hi christopher.
no my friend, I’m not italian.
I’m from portugal.
sorry for not   typing well.
but understanding very well inglish.
thanks brother foryour atencion .
God bless you to.
mário gabriel.
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:54 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: voice over keys..

OK.  I only am going to write in italian this one time on list seeing this list 
is for english speakers, but I figured I'd at least give it a try.  Based on 
his name, I'm assuming he's italian.  I'll write the english translation below, 
don't worry.  I just want to be absolutely sure he understands what we mean, as 
the english is slightly broken.  Absolutely not his falt.  Feel free to say on 
list.  We absolutely welcome you!  Again, I'm very very rusty, I'm  warning you 
all, and also, to all mods etc. know, I am *not* going to sit here and 
constantly translate all replies to him.  don't even ask me to. It's not gonna 
happen.  LOL!

I'm doing it this once, but past that...

but just to make sure he fully understands, and because I need the practice I'm 
gonna give this a shot.  I'm probably gonna mingle mang this to shreds, but 
here it goes...


Collin pensa ciò lei ha una tastiera di computer Ciò ha un bottone di FN.  Se 
lei non ha un bottone di FB, i suoi bottoni di vo saranno il primo due bottoni 
Sulla fila molto inferiore lasciata di bottoni.

Dio la benedice,


Basically what I said was:


Collin is thinking that you have a computer keyboard that has an FN key.  If 
you do not have an FN key, your vo keys are the two farthest left keys on the 
bottom row of the keyboard.

God bless you,


...End of translation...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mário gabriel 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 9:44 AM
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  hi brother.
  thanks foryour information
  very good.

  From: Red.Falcon 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:27 PM
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  Hi mário! 
  Sure the vo keys are at the left of the space bar!
  From very left to right 
  fn, control, option and command

  The control and option keys are the vo [voiceover ] keys!
  Each end of the space bar are command keys and to right of the right command 
key is another option key!
  hth Colin
  If you press vo+k that will put you in keyboard help and you can press all 
kinds of key combinations to find out what or if they do!
  And when you've had enough of that just press escape!
  Until you press escape what ever keys you press will not do anything but tell 
you what they do, so you cannot hurt anything!
  After pressing escape you'll be back in normal use!

  On 10 Jul 2011, at 14:11, mário gabriel wrote:

    hi folks.
    somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and command?    

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