No not necessarily.

Let me tell you all a story about that.

This pissed me off roaylly! to no ends!  I wasn't gonna make any stink about 
this, but seeing you mention it, I think I will, to warn people.

99.999% of the time, I've had no problems with Apple, but in this case, it got 
so bad, I almost went to the NFB with this matter.  I hope the jacko who is 
responsible for this gets his arse canned!  Sorry to say it like that, but 
this! fumes me!  So here's what happened.

Over the corse of last year, I've bought several things both from the Mac app 
store, as well as from the I O S app store.  More, the ladder, but who's 
counting.  You all have to firstly understand something before I go further.  I 
don't know about you guys, I'm not wealthy, but I make enough each month, where 
I can at least hash a few CD's from ITunes, and a few good apps from either 
store.  It's not something I do every day, no, but I do it enough where Apple 
probably likes me pretty good from a financial standpoint by now.  LOL!  So, I 
get this app for my IPhone, I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was, but the 
point isn't what it was, the point is, bottom line, it wasn't accessible.  I 
tried for a few hours straight playing with the thing trying to get it to work, 
but no matter what I did, it just would not do it.  Oh, oh oh oh, I do remember 
now what it was, actually!  That's? right.  It was the Tindale HOuse Publishing 
official Life Application Bible app.  I know there're others that are 
accessible, but I really like this translation, but I won't get into a 
theological reason why here as it's totally irrelavant.  Point is, it was about 
$29.99 for the app.  Just call it 30 bucks.  So, I write

And I explain to them my situation, I'm blind, I strictly rely on Voiceover, 
this app is not at all accessible.  I had no way first of trying the app, as 
the developer offered no trial.  I then kindly asked for a refund.  Mind you 
carefully, that it had not exceeded the 24 hour period.

I think about a week went by, roughly, and I heard absolutely nothing back.  
Neither did I see any ITunes credit in my account, and my bank statement showed 
absolutely no refund activity being posted/clearing.  Later that day, I tried 
another ap from the Mac! app store, that one I definitely do not recall.  It 
too was completely inaccessible.  i remember it being some sort of an alarm 
clock, but don't recall the name of it.  I wanna say Alarm Clock Pro, but don't 
quote me.  That was $19.99.  Just call it 20 bucks.  Again, still within the 24 
hour period, I write them, and hear nothing after a full week on either case.  
So yeah, now two weeks have gone by since my first initial request.  Plus now 
I'm... just call it $50 short.  I call Apple Accessibility, and tell them the 
scoop, and ask if they can try to help me reach a resolution.  So, they get on 
the live chat client on

and chat on my behalf with a representative.  Well, first off, the rep was very 
very snotty.  Told the accessibility rep to tell me that I should know being I 
got no response that my requests had been rejected/denied.  When we posed the 
question of why, they said, well, he's made too many refund requests over the 
corse of the year.  Egg! effin, skeuze me?  OK, so over 12 months let's see... 
Navigon North America when they went through their little phaise where the 
accessibility got badly broken, it's been since fixed by the way, and what... 
maybe 2 other apps, plus maybe one movie I rented on my Apple TV which was 
corrupted, and didn't play correctly, plus and album I bought that stated it 
was one thing, and it wound up being miscatelogged?  So, maybe what, 4 things, 
two of which definitely! were not my problem?  Again, remember, we're not 
talking over a week or a month's time here.  We're talking over a full calendar 
year!  They then said, we're sorry, but tell the gentlemen our decision is 
final, and for this year no matter what the content, we refuse to give him any 
further refunds regardless circumstance.  That's when the accessibility rep 
ramped things up a bit with fire under their feet, and asked them, what the 
heck was I supposed to do!?  The app wasn't Voiceover friendly, and I had no 
way ahead a time to know that.  I even told the rep to let ITunes support know, 
if it was only say a $1.99 or so app, I'd be more willing to just say screw it, 
and eat the payment, as I'd only be out like what... 3 bucks?!  but I'm now out 
50 frickin dollars!  I'm not taking a denial for an answer.  I was ready to 
call my bank and dispute the charge if they continued their BS.  Finally, they 
said flat out, oh, he's blind?  The rep helping me confirmed affirmatively.  
They then said, well we don't offer help, nor give refunds to blind people.  I, 
hit, the, roof!  I'm surprised the people in Molasia! didn't hear a scream!  I, 
was, l'livid!  The rep and I asked for them to send the chat session over to a 
supervisor to take over.  They refused and disconnected the session altogether.

The gentlemen in accessibility transfered me over to customer relations, and 
actually even at first during the warm transfer stayed on the phone with me to 
back me up on my story and confirm that he too confirms that this really 
happened.  This way it's not just he said they said.  They hear both my side, 
as well as the apple rep's side.  Then he hung up, keeping me on the line with 
CR.  I told them flat out, that most likely I'd be getting a lawyer from the 
NFB, not because I'm out $50.  I couldn't care two cents less about that!  I 
told them that what I! was concerned about was there discriminating comments 
about not helping quote: blind people.  Oh, this lady who took over the call, 
blesser heart, she, was, furious!  She took ownership, and asked me what she 
could do within reason to prevent me from getting the NFB involved.  I told her 
nothing.  Eiother way they were gonna be notified of things, however if they 
don't want a lawsuit, possibly, then for one thing, I want a personal apology 
sent to me either via e-mail, or better yet over the phone directly from the 
exact rep who made those comments, and I want you on the line when they do it.  
Either that or, I want a full refund, preferably both the above.  She then told 
me, I'll do you even better than that, Mr. Gilland.  I'll give yu a full refund 
not through the Apple ITunes Store, but I'll over ride that and give it to you 
directly, plus, I'll also give you any item from the ITunes store free shipping 
over night delivery to of anything up to the %50 value.

So, I accepted both offers.  About a day later my item did arrive, and I got a 
personal call from that same lady in CR.  She had the rep on the line as I 
requested.  She apologized, though I didn't honestly hear any sincerity in her 
voice, but I'm not gonna speculate that.  She told me that though I'd been 
compensated on the CR level, she felt the need to make it up directly, so, she 
applied a $50 credit to my ITunes, which I did see on my end reflected as soon 
as I hung up.

Bottom line in this Sogga is:  be careful.  You might get a refund, yes, Erick, 
but, don't count on it.


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