that's called "audio scrubbing" and I have heard a podcast where they
demonstrate the ability to "scrub", so it can be done.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Krister Ekstrom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Audio editing on the mac.
What i mean is as you point out, going back and forth in a file and hear as
i go where i am, much like an old tape recorder with cue and review
functions. I haven't found a way of doing this in Amadeus Pro, i had to
first move with the arrow keys than press play and listen and then press
stop and continue moving a little bit then press play and listen and then...
well you get my drift, quite tedious and cumbersome in my opinion.
12 jan 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr <>:
What do you mean? Do you mean going back and forth through a file and
hearing where you are? IF that's what you mean, I can do that in Amadeus
Pro. I can edit a file just fine: or, are we necessarily talking about
finding where things are in a file, cutting them out or putting something
in at a particular point?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
On Jan 12, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom <>
That's a thing i have missed with all editing apps on the Mac, the
possibility to scrub and thereby precition editing on the Mac. There is a
somewhat similar feature on Sound studio that sorta works and works quite
well i'd say, but alas nothing of the kind in Amadeus as far as i know.
12 jan 2013 kl. 10:13 skrev Danny Noonan <>:
My brother is in the process of moving over to mac and has asked me
about a specific feature which as far as I know can't be done on Amadeus
but I'd like to make sure before I give him the final answer. As he does
lots of work producing voice overs, adds and interactive phone systems
and the like, he was asking if you can use Scrubbing in Amadeus. Is it
possible or even likely it would be added in the future? This seems to
be a sticking point for him in some ways as it is a very effective way
of editing quickly by ear.
Thanks for any info.
sorry for the influx of traffic since my first message. It'll die down.
Promice. <smile>
at8 PM, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:
Quite correct Danny: it was indeed Vagus LA that was the multitrack
offering. I do not ever recall that it was or could be made accessible
with JAWS via clunky crashy windows-note the small w that is on
purpose. I understand that most of the basic functions can be done
with Sound Forge on the Mac. We're talking cutting, pasting, setting
markers and so forth. There remain-as I indicated before-some issues.
For example, when ever you go in to the record dialog, Voice Over tends
to say "busy busy busy" a lot. Also, working with regions seems not to
be possible. Also, recalling presets seems not to be possible either.
These are very nearly deal breakers for me: however, I ain't decided
yet. Frankly, I know that there are some blind Mac users who have sort
of played with the demo version. Kevin Reves, if you happen to be
reading this, feel free to jump in here as I would like to know whether
or not any of these matters have been addressed by Sony.
AS for Amadeus Pro, I do use it a lot. My big thing is
remastering-taking the scratches and noise out of vinyl disks, hiss
removal from analog cassette tapes and so on. For this, I use a
combination of Amadeus Pro with RX version 2.10 plugins. RX is not
totally accessible: yet, it's accessible enough to let me do what I
most need to do. I wish I could spring for RX pro: but, if I am going
to move up to Sound Forge-which I understand makes use of the same
digital processing algorithms as RX-well, RX pro will jus have to wait.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
On Jan 11, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Danny Noonan <>
Hi Ray.
I haven't yet looked into SF on mac although I did here it was out. As
a post production tool, it was pretty much unrivalled on pc so I'm
interested to see how it stacks up on the mac.
Right at the moment, I'm more into the multi-track recording aspects
and as far as I'm aware, it's a multi-channel recorder. I think it was
Vagus LA or something that was Sony's multi-track offering and that
was never accessible in my understanding.
If you end up getting it, I'd be very interested in your views on it.
Thanks for the friendly welcome.
On 12/01/2013, at 2:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:
Hi Danny, welcome. Ray here.
I have been considering Sound Forge for the Mac. Yep, it's out now.
Quite accessible to from what I hear. There remain a few issues:
but, I'm hoping Sony clears those up.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
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