Hi eSther.  Lately I've been making the .m4B file, and then converting that to 
MP3 under the Advanced menu.  I still keep the .m4B, but I also have a copy 
that's an MP3 for use with my Booksense.  Very helpful with books that I've 
ripped as one or more long files.

On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I suspect that when you hear the last second of your imported audiobook 
> tracks cut off, that may be do to the cross-fade setting in iTunes playback.  
> Try bringing up your iTune preferences menu (Command+comma), navigate to 
> Playback (Command+2, or you can navigate to the Playback button in the 
> titlebar and press it with VO+Space), then navigate to "Crossfade Songs" and 
> either uncheck the check box (VO+Space) or navigate to the slider, interact, 
> and adjust the value way down (maximum is 12 seconds, and it may be set there 
> as a default.)
> The other thing you could do is follow ShamelessFanGirl's suggestion, and rip 
> your audiobook CDs as a single, joined track -- either MP3 or AAC.  When the 
> CD is inserted in your drive, you want to select all (Command-a) in the songs 
> table and then choose the "join CD tracks" option in the "Advanced" menu on 
> the iTunes menu bar before you start importing.  This option will be dimmed 
> if you have not first selected the tracks, because there will be nothing to 
> join. Jane has posted detailed instructions on list about ripping audiobooks 
> this way with iTunes, and if you go to the secondary Mail Archive site for 
> this list at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/ 
> and type in the search text box "from:Jane join tracks" (without the 
> quotation marks, but with the colon after the "from" and before "Jane" with 
> no space around the colon), then press "return", you should get her post.
> Alternatively, if you are willing to change the audiobook to AAC format, for 
> playing on the iPod Touch, you can get either Audiobook Binder (free) or 
> Audiobook Builder ($5.95) from the Mac App Store, and automate the process of 
> ripping your audiobook into a single (or a few) files, including adding 
> chapter markers for navigating within the text.  Audiobook Builder gives you 
> some more options with metadata and I think the user interface is more 
> robust, but either one should work.  Both these software applications convert 
> to .m4b file, though, so if it is important for you to maintain mp3 format 
> (for compatibility with other devices), you might try joining by tracks.
> If you have multiple mp3 audiobook files and want to play them, the easy way 
> is to create a smart playlist.  If you want to read up more about that, try 
> going to the Mail Archive site given above, and type in "smart playlists 
> audiobooks" into the search text field and press return.  Then read the first 
> few linked posts that come up in the list for an overview of how do to this.  
> The third or so link will be a somewhat lengthy post introducing smart 
> playlists and describing how they work.  There have been a few changes 
> (mostly, added features) since that post was written, but it covers all the 
> key concepts.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 05:11, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> This is perhaps grossly basic, but I'm beginning at ground level to avoid 
>> giving you mis-information. Do you find this behavior persists if you rip 
>> the disc in one track? select all the tracks, go to advanced, and have it 
>> rip your disc that way. Definitely report back with your findings, or feel 
>> free to contact me offlist. 
>> Have a good one, and I hth
>> Foursquare: IndigoCellist
>> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
>> Skype: shameless_FanGirl
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:34 AM, "Justin Ekis" <je...@fastmail.us> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently purchased an audiobook on CD, and I'm trying to copy it to my 
>>> computer for use on the iPod touch. I'm experiencing a small issue while 
>>> trying to do this with iTunes. The last second or two of each track is 
>>> getting cut off. I've never seen anything like this when ripping music CDs. 
>>> As expected, everything sounds fine when I play the CD directly in itunes. 
>>> I guess I could put up with this if I had to, since I can still understand 
>>> exactly what should have been said, but I just thought I'd ask here before 
>>> giving up. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Justin
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