Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

A mac running speakup?  What did you do, install Linux?


- Original Message - 
From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

most informative thread indeed.
I have never been a windows user at all, and am enjoying just getting to
know the mac or the vo one, have another mac with speakup on it.
Granted such threads are highly individual, but are there tasks that in
general remain on apple's to allow list ?
I understand that firefox is not an open option yet for example?

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Mike Arrigo wrote:

I have not had a pc for over a year. I only use windows for 1 or 2 things, 
and fusion works quite well. I do most things on my macs. I don't miss my 
pc, and have no need to get another one.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:20 AM, james walton wrote:


I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this 
list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust 
there boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an 
actual windows PC to do what they need to do?


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Re: Weird Macbook charger problem for Chris

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, but if Apple's aware of all this, then why should we have to pay for 
something that's their falt, not our's?  Why would the protection plan go 
into effect to cover their! screw up!


- Original Message - 
From: "Allison Manzino" 

To: "Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 9:22 PM
Subject: Weird Macbook charger problem for Chris

Hi Chris and all,

I'm so sorry to hear about your problem with your Macbook.  I had this 
happen to me a few months ago. At first, what you described happened. It did 
it only a little at first, and then a lot, then a whole lot and then ... it 
stopped working altogether.  The Macbook would not turn on, I took it back 
to Apple and they claimed I spilled liquids on it. I had them fix it since I 
paid for the Applecare protection plan. To make a really long story short, 
this happened twice more.  Apple  gave me a new charger which didn't seem to 
resolve the problem either. After the third attempt at fixing it with no 
luck, Apple gave me a new Macbook. They were great about  resolving my 
issue. I wonder if it may be a problem with the late 2010 models. Mine is 
also a white Macbook not a Pro, just a Macbook but it is late 2009. After 
this incident, I purchased a chillmat. I like this option much better than a 
lap desk. I don't use the fan often, but if I need to, I just plug the mat 
in to the USB port and the fan runs. This allows my Macbook to be cool. Oh, 
I also forgot to say that during the time my Macbook was at Apple's depot, 
they replaced the battery as well as the motherboard. If you can, see if you 
can spare your Macbook and take it in to an Apple store. I hope this helps. 
Have a great day.


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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, great, so what do you do if you have no net access and need to scan 
paper work for a client, or fill out paper work for a job etc.

Then you're up the creak without a paddle, ey?

This is why me personally... I have a real problem with the whole cloud 
technology approach.  It's a neet idea, but, it has way too many drawbacks.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ryan Mann" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

I used to use OpenBook as an excuse to keep using Windows, but no more. 
There is a program called DocuScan that can be used on both Windows and 
Mac.  To me, it seems so easy to use a 10 year old could use it.  There is 
one drawback.  That is that it requires Internet access.

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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Yeah, there was solona, until the guy both got lazy, as well as got sick.

OK, the sick part, I'll gladly! give 'em, but the laziness, sorry.  No.


- Original Message - 
From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

wait, there has to be a way to access captcha with a mac.  some utility
that cuts and pastes or something?

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, louie wrote:

The only thing I can say is got a Mac and not going back.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

I only use a PC when I want to watch flash content, or need to access 
capchas with web visum. I use a Mac for everything else.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:50 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

I have not had a pc for over a year. I only use windows for 1 or 2 
things, and fusion works quite well. I do most things on my macs. I 
don't miss my pc, and have no need to get another one.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:20 AM, james walton wrote:


I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this 
list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust 
there boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an 
actual windows PC to do what they need to do?


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For any musician: this is pretty cool!

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
If you need a metronome app, this one's free and works great!  The web site 
even specifically! references voiceover and says it works perfectly and is 
fully supported.  thumbs up to the author!

Here's the web site to download, and check it out:

The nice thing too is, the whole download is only about 600K!  Not even a 


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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Anne Robertson
For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being 



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Re: Accessible mudding client for the mac

2011-07-12 Thread anouk radix
Hi, I thought atlantis works under rosetta and not cocoa? It might have 
been updated though...

Greetings, Anouk,
Op 11-7-2011 20:00, Ben J Bloomgren schreef:

Missie and all,

I just googled mudding client for the mac, and Atlantis was the first thing 
that I saw. It works pretty well, but I know not what I do, at least quite yet. 
Just google around.


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Re: Accessible mudding client for the mac

2011-07-12 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Anouk,
Atlantis is a Coco app which works on Intel macs, so no, Rosetta isn't 
required.  Coco is the GUI framework though, so a PowerPC, or Rosetta, app 
could be a Coco app as well, just to clarify.  
Hope this helps,
On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:02 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hi, I thought atlantis works under rosetta and not cocoa? It might have been 
> updated though...
> Greetings, Anouk,
> Op 11-7-2011 20:00, Ben J Bloomgren schreef:
>> Missie and all,
>> I just googled mudding client for the mac, and Atlantis was the first thing 
>> that I saw. It works pretty well, but I know not what I do, at least quite 
>> yet. Just google around.
>> Ben
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Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

2011-07-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
So far as adding people to a call, you just VO+left to the "Add people" button 
and press it.  Then, you need to type the first few letters of your contact's 
name you wish to add and interact with the table.  That will help narrow down 
the choices in the table.  IF you just interact with the table at that point, 
you will see everyone of your contacts.  You MUST interact with this table in 
order to make use of it.  When you find the contact you wish to add, press 
return  twice.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a possibility to arrange conference calls in Skype 5.2 with 
> VoiceOver? I can't figure out how to reach the "add to call" button. Also it 
> seems to be impossible to adjust the volume of a call except using the F-keys 
> on the Mac. But how to lower the volume of the speaker without lowering the 
> volume of my mike? Sighted user can adjust the volume in Skype itself.
> Thanks for hints
> Jürgen
> -- 
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Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-12 Thread Geoff Shang

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote:

I wish I could turn DHCP off on the Comcast modem, but that is not 
possible. Apparently you have to have a static IP to do this and then 
they (Comcast) have to do it. I had talked to them today about this 
(Comcast that is) and they explained things somewhat, but how it was 
explained was yet pretty muddy. It all came down to the fact that I have 
to pay money and ps, we're damn near out of IPs, so don't be asking for 
much. :(

This doesn't make any sense.  I think whoever you spoke to at Comcast got 
their wires crossed.

Whether or not the comcast modem assigns addresses to your LAN has no 
relation to whether or not you have a dynamic or static IP address on the 
net.  They're two completely separate things.  You should be able to just 
do it in the interface of the modem/router and Comcast don't need to do 


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Re: Graphing calculator software for the Mac

2011-07-12 Thread Kevin Shaw

I believe there's a utility called Grapher that does this built into SL. Check 
your Utilities folder. I believe this should work with Zoom.


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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread erik burggraaf
It's a bit pricy, but if you scan a lot of books you'd be better off selling 
your openbook and putting the money towards an  eyepal.

The eyepal isn't perfect, but as a solution for quickly and accurately 
transcribing large numbers of pages it is super.


Erik Burggraaf
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On 2011-07-11, at 6:49 PM, Brian Miller wrote:

> What about scanning software?  I would love  to go full time with my MAC,
> but I don't know how well my Open Book software would run on the MAC using
> Bootcamp or fusion or whatever.
> What do others do?  I scan too many books to just give this up.  
> Brian Miller
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: using a mac full time?
> Hello everyone. I do all of my work on the Mac. I use the Microsoft
> applications and other windows apps with VM Fusion. Actually, windows works
> better on my Mac than it does on any PC I use. I can't see wasting real
> estate for a desktop or a laptop system that runs windows when my mac can do
> both.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of ShamelessFanGirl
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: using a mac full time?
> Same here. I've had my Mac for just over two months, and haven't touched my
> Windows machine since it arrived. I think in my case, the transition was
> made easier by way of using the Apple wireless keyboard, and other bluetooth
> keyboards with my iPhone, along with the phone proper, and the trackpad
> commander. I've pondered long and hard about whether or not to add Windows
> to the mix, and at this point, there simply is no need. Everything on the
> Mac just works, and the overall experience has been innovative, and fun. It
> serves my needs daily with everything from audio work, to twitter, Skype,
> mail, word processing, and web browsing. The only weak area thus far would
> be complex word processing, but I've yet to run into, or throw something at
> VO that it doesn't handle beautifully.
> End rant, however, while I'm sure there are glitches, I have yet to
> encounter them, granted I'm far from a seasoned user. :)
> hth, and have fun
> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Krister Ekstrom 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using my Mac full time and have done so ever since i got it about 
>> 2
> and a half years ago. I have Vmware fusion on the machine, but the only
> thing i use windows for today is websites that have captchas and audio
> games, nothing more.
>> /Krister
>> 11 jul 2011 kl. 16.20 skrev james walton:
>>> hello,
>>> I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this
> list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust there
> boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an actual
> windows PC to do what they need to do?
>>> thanks
>>> --
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Docuscan versus Voscan

2011-07-12 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I know this has been discussedp previously. But I was wondering could anyone 
give me a comparison between Docuscan and Voscan? I know people on this list 
use both. I have the Intel Reader made by Humanware which I love, but it 
doesn't always recognize the document I'm scanning. For picutres and things 
that need to be faxed it doesn't work well. I was wondering how many people use 
Docuscan? How is easy is it to use? What are the pros and cons of Voscan and 
Docuscan? I still use Kurzweil 1000 on my HP. I may be moving to Spain in the 
near future and I'm thinking about a portable solution I can take with me that 
would serve me well. My fiancé is also an artist, so I thought this might be 
good for him as well for photos etc. Thank you for any assistance you can 
provide. Have a great day. 


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Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Ray, that is absolutely awesome!  The only thing I wonder then is how then do I 
hang up on a person that is in the conference without killing everyone?

Also, say I am in a Skype call and receive another call, how do I put the first 
call on hold, and go answer the incoming call, then when done return to the 
first caller?  Finally, does anyone know how to record your Skype voicemail 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:24 AM
  Subject: Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

  So far as adding people to a call, you just VO+left to the "Add people" 
button and press it.  Then, you need to type the first few letters of your 
contact's name you wish to add and interact with the table.  That will help 
narrow down the choices in the table.  IF you just interact with the table at 
that point, you will see everyone of your contacts.  You MUST interact with 
this table in order to make use of it.  When you find the contact you wish to 
add, press return  twice.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:


is there a possibility to arrange conference calls in Skype 5.2 with 
VoiceOver? I can't figure out how to reach the "add to call" button. Also it 
seems to be impossible to adjust the volume of a call except using the F-keys 
on the Mac. But how to lower the volume of the speaker without lowering the 
volume of my mike? Sighted user can adjust the volume in Skype itself.

Thanks for hints

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

2011-07-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay.  Here's how to choose who to hang up on.  Look using VO+right arrow once 
the conference is underway.  You will notice that each participant has a pop up 
menu all their own.  Let us suppose you want to hang up on me and I'm one of 
five people in the conference.  Wel, using VO+right arrow, you find "Ray menu" 
or something like that, anyhow, you will know it's me.  When you press VO+space 
on this, you will observe that one of your choices is to hang up on me.  Press 
VO+space on this and I'm gone; but, everybody else is left.  You will notice 
however, that my conversation window remains active.  this allows you to call 
me back if you want.  to close my window, just use the standard command+w.  


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jul 12, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Ray, that is absolutely awesome!  The only thing I wonder then is how then do 
> I hang up on a person that is in the conference without killing everyone?
> Also, say I am in a Skype call and receive another call, how do I put the 
> first call on hold, and go answer the incoming call, then when done return to 
> the first caller?  Finally, does anyone know how to record your Skype 
> voicemail greeting?
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: Ray Foret Jr
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:24 AM
> Subject: Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls
> So far as adding people to a call, you just VO+left to the "Add people" 
> button and press it.  Then, you need to type the first few letters of your 
> contact's name you wish to add and interact with the table.  That will help 
> narrow down the choices in the table.  IF you just interact with the table at 
> that point, you will see everyone of your contacts.  You MUST interact with 
> this table in order to make use of it.  When you find the contact you wish to 
> add, press return  twice.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a possibility to arrange conference calls in Skype 5.2 with 
>> VoiceOver? I can't figure out how to reach the "add to call" button. Also it 
>> seems to be impossible to adjust the volume of a call except using the 
>> F-keys on the Mac. But how to lower the volume of the speaker without 
>> lowering the volume of my mike? Sighted user can adjust the volume in Skype 
>> itself.
>> Thanks for hints
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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RE: Graphing calculator software for the Mac

2011-07-12 Thread Frank Ventura
Kevin, thanks. I will check that out and report back.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Graphing calculator software for the Mac


I believe there's a utility called Grapher that does this built into SL.
Check your Utilities folder. I believe this should work with Zoom.


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Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Woops! Sorry for that, it was unintentional.
11 jul 2011 kl. 23.24 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

> This didn't work for me, though I figured out why.  You totally forgot to 
> mention to make sure in the voiceover utility that under navigation, you're 
> set to mouse moves the voiceover cursor instead of mouse follows voiceover 
> cursor.  Once I changed this setting, it worked perfectly.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to 
> mac?
> If you have a track pad, after routing the mouse to the voiceover cursor on 
> the "sync" menu, put your finger on the track pad and move it slowly left, 
> you should be hearing "application name button". It might be necessary to 
> move the finger a tiny bit up, but not so much though.
> /Krister
> 11 jul 2011 kl. 18.16 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:
>> OK, I tried that but it's not working.  Skype is running so could it be on 
>> my tack pad I'm not going at a total straight angle?  I did route the mouse 
>> BTW.  When you say grab the physical mouse or track pad, by gragging do you 
>> mean just move it left, or do you mean more literally click and drag.  I 
>> tried both ways with no luck.  Track pad commander was disabled.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:54 AM
>> Subject: Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to 
>> mac?
>> Press vo+m twice so you're focused on the "sync" menu then route your mouse 
>> there and grab the physical mouse and go left from there. You rout mouse to 
>> voiceover cursor with cmd+vo+f5.
>> /Krister
>> 11 jul 2011 kl. 17.49 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:
>>> Excellent tip.  Do you know where I'd need though to route the mouse with 
>>> my vo+command+F5?  What do I need to have focused when I do this.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:42 AM
>>> Subject: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to mac?
>>> Hi,
>>> Beside the "sync" menu there's a menu where many icons for apps are, such 
>>> as skype, evernote, facebook clients etc, should you have them. For some 
>>> strange reason, those menu choices aren't accessible in the standard way 
>>> with Voiceover. There is no way as far as i know to get at them. You can 
>>> access these items with the physical mouse or a track pad by routing the 
>>> mouse (cmd+vo+f5) and then grab the physical mouse or put your finger on 
>>> the track pad and gently moving left, you should then hear something like, 
>>> for example "transmit menu button". Clicking there opens the menu for the 
>>> app you're on and there you can do various things.
>>> Hope this clarifies things.
>>> /Krister
>>> 11 jul 2011 kl. 17.05 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:
 Here's my! question.
 Why can we not access things in the status bar?  Correct me if I'm wrong, 
 but, we can access the clock, the battery, the airport, the bluetooth, 
 etc. Isn't that? in the status bar?  So, yeah, ok, if we can do that! 
 then, well, why can't we access these other things?  Am I confused?
 - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
 Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:56 AM
 Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?
 This is true.  Mainly because it works out of the status menu.  Bought 
 once configured, Its a treat to use.  Especially with twitter.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
 On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I've wanted to use Boxcar for the mac, but someone told me it's kind of 
> strange to get it configured correctly with voiceover.  Is this a 
> misassumption?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?
> Hi,
> with boxcar for Mac, you can reply to mentions and DMs from anywhere. All 
> you need to do is assign a keyboard shortcut to bring it up in the boxcar 
> app.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:
>> Yes, agreed. Perhaps, if someone were to create the twitter application 
>> I describe below (how about calling it tweeter?), there could be a 
>> keystroke that was global, that when pressed would pop up a dialog in 
>> which you could compose a tweet.
>> I do find sometimes that 

Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr isn't 
at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr app of 
choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use the 64 bit 
12 jul 2011 kl. 09.32 skrev Anne Robertson:

> For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being 
> multilingual.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

2011-07-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
When you're in a conversation, press cmd+shift+a to add people. You will be in 
a window with an edit box and a table. Type part of a name in the edit box, 
then vo+right arrow once to the table and interact with it. Here should be a 
list of names corresponding to the letters you typed. Select a name that you 
want and hit return twice and voila, the person you wanted is now in the 
conversation ready to be called.
12 jul 2011 kl. 08.48 skrev Jürgen Fleger:

> Hi,
> is there a possibility to arrange conference calls in Skype 5.2 with 
> VoiceOver? I can't figure out how to reach the "add to call" button. Also it 
> seems to be impossible to adjust the volume of a call except using the F-keys 
> on the Mac. But how to lower the volume of the speaker without lowering the 
> volume of my mike? Sighted user can adjust the volume in Skype itself.
> Thanks for hints
> Jürgen
> -- 
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My very first full on attempt with Amadeus, baby!

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

OK guys,

I'm telling you all? now!  I'm a newby bigtime at doing audio on the Mac, so 
I make no? guaranties of anything here!  This may sound attrocious! to some. 
It's not ProTools quality by no means, but I did manage to multi-track all 
the instruments with my keyboard and put in my vocals, and add effects.  The 
mix is slightly hot on the mike, and I clip badly in a few places, but 
again, forgive me.  I'm still learning.

This certainly isn't the final draft by no means, but I thought you all may 
like to hear what I got, so far.

So, with no further ado, here is the download link.

This is a cover of a roxette track called Here comes the Weekend, from their 
Tourism album.

Enjoy, I hope.


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Re: [Bulk] Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Absolutely awesome!  Any idea on my other questions?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 7:14 AM
  Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

  Okay.  Here's how to choose who to hang up on.  Look using VO+right arrow 
once the conference is underway.  You will notice that each participant has a 
pop up menu all their own.  Let us suppose you want to hang up on me and I'm 
one of five people in the conference.  Wel, using VO+right arrow, you find "Ray 
menu" or something like that, anyhow, you will know it's me.  When you press 
VO+space on this, you will observe that one of your choices is to hang up on 
me.  Press VO+space on this and I'm gone; but, everybody else is left.  You 
will notice however, that my conversation window remains active.  this allows 
you to call me back if you want.  to close my window, just use the standard 


  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jul 12, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

Ray, that is absolutely awesome!  The only thing I wonder then is how then 
do I hang up on a person that is in the conference without killing everyone?

Also, say I am in a Skype call and receive another call, how do I put the 
first call on hold, and go answer the incoming call, then when done return to 
the first caller?  Finally, does anyone know how to record your Skype voicemail 


  - Original Message -
  From: Ray Foret Jr
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:24 AM
  Subject: Re: Skype 5.2 and conference calls

  So far as adding people to a call, you just VO+left to the "Add people" 
button and press it.  Then, you need to type the first few letters of your 
contact's name you wish to add and interact with the table.  That will help 
narrow down the choices in the table.  IF you just interact with the table at 
that point, you will see everyone of your contacts.  You MUST interact with 
this table in order to make use of it.  When you find the contact you wish to 
add, press return  twice.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:


is there a possibility to arrange conference calls in Skype 5.2 with 
VoiceOver? I can't figure out how to reach the "add to call" button. Also it 
seems to be impossible to adjust the volume of a call except using the F-keys 
on the Mac. But how to lower the volume of the speaker without lowering the 
volume of my mike? Sighted user can adjust the volume in Skype itself.

Thanks for hints

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Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to mac?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

No worries.  It's fine, it happens.  LOL!


- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to 

Woops! Sorry for that, it was unintentional.
11 jul 2011 kl. 23.24 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

This didn't work for me, though I figured out why.  You totally forgot to 
mention to make sure in the voiceover utility that under navigation, 
you're set to mouse moves the voiceover cursor instead of mouse follows 
voiceover cursor.  Once I changed this setting, it worked perfectly.


- Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to 

If you have a track pad, after routing the mouse to the voiceover cursor 
on the "sync" menu, put your finger on the track pad and move it slowly 
left, you should be hearing "application name button". It might be 
necessary to move the finger a tiny bit up, but not so much though.


11 jul 2011 kl. 18.16 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

OK, I tried that but it's not working.  Skype is running so could it be 
on my tack pad I'm not going at a total straight angle?  I did route the 
mouse BTW.  When you say grab the physical mouse or track pad, by 
gragging do you mean just move it left, or do you mean more literally 
click and drag.  I tried both ways with no luck.  Track pad commander was 


- Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter 
to mac?

Press vo+m twice so you're focused on the "sync" menu then route your 
mouse there and grab the physical mouse and go left from there. You rout 
mouse to voiceover cursor with cmd+vo+f5.


11 jul 2011 kl. 17.49 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

Excellent tip.  Do you know where I'd need though to route the mouse 
with my vo+command+F5?  What do I need to have focused when I do this.


- Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:42 AM
Subject: Accessing things in the status bar was Re: Porting qwitter to 

Beside the "sync" menu there's a menu where many icons for apps are, 
such as skype, evernote, facebook clients etc, should you have them. For 
some strange reason, those menu choices aren't accessible in the 
standard way with Voiceover. There is no way as far as i know to get at 
them. You can access these items with the physical mouse or a track pad 
by routing the mouse (cmd+vo+f5) and then grab the physical mouse or put 
your finger on the track pad and gently moving left, you should then 
hear something like, for example "transmit menu button". Clicking there 
opens the menu for the app you're on and there you can do various 

Hope this clarifies things.

11 jul 2011 kl. 17.05 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

Here's my! question.

Why can we not access things in the status bar?  Correct me if I'm 
wrong, but, we can access the clock, the battery, the airport, the 
bluetooth, etc. Isn't that? in the status bar?  So, yeah, ok, if we can 
do that! then, well, why can't we access these other things?  Am I 


- Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?


This is true.  Mainly because it works out of the status menu.  Bought 
once configured, Its a treat to use.  Especially with twitter.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

I've wanted to use Boxcar for the mac, but someone told me it's kind 
of strange to get it configured correctly with voiceover.  Is this a 


- Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?


with boxcar for Mac, you can reply to mentions and DMs from anywhere. 
All you need to do is assign a keyboard shortcut to bring it up in the 
boxcar app.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 10, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

Yes, agreed. Perhaps, if someone were to create the twitter 
application I describe below (how about calling it tweeter?), there 
could be a keystroke that was global, that when pressed would pop up 
a dialog in which you could compose a tweet.
I do find sometimes that the ability to read tweets from anywhere is, 
while great, distracting
Perhaps another keystroke could be added that popped up a dialog with 
the timeline

On 10/07/2011 13:18, Missy Hoppe wrote:
Very well said. The only thing I'd like to add is that the thing I 
like best about qwitter is that it runs i

Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You know... I have so! wanted to get Fine Reader for the Mac, but I haven't 
the slightest idea where to get it.  Every time I google for it, all I find 
are results for the windows version both trial and illegally cracked, which 
I obviously don't want to go anywhere even close to.  So, yeah, I'm kind a 
not sure.


- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr 
app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use 
the 64 bit version.

12 jul 2011 kl. 09.32 skrev Anne Robertson:

For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being 



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RE: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Brian Miller
Hi Ann,

Is VueScan available through the MAC app store?  

Also, can you do batch scanning for books?  

Brian M


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being



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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Dan
ABBYY Fine Reader is now available in the Apstore for $99.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> You know... I have so! wanted to get Fine Reader for the Mac, but I haven't 
> the slightest idea where to get it.  Every time I google for it, all I find 
> are results for the windows version both trial and illegally cracked, which I 
> obviously don't want to go anywhere even close to.  So, yeah, I'm kind a not 
> sure.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:13 AM
> Subject: Re: using a mac full time?
> I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
> crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
> isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr app 
> of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use the 64 
> bit version.
> /Krister
> 12 jul 2011 kl. 09.32 skrev Anne Robertson:
>> For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being 
>> multilingual.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> -- 
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Re: My very first full on attempt with Amadeus, baby!

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher Peppel
Hey Chris,

Great job!  I really enjoyed that.  Keep up the good work.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> OK guys,
> I'm telling you all? now!  I'm a newby bigtime at doing audio on the Mac, so 
> I make no? guaranties of anything here!  This may sound attrocious! to some. 
> It's not ProTools quality by no means, but I did manage to multi-track all 
> the instruments with my keyboard and put in my vocals, and add effects.  The 
> mix is slightly hot on the mike, and I clip badly in a few places, but again, 
> forgive me.  I'm still learning.
> This certainly isn't the final draft by no means, but I thought you all may 
> like to hear what I got, so far.
> So, with no further ado, here is the download link.
> This is a cover of a roxette track called Here comes the Weekend, from their 
> Tourism album.
> Enjoy, I hope.
> Chris. 
> -- 
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Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-12 Thread Matthew Campbell
In addition to what Jeff said, you should just be able to set you're airport 
router to point to the comcast modem as it's default gateway.
Sounds like that tek at comcast needs to find a new job.

On 2011-07-12, at 6:07 AM, Geoff Shang wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I wish I could turn DHCP off on the Comcast modem, but that is not possible. 
>> Apparently you have to have a static IP to do this and then they (Comcast) 
>> have to do it. I had talked to them today about this (Comcast that is) and 
>> they explained things somewhat, but how it was explained was yet pretty 
>> muddy. It all came down to the fact that I have to pay money and ps, we're 
>> damn near out of IPs, so don't be asking for much. :(
> This doesn't make any sense.  I think whoever you spoke to at Comcast got 
> their wires crossed.
> Whether or not the comcast modem assigns addresses to your LAN has no 
> relation to whether or not you have a dynamic or static IP address on the 
> net.  They're two completely separate things.  You should be able to just do 
> it in the interface of the modem/router and Comcast don't need to do anything.
> Gef
> -- 
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Joining a call to aa conference on skype?

2011-07-12 Thread Naama Shang
Is there an easy way to answer and join an incoming call to a conference on 
Also, is there a way to invite someone to conference?
We can't seem to find a way to do it.

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Re: [Bulk] Joining a call to aa conference on skype?

2011-07-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
See the list archives for my recent instructions how to add someone to a Skype 
call.  Also, to answer a Skype call, just press the accept button in the 
dialog.  Answering a call from a conference is the same as answering a call 
from one person.

Remember, to add a person, Just press the add person button in the window.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Naama Shang wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there an easy way to answer and join an incoming call to a conference on 
> skype?
> Also, is there a way to invite someone to conference?
> We can't seem to find a way to do it.
> Thanks,
> Naama
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Question about Photobooth

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Hey there.

So, got a question about photobooth.

I have a cat who just insists on jumping down out of my arms right when I hit 
the shutter button.  I'm desperetly wanting to get a pic of her and I to set as 
my wallpaper.  Yeah, I could have someone else take one with my phone or what 
not, but the eyesight camera is just so great for things like this.  I'm just 
wonderring... is there a way that I can delay the amount of time before it 
snaps any more than the default?  I know you hear the 4 little tones before it 
snaps, but that isn't enough as the minute I take one of my hands off of her to 
go to the keybgoard and hit the shutter button, she either claws me, or jumps 
down.  I figure there has to be a better way to do this, than trying to make 
her cooperate.  LOL!  She'll do it, she just doesn't like being held for very 
long.  Also, are there any tricks on the 13 inch white macbooks for being sure 
I don't have the screen tilted too far forward or back and so I'll be almost 
sure to get from my shoulders up?  I almost have gotten the hang of it, but 
what's the best way to make sure I'm aimed correctly and that the camera has me 
in the view.


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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Brian,

Yes, VueScan can do batch scanning. You have to get the orientation right 
yourself either by putting the document into the scanner the correct way round, 
or by using the Rotate controls in VueScan.

I can scan a double page at a time in my portable scanner, and for that, I have 
to set VueScan to rotate right.

You can set the number of seconds between scans and you have to press Cmd-g to 
tell it when to stop because you've done the last page.

You download VueScan from the developer's site:

You'll find a table with all the available versions of VueScan for Mac, Windows 
and Linux.


On 12 Jul 2011, at 15:05, Brian Miller wrote:

> Hi Ann,
> Is VueScan available through the MAC app store?  
> Also, can you do batch scanning for books?  
> Thanks,
> Brian M
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 3:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: using a mac full time?
> For scanning and OCR, I use VueScan. It also has the advantage of being
> multilingual.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> --
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Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Doug Lawlor
hello all:
I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
reference to 

Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,


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RE: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Missy Hoppe
Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it will come in handy!


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

hello all: 
I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
reference to 

Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,


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Apple Script for Double Space in Text Edit

2011-07-12 Thread Jim Fettgather
Hi, it really  is not too difficult to interact with the ruler in Text
Edit to set the line spacing to double space in a document.

However, I wonder if it would be possible to write an apple script to
accomplish the task with a keystroke?

Thanks for any thoughts.

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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Krister,

If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade to 
Lion in a hurry. According to FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
shown as compatible with Lion.



On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
> crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
> isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr app 
> of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use the 64 
> bit version.
> /Krister

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Gmail Contacts

2011-07-12 Thread Robert Hooper

I was recently involved in a conversation with my sister, who is considering 
switching from her current Android-powered device to an iPhone. She said that 
an important factor would be the contacts feature. She said that she put a lot 
of time into her contacts, and has all of them stored on Gmail. She wanted to 
know whether the iPhone could download or synchronize her Gmail contacts from 
her account, thus saving her time manually re-entering them. As I do not have a 
Gmail account, I can't answer this question in any sort of detail for her. I 
use Exchange, which seems to do fine as far as synchronization is concerned. 
So, if anyone has any light to shed on this matter, I would really appreciate 
said light and the shedding of such.
Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

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RE: Gmail Contacts

2011-07-12 Thread Blake Sinnett

It works great. I use Google Voice, but the way you set it up on the iOS device 
is the same. When you add an account, choose Microsoft Exchange. Enter your 
email, username and password. Click next and let it verify, then enter the 
server in the server field and hit next. After that, choose what 
you want to be synced, hit save and off it goes.

Subject: Gmail Contacts
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 17:09:09 +

I was recently involved in a conversation with my sister, who is considering 
switching from her current Android-powered device to an iPhone. She said that 
an important factor would be the contacts feature. She said that she put a lot 
of time into her contacts, and has all of them stored on Gmail. She wanted to 
know whether the iPhone could download or synchronize her Gmail contacts from 
her account, thus saving her time manually re-entering them. As I do not have a 
Gmail account, I can’t answer this question in any sort of detail for her. I 
use Exchange, which seems to do fine as far as synchronization is concerned. 
So, if anyone has any light to shed on this matter, I would really appreciate 
said light and the shedding of such.
Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195
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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Dan
Hello Anne,
Yet, ABBYY Fine Reader is listed in the Appstore for $99.99.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Krister,
> If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade to 
> Lion in a hurry. According to
> FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
> shown as compatible with Lion.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
>> crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
>> isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr 
>> app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use 
>> the 64 bit version.
>> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Doug Lawlor
I'll try to get a Mail reference posted tomorrow. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-07-12, at 2:00 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:

> Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it will come in handy!
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted
> hello all:
> I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
> reference to 
> Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,
> Doug
> -- 
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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Dan,

I suppose, Since ABBYY FineReader works with Snow Leopard, there's no reason 
for it not to be in the Mac Appstore at the moment. I wonder what will happen 
once Lion is released.

Looking at the Roaring Apps site, there are quite a few apps that won't work.



On 12 Jul 2011, at 19:16, Dan wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> Yet, ABBYY Fine Reader is listed in the Appstore for $99.99.
> Interesting!
> Dan
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Krister,
>> If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade to 
>> Lion in a hurry. According to
>> FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
>> shown as compatible with Lion.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
>>> crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
>>> isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr 
>>> app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use 
>>> the 64 bit version.
>>> /Krister
>> -- 
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Re: Apple Script for Double Space in Text Edit

2011-07-12 Thread Esther
Hi Jim,

There's an easier solution for what you want to do, which is simply to save the 
spacing, alignment, and fonts that you want to use in TextEdit as a style file, 
and select that style when you open TextEdit.  I think you could even make it 
the default, but I don't do that, and having multiple style options lets me 
select the one that I want for each occasion. Using the Mail Archive secondary 
archive address and typing "TextEdit style" into the search box, then pressing 
return, immediately brought up the post pasted in below:

Re: Double-Spacing and changing font with TextEdit

Hi Brianna, Tim, Marlaina, and Others,

I wanted to add a suggestion that will make it easier for you to use
TextEdit: once you have configured the spacing and fonts to your
satisfaction, save these settings as a style file under a name of your
choice.  Then, when you want to create a Rich Text document with
double spacing and a specific font, all you need to do is navigate to
the ruler, select that style from the first pop up button, and start

I'll paste in old instructions for saving to a style file to TextEdit
when working in Rich Text Mode, which I think are still applicable:

1. Interact with the "Styles" pop up button in the ruler and select
2. Then in the dialog window that appears, press the "Add to
favorites" button and supply a name for the style. You can check the
boxes for "Include the ruler as part of the style" and "include the
font as part of the style".
3. To use one of your saved style files when you open a new TextEdit
window, first ensure that your window is set to rich text format (you
can switch to this from the "View" menu, or use the Command+Shift+T
shortcut), then choose the template from the pop up "Styles" button in
the ruler.
4. This will automatically set your page to the line spacing, font
type, and alignment options that you set up for this style.

Tim's web pages have always been my favorite place to point out to new
Mac users. They're laid out the way I would want to lean VoiceOver.

HTH.  Cheers,



On Jul 12, 2011, at 06:56, Jim Fettgather wrote:

> Hi, it really  is not too difficult to interact with the ruler in Text
> Edit to set the line spacing to double space in a document.
> However, I wonder if it would be possible to write an apple script to
> accomplish the task with a keystroke?
> Thanks for any thoughts.

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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

I would assume nothing would happen.  After all, there will be plenty of people 
who won't upgrade to Lion right away or at all, and there will be those running 
both lion and snow leopard.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Dan,
> I suppose, Since ABBYY FineReader works with Snow Leopard, there's no reason 
> for it not to be in the Mac Appstore at the moment. I wonder what will happen 
> once Lion is released.
> Looking at the Roaring Apps site, there are quite a few apps that won't work.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Jul 2011, at 19:16, Dan wrote:
>> Hello Anne,
>> Yet, ABBYY Fine Reader is listed in the Appstore for $99.99.
>> Interesting!
>> Dan
>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Krister,
>>> If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade to 
>>> Lion in a hurry. According to
>>> FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
>>> shown as compatible with Lion.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
 crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
 isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr 
 app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use 
 the 64 bit version.
>>> -- 
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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Caitlyn Furness
I'm using my mac full time.  I'm running fusion and use nvda on that with win 
xp.  I'm using k 1000 with that, and think you can run open book as well.  As 
an alternative, there is now docuscan plus from the serotek folks.  I can't 
tell you how good it is, though, since every time I've personally tried to run 
it it crashes.  It's apparently something to do with my mac timing out or 
something like that(which really doesn't make sense to me), but to try it you 
can get a trial version and try it for yourself and see how you like it.  I did 
get the pdf recognition to work, and it did that part pretty well.  The k1000 
works really, really well, though, and the windows runs better on my mac then 
it did natively, weirdly enough.

Oh, for what it's worth, my mac happens to be the maxed out i 5 with 8 g of 
ram, and I gave my windows a gig of ram with fusion.


On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Brian Miller wrote:

> What about scanning software?  I would love  to go full time with my MAC,
> but I don't know how well my Open Book software would run on the MAC using
> Bootcamp or fusion or whatever.
> What do others do?  I scan too many books to just give this up.  
> Brian Miller
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: using a mac full time?
> Hello everyone. I do all of my work on the Mac. I use the Microsoft
> applications and other windows apps with VM Fusion. Actually, windows works
> better on my Mac than it does on any PC I use. I can't see wasting real
> estate for a desktop or a laptop system that runs windows when my mac can do
> both.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of ShamelessFanGirl
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: using a mac full time?
> Same here. I've had my Mac for just over two months, and haven't touched my
> Windows machine since it arrived. I think in my case, the transition was
> made easier by way of using the Apple wireless keyboard, and other bluetooth
> keyboards with my iPhone, along with the phone proper, and the trackpad
> commander. I've pondered long and hard about whether or not to add Windows
> to the mix, and at this point, there simply is no need. Everything on the
> Mac just works, and the overall experience has been innovative, and fun. It
> serves my needs daily with everything from audio work, to twitter, Skype,
> mail, word processing, and web browsing. The only weak area thus far would
> be complex word processing, but I've yet to run into, or throw something at
> VO that it doesn't handle beautifully.
> End rant, however, while I'm sure there are glitches, I have yet to
> encounter them, granted I'm far from a seasoned user. :)
> hth, and have fun
> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Krister Ekstrom 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using my Mac full time and have done so ever since i got it about 
>> 2
> and a half years ago. I have Vmware fusion on the machine, but the only
> thing i use windows for today is websites that have captchas and audio
> games, nothing more.
>> /Krister
>> 11 jul 2011 kl. 16.20 skrev james walton:
>>> hello,
>>> I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this
> list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust there
> boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an actual
> windows PC to do what they need to do?
>>> thanks
>>> --
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Lion readiness of ABBYY FineReader Express [was Re: using a mac full time?]

2011-07-12 Thread Esther
Hi Anne and Others,

What is odd is that the version of ABBYY FineReader for the Fujitsu ScanSnap 
for the Mac, which is the build that was released for these scanners some time 
ago, shows up on the Fujitsu pages as being checked out as Lion ready. Can't 
test this myself, though.



On Jul 12, 2011, at 07:59, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I would assume nothing would happen.  After all, there will be plenty of 
> people who won't upgrade to Lion right away or at all, and there will be 
> those running both lion and snow leopard.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> I suppose, Since ABBYY FineReader works with Snow Leopard, there's no reason 
>> for it not to be in the Mac Appstore at the moment. I wonder what will 
>> happen once Lion is released.
>> Looking at the Roaring Apps site, there are quite a few apps that won't work.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 12 Jul 2011, at 19:16, Dan wrote:
>>> Hello Anne,
>>> Yet, ABBYY Fine Reader is listed in the Appstore for $99.99.
>>> Interesting!
>>> Dan
>>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Krister,
 If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade 
 to Lion in a hurry. According to FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
 shown as compatible with Lion.
 On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, 
> it crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the 
> ocr isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my 
> ocr app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I 
> use the 64 bit version.
> /Krister

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RE: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Sarah May

Hi Doug,


I haven't had a chance to look at the Safari keyboard reference yet.  I
probably will have time to do that later this evening or tomorrow.  I thank
you for doing this because I'm somewhat new to the Mac.  I also appreciate
you taking the time to put one together for mail as well.  Could you do the
same for text editor as well?


Thank you so much!




[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted


I'll try to get a Mail reference posted tomorrow. 




Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-07-12, at 2:00 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:

Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it will come in handy!



[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

hello all: 

I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard
reference to 


Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,




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Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Thanks Doug.  that was really kind of you.  I'll have a look at it here in a 
bit, and let you know if I see anything out of place, though I'm sure it'll be 
just fine.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Doug Lawlor 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
  Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

  hello all:
  I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
reference to 

  Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,


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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Ouch!  Thank you for telling me this, as I almost bought the thing!


- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: using a mac full time?

Hello Krister,

If you do much OCR with ABBYY FineReader, then you won't want to upgrade to 
Lion in a hurry. According to FineReader isn't compatible with Lion. However, VueScan is 
shown as compatible with Lion.



On 12 Jul 2011, at 14:13, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

I have tried Vuescan and i must say i'm not satisfied with it. Firstly, it 
crashes on me after having scanned a document, and when it works, the ocr 
isn't at all as good as that of Abbyy finereader Express, which is my ocr 
app of choise. I don't know why this is, only that it is like that. I use 
the 64 bit version.


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Re: Gmail Contacts

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Most! Definitely! she can!  When she gets her IPhone, have her go in ITunes and 
highlight the IPhone in her sources list, then go over to the info tab.  In 
there she can check sync contacts, then there is a pop up button to sync with 
Google.  When she does this, it'll ask for her e-mail and password.  Put that 
in, go to the copassity bar, and interact with it, hit apply, and vuala!

Pretty cool, huh!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Hooper 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 1:09 PM
  Subject: Gmail Contacts



  I was recently involved in a conversation with my sister, who is considering 
switching from her current Android-powered device to an iPhone. She said that 
an important factor would be the contacts feature. She said that she put a lot 
of time into her contacts, and has all of them stored on Gmail. She wanted to 
know whether the iPhone could download or synchronize her Gmail contacts from 
her account, thus saving her time manually re-entering them. As I do not have a 
Gmail account, I can't answer this question in any sort of detail for her. I 
use Exchange, which seems to do fine as far as synchronization is concerned. 
So, if anyone has any light to shed on this matter, I would really appreciate 
said light and the shedding of such.


  Robert Hooper

  The Ohio State University

  553 Morrill Tower

  1900 Cannon Drive

  Columbus, Ohio 43210

  (740) 856-8195


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Re: Gmail Contacts

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Wo! baby!  G? Mail? offers Exchange?  Since when!

Huhho! Frickin! Ey!  Nice!

I gotta try this!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Blake Sinnett 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 1:14 PM
  Subject: RE: Gmail Contacts

  It works great. I use Google Voice, but the way you set it up on the iOS 
device is the same. When you add an account, choose Microsoft Exchange. Enter 
your email, username and password. Click next and let it verify, then enter the 
server in the server field and hit next. After that, choose what 
you want to be synced, hit save and off it goes.

  Subject: Gmail Contacts
  Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 17:09:09 +


  I was recently involved in a conversation with my sister, who is considering 
switching from her current Android-powered device to an iPhone. She said that 
an important factor would be the contacts feature. She said that she put a lot 
of time into her contacts, and has all of them stored on Gmail. She wanted to 
know whether the iPhone could download or synchronize her Gmail contacts from 
her account, thus saving her time manually re-entering them. As I do not have a 
Gmail account, I can’t answer this question in any sort of detail for her. I 
use Exchange, which seems to do fine as far as synchronization is concerned. 
So, if anyone has any light to shed on this matter, I would really appreciate 
said light and the shedding of such.


  Robert Hooper

  The Ohio State University

  553 Morrill Tower

  1900 Cannon Drive

  Columbus, Ohio 43210

  (740) 856-8195

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Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Awesome!  Take your time, no rush.  That would be great though!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Doug Lawlor 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 1:21 PM
  Subject: Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

  I'll try to get a Mail reference posted tomorrow. 

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 2011-07-12, at 2:00 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:

Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it will come in handy!

[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

hello all: 
I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
reference to 

Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,


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Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread CJ Daniel

Thanks for this & any more that you' do,


On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> hello all:
> I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
> reference to 
> Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,
> Doug
> -- 
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Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-12 Thread Esther
Hi Doug,

One suggested addition for your Safari Keyboard Reference, unless you want to 
limit yourself to only cover commands listed under the Safari menu bar: Add the 
fact that pressing Command-1, Command-2 etc. will activate the first 9 
bookmarks in the Bookmarks Menu Bar, whether the Bookmarks Menu Bar is shown or 

You might want to amend the descriptions for viewing and bookmark options to 
"show/hide" or "hide/show" for the commands that are toggle actions, e.g.:

To hide/show the tool bar press “Command-|”
To hide/show the Bookmarks Bar press “Command-Shift-b”.
To hide/show the Tab Bar press “Command-shift-t”.
To hide/show the Status Bar press “Command-/”.

To Show/Hide All Bookmarks press “Command-Option-b”.

You've written this up for the default Safari browser settings, which is fine, 
but many VoiceOver users choose to hide their bookmarks menu, etc. (so those 
items don't show up in item chooser menu), so it's convenient to know which 
shortcuts are toggles. 

Also, FYI when on the "Show All Bookmarks" page of Safari (Command-Option-b), 
the Command-f acts as filter to only show matches to bookmarks that contain the 
search string.  

If you're curious, you can point your browser to:

(You may have to copy this, then navigate to your address bar with Command-l, 
paste with command-v, and then press return to activate the link.)

This is a pointer to the Shortcuts resource page within your Safari Application 
Contents on your machine.  Some of these are alternative shortcuts, like 
"delete" and "shift-delete" to go backwards and forwards.  Also, one of the 
very commonly used Safari shortcuts for VoiceOver users is "Option-return" (or 
"Option-enter" if you're used to Windows naming "return" as the "enter" key).  
This is one of the shortcuts listed under "Other browser window shortcuts" as 
"Option-click a link" to download a file.  VoiceOver automatically 
selects/highlights links that it moves to, which is what the click action by 
sighted users does, so you only have to press "return" after pressing "option" 
to complete the action.  You'll find this is true for the other shortcuts that 
specify clicking on the link, too, so "Command-return" on a link will open the 
link in a new window or tab.

This shortcuts list was technically for Safari 4, so I'd check out any 
shortcuts before including, if you're interested in this.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jul 12, 2011, at 07:21, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I'll try to get a Mail reference posted tomorrow. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2011-07-12, at 2:00 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>> Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it will come in handy!
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 12:28 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted
>> hello all:
>> I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a Safari Keyboard 
>> reference to 
>> Any comments on these references would be well appreciated,
>> Doug

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can't find nas storage on my network from VM fusion?

2011-07-12 Thread
Okay, got fusion installed, and using the programs that I like that Mac
doesn't support just yet,.  That's okay, get the best of both worlds so to
speak.  Anyways, I can't get to my nas storage from the windows side even
though I can  from the mac side.  It's connected, running just fine, but
when I go into my network from my virtual machine, it's not listed, my
router isn't even listed there, but I'm able to get on the internet.  Does
anyone have a solution for this one?  Thanks in advance!

Kliphton SR
(Marriage Blog)
(Marrriage group)
Sent From my Imac 

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Re: Problem ripping audiobooks from CD with iTunes

2011-07-12 Thread Esther
Hi Justin,

I suspect that when you hear the last second of your imported audiobook tracks 
cut off, that may be do to the cross-fade setting in iTunes playback.  Try 
bringing up your iTune preferences menu (Command+comma), navigate to Playback 
(Command+2, or you can navigate to the Playback button in the titlebar and 
press it with VO+Space), then navigate to "Crossfade Songs" and either uncheck 
the check box (VO+Space) or navigate to the slider, interact, and adjust the 
value way down (maximum is 12 seconds, and it may be set there as a default.)

The other thing you could do is follow ShamelessFanGirl's suggestion, and rip 
your audiobook CDs as a single, joined track -- either MP3 or AAC.  When the CD 
is inserted in your drive, you want to select all (Command-a) in the songs 
table and then choose the "join CD tracks" option in the "Advanced" menu on the 
iTunes menu bar before you start importing.  This option will be dimmed if you 
have not first selected the tracks, because there will be nothing to join. Jane 
has posted detailed instructions on list about ripping audiobooks this way with 
iTunes, and if you go to the secondary Mail Archive site for this list at: 
and type in the search text box "from:Jane join tracks" (without the quotation 
marks, but with the colon after the "from" and before "Jane" with no space 
around the colon), then press "return", you should get her post.

Alternatively, if you are willing to change the audiobook to AAC format, for 
playing on the iPod Touch, you can get either Audiobook Binder (free) or 
Audiobook Builder ($5.95) from the Mac App Store, and automate the process of 
ripping your audiobook into a single (or a few) files, including adding chapter 
markers for navigating within the text.  Audiobook Builder gives you some more 
options with metadata and I think the user interface is more robust, but either 
one should work.  Both these software applications convert to .m4b file, 
though, so if it is important for you to maintain mp3 format (for compatibility 
with other devices), you might try joining by tracks.

If you have multiple mp3 audiobook files and want to play them, the easy way is 
to create a smart playlist.  If you want to read up more about that, try going 
to the Mail Archive site given above, and type in "smart playlists audiobooks" 
into the search text field and press return.  Then read the first few linked 
posts that come up in the list for an overview of how do to this.  The third or 
so link will be a somewhat lengthy post introducing smart playlists and 
describing how they work.  There have been a few changes (mostly, added 
features) since that post was written, but it covers all the key concepts.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jul 11, 2011, at 05:11, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:

> Good morning,
> This is perhaps grossly basic, but I'm beginning at ground level to avoid 
> giving you mis-information. Do you find this behavior persists if you rip the 
> disc in one track? select all the tracks, go to advanced, and have it rip 
> your disc that way. Definitely report back with your findings, or feel free 
> to contact me offlist. 
> Have a good one, and I hth
> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, "Justin Ekis"  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently purchased an audiobook on CD, and I'm trying to copy it to my 
>> computer for use on the iPod touch. I'm experiencing a small issue while 
>> trying to do this with iTunes. The last second or two of each track is 
>> getting cut off. I've never seen anything like this when ripping music CDs. 
>> As expected, everything sounds fine when I play the CD directly in itunes. I 
>> guess I could put up with this if I had to, since I can still understand 
>> exactly what should have been said, but I just thought I'd ask here before 
>> giving up. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior?
>> Thanks,
>> Justin

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Re: Problem ripping audiobooks from CD with iTunes

2011-07-12 Thread Jane
Hi eSther.  Lately I've been making the .m4B file, and then converting that to 
MP3 under the Advanced menu.  I still keep the .m4B, but I also have a copy 
that's an MP3 for use with my Booksense.  Very helpful with books that I've 
ripped as one or more long files.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I suspect that when you hear the last second of your imported audiobook 
> tracks cut off, that may be do to the cross-fade setting in iTunes playback.  
> Try bringing up your iTune preferences menu (Command+comma), navigate to 
> Playback (Command+2, or you can navigate to the Playback button in the 
> titlebar and press it with VO+Space), then navigate to "Crossfade Songs" and 
> either uncheck the check box (VO+Space) or navigate to the slider, interact, 
> and adjust the value way down (maximum is 12 seconds, and it may be set there 
> as a default.)
> The other thing you could do is follow ShamelessFanGirl's suggestion, and rip 
> your audiobook CDs as a single, joined track -- either MP3 or AAC.  When the 
> CD is inserted in your drive, you want to select all (Command-a) in the songs 
> table and then choose the "join CD tracks" option in the "Advanced" menu on 
> the iTunes menu bar before you start importing.  This option will be dimmed 
> if you have not first selected the tracks, because there will be nothing to 
> join. Jane has posted detailed instructions on list about ripping audiobooks 
> this way with iTunes, and if you go to the secondary Mail Archive site for 
> this list at:
> and type in the search text box "from:Jane join tracks" (without the 
> quotation marks, but with the colon after the "from" and before "Jane" with 
> no space around the colon), then press "return", you should get her post.
> Alternatively, if you are willing to change the audiobook to AAC format, for 
> playing on the iPod Touch, you can get either Audiobook Binder (free) or 
> Audiobook Builder ($5.95) from the Mac App Store, and automate the process of 
> ripping your audiobook into a single (or a few) files, including adding 
> chapter markers for navigating within the text.  Audiobook Builder gives you 
> some more options with metadata and I think the user interface is more 
> robust, but either one should work.  Both these software applications convert 
> to .m4b file, though, so if it is important for you to maintain mp3 format 
> (for compatibility with other devices), you might try joining by tracks.
> If you have multiple mp3 audiobook files and want to play them, the easy way 
> is to create a smart playlist.  If you want to read up more about that, try 
> going to the Mail Archive site given above, and type in "smart playlists 
> audiobooks" into the search text field and press return.  Then read the first 
> few linked posts that come up in the list for an overview of how do to this.  
> The third or so link will be a somewhat lengthy post introducing smart 
> playlists and describing how they work.  There have been a few changes 
> (mostly, added features) since that post was written, but it covers all the 
> key concepts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 05:11, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> This is perhaps grossly basic, but I'm beginning at ground level to avoid 
>> giving you mis-information. Do you find this behavior persists if you rip 
>> the disc in one track? select all the tracks, go to advanced, and have it 
>> rip your disc that way. Definitely report back with your findings, or feel 
>> free to contact me offlist. 
>> Have a good one, and I hth
>> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
>> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
>> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, "Justin Ekis"  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently purchased an audiobook on CD, and I'm trying to copy it to my 
>>> computer for use on the iPod touch. I'm experiencing a small issue while 
>>> trying to do this with iTunes. The last second or two of each track is 
>>> getting cut off. I've never seen anything like this when ripping music CDs. 
>>> As expected, everything sounds fine when I play the CD directly in itunes. 
>>> I guess I could put up with this if I had to, since I can still understand 
>>> exactly what should have been said, but I just thought I'd ask here before 
>>> giving up. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Justin
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Re: Problem ripping audiobooks from CD with iTunes

2011-07-12 Thread Jane
Hi eSther.  Lately I've been making the .m4B file, and then converting that to 
MP3 under the Advanced menu.  I still keep the .m4B, but I also have a copy 
that's an MP3 for use with my Booksense.  Very helpful with books that I've 
ripped as one or more long files.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I suspect that when you hear the last second of your imported audiobook 
> tracks cut off, that may be do to the cross-fade setting in iTunes playback.  
> Try bringing up your iTune preferences menu (Command+comma), navigate to 
> Playback (Command+2, or you can navigate to the Playback button in the 
> titlebar and press it with VO+Space), then navigate to "Crossfade Songs" and 
> either uncheck the check box (VO+Space) or navigate to the slider, interact, 
> and adjust the value way down (maximum is 12 seconds, and it may be set there 
> as a default.)
> The other thing you could do is follow ShamelessFanGirl's suggestion, and rip 
> your audiobook CDs as a single, joined track -- either MP3 or AAC.  When the 
> CD is inserted in your drive, you want to select all (Command-a) in the songs 
> table and then choose the "join CD tracks" option in the "Advanced" menu on 
> the iTunes menu bar before you start importing.  This option will be dimmed 
> if you have not first selected the tracks, because there will be nothing to 
> join. Jane has posted detailed instructions on list about ripping audiobooks 
> this way with iTunes, and if you go to the secondary Mail Archive site for 
> this list at:
> and type in the search text box "from:Jane join tracks" (without the 
> quotation marks, but with the colon after the "from" and before "Jane" with 
> no space around the colon), then press "return", you should get her post.
> Alternatively, if you are willing to change the audiobook to AAC format, for 
> playing on the iPod Touch, you can get either Audiobook Binder (free) or 
> Audiobook Builder ($5.95) from the Mac App Store, and automate the process of 
> ripping your audiobook into a single (or a few) files, including adding 
> chapter markers for navigating within the text.  Audiobook Builder gives you 
> some more options with metadata and I think the user interface is more 
> robust, but either one should work.  Both these software applications convert 
> to .m4b file, though, so if it is important for you to maintain mp3 format 
> (for compatibility with other devices), you might try joining by tracks.
> If you have multiple mp3 audiobook files and want to play them, the easy way 
> is to create a smart playlist.  If you want to read up more about that, try 
> going to the Mail Archive site given above, and type in "smart playlists 
> audiobooks" into the search text field and press return.  Then read the first 
> few linked posts that come up in the list for an overview of how do to this.  
> The third or so link will be a somewhat lengthy post introducing smart 
> playlists and describing how they work.  There have been a few changes 
> (mostly, added features) since that post was written, but it covers all the 
> key concepts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 05:11, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> This is perhaps grossly basic, but I'm beginning at ground level to avoid 
>> giving you mis-information. Do you find this behavior persists if you rip 
>> the disc in one track? select all the tracks, go to advanced, and have it 
>> rip your disc that way. Definitely report back with your findings, or feel 
>> free to contact me offlist. 
>> Have a good one, and I hth
>> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
>> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
>> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, "Justin Ekis"  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently purchased an audiobook on CD, and I'm trying to copy it to my 
>>> computer for use on the iPod touch. I'm experiencing a small issue while 
>>> trying to do this with iTunes. The last second or two of each track is 
>>> getting cut off. I've never seen anything like this when ripping music CDs. 
>>> As expected, everything sounds fine when I play the CD directly in itunes. 
>>> I guess I could put up with this if I had to, since I can still understand 
>>> exactly what should have been said, but I just thought I'd ask here before 
>>> giving up. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Justin
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Re: [Bulk] Joining a call to aa conference on skype?

2011-07-12 Thread Geoff Shang

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

See the list archives for my recent instructions how to add someone to a 
Skype call.  Also, to answer a Skype call, just press the accept button 
in the dialog.  Answering a call from a conference is the same as 
answering a call from one person.

OK but if you do that, won't it put the conference on hold and put you in 
a call with only the person who called?


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Re: can't find nas storage on my network from VM fusion?

2011-07-12 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Kliphton,

I remember encountering this issue last year when I first began using Fusion.

The solution is in the Tools Menu of Fusion.  That is to say, you must activate 
the fusion Mac Window, which means you will be using VoiceOver to navigate the 

Somewhere in there you will see a setting that allows you to see the network 
attached storage.  It will make sense when you see the option.

After adjusting it accordingly, shut down the virtual machine and then restart 
it and you will be in business.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Okay, got fusion installed, and using the programs that I like that Mac
> doesn't support just yet,.  That's okay, get the best of both worlds so to
> speak.  Anyways, I can't get to my nas storage from the windows side even
> though I can  from the mac side.  It's connected, running just fine, but
> when I go into my network from my virtual machine, it's not listed, my
> router isn't even listed there, but I'm able to get on the internet.  Does
> anyone have a solution for this one?  Thanks in advance!
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter)
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marrriage group)
> Sent From my Imac 
> -- 
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Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger

2011-07-12 Thread Scott Howell
I have not had any issues with any of the MacBook chargers I own or have used. 
If the charger is getting that hot you need to take that up with APple asap!!! 
Continuing to use or speculate on the problem might bring you more problems 
than you want. Hopefully it is under warranty.

On Jul 12, 2011, at 2:59 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> That is the strangest thing!  So, I wonder if this is a known issue, and 
> what, if anything Apple plans to do to fix it.  It's obvious then, that it's 
> not just my system.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Clouser" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger
> I've had exactly the same issues with my 13" Mac Pro that I bought only 4 
> months ago. On 2 separate occasions the adapter wouldn't charge my Mac. 
> During the first incident, only 3 weeks after the purchase, I just kept 
> unplugging the adapter from the Mac and used different electrical outlets. 
> Eventually it just started charging. I've never noticed my adapter getting 
> really hot until sometime just last week. I plugged it into another surge 
> protector ... after having spilled water onto the older surger protector ... 
> and for some reason the adapater I'm using now will cause the adapter to get 
> real hot. My nephew also reports that his adapter gets really, really hot ... 
> like you said ... almost enough to cause a significant burn to the skin. My 
> nephew, however, has never experienced the issue with the adapter not 
> charging his unit.
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Hey guys.
>> We've got kind of a weird issue with my mid 2010 stocked white 13 inch 
>> Macbook's charger.  I wanted to see if any of you with any type of Macbook, 
>> be it white or Pro, be it mid 2010 or not, have had this isue, as it's 
>> somewhat concerning to me, especially, being I don't have the extended Apple 
>> Care, and my 90 day complementary support is over.  I'm sorry, but right 
>> now, I cannot afford $250 for the added waranty.  It's going to be a booger 
>> enough just to pay the $29 for Lion, although yes, that I am going to do no 
>> question.  Anyway, not to veer off track, basically, I've noticed something 
>> really weird.  The strange thing is, when Ben was down here visiting with me 
>> a few weeks ago, his macbook charger did almost the same exact thing.  
>> Basicly, I'm noticing that my transformer box on the charger is getting 
>> really really warm.  I don't just mean a little warm either.  I mean, this 
>> sucker's cookin pretty good. It's not hot enough to burn me by any means, 
>> but it's enough to where when you touch it, you're going... parden the 
>> wording... "D***! that's hot!"  I don't smell any kind a wire burning or 
>> anything electrical that would be off base.  the magnetic end that goes in 
>> the computer is not warm in the least.  it's not cold, nor cool, it's just 
>> room temperature like normal. It seems to be grabbing really really well 
>> when I put it up to the charger port.  I got to give it quite a little tug 
>> to get it out.  I'll admit, I lost the plastic cap that went over the thing. 
>>  I'd not really think that would matter too much though.  I know quite a few 
>> people who threw their cap away, and nothing bad has ever happened.  Anyway, 
>> the other weird thing is is the bottom of my macbook several times while Ben 
>> was down here got really really warm.  Ben, you probably could explain to 
>> everyone better since you felt it, I didn't.  Would you say it was pretty 
>> warm?  I don't think it was hot, was it?  I know it was more than normal 
>> according to what he said.  I know the fan was not being covered to the best 
>> of my knowledge.  OK, yes, my table cloth was a bit wrinkled up, but not 
>> bad. There is no even remote way crums could a gotten inside this thing, nor 
>> liquid, as it's not even close to anywhere I eat or drink.  Not even 
>> remotely.  The biggest concern is there have been a few times when after 
>> being fully charged, I'd leave it plugged in just so I'd not lose battery 
>> life, as I figured, why unplug it if I'm not needing to move around with it? 
>>  Anyhow, sometimes the stupid thing when I have had it unplugged, charged or 
>> not, and plug the charger back into the macbook, will insist on not 
>> charging.  Often times, it won't even see that the charger is plugged in, 
>> period.  Now, here's the really! bazaar part in all this.  If I unplug the 
>> charger from the end going into the macbook, then wait about 5 or 10 
>> seconds, then put it back up to the port, and let the magnet grab, and let 
>> go, then I wait about 30 seconds or so, and go look up in the status bar at 
>> the battery, guess what!  Yup? You gottit! It's charging beautifully! Is 
>> that not just totally? weird?  Here's another weird thing, on Ben's when he 
>> was down here, we had his system on that exact same 

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-12 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Geoff,

Sorry I think there was some confusion in the communication. You are correct 
that DHCP and static IPs have nothing to do with the local LAN. I think what 
she was trying to say is that the modem effectively cannot be put into a true 
bridge mode. I think the problem is she could not explain what she meant by 
this and how having a static IP vs a DHCP address would relate to what I wanted 
to do. THe end result seems to be a way to part me with my money. :)
Thanks again for the info.

On Jul 12, 2011, at 6:07 AM, Geoff Shang wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I wish I could turn DHCP off on the Comcast modem, but that is not possible. 
>> Apparently you have to have a static IP to do this and then they (Comcast) 
>> have to do it. I had talked to them today about this (Comcast that is) and 
>> they explained things somewhat, but how it was explained was yet pretty 
>> muddy. It all came down to the fact that I have to pay money and ps, we're 
>> damn near out of IPs, so don't be asking for much. :(
> This doesn't make any sense.  I think whoever you spoke to at Comcast got 
> their wires crossed.
> Whether or not the comcast modem assigns addresses to your LAN has no 
> relation to whether or not you have a dynamic or static IP address on the 
> net.  They're two completely separate things.  You should be able to just do 
> it in the interface of the modem/router and Comcast don't need to do anything.
> Gef
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Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions

2011-07-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Donna and all!
Well Donna I hope you've got your track pad problem solved!
But as far as reading the row info I've just set up a track pad shortcut for 
I've left the modifier key set as the command key!
Although you can choose any of the others like Shift if you prefer!
Seeing that all the strokes are available for use with the command key I was 
spoilt for choice!
Anyway enough of that hahahaha
So I picked single finger right flick opened the commands menu, went to the 
tables heading, right arrowed and chose read row description then stopped 
interacting and went to the done button [and you guest it] vo spaced on it!
Now when on the table of mail which ever message I'm on I can press command and 
then one finger flick right and vo reads the whole row!
subject,from,date and others!
Anyway I hope that helps with the row thingy!

On 11 Jul 2011, at 22:24, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here's what I do in using trackpad commander in mail.   Granted, my methods 
> aren't as elegant as using an iPhone, but for me they work, as it gives me 
> the best of both worlds.  To interact with the messages table, I use the tab 
> key, then use the arrow keys to move up and down, and the enter key to select 
> a message to read, then do a two finger swipe to the right to interact with 
> text, then two finger flick down to read the text.  At that point, if I want 
> to reply, I'll hit cmd+R.  When I do that it automatically puts my cursor at 
> the top of the text, and after typing I hit cmd+shift+D to send.  If I want 
> to delete, I'll delete with backspace, or if I want to just close it, I'll do 
> cmd+w.  Keep in mind that after deleting, the next message in the messages 
> table will be highlighted already, so that I just need to hit enter to read 
> it.  I don't know if this method would work for everyone, but it's what I do.
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:51 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Donna:
>> Well, I had been using the trackpad with some success, particularly for 
>> continuous read text.  I have had success previously working with mail in 
>> the past. But, I just tried to reply to your post using the trackpad to get 
>> in place to type, and got all of nowhere.  I can interact with scroll area 
>> to read from the top of a message, but trying to double-tap on "reply to" 
>> gets me nowhere.  Also, I typically interact with my messages list to move 
>> down subject lines, and enter on anything I want to read But, on the 
>> trackpad, I had to stop interacting with messages just to select yours to 
>> try to work with.  Either some things are broken/changed, or I need a quick 
>> refresher course.  I'm guessing it's the latter.  But, now you've got me 
>> curious.  I'll let you know what I find.
>> Carolyn
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Jim, Colin, and all,
>>> Not sure why, but this isn't working for me.  In fact, I'm having abysmal 
>>> results with the trackpad commander as a whole.  Does anyone seriously use 
>>> this thing?  The only column I can get it to read in mail is the mailbox 
>>> column, despite swiping left and right and having it tell me I've moved to 
>>> a different column.  Moreover, the text that is spoken when I try and 
>>> navigate with Trackpad Commander isn't the same as that which is spoken 
>>> when I use the arrow keys.  I've tried all this while interacting and not 
>>> interacting.  If anyone is really using the Trackpad commander, I'd 
>>> appreciate any pointers.  I've used an iphone since the 3gs was released in 
>>> 2009, so I'm really surprised by this.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Jim Fettgather wrote:
 According to keyboard help, you are supposed to be able to hold down the 
 the control key and tap to jump to a linked item, such as moving from the 
 messages table in mail to the text.
 I can get this to acknowledge this gesture in keyboard help, but for some 
 reason, I cannot get it to work in the mail program.
 On Jul 10, 2011, at 9:12 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Esther,
> thanks for this info.  I knew that  there are some gestures that are 
> different from or not present on the iPhone, so I'm sure I'll find the 
> help section very useful.
> I'm really surprised that there isn't a way to open an email message 
> using the trackpad.  that seems like a major oversight, particularly 
> given that this obviously works on the iPhone.  It's interesting, too, 
> because double tapping does work for opening an app.  But, at least I 
> know I wasn't missing something, either in regards to this or having all 
> columns of the messages table read (another major oversight imho)
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jul 9, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> 1. There's a section in the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (Chapter 11 

Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Nope. Webvisum only works on Windows.
On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> wait, there has to be a way to access captcha with a mac.  some utility that 
> cuts and pastes or something?
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, louie wrote:
>> The only thing I can say is got a Mac and not going back.
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I only use a PC when I want to watch flash content, or need to access 
>>> capchas with web visum. I use a Mac for everything else.
>>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:50 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 I have not had a pc for over a year. I only use windows for 1 or 2 things, 
 and fusion works quite well. I do most things on my macs. I don't miss my 
 pc, and have no need to get another one.
 On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:20 AM, james walton wrote:
> hello,
> I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this 
> list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust 
> there boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an 
> actual windows PC to do what they need to do?
> thanks
> --
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Re: using a mac full time?

2011-07-12 Thread Ryan Mann

When I used it a few months ago, Solona worked on the Mac.

Original message:

Nope. Webvisum only works on Windows.
On Jul 11, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

wait, there has to be a way to access captcha with a mac.  some utility 
that cuts and pastes or something?

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, louie wrote:

The only thing I can say is got a Mac and not going back.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

I only use a PC when I want to watch flash content, or need to access 
capchas with web visum. I use a Mac for everything else.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:50 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

I have not had a pc for over a year. I only use windows for 1 or 2 
things, and fusion works quite well. I do most things on my macs. I 
don't miss my pc, and have no need to get another one.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:20 AM, james walton wrote:


I have been doing some thinking, and was wondering if any one on this 
list, has gone completely to there mac computer and been able to trust 
there boot camp or VM fusion to do all of there tasks? and not need an 
actual windows PC to do what they need to do?


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Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger

2011-07-12 Thread Braille
You may want to reset ECU. Different models have different ways. Find the 
instruction here:


On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I have not had any issues with any of the MacBook chargers I own or have 
> used. If the charger is getting that hot you need to take that up with APple 
> asap!!! Continuing to use or speculate on the problem might bring you more 
> problems than you want. Hopefully it is under warranty.
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 2:59 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> That is the strangest thing!  So, I wonder if this is a known issue, and 
>> what, if anything Apple plans to do to fix it.  It's obvious then, that it's 
>> not just my system.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Clouser" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger
>> I've had exactly the same issues with my 13" Mac Pro that I bought only 4 
>> months ago. On 2 separate occasions the adapter wouldn't charge my Mac. 
>> During the first incident, only 3 weeks after the purchase, I just kept 
>> unplugging the adapter from the Mac and used different electrical outlets. 
>> Eventually it just started charging. I've never noticed my adapter getting 
>> really hot until sometime just last week. I plugged it into another surge 
>> protector ... after having spilled water onto the older surger protector ... 
>> and for some reason the adapater I'm using now will cause the adapter to get 
>> real hot. My nephew also reports that his adapter gets really, really hot 
>> ... like you said ... almost enough to cause a significant burn to the skin. 
>> My nephew, however, has never experienced the issue with the adapter not 
>> charging his unit.
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> Hey guys.
>>> We've got kind of a weird issue with my mid 2010 stocked white 13 inch 
>>> Macbook's charger.  I wanted to see if any of you with any type of Macbook, 
>>> be it white or Pro, be it mid 2010 or not, have had this isue, as it's 
>>> somewhat concerning to me, especially, being I don't have the extended 
>>> Apple Care, and my 90 day complementary support is over.  I'm sorry, but 
>>> right now, I cannot afford $250 for the added waranty.  It's going to be a 
>>> booger enough just to pay the $29 for Lion, although yes, that I am going 
>>> to do no question.  Anyway, not to veer off track, basically, I've noticed 
>>> something really weird.  The strange thing is, when Ben was down here 
>>> visiting with me a few weeks ago, his macbook charger did almost the same 
>>> exact thing.  Basicly, I'm noticing that my transformer box on the charger 
>>> is getting really really warm.  I don't just mean a little warm either.  I 
>>> mean, this sucker's cookin pretty good. It's not hot enough to burn me by 
>>> any means, but it's enough to where when you touch it, you're going... 
>>> parden the wording... "D***! that's hot!"  I don't smell any kind a wire 
>>> burning or anything electrical that would be off base.  the magnetic end 
>>> that goes in the computer is not warm in the least.  it's not cold, nor 
>>> cool, it's just room temperature like normal. It seems to be grabbing 
>>> really really well when I put it up to the charger port.  I got to give it 
>>> quite a little tug to get it out.  I'll admit, I lost the plastic cap that 
>>> went over the thing.  I'd not really think that would matter too much 
>>> though.  I know quite a few people who threw their cap away, and nothing 
>>> bad has ever happened.  Anyway, the other weird thing is is the bottom of 
>>> my macbook several times while Ben was down here got really really warm.  
>>> Ben, you probably could explain to everyone better since you felt it, I 
>>> didn't.  Would you say it was pretty warm?  I don't think it was hot, was 
>>> it?  I know it was more than normal according to what he said.  I know the 
>>> fan was not being covered to the best of my knowledge.  OK, yes, my table 
>>> cloth was a bit wrinkled up, but not bad. There is no even remote way crums 
>>> could a gotten inside this thing, nor liquid, as it's not even close to 
>>> anywhere I eat or drink.  Not even remotely.  The biggest concern is there 
>>> have been a few times when after being fully charged, I'd leave it plugged 
>>> in just so I'd not lose battery life, as I figured, why unplug it if I'm 
>>> not needing to move around with it?  Anyhow, sometimes the stupid thing 
>>> when I have had it unplugged, charged or not, and plug the charger back 
>>> into the macbook, will insist on not charging.  Often times, it won't even 
>>> see that the charger is plugged in, period.  Now, here's the really! bazaar 
>>> part in all this.  If I unplug the charger from the end going into the 
>>> macbook, then wait about 5 or 10 seconds, then put it back up to the port, 
>>> and let the magnet grab, and let go, then I wait a

Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger

2011-07-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
As I stated in my original post:  I already tried that.  Just for reference, 
on the 13 inch white macbooks, you turn the power off, and press left 
control, left shift, and power all at the same time.  Then you power the 
system back up.  This helped a little, but not completely in my case, 
however in my friend's case who had nearly the same issue, it fixed 
everything.  Kind a weird if you ask me.


- Original Message - 
From: "Braille" 

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger

You may want to reset ECU. Different models have different ways. Find the 
instruction here:


On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

I have not had any issues with any of the MacBook chargers I own or have 
used. If the charger is getting that hot you need to take that up with 
APple asap!!! Continuing to use or speculate on the problem might bring 
you more problems than you want. Hopefully it is under warranty.

On Jul 12, 2011, at 2:59 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

That is the strangest thing!  So, I wonder if this is a known issue, and 
what, if anything Apple plans to do to fix it.  It's obvious then, that 
it's not just my system.


- Original Message - From: "Melanie Clouser" 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Weird problem with Macbook Charger

I've had exactly the same issues with my 13" Mac Pro that I bought only 4 
months ago. On 2 separate occasions the adapter wouldn't charge my Mac. 
During the first incident, only 3 weeks after the purchase, I just kept 
unplugging the adapter from the Mac and used different electrical 
outlets. Eventually it just started charging. I've never noticed my 
adapter getting really hot until sometime just last week. I plugged it 
into another surge protector ... after having spilled water onto the 
older surger protector ... and for some reason the adapater I'm using now 
will cause the adapter to get real hot. My nephew also reports that his 
adapter gets really, really hot ... like you said ... almost enough to 
cause a significant burn to the skin. My nephew, however, has never 
experienced the issue with the adapter not charging his unit.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

Hey guys.

We've got kind of a weird issue with my mid 2010 stocked white 13 inch 
Macbook's charger.  I wanted to see if any of you with any type of 
Macbook, be it white or Pro, be it mid 2010 or not, have had this isue, 
as it's somewhat concerning to me, especially, being I don't have the 
extended Apple Care, and my 90 day complementary support is over.  I'm 
sorry, but right now, I cannot afford $250 for the added waranty.  It's 
going to be a booger enough just to pay the $29 for Lion, although yes, 
that I am going to do no question.  Anyway, not to veer off track, 
basically, I've noticed something really weird.  The strange thing is, 
when Ben was down here visiting with me a few weeks ago, his macbook 
charger did almost the same exact thing.  Basicly, I'm noticing that my 
transformer box on the charger is getting really really warm.  I don't 
just mean a little warm either.  I mean, this sucker's cookin pretty 
good. It's not hot enough to burn me by any means, but it's enough to 
where when you touch it, you're going... parden the wording... "D***! 
that's hot!"  I don't smell any kind a wire burning or anything 
electrical that would be off base.  the magnetic end that goes in the 
computer is not warm in the least.  it's not cold, nor cool, it's just 
room temperature like normal. It seems to be grabbing really really well 
when I put it up to the charger port.  I got to give it quite a little 
tug to get it out.  I'll admit, I lost the plastic cap that went over 
the thing.  I'd not really think that would matter too much though.  I 
know quite a few people who threw their cap away, and nothing bad has 
ever happened.  Anyway, the other weird thing is is the bottom of my 
macbook several times while Ben was down here got really really warm. 
Ben, you probably could explain to everyone better since you felt it, I 
didn't.  Would you say it was pretty warm?  I don't think it was hot, 
was it?  I know it was more than normal according to what he said.  I 
know the fan was not being covered to the best of my knowledge.  OK, 
yes, my table cloth was a bit wrinkled up, but not bad. There is no even 
remote way crums could a gotten inside this thing, nor liquid, as it's 
not even close to anywhere I eat or drink.  Not even remotely.  The 
biggest concern is there have been a few times when after being fully 
charged, I'd leave it plugged in just so I'd not lose battery life, as I 
figured, why unplug it if I'm not needing to move around with it? 
Anyhow, sometimes the stupid thing when I have had it unplugged, charged 
or not, and plug the charger back into the macbook, will insist on not 
charging.  Often

Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions

2011-07-12 Thread Mary Otten
I Too got the Magic Trackpad not long after they came out, but I haven't used 
it as much as I thought I would. I like the num pad commander a lot, but I just 
haven't found the trackpad all that useful. I do prefer it for those situations 
when I need to do a real mouse click, as I seem always to move the physical 
mouse just a bit, but the pad makes this easier to do for me. I'd be curious 
how those of you who think the pad shines on the web use it there.

Mary Otten

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mac keeper?

2011-07-12 Thread
My wife was browsing the web today, and came across something called mac
keeper.  She says it supposed to keep your mac clean and titty.  Has anyone
used this?


Kliphton SR


(Marriage Blog)

(Marrriage group)

Sent From my Imac 


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RE: can't find nas storage on my network from VM fusion?

2011-07-12 Thread
Can you be a little more spicifi?  So use voice over in fusion while windows
is running and find the tools?  Pleas clarify.

Kliphton SR
(Marriage Blog)
(Marrriage group)
Sent From my Imac 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: can't find nas storage on my network from VM fusion?

Hello Kliphton,

I remember encountering this issue last year when I first began using

The solution is in the Tools Menu of Fusion.  That is to say, you must
activate the fusion Mac Window, which means you will be using VoiceOver to
navigate the menu.

Somewhere in there you will see a setting that allows you to see the network
attached storage.  It will make sense when you see the option.

After adjusting it accordingly, shut down the virtual machine and then
restart it and you will be in business.


On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Okay, got fusion installed, and using the programs that I like that 
> Mac doesn't support just yet,.  That's okay, get the best of both 
> worlds so to speak.  Anyways, I can't get to my nas storage from the 
> windows side even though I can  from the mac side.  It's connected, 
> running just fine, but when I go into my network from my virtual 
> machine, it's not listed, my router isn't even listed there, but I'm 
> able to get on the internet.  Does anyone have a solution for this one?
Thanks in advance!
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter) (Marriage Blog) 
> (Marrriage group)
> Sent From my Imac
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Track Panning in GarageBand

2011-07-12 Thread Brandon Olivares

With Voiceover and in GarageBand, is there a way to change the panning of a 
track over time? I thought I heard there was a way through dragging some line 
with the mouse, but I wondered if it would be possible with Voiceover.


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Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions

2011-07-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Mary!
As yet I'm not use to the track pad!
But one thing I can think of is...
Have you had a sighted person say [it's at the top left under something or 
And as far as I know the Apple way of doing things is that the screen looks the 
same for sighted people!
So the track pad shows you where they mean!
If you know what I mean!
hth Colin

On 13 Jul 2011, at 03:32, Mary Otten wrote:

> I Too got the Magic Trackpad not long after they came out, but I haven't used 
> it as much as I thought I would. I like the num pad commander a lot, but I 
> just haven't found the trackpad all that useful. I do prefer it for those 
> situations when I need to do a real mouse click, as I seem always to move the 
> physical mouse just a bit, but the pad makes this easier to do for me. I'd be 
> curious how those of you who think the pad shines on the web use it there.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: voice over keys..

2011-07-12 Thread mário gabriel
hi christopher.
no my friend, I’m not italian.
I’m from portugal.
sorry for not   typing well.
but understanding very well inglish.
thanks brother foryour atencion .
God bless you to.
mário gabriel.
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: voice over keys..

OK.  I only am going to write in italian this one time on list seeing this list 
is for english speakers, but I figured I'd at least give it a try.  Based on 
his name, I'm assuming he's italian.  I'll write the english translation below, 
don't worry.  I just want to be absolutely sure he understands what we mean, as 
the english is slightly broken.  Absolutely not his falt.  Feel free to say on 
list.  We absolutely welcome you!  Again, I'm very very rusty, I'm  warning you 
all, and also, to all mods etc. know, I am *not* going to sit here and 
constantly translate all replies to him.  don't even ask me to. It's not gonna 
happen.  LOL!

I'm doing it this once, but past that...

but just to make sure he fully understands, and because I need the practice I'm 
gonna give this a shot.  I'm probably gonna mingle mang this to shreds, but 
here it goes...


Collin pensa ciò lei ha una tastiera di computer Ciò ha un bottone di FN.  Se 
lei non ha un bottone di FB, i suoi bottoni di vo saranno il primo due bottoni 
Sulla fila molto inferiore lasciata di bottoni.

Dio la benedice,


Basically what I said was:


Collin is thinking that you have a computer keyboard that has an FN key.  If 
you do not have an FN key, your vo keys are the two farthest left keys on the 
bottom row of the keyboard.

God bless you,


...End of translation...

  - Original Message - 
  From: mário gabriel 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 9:44 AM
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  hi brother.
  thanks foryour information
  very good.

  From: Red.Falcon 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:27 PM
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  Hi mário! 
  Sure the vo keys are at the left of the space bar!
  From very left to right 
  fn, control, option and command

  The control and option keys are the vo [voiceover ] keys!
  Each end of the space bar are command keys and to right of the right command 
key is another option key!
  hth Colin
  If you press vo+k that will put you in keyboard help and you can press all 
kinds of key combinations to find out what or if they do!
  And when you've had enough of that just press escape!
  Until you press escape what ever keys you press will not do anything but tell 
you what they do, so you cannot hurt anything!
  After pressing escape you'll be back in normal use!

  On 10 Jul 2011, at 14:11, mário gabriel wrote:

hi folks.
somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and command?

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