Re: New list member welcome message.

2013-01-12 Thread Chris H

Welcome aboard!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 12/01/2013 02:38, Danny Noonan wrote:

I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so thought I 
would say hi to the list.

I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to learn it 
properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right in. The fact 
that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in all honesty did 
help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've been using OS10, Lion and 
now Mountain lion for about a year or so and yes, I got literal headaches at 
first trying to unlearn the years upon  years of first dos and then windows 
muscle memory but now I'm getting to where I have to work hard to recall 
Windows commands and not the other way round. Add to this the wonderful vo to 
caps lock ability I recently took advantage of and the Mac is becoming my 
favourite platform. Who am I kidding, it has been for quite a while. I don't 
miss Driver issues, selling my sole to afford JFW and wondering why I get a 
different adaptive experience on each different machine I use.

I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as possible. 
The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find answers, I like to 
share them with others. Many people gave of there time and knowledge to help me 
learn and returning the favour is a good way to help return the favours.

I'm a musician by trade so I'm putting a lot of effort into the musical side of 
things. AmpKit is my latest love and I'm amazed at how wonderfully accessible 
it is with VoiceOver. I'm also getting into learning and using Amadeus Pro as I 
finally couldn't handle attempting to make Garage Band in to anything more than 
a buggy unstable toy. Any suggestions on music creation apps, recording 
solutions or learning resources are always greatly appreciated.

Anyway, thanks for the list and look forward to getting to know you all.

Kind regards,
Danny Noonan.

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Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about a 
specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd like 
to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of work 
producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the like, he was 
asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or even likely it 
would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking point for him in some 
ways as it is a very effective way of editing quickly by ear.

Thanks for any info.


sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 

at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible with 
> JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I 
> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge on 
> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.  
> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever you 
> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a lot.  
> Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling presets 
> seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal breakers for me: 
>  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that there are some blind Mac 
> users who have sort of played with the demo version.  Kevin Reves, if you 
> happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here as I would like to know 
> whether or not any of these matters have been addressed by Sony.
> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking 
> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog cassette 
> tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro with RX 
> version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's accessible 
> enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could spring for RX 
> pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I understand makes 
> use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well, RX pro will jus 
> have to wait.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> Hi Ray.
>> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a 
>> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm interested 
>> to see how it stacks up on the mac. 
>> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and as 
>> far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus LA or 
>> something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never accessible 
>> in my understanding.
>> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
>> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
>> Danny:
>> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
>>> I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.  Quite 
>>> accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but, I'm 
>>> hoping Sony clears those up.  
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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Re: Sound editing (was New list member welcome message.)

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
 I can easily set the saffire up for input and output and choose number of 
channels. What I can't do is work out how I can select  which input on the 
Saffire for specific tracks. 
My guitar & bass go in via input 1. My mike goes in on 2. My controller 
keyboard goes in via USB. How can I say I want bass on track 1, guitar input 
and mike on track 2 & 3, controller keyboard on 4 etc?

Hope this makes sense.. 


On 12/01/2013, at 3:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hit cmd-comma in Audacity, then select devices (I believe) from the
> table. Once that's done, tab to the different input/output options and
> set them. The input may be in the recording option rather than
> devices, but you should find it easily enough.
> On 1/11/13, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack
>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible with
>> JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I
>> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge on
>> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.
>> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever you
>> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a lot.
>> Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling
>> presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal
>> breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that there
>> are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.
>> Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here as
>> I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been addressed
>> by Sony.
>> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking
>> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog
>> cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro with
>> RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's
>> accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could
>> spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I
>> understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well,
>> RX pro will jus have to wait.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> Hi Ray.
>>> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a
>>> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm
>>> interested to see how it stacks up on the mac.
>>> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and
>>> as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus
>>> LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never
>>> accessible in my understanding.
>>> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
>>> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
>>> Danny:
>>> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
 I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.
 Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but,
 I'm hoping Sony clears those up.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
 On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Danny Noonan 
> I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so
> thought I would say hi to the list.
> I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to
> learn it properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right
> in. The fact that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in
> all honesty did help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've
> been using OS10, Lion and now Mountain lion for about a year or so and
> yes, I got literal headaches at first trying to unlearn the years upon
> years of first dos and then windows muscle memory but now I'm getting to
> where I have to work hard to recall Windows commands and not the other
> way round. Add to this the wonderful vo to caps lock ability I recently
> took advantage of and the Mac is becoming my favourite platform. Who am
> I kidding, it has been for quite a while. I don't miss Driver issues,
> selling my sole to afford JFW and wondering why I get a different
> adaptive experience on each different machine I use.
> I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as
> possible. The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find
> answers, I like to share them with others. Many people gave of there
> time and knowledge to help me learn and re

Re: Abbyy Fine Reader Express for Mac

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You will get wonderful results with Abby Fine reader Express for Mac.  Very 
accurate too:  as many here will attest.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 1:43 AM, wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> Has anybody used Fine Reader Express. I'm thinking of pairing this with an 
> Epson all in one for scanning and OCR. Will I get the results I'm thinking. 
> The scanner comes with a base version of Fine Reader, but know it's not 
> accessible like Express. Any feedback would be appreciated. 
> Thanks, J. P. 
> Sent from my iPod 
> -- 
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
If by scrubbing you mean using the arrow keys to move right and left inside a 
piece of audio and hear where you are every second, the answer is yes, you can. 
 Are you yet familuar with how Amadeus Pro works?  You need to get used to one 
concept that really through me at first-and framkly-was almost a turn off until 
I worked out how to make good use of it.  It's the fact that, unlike Sound 
Forge, there are in fact two cursers in amadeus Pro.  You have the playback 
head and the insertion point.  They don't follow each other, so, if you stop 
the playback head with the space bar, you need then to press command+y to 
manually rout the insertion point to the playback position.   At first, this 
seems a waste of time and counter  intuative, but, keep at it, and you'll soon 
figure out that there are sometimes advantages to having it this way.  AS to 
setting and dropping markers, easily done.  As to voice over work, There's a 
very nice and really fast easy way to do this using Amadeus Pro.  I've come to 
really love it as a basic audio editor and hoast for some really fine plugins 
from RX.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 3:13 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about a 
> specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd like 
> to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of work 
> producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the like, he 
> was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or even likely 
> it would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking point for him in 
> some ways as it is a very effective way of editing quickly by ear.
> Thanks for any info.
> Danny:
> PS,
> sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
> Promice. 
> at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible with 
>> JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I 
>> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge on 
>> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.  
>> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever you 
>> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a lot.  
>> Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling 
>> presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal 
>> breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that there 
>> are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.  
>> Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here as 
>> I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been addressed 
>> by Sony.
>> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking 
>> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog 
>> cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro with 
>> RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's 
>> accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could 
>> spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I 
>> understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well, 
>> RX pro will jus have to wait.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> Hi Ray.
>>> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a 
>>> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm interested 
>>> to see how it stacks up on the mac. 
>>> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and as 
>>> far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus LA or 
>>> something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never 
>>> accessible in my understanding.
>>> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
>>> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
>>> Danny:
>>> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
 I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.  
 Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but, 
 I'm hoping Sony clears those up.  
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Is it only me who's utterly stupid, but to me this doesn't make sence at all. 
Ok, so i erase the hard drive, and the recovery partition will be erased as 
well, that's logical, but assuming i want to erase and format the mac from the 
recovery partition, how do i then go about to install the os, or is it a 
question that the app asks when formating and erasing?Or do i have to repoot 
from a bootable drive somewhere and install from there? I am totally and 
utterly confused.

12 jan 2013 kl. 02:30 skrev Daniel C :

> It does make sense yes. But unless you really need the space it wouldn't harm 
> anything to keep the Mac recovery HD.
> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Where do you get the Lion disk maker?

12 jan 2013 kl. 02:05 skrev Phil Halton :

> I had wondered about this same question, so , I created a usb thumbdrive with 
> the mountain lion installer and OS utilities on it. I used Lion Disk Maker 
> for this. I got the ML installer from the app store on my purchases page.
> Then, I booted from the USB drive, and using the OS utilities there, erased 
> the Mac HD and did the ML reinstall from the USB installer.
> It worked very nicely, and I felt a little safer working off The USB drive, 
> than from the Mac HD recovery partition, which as you say, is erased along 
> with the erasure of the Mac Hard Disk.
> Phew, hope that made some sense.
> - Original Message - From: "John Panarese" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 4:50 PM
> Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard 
> drive
>   You would need to erase the entire partition first.  Then, partition the 
> drive with 2 partitions.  When you erase the drive, the recovery HD is erased 
> as well.  However, when you install the OS on each partition, it will create 
> a new recovery partition.
>  Note that if you got that Mac with Mountain Lion, you will not be able to 
> install Lion on it.  You cannot install a previous version of the OS than 
> what initially came with the Mac.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:52 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
> wrote:
>> Hello folks.
>> I have a 21 inch Imac running Mountain lion. Now i want to repartition the 
>> internal hard drive because i've just baught Pro tools and it doesn't play 
>> well with Voiceover under ML. I take it i have to erase everything and 
>> reformat my internal drive and somehow make both partitions bootable, one 
>> with ML and one with Lion and what i wonder is what happens with the 
>> recovery pratition when i erase and partition the drive? How do i go about 
>> reformating so that everything is done right?
>> /Krister
>> -- 
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the possibility 
to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a somewhat similar 
feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite well i'd say, but alas 
nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.

12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :

> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about a 
> specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd like 
> to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of work 
> producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the like, he 
> was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or even likely 
> it would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking point for him in 
> some ways as it is a very effective way of editing quickly by ear.
> Thanks for any info.
> Danny:
> PS,
> sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
> Promice. 
> at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible with 
>> JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I 
>> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge on 
>> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.  
>> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever you 
>> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a lot.  
>> Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling 
>> presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal 
>> breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that there 
>> are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.  
>> Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here as 
>> I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been addressed 
>> by Sony.
>> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking 
>> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog 
>> cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro with 
>> RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's 
>> accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could 
>> spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I 
>> understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well, 
>> RX pro will jus have to wait.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> Hi Ray.
>>> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a 
>>> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm interested 
>>> to see how it stacks up on the mac. 
>>> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and as 
>>> far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus LA or 
>>> something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never 
>>> accessible in my understanding.
>>> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
>>> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
>>> Danny:
>>> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
 I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.  
 Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but, 
 I'm hoping Sony clears those up.  
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Daniel C
To clarify both questions for you.
1. The only way you can format from recovery is if you don't use the option 
that states, for my Mac anyway, might be the same for any MacBookPro these days:
If when you're in the disk utilities, as long as you don't format the entry 
where it says: TOSHIBA MK7559GSXF Media.
If you do, that's the entire drive. Most Macs, if installed from the factory, 
may have something like Macintosh HD as the default hard drive name.
Where it says Macintosh HD, that is a partition, and is your home partition,  
which is the only one you should be deleting, rather than the TOSHIBA 
MK7559GSXF Media entry.
2. You can get LionDiskmaker from this address
Hope I've answered your questions.

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Re: acapella voices.

2013-01-12 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, One credit = one voice on one computer.
Each voice you buy comes with two credits.  That means you can install each 
voice on two different computers.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-01-12, at 12:27 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> Call me silly or stupid bt i don't quite understand who the activation works 
> with the voices from assistivewhare, the acapella voices.
> Can somebody explain how the credits work? I only have one mac, i don't get 
> the 4 credits per voice.
> Thanks.
> chris
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Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-12 Thread Kristeen Hughes
Scott, can you think of any way I might be able to fix this issue on my focus? 
The routing keys have never worked, since I got the machine.

Thank you.

Kristeen Hughes
Skype: lostonsylvane

On Jan 11, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

Hi Kristeen.
All braille devices that I have used, and that amounts to about 15 on
the mac side, support cursor routing buttons. So I'm not sure what the
issue is there.


On 1/11/13, Lisette Wesseling  wrote:
> Christine
> The cursor routing keys work absolutely as expected on my Braille Sense ON
> Hand braille display. So there's something not right about yours not
> working. What braille display are you using?
> On 12/01/2013, at 5:05 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> I am very grateful for the help on the VO plus J command. I ,like others,
>> use it exclusively, and this makes it a lot easier.
>> I have another question regarding using a braille display. Is it true that
>> the routing keys above each braille cell do nothing when pressed using the
>> Mac? I find this hard to believe and Absolutely not useful. I can't
>> imagine how often I want to route the cursor to a Braille cell. I have
>> never seen a situation where this does not work. I am hoping I am wrong.
>> Could someone please let me know?
>> Kristeen Hughes
>> Skype: lostonsylvane
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:02 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Okay, thanks for the assist on this one.  I'll look forward to hearing the
>> resolution.
>> Les
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Scott Davert 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Les.
>>> Well, I was able to do this at one time, but I'm missing a step in the
>>> process now as well. I'll have to contact someone I know off list and
>>> get this info for you. Sorry about that. I know it's possible, because
>>> I sat at a table a few months ago and went through the process with
>>> someone, but I can't find mention of it in the manual and something is
>>> missing. Now I'm frustrated and on a mission!
>>> Scott
>>> On 1/10/13, Les Kriegler  wrote:
 Kristeen, are you holding down your routing buttons for a couple of
 I find that at least on the Brailliant Bi 40, holding down the routing
 button results in the word I am on being spoken.  I'd suggest creating
 short practice document and experiment with using the cursor routing
 On Jan 9, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> I'd loke to use VO+j as well from the keyboard, but there seems to be
> no
> way to do this.
> Also, I can't use any of the routing keys above the braille cells to
> move
> the cursor. This is frustrating me greatly.
> Kristeen
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> They say you can not teach an old dog new tricks.  Well, this old dog
>> is,
>> for the first time, using braille input on a braille display and am
>> really enjoying it.  I recently purchased the Brailliant bi 40.  With
>> so
>> many keys in play with the Mac, it's really nice to reduce keystrokes
>> with braille.  Now for my question.  Can I jump to the text of a
>> message
>> using a braille keyboard?  I'd like to use the equivalent of vo-j
>> from
>> the braille display.  Thanks.
>> Les
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>> -

Re: Question and Comment on Using a Braille Display with a Mac

2013-01-12 Thread David McLean
What version does the firmware say on your Focus just out of curiosity?  You 
may need to call Freedom Scientific and ask them to send you the latest 
Firmware update.  
On Jan 12, 2013, at 8:08 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> Scott, can you think of any way I might be able to fix this issue on my 
> focus? The routing keys have never worked, since I got the machine.
> Thank you.
> Kristeen Hughes
> Skype: lostonsylvane
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:
> Hi Kristeen.
> All braille devices that I have used, and that amounts to about 15 on
> the mac side, support cursor routing buttons. So I'm not sure what the
> issue is there.
> Scott
> On 1/11/13, Lisette Wesseling  wrote:
>> Christine
>> The cursor routing keys work absolutely as expected on my Braille Sense ON
>> Hand braille display. So there's something not right about yours not
>> working. What braille display are you using?
>> On 12/01/2013, at 5:05 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> I am very grateful for the help on the VO plus J command. I ,like others,
>>> use it exclusively, and this makes it a lot easier.
>>> I have another question regarding using a braille display. Is it true that
>>> the routing keys above each braille cell do nothing when pressed using the
>>> Mac? I find this hard to believe and Absolutely not useful. I can't
>>> imagine how often I want to route the cursor to a Braille cell. I have
>>> never seen a situation where this does not work. I am hoping I am wrong.
>>> Could someone please let me know?
>>> Kristeen Hughes
>>> Skype: lostonsylvane
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 8:02 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> Okay, thanks for the assist on this one.  I'll look forward to hearing the
>>> resolution.
>>> Les
>>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Scott Davert 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Les.
 Well, I was able to do this at one time, but I'm missing a step in the
 process now as well. I'll have to contact someone I know off list and
 get this info for you. Sorry about that. I know it's possible, because
 I sat at a table a few months ago and went through the process with
 someone, but I can't find mention of it in the manual and something is
 missing. Now I'm frustrated and on a mission!
 On 1/10/13, Les Kriegler  wrote:
> Kristeen, are you holding down your routing buttons for a couple of
> seconds.
> I find that at least on the Brailliant Bi 40, holding down the routing
> button results in the word I am on being spoken.  I'd suggest creating
> a
> short practice document and experiment with using the cursor routing
> buttons.
> Les
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> I'd loke to use VO+j as well from the keyboard, but there seems to be
>> no
>> way to do this.
>> Also, I can't use any of the routing keys above the braille cells to
>> move
>> the cursor. This is frustrating me greatly.
>> Kristeen
>> On Jan 9, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> They say you can not teach an old dog new tricks.  Well, this old dog
>>> is,
>>> for the first time, using braille input on a braille display and am
>>> really enjoying it.  I recently purchased the Brailliant bi 40.  With
>>> so
>>> many keys in play with the Mac, it's really nice to reduce keystrokes
>>> with braille.  Now for my question.  Can I jump to the text of a
>>> message
>>> using a braille keyboard?  I'd like to use the equivalent of vo-j
>>> from
>>> the braille display.  Thanks.
>>> Les
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Re: acapella voices.

2013-01-12 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Actually this isn't correct. It's 4 credits for two computers and I don't think 
there's any way to just use 2 credits and buy for one computer. In addition to 
this, some voices are 6 credits for two computers and I think some or all of 
the Swedish and Norwegian voices are 14 credits for 2 computers. You can 
install them as demos if you want. Then you go into the store and buy credits 
when you are ready to buy. Then you go into the voice manager in your 
Applications folder and activate. Or you can buy first and then install and 
install if you are already sure what you want. Installing and activating an 
having your credits left kept track of all goes through the infovox ivox voice 


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:47 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Hi, One credit = one voice on one computer.
> Each voice you buy comes with two credits.  That means you can install each 
> voice on two different computers.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-01-12, at 12:27 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Call me silly or stupid bt i don't quite understand who the activation works 
>> with the voices from assistivewhare, the acapella voices.
>> Can somebody explain how the credits work? I only have one mac, i don't get 
>> the 4 credits per voice.
>> Thanks.
>> chris
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and hearing 
where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus Pro.  I can 
edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about finding where 
things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something in at a particular 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
> possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
> somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
> well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
> /Krister
> 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
>> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about a 
>> specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd 
>> like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of 
>> work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the like, 
>> he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or even 
>> likely it would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking point 
>> for him in some ways as it is a very effective way of editing quickly by ear.
>> Thanks for any info.
>> Danny:
>> PS,
>> sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
>> Promice. 
>> at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
>>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible 
>>> with JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I 
>>> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge on 
>>> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.  
>>> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever you 
>>> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a lot. 
>>>  Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling 
>>> presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal 
>>> breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that there 
>>> are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.  
>>> Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here as 
>>> I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been 
>>> addressed by Sony.
>>> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking 
>>> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog 
>>> cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro 
>>> with RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's 
>>> accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could 
>>> spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I 
>>> understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well, 
>>> RX pro will jus have to wait.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 Hi Ray.
 I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a 
 post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm 
 interested to see how it stacks up on the mac. 
 Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and 
 as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus 
 LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never 
 accessible in my understanding.
 If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
 Thanks for the friendly welcome.
 On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
> I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.  
> Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but, 
> I'm hoping Sony clears those up.  
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
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Audio or written tutorials on Amadeus Pro from a blind perspective?

2013-01-12 Thread Darrell Shandrow
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone out here know if there are any audio or written tutorials available 
for the Amadeus Pro sound editing software? I am interested in anything that's 
commercially available or free. There are just some important things about the 
software I still can't seem to get my head around even after lots of 
experimenting and reading the manual.



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audio highjack pro?

2013-01-12 Thread Kliphton A M
Okay, bottom-line is, I I will be on Skype this afternoon, and I want the 
people I am talking to be able to hear everything I am doing on my mac.  How do 
I set it up so this can go off without a hitch?  I've had the app for 2 years, 
but never really played with it.  If this is a redundant question, then just 
please contact me off list

Kliphton SR
K&S Vending
((Cell) (218) 248-7219
Office/Fax) 218-451-9881

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Re: New list member welcome message.

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton

Hi Danny and welcome to the list,
I've only been at the Mac coming from the windows world for a few months 
now, and I too am a musician of sorts. Actually, I'm finding GarageBand to 
be quite usable for both audio and to some extent, MIDI as well. I find I 
can do some fairly precise audio editting with GB - down to the 60 tick 

I'm interested in this "ampkit" you mentioned - what is it exactly?

- Original Message - 
From: "Danny Noonan" 

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:38 PM
Subject: New list member welcome message.

I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so thought I 
would say hi to the list.

I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to learn 
it properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right in. The 
fact that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in all honesty 
did help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've been using OS10, 
Lion and now Mountain lion for about a year or so and yes, I got literal 
headaches at first trying to unlearn the years upon  years of first dos and 
then windows muscle memory but now I'm getting to where I have to work hard 
to recall Windows commands and not the other way round. Add to this the 
wonderful vo to caps lock ability I recently took advantage of and the Mac 
is becoming my favourite platform. Who am I kidding, it has been for quite a 
while. I don't miss Driver issues, selling my sole to afford JFW and 
wondering why I get a different adaptive experience on each different 
machine I use.

I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as possible. 
The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find answers, I like 
to share them with others. Many people gave of there time and knowledge to 
help me learn and returning the favour is a good way to help return the 

I'm a musician by trade so I'm putting a lot of effort into the musical side 
of things. AmpKit is my latest love and I'm amazed at how wonderfully 
accessible it is with VoiceOver. I'm also getting into learning and using 
Amadeus Pro as I finally couldn't handle attempting to make Garage Band in 
to anything more than a buggy unstable toy. Any suggestions on music 
creation apps, recording solutions or learning resources are always greatly 

Anyway, thanks for the list and look forward to getting to know you all.

Kind regards,
Danny Noonan.

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Re: Draconis Entertainment Releases mini title for Mac OS X – SilverDollar

2013-01-12 Thread Jessica Moss
I'd like to even see some of the other's back, like the pinball game; loved the 
wild west table, and the pacman tables,.  I've missed those eversense I stopped 
using my windows machine, and they sometimes didn't always work properly with 
that for some reason.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

> Sounds interesting. Will check it out.
> I'd really love it if you guys made a poker game (might suit the Silver 
> Dollar) or a Monopoly game. But that's just me.
> -- 
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Re: Draconis Entertainment Releases mini title for Mac OS X – SilverDollar

2013-01-12 Thread Richard Ring
I want to see Alien Outback for the Mac. Here's hoping it happens.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I'd like to even see some of the other's back, like the pinball game; loved 
> the wild west table, and the pacman tables,.  I've missed those eversense I 
> stopped using my windows machine, and they sometimes didn't always work 
> properly with that for some reason.
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:
>> Sounds interesting. Will check it out.
>> I'd really love it if you guys made a poker game (might suit the Silver 
>> Dollar) or a Monopoly game. But that's just me.
>> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread John Panarese
You would start the process from the Mac OS X Mountain Lion installer or 
make a copy of the installer to a DVD or thumb drive.  There are a few ways you 
can approach this process.  It comes down to what is the most convenient one 
for you.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Jan 12, 2013, at 7:06 AM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Is it only me who's utterly stupid, but to me this doesn't make sence at all. 
> Ok, so i erase the hard drive, and the recovery partition will be erased as 
> well, that's logical, but assuming i want to erase and format the mac from 
> the recovery partition, how do i then go about to install the os, or is it a 
> question that the app asks when formating and erasing?Or do i have to repoot 
> from a bootable drive somewhere and install from there? I am totally and 
> utterly confused.
> /Krister
> 12 jan 2013 kl. 02:30 skrev Daniel C :
>> It does make sense yes. But unless you really need the space it wouldn't 
>> harm anything to keep the Mac recovery HD.
>> -- 
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Abbyy Fine Reader Express for Mac

2013-01-12 Thread J.P.
Thanks for the assistance Ray. I thought this option would work. Just wanted to 
make sure.  

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Has MacTubes been killed?

2013-01-12 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Hi all.

I went to use MacTubes and got a very unpleasant surprise! The only player 
setting that still works for me is flash player which is no big deal. But I can 
also no longer download. I get "unable to start download". Is this the end of 
downloading with MacTubes or am I doing something wrong or is there something 
wrong with my installation of MacTubes?


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

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Re: Has MacTubes been killed?

2013-01-12 Thread Matt Dierckens
You might want to upgrade to the latest version.

Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-12, at 8:43 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I went to use MacTubes and got a very unpleasant surprise! The only player 
> setting that still works for me is flash player which is no big deal. But I 
> can also no longer download. I get "unable to start download". Is this the 
> end of downloading with MacTubes or am I doing something wrong or is there 
> something wrong with my installation of MacTubes?
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton
I think there is a big distinction to be drawn between "erasing the disk" 
and "erasing the OS partition". If you look in disk utility in the "selected 
disks table", you'll see something very cryptic looking at the top of the 
table, and that's the actual physical disk drive unit. On my machine it is 
listed as "500.12 GB ST3400418AS Media". VO will say "500.12 GB ST3400418AS 
Media, contains two items", and that  makes sense because I have two 
partitions on the physical internal disk drive. under that you'll find 
"macintosh HD". That is the partition on the disk that contains the Os. and 
In my case there is a second entry for my bootcamp partition. Then, there 
are additional entries in the table for any external hard drives with their 
partitions and a CD drive if you have one.

I think, and notice I didn't say "I know", I think that erasing the physical 
disk will erase everything on it including all partitions, but erasing a 
partition confines the erasure to that section of disk.

When I reinstalled Mountain Lion a few days ago, I erased the partition 
"MacintoshHD", and then reinstalled ML into that partition.

I believe that the recovery partition on the physical drive is just that, a 
partition, and as such is seperate from the MacintoshHD partition. I say 
this because it is listed as a boot option in the boot select screen along 
with options for MacHD, and Bootcamp, and my external boot image. For that 
reason I think its a seperate partition. Therefore, erasing the MacHD 
partition does not affect the recovery partition, and so, working from 
within the recovery partition, you are free to erase MacHD and then 
reinstall ML.

You do this by selecting "disk utility" from the recovery screen menu, erase 
your OS partition, Close disk utility and from the menu, select Install Mac 
OS X. You'll be prompted for which partition you want to install ML, and of 
course, you need to make sure and select the partition you just erased.

Having said this, I was not so brave as to act on my belief, and instead 
created a USB thumbdrive with the Mountain Lion installer and the OS 
utilities on it. I booted into that USB device and did all my erasing and 
reinstalling from that device.

As with anything else you hear on the internet, I strongly urge you to take 
my words with a grain of salt, investigate for yourself and come to your own 
conclusions before acting.

If you want instructions for creating a USB thumbdrive installer, Daniel 
Chavez did a podcast on the entire subject of doing a clean install of 
Mountain Lion from a USB thumbdrive. Here's his website:

- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard 

Is it only me who's utterly stupid, but to me this doesn't make sence at 
all. Ok, so i erase the hard drive, and the recovery partition will be 
erased as well, that's logical, but assuming i want to erase and format the 
mac from the recovery partition, how do i then go about to install the os, 
or is it a question that the app asks when formating and erasing?Or do i 
have to repoot from a bootable drive somewhere and install from there? I am 
totally and utterly confused.


12 jan 2013 kl. 02:30 skrev Daniel C :

It does make sense yes. But unless you really need the space it wouldn't 
harm anything to keep the Mac recovery HD.

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Re: Sound editing (was New list member welcome message.)

2013-01-12 Thread Alex Hall
I'm not sure about that, since the mac itself does not have all those
channels. My understanding is that your mixer is taking them all and
giving just one actual output channel, meaning the mac will only get
one audio source. You could record each one separately, then name the
tracks (go to the track, vo-shift-m, rename) to identify which is
which. I don't have much experience doing multi-track recording like
that (I don't even have a mixer).

On 1/12/13, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>  I can easily set the saffire up for input and output and choose number of
> channels. What I can't do is work out how I can select  which input on the
> Saffire for specific tracks.
> My guitar & bass go in via input 1. My mike goes in on 2. My controller
> keyboard goes in via USB. How can I say I want bass on track 1, guitar input
> and mike on track 2 & 3, controller keyboard on 4 etc?
> Hope this makes sense..
> Thanks,
> Danny:
> On 12/01/2013, at 3:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hit cmd-comma in Audacity, then select devices (I believe) from the
>> table. Once that's done, tab to the different input/output options and
>> set them. The input may be in the recording option rather than
>> devices, but you should find it easily enough.
>> On 1/11/13, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack
>>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible
>>> with
>>> JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I
>>> understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge
>>> on
>>> the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.
>>> There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever
>>> you
>>> go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a
>>> lot.
>>> Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling
>>> presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal
>>> breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that
>>> there
>>> are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.
>>> Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here
>>> as
>>> I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been
>>> addressed
>>> by Sony.
>>> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is
>>> remastering-taking
>>> the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog
>>> cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro
>>> with
>>> RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's
>>> accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could
>>> spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I
>>> understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as
>>> RX-well,
>>> RX pro will jus have to wait.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Ray.

 I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As
 post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm
 interested to see how it stacks up on the mac.

 Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects
 as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was
 LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never
 accessible in my understanding.

 If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.

 Thanks for the friendly welcome.

 On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
> I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.
> Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:
> but,
> I'm hoping Sony clears those up.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Danny Noonan 
> wrote:
>> I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so
>> thought I would say hi to the list.
>> I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to
>> learn it properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump
>> right
>> in. The fact that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions
>> in
>> all honesty did help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've
>> been using OS10, Lion and now Mountain lion for about a year or so
>> and
>> yes, I got literal headaches at first trying to unlearn the years
>> upon
>> years of first dos and then windows muscle memory but now I'm getting
>> to
>> where I have to work hard to recall Windows commands

Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton

here's the website:

You'll need to download MountainLion to your system from the AppStore before 
running LDM.

- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard 

Where do you get the Lion disk maker?

12 jan 2013 kl. 02:05 skrev Phil Halton :

I had wondered about this same question, so , I created a usb thumbdrive 
with the mountain lion installer and OS utilities on it. I used Lion Disk 
Maker for this. I got the ML installer from the app store on my purchases 

Then, I booted from the USB drive, and using the OS utilities there, 
erased the Mac HD and did the ML reinstall from the USB installer.

It worked very nicely, and I felt a little safer working off The USB 
drive, than from the Mac HD recovery partition, which as you say, is 
erased along with the erasure of the Mac Hard Disk.

Phew, hope that made some sense.

- Original Message - From: "John Panarese" 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal 
hard drive

  You would need to erase the entire partition first.  Then, partition the 
drive with 2 partitions.  When you erase the drive, the recovery HD is 
erased as well.  However, when you install the OS on each partition, it 
will create a new recovery partition.

 Note that if you got that Mac with Mountain Lion, you will not be able to 
install Lion on it.  You cannot install a previous version of the OS than 
what initially came with the Mac.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:52 AM, Krister Ekstrom  

Hello folks.
I have a 21 inch Imac running Mountain lion. Now i want to repartition 
the internal hard drive because i've just baught Pro tools and it doesn't 
play well with Voiceover under ML. I take it i have to erase everything 
and reformat my internal drive and somehow make both partitions bootable, 
one with ML and one with Lion and what i wonder is what happens with the 
recovery pratition when i erase and partition the drive? How do i go 
about reformating so that everything is done right?


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New 27" imac will be here in a couple of days

2013-01-12 Thread David Life
Anybody have any advice on setting up a new imac for a low vision user 
(myself).  I am currently using zoom text in windows.  Thanks for any 

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Re: how we became apple users

2013-01-12 Thread Mark Baxter
BEX *DOES* exist on the Mac; it's called TextEdit, and it can do WAY more than 
Bex ever could.  THough, I did go to Dartmouth with an Apple 2C as my main 
computer, and wrote all my papers with BEX.  I also had sorta a crush on Jessie 
Casum from Raised Dot computing.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: New 27" imac will be here in a couple of days

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton
The zoom feature in accessibility options works pretty well. I use it in 
special cases along with a magnifier to read screen text. I've been meaning to 
look into it more fully but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Give it a look

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Life 
  Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:14 AM
  Subject: New 27" imac will be here in a couple of days

  Anybody have any advice on setting up a new imac for a low vision user 
(myself).  I am currently using zoom text in windows.  Thanks for any 

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Notification Center Bug?

2013-01-12 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

Not sure if this is a bug, as I just did a clean install of my system
hoping to fix some of the mountain lion problems I was having, one
being when I launch the notification center, sometimes, the click to
tweet and click to post has vanished from the notification center.
Where it normally is it just says row two empty, and yes I have tried
interacting with this area going left and right, but it is just empty.
Anyone else having this issues? Anything I can do to resolve it? Thanks

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Re: Draconis Entertainment Releases mini title for Mac OS X – SilverDollar

2013-01-12 Thread Chris H
And I want to see Pinball Classic and Pinball Xtreme includiing the 
party packs on the mac.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 12/01/2013 15:17, Richard Ring wrote:

I want to see Alien Outback for the Mac. Here's hoping it happens.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
  Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

I'd like to even see some of the other's back, like the pinball game; loved the 
wild west table, and the pacman tables,.  I've missed those eversense I stopped 
using my windows machine, and they sometimes didn't always work properly with 
that for some reason.
On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Sounds interesting. Will check it out.

I'd really love it if you guys made a poker game (might suit the Silver Dollar) 
or a Monopoly game. But that's just me.

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Re: Notification Center Bug?

2013-01-12 Thread Devin Prater
I have that issue too. Just restart and it'll be fixed for a time.
On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:22 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Not sure if this is a bug, as I just did a clean install of my system
> hoping to fix some of the mountain lion problems I was having, one
> being when I launch the notification center, sometimes, the click to
> tweet and click to post has vanished from the notification center.
> Where it normally is it just says row two empty, and yes I have tried
> interacting with this area going left and right, but it is just empty.
> Anyone else having this issues? Anything I can do to resolve it? Thanks
> -- 
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Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard drive

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi and thanks for the info, i will now go ahead and test what i've learned.:-)
12 jan 2013 kl. 17:10 skrev "Phil Halton" :

> here's the website:
> You'll need to download MountainLion to your system from the AppStore before 
> running LDM.
> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:10 AM
> Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard 
> drive
> Where do you get the Lion disk maker?
> /Krister
> 12 jan 2013 kl. 02:05 skrev Phil Halton :
>> I had wondered about this same question, so , I created a usb thumbdrive 
>> with the mountain lion installer and OS utilities on it. I used Lion Disk 
>> Maker for this. I got the ML installer from the app store on my purchases 
>> page.
>> Then, I booted from the USB drive, and using the OS utilities there, erased 
>> the Mac HD and did the ML reinstall from the USB installer.
>> It worked very nicely, and I felt a little safer working off The USB drive, 
>> than from the Mac HD recovery partition, which as you say, is erased along 
>> with the erasure of the Mac Hard Disk.
>> Phew, hope that made some sense.
>> - Original Message - From: "John Panarese" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 4:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: A somewhat geeky question about partitioning the internal hard 
>> drive
>>  You would need to erase the entire partition first.  Then, partition the 
>> drive with 2 partitions.  When you erase the drive, the recovery HD is 
>> erased as well.  However, when you install the OS on each partition, it will 
>> create a new recovery partition.
>> Note that if you got that Mac with Mountain Lion, you will not be able to 
>> install Lion on it.  You cannot install a previous version of the OS than 
>> what initially came with the Mac.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:52 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello folks.
>>> I have a 21 inch Imac running Mountain lion. Now i want to repartition the 
>>> internal hard drive because i've just baught Pro tools and it doesn't play 
>>> well with Voiceover under ML. I take it i have to erase everything and 
>>> reformat my internal drive and somehow make both partitions bootable, one 
>>> with ML and one with Lion and what i wonder is what happens with the 
>>> recovery pratition when i erase and partition the drive? How do i go about 
>>> reformating so that everything is done right?
>>> /Krister
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: new member and introduction

2013-01-12 Thread CJ Daniel

Hello & welcome.  Hope you enjoy the list & your new Mac.  Don't be afraid to 
ask questions.  Everyone here is very helpful.

Again, welcome,


On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hi, all. 
> I'm new here as well, in fact I'm a relatively new Mac user, having begun 
> using the mac steadily in September after having bought it in June. 
> I'm Kerri from British  Columbia Canada. 
> On 2013-01-11, at 6:44 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I'm glad to see you made it here (you know me from the blind-guitarist
>> list). I use Audacity for music - export your Ampkit tracks, then
>> import them into Audacity. I don't have the full Ampkit for Mac yet so
>> have not tried this exact thing, but I have used Audacity and I get
>> along with it well enough. I, too, have given up on Garageband; it is
>> a perfect example of an app that manages to be accessible while being
>> totally unuseable, in my opinion.
>> On 1/11/13, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so thought I
>>> would say hi to the list.
>>> I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to learn
>>> it properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right in. The
>>> fact that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in all honesty
>>> did help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've been using OS10,
>>> Lion and now Mountain lion for about a year or so and yes, I got literal
>>> headaches at first trying to unlearn the years upon  years of first dos and
>>> then windows muscle memory but now I'm getting to where I have to work hard
>>> to recall Windows commands and not the other way round. Add to this the
>>> wonderful vo to caps lock ability I recently took advantage of and the Mac
>>> is becoming my favourite platform. Who am I kidding, it has been for quite a
>>> while. I don't miss Driver issues, selling my sole to afford JFW and
>>> wondering why I get a different adaptive experience on each different
>>> machine I use.
>>> I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as possible.
>>> The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find answers, I like
>>> to share them with others. Many people gave of there time and knowledge to
>>> help me learn and returning the favour is a good way to help return the
>>> favours.
>>> I'm a musician by trade so I'm putting a lot of effort into the musical side
>>> of things. AmpKit is my latest love and I'm amazed at how wonderfully
>>> accessible it is with VoiceOver. I'm also getting into learning and using
>>> Amadeus Pro as I finally couldn't handle attempting to make Garage Band in
>>> to anything more than a buggy unstable toy. Any suggestions on music
>>> creation apps, recording solutions or learning resources are always greatly
>>> appreciated.
>>> Anyway, thanks for the list and look forward to getting to know you all.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny Noonan.
>>> --
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as i 
go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review functions. I 
haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to first move with the 
arrow keys than press play and listen and then press stop and continue moving a 
little bit then press play and listen and then... well you get my drift, quite 
tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.

12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :

> What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
> hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
> Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
> finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something in 
> at a particular point?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
> wrote:
>> That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
>> possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
>> somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
>> well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
>> /Krister
>> 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
>>> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about a 
>>> specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd 
>>> like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of 
>>> work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the 
>>> like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or 
>>> even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking 
>>> point for him in some ways as it is a very effective way of editing quickly 
>>> by ear.
>>> Thanks for any info.
>>> Danny:
>>> PS,
>>> sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
>>> Promice. 
>>> at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
 offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible 
 with JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  
 I understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge 
 on the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth. 
  There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever 
 you go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a 
 lot.  Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, 
 recalling presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly 
 deal breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that 
 there are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo 
 version.  Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump 
 in here as I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have 
 been addressed by Sony.
 AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is remastering-taking 
 the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog 
 cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro 
 with RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's 
 accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could 
 spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I 
 understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as RX-well, 
 RX pro will jus have to wait.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
 On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
> Hi Ray.
> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As a 
> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm 
> interested to see how it stacks up on the mac. 
> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects and 
> as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was Vagus 
> LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never 
> accessible in my understanding.
> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
> Danny:
> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
>> I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.  
>> Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:  but, 
>> I'm hoping Sony clears those up.  
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ra

Re: Has MacTubes been killed?

2013-01-12 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Forgot that one isn't going to update automatically!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> You might want to upgrade to the latest version.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-12, at 8:43 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I went to use MacTubes and got a very unpleasant surprise! The only player 
>> setting that still works for me is flash player which is no big deal. But I 
>> can also no longer download. I get "unable to start download". Is this the 
>> end of downloading with MacTubes or am I doing something wrong or is there 
>> something wrong with my installation of MacTubes?
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> -- 
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Re: Has MacTubes been killed?

2013-01-12 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yeah, I wish it did
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-12, at 11:50 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Forgot that one isn't going to update automatically!
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> You might want to upgrade to the latest version.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-01-12, at 8:43 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I went to use MacTubes and got a very unpleasant surprise! The only player 
>>> setting that still works for me is flash player which is no big deal. But I 
>>> can also no longer download. I get "unable to start download". Is this the 
>>> end of downloading with MacTubes or am I doing something wrong or is there 
>>> something wrong with my installation of MacTubes?
>>> -- 
>>> Cheryl
>>> May the words of my mouth
>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>> -- 
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton
that's called "audio scrubbing" and I have heard a podcast where they 
demonstrate the ability to "scrub", so it can be done.

- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Audio editing on the mac.

What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as 
i go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review 
functions. I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to 
first move with the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press 
stop and continue moving a little bit then press play and listen and then... 
well you get my drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.


12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :

What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something 
in at a particular point?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  

That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.


12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :

My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me 
about a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus 
but I'd like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does 
lots of work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems 
and the like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it 
possible or even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to 
be a sticking point for him in some ways as it is a very effective way 
of editing quickly by ear.

Thanks for any info.


sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 

at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible 
with JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on 
purpose.  I understand that most of the basic functions can be done 
with Sound Forge on the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting 
markers and so forth.  There remain-as I indicated before-some issues. 
For example, when ever you go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends 
to say "busy busy busy" a lot.  Also, working with regions seems not to 
be possible.  Also, recalling presets seems not to be possible either. 
These are very nearly deal breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided 
yet.  Frankly, I know that there are some blind Mac users who have sort 
of played with the demo version.  Kevin Reves, if you happen to be 
reading this, feel free to jump in here as I would like to know whether 
or not any of these matters have been addressed by Sony.

AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is 
remastering-taking the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss 
removal from analog cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a 
combination of Amadeus Pro with RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not 
totally accessible:  yet, it's accessible enough to let me do what I 
most need to do.  I wish I could spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going 
to move up to Sound Forge-which I understand makes use of the same 
digital processing algorithms as RX-well, RX pro will jus have to wait.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan  

Hi Ray.

I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As 
a post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm 
interested to see how it stacks up on the mac.

Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects 
and as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was 
Vagus LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that 
was never accessible in my understanding.

If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.

Thanks for the friendly welcome.

On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.

I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now. 
Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues: 
but, I'm hoping Sony clears those up.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, if that's the way it was for me, yes, it would indeed be quite tiedous 
and cumbersum.  What I am telling you, however, is that, on my Mac, all I need 
to do is press the left and right arrow keys-bear in mind that quick nav must 
be off for this to work-and the file  scrubs so I know instantly where I am 
every second.  Now, I get to a point where I want to drop something in or take 
something out.  Well, I just press space to stop the playback head, then, rout 
the insertion point to that spot and do what ever it is I intend.  It's always 
been that way for me.  Seems to me there's something different between your 
setup and mine then-for you see-scrubbing in the way I have described has 
always worked for me.  I do seem to recall you've always had that issue though. 
 Perhaps if you have quick nav on, you might wish to turn it off.  IF that's 
not the case, you might need to get rid of your Amadeus Pro system prefs file 
and start over.  Perhaps we need to go over my settings on Skype sometime so 
that we can compare yours and mine to see if we can figure out why you cannot 
scrub and I can.

Very odd indeed.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Hi,
> What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as i 
> go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review functions. 
> I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to first move with 
> the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press stop and continue 
> moving a little bit then press play and listen and then... well you get my 
> drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.
> /Krister
> 12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :
>> What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
>> hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
>> Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
>> finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something in 
>> at a particular point?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>>> That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
>>> possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
>>> somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
>>> well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
>>> /Krister
>>> 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
 My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about 
 a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but I'd 
 like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots of 
 work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the 
 like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible or 
 even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to be a sticking 
 point for him in some ways as it is a very effective way of editing 
 quickly by ear.
 Thanks for any info.
 sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
 at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible 
> with JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  
> I understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound 
> Forge on the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so 
> forth.  There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, 
> when ever you go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy 
> busy busy" a lot.  Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  
> Also, recalling presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very 
> nearly deal breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I 
> know that there are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the 
> demo version.  Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free 
> to jump in here as I would like to know whether or not any of these 
> matters have been addressed by Sony.
> AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is 
> remastering-taking the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss 
> removal from analog cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a 
> combination of Amadeus Pro with RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not 
> totally accessible:  yet, it's accessible enough to let me do what I most 
> need to do.  I wish I could spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to 

Re: Draconis Entertainment Releases mini title for Mac OS X – SilverDollar

2013-01-12 Thread Stacey Robinson
I'd like to see a sound matching game of some sort.

Have a Blessed Day,
Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Chesley

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Richard Ring wrote:

> I want to see Alien Outback for the Mac. Here's hoping it happens.
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> I'd like to even see some of the other's back, like the pinball game; loved 
>> the wild west table, and the pacman tables,.  I've missed those eversense I 
>> stopped using my windows machine, and they sometimes didn't always work 
>> properly with that for some reason.
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:
>>> Sounds interesting. Will check it out.
>>> I'd really love it if you guys made a poker game (might suit the Silver 
>>> Dollar) or a Monopoly game. But that's just me.
>>> -- 
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Rich Text Editors

2013-01-12 Thread Harry Hogue
Hello, guys,
I use an interface with my university called eCollege.  Last quarter their text 
edit area for making posts was accessible enough.  This quarter, however, it 
doesn't work at all.  VoiceOver calls it a "Rich text editor with 
RadeEntryText," and I'm not sure what that means.  Searching online reveals 
that people over at Applevis have experienced some similar issues, apparently, 
accessing those posting features for that site when the rich text editor was 
used.  the eCollege folks tell me that there is no way to simplify the 
interface and that the visual editor has to be used.  What really sucks is that 
it works with JAWS on the Windows side of things, no problem.  Over all, 
VoiceOver works much more smoothly with eCollege because it has several frames 
and I love the way Voiceover lets me choose whether or not I want to read the 
content of a frame by interacting with it, instead of me having to go into a 
special frames mode.

All in all, I wondered if anyone had come up with a solution to this issue?  
According to the tech support folks, it isn't even possible for the instructor 
of the course to change the interface, and since it is perfectly accessible 
with JAWS, they're less likely to see it as an issue that needs immediate 
reworking. I am able to paste into the edit area, but I cannot read back any of 
what I have typed, except for back spacing.  If I have a numbered list of items 
with explanations, the editor thinks I want to start numbering each line, and 
the only way I fixed it was to go into the Windows side, use JAWS, and edit it 

I appreciate your thoughts.

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java and talking communities

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty but 
due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms I 
searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. How is 
this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is the last 
issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look back. ps, Mark 
Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 

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Re: acapella voices.

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
So if i understand this, it's about 20 dollars a voice?
Can I deactivate and move the credits around?

On Jan 12, 2013, at 5:49 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Actually this isn't correct. It's 4 credits for two computers and I don't 
> think there's any way to just use 2 credits and buy for one computer. In 
> addition to this, some voices are 6 credits for two computers and I think 
> some or all of the Swedish and Norwegian voices are 14 credits for 2 
> computers. You can install them as demos if you want. Then you go into the 
> store and buy credits when you are ready to buy. Then you go into the voice 
> manager in your Applications folder and activate. Or you can buy first and 
> then install and install if you are already sure what you want. Installing 
> and activating an having your credits left kept track of all goes through the 
> infovox ivox voice manager.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:47 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hi, One credit = one voice on one computer.
>> Each voice you buy comes with two credits.  That means you can install each 
>> voice on two different computers.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-01-12, at 12:27 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Call me silly or stupid bt i don't quite understand who the activation 
>>> works with the voices from assistivewhare, the acapella voices.
>>> Can somebody explain how the credits work? I only have one mac, i don't get 
>>> the 4 credits per voice.
>>> Thanks.
>>> chris
>>> -- 
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braille custom commands

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi all.
So if i want to set up a command with my braille connect to be next linked 
item, how do i do this?
I see where the braille commands are, but do i just input the command the the 
display after hitting add?
Also, could i add a commas for command+tab?

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Re: braille custom commands

2013-01-12 Thread Les Kriegler
Chris, I don't  think there is a way to set Command Tab as a custom braille 
command since it is a Mac-specific command as  opposed to a VoiceOver  command. 
 as for setting up a custom braille command, after you hit the Add Button, find 
the key you wish to assign and fit Command-B on your keyboard.  You'll have 5 
seconds to hit the keystroke you desire.  If you are modifying an existing key, 
you will have the opportunity to overwrite the key.  Hope that helps.

On Jan 12, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> So if i want to set up a command with my braille connect to be next linked 
> item, how do i do this?
> I see where the braille commands are, but do i just input the command the the 
> display after hitting add?
> Also, could i add a commas for command+tab?
> Thanks.
> Chris
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Re: New list member welcome message.

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
Some people can make garage band behave. On my system, most commands would work 
perhaps 25% of the time and even when they did, it was necessary to save the 
project almost 100% of the time before a new function would work. Combine this 
with virtually no undo and definitely no non-destructive undo and it was 
useless. If it worked the way it should have and was anything like stable, it 
would be a totally different prospect.

AmpKit is a guitar & Bass moddeler. You plug your axe in and choose heads, 
cabs, combos, stomp boxes and individual peddles and some  mike placement and 
put all your fx in what ever order in the chain you like and create your 
perfect tone or use the tuns of built in presets it comes with.

You can play to a backing track, over a metronome with a pile of tones or a 
standard click and record in the app. You get both a dry and a wet mix which 
you can then do what you want in your DAW of choice. I've herd rumours there 
thinking of adding multi-track functionality in the future but this I can not 
state with any factual knowledge. 


On 13/01/2013, at 2:09 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> Hi Danny and welcome to the list,
> I've only been at the Mac coming from the windows world for a few months now, 
> and I too am a musician of sorts. Actually, I'm finding GarageBand to be 
> quite usable for both audio and to some extent, MIDI as well. I find I can do 
> some fairly precise audio editting with GB - down to the 60 tick level.
> I'm interested in this "ampkit" you mentioned - what is it exactly?
> - Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 9:38 PM
> Subject: New list member welcome message.
> I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so thought I 
> would say hi to the list.
> I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to learn it 
> properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right in. The fact 
> that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in all honesty did 
> help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've been using OS10, Lion 
> and now Mountain lion for about a year or so and yes, I got literal headaches 
> at first trying to unlearn the years upon  years of first dos and then 
> windows muscle memory but now I'm getting to where I have to work hard to 
> recall Windows commands and not the other way round. Add to this the 
> wonderful vo to caps lock ability I recently took advantage of and the Mac is 
> becoming my favourite platform. Who am I kidding, it has been for quite a 
> while. I don't miss Driver issues, selling my sole to afford JFW and 
> wondering why I get a different adaptive experience on each different machine 
> I use.
> I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as possible. 
> The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find answers, I like to 
> share them with others. Many people gave of there time and knowledge to help 
> me learn and returning the favour is a good way to help return the favours.
> I'm a musician by trade so I'm putting a lot of effort into the musical side 
> of things. AmpKit is my latest love and I'm amazed at how wonderfully 
> accessible it is with VoiceOver. I'm also getting into learning and using 
> Amadeus Pro as I finally couldn't handle attempting to make Garage Band in to 
> anything more than a buggy unstable toy. Any suggestions on music creation 
> apps, recording solutions or learning resources are always greatly 
> appreciated.
> Anyway, thanks for the list and look forward to getting to know you all.
> Kind regards,
> Danny Noonan.
> -- 
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Re: Sound editing (was New list member welcome message.)

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
Garage band could see all the inputs and was able to name them so some software 
can. The Saffire has its own mixer software that in theory allows the mac to 
see everything.

Thanks. I'll keep playing and if I find a way to make it work, I'll let the 
list know. Until then, I can't record through my interface so it's pretty much 
useless to me.


On 13/01/2013, at 3:04 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I'm not sure about that, since the mac itself does not have all those
> channels. My understanding is that your mixer is taking them all and
> giving just one actual output channel, meaning the mac will only get
> one audio source. You could record each one separately, then name the
> tracks (go to the track, vo-shift-m, rename) to identify which is
> which. I don't have much experience doing multi-track recording like
> that (I don't even have a mixer).
> On 1/12/13, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> I can easily set the saffire up for input and output and choose number of
>> channels. What I can't do is work out how I can select  which input on the
>> Saffire for specific tracks.
>> My guitar & bass go in via input 1. My mike goes in on 2. My controller
>> keyboard goes in via USB. How can I say I want bass on track 1, guitar input
>> and mike on track 2 & 3, controller keyboard on 4 etc?
>> Hope this makes sense..
>> Thanks,
>> Danny:
>> On 12/01/2013, at 3:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hit cmd-comma in Audacity, then select devices (I believe) from the
>>> table. Once that's done, tab to the different input/output options and
>>> set them. The input may be in the recording option rather than
>>> devices, but you should find it easily enough.
>>> On 1/11/13, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack
 offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible
 JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on purpose.  I
 understand that most of the basic functions can be done with Sound Forge
 the Mac.  We're talking cutting, pasting, setting markers and so forth.
 There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.  For example, when ever
 go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends to say "busy busy busy" a
 Also, working with regions seems not to be possible.  Also, recalling
 presets seems not to be possible either.  These are very nearly deal
 breakers for me:  however, I ain't decided yet.  Frankly, I know that
 are some blind Mac users who have sort of played with the demo version.
 Kevin Reves, if you happen to be reading this, feel free to jump in here
 I would like to know whether or not any of these matters have been
 by Sony.
 AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot.  My big thing is
 the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss removal from analog
 cassette tapes and so on.  For this, I use a combination of Amadeus Pro
 RX version 2.10 plugins.  RX is not totally accessible:  yet, it's
 accessible enough to let me do what I most need to do.  I wish I could
 spring for RX pro:  but, if I am going to move up to Sound Forge-which I
 understand makes use of the same digital processing algorithms as
 RX pro will jus have to wait.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
 On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan 
> Hi Ray.
> I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As
> a
> post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm
> interested to see how it stacks up on the mac.
> Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects
> and
> as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was
> Vagus
> LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that was never
> accessible in my understanding.
> If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
> Thanks for the friendly welcome.
> Danny:
> On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Hi Danny, welcome.  Ray here.
>> I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac.  Yep, it's out now.
>> Quite accessible to from what I hear.  There remain a few issues:
>> but,
>> I'm hoping Sony clears those up.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Danny Noonan 
>> wrote:
>>> I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so
>>> thought I would say hi to the list.
>>> I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to
>>> learn it pro

Re: acapella voices.

2013-01-12 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Well, there is "deactivate" in the action menu in the voice manager for voices 
I presently have activated. So I hadn't really thought of it but this might be 
possible. If you don't see the answer on the website, try emailing You can ask them whether or not you can buy for just 
one computer; I think I'm right about that but it doesn't hurt to ask.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 12, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Thanks.
> So if i understand this, it's about 20 dollars a voice?
> Can I deactivate and move the credits around?
> Thanks.
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 5:49 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> Actually this isn't correct. It's 4 credits for two computers and I don't 
>> think there's any way to just use 2 credits and buy for one computer. In 
>> addition to this, some voices are 6 credits for two computers and I think 
>> some or all of the Swedish and Norwegian voices are 14 credits for 2 
>> computers. You can install them as demos if you want. Then you go into the 
>> store and buy credits when you are ready to buy. Then you go into the voice 
>> manager in your Applications folder and activate. Or you can buy first and 
>> then install and install if you are already sure what you want. Installing 
>> and activating an having your credits left kept track of all goes through 
>> the infovox ivox voice manager.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:47 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>>> Hi, One credit = one voice on one computer.
>>> Each voice you buy comes with two credits.  That means you can install each 
>>> voice on two different computers.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-01-12, at 12:27 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
 Hi all.
 Call me silly or stupid bt i don't quite understand who the activation 
 works with the voices from assistivewhare, the acapella voices.
 Can somebody explain how the credits work? I only have one mac, i don't 
 get the 4 credits per voice.
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
Ok, 2 points. 1, you can play a file and then move forward and backward by 1 
second with right and left arrow. This technically isn't scrubbing as far as I 
understand the concept. Think of a mode where if you press an arrow the 
insertion point will move an amount described by the amount of zoom but also 
you will here the auto play at a faster or slower rate depending on how much 
zoom and or how far you arrow the audio of the file. You can here the audio as 
you arrow  over it but when you take your finger off the arrow, the insert 
point stops moving and sound stops. IE, tape moves over the heads when you turn 
the real but as you stop, nothing is passing over the heads so the audio stops. 
. This way, you can tap an arrow to get just past a drum beat, the hard 
consonant of a word or breath after the word etc. It's a very effective and 
quick way to do by ear editing with out having to listen to the selection over 
and over as you fine tune start and end points of a selection.

Hope this makes sense and if Amadeus can't do this, I truly hope they implement 
it in the future as it's such a powerful editing tool, esp for the blind IMO.

On 13/01/2013, at 6:18 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Well, if that's the way it was for me, yes, it would indeed be quite tiedous 
> and cumbersum.  What I am telling you, however, is that, on my Mac, all I 
> need to do is press the left and right arrow keys-bear in mind that quick nav 
> must be off for this to work-and the file  scrubs so I know instantly where I 
> am every second.  Now, I get to a point where I want to drop something in or 
> take something out.  Well, I just press space to stop the playback head, 
> then, rout the insertion point to that spot and do what ever it is I intend.  
> It's always been that way for me.  Seems to me there's something different 
> between your setup and mine then-for you see-scrubbing in the way I have 
> described has always worked for me.  I do seem to recall you've always had 
> that issue though.  Perhaps if you have quick nav on, you might wish to turn 
> it off.  IF that's not the case, you might need to get rid of your Amadeus 
> Pro system prefs file and start over.  Perhaps we need to go over my settings 
> on Skype sometime so that we can compare yours and mine to see if we can 
> figure out why you cannot scrub and I can.
> Very odd indeed.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Krister Ekstrom  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as 
>> i go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review 
>> functions. I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to 
>> first move with the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press 
>> stop and continue moving a little bit then press play and listen and then... 
>> well you get my drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.
>> /Krister
>> 12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :
>>> What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
>>> hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
>>> Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
>>> finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something 
>>> in at a particular point?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
>>> wrote:
 That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
 possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
 somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
 well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me about 
> a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus but 
> I'd like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does lots 
> of work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems and the 
> like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it possible 
> or even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to be a 
> sticking point for him in some ways as it is a very effective way of 
> editing quickly by ear.
> Thanks for any info.
> Danny:
> PS,
> sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down. 
> Promice. 
> at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Quite correct Danny:  it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack 
>> offering.  I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible 
>> with JAWS via clunky crashy win

Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah, well, in that case, Amadeus Pro cannot do this:  at least, I don't believe 
it can.

Still considering Sound Forge for Mac but before I pay my $279.90 or so, I 
would like to know more about the various points I raised last night.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> Ok, 2 points. 1, you can play a file and then move forward and backward by 1 
> second with right and left arrow. This technically isn't scrubbing as far as 
> I understand the concept. Think of a mode where if you press an arrow the 
> insertion point will move an amount described by the amount of zoom but also 
> you will here the auto play at a faster or slower rate depending on how much 
> zoom and or how far you arrow the audio of the file. You can here the audio 
> as you arrow  over it but when you take your finger off the arrow, the insert 
> point stops moving and sound stops. IE, tape moves over the heads when you 
> turn the real but as you stop, nothing is passing over the heads so the audio 
> stops. . This way, you can tap an arrow to get just past a drum beat, the 
> hard consonant of a word or breath after the word etc. It's a very effective 
> and quick way to do by ear editing with out having to listen to the selection 
> over and over as you fine tune start and end points of a selection.
> Hope this makes sense and if Amadeus can't do this, I truly hope they 
> implement it in the future as it's such a powerful editing tool, esp for the 
> blind IMO.
> Danny:
> On 13/01/2013, at 6:18 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Well, if that's the way it was for me, yes, it would indeed be quite tiedous 
>> and cumbersum.  What I am telling you, however, is that, on my Mac, all I 
>> need to do is press the left and right arrow keys-bear in mind that quick 
>> nav must be off for this to work-and the file  scrubs so I know instantly 
>> where I am every second.  Now, I get to a point where I want to drop 
>> something in or take something out.  Well, I just press space to stop the 
>> playback head, then, rout the insertion point to that spot and do what ever 
>> it is I intend.  It's always been that way for me.  Seems to me there's 
>> something different between your setup and mine then-for you see-scrubbing 
>> in the way I have described has always worked for me.  I do seem to recall 
>> you've always had that issue though.  Perhaps if you have quick nav on, you 
>> might wish to turn it off.  IF that's not the case, you might need to get 
>> rid of your Amadeus Pro system prefs file and start over.  Perhaps we need 
>> to go over my settings on Skype sometime so that we can compare yours and 
>> mine to see if we can figure out why you cannot scrub and I can.
>> Very odd indeed.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as 
>>> i go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review 
>>> functions. I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to 
>>> first move with the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press 
>>> stop and continue moving a little bit then press play and listen and 
>>> then... well you get my drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.
>>> /Krister
>>> 12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :
 What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
 hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
 Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
 finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something 
 in at a particular point?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
 On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
> That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
> possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a 
> somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite 
> well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
> /Krister
> 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
>> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me 
>> about a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus 
>> but I'd like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does 
>> lots of work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems 
>> and the like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it 
>> possible or even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to 
>> be a sticking point for him in some wa

Trouble hooking up a Brailliant 40 to my Mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi good people. I have a problem with a braille display that i've got. It's a 
Brailiant 40, the one that looks a lot like the super vario. This braille 
display is said to work with a Mac via bluetooth, however when i try pairing 
it, and after successfull pairing, it just sits there and beeps and after a 
little while the following dialog, roughly translated from swedish to english 
appears: "Voiceover cannot load drivers for Brailiant 40 (serial number) if the 
braille display has to be in terminal mode to be used, please make sure it is." 
or something to that effect. I have the protocoll set to Baum, something it has 
to have. The display is fully charged, I have the display set to bluetooth and 
nothing works. What am i doing wrong or is it something with the display after 

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Installing Skype

2013-01-12 Thread Agent086b
Hello all, yesterday I downloaded Skype. I have a DMG file that I placed in my 
Apps folder. When I open that file I then see an APP file. How to I get that 
APP file out of the DMg in to the APP folder? This then will make the running 
of the Skype program a one step process instead of opening the DMG then Opening 
the Skype.APP file.
Hope this is clear.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Installing Skype

2013-01-12 Thread Cheryl Homiak
You copy the app file into your Applications folder.
cmd-c the app file; cmd-v in Applications.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 12, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello all, yesterday I downloaded Skype. I have a DMG file that I placed in 
> my Apps folder. When I open that file I then see an APP file. How to I get 
> that APP file out of the DMg in to the APP folder? This then will make the 
> running of the Skype program a one step process instead of opening the DMG 
> then Opening the Skype.APP file.
> Hope this is clear.
> Thanks for any help.
> Max. 
> -- 
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Re: Installing Skype

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
You don't need to put the DMG in your apps folder ever as far as I know.  
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Open the DMG, copy the app file and 
then go to your apps folder and paste the app  that way. Some >DMG's will have 
an alias that goes straight to your app folder. simply press command o to open 
it and your there. Alternatively, in any finder window, press command shift a 
to jump straight to the apps folder.



On 13/01/2013, at 8:23 AM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello all, yesterday I downloaded Skype. I have a DMG file that I placed in 
> my Apps folder. When I open that file I then see an APP file. How to I get 
> that APP file out of the DMg in to the APP folder? This then will make the 
> running of the Skype program a one step process instead of opening the DMG 
> then Opening the Skype.APP file.
> Hope this is clear.
> Thanks for any help.
> Max. 
> -- 
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Re: Installing Skype

2013-01-12 Thread Harry Hogue
Once you have done this, if ou see something on your Desktop called "Skype, 
volume," you can press VO-shift-M on it, and go down to "Eject" and press 
return.  This will then allow you to delete the .dmg file while keeping the file in your Applications folder.

This is the same process for installing other applications with .dmg files.

Hope htis is helpful.


On Jan 12, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> You copy the app file into your Applications folder.
> cmd-c the app file; cmd-v in Applications.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello all, yesterday I downloaded Skype. I have a DMG file that I placed in 
>> my Apps folder. When I open that file I then see an APP file. How to I get 
>> that APP file out of the DMg in to the APP folder? This then will make the 
>> running of the Skype program a one step process instead of opening the DMG 
>> then Opening the Skype.APP file.
>> Hope this is clear.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max. 
>> -- 
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Skype commands

2013-01-12 Thread Agent086b
Hello, Now I have the APP file in my Applications directory the next step. Is 
there a list of commands? I have read the help and it refers to clicking on an 
end call button etc. Is there shortcut keys to do all the functions? 
Thanks again for any help.

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Re: Skype commands

2013-01-12 Thread Harry Hogue
Good afternoon,
When you are signed into Skype, press VO-J to jump to the first table, which 
contains "Skype Home," "Contacts," etc.  Simply arrow to "Contacts," for 
example, then you can press VO-J and it will jump you to your contacts table 
where you can gain simply arrow up and down through your list of contacts.  I 
would suggest changing the view to list, under the "View" menu.

To end a call, press CMD-shift-H.  It is also helpful to turn curser tracking 
off once you are in the chat window area, so you can type a reply to someone 
while keeping your place in the window.  This is particularly useful if you are 
reading a long message from someone and wish to make reference to specific 
points and need to refer back to that person's message from time-to-time.  Just 
don't forget to turn your curser tracking back on when you're finished; 
otherwise, you'll find some odd VoiceOver behavior.  To turn curser tracking on 
and off, press VO-shift-F3.  it is a toggle.

As far as shortcut key commands, many of these will be found in the menus 
themselves.  Press VO-M, right arrow through the menu options, and down arrow 
to open and explore a particular menu item.  I am not the most familiar with 
assigning custom shortcuts to commands that do not have a default command, but 
this is possible.



On Jan 12, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello, Now I have the APP file in my Applications directory the next step. Is 
> there a list of commands? I have read the help and it refers to clicking on 
> an end call button etc. Is there shortcut keys to do all the functions? 
> Thanks again for any help.
> Max.
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Re: Trouble hooking up a Brailliant 40 to my Mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Christer.

I have the 32 cells brailliant. It is a great display, and I love it, but is 
can be a little strange with its hooking up.

Please find a windows I hope you have a vmware or something I need to be sure 
you have the latest firmware installed. You can see which version of the 
firmware you have installed, when you turn the braille display on, and go 
through the settings.

You need version 1.0.24, I know that, it is the version humanware recommends.

It should work.

If you need further assistance, please send me an email
I will help you eventually via skype, I know you are sweedish, I am danish, I 
think we can communicate in a combination of english, danish and sweedish.

Best regards Annie. 
Den Jan 12, 2013 kl. 10:06 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom :

> Hi good people. I have a problem with a braille display that i've got. It's a 
> Brailiant 40, the one that looks a lot like the super vario. This braille 
> display is said to work with a Mac via bluetooth, however when i try pairing 
> it, and after successfull pairing, it just sits there and beeps and after a 
> little while the following dialog, roughly translated from swedish to english 
> appears: "Voiceover cannot load drivers for Brailiant 40 (serial number) if 
> the braille display has to be in terminal mode to be used, please make sure 
> it is." or something to that effect. I have the protocoll set to Baum, 
> something it has to have. The display is fully charged, I have the display 
> set to bluetooth and nothing works. What am i doing wrong or is it something 
> with the display after all?
> /Krister
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scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi all.
Are there any good scanning apps in the app store?
I know docuscan is a good solution.
I have a canon scanner and would just need to scan to word format or even text.

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Re: java and talking communities

2013-01-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all!
Well for those of you who might want to use a talking community's room there is 
a solution!
This involves replacing the java in mountain lion with a older version using 
some terminal commands [these commands come from Apple support ]
I have never used Terminal before but used these commands OK!

So from the link I will post below you will be taken to the page that  tells 
you what to do and there is commands to undo those commands if you wish to go 

One thing I did was to copy the commands [one at a time] with the copy last 
phrase to clipboard command!VO+shift+c
then pasted them into the field!
On the first one  Terminal asked for my user pass word then for the other 3  I 
just had to press return!
After following all the steps I could use the talking communities rooms again!

Here is the link to the Apple support page!

Also I cannot remember on which list someone posted that when they got into the 
room they wanted the talk button was still dimmed!
There is one more step to do with VO that is not mentioned on TC's help page!
When you have got to the room and you find those buttons dimmed use the window 
chooser VO+f2 twice and then arrow down to the log in window and select it!
Then find the log in link/button and VO+space on it and when your back in the 
room the buttons will be undimmed!

Hth Colin
PS of course you do this at your own risk!

On 12 Jan 2013, at 19:37, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
> technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
> purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty but 
> due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms I 
> searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. How is 
> this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is the last 
> issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look back. ps, Mark 
> Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 
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Re: Installing Skype

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
That'll do it exactly.  Spot on.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 3:36 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> You don't need to put the DMG in your apps folder ever as far as I know.  
> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Open the DMG, copy the app file and 
> then go to your apps folder and paste the app  that way. Some >DMG's will 
> have an alias that goes straight to your app folder. simply press command o 
> to open it and your there. Alternatively, in any finder window, press command 
> shift a to jump straight to the apps folder.
> HTH.
> Danny:
> On 13/01/2013, at 8:23 AM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello all, yesterday I downloaded Skype. I have a DMG file that I placed in 
>> my Apps folder. When I open that file I then see an APP file. How to I get 
>> that APP file out of the DMg in to the APP folder? This then will make the 
>> running of the Skype program a one step process instead of opening the DMG 
>> then Opening the Skype.APP file.
>> Hope this is clear.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max. 
>> -- 
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Re: Audio editing on the mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
>From memory, SF on PC could scrub but I could be wrong. Interesting to know if 
>it can on Mac though.


On 13/01/2013, at 7:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Ah, well, in that case, Amadeus Pro cannot do this:  at least, I don't 
> believe it can.
> Still considering Sound Forge for Mac but before I pay my $279.90 or so, I 
> would like to know more about the various points I raised last night.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> Ok, 2 points. 1, you can play a file and then move forward and backward by 1 
>> second with right and left arrow. This technically isn't scrubbing as far as 
>> I understand the concept. Think of a mode where if you press an arrow the 
>> insertion point will move an amount described by the amount of zoom but also 
>> you will here the auto play at a faster or slower rate depending on how much 
>> zoom and or how far you arrow the audio of the file. You can here the audio 
>> as you arrow  over it but when you take your finger off the arrow, the 
>> insert point stops moving and sound stops. IE, tape moves over the heads 
>> when you turn the real but as you stop, nothing is passing over the heads so 
>> the audio stops. . This way, you can tap an arrow to get just past a drum 
>> beat, the hard consonant of a word or breath after the word etc. It's a very 
>> effective and quick way to do by ear editing with out having to listen to 
>> the selection over and over as you fine tune start and end points of a 
>> selection.
>> Hope this makes sense and if Amadeus can't do this, I truly hope they 
>> implement it in the future as it's such a powerful editing tool, esp for the 
>> blind IMO.
>> Danny:
>> On 13/01/2013, at 6:18 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Well, if that's the way it was for me, yes, it would indeed be quite 
>>> tiedous and cumbersum.  What I am telling you, however, is that, on my Mac, 
>>> all I need to do is press the left and right arrow keys-bear in mind that 
>>> quick nav must be off for this to work-and the file  scrubs so I know 
>>> instantly where I am every second.  Now, I get to a point where I want to 
>>> drop something in or take something out.  Well, I just press space to stop 
>>> the playback head, then, rout the insertion point to that spot and do what 
>>> ever it is I intend.  It's always been that way for me.  Seems to me 
>>> there's something different between your setup and mine then-for you 
>>> see-scrubbing in the way I have described has always worked for me.  I do 
>>> seem to recall you've always had that issue though.  Perhaps if you have 
>>> quick nav on, you might wish to turn it off.  IF that's not the case, you 
>>> might need to get rid of your Amadeus Pro system prefs file and start over. 
>>>  Perhaps we need to go over my settings on Skype sometime so that we can 
>>> compare yours and mine to see if we can figure out why you cannot scrub and 
>>> I can.
>>> Very odd indeed.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Krister Ekstrom  
>>> wrote:
 What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear 
 as i go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review 
 functions. I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to 
 first move with the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press 
 stop and continue moving a little bit then press play and listen and 
 then... well you get my drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.
 12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr :
> What do you mean?  Do you mean going back and forth through a file and 
> hearing where you are?  IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus 
> Pro.  I can edit a file just fine:  or, are we necessarily talking about 
> finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something 
> in at a particular point?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom  
> wrote:
>> That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the 
>> possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is 
>> a somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works 
>> quite well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i 
>> know.
>> /Krister
>> 12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan :
>>> My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me 
>>> about a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on 
>>> Amadeus but I'd like to make sure before I give him the final answer. 

Re: new member and introduction

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
Hi, Cja nd thanks for the warm welcome to this list, it's an awesome one.
On 2013-01-12, at 10:38 AM, CJ Daniel  wrote:

> Kerri,
> Hello & welcome.  Hope you enjoy the list & your new Mac.  Don't be afraid to 
> ask questions.  Everyone here is very helpful.
> Again, welcome,
> CJ
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hi, all. 
>> I'm new here as well, in fact I'm a relatively new Mac user, having begun 
>> using the mac steadily in September after having bought it in June. 
>> I'm Kerri from British  Columbia Canada. 
>> On 2013-01-11, at 6:44 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I'm glad to see you made it here (you know me from the blind-guitarist
>>> list). I use Audacity for music - export your Ampkit tracks, then
>>> import them into Audacity. I don't have the full Ampkit for Mac yet so
>>> have not tried this exact thing, but I have used Audacity and I get
>>> along with it well enough. I, too, have given up on Garageband; it is
>>> a perfect example of an app that manages to be accessible while being
>>> totally unuseable, in my opinion.
>>> On 1/11/13, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 I started receiving list messages today so I guess I'm approved so thought 
 would say hi to the list.
 I played with OS10 for a bit for a while but decided the only way to learn
 it properly was to get rid of windows all together and jump right in. The
 fact that my MBP kept corrupting windows boot camp partitions in all 
 did help my decisionn. Regardless of how I got here, I've been using OS10,
 Lion and now Mountain lion for about a year or so and yes, I got literal
 headaches at first trying to unlearn the years upon  years of first dos and
 then windows muscle memory but now I'm getting to where I have to work hard
 to recall Windows commands and not the other way round. Add to this the
 wonderful vo to caps lock ability I recently took advantage of and the Mac
 is becoming my favourite platform. Who am I kidding, it has been for quite 
 while. I don't miss Driver issues, selling my sole to afford JFW and
 wondering why I get a different adaptive experience on each different
 machine I use.
 I look forward to learning from you all and helping out as much as 
 The more I learn, the more questions it creates. As I find answers, I like
 to share them with others. Many people gave of there time and knowledge to
 help me learn and returning the favour is a good way to help return the
 I'm a musician by trade so I'm putting a lot of effort into the musical 
 of things. AmpKit is my latest love and I'm amazed at how wonderfully
 accessible it is with VoiceOver. I'm also getting into learning and using
 Amadeus Pro as I finally couldn't handle attempting to make Garage Band in
 to anything more than a buggy unstable toy. Any suggestions on music
 creation apps, recording solutions or learning resources are always greatly
 Anyway, thanks for the list and look forward to getting to know you all.
 Kind regards,
 Danny Noonan.
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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To pos

Re: java and talking communities

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
Thanks for this but I do have one question. How do I locate my administrator 
password or create one? Thanks and have a heat day.
On 2013-01-12, at 3:23 PM, Red.Falcon  wrote:

> Hi all!
> Well for those of you who might want to use a talking community's room there 
> is a solution!
> This involves replacing the java in mountain lion with a older version using 
> some terminal commands [these commands come from Apple support ]
> I have never used Terminal before but used these commands OK!
> So from the link I will post below you will be taken to the page that  tells 
> you what to do and there is commands to undo those commands if you wish to go 
> back!
> One thing I did was to copy the commands [one at a time] with the copy last 
> phrase to clipboard command!VO+shift+c
> then pasted them into the field!
> On the first one  Terminal asked for my user pass word then for the other 3  
> I just had to press return!
> After following all the steps I could use the talking communities rooms again!
> Here is the link to the Apple support page!
> Also I cannot remember on which list someone posted that when they got into 
> the room they wanted the talk button was still dimmed!
> There is one more step to do with VO that is not mentioned on TC's help page!
> When you have got to the room and you find those buttons dimmed use the 
> window chooser VO+f2 twice and then arrow down to the log in window and 
> select it!
> Then find the log in link/button and VO+space on it and when your back in the 
> room the buttons will be undimmed!
> Hth Colin
> PS of course you do this at your own risk!
> On 12 Jan 2013, at 19:37, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
>> technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
>> purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty but 
>> due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms I 
>> searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. How 
>> is this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is the 
>> last issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look back. 
>> ps, Mark Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 
>> -- 
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Re: how we became apple users

2013-01-12 Thread Jessica Moss
I couldn't ever really figure Bex out, but a classmate of mine always prefered 
it to ProWords.  I tried using Bex 1 time I think it was, and went right back 
to ProWords, sense for some reason, I kept having to do an insert command, when 
I was just typing a simple document, and my vision teacher kept having to redo 
something over and over and was like "you lost your insert," so that was the 
last time I ever attempted to use it, sense I decided it was more trouble in my 
oppinion than it was worth and found ProWords a lot easier.
On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> BEX *DOES* exist on the Mac; it's called TextEdit, and it can do WAY more 
> than Bex ever could.  THough, I did go to Dartmouth with an Apple 2C as my 
> main computer, and wrote all my papers with BEX.  I also had sorta a crush on 
> Jessie Casum from Raised Dot computing.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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an addendum

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
Hi, all, this method seems to have worked but the sound quality is terrible, 
very delayed. Is this a java problem or does the administrator need to lower 
the bit rate Also, I still cannot access virtual communities where you sign up 
to become a member, log in, then goto the site then use the rooms on it.  
On 2013-01-12, at 11:37 AM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
> technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
> purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty but 
> due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms I 
> searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. How is 
> this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is the last 
> issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look back. ps, Mark 
> Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 
> -- 
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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Phil Halton
I'm hearing that ABBYY fine reader Express works well, but I don't know for 
sure. Maybe someone who uses it will chime in.
Notice the "express" in the name as opposed to other flavors of the app. I 
hear its just the Express version that works well

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Bruinenberg" 

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:49 PM
Subject: scanning applications

Hi all.
Are there any good scanning apps in the app store?
I know docuscan is a good solution.
I have a canon scanner and would just need to scan to word format or even 


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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Thanks phill. 
I've tried that one. I might just buy it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:01 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> I'm hearing that ABBYY fine reader Express works well, but I don't know for 
> sure. Maybe someone who uses it will chime in.
> Notice the "express" in the name as opposed to other flavors of the app. I 
> hear its just the Express version that works well
> - Original Message - From: "Chris Bruinenberg" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:49 PM
> Subject: scanning applications
>> Hi all.
>> Are there any good scanning apps in the app store?
>> I know docuscan is a good solution.
>> I have a canon scanner and would just need to scan to word format or even 
>> text.
>> Thanks.
>> Chris
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Re: how we became apple users

2013-01-12 Thread Mark Baxter
I had ProWords and used it and Proterm, when I needed a nice simple WYSIWYG 
processor for a quick paper.  ProTerm was how I got addicted to chatting and 
the "internet," such as it was at the time.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks
I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself but 
got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just joined 
without somebody inviting me.
When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - I 
got a 404 error.
What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.


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Temporarily disabling Messages on the mac

2013-01-12 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Can't you just navigate to messages in the extras menu, open it with VO-Space 
and select offline?

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any INGDIRECT users?

2013-01-12 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Subject says it all. ING has made web site changes. A sighted person has to 
mouse click transfers and deposits now. You cannot vo command f5, then vo shift 
space. You cannot even use the track pad. Any work arounds?

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Re: java and talking communities

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
That solution aint gonna work because it makes your Mac less secure.  No way 
Josay.  Not for me.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Thanks for this but I do have one question. How do I locate my administrator 
> password or create one? Thanks and have a heat day.
> On 2013-01-12, at 3:23 PM, Red.Falcon  
> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Well for those of you who might want to use a talking community's room there 
>> is a solution!
>> This involves replacing the java in mountain lion with a older version using 
>> some terminal commands [these commands come from Apple support ]
>> I have never used Terminal before but used these commands OK!
>> So from the link I will post below you will be taken to the page that  tells 
>> you what to do and there is commands to undo those commands if you wish to 
>> go back!
>> One thing I did was to copy the commands [one at a time] with the copy last 
>> phrase to clipboard command!VO+shift+c
>> then pasted them into the field!
>> On the first one  Terminal asked for my user pass word then for the other 3  
>> I just had to press return!
>> After following all the steps I could use the talking communities rooms 
>> again!
>> Here is the link to the Apple support page!
>> Also I cannot remember on which list someone posted that when they got into 
>> the room they wanted the talk button was still dimmed!
>> There is one more step to do with VO that is not mentioned on TC's help page!
>> When you have got to the room and you find those buttons dimmed use the 
>> window chooser VO+f2 twice and then arrow down to the log in window and 
>> select it!
>> Then find the log in link/button and VO+space on it and when your back in 
>> the room the buttons will be undimmed!
>> Hth Colin
>> PS of course you do this at your own risk!
>> On 12 Jan 2013, at 19:37, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
>>> technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
>>> purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty 
>>> but due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms I 
>>> searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. How 
>>> is this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is the 
>>> last issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look back. 
>>> ps, Mark Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 
>>> -- 
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2013-01-12 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Once you interact with the stations, and pick one, how do you play it? VO 
Command f5 then control shift space doesn't work.

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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I have the very same issue.  A friend wanats to join, but, haven't heard back 
from the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this 
kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
fastest way to get them on board?  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi folks
> I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
> but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just joined 
> without somebody inviting me.
> When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - I 
> got a 404 error.
> What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
> Lisette
> -- 
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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Harry Hogue
I see no problem with making it an open list, unless that opens the list up to 
robots and the like.

On Jan 12, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> I have the very same issue.  A friend   to join, but, haven't heard back from 
> the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this kind 
> of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the fastest 
> way to get them on board?  
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
>> but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
>> joined without somebody inviting me.
>> When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - I 
>> got a 404 error.
>> What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
>> Lisette
>> -- 
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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Personally, I agree.  I've got a friend who just got a Mac and wants to join.  
How's he supposed to do that if he can't join?  He's been trying for at least a 
fort night.  I was going to pass his e-mail on to the mod but I ain't heard 
back despite a public request to be contacted so I could fasilitate this.  Back 
in the day when I joined, it was-as I believe-a much better list and frankly, 
more open to helping Mac newbees also.  I got a lot of help from this list bakc 
in the day:  and, I still believe it to be a sound and very good list.  Jus 
wish it wasn't such a pain for Mac newbees to join.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:47 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> I see no problem with making it an open list, unless that opens the list up 
> to robots and the like.
> Harry
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> I have the very same issue.  A friend to join, but, haven't heard back from 
>> the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this 
>> kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
>> fastest way to get them on board?  
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
>>> but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
>>> joined without somebody inviting me.
>>> When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - 
>>> I got a 404 error.
>>> What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
>>> Lisette
>>> -- 
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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
I encountered this same thing, I had to apply 4 times and it took almost a 
month to get in here.
On 2013-01-12, at 7:47 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> I see no problem with making it an open list, unless that opens the list up 
> to robots and the like.
> Harry
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> I have the very same issue.  A friend to join, but, haven't heard back from 
>> the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this 
>> kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
>> fastest way to get them on board?  
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
>>> but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
>>> joined without somebody inviting me.
>>> When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - 
>>> I got a 404 error.
>>> What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
>>> Lisette
>>> -- 
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Re: java and talking communities

2013-01-12 Thread Kerri
I did it and it worked but not well, the sound quality now is terrible though 
that may be due tot he bit rate being too high. If the tc app would allow me to 
enter my user name and password into it, all this would be rectified. however, 
the issue is that it remembers another room I was in, which was a single room 
and try as I might, the crazy machine will not forget that go in information. 
Kerri,, a disgruntled Mac user.
On 2013-01-12, at 7:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> That solution aint gonna work because it makes your Mac less secure.  No way 
> Josay.  Not for me.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Thanks for this but I do have one question. How do I locate my administrator 
>> password or create one? Thanks and have a heat day.
>> On 2013-01-12, at 3:23 PM, Red.Falcon  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> Well for those of you who might want to use a talking community's room 
>>> there is a solution!
>>> This involves replacing the java in mountain lion with a older version 
>>> using some terminal commands [these commands come from Apple support ]
>>> I have never used Terminal before but used these commands OK!
>>> So from the link I will post below you will be taken to the page that  
>>> tells you what to do and there is commands to undo those commands if you 
>>> wish to go back!
>>> One thing I did was to copy the commands [one at a time] with the copy last 
>>> phrase to clipboard command!VO+shift+c
>>> then pasted them into the field!
>>> On the first one  Terminal asked for my user pass word then for the other 3 
>>>  I just had to press return!
>>> After following all the steps I could use the talking communities rooms 
>>> again!
>>> Here is the link to the Apple support page!
>>> Also I cannot remember on which list someone posted that when they got into 
>>> the room they wanted the talk button was still dimmed!
>>> There is one more step to do with VO that is not mentioned on TC's help 
>>> page!
>>> When you have got to the room and you find those buttons dimmed use the 
>>> window chooser VO+f2 twice and then arrow down to the log in window and 
>>> select it!
>>> Then find the log in link/button and VO+space on it and when your back in 
>>> the room the buttons will be undimmed!
>>> Hth Colin
>>> PS of course you do this at your own risk!
>>> On 12 Jan 2013, at 19:37, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, all. I use Talking communities chat client as I teach computer 
 technology and want to access the rooms on accessible-world etc. When I 
 purchased this Mac, I was able to enter the rooms with little difficulty 
 but due to a a Java issue, I can no longer enter  virtual community rooms 
 I searched on the help desk and it stated I needed to revert to java 16. 
 How is this accomplished and will it truly rectify the situation? This is 
 the last issue I face before I can forever close windows and never look 
 back. ps, Mark Baxter recommended this list so a thank you to him. 
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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Quite absurd.  I must and do publically protest the current state of things!!!

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 12, 2013, at 10:03 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> I encountered this same thing, I had to apply 4 times and it took almost a 
> month to get in here.
> On 2013-01-12, at 7:47 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:
>> I see no problem with making it an open list, unless that opens the list up 
>> to robots and the like.
>> Harry
>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> I have the very same issue.  A friend to join, but, haven't heard back from 
>>> the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this 
>>> kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
>>> fastest way to get them on board?  
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>>> wrote:
 Hi folks
 I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
 but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
 joined without somebody inviting me.
 When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - 
 I got a 404 error.
 What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: inviting somebody to join the list

2013-01-12 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm not sure if it was my request from 9 or 10 months ago or my request from 1 
or 2 months ago that got me in. Perhaps I'll get accepted a second time in 
another 6 months. :-)

Anyway, very glad to get the invite.


On 13/01/2013, at 2:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> I have the very same issue.  A friend wanats to join, but, haven't heard back 
> from the mod.  To put it bluntly, how can we expect any new members with this 
> kind of crazy scheme?  Do we want new members or not?  IF so, what's the 
> fastest way to get them on board?  
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 12, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> I have a friend who wants to join this list. She tried subscribing herself 
>> but got an error message saying it was by invite only. I'm sure I just 
>> joined without somebody inviting me.
>> When I tried to go to the website - the link at the bottom of this email - I 
>> got a 404 error.
>> What's going on, and how can my friend join up? Thanks.
>> Lisette
>> -- 
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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

ABBYY FineReader Express is very good and can handle up to three languages in 
one text. I've been using it for a couple of years and am very satisfied with 

My objection to DocuScan is that it only handles English which is no problem 
for many people, but for those of us who live in a non-English-speaking 
country, it's not an option.



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Re: Trouble hooking up a Brailliant 40 to my Mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, wait how do you update the firmware of the Braillient? I have a BI32, and 
for some reason blueetoth doesn't work with it, I always have to use USB.

Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-12, at 3:21 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi Christer.
> I have the 32 cells brailliant. It is a great display, and I love it, but is 
> can be a little strange with its hooking up.
> Please find a windows I hope you have a vmware or something I need to be sure 
> you have the latest firmware installed. You can see which version of the 
> firmware you have installed, when you turn the braille display on, and go 
> through the settings.
> You need version 1.0.24, I know that, it is the version humanware recommends.
> It should work.
> If you need further assistance, please send me an email 
> I will help you eventually via skype, I know you are sweedish, I am danish, I 
> think we can communicate in a combination of english, danish and sweedish.
> Best regards Annie. 
> Den Jan 12, 2013 kl. 10:06 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom 
> :
>> Hi good people. I have a problem with a braille display that i've got. It's 
>> a Brailiant 40, the one that looks a lot like the super vario. This braille 
>> display is said to work with a Mac via bluetooth, however when i try pairing 
>> it, and after successfull pairing, it just sits there and beeps and after a 
>> little while the following dialog, roughly translated from swedish to 
>> english appears: "Voiceover cannot load drivers for Brailiant 40 (serial 
>> number) if the braille display has to be in terminal mode to be used, please 
>> make sure it is." or something to that effect. I have the protocoll set to 
>> Baum, something it has to have. The display is fully charged, I have the 
>> display set to bluetooth and nothing works. What am i doing wrong or is it 
>> something with the display after all?
>> /Krister
>> -- 
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Re: Trouble hooking up a Brailliant 40 to my Mac.

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Is there a way to update the firmware?
On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:25 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi, wait how do you update the firmware of the Braillient? I have a BI32, and 
> for some reason blueetoth doesn't work with it, I always have to use USB.
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-12, at 3:21 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi Christer.
>> I have the 32 cells brailliant. It is a great display, and I love it, but is 
>> can be a little strange with its hooking up.
>> Please find a windows I hope you have a vmware or something I need to be 
>> sure you have the latest firmware installed. You can see which version of 
>> the firmware you have installed, when you turn the braille display on, and 
>> go through the settings.
>> You need version 1.0.24, I know that, it is the version humanware recommends.
>> It should work.
>> If you need further assistance, please send me an email 
>> I will help you eventually via skype, I know you are sweedish, I am danish, 
>> I think we can communicate in a combination of english, danish and sweedish.
>> Best regards Annie. 
>> Den Jan 12, 2013 kl. 10:06 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom 
>> :
>>> Hi good people. I have a problem with a braille display that i've got. It's 
>>> a Brailiant 40, the one that looks a lot like the super vario. This braille 
>>> display is said to work with a Mac via bluetooth, however when i try 
>>> pairing it, and after successfull pairing, it just sits there and beeps and 
>>> after a little while the following dialog, roughly translated from swedish 
>>> to english appears: "Voiceover cannot load drivers for Brailiant 40 (serial 
>>> number) if the braille display has to be in terminal mode to be used, 
>>> please make sure it is." or something to that effect. I have the protocoll 
>>> set to Baum, something it has to have. The display is fully charged, I have 
>>> the display set to bluetooth and nothing works. What am i doing wrong or is 
>>> it something with the display after all?
>>> /Krister
>>> -- 
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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Thank you for the tip.
Was there an easy way to scan multiple documents at once?
I tried a demo of it and it wouldn't let me scan multiple pages.
Also, it didn't seam to work with my canon scanner very well.

On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:15 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> ABBYY FineReader Express is very good and can handle up to three languages in 
> one text. I've been using it for a couple of years and am very satisfied with 
> it.
> My objection to DocuScan is that it only handles English which is no problem 
> for many people, but for those of us who live in a non-English-speaking 
> country, it's not an option.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

It works fine with my Canon Lide 110 and I can scan multiple pages although it 
isn't as easy as with VueScan. You have to click Resume then use the window 
chooser to get back to the scanner window. However, it does work.

When scanning a book, I usually scan a chapter at a time so I haven't tried to 
scan more than about 20 pages into one document, so I don't know the limit, but 
so far I've had no trouble.



On 13 Jan 2013, at 08:31, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi.
> Thank you for the tip.
> Was there an easy way to scan multiple documents at once?
> I tried a demo of it and it wouldn't let me scan multiple pages.
> Also, it didn't seam to work with my canon scanner very well.
> Thanks.
> chris

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Re: scanning applications

2013-01-12 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi Anne.
I will try this again.

On Jan 12, 2013, at 11:55 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> It works fine with my Canon Lide 110 and I can scan multiple pages although 
> it isn't as easy as with VueScan. You have to click Resume then use the 
> window chooser to get back to the scanner window. However, it does work.
> When scanning a book, I usually scan a chapter at a time so I haven't tried 
> to scan more than about 20 pages into one document, so I don't know the 
> limit, but so far I've had no trouble.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 Jan 2013, at 08:31, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Thank you for the tip.
>> Was there an easy way to scan multiple documents at once?
>> I tried a demo of it and it wouldn't let me scan multiple pages.
>> Also, it didn't seam to work with my canon scanner very well.
>> Thanks.
>> chris
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