Accidentally selecting windows

2012-08-27 Thread Robert
Dear All,

I have a question regarding use of the mouse pointer with VoiceOver on OS X 
- however, since I haven't posted here before I thought I'd better 
introduce myself.

I live in London (UK) and have become something of an Apple convert in 
recent years - starting off with my beloved iPhone in 2010, and much more 
recently buying myself a MacBook Air.  One of the main drivers for the Mac 
purchase was the changing nature of my sight - whilst I still have useful 
vision, with which I can read a computer monitor, given sufficient 
contract, reduced resolution, increased font size, etc, this is becoming 
increasingly difficult.  Having used VoiceOver on the iPhone virtually all 
the time, buying a Mac seemed like the obvious way of making a gentle 
transition from sight-reading to screenreading.

I did a lot of research before biting the bullet, including playing with an 
Air for a few hours in an Apple Store.  Since getting it, however, I have 
been slightly frustrated by the steepness of the learning curve, and my 
relatively slow progress up it.  I think part of the issue has been that I 
am not only learning to use a new OS, having mainly used Windows (and 
Ubuntu for a bit) until now, but I am also relying more heavily on the 
screenreader than ever before.  Whilst many of the gestures transfer across 
to from iOS to Mountain Lion, the significantly more complicated desktop 
and my lack of familiarity with the various keyboard shortcuts is proving 
to be somewhat frustrating.

I'll no doubt bother you with some of my other issues another time, but I 
would appreciate a bit of advice on the thing which is probably causing me 
the most irritation.

As I am still finding my way around the desktop and various applications, I 
often find myself getting rather "lost".  One way of getting out of such 
situations, I find, is to disable the trackpad commander, zoom in a fair 
bit, and navigate with the mouse pointer, with VoiceOver announcing the 
items under it.  This works pretty well within most applications, however 
in some - notably Mail - it automatically selects items as soon as the 
cursor hovers over them. For instance, if I move the cursor over the 
mailbox list and select "Inbox", but inadvertently hover over "drafts" when 
moving the cursor back to the message list, "Drafts" is activated instead 
of "Inbox".

This becomes even more annoying if I accidentally stray beyond the boundary 
of a window, resulting in the next one back being activated instead.  As an 
example, I might have Safari open with Mail still running in the 
background.  Whilst navigating with the mouse cursor I accidentally stray 
beyond the Safari window, and suddenly find myself back in Mail!  To make 
matters even worse, if I Cmd + Tab back to Safari, but don't move the mouse 
cursor beforehand, it flips back to Mail as soon as I touch the touchpad.  
You will understand how annoying and frustrating this is.

I would be very grateful if anybody could help me with this.  Is there a 
way of maintaining the VO focus whilst navigating the cursor, but without 
actually activating the items under it?  Is there any way of automatically 
keeping the mouse cursor within the boundaries of a window?  Any help or 
advice would be very gratefully received.

Many thanks, and sorry for the very long post!


(Running Max OS X 10.8.1, with VO, magnification and screen inversion 
turned on.)

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Re: Accidentally selecting windows

2012-08-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Robert
First of all, hang in there. It takes some time to switch. It took me about two 
weeks, but then voiceover was my fifth screen reader.
I have a question about the screened in version?  are you talking about just 
changing the contrast? 
I have never experienced the problems you're talking about. So, it sounds to me 
like some weird setting you've got that is causing you trouble.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 27, 2012, at 3:54 AM, Robert  wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have a question regarding use of the mouse pointer with VoiceOver on OS X - 
> however, since I haven't posted here before I thought I'd better introduce 
> myself.
> I live in London (UK) and have become something of an Apple convert in recent 
> years - starting off with my beloved iPhone in 2010, and much more recently 
> buying myself a MacBook Air.  One of the main drivers for the Mac purchase 
> was the changing nature of my sight - whilst I still have useful vision, with 
> which I can read a computer monitor, given sufficient contract, reduced 
> resolution, increased font size, etc, this is becoming increasingly 
> difficult.  Having used VoiceOver on the iPhone virtually all the time, 
> buying a Mac seemed like the obvious way of making a gentle transition from 
> sight-reading to screenreading.
> I did a lot of research before biting the bullet, including playing with an 
> Air for a few hours in an Apple Store.  Since getting it, however, I have 
> been slightly frustrated by the steepness of the learning curve, and my 
> relatively slow progress up it.  I think part of the issue has been that I am 
> not only learning to use a new OS, having mainly used Windows (and Ubuntu for 
> a bit) until now, but I am also relying more heavily on the screenreader than 
> ever before.  Whilst many of the gestures transfer across to from iOS to 
> Mountain Lion, the significantly more complicated desktop and my lack of 
> familiarity with the various keyboard shortcuts is proving to be somewhat 
> frustrating.
> I'll no doubt bother you with some of my other issues another time, but I 
> would appreciate a bit of advice on the thing which is probably causing me 
> the most irritation.
> As I am still finding my way around the desktop and various applications, I 
> often find myself getting rather "lost".  One way of getting out of such 
> situations, I find, is to disable the trackpad commander, zoom in a fair bit, 
> and navigate with the mouse pointer, with VoiceOver announcing the items 
> under it.  This works pretty well within most applications, however in some - 
> notably Mail - it automatically selects items as soon as the cursor hovers 
> over them. For instance, if I move the cursor over the mailbox list and 
> select "Inbox", but inadvertently hover over "drafts" when moving the cursor 
> back to the message list, "Drafts" is activated instead of "Inbox".
> This becomes even more annoying if I accidentally stray beyond the boundary 
> of a window, resulting in the next one back being activated instead.  As an 
> example, I might have Safari open with Mail still running in the background.  
> Whilst navigating with the mouse cursor I accidentally stray beyond the 
> Safari window, and suddenly find myself back in Mail!  To make matters even 
> worse, if I Cmd + Tab back to Safari, but don't move the mouse cursor 
> beforehand, it flips back to Mail as soon as I touch the touchpad.  You will 
> understand how annoying and frustrating this is.
> I would be very grateful if anybody could help me with this.  Is there a way 
> of maintaining the VO focus whilst navigating the cursor, but without 
> actually activating the items under it?  Is there any way of automatically 
> keeping the mouse cursor within the boundaries of a window?  Any help or 
> advice would be very gratefully received.
> Many thanks, and sorry for the very long post!
> Robert
> (Running Max OS X 10.8.1, with VO, magnification and screen inversion turned 
> on.)
> -- 
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Re: Banking Programs and VO

2012-08-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I know it's technically not a money program, but I have been successfully using 
numbers to do this. I will tell you that right now, there is a bug for larger 
files when using numbers. I told Apple about it, so presumably they will fix it 
the bug is that it's a lot slower than it should be with large files. If you're 
not careful with a braille display, you can crash numbers right now. However, I 
am still using it okay.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Grant  wrote:

> I am not having any luck finding a banking program that is workable with VO.  
> I have been working with iBank and Money Well.  I have not been able to 
> access the transaction areas with either program.  Any advice or 
> recommendations.
> Thanks,
> Grant Hyde
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Re: airdrop

2012-08-27 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Hi Mika,

Try interacting with the downloads list first, then pressing vo+comma to begin 
the drag process.
On Aug 26, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Mika Pyyhkala  wrote:

> Hi,
> When I am in my downloads folder and try to use VO+comma to select an
> item from downloads to drag, it says:
> "is not draggable, item may be hidden by"
> I have pressed the command 3 to show the files in columns, but it
> still will not let me drag.
> I am trying to use airdrop to copy items from one Mac to another from
> the downloads folder on the original Mac.
> Best,
> Mika
> On 6/14/12, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hello Daniela and Paul,
>> @Paul: You need to activate a specific Finder setting. I'm not sure about
>> the title on an english Mac but it should be in settings / General. There
>> you activate something lik "Open all new Finder windows in a new window".
>> Then you can open several folder windows at once.
>> @Daniela: You wrote Airdrop works fine on your machine. I nearly always have
>> the issue VoiceOver saying "droppping was not possible" even though I'm on
>> the correct position and I'm interacted and everything is right. What works
>> better then to use VO + komma and VO + period is the old conventional way of
>> drag and drop in Vo as it was used in Snow Leopard. But even that does not
>> always work.
>> So I wonder wether I'm doing something wrong.
>> All the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 13.06.2012 um 14:10 schrieb Daniela Rubio:
>>> Hello again!
>>> Well, in order to use both Finder Windows, The Airdrop and the files one,
>>> you just need to change from one window to an other with Command and the
>>> key at the wright of  the letter P. In spanish keyboards is an accent, but
>>> I am not sure which is de symbol on an english one, this is why I say
>>> where is that key.
>>> To drag the files do this:
>>> 1. Open Airdrop on Finder and let it find the Airdrops in range.
>>> 2. Open the Finder window where you have the file you want to transfer and
>>> select the file.
>>> 3. Make a Vo coma  on that file.
>>> 4. press Command + the key next to the letter p and you will be brought
>>> back to your airdrop window.
>>> 5. Interact with the airdrop until you here the name of the destination
>>> computer and then press Vo period to drop the file.
>>> With this, you will here the dragging sound and then the send dialog will
>>> appear to ask if you want to send that file. You hit Send and there you
>>> go.
>>> I hope that I am more clear on this, and feel free to ask if that is not
>>> the case.
>>> Cheers!
>>> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
>>> El 13/06/2012, a las 13:36, Paul Erkens escribió:
 Hi Daniela Rubio,
 Thank you for the explanation of airdrop. I've seen this come by a number
 of times, but there is one important aspect that never became clear to
 me. I hope you can explain a little more about it.
 Here's what I do, and where I go wrong.
 1. I open airdrop on both Lion macs.
 2. On the source mac, from where I want to send files, I look in the grid
 by interacting with it, and I find the other, destination mac.
 3. Now, I need to drag files over to it, and there is a problem. In order
 for a drag and drop to work, you must have both the file window from
 which you are dragging, as well as the airdrop window into which you are
 dropping, open on the source mac, simultaneously. How do I do that?
 In finder, as far as I understand it now, you have a sidebar on the left,
 and a main area on the right. When viewing a folder full of files, the
 window on the right is taken up by the files. When you start airdrop by
 hitting command shift r, this area is instead taken up by the airdrop
 window. Is this a misconception of mine? How can you have both airdrop
 and a finder window with files open at the same time?
 On May 25, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:
> Hello:
> Yes, it is accessible. Just bring it up from Finder with
> Command+shift+r. When it is there, you will see your computer that will
> stand as "me". If an other Mac is on the range of airdrop, it will find
> it and you will see it just as airdrop. If you interact with that
> airdrop you will see the name of the computer  to which it belongs and
> there you can drag in the files you wish to transfer.
> Remember to drag files with the Vo coma and Vo period combination. Once
> you dragged the file, a dialog will ask you if you want to send that
> file, and when you press send, the other computer will receive the
> request to accept the file.
> That is all!
> at first, it can seem to be a little confusing, but it works great!

Re: DVD burning software?

2012-08-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  I'm using simply burns for this type of job.  It is highly accessible, but 
hasn't been updated in quite some time.  Operating system compatibility may be 
an issue.

There is also one in the app store called Burn which has been recommended 
before.  I may be looking to switch to that one when I upgrade to ml.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
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On 2012-08-26, at 9:04 PM, Matt Gilman wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> So I am looking for a program that will take a DVD that I ripped to my 
> computer back on to a DVD.  When I rip the DVD it creates the files in to a 
> TS folder.  I used to use Toast Titanium back on Leopard.  It was really 
> accessible but the new versions for Lion or Mtn Lion for Toast is totally 
> inaccessible.
> Is there any other program that will work out there.  I already have the 
> software to rip the DVD but I need the software to burn it back to DVD.  Does 
> anyone know of a program that works well with voice over?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Matt.
> Matt Gilman
> 443-650-8441
> Motivating the world on my bike and through my words.
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Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

2012-08-27 Thread Les Kriegler
I was away for the last 4 days and as a result, away from my Mac.  I saw 
messages on the new release of Mt. Lion.  Isa there any advantage to upgrading 
now?  I was concerned as a list member indicated re-boot times were much 
longer.  If that's the case, I do not wish to upgrade.  Thanks.


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RE: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

2012-08-27 Thread Missy Hoppe
I didn't notice a change in boot time, although Maybe I haven't been paying 
attention. The update seems to be just fine here.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:16 AM
Subject: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

I was away for the last 4 days and as a result, away from my Mac.  I saw 
messages on the new release of Mt. Lion.  Isa there
any advantage to upgrading now?  I was concerned as a list member indicated 
re-boot times were much longer.  If that's the
case, I do not wish to upgrade.  Thanks.


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changing account info in iCloud?

2012-08-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I recently had to change my Apple ID.  I have tried to change to the new ID in 
iCloud prefs, but can't seem to get the cursor over to edit that field.  I can 
edit my name, and the description, but not my Apple ID.  Has anyone found a way 
to do this?

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Re: 1Password for Mac

2012-08-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hey Rod,

I now have the 1password app on the iphone as well, and since I got my last 
hint from I think it was Emilio on this list, it now works for me. On the 
iphone, you'll first see a list: logins, wallet items, generated passwords, 
identities, etc. Once you double tap logins, the list appears, alphabetically. 
To get logged in, first double tap the site in your list. Then, an info window 
appears. Flick to the url for the site, and then double tap that one. Then it 
On Aug 26, 2012, at 9:41 PM, ROD SKENE  wrote:

> Thanks Paul,
> The email threads have been very helpful, and I have learned a lot from them. 
> I just installed 1Password today and want to give it a decent effort before 
> asking too many questions.
> I was happy to get the Safari plug in installed.  I was also able to get my 
> first login credentials into 1Password.  It worked great on the Mac.
> My biggest concern is being able to access my banking apps, audible, etc. on 
> my iPhone after upgrading to more secure  passwords with 1Password.
> Time will tell if I can get it all to work for me on the Mac and iPhone too.  
> Smile
> Rod
> On Aug 26, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Rod,
>> I'm still exploring the 1password interface on the mac. The first thing you 
>> should know about, is that 1password consists of 2 components, each with its 
>> own interface. The main part is a very accessible mac app that goes into 
>> your applications folder, called, you guessed it, The other, 
>> less accessible part, is what they call their safari 1password extension. 
>> This is a plug in program that works inside safari. A day ago, I posted a 
>> message with the subject line of 1password accessibility, describing what 
>> you will find while working with the extension, and some tips on how to use 
>> it. If you bump into issues with it, please post them and we may learn from 
>> each other as we go.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 26, 2012, at 7:35 PM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,¬
>>> There is a 30 day free trial of 1Password.
>>> I was very happy  they had  a trial.  I would pay the cost of the app if I 
>>> can navigate it easily.  Now, I will have the chance to see if it works for 
>>> me. Grin.
>>> Rod 
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RE: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

2012-08-27 Thread Daniel Miller
No, the boot time is the same, if not a little shorter. I honestly don't
know what that person was thinking, since after the first reboot for an
update, things do generally take just a tad longer to boot in my opinion.
However, you will be perfectly fine to upgrade.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Missy Hoppe
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 7:21 AM
Subject: RE: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

I didn't notice a change in boot time, although Maybe I haven't been paying
attention. The update seems to be just fine here.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:16 AM
Subject: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

I was away for the last 4 days and as a result, away from my Mac.  I saw
messages on the new release of Mt. Lion.  Isa there any advantage to
upgrading now?  I was concerned as a list member indicated re-boot times
were much longer.  If that's the case, I do not wish to upgrade.  Thanks.


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2012-08-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Max and others. I know there are some apps in the app store that have radio 
stations in there. Also, if you live in the US or Canada, check out It has radio stations that you can download to work with 

Sent from my white Mac Book

On 2012-08-27, at 7:28 AM, wrote:

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Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-27 Thread tealgreen83
Good Morning List,

Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new folders within 
mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders, but not sure how to create 
new folders.


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Re: Arranging Listbox

2012-08-27 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh, sounds like someone else already answered this. I'm still on osx 
10.7. Should have asked your version sooner :)


On 8/24/12 5:10 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

This is on Mountain Lion on a brand new Mac Book Pro.  It came with Lion and I 
upgraded to Mountain Lion.


On 2012-08-23, at 12:32 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Odd. What version of OSX are you on?


On 8/22/12 3:45 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

Yes, I am using it in list view.  It will let me sort for any other view option, but not 
list view.  This also happens in Safari when using the "Choose File" button to 
select a file on a website.

This is a strange one.


On 2012-08-22, at 2:31 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

You need to be in list view for this to work. The file dialog has a couple different ways 
to arrange the file list. They are changed by a row of radio buttons. The second button 
reads "list view". Select that and then your file selector will use lists of 
files instead of icons or whatever. You should have a couple columns when you interact 
with the list view table such as name, date and size. Pressing VO-| will sort by whatever 
column you currently have focus in. Pressing it again will sort the other direction.


On 8/22/12 12:13 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

Unfortunately, this did not work. I had my mother-in-law look at it and 
apparently, the option to change the order is blanked out. I must have a 
problem with my TextEdit application.
Off to Google a solution.
On 2012-08-22, at 9:46 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Column sort on a table is VO-| or pipe. Is the shifted version of the \ key 
right above the return key.


On 8/22/12 8:03 AM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

Hi all,

When I am in the "open file" dialogue box of Textedit the results showing in 
the listbox are sorted in reverse alphabetic order.  I am trying to change this to be 
alphabetic order by hitting [vo][backslash].  This is not having any affect.  Can anybody 
offer any suggestions on making this happen?


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Maclegion fall bundle!

2012-08-27 Thread Red.Falcon
OK 500 bucks of software for just under 50 bucks!

I do not know if any one will find these useful and I do not know if any or all 
are accessible but people might want to have a look!


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Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-27 Thread Rachel Feinberg
To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the mailbox menu 
in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create new mailbox from the 
mailbox menu.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM,  

> Good Morning List,
> Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new folders within 
> mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders, but not sure how to create 
> new folders.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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configuring apple apple mail question

2012-08-27 Thread Christina C.
Hi, I am using ML   with standard view in apple mail.  Is there a way to 
configure things so that the fields in the messages table are in an order that 
I prefer.  I'd like voiceover to read this info to me in a different order.  I 
really don't need to know how many message conversations are in a message 
first.  Does that make sense?  I mostly prefer to hear the subject field first. 
 Although, in some mailboxes, I'd like to hear the sender name first.  Is it 
possible to configure different mailboxes differently?

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

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Sort Buttons For Column Headers

2012-08-27 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi all,

I've just noticed something when using tables with the trackpad commander. If I 
interact with a table and touch the top of the trackpad, I get a "sort button" 
for each of the columns the table contains. I can double-tap, say, the "Name" 
button, to change between ascending and descending sort order, or double-tap a 
one for a different column header, for example "Date Modified", to sort the 
table's contents by that column. However, if I move VoiceOver focus with the 
keyboard, I seem unable to get to these sort buttons. Is there a way of getting 
to them using the keyboard? I'm not sure if I'm correct on this, but, from what 
I've heard, this feature was introduced with Mountain Lion. Thanks in advance.


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Secondary Email:
Skype: Batworx

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Re: Sort Buttons For Column Headers

2012-08-27 Thread Brandon Olivares

I actually just posted on this yesterday. If you press vo-|, it will jump to 
the column headers. Then press vo-| again to get back to the columns.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just noticed something when using tables with the trackpad commander. If 
> I interact with a table and touch the top of the trackpad, I get a "sort 
> button" for each of the columns the table contains. I can double-tap, say, 
> the "Name" button, to change between ascending and descending sort order, or 
> double-tap a one for a different column header, for example "Date Modified", 
> to sort the table's contents by that column. However, if I move VoiceOver 
> focus with the keyboard, I seem unable to get to these sort buttons. Is there 
> a way of getting to them using the keyboard? I'm not sure if I'm correct on 
> this, but, from what I've heard, this feature was introduced with Mountain 
> Lion. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email:
> Secondary Email:
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> -- 
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Re: in need of instructions on how to successfully install louie onto my mack book pro?

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
Can you not copy the app to the applications folder or run the app directly 
from the disk image?
Sent from my mac

On 26 Aug 2012, at 01:37, Chenelle Hancock  wrote:

> hi all,
> i wanted to know if anyone had  instructions on how to install  louie onto  
> the mack using voice over  commands? any help would be most greatly 
> appreicated.
> sincerely, chenelle thanks for the help.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 25/08/2012, at 18:04, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>>  • ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock [4 Updates]
>>  • Update On My Problem [4 Updates]
>>  • 1password accessibility [1 Update]
>>  • Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time! [1 Update]
>>  • Zoom [1 Update]
>>  • Audio Hijack Pro [2 Updates]
>>  • VMware Fusion [1 Update]
>>  • iTunes Library Help [1 Update]
>>  • OS X rocks! [1 Update]
>>  • removing Carbon coppy Cloner [1 Update]
>>  • Interesting Problem [1 Update]
>>  • safari [1 Update]
>>  • Restore Factory Default [1 Update]
>>  • Best GPS app for iPhone [2 Updates]
>>  • Facebook on IOS update [1 Update]
>>  • Fleksy [1 Update]
>>  • ML .1, first look. [1 Update]
>>  ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock
>> Christine Grassman  Aug 25 04:42PM -0400  
>> Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
>> can I get them back in there?
>> Thanks.
>> Christine
>> Ricardo Walker  Aug 25 04:49PM -0400  
>> Hi,
>> find the apps in your applications folder in the finder and press command 
>> shift T to add them back to the dock.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> Christine Grassman  Aug 25 04:52PM -0400  
>> Great. Thanks much.
>> Steve Holmes  Aug 25 03:03PM -0700  
>> Just curious, how do you guys find some of these other shortcuts? When I 
>> went into the menus while on the apps folder, I did not see even a menu item 
>> for putting the file on the doc. I saw one for putting it on the sidebar 
>> (Command-T). When I looked around in the help menu for the finder, I didn't 
>> come across that either. This is a good one to remember though.
>>  Update On My Problem
>> Scott Rumery  Aug 25 03:48PM -0400  
>> Hello,
>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and 
>> I just wanted to give you all an update. I have discovered that my system 
>> sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones 
>> plugged in. If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no sound 
>> in it. I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a system 
>> sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result is 
>> great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in then I 
>> get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case? I would ultimately like to 
>> be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
>> podcast. I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
>> this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Scott
>> Brandon Olivares  Aug 25 04:40PM -0400  
>> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding to 
>> it?
>> Scott Rumery  Aug 25 05:49PM -0400  
>> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones. I don't know why I can't 
>> get it to work properly. When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was 
>> fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with 
>> it that this started to happen. I have since uninstalled Garage Band but the 
>> problem persists. Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the life 
>> of me I can't figure out what the conflict could be.
>> Scott
>> Brandon Olivares  Aug 25 05:57PM -0400  
>> Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
>> Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to 
>> the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
>>  1password accessibility
>> Paul Erkens  Aug 25 11:06PM +0200  
>> Hi Robert,
>> It worked out this time. Thank you for your clear answer and tip about the 
>> menus. I have been focusing so hard on the safari extension and its 
>> inaccessibility, that it really got me frustrated. Things are a lot clearer 
>> now, even though inaccessibility in the extension remains for one part. You 
>> have been very helpful Robert.
>> For the sake of others attempting to use 1password, here is what I bumped 
>> into. As far as I found a work around, I'll describe that as well, so that 
>> others don't have to invent the wheel again, and at least get going, having 
>> logins saved, using them again, seeing how fast that is, 

Re: OS X rocks!

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
In my case I have only used 60 out of my 500 gb of my Macintosh HD. Found this 
out with the get info command, command-i.
Sent from my mac

On 25 Aug 2012, at 20:10, Joseph Norton  wrote:

> Hi:
> I just did a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion and looked at my free space. 
>  Out of 319 GB, I still had 312 GB avail.
> A typical install of Windows 7 takes up 2 or 3 times that much space.
> Just goes to show that you can still do tight coding if you want to.
> -- 
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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
Ok here is a workaround to see if a file is downloading. This is in Mountain 
1. Activate the link to download a file.
2. Interact with the toolbar.
3. Click on the downloads button.
A downloads window appears.
Note if you do not see a downloads button then either no files are being 
downloaded or the download was complete.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my mac

On 25 Aug 2012, at 18:56, christopher hallsworth  

> I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
> navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with 
> VO-U. To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The 
> only issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. 
> During my transition I have known to download the same file multiple times 
> without me knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But otherwise 
> Safari is great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, searching the web 
> etc etc.
> On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
>> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
>> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
>> Walter 
>> -- 
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Re: Is it possible to install another operating system on a USB drive with the Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread rashantha de silva
Yeah this is very possible.
Sorry I just saw this, kinda late. :)

Check the Ubuntu site and also check up on Refit.

If you run into problems let me know


On Jul 23, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> Hello, all,
> My subject line says it.  I would like to install Ubuntu on a USB drive, and 
> I'm wondering if it's possible to do so with the Mac.  If anyone on here 
> knows how to do this (or whether it's even possible), please do let me know.
> Thanks.
> Rafael Bejarano
> -- 
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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
HI.  you can also set up a notification in ml and it will allert you when a 
file has been put in to your downloads folder.
to do this.

1. focus on the folder you want to set up folder actions for.
2. press vo shift m to access the short cuts menu 
3.  You should see a folder actions option in the menu.
4.  choose the script that says something about add allert.

Listers, feel free to jump in if I've missed a step.  Only did this once to set 
up allerts for the download folder.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

On 28/08/2012, at 5:37 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Ok here is a workaround to see if a file is downloading. This is in Mountain 
> Lion.
> 1. Activate the link to download a file.
> 2. Interact with the toolbar.
> 3. Click on the downloads button.
> A downloads window appears.
> Note if you do not see a downloads button then either no files are being 
> downloaded or the download was complete.
> Hope this helps.
> Sent from my mac
> On 25 Aug 2012, at 18:56, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
>> I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
>> navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with 
>> VO-U. To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The 
>> only issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. 
>> During my transition I have known to download the same file multiple times 
>> without me knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But 
>> otherwise Safari is great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, 
>> searching the web etc etc.
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
>>> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
>>> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
>>> Walter 
>>> -- 
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Re: Should I Upgrade to Mountain Lion 10.8.1?

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
 HI.  my mac doesn't take that long to boot. Haven't noticed a significant 
change in boot time.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 27/08/2012, at 10:16 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> I was away for the last 4 days and as a result, away from my Mac.  I saw 
> messages on the new release of Mt. Lion.  Isa there any advantage to 
> upgrading now?  I was concerned as a list member indicated re-boot times were 
> much longer.  If that's the case, I do not wish to upgrade.  Thanks.
> Les
> -- 
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Re: configuring apple apple mail question

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
Hello all in standard view is it possible to open a message, delete, then 
automatically move to the next message. Know what I am saying here? Thanks!
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 18:02, Christina C.  wrote:

> Hi, I am using ML   with standard view in apple mail.  Is there a way to 
> configure things so that the fields in the messages table are in an order 
> that I prefer.  I'd like voiceover to read this info to me in a different 
> order.  I really don't need to know how many message conversations are in a 
> message first.  Does that make sense?  I mostly prefer to hear the subject 
> field first.  Although, in some mailboxes, I'd like to hear the sender name 
> first.  Is it possible to configure different mailboxes differently?
> Thanks,
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> -- 
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
HI a programme like this would be cool.

If anyone knows of any please let us know.

Looked in the app store but a lot of them don't seem to have trial or lite 
versions so can't check if they are accessible.

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 27/08/2012, at 10:33 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

> And, most of them now all, but most are internet based.  Plus, there really 
> isn't a way to sort by genre, and if yuo know a station you wanna hear that's 
> way down the list, there's no search box that I can see to search by key word 
> for the station.  For this reason, I feel that in my opinion, ITunes  radio 
> wasn't very well designed.  This is why I asked earlier, but got no 
> responses, if there was anything for the mac like Tapin radio, or in the old 
> days, Screamer Radio, etc. whereby I could search by location, be it local, 
> or by country/region, city/state, or by genre, etc.
> If anyne knows anything like that let me know.  I don't want internet 
> stations though.  I'm wanting actual A.M. F.M. stations both in the states 
> and internationally... more in the states though.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: agent086b
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:23 PM
> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
> Thanks, am I correct in saying most of those radio stations in iTunes are for 
> the US?
> If so no help to me.
> Max.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
> From: Shawn Krasniuk 
> To:
> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 17:13:08 -0500
>> Hi Max. Unfortunately there is no Tune-In Radio for Mac that I know of but 
>> Itunes has a radio section and most of Tune-In's radio stations are there. 
>> HTH.
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my white Mac Book
>> On 2012-08-26, at 3:18 PM, wrote:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mountain Lion

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
yep you've done really well.

I don't think i was quite that good with my mac after only a week.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 27/08/2012, at 9:05 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Hello all.
> I have upgraded to Mountain Lion from Lion earlier. It is excellent. 
> Upgrading was extremely simple and automatic once the mac rebooted. I had no 
> problems at all before, during or after the upgrade. I love the Extras Menu, 
> as well as the new messages app.
> Just thought I would update you on how I am getting on with my mac. But talk 
> about progress when I only had it for a week!
> Chris.
> -- 
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Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
So that's what a Mailbox is! Thanks for explaining! Reason is I want to have a 
go at setting up rules at some point. The rule would move messages to my own 
address from the inbox to a specified folder, or mailbox in this case. Hey what 
is a smart mailbox? Thanks!
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 17:38, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the mailbox menu 
> in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create new mailbox from the 
> mailbox menu.
> HTH,
> Rachel
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM,  
> wrote:
>> Good Morning List,
>> Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new folders within 
>> mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders, but not sure how to 
>> create new folders.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Don't you have 24 hours to return apps from the mac app store as you do in the 
IOS store?


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-08-27, at 4:26 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:

> HI a programme like this would be cool.
> If anyone knows of any please let us know.
> Looked in the app store but a lot of them don't seem to have trial or lite 
> versions so can't check if they are accessible.
>   regards
> Maria and crew from australia
> email:
> check out 
> where we play lots of great music
> On 27/08/2012, at 10:33 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
>> And, most of them now all, but most are internet based.  Plus, there really 
>> isn't a way to sort by genre, and if yuo know a station you wanna hear 
>> that's way down the list, there's no search box that I can see to search by 
>> key word for the station.  For this reason, I feel that in my opinion, 
>> ITunes  radio wasn't very well designed.  This is why I asked earlier, but 
>> got no responses, if there was anything for the mac like Tapin radio, or in 
>> the old days, Screamer Radio, etc. whereby I could search by location, be it 
>> local, or by country/region, city/state, or by genre, etc.
>> If anyne knows anything like that let me know.  I don't want internet 
>> stations though.  I'm wanting actual A.M. F.M. stations both in the states 
>> and internationally... more in the states though.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: agent086b
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
>> Thanks, am I correct in saying most of those radio stations in iTunes are 
>> for the US?
>> If so no help to me.
>> Max.
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
>> From: Shawn Krasniuk 
>> To:
>> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 17:13:08 -0500
>>> Hi Max. Unfortunately there is no Tune-In Radio for Mac that I know of but 
>>> Itunes has a radio section and most of Tune-In's radio stations are there. 
>>> HTH.
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent from my white Mac Book
>>> On 2012-08-26, at 3:18 PM, wrote:
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman

I didn't know that.

How is that done?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 28/08/2012, at 6:31 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Don't you have 24 hours to return apps from the mac app store as you do in 
> the IOS store?
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-08-27, at 4:26 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> HI a programme like this would be cool.
>> If anyone knows of any please let us know.
>> Looked in the app store but a lot of them don't seem to have trial or lite 
>> versions so can't check if they are accessible.
>>  regards
>> Maria and crew from australia
>> email:
>> check out 
>> where we play lots of great music
>> On 27/08/2012, at 10:33 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
>> wrote:
>>> And, most of them now all, but most are internet based.  Plus, there really 
>>> isn't a way to sort by genre, and if yuo know a station you wanna hear 
>>> that's way down the list, there's no search box that I can see to search by 
>>> key word for the station.  For this reason, I feel that in my opinion, 
>>> ITunes  radio wasn't very well designed.  This is why I asked earlier, but 
>>> got no responses, if there was anything for the mac like Tapin radio, or in 
>>> the old days, Screamer Radio, etc. whereby I could search by location, be 
>>> it local, or by country/region, city/state, or by genre, etc.
>>> If anyne knows anything like that let me know.  I don't want internet 
>>> stations though.  I'm wanting actual A.M. F.M. stations both in the states 
>>> and internationally... more in the states though.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: agent086b
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:23 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
>>> Thanks, am I correct in saying most of those radio stations in iTunes are 
>>> for the US?
>>> If so no help to me.
>>> Max.
>>>  Original Message 
>>> Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?
>>> From: Shawn Krasniuk 
>>> To:
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 17:13:08 -0500
 Hi Max. Unfortunately there is no Tune-In Radio for Mac that I know of but 
 Itunes has a radio section and most of Tune-In's radio stations are there. 
 Sent from my white Mac Book
 On 2012-08-26, at 3:18 PM, wrote:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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Re: configuring apple apple mail question

2012-08-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Yes I do this all the time. I interact with the message text by pressing vo j, 
then read the message, then press delete. The next message will show up, 
depending on the last arrow press you do. If you previously pressed up arrow, 
the next message to display will be above the one you just deleted. If you 
previously pressed down arrow, the next message you see will be below the one 
you just deleted.
Good luck.

On 28/08/2012, at 8:25 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Hello all in standard view is it possible to open a message, delete, then 
> automatically move to the next message. Know what I am saying here? Thanks!
> Sent from my mac
> On 27 Aug 2012, at 18:02, Christina C.  wrote:
>> Hi, I am using ML   with standard view in apple mail.  Is there a way to 
>> configure things so that the fields in the messages table are in an order 
>> that I prefer.  I'd like voiceover to read this info to me in a different 
>> order.  I really don't need to know how many message conversations are in a 
>> message first.  Does that make sense?  I mostly prefer to hear the subject 
>> field first.  Although, in some mailboxes, I'd like to hear the sender name 
>> first.  Is it possible to configure different mailboxes differently?
>> Thanks,
>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>> -- 
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ReadIris 14

2012-08-27 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have discovered that there is a ReadIris 14 out for the mac, has anybody 
tried it?

Best regards Annie.

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PC keyboard with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Bill Holton
I use an ergonomic keyboard that is PC-based. I am wondering is there any 
utility that will let me turn the application key to the right of the right alt 
key into a right option or some other key that's accessible by Mountain lion?

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sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?



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xls. files

2012-08-27 Thread Mary Scott
Hi all, I received an xls. file from my music directer with all the songs in 
our list.  Is there a way to open this?  I do hope so.  Mel  

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Re: OS X rocks!

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, but keep in mind, how much stuff since you got the system have you put 
on it?  I mean, movies, music, software, pictures, etc. etc.  My guess is, 
not much.  Trust me, 500GB is a ton, but, just know over time it will as 
always, accumulate.


- Original Message - 
From: "christopher hallsworth" 

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: OS X rocks!

In my case I have only used 60 out of my 500 gb of my Macintosh HD. Found 
this out with the get info command, command-i.

Sent from my mac

On 25 Aug 2012, at 20:10, Joseph Norton  wrote:


I just did a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion and looked at my free 
space.  Out of 319 GB, I still had 312 GB avail.

A typical install of Windows 7 takes up 2 or 3 times that much space.

Just goes to show that you can still do tight coding if you want to.

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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread Anne Robertson

In Safari, you can open the downloads window by pressing Cmd-Option-l: exactly 
the same command that opens the downloads folder in the Finder.



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Re: xls. files

2012-08-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mel,

YOu'll need a spreadsheet program such as Numbers or Tables. I think Numbers is 



On 27 Aug 2012, at 23:16, Mary Scott wrote:

> Hi all, I received an xls. file from my music directer with all the songs in 
> our list.  Is there a way to open this?  I do hope so.  Mel  
> -- 
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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
For some reason this did not work for me. And in any case it has been removed 
from ML.
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 22:22, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello,
> In Safari, you can open the downloads window by pressing Cmd-Option-l: 
> exactly the same command that opens the downloads folder in the Finder.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: xls. files

2012-08-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
And mention tables and numbers. When I got my copy of numbers, it was a big 
$21.64. It works fine with XLS files.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> Hi all, I received an xls. file from my music directer with all the songs in 
> our list.  Is there a way to open this?  I do hope so.  Mel  
> -- 
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
No not necessarily.

Let me tell you all a story about that.

This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink about 
this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.

99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, it got 
so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who is 
responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, but 
this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.

Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac app 
store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further.  I 
don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, where 
I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from either 
store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough where Apple 
probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by now.  LOL!  So, I 
get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was, but the 
point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it wasn't accessible.  I 
tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing trying to get it to work, 
but no matter what I did, it just would not do it.  Oh, oh oh oh, I do remember 
now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It was the Tindale HOuse Publishing 
official Life Application Bible app.  I know there're others that are 
accessible, but I really like this translation, but I won't get into a 
theological reason why here as it's totally irrelavant.  Point is, it was about 
$29.99 for the app.  Just call it 30 bucks.  So, I write

And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on Voiceover, 
this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the app, as 
the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  Mind you 
carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.

I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing back.  
Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement showed 
absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, I tried 
another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not recall.  It 
too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort of an alarm 
clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock Pro, but don't 
quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, still within the 24 
hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full week on either case.  
So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first initial request.  Plus now 
I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple Accessibility, and tell them the 
scoop, and ask if they can try to help me reach a resolution.  So, they get on 
the live chat client on

and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep was very 
very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know being I 
got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we posed the 
question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund requests over the 
corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 months let's see... 
Navigon North America when they went through their little phaise where the 
accessibility got badly broken, it's been since fixed by the way, and what... 
maybe 2 other apps, plus maybe one movie I rented on my Apple TV which was 
corrupted, and didn't play correctly, plus and album I bought that stated it 
was one thing, and it wound up being miscatelogged?  So, maybe what, 4 things, 
two of which definitely! were not my problem?  Again, remember, we're not 
talking over a week or a month's time here.  We're talking over a full calendar 
year!  They then said, we're sorry, but tell the gentlemen our decision is 
final, and for this year no matter what the content, we refuse to give him any 
further refunds regardless circumstance.  That's when the accessibility rep 
ramped things up a bit with fire under their feet, and asked them, what the 
heck was I supposed to do!?  The app wasn't Voiceover friendly, and I had no 
way ahead a time to know that.  I even told the rep to let ITunes support know, 
if it was only say a $1.99 or so app, I'd be more willing to just say screw it, 
and eat the payment, as I'd only be out like what... 3 bucks?!  but I'm now out 
50 frickin dollars!  I'm not taking a denial for an answer.  I was ready to 
call my bank and dispute the charge if they continued their BS.  Finally, they 
said flat out, oh, he's blind?  The rep helping me confirmed affirmatively.  
They then said, well we don't offer help, nor give refunds to blind people.  I, 
hit, the, roof!  I'm surprised the people in Molasia! didn't hear a scream!  I, 
was, l'livid!  The rep and I asked for them to send the chat session

Re: PC keyboard with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

I agree!  If we could make it do a vo+shift+M, that! would be awesome!


- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Holton" 

Cc: "Bill Holton" 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 5:03 PM
Subject: PC keyboard with ML

I use an ergonomic keyboard that is PC-based. I am wondering is there any 
utility that will let me turn the application key to the right of the 
right alt key into a right option or some other key that's accessible by 
Mountain lion?


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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Command option works for me in Safari, and I am using ML.
So it's not been removed.
On 28/08/2012, at 9:47 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> For some reason this did not work for me. And in any case it has been removed 
> from ML.
> Sent from my mac
> On 27 Aug 2012, at 22:22, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In Safari, you can open the downloads window by pressing Cmd-Option-l: 
>> exactly the same command that opens the downloads folder in the Finder.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> -- 
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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
or easier, just press command option l to activate the downloads view.

Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 3:37 PM, christopher hallsworth  

> Ok here is a workaround to see if a file is downloading. This is in Mountain 
> Lion.
> 1. Activate the link to download a file.
> 2. Interact with the toolbar.
> 3. Click on the downloads button.
> A downloads window appears.
> Note if you do not see a downloads button then either no files are being 
> downloaded or the download was complete.
> Hope this helps.
> Sent from my mac
> On 25 Aug 2012, at 18:56, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
>> I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
>> navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with 
>> VO-U. To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The 
>> only issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. 
>> During my transition I have known to download the same file multiple times 
>> without me knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But 
>> otherwise Safari is great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, 
>> searching the web etc etc.
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
>>> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
>>> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
>>> Walter 
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Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-27 Thread Rachel Feinberg
You know, I don't know what a smart mailbox is, actually. :) Perhaps someone 
else may chime into help us both out on that point.

On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:30 PM, christopher hallsworth  

> So that's what a Mailbox is! Thanks for explaining! Reason is I want to have 
> a go at setting up rules at some point. The rule would move messages to my 
> own address from the inbox to a specified folder, or mailbox in this case. 
> Hey what is a smart mailbox? Thanks!
> Sent from my mac
> On 27 Aug 2012, at 17:38, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the mailbox 
>> menu in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create new mailbox from 
>> the mailbox menu.
>> HTH,
>> Rachel
>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM,  
>> wrote:
>>> Good Morning List,
>>> Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new folders within 
>>> mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders, but not sure how to 
>>> create new folders.
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: Creating New Folders in Mail

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
A smart mailbox is as far as I know kind of a virtual mailbox that sorts 
messages that meet criterii you specify. Kid of like a smart paylist in itunes.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> You know, I don't know what a smart mailbox is, actually. :) Perhaps someone 
> else may chime into help us both out on that point.
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:30 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
>> So that's what a Mailbox is! Thanks for explaining! Reason is I want to have 
>> a go at setting up rules at some point. The rule would move messages to my 
>> own address from the inbox to a specified folder, or mailbox in this case. 
>> Hey what is a smart mailbox? Thanks!
>> Sent from my mac
>> On 27 Aug 2012, at 17:38, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>>> To create a new folder, it's called a mailbox. YOu can go to the mailbox 
>>> menu in your menubar accessed with vo+m, and choose create new mailbox from 
>>> the mailbox menu.
>>> HTH,
>>> Rachel
>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:53 AM,  
>>> wrote:
 Good Morning List,
 Can someone please tell me how I would go about creating new folders 
 within mail?  I would like to organize mail into folders, but not sure how 
 to create new folders.
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Re: safari

2012-08-27 Thread christopher hallsworth
Done this, it said something like add new item alert scpt.
Sent from my mac

On 27 Aug 2012, at 20:50, Maria Chapman  wrote:

> HI.  you can also set up a notification in ml and it will allert you when a 
> file has been put in to your downloads folder.
> to do this.
> 1. focus on the folder you want to set up folder actions for.
> 2. press vo shift m to access the short cuts menu 
> 3.  You should see a folder actions option in the menu.
> 4.  choose the script that says something about add allert.
> Listers, feel free to jump in if I've missed a step.  Only did this once to 
> set up allerts for the download folder.
> Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
> Email/ I Message: &fb
> twitter: bubbygirl 
> skype: bubbygirl1972
> On 28/08/2012, at 5:37 AM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
>> Ok here is a workaround to see if a file is downloading. This is in Mountain 
>> Lion.
>> 1. Activate the link to download a file.
>> 2. Interact with the toolbar.
>> 3. Click on the downloads button.
>> A downloads window appears.
>> Note if you do not see a downloads button then either no files are being 
>> downloaded or the download was complete.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Sent from my mac
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 18:56, christopher hallsworth  
>> wrote:
>>> I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
>>> navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with 
>>> VO-U. To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The 
>>> only issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. 
>>> During my transition I have known to download the same file multiple times 
>>> without me knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But 
>>> otherwise Safari is great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, 
>>> searching the web etc etc.
>>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:
 Hello listers,
 What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
 platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
 refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
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Re: airdrop

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I found that in ml is is nice to just use the share function in the file 
shortcut menu.

Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Jun 14, 2012, at 2:37 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hello Daniela and Paul,
> @Paul: You need to activate a specific Finder setting. I'm not sure about the 
> title on an english Mac but it should be in settings / General. There you 
> activate something lik "Open all new Finder windows in a new window". Then 
> you can open several folder windows at once.
> @Daniela: You wrote Airdrop works fine on your machine. I nearly always have 
> the issue VoiceOver saying "droppping was not possible" even though I'm on 
> the correct position and I'm interacted and everything is right. What works 
> better then to use VO + komma and VO + period is the old conventional way of 
> drag and drop in Vo as it was used in Snow Leopard. But even that does not 
> always work. 
> So I wonder wether I'm doing something wrong.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 13.06.2012 um 14:10 schrieb Daniela Rubio:
>> Hello again!
>> Well, in order to use both Finder Windows, The Airdrop and the files one, 
>> you just need to change from one window to an other with Command and the key 
>> at the wright of  the letter P. In spanish keyboards is an accent, but I am 
>> not sure which is de symbol on an english one, this is why I say where is 
>> that key.
>> To drag the files do this:
>> 1. Open Airdrop on Finder and let it find the Airdrops in range.
>> 2. Open the Finder window where you have the file you want to transfer and 
>> select the file.
>> 3. Make a Vo coma  on that file.
>> 4. press Command + the key next to the letter p and you will be brought back 
>> to your airdrop window.
>> 5. Interact with the airdrop until you here the name of the destination 
>> computer and then press Vo period to drop the file.
>> With this, you will here the dragging sound and then the send dialog will 
>> appear to ask if you want to send that file. You hit Send and there you go.
>> I hope that I am more clear on this, and feel free to ask if that is not the 
>> case.
>> Cheers!
>>  EN TWITTER: @macneticos
>> El 13/06/2012, a las 13:36, Paul Erkens escribió:
>>> Hi Daniela Rubio,
>>> Thank you for the explanation of airdrop. I've seen this come by a number 
>>> of times, but there is one important aspect that never became clear to me. 
>>> I hope you can explain a little more about it.
>>> Here's what I do, and where I go wrong.
>>> 1. I open airdrop on both Lion macs.
>>> 2. On the source mac, from where I want to send files, I look in the grid 
>>> by interacting with it, and I find the other, destination mac.
>>> 3. Now, I need to drag files over to it, and there is a problem. In order 
>>> for a drag and drop to work, you must have both the file window from which 
>>> you are dragging, as well as the airdrop window into which you are 
>>> dropping, open on the source mac, simultaneously. How do I do that?
>>> In finder, as far as I understand it now, you have a sidebar on the left, 
>>> and a main area on the right. When viewing a folder full of files, the 
>>> window on the right is taken up by the files. When you start airdrop by 
>>> hitting command shift r, this area is instead taken up by the airdrop 
>>> window. Is this a misconception of mine? How can you have both airdrop and 
>>> a finder window with files open at the same time? 
>>> Paul.
>>> On May 25, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:
 Yes, it is accessible. Just bring it up from Finder with Command+shift+r. 
 When it is there, you will see your computer that will stand as "me". If 
 an other Mac is on the range of airdrop, it will find it and you will see 
 it just as airdrop. If you interact with that airdrop you will see the 
 name of the computer  to which it belongs and there you can drag in the 
 files you wish to transfer.
 Remember to drag files with the Vo coma and Vo period combination. Once 
 you dragged the file, a dialog will ask you if you want to send that file, 
 and when you press send, the other computer will receive the request to 
 accept the file.
 That is all!
 at first, it can seem to be a little confusing, but it works great!
  EN TWITTER: @macneticos
 El 25/05/2012, a las 04:54, Walter Harper escribió:
> Hello list,
> How do I use airdrop with voiceover?  Is it accessible?
> -- 
> You received this message because yo

Re: sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-27 Thread Les Kriegler
I have a full-sized keyboard.  Where is the vertical line key  Thanks.

On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
> with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
> Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?
> Thanks
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi Chris.

Thanks for the warning.

Kind of makes a person weary of buying a really expensive app, without knowing 
it is accessible.  $30 or $40 dollars is a lot when you really don't have a lot 
of money.  So is there a limit on apps you can get a refund for?


Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 28/08/2012, at 7:57 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> No not necessarily.
> Let me tell you all a story about that.
> This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink about 
> this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.
> 99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, it 
> got so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who 
> is responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, but 
> this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.
> Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac app 
> store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
> counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further.  
> I don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, 
> where I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from 
> either store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough 
> where Apple probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by now. 
>  LOL!  So, I get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember what it 
> was, but the point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it wasn't 
> accessible.  I tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing trying 
> to get it to work, but no matter what I did, it just would not do it.  Oh, oh 
> oh oh, I do remember now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It was the 
> Tindale HOuse Publishing official Life Application Bible app.  I know 
> there're others that are accessible, but I really like this translation, but 
> I won't get into a theological reason why here as it's totally irrelavant.  
> Point is, it was about $29.99 for the app.  Just call it 30 bucks.  So, I 
> write
> And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on Voiceover, 
> this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the app, as 
> the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  Mind you 
> carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.
> I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing back.  
> Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement 
> showed absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, 
> I tried another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not 
> recall.  It too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort 
> of an alarm clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock 
> Pro, but don't quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, 
> still within the 24 hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full 
> week on either case.  So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first 
> initial request.  Plus now I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple 
> Accessibility, and tell them the scoop, and ask if they can try to help me 
> reach a resolution.  So, they get on the live chat client on
> and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep was 
> very very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know 
> being I got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we 
> posed the question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund 
> requests over the corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 
> months let's see... Navigon North America when they went through their little 
> phaise where the accessibility got badly broken, it's been since fixed by the 
> way, and what... maybe 2 other apps, plus maybe one movie I rented on my 
> Apple TV which was corrupted, and didn't play correctly, plus and album I 
> bought that stated it was one thing, and it wound up being miscatelogged?  
> So, maybe what, 4 things, two of which definitely! were not my problem?  
> Again, remember, we're not talking over a week or a month's time here.  We're 
> talking over a full calendar year!  They then said, we're sorry, but tell the 
> gentlemen our decision is final, and for this year no matter what the 
> content, we refuse to give him any further refunds regardless circumstance.  
> That's when the accessibility rep ramped things up a bit with fire under 
> their feet, and asked them, what the heck was I supposed to do!?  The app 
> wasn't Voiceover friendly, and I had no way ahead a time to know that.  I 
> even told the rep to let ITunes support k

Re: sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
it is shift backslash wherever that is for you. 



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:24 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> I have a full-sized keyboard.  Where is the vertical line key  Thanks.
> Les
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
>> with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
>> Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?
>> Thanks
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread erik burggraaf
That's a good question.  I wonder if there is a clause somewhere in that 60+ 
page terms of use policy that no one reads stating a limit on refunds.

I don't think you should let this one experience put you off.  Every company 
has its share of support cases run a muck.  Overall, I'd say apple support does 
better than most.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-08-27, at 6:28 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:

> Hi Chris.
> Thanks for the warning.
> Kind of makes a person weary of buying a really expensive app, without 
> knowing it is accessible.  $30 or $40 dollars is a lot when you really don't 
> have a lot of money.  So is there a limit on apps you can get a refund for?
> mmm.
>   regards
> Maria and crew from australia
> email:
> check out 
> where we play lots of great music
> On 28/08/2012, at 7:57 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  
> wrote:
>> No not necessarily.
>> Let me tell you all a story about that.
>> This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink about 
>> this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.
>> 99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, it 
>> got so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who 
>> is responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, 
>> but this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.
>> Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac 
>> app store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
>> counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further. 
>>  I don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, 
>> where I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from 
>> either store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough 
>> where Apple probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by 
>> now.  LOL!  So, I get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember 
>> what it was, but the point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it 
>> wasn't accessible.  I tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing 
>> trying to get it to work, but no matter what I did, it just would not do it. 
>>  Oh, oh oh oh, I do remember now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It 
>> was the Tindale HOuse Publishing official Life Application Bible app.  I 
>> know there're others that are accessible, but I really like this 
>> translation, but I won't get into a theological reason why here as it's 
>> totally irrelavant.  Point is, it was about $29.99 for the app.  Just call 
>> it 30 bucks.  So, I write
>> And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on Voiceover, 
>> this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the app, as 
>> the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  Mind you 
>> carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.
>> I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing back.  
>> Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement 
>> showed absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, 
>> I tried another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not 
>> recall.  It too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort 
>> of an alarm clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock 
>> Pro, but don't quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, 
>> still within the 24 hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full 
>> week on either case.  So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first 
>> initial request.  Plus now I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple 
>> Accessibility, and tell them the scoop, and ask if they can try to help me 
>> reach a resolution.  So, they get on the live chat client on
>> and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep was 
>> very very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know 
>> being I got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we 
>> posed the question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund 
>> requests over the corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 
>> months let's see... Navigon North America when they went through their 
>> little phaise where the accessibility got badly broken, it's been since 
>> fixed by the way, and what... maybe 2 other apps, plus maybe one movie I 
>> rented on my Apple TV which was corrupted, and didn't play correctly, plus 
>> and album I bought that stated it 

update on sort headers in mail

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

I managed to sort headers in mail but only in classic view. COuld anyone 
confirm that it is possible to sort mail columns in standart view?



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Apparently, there must be.

I don't want to be the bearer of incorrect information though, so I'll kind a 
stay low key about that question, but I just know at least that time for me, 
they were not very helpful.  Now, having said that, normally, 99.999 percent of 
the time, I have had absolutely no issues what so ever.  I'm really hoping that 
was just one person, who was being a downright major! jerk!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Maria Chapman 
  Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 6:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

  Hi Chris.

  Thanks for the warning.

  Kind of makes a person weary of buying a really expensive app, without 
knowing it is accessible.  $30 or $40 dollars is a lot when you really don't 
have a lot of money.  So is there a limit on apps you can get a refund for?


  Maria and crew from australia
  check out
  where we play lots of great music

  On 28/08/2012, at 7:57 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

No not necessarily.

Let me tell you all a story about that.

This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink 
about this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.

99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, it 
got so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who is 
responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, but 
this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.

Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac 
app store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further.  I 
don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, where 
I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from either 
store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough where Apple 
probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by now.  LOL!  So, I 
get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was, but the 
point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it wasn't accessible.  I 
tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing trying to get it to work, 
but no matter what I did, it just would not do it.  Oh, oh oh oh, I do remember 
now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It was the Tindale HOuse Publishing 
official Life Application Bible app.  I know there're others that are 
accessible, but I really like this translation, but I won't get into a 
theological reason why here as it's totally irrelavant.  Point is, it was about 
$29.99 for the app.  Just call it 30 bucks.  So, I write

And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on 
Voiceover, this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the 
app, as the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  
Mind you carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.

I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing back. 
 Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement 
showed absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, I 
tried another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not recall.  
It too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort of an alarm 
clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock Pro, but don't 
quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, still within the 24 
hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full week on either case.  
So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first initial request.  Plus now 
I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple Accessibility, and tell them the 
scoop, and ask if they can try to help me reach a resolution.  So, they get on 
the live chat client on

and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep was 
very very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know 
being I got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we 
posed the question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund requests 
over the corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 months 
let's see... Navigon North America when they went through their little phaise 
where the accessibility got badly broken, it's been since fixed by the way, and 
what... maybe 2 other apps, plus maybe one movie I rented on my Apple TV which 
was corrupted, and didn't play correctly, plus and album I bought that stated 
it was one thing, and it wound up being miscatelogged?  So, maybe what, 4 
things, two of which definitely! were not my problem?  Again, remember, we're 
not talking over a week or a month's time here

Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
oh, it doesn't put me off.  Like I said, 99% the time, I've had absolutely no 
trouble at all.  ONe insodent's not gonna stop me from using them.  As I 
stated, hopefully it was just one rep being a major jerk.


  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

  That's a good question.  I wonder if there is a clause somewhere in that 60+ 
page terms of use policy that no one reads stating a limit on refunds.

  I don't think you should let this one experience put you off.  Every company 
has its share of support cases run a muck.  Overall, I'd say apple support does 
better than most.


  Erik Burggraaf
  Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
  or on the web at

  On 2012-08-27, at 6:28 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:

Hi Chris.

Thanks for the warning.

Kind of makes a person weary of buying a really expensive app, without 
knowing it is accessible.  $30 or $40 dollars is a lot when you really don't 
have a lot of money.  So is there a limit on apps you can get a refund for?


Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 28/08/2012, at 7:57 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

  No not necessarily.

  Let me tell you all a story about that.

  This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink 
about this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.

  99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, 
it got so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who 
is responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, but 
this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.

  Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac 
app store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further.  I 
don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, where 
I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from either 
store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough where Apple 
probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by now.  LOL!  So, I 
get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was, but the 
point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it wasn't accessible.  I 
tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing trying to get it to work, 
but no matter what I did, it just would not do it.  Oh, oh oh oh, I do remember 
now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It was the Tindale HOuse Publishing 
official Life Application Bible app.  I know there're others that are 
accessible, but I really like this translation, but I won't get into a 
theological reason why here as it's totally irrelavant.  Point is, it was about 
$29.99 for the app.  Just call it 30 bucks.  So, I write

  And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on 
Voiceover, this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the 
app, as the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  
Mind you carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.

  I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing 
back.  Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement 
showed absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, I 
tried another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not recall.  
It too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort of an alarm 
clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock Pro, but don't 
quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, still within the 24 
hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full week on either case.  
So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first initial request.  Plus now 
I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple Accessibility, and tell them the 
scoop, and ask if they can try to help me reach a resolution.  So, they get on 
the live chat client on

  and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep 
was very very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know 
being I got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we 
posed the question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund requests 
over the corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 months 
let's see... Navigon North America when

Caps Lock to VO keys and more

2012-08-27 Thread Eric Caron
Hello listers,

I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps 
lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the 
location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to be 
pressed with the Voice Over keys.

Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the times 
I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the 

For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to use 
the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.

I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama 
Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in conjunction 
with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user to remap the 
caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed together.

The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file 
created for VO users makes this possible.

Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
 for most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link 
below to a podcast that walks through the set up.

In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the specially 
constructed xml file.

Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 

The application developer responded to my request for this capability within 
hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if there 
are any other ways the application can help blind users.

This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple 
asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard 
answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .

I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 

Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For 
example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a Control 
key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
 KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this makes 
it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  

This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the list. 

One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I do 
please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this 
application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to 
support us.

This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you 
see a need for revision please let me know. 

I will be submitting this podcast to .  In the meantime here is a 
dropbox link

Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will need.

> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.  
> the needed key code number is 110.
> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>> Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>> private.pc_application_to_controloption
>> --KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: DVD burning software?

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

If the dvd is not write protected you can create a copy with l disc utility. I 
did it for some private dvd's. Let me know if you are intersted and I could 
look it up again, since I don't think I remember all the steps.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 26, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Matt Gilman  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> So I am looking for a program that will take a DVD that I ripped to my 
> computer back on to a DVD.  When I rip the DVD it creates the files in to a 
> TS folder.  I used to use Toast Titanium back on Leopard.  It was really 
> accessible but the new versions for Lion or Mtn Lion for Toast is totally 
> inaccessible.
> Is there any other program that will work out there.  I already have the 
> software to rip the DVD but I need the software to burn it back to DVD.  Does 
> anyone know of a program that works well with voice over?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Matt.
> Matt Gilman
> 443-650-8441
> Motivating the world on my bike and through my words.
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Re: update on sort headers in mail

2012-08-27 Thread Brandon Olivares

I do it by pressing the button next to the messages list.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> HI,
> I managed to sort headers in mail but only in classic view. COuld anyone 
> confirm that it is possible to sort mail columns in standart view?
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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BBC Radio Player

2012-08-27 Thread Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers

Can't get Radio Player to work on either my iMac or my MBP, both running latest 
version of ML. Has the BBC been improving accessibility again by making it 
impossible to use Radio Player with VO? Anyone else experiencing this?



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Re: update on sort headers in mail

2012-08-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
But does this sort the columns or just the order in wich the messages are 
presented in the listÉ
I want to change  orde of columns.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:12 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> I do it by pressing the button next to the messages list.
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> HI,
>> I managed to sort headers in mail but only in classic view. COuld anyone 
>> confirm that it is possible to sort mail columns in standart view?
>> Thanks,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: BBC Radio Player

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Hold it!  Radio Player?  Tell me about this!  Is that just for the BBC?  Is 
it web based or is it an actually app you're talking about?  If it's an app, 
how much, and where do I get it?  Also does it do more than just BBC?  If 
so, you may a just made my day, as I've been looking for an app like that 
aside from ITunes Radio.


- Original Message - 
From: "Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers" 

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:26 PM
Subject: BBC Radio Player


Can't get Radio Player to work on either my iMac or my MBP, both running 
latest version of ML. Has the BBC been improving accessibility again by 
making it impossible to use Radio Player with VO? Anyone else experiencing 



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Re: PC keyboard with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Eric Caron

Check out the post I just did about VO to caps lock key.  The same app 
should be able to do this for you.  the other post has the links and the 
podcast I did may also be helpful to you.  The name of the app is 

Eric Caron 

On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> I use an ergonomic keyboard that is PC-based. I am wondering is there any 
> utility that will let me turn the application key to the right of the right 
> alt key into a right option or some other key that's accessible by Mountain 
> lion?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: any mac users also wordpress users

2012-08-27 Thread Austin Seraphin
The posts should show up on the main part of your site. Perhaps check the date 
of the post? You might also like to check out MacJournal or MarsEdit, both fine 
editors for the Mac which will let you directly publish to Wordpress blogs. I 
use MacJournal and love it. It certainly makes life a lot easier. Another 
unrelated tip: disable Javascript when in the dashboard. To do this, in Safari 
go to preferences, then Security, then uncheck Javascript. Remember to turn it 
back on when you leave.

 - Austin

On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:

> hello list;  a while back a webmaster contacted me about replacing my static 
> site with a wordpress site. she felt like she wanted a challenge so she was 
> helping me for free.  she taught me some basic wordpress techniques, but 
> eventually she realized that my site needed more work than she thought it 
> did.  no worries, i figure I'll just pick up where she left off.  so, I've 
> started.  I have a home page and several pages for about me, links, etc.  but 
> where i'm running into a problem is trying to include a blog page within the 
> wordpress site.  i created a page for my blog and wrote a test post.  the 
> post is showing as published but can't find where it went on the site.  is 
> there someone here who can talk me through this part.  I think it has 
> something to do with creating static pages, but i'm not sure. any help will 
> be greatly appreciated.  and yes I'm using a macbook pro running lion.  take 
> care, max 
> -- 
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Re: any mac users also wordpress users

2012-08-27 Thread Christine Grassman
I have a wordpress blog, and the greatest thing ever is e-mail posting. If you 
go to the dashboard and go to settings and options, you can check which blogs 
you want to send posts to via e-mail. Wordpress generates a special email 
address to which you send your posts. The subject line is the post title, and 
anywhere within the body of the post, you can place various things, like tags 
or categories, in brackets. You then send the e-mail, and voila, it is on your 
blog. Then you can go in and edit if needed. 
I have found this a real headache saver for posting. On days when I was feeling 
lazy, I sometimes would not bother, despite feeling like I wanted to post, 
because of the hassle of the editor and such. But since I started posting via 
e-mail, I love Wordpress.
If you have an iPhone, the wordpress blog app  is quite accessible -- I do not 
post from there, but I have successfully edited posts when I found a spelling 
error, missing word, etc. HTH.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 10:55 PM, Austin Seraphin  

> The posts should show up on the main part of your site. Perhaps check the 
> date of the post? You might also like to check out MacJournal or MarsEdit, 
> both fine editors for the Mac which will let you directly publish to 
> Wordpress blogs. I use MacJournal and love it. It certainly makes life a lot 
> easier. Another unrelated tip: disable Javascript when in the dashboard. To 
> do this, in Safari go to preferences, then Security, then uncheck Javascript. 
> Remember to turn it back on when you leave.
>  - Austin
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>> hello list;  a while back a webmaster contacted me about replacing my static 
>> site with a wordpress site. she felt like she wanted a challenge so she was 
>> helping me for free.  she taught me some basic wordpress techniques, but 
>> eventually she realized that my site needed more work than she thought it 
>> did.  no worries, i figure I'll just pick up where she left off.  so, I've 
>> started.  I have a home page and several pages for about me, links, etc.  
>> but where i'm running into a problem is trying to include a blog page within 
>> the wordpress site.  i created a page for my blog and wrote a test post.  
>> the post is showing as published but can't find where it went on the site.  
>> is there someone here who can talk me through this part.  I think it has 
>> something to do with creating static pages, but i'm not sure. any help will 
>> be greatly appreciated.  and yes I'm using a macbook pro running lion.  take 
>> care, max 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: any mac users also wordpress users

2012-08-27 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello; so, you are saying i didn't do anything wrong that the blog posts should 
show up on my main page?  then why create the page for the blog in the first 
place?  and i love mars edit.  its great for writing posts and editing them.  
and its good for pages too as long as they aren't child pages.  thanks, max 
On Aug 27, 2012, at 9:55 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> The posts should show up on the main part of your site. Perhaps check the 
> date of the post? You might also like to check out MacJournal or MarsEdit, 
> both fine editors for the Mac which will let you directly publish to 
> Wordpress blogs. I use MacJournal and love it. It certainly makes life a lot 
> easier. Another unrelated tip: disable Javascript when in the dashboard. To 
> do this, in Safari go to preferences, then Security, then uncheck Javascript. 
> Remember to turn it back on when you leave.
>  - Austin
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>> hello list;  a while back a webmaster contacted me about replacing my static 
>> site with a wordpress site. she felt like she wanted a challenge so she was 
>> helping me for free.  she taught me some basic wordpress techniques, but 
>> eventually she realized that my site needed more work than she thought it 
>> did.  no worries, i figure I'll just pick up where she left off.  so, I've 
>> started.  I have a home page and several pages for about me, links, etc.  
>> but where i'm running into a problem is trying to include a blog page within 
>> the wordpress site.  i created a page for my blog and wrote a test post.  
>> the post is showing as published but can't find where it went on the site.  
>> is there someone here who can talk me through this part.  I think it has 
>> something to do with creating static pages, but i'm not sure. any help will 
>> be greatly appreciated.  and yes I'm using a macbook pro running lion.  take 
>> care, max 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: any mac users also wordpress users

2012-08-27 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello; yes the post by email is great.  I now use mars edit which i love 
because it means that much less time spent on wordpress.  I'm getting better 
with their site, but its still not natural for me.  I prefer to just write the 
post add the photos and html code where needed and press send to weblog.  
thanks and take care, max 
On Aug 27, 2012, at 10:08 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> I have a wordpress blog, and the greatest thing ever is e-mail posting. If 
> you go to the dashboard and go to settings and options, you can check which 
> blogs you want to send posts to via e-mail. Wordpress generates a special 
> email address to which you send your posts. The subject line is the post 
> title, and anywhere within the body of the post, you can place various 
> things, like tags or categories, in brackets. You then send the e-mail, and 
> voila, it is on your blog. Then you can go in and edit if needed. 
> I have found this a real headache saver for posting. On days when I was 
> feeling lazy, I sometimes would not bother, despite feeling like I wanted to 
> post, because of the hassle of the editor and such. But since I started 
> posting via e-mail, I love Wordpress.
> If you have an iPhone, the wordpress blog app  is quite accessible -- I do 
> not post from there, but I have successfully edited posts when I found a 
> spelling error, missing word, etc. HTH.
> Christine
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 10:55 PM, Austin Seraphin  
> wrote:
>> The posts should show up on the main part of your site. Perhaps check the 
>> date of the post? You might also like to check out MacJournal or MarsEdit, 
>> both fine editors for the Mac which will let you directly publish to 
>> Wordpress blogs. I use MacJournal and love it. It certainly makes life a lot 
>> easier. Another unrelated tip: disable Javascript when in the dashboard. To 
>> do this, in Safari go to preferences, then Security, then uncheck 
>> Javascript. Remember to turn it back on when you leave.
>>  - Austin
>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>>> hello list;  a while back a webmaster contacted me about replacing my 
>>> static site with a wordpress site. she felt like she wanted a challenge so 
>>> she was helping me for free.  she taught me some basic wordpress 
>>> techniques, but eventually she realized that my site needed more work than 
>>> she thought it did.  no worries, i figure I'll just pick up where she left 
>>> off.  so, I've started.  I have a home page and several pages for about me, 
>>> links, etc.  but where i'm running into a problem is trying to include a 
>>> blog page within the wordpress site.  i created a page for my blog and 
>>> wrote a test post.  the post is showing as published but can't find where 
>>> it went on the site.  is there someone here who can talk me through this 
>>> part.  I think it has something to do with creating static pages, but i'm 
>>> not sure. any help will be greatly appreciated.  and yes I'm using a 
>>> macbook pro running lion.  take care, max 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: PC keyboard with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Eric?  You are a genious!  That not only worked perfectly, but I was able 
even to remap my command and option keys which are reversed on a regular pc 
keyboard back to the way on an Apple keyboard they should be!  I wonder in 
the first place why this happens?  God that feels so! much better not having 
to spread out my fingers as far to hit left control and option for my vo 

I didn't remap the caps lock in fear down the road I may want an option to 
be able to turn it on and off.  Also, under the general section, there's 
even an option to tell it not to remap an internal keyboard.  This way the 
keys don't get reversed on the internal keyboard due to me remapping them 
for my full sized.

Thanks for such a great! app suggestion!  I love it!  You rock!  NOw off to 
try recreating the Safari activity that I kind a screwed up.  Oh, fun.  Not?


- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Caron" 

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: PC keyboard with ML


Check out the post I just did about VO to caps lock key.  The same app 
should be able to do this for you.  the other post has the links and the 
podcast I did may also be helpful to you.  The name of the app is 

Eric Caron

On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

I use an ergonomic keyboard that is PC-based. I am wondering is there any 
utility that will let me turn the application key to the right of the 
right alt key into a right option or some other key that's accessible by 
Mountain lion?


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Re: any mac users also wordpress users

2012-08-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Mars Edit is phenominal!

I use it all the time!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Maxwell Ivey 
  Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 11:11 PM
  Subject: Re: any mac users also wordpress users

  hello; so, you are saying i didn't do anything wrong that the blog posts 
should show up on my main page?  then why create the page for the blog in the 
first place?  and i love mars edit.  its great for writing posts and editing 
them.  and its good for pages too as long as they aren't child pages.  thanks, 

  On Aug 27, 2012, at 9:55 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

The posts should show up on the main part of your site. Perhaps check the 
date of the post? You might also like to check out MacJournal or MarsEdit, both 
fine editors for the Mac which will let you directly publish to Wordpress 
blogs. I use MacJournal and love it. It certainly makes life a lot easier. 
Another unrelated tip: disable Javascript when in the dashboard. To do this, in 
Safari go to preferences, then Security, then uncheck Javascript. Remember to 
turn it back on when you leave.

 - Austin

On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:

  hello list;  a while back a webmaster contacted me about replacing my 
static site with a wordpress site. she felt like she wanted a challenge so she 
was helping me for free.  she taught me some basic wordpress techniques, but 
eventually she realized that my site needed more work than she thought it did.  
no worries, i figure I'll just pick up where she left off.  so, I've started.  
I have a home page and several pages for about me, links, etc.  but where i'm 
running into a problem is trying to include a blog page within the wordpress 
site.  i created a page for my blog and wrote a test post.  the post is showing 
as published but can't find where it went on the site.  is there someone here 
who can talk me through this part.  I think it has something to do with 
creating static pages, but i'm not sure. any help will be greatly appreciated.  
and yes I'm using a macbook pro running lion.  take care, max 

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Keyboard Problem with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Austin Seraphin
I just upgraded my iMac to Mountain Lion. I use a standard Apple keyboard. Now 
I notice if I leave it unattended for a few minutes, the keyboard seems to lock 
up. Hitting a key makes it eventually repeat it a number of times. This seems 
most apparent when using command-tab to switch to another program. Chaos! Has 
anyone had this problem? Any ideas of a solution?

 - Austin

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Re: configuring apple apple mail question

2012-08-27 Thread Alex Hall
One thing to keep in mind here is that this will not work if you get rid of the 
preview pane. The up side is that you can arrow past messages without having 
them automatically be marked as read; the down side is that you will have to 
open them with cmd-o and close them with cmd-w (enter seems to work to open as 
well) and cannot delete right from the text. It's a trade-off however you slice 
About the sorting of columns: I don't know, but if you get an answer, please 
share it with the list as I'd love to re-order a few things.
On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi
> Yes I do this all the time. I interact with the message text by pressing vo 
> j, then read the message, then press delete. The next message will show up, 
> depending on the last arrow press you do. If you previously pressed up arrow, 
> the next message to display will be above the one you just deleted. If you 
> previously pressed down arrow, the next message you see will be below the one 
> you just deleted.
> Good luck.
> Lisette
> On 28/08/2012, at 8:25 AM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
>> Hello all in standard view is it possible to open a message, delete, then 
>> automatically move to the next message. Know what I am saying here? Thanks!
>> Sent from my mac
>> On 27 Aug 2012, at 18:02, Christina C.  wrote:
>>> Hi, I am using ML   with standard view in apple mail.  Is there a way to 
>>> configure things so that the fields in the messages table are in an order 
>>> that I prefer.  I'd like voiceover to read this info to me in a different 
>>> order.  I really don't need to know how many message conversations are in a 
>>> message first.  Does that make sense?  I mostly prefer to hear the subject 
>>> field first.  Although, in some mailboxes, I'd like to hear the sender name 
>>> first.  Is it possible to configure different mailboxes differently?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
>>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Ioana,

I'm wondering if this might work for you as a sort of "work-around". Have you 
tried going to the view menu and sorting by the various criteria there? You can 
sort by subject, etc. This will change the way VO reads the headers.


On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
> with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
> Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?
> Thanks
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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I Was Mistaken, Sorry, Was Re: sorting mail headers does not work for me

2012-08-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
I should have tested my suggested method before I sent it. I could have sworn I 
had used it before, but I am mistaken.

Sorry about that,

On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using mail standard view (not classic) and tried to sort column headers 
> with the ml command VO |. I hear a message saying no sort headers available.
> Could anyone let me know how they accomplished this?
> Thanks
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: Keyboard Problem with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Austin Seraphin
I should have said that the problem happened after upgrading from 10.8 to 

 - Austin

On Aug 27, 2012, at 11:32 PM, Austin Seraphin  

> I just upgraded my iMac to Mountain Lion. I use a standard Apple keyboard. 
> Now I notice if I leave it unattended for a few minutes, the keyboard seems 
> to lock up. Hitting a key makes it eventually repeat it a number of times. 
> This seems most apparent when using command-tab to switch to another program. 
> Chaos! Has anyone had this problem? Any ideas of a solution?
>  - Austin
> -- 
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FaceTime on the Mac

2012-08-27 Thread Shen
Ever since I installed Mountain Lion, I am having a lot of trouble adding and 
removing favorites in FaceTime.
Has anyone been successful removing contacts from favorites in FaceTime? There 
is an Edit button, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't make any difference. I 
still cannot remove from the favorites list.
Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Keyboard Problem with ML

2012-08-27 Thread Austin Seraphin
Sorry to fill up this thread, but I think I have found the problem. On my iMac 
I had my display sleep set to one minute, since I figured I don't need a 
display anyway. I believe this caused the problem. I adjusted it to Never and 
the awful lag seems to have stopped. It would also explain why it happened 
after a period of inactivity. Interestingly, this does not seem to affect my 
MacBook Air. So if you have an iMac and notice this problem, you may want to 
open System Preferences, go to Energy Saver, and check your display sleep. I'll 
let you know if the problem persists.

 - Austin

On Aug 27, 2012, at 11:32 PM, Austin Seraphin  

> I just upgraded my iMac to Mountain Lion. I use a standard Apple keyboard. 
> Now I notice if I leave it unattended for a few minutes, the keyboard seems 
> to lock up. Hitting a key makes it eventually repeat it a number of times. 
> This seems most apparent when using command-tab to switch to another program. 
> Chaos! Has anyone had this problem? Any ideas of a solution?
>  - Austin
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
When I looked in the app store, I did see an app that claimed that it was 
Voiceover friendly. However, I couldn't get access to the controls. I don't 
know what it was called, but it's in the App store.

Sent from my white Mac Book

On 2012-08-27, at 4:59 PM, wrote:

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Re: Sort Buttons For Column Headers

2012-08-27 Thread Johnny Angel!
Okay, great.  Can someone 
please tell me where the vertical line is located on a 13 inch MBP?


John Chilelli

 On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> I actually just posted on this yesterday. If you press vo-|, it will jump to 
> the column headers. Then press vo-| again to get back to the columns.
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've just noticed something when using tables with the trackpad commander. 
>> If I interact with a table and touch the top of the trackpad, I get a "sort 
>> button" for each of the columns the table contains. I can double-tap, say, 
>> the "Name" button, to change between ascending and descending sort order, or 
>> double-tap a one for a different column header, for example "Date Modified", 
>> to sort the table's contents by that column. However, if I move VoiceOver 
>> focus with the keyboard, I seem unable to get to these sort buttons. Is 
>> there a way of getting to them using the keyboard? I'm not sure if I'm 
>> correct on this, but, from what I've heard, this feature was introduced with 
>> Mountain Lion. Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Gavin Grundlingh
>> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
>> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
>> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
>> Email:
>> Secondary Email:
>> Skype: Batworx
>> Facebook:
>> Twitter:
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Re: Fleksy

2012-08-27 Thread Emrah
I love the app.
I get an iPhone size version of Fleksy on my iPad, is that normal? Is there a 
way to expand it?


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Re: Fleksy

2012-08-27 Thread Johnny Angel!
What is Flexksy?
On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:26 AM, Emrah  wrote:

> I love the app.
> I get an iPhone size version of Fleksy on my iPad, is that normal? Is there a 
> way to expand it?
> Cheers!
> -- 
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Johnny "Angel" Chilelli

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Re: Fleksy

2012-08-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I had this the first time I loaded the app on my iPad. I removed it from the 
app switcher, opened the app again and now it is full size. Sometimes, the 
orientation of the controls switches to portrait while the actual keyboard 
remains in landscape which is where I like it. That's a bit weird, but it works 
well apart from that on my iPad.

Perhaps try removing it from the app switcher, or re-downloading it on your 
iPad from the app store. I've not tried doing this. I don't think there is a 
different version for the iPad though.
On 28/08/2012, at 5:26 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> I love the app.
> I get an iPhone size version of Fleksy on my iPad, is that normal? Is there a 
> way to expand it?
> Cheers!
> -- 
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Do Apple Make a DSL modem & Router

2012-08-27 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
Do Apple make a DSL Modem & Router as one unit?
I have read about the Airport Extreme etc but they appear only to be 
Wireless base stations.

thanks as always for any help on this one.

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Re: Sort Buttons For Column Headers

2012-08-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, John,

I'm not familiar with your particular keyboard, but if you have a backslash 
key, it's shift-backslash.


On Aug 27, 2012, at 10:24 PM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:

> Okay, great.  Can someone 
> please tell me where the vertical line is located on a 13 inch MBP?
> Thanks,
> John Chilelli
>  On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I actually just posted on this yesterday. If you press vo-|, it will jump to 
>> the column headers. Then press vo-| again to get back to the columns.
>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've just noticed something when using tables with the trackpad commander. 
>>> If I interact with a table and touch the top of the trackpad, I get a "sort 
>>> button" for each of the columns the table contains. I can double-tap, say, 
>>> the "Name" button, to change between ascending and descending sort order, 
>>> or double-tap a one for a different column header, for example "Date 
>>> Modified", to sort the table's contents by that column. However, if I move 
>>> VoiceOver focus with the keyboard, I seem unable to get to these sort 
>>> buttons. Is there a way of getting to them using the keyboard? I'm not sure 
>>> if I'm correct on this, but, from what I've heard, this feature was 
>>> introduced with Mountain Lion. Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gavin Grundlingh
>>> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
>>> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
>>> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
>>> Email:
>>> Secondary Email:
>>> Skype: Batworx
>>> Facebook:
>>> Twitter:
>>> -- 
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> I am born of The forty-second generation
> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
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> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
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Re: Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-27 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  you didn't happen to email the debs?  this app sounds interesting if it 

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 28/08/2012, at 3:16 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> When I looked in the app store, I did see an app that claimed that it was 
> Voiceover friendly. However, I couldn't get access to the controls. I don't 
> know what it was called, but it's in the App store.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
> On 2012-08-27, at 4:59 PM, wrote:
> -- 
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Re: Sort Buttons For Column Headers

2012-08-27 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Teresa,

Thanks. Yea!  I know where the backslash key is!

On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, John,
> I'm not familiar with your particular keyboard, but if you have a backslash 
> key, it's shift-backslash.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 10:24 PM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:
>> Okay, great.  Can someone 
>> please tell me where the vertical line is located on a 13 inch MBP?
>> Thanks,
>> John Chilelli
>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I actually just posted on this yesterday. If you press vo-|, it will jump 
>>> to the column headers. Then press vo-| again to get back to the columns.
>>> On Aug 27, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've just noticed something when using tables with the trackpad commander. 
 If I interact with a table and touch the top of the trackpad, I get a 
 "sort button" for each of the columns the table contains. I can 
 double-tap, say, the "Name" button, to change between ascending and 
 descending sort order, or double-tap a one for a different column header, 
 for example "Date Modified", to sort the table's contents by that column. 
 However, if I move VoiceOver focus with the keyboard, I seem unable to get 
 to these sort buttons. Is there a way of getting to them using the 
 keyboard? I'm not sure if I'm correct on this, but, from what I've heard, 
 this feature was introduced with Mountain Lion. Thanks in advance.
 Gavin Grundlingh
 Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
 Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
 Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
 Secondary Email:
 Skype: Batworx
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> Not of this world,
>> I am born of The forty-second generation
>> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
>> Wish to join?
>> Initiation is completely FREE!
>> NOTE: Limited time sensitive offer.
>> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
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Johnny "Angel" Chilelli

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Re: configuring apple apple mail question

2012-08-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

You can also just press enter on the messages to open them.  I honestly see no 
real difference between pressing command W, and pressing VO J.  Your actually 
pressing 2 fewer keys to read a message, and 1 fewer key to close the message 
and go back to your messages table.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:11 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> One thing to keep in mind here is that this will not work if you get rid of 
> the preview pane. The up side is that you can arrow past messages without 
> having them automatically be marked as read; the down side is that you will 
> have to open them with cmd-o and close them with cmd-w (enter seems to work 
> to open as well) and cannot delete right from the text. It's a trade-off 
> however you slice it.
> About the sorting of columns: I don't know, but if you get an answer, please 
> share it with the list as I'd love to re-order a few things.
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Yes I do this all the time. I interact with the message text by pressing vo 
>> j, then read the message, then press delete. The next message will show up, 
>> depending on the last arrow press you do. If you previously pressed up 
>> arrow, the next message to display will be above the one you just deleted. 
>> If you previously pressed down arrow, the next message you see will be below 
>> the one you just deleted.
>> Good luck.
>> Lisette
>> On 28/08/2012, at 8:25 AM, christopher hallsworth  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all in standard view is it possible to open a message, delete, then 
>>> automatically move to the next message. Know what I am saying here? Thanks!
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> On 27 Aug 2012, at 18:02, Christina C.  wrote:
 Hi, I am using ML   with standard view in apple mail.  Is there a way to 
 configure things so that the fields in the messages table are in an order 
 that I prefer.  I'd like voiceover to read this info to me in a different 
 order.  I really don't need to know how many message conversations are in 
 a message first.  Does that make sense?  I mostly prefer to hear the 
 subject field first.  Although, in some mailboxes, I'd like to hear the 
 sender name first.  Is it possible to configure different mailboxes 
 Sent from Christina's iMac :)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: dictation success!

2012-08-27 Thread Johnny Angel!

Just now getting into speakable items.  Where do I find this list of what to 


Johnny Chilelli
On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Neil
> When you are setting things up, there is a list of phrases that you can use. 
> The phrases have to be exact. Right now, I'm in the process of learning exact 
> words to be said.
> Eugenia Firth
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav  
> wrote:
>> sorry, where do you enable that bit though, I mean I can dictate no issue, 
>> but, how does one ask what day it is etc?
>> Regards,
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
>> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> URL: -
>> e-mail: -
>> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
>> On 31 Jul 2012, at 01:48, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> These are commands you can give, like "what time is it" or "open iPhoto". 
>>> You can even select buttons shown in the currently open dialog just by 
>>> speaking them. If you are at all familiar with Windows speech recognition, 
>>> it's like dictation is the text input part of that and speakable objects is 
>>> the other part that accepts commands for system operations.
>>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
 Ok, easy enough. What is this about speakable Items I'm seeing how does 
 that effect this. Sorry I'm so late coming into this, I've been at work 
 today and not able to keep up with this a lot as they haven't upgraded us 
 yet. Thanks for your patience guys. 
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> You go into system preferences, then accessibility. Interact with a table 
> and select dictation. Turn it on, then follow the dialogs. If you are 
> using a usb microphone, you may have to going to sound preferences and 
> set the input source to be that USB microphone.
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>> I'm just getting used to Mountain Lion. How do you get into dictation, 
>> would love to try it out. Thanks. 
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Well Alex, good for you. I love the dictation as well. I am talking 
>>> into a Griffin IMike with a Gigaware  are microphone attached to it. 
>>> And, my air conditioner is going in the background. Not bad Huh?
>>> I have only made small corrections to this dictation.?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 6:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am also having great luck with dictation. I have a cheap desktop 
 microphone going through a cheap usb sound card (since the mac doesn't 
 support direct input of non-powered mics) but it is still doing really 
 well. In my quick tests, it made no mistakes. This, paired with that 
 amazing speakable items feature, will make me an even lazier person 
 than I already am. Ironically, I didn't dictate this entire message. I 
 did, however, dictate these last two sentences. I should also add that 
 there's a ceiling fan going in the background.
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);
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Re: Banking Program and VO

2012-08-27 Thread Steve Holmes
I use checkbook pro available from the mac app store.  It is very accessible 
but I'm still new to it so dunno about interacting with banking systems online.

On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Grant Hyde  wrote:

> I am not having any luck finding a banking program that is workable with VO.  
> I have been working with iBank and Money Well.  I have not been able to 
> access the transaction areas with either program.  Any advice or 
> recommendations.
> Thanks,
> Grant Hyde
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