Can you not copy the app to the applications folder or run the app directly 
from the disk image?
Sent from my mac

On 26 Aug 2012, at 01:37, Chenelle Hancock <> wrote:

> hi all,
> i wanted to know if anyone had  instructions on how to install  louie onto  
> the mack using voice over  commands? any help would be most greatly 
> appreicated.
> sincerely, chenelle thanks for the help.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 25/08/2012, at 18:04, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>>      • ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock [4 Updates]
>>      • Update On My Problem [4 Updates]
>>      • 1password accessibility [1 Update]
>>      • Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time! [1 Update]
>>      • Zoom [1 Update]
>>      • Audio Hijack Pro [2 Updates]
>>      • VMware Fusion [1 Update]
>>      • iTunes Library Help [1 Update]
>>      • OS X rocks! [1 Update]
>>      • removing Carbon coppy Cloner [1 Update]
>>      • Interesting Problem [1 Update]
>>      • safari [1 Update]
>>      • Restore Factory Default [1 Update]
>>      • Best GPS app for iPhone [2 Updates]
>>      • Facebook on IOS update [1 Update]
>>      • Fleksy [1 Update]
>>      • ML .1, first look. [1 Update]
>>  ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock
>> Christine Grassman <> Aug 25 04:42PM -0400  
>> Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
>> can I get them back in there?
>> Thanks.
>> Christine
>> Ricardo Walker <> Aug 25 04:49PM -0400  
>> Hi,
>> find the apps in your applications folder in the finder and press command 
>> shift T to add them back to the dock.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> Christine Grassman <> Aug 25 04:52PM -0400  
>> Great. Thanks much.
>> Steve Holmes <> Aug 25 03:03PM -0700  
>> Just curious, how do you guys find some of these other shortcuts? When I 
>> went into the menus while on the apps folder, I did not see even a menu item 
>> for putting the file on the doc. I saw one for putting it on the sidebar 
>> (Command-T). When I looked around in the help menu for the finder, I didn't 
>> come across that either. This is a good one to remember though.
>>  Update On My Problem
>> Scott Rumery <> Aug 25 03:48PM -0400  
>> Hello,
>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and 
>> I just wanted to give you all an update. I have discovered that my system 
>> sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones 
>> plugged in. If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no sound 
>> in it. I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a system 
>> sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result is 
>> great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in then I 
>> get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case? I would ultimately like to 
>> be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
>> podcast. I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
>> this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Scott
>> Brandon Olivares <> Aug 25 04:40PM -0400  
>> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding to 
>> it?
>> Scott Rumery <> Aug 25 05:49PM -0400  
>> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones. I don't know why I can't 
>> get it to work properly. When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was 
>> fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with 
>> it that this started to happen. I have since uninstalled Garage Band but the 
>> problem persists. Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the life 
>> of me I can't figure out what the conflict could be.
>> Scott
>> Brandon Olivares <> Aug 25 05:57PM -0400  
>> Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
>> Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to 
>> the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
>>  1password accessibility
>> Paul Erkens <> Aug 25 11:06PM +0200  
>> Hi Robert,
>> It worked out this time. Thank you for your clear answer and tip about the 
>> menus. I have been focusing so hard on the safari extension and its 
>> inaccessibility, that it really got me frustrated. Things are a lot clearer 
>> now, even though inaccessibility in the extension remains for one part. You 
>> have been very helpful Robert.
>> For the sake of others attempting to use 1password, here is what I bumped 
>> into. As far as I found a work around, I'll describe that as well, so that 
>> others don't have to invent the wheel again, and at least get going, having 
>> logins saved, using them again, seeing how fast that is, and understanding 
>> some of the safari extension of 1password.
>> After having installed 1password, the words from a podcast I heard still 
>> sounded in the back of my mind, saying: it's real easy technology, that 
>> 1password thing. If you read the user guide, then yes, it's really been 
>> thought through very well. 1Password consists of both an application that 
>> goes into the normal app folder on the mac, and the other part is what is 
>> called a safari extension. It is this extension that is so handy, because 
>> when you log in to a site that 1password never saw before, then it asks you 
>> if you want to save this login for later. If you say yes, the login is 
>> stored inside the 1password keychain, along with all necessary data. This 
>> works well, even with VoiceOver. The 1password app is also very accessible, 
>> so that's good news to begin with, but the other part is not that easy if 
>> you use VoiceOver at this moment.
>> Say you are about to change one of your own passwords, for instance one that 
>> you have on, and you want to replace that with a strong password, 
>> given to you by the password generator inside 1password. Then if you try to 
>> follow the instructions in the user guide, you'll bump into problems on the 
>> safari extension 1password interface.
>> Here's what it says. Quote:
>> Click the 1Password key button in your toolbar, then the Strong Password 
>> Generator tab (it has a rotary padlock lock icon)
>> Adjust any features of the new strong password you’re creating
>> Click Fill to automatically fill your new password into any ‘new password’ 
>> and ‘verify password’ fields
>> Click Save and the 1Password AutoSave Bar should ask if you want to save 
>> this Login
>> Click the gear menu, mouse to the ‘Replace Existing Login’ section, and 
>> click the relevant Login you want to update with this new password
>> Sleep better at night
>> End of quote.
>> First, you have to click the 1password item inside your safari toolbar. With 
>> VoiceOver, this is easy. Go over to the toolbar, interact, and move right 
>> till you find the 1password button. Then click that with VO space. So far so 
>> good.
>> Next, according to the manual, you should click the rotary padlock lock 
>> icon, which will open the 1password strong password generator. 
>> Now, to find the new window from 1password, that popped up after you clicked 
>> the 1password button, inside the safari toolbar, you need to know that for 
>> now, you have not 1, but 2 html areas inside safari. The normal one, where 
>> you view your web pages, and another new one, from 1password. For VoiceOver, 
>> this is the left of the 2 html areas.
>> Normally, we would interact, and then VO right till we find the strong 
>> password generator icon. For this to work, the icon must have been labeled 
>> with some explanatory text like "Strong Password Generator", so that when 
>> you find that icon with VoiceOver, it can speak what the icon does. Without 
>> the label, it can't. And in this case, many icons and other items inside the 
>> 1password html area are poorly labeled. 
>> Here's what the 1password html area in safari reads as of now. The first 
>> five items are:
>> Tab, one of five. Then VO right and you hear:
>> tab, two of five. VO right and you hear:
>> tab, three of five. VO right:
>> Tab, four of five. Vo right:
>> tab, five of five.
>> So these items are not descriptive at all for now.
>> The next item in sequence for VoiceOver is something that appears as a 
>> button. VoiceOver says "button", but it won't tell what this very button 
>> does, like "okay button", "save button", etc. It's just "button". Sometimes, 
>> a tooltip is attached to a control like this, and if you have VoiceOver 
>> configured to do so, it can tell you what that help text says, after a short 
>> delay. If you turned that off in VoiceOver but you are curious what the help 
>> tag is, you can have it spoken by focusing the item you want to know about, 
>> in this case the unlabeled button, and then issuing the VoiceOver function 
>> VO shift h, that is control, option, shift h. If there is a help tag, like 
>> there is for many other buttons in other programs, you might hear something 
>> like: "End the current call", or "close this dialog". In this particular 
>> case however, the button does not have a help tag, so we're out of luck in 
>> figuring out what this control might do. Even stranger than this, I doubt if 
>> it is a button at all, because normally when you ask VoiceOver to read you 
>> the help text for a particular item, if there is one, you will hear it. If 
>> there is none, VoiceOver will say this item has no help tag. But in this 
>> very case, VoiceOver stays silent, so there is something non-standard going 
>> on with this control. We don't know if it's a button, and there is no help 
>> tag yet. For now, I have no clue, so I'm skipping this button.
>> Next, we find:
>> "Logins, with twenty two items, tab panel".
>> This is something we can interact with, and here is what we find inside the 
>> area:
>> Button. Vo right:
>> Button. Vo right again:
>> Button.
>> The problem with these 3 unlabeled buttons is the same as above: it might 
>> not be a button, because there is no label, no help tag, and if you ask for 
>> the help tag, VoiceOver stays silent. Non-standard controls. Not a real 
>> problem if they are going to be labeled, but as of now, they are mysterious.
>> I can go on analyzing the rest of the 1password popup, but instead I'll give 
>> you some tips.
>> The tabs we found at the beginning of the 1password safari extension html 
>> area, are for displaying tab sheets, as you expect. However, going over them 
>> with the VoiceOver cursor won't tell you what they do. So, it might be an 
>> idea to just click on them the regular way using VoiceOver, and then see 
>> what happens on the rest of the html area.
>> If you perform the click with VoiceOver using VO space, and the tab control 
>> is a standard one, then the app you are using will carry out the default 
>> event for that control, usually, but not always, being equal to a single 
>> mouse click, and it won't know that you're working with the keyboard. Simply 
>> said, if you VO space on a tab name, the tab contents will show up. In this 
>> case it won't though, because it seems a non-standard control on the screen. 
>> So VO spacing on the unknown tabs won't get you anywhere, and the screen 
>> won't change.
>> But, for those oddities, we have another method. Bring the mouse pointer 
>> over to where the VoiceOver cursor is, and then simulate a mouse click with 
>> VoiceOver. This is different from asking VoiceOver to tell the control to 
>> perform its default click action. To bring the mouse, once you're focused on 
>> 1 of the 5 tabs, hit VO command f5. To perform the click at this location, 
>> issue VO shift space. Again, VO is control plus option. This time, the 
>> screen will change indeed. Now with some trying and memorizing, you will 
>> find out what the unknown tabs will display. They are as follows:
>> The first tab will display your logins, to choose from.
>> The second will display credit card info if you have that filled in.
>> The third is for identities.
>> The fourth: the strong password generator.
>> The fifth tab: no clue. If you click on the fifth tab, the finder's apple 
>> menu is opened, so maybe there's yet another aproach to finding out what 
>> this tab does: click it physically, i.e.: do it using the real trackpad, and 
>> not a VoiceOver command for a simulation.
>> To do that, route the mouse to the VoiceOver cursor, and then press down on 
>> your trackpad. Find its lower left corner without touching the glass, or 
>> you'll move your carefully placed mouse pointer way off, by accident. But if 
>> you click this fifth tab, in my case I'm thrown out of safari and returned 
>> to finder.
>> So far, I have a couple logins stored inside 1password, but not many yet, 
>> because only an hour ago, after reading your answer Robert, I found out more 
>> about this interface, as more pieces of the puzzle dropped into place.
>> So now we know what the tabs do, the manual can be followed: click the 
>> 1password toolbar button, and then click the strong password generator. For 
>> us it's been some fiddling, but we can do it now.
>> Next, we should adjust settings if desired, for the password to be 
>> generated. Now this is easy. Just look around and you'll understand it. 
>> There's a strong password already there too. Hit fill in this strong 
>> password dialog, and the new password will be filled in on the site. So that 
>> is how you can give a strong password to a site.
>> Another tip. If you want your current password for a site, I didn't find a 
>> way to copy this off the 1password extension. Another way to get it is to 
>> open the 1password application, going to your logins, finding the one you 
>> want, and then hitting command e on the password shown. If you don't do the 
>> command e, you cannot copy the text string, whereas if you turn this field 
>> into a known format, an edit field with normal text and a cursor, all text 
>> in the password field is selected by default, so hiting command c to copy, 
>> right after command e, will copy your password to the clipboard in os10.
>> However, because of security, 1password won't let it sit there for long, 
>> quickly bring up text edit, paste it there, and then take your time again. 
>> That's a way to see your existing password for a site that 1password knows 
>> about.
>> Now what if you know that 1password has a site with credentials, and you 
>> want to log into it right away. Well so far, I found 2 ways, thanks to 
>> Robert.
>> 1. From the 1password application, you can hit command shift enter once you 
>> are focused on the login in question. The site opens, the form is filled and 
>> submitted and you are logged in. Fine.
>> 2. Alternatively, you can also do this from the safari extension. Make the 
>> 1password html area fill up by clicking the 1password toolbar item in 
>> safari. Navigate into the html area, and find open in new tab. This is a 
>> heading, and then find the site you want to go to. Once found, VO space on 
>> it and you will be logged in. Mind you, because the first page load is for 
>> the site to appear, and then you must wait some time more, because 1password 
>> needs time to fill the form, submit it and have the new logged in site page 
>> appear. I was impatient, and that screwed the login process and I had to 
>> start over until I understood what was going on.
>> I hope this will help out some other people. If I have more news about 
>> 1password, I'll post it here.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>>  Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!
>> Veronica Elsea <> Aug 25 01:30PM -0700  
>> Hi Frank and everyone!
>> Thanks for the suggestion. I've just gone in and made the change of the 
>> custom port number so I'll watch for awhile to see what happens. Now if only 
>> that would make it read the unread label on my messages again. Hahahahaha!
>> Thanks so much for the help. 
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at 
>> Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at 
>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>  Zoom
>> christopher hallsworth <> Aug 25 08:22PM +0100  
>> Hello all.
>> How well, in your personal opinion of course, does Zoom perform compared to 
>> ZoomText or other similar products on the other OS? Yes, using this again 
>> grins. Just my friend is coming to stay with me and I want her to have a go 
>> on a mac computer. She has enough vision to use magnification and can see 
>> pictures quite well. One important factor is can Zoom magnify 24 point print 
>> or better.
>> Thanks for any comments on this.
>>  Audio Hijack Pro
>> christopher hallsworth <> Aug 25 07:49PM +0100  
>> Ok how does this sound.
>> 1. Create a new session.
>> 2. Set the source to audio device.
>> 3. Make sure the input device is set to the correct one.
>> 4. Set the output device to silent output.
>> 5. Start hijacking and recording.
>> I did not get any feedback when doing this.
>> So the output device must mean the device to which the recording is played 
>> through.
>> So again, how does this sound?
>> Thanks!
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 13:57, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Ray Foret Jr <> Aug 25 02:21PM -0500  
>> The question is this. Did you get the result you really wanted when trying 
>> this? Only way to know is to try.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>>  VMware Fusion
>> christopher hallsworth <> Aug 25 08:19PM +0100  
>> Ok how does this sound.
>> Assign the caps lock key to the accent key.
>> Never thought of this.
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 11:13, Rachel Feinberg wrote:
>>  iTunes Library Help
>> Gerard Doody <> Aug 25 03:11PM -0400  
>> Hi there, Do you have your itunes stuff sinked to more than one Library? 
>> this sort of happened to me till I sinked the library that I wanted itunes 
>> to use to my iphone or ipad. Then ti worked. HtH 
>> Gerard Doody
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:22 AM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Upon launching iTunes, all of my music, movies, podcasts, and television 
>> shows have disappeared.
>> They still appear in the iTunes directory, and when trying to reimport some 
>> items via the automatically add to iTunes folder, they still do not appear 
>> in their respective sublists.
>> This is unusual. I am running the latest version of iTunes.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
>> Thank you for your help in this matter.
>> -- 
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>>  OS X rocks!
>> Joseph Norton <> Aug 25 03:10PM -0400  
>> Hi:
>> I just did a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion and looked at my free 
>> space. Out of 319 GB, I still had 312 GB avail.
>> A typical install of Windows 7 takes up 2 or 3 times that much space.
>> Just goes to show that you can still do tight coding if you want to.
>>  removing Carbon coppy Cloner
>> "Jeff Bishop" <> Aug 25 11:50AM -0700  
>> I use App Delete and love the app. The developer is also aware of
>> accessibility and is willing to make changes when issues arise <smile>.
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:51 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: removing Carbon coppy Cloner
>> Hi,
>> If I'm not sure whether or not an application is leaving files behind when
>> simply deleting its dot app component from my applications folder, I use app
>> zapper. It looks for related files and gets rid of those as well. It costs I
>> think it was some 15 dollars but it works. Not everything on the screen is
>> accessible, but enough to get the job done.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:
>> Oh, well, you see, I've had issues making bootable disks to a 1TB Buffalo
>> Media 56000RPm external USB drive; and so, I thought perhaps I'd see what
>> Super Duper had to offer by way of comparison.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:08 PM, "Jeff Bishop" <> wrote:
>> Why did you switch if you don't mind me asking?
>> From: <>
>> <>] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:20 AM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: removing Carbon coppy Cloner
>> Hi,
>> I'm gonna switch over from Carbon copy cloner to Super Duper. Am I correct
>> in guessing that there is no uninstall app for Carbon Coppy Cloner and that
>> all I need do is remove it from the apps folder?
>> Also, High time I put an anti virus app on here. Which is more accessible
>> between Clamax and Soho?
>> Thanks.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
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>>  Interesting Problem
>> Scott Rumery <> Aug 25 02:48PM -0400  
>> That is exactly how I have mine set up. I am with you, I have no idea why 
>> this is not working. I will continue to try and get it to work, and If I 
>> figure it out I will let the list know.
>> Scott
>>  safari
>> christopher hallsworth <> Aug 25 06:56PM +0100  
>> I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
>> navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with 
>> VO-U. To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The 
>> only issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. 
>> During my transition I have known to download the same file multiple times 
>> without me knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But 
>> otherwise Safari is great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, 
>> searching the web etc etc.
>> On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:
>>  Restore Factory Default
>> Cameron Strife <> Aug 25 01:43PM -0400  
>> Hi. If you purchased it new, I'd assume there would be a restore
>> partition. If you bought it second hand and it does have a superdrive
>> but did not come with the OSX dvd, then you'll need to pick up an OS
>> from the app store or e bay etc.
>> Cameron.
>>  Best GPS app for iPhone
>> "Kimsan" <> Aug 24 08:02PM -0700  
>> Hi,
>> So can you link me to a demonstration for navigon?
>> Thanks.
>> Harry Hogue <> Aug 24 10:12PM -0600  
>> Thank you all for your helpful replies. I will look into your suggestions. I 
>> know back a few years ago Human Ware had a GPS system, but it was very 
>> expensive. I figured with the iPhone and apps that such a costly solution 
>> probably has bee replaced by smaller and less expensive options.
>> Regards,
>> Harry
>>  Facebook on IOS update
>> Paul Hunt <> Aug 24 10:16PM -0500  
>> It came in this morning.
>>  Fleksy
>> "Tammy" <> Aug 24 10:44PM -0400  
>> Hi,
>> yes I tend to touch very lightly when in this mode because the focus really 
>> does move around quite easily. Thankfully I don't have to use it for much. 
>> A suggestion might be to add frequently used words to the dictionary before 
>> you use the program so that it will know and use them already.
>> hth
>> Tammy
>> -----Original Message----- 
>> From: Jamie Tachiyama
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 11:41 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Fleksy
>> It is true that you can enter things this way. One thing I have noticed 
>> though, it seems to slide over to the next letter vary easily. I generally 
>> find it to be slower to enter text this way due to the amount of corrections 
>> I have to make.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>>  ML .1, first look.
>> Brian Fischler <> Aug 24 06:47PM -0700  
>> Glad I could help Veronica. It was driving me nuts to having to
>> interact with pages before getting to the content, couldn't believe
>> when I discovered toggling VO off and on fixed it. Talk about a Bug
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