t work in ML have been restored.

I tried out the Eva voice, but am finding that changes to pitch and volume have 
no impact.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there a fix?

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MenuTab in Mavericks?

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hello again,

I find that in Mavericks, Ctrl-F does not activate MenuTab.  I’ve looked in 
System Prefs under keyboard, then Shortcuts, but am not seeing anything 
pertaining to MenuTab.  Can someone tell me what the new shortcut key is, and 
also where I should have been looking for it?

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Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
The only possibilities from your end I can think of are: (a) make sure all your 
contacts' phone numbers are correctly identified i.e.: a mobile phone doesn't 
show as "home" etc; (b) if you are typing the beginning of the contact you want 
in messages and then flicking through the choices, make sure there isn't more 
than one choice shown for a contact. Since this has only become a problem since 
Ios 7, probably neither of these is the problem but I know that with syncing 
between iCloud and all my various devices contact information that I have 
changed or deleted can show up again and things can get pretty scrambled-up 


I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
thrown in the trash!
Then God gave me a new heart and life:
His joy for my despairing tears!
And now, every day:
"This I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord
never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:57 AM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard 
> feedback from the list.  I didn't rule out that I was doing something 
> fundamentally wrong, though I never had this problem in earlier OS versions.  
> I will report this to the accessibility group but not to anywhere else within 
> Apple  since none of my non-disabled friends with whom I have spoken has ever 
> encountered this issue, at least not to my knowledge.
> Mike
> On 20,Jan,2014, at 8:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> This same thing happens to me also.  I sort of thought I was the only one or 
>> else that I had not entered information correctly.  I assume you already 
>> reported this to Apple?
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending text 
>>> messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number listed 
>>> there.
>>> Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile 
>>> phone, the message is always sent to the landline phone instead.  Since 
>>> this isn't possible, I get a message from my phone company telling me that 
>>> a text message can't be sent to a landline phone.  There is absolutely no 
>>> doubt in my mind that I am clicking on the recipient's mobile phone.  If a 
>>> person sends me a message, and I simply reply, the message is properly sent 
>>> to the recipient's cell phone; I just can't currently start a new message 
>>> thread to anyone in my contact list unless that contact only has a cell 
>>> phone number listed.  I suppose I could go through all of my contacts and 
>>> erase any landline numbers there, but I honestly believe that there is a 
>>> far better solution.
>>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>>> Mike
>>> -- 
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Re: MenuTab in Mavericks?

2014-01-21 Thread David Taylor
It is whatever you set it to, in the preferences of Menutab. See if you can get 
into its prefs from menu extras and check that you have it enabled. You might 
find that the app is not launching at start up in which case control-f won't 
work until it is launched. You can open it, then check this through its dock 


On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:54, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hello again,
> I find that in Mavericks, Ctrl-F does not activate MenuTab.  I’ve looked in 
> System Prefs under keyboard, then Shortcuts, but am not seeing anything 
> pertaining to MenuTab.  Can someone tell me what the new shortcut key is, and 
> also where I should have been looking for it?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: just upgraded to Mavericks, question re Eva voice

2014-01-21 Thread David Taylor
No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.


On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:41, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to 
> Mavericks.  Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade.  Though I haven’t had much 
> time to look at iBooks, I’m looking forward to having it on my Mac, and I’m 
> pleased to see that some commands that didn’t work in ML have been restored.
> I tried out the Eva voice, but am finding that changes to pitch and volume 
> have no impact.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there a fix?
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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question re folder structure

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

As part of my post-Mavericks installation explorations, I’ve come across 
something that seems rather curious.  I appear to have way too many copies of 
my music folders.  I see the first one under users.  All of my album folders 
are there, there is also an iTunes folder which contains  all that one would 
expect to find there.  then, if I open my particular user folder, it’s all 
there yet again.  The dates on the files are the same.  I’m assuming these are 
duplicates?  Do I need both folders?  I know this may seem like a dumb 
question, but I am thinking I might as well erase the copy that’s just in the 
users folder, and want to make sure beforehand that I’m not going to mess up my 
iTunes library.

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Re: MenuTab in Mavericks?

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Right, thanks.  I didn’t change its startup status, so assumed it would open as 
before.  Off to work, now, but will check this later.  Thanks.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:16 AM, David Taylor  wrote:

> It is whatever you set it to, in the preferences of Menutab. See if you can 
> get into its prefs from menu extras and check that you have it enabled. You 
> might find that the app is not launching at start up in which case control-f 
> won't work until it is launched. You can open it, then check this through its 
> dock menu.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:54, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> I find that in Mavericks, Ctrl-F does not activate MenuTab.  I’ve looked in 
>> System Prefs under keyboard, then Shortcuts, but am not seeing anything 
>> pertaining to MenuTab.  Can someone tell me what the new shortcut key is, 
>> and also where I should have been looking for it?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: just upgraded to Mavericks, question re Eva voice

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Ah. I thought I had a vague recollection of seeing some postings to that 
effect, but couldn’t remember for sure.  Thanks for confirming.  
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:17 AM, David Taylor  wrote:

> No nuance voices support pitch or intonation changes.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:41, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I decided to take advantage of the three-day weekend to finally upgrade to 
>> Mavericks.  Overall, I’m happy with the upgrade.  Though I haven’t had much 
>> time to look at iBooks, I’m looking forward to having it on my Mac, and I’m 
>> pleased to see that some commands that didn’t work in ML have been restored.
>> I tried out the Eva voice, but am finding that changes to pitch and volume 
>> have no impact.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there a fix?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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never mind folder question, got it sorted out

2014-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Subject says it all.  

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Filenames longer than 31 characters on the mac

2014-01-21 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Just recently, every time I try to save a file in let’s say TextEdit, I get a 
warning message that files with names longer than 31 characters cannot be saved 
on this system/volume. It didn’t used to happen. Have I changed some settings 
without knowing? If yes, where are they? Has anyone else these problems? 31 
characters is not very long. I would miss this feature on the mac to have 
descriptive filenames.

Thanks for your advice


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Re: Enlarging menus

2014-01-21 Thread Jim Gatteys
from what he says it just enlarges the text he is working with but not the 

On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I've not played with it, as I'm a Voiceover user as well, but what
> about Zoom? I believe you can configure what it enlarges and when, and
> control the zoom level on the fly. Have a look: System Preferences >
> Accessibility > Zoom.
> On 1/20/14, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> A friend of mine has a  mac and is slowly loosing vision.  He has figured
>> out how to make the text larger but not the menus and icons.  Is there a way
>> to do this?  I'm strictly a voiceover user and not sure what to tell him.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Jim
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: question re folder structure

2014-01-21 Thread isaac
I don’t think you have to keep both folders. You probably can delete them from 
the users folder.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:21 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> As part of my post-Mavericks installation explorations, I’ve come across 
> something that seems rather curious.  I appear to have way too many copies of 
> my music folders.  I see the first one under users.  All of my album folders 
> are there, there is also an iTunes folder which contains  all that one would 
> expect to find there.  then, if I open my particular user folder, it’s all 
> there yet again.  The dates on the files are the same.  I’m assuming these 
> are duplicates?  Do I need both folders?  I know this may seem like a dumb 
> question, but I am thinking I might as well erase the copy that’s just in the 
> users folder, and want to make sure beforehand that I’m not going to mess up 
> my iTunes library.
> Best,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Nicholas,

Bingo I think you hit the problem right on the head, as I just looked at this 
all mail folder and there are 96,000 messages in it. What the heck is this 
folder, as I looked and there are emails I deleted years ago. Is there a way to 
manage this folder in any settings or get some sighted assistance to purge some 
mail on the gmail website. Where do I find the activity menu to see what mail 
is doing? Will explore around for it, but not sure where it is. Thanks,
On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi Bryan,
> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? Meaning 
> in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or hundreds of 
> thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I think 
> is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and reconfigure every 
> message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of messages, easily in the 
> tens of thousands, and some people even have hundreds of thousands. So when 
> you launch Mail after recently installing Mavericks, if you show the activity 
> window with command-option-0, you'll notice that Mail is busy accessing the 
> gMail server and checking and downloading all your messages. Even for a 
> reasonably small account this can take a long time. I left my Mac online with 
> Mail running but nothing else for a couple of days. This seemed to allow it 
> to get up and running. So I'd suggest you close every application and stop as 
> many other online services as you can from operating, then just open Mail and 
> leave your Mac online for a good long time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just 
> leave it, and don't do anything else with it, certainly not with Mail. 
> Configure your energy preferences so your Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the 
> Mail activity every few hours to check that it's making progress. If it seems 
> to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
> Best of luck,
> Nic
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
>> and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
>> busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver people 
>> and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail problem. 
>> I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was claiming 
>> my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It took us a 
>> good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a busy loop, 
>> after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt would fix the 
>> mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of instructions that 
>> Apple gave me for a VoiceOVer user to do a repair. So the repair finally 
>> finishes and as soon as I launch mail, busy busy busy. I decided to delete 
>> my gmail account from mail to see if mail worked with just my go daddy 
>> account, and sure enough mail worked fine, so bingo it is definitely a gmail 
>> problem. What angers me so much is Apple’s claim that the fix they released 
>> in December fixed the gmail and mac mail issue. The whole reason I held off 
>> upgrading to Mavericks was because of the gmail issue. Not sure how they can 
>> claim the issue is fixed when it is obviously gmail causing my problem.
>> I do have a ton of email in gmail that I keep saved in folders, but this was 
>> never an issue with gmail and Lion. Does anyone have any suggestions? I 
>> deleted all my trash in mac mail, and this did nothing either. Anyone who 
>> has gone through something like this and figured out a fix would love to 
>> hear it.
>> Thanks for listening.
>> -- 
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Re: Severe Gmail issues in Mavericks Still

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Teresa, I assume limiting the messages to 1000 in gmail affects all the 
messages I have saved in specific folders? Ugh, that would definitely cause me 
issues as at times I do have to search for old emails for work. Not sure what 
this all mail folder is and if it was in mac mail in Mountain Lion and I just 
never noticed it.
On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:40 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I’ve found Mail to be much more snappy when I went to the Gmail website and 
> limited the number of messages to 1000. I realize that not everyone is 
> willing or able to do this, but I was, and aside from the occasional delayed 
> syncing issues, things are workable for me in Mail now.
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:09 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> First thing, about how many messages altogether do you have in gMail? 
>> Meaning in your All Mail folder. If it's in the tens of thousands, or 
>> hundreds of thousands, then I think I know what the problem is.
>> Second, is your All Mail folder enabled for IMAP? It should be.
>> I by no means an expert on this issue—I don't think anybody is. There seems 
>> to be lots of different issues and neither Apple or much of the tech 
>> community seems to really know or agree on what's going on. But what I think 
>> is happening is that Mavericks Mail has to re-download and reconfigure every 
>> message you have in gMail. Most of us have plenty of messages, easily in the 
>> tens of thousands, and some people even have hundreds of thousands. So when 
>> you launch Mail after recently installing Mavericks, if you show the 
>> activity window with command-option-0, you'll notice that Mail is busy 
>> accessing the gMail server and checking and downloading all your messages. 
>> Even for a reasonably small account this can take a long time. I left my Mac 
>> online with Mail running but nothing else for a couple of days. This seemed 
>> to allow it to get up and running. So I'd suggest you close every 
>> application and stop as many other online services as you can from 
>> operating, then just open Mail and leave your Mac online for a good long 
>> time. Meaning at least 24 hours. Just leave it, and don't do anything else 
>> with it, certainly not with Mail. Configure your energy preferences so your 
>> Mac doesn't go to sleep. Check the Mail activity every few hours to check 
>> that it's making progress. If it seems to have frozen, quit it and re-launch.
>> Best of luck,
>> Nic
>> On 21 Jan 2014, at 12:04 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Would love any advice from those of you not having any problems with Gmail 
>>> and Macmail. After  a day and a half of everything working fine, I had my 
>>> busy busy problems again. I called Apple and spoke to their VoiceOver 
>>> people and they kept insisting that my problem wasn’t a gmail and mac mail 
>>> problem. I connected via remote session with Apple, and the specialist was 
>>> claiming my issue was caused by my other mail account from go daddy. It 
>>> took us a good hour to check settings, and mail was constantly caught in a 
>>> busy loop, after that did nothing, I did a system repair which Apple felt 
>>> would fix the mail busy issue. I am not going to go in to the bad set of 
>>> instructions that Apple gave me for a VoiceOVer user to do a repair. So the 
>>> repair finally finishes and as soon as I launch mail, busy busy busy. I 
>>> decided to delete my gmail account from mail to see if mail worked with 
>>> just my go daddy account, and sure enough mail worked fine, so bingo it is 
>>> definitely a gmail problem. What angers me so much is Apple’s claim that 
>>> the fix they released in December fixed the gmail and mac mail issue. The 
>>> whole reason I held off upgrading to Mavericks was because of the gmail 
>>> issue. Not sure how they can claim the issue is fixed when it is obviously 
>>> gmail causing my problem.
>>> I do have a ton of email in gmail that I keep saved in folders, but this 
>>> was never an issue with gmail and Lion. Does anyone have any suggestions? I 
>>> deleted all my trash in mac mail, and this did nothing either. Anyone who 
>>> has gone through something like this and figured out a fix would love to 
>>> hear it.
>>> Thanks for listening.
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Re: Enlarging menus

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Hawkins
I am too a VO user. But what I heard from others that zoom does not do largeing 
menues. But if you get zXoomtext that will do the trick.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:59 AM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> from what he says it just enlarges the text he is working with but not the 
> menus.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've not played with it, as I'm a Voiceover user as well, but what
>> about Zoom? I believe you can configure what it enlarges and when, and
>> control the zoom level on the fly. Have a look: System Preferences >
>> Accessibility > Zoom.
>> On 1/20/14, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> A friend of mine has a  mac and is slowly loosing vision.  He has figured
>>> out how to make the text larger but not the menus and icons.  Is there a way
>>> to do this?  I'm strictly a voiceover user and not sure what to tell him.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jim
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Annoying issue with sending message to certain contacts under iOS7

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Hawkins
I am too running IOS 7.0.4 on a 4s, and I’m not having that problem. I do find 
that doing a factory restore helps the iphone at times when it get’s buggy.

When I Jailbroke my iPhone earlier this month, I crashed it and had to do a 
factory restore. And that pretty much fixed a lot of problems I had.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> The only possibilities from your end I can think of are: (a) make sure all 
> your contacts' phone numbers are correctly identified i.e.: a mobile phone 
> doesn't show as "home" etc; (b) if you are typing the beginning of the 
> contact you want in messages and then flicking through the choices, make sure 
> there isn't more than one choice shown for a contact. Since this has only 
> become a problem since Ios 7, probably neither of these is the problem but I 
> know that with syncing between iCloud and all my various devices contact 
> information that I have changed or deleted can show up again and things can 
> get pretty scrambled-up looking.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind,
> and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord
> never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:57 AM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>> No, I haven't reported it yet and hadn't planned to do so until I had heard 
>> feedback from the list.  I didn't rule out that I was doing something 
>> fundamentally wrong, though I never had this problem in earlier OS versions. 
>>  I will report this to the accessibility group but not to anywhere else 
>> within Apple  since none of my non-disabled friends with whom I have spoken 
>> has ever encountered this issue, at least not to my knowledge.
>> Mike
>> On 20,Jan,2014, at 8:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> This same thing happens to me also.  I sort of thought I was the only one 
>>> or else that I had not entered information correctly.  I assume you already 
>>> reported this to Apple?
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
 Hello listers,
 Ever since installing iOS7, I have had extreme difficulties in sending 
 text messages to recipients in my contacts that have more than one number 
 listed there.
 Whenever I initiate a message and try to send it to a contact's mobile 
 phone, the message is always sent to the landline phone instead.  Since 
 this isn't possible, I get a message from my phone company telling me that 
 a text message can't be sent to a landline phone.  There is absolutely no 
 doubt in my mind that I am clicking on the recipient's mobile phone.  If a 
 person sends me a message, and I simply reply, the message is properly 
 sent to the recipient's cell phone; I just can't currently start a new 
 message thread to anyone in my contact list unless that contact only has a 
 cell phone number listed.  I suppose I could go through all of my contacts 
 and erase any landline numbers there, but I honestly believe that there is 
 a far better solution.
 Thanks for any thoughts.
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Ftp and Terminal mode

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Emmons
Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the free Ftp 
clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow irk or maybe I'm missing 
something on the setup, not sure, cyberduck might work but I can't seem to get 
the download to work, but I am able to get into ftp using terminal. Once I've 
established a connection, got to a main directory say for instance books, and 
then the directory is divided into letters of the alphabet showing the author's 
first name, how do I first navigate to that directory list, and then how do I 
get a book from that author's particular listing. I am sort of new, but I like 
the terminal approach but just trying to learn. Thanks for any help. take care 
and talk to you soon. 

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Re: Filenames longer than 31 characters on the mac

2014-01-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Andrew,

Are you, by any chance, trying to save to a USB stick or external drive 
formatted as FAT32? That would explain your problem.



On 21 Jan 2014, at 14:51, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Listers,
> Just recently, every time I try to save a file in let’s say TextEdit, I get a 
> warning message that files with names longer than 31 characters cannot be 
> saved on this system/volume. It didn’t used to happen. Have I changed some 
> settings without knowing? If yes, where are they? Has anyone else these 
> problems? 31 characters is not very long. I would miss this feature on the 
> mac to have descriptive filenames.
> Thanks for your advice
> Andrew
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Re: can't play youtube videos in safari

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

When installing the stand-alone Flash Player, use the tab key and spacebar, no 
VO keys.  Tab to move and spacebar to activate buttons.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 20, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Ronald van Rhijn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Last time I installed the standalone Flash player I could do it with voice 
> Over. If I recall correctly, you have to tab go get to the right buttons.
> did you try that?
> Ronald
> Op 20 jan. 2014, om 06:42 heeft Daniel Hawkins 
>  het volgende geschreven:
>> That may be my problem with Safari. I keep on getting Adobe flash player 
>> install, but the install wizard is not accessable. Anyone got a idea how to 
>> install myself without me running to my wife?
>> Thanks!
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>> 4GB DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> On Jan 19, 2014, at 11:07 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  
>> wrote:
>>> try to install flash player
>>> Il giorno 19/gen/2014, alle ore 05:35 PM, Phil Halton  
>>> ha scritto:
 I use MacTubes a lot for viewing videos on YouTube and between it and 
 safari, if one is being problematic, the other one seems to work. MacTubes 
 is great and might be worth your trouble investigating.
 On Jan 18, 2014, at 9:57 PM, Andrew Head  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can search for youtube videos in safari, but I can’t play them. I press 
> vo space on the links, but nothing happens.
> Any help is appreciated 
> Hope everyone has a good day,
> Andrew 
> Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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Re: Ftp and Terminal mode

2014-01-21 Thread Scott B.
I know that you can do a dir /w for wide i think.  You go to the 
directory by doing cd "directoryname".  For example, "cd Angela".

On 01/21/2014 08:31, Tim Emmons wrote:

Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the free Ftp 
clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow irk or maybe I'm missing 
something on the setup, not sure, cyberduck might work but I can't seem to get 
the download to work, but I am able to get into ftp using terminal. Once I've 
established a connection, got to a main directory say for instance books, and 
then the directory is divided into letters of the alphabet showing the author's 
first name, how do I first navigate to that directory list, and then how do I 
get a book from that author's particular listing. I am sort of new, but I like 
the terminal approach but just trying to learn. Thanks for any help. take care 
and talk to you soon.

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Re: Using pages, templates.

2014-01-21 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Anne and Nic,

thank you very much for your help. It worked fine. Interestengly enough it 
seems to me there are different context menues. The way I knew to open the 
context menue was to turn trackpad commander off and click with two fingers at 
the same time. I assumed it's the same context menue as if I clicked with one 
finger holding the control key down. But thanks to Nic I now know better. :-)

All the best to you both

Am 21.01.2014 um 06:47 schrieb Nicholas Parsons :

> HI Jürgen,
> To add to Anne's explanation, to delete or rename templates from the 
> templates chooser (i.e. the dialog that appears when you press command-n to 
> open a new document) just navigate to it, bring the mouse and do a physical 
> control-click with a TrackPad or similar.
> Cheers,
> Nic
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Re: Numbers | Merging Cells and Text Boxes

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Nick,

I think that VO is just having a hard time determining what you’ve done.  I 
believe that your merge actually worked.  If I merge cells A1 through C1, enter 
some text in the merged cells, then B1 and C1 will say that they are empty as 
you’ve noted.  But if you navigate right once to the Scroll area after the 
Sheet area, Interact with it, VO will tell you that the text within either B1 
or C1 is the same as what you entered in A1.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:14 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi all,
> I'm wanting to create a kind of general heading for a table in the latest 
> version of Numbers. Not a specific row or column heading, but a general kind 
> of heading. In Excell I used to do this by merging the cells in the top row 
> and putting the heading in there. This, however, doesn't seem to work in 
> Numbers.
> Firstly, even though I merge two cells, A1 and B1, for example, the content 
> only appears in A1 and B1 appears to VoiceOver as an empty cell. Does anyone 
> know if there is any way to change this behaviour?
> Second, can text boxes be used easily for this purpose (i.e. creating a 
> heading) and do they work well for VoiceOver?
> Thanks,
> Nic
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Activity Monitor

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Fischler
Does anyone have a go to guide on what should be running and what you might be 
able to quit in the activity monitor to get your mac running better? I noticed 
my mail was only running at 211MB so that sounds normal, but honestly I have no 
clue what any of this info means to me in activity monitor. I have 4 GB of RAM 
and did notice activity monitor claims my machine is running at 3.85 GB of RAM, 
so that can’t be good, but I only have a few things open, so not sure what is 
taking up all my RAM. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. The guy 
I spoke to at Apple claimed for what I am doing with VO primarily using pages 
numbers, mail, and safari, that even on Mavericks 4 GB of RAM with the 
processor on my 2010 mid iMac is more than enough of RAM, and that I shouldn’t 
be having the sluggishness I have been dealing with. Thanks,

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Re: How to Delete a Table in Numbers

2014-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Nick,

To delete a Table in Numbers, Interact with the Sheet area, navigate to the 
Table you wish to remove and press Option-delete on it.  You cannot remove the 
last Table, there must be at least one in your Sheet area.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:15 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi all,
> How do you delete a table in Numbers?
> Thanks,
> Nic
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Re: Ftp and Terminal mode

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Blouch
right. The basics are cd to change directory into the one you want, ls 
to list the contents of a directory and get Filename to transfer a 
filename from the remote machine to the directory you were in when you 
started the ftp command. If you are in a folder but want to move back up 
to the parent you do cd .. where period period references the parent 
directory. If you don't like the local directory the files are going to 
land in you can use the lls and lcd to list the local directory and 
change the local directory. If you want to get multiple files you can 
use mget and a filename using wildcards such as *.pdf. Some FTP servers 
will prompt you to say yes or no for each match. If you don't want that 
just type "prompt" and return before doing the mget.


On 1/21/14 10:53 AM, Scott B. wrote:
I know that you can do a dir /w for wide i think. You go to the 
directory by doing cd "directoryname". For example, "cd Angela".

On 01/21/2014 08:31, Tim Emmons wrote:
Hi guys, got a question. I haven't had any great luck with any of the 
free Ftp clients as of yet, filezilla doesn't seem tow irk or maybe 
I'm missing something on the setup, not sure, cyberduck might work 
but I can't seem to get the download to work, but I am able to get 
into ftp using terminal. Once I've established a connection, got to a 
main directory say for instance books, and then the directory is 
divided into letters of the alphabet showing the author's first name, 
how do I first navigate to that directory list, and then how do I get 
a book from that author's particular listing. I am sort of new, but I 
like the terminal approach but just trying to learn. Thanks for any 
help. take care and talk to you soon.


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Re: RSS syncing with the Newsify iOS app?

2014-01-21 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Is Readkit free? I also have NewsIsy, but i am not sure what my sync options 
are set to. Looks like I’m playing around with it today. Thanks!
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 20, 2014, at 10:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently started using Newsify on iOS. I noticed it has a couple
> different sync options, and I'm wondering which I should do? I want it
> to be free, and I want it to sync with the rss reader I have on the
> Mac, Readkit. What's the best way to do this? Thanks, and
> Readkit-specific questions are coming - there are things about that
> app I don't get, but that's another email. :)
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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