Re: VoiceOver and say time

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah they have given me the same response as well. this appears to be a bug 
they cannot track down. do ou have it with scripts on. if not  the alerts voice 
will crash vo for some reasonn Mar 6, 2011, at 11:53 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an issue with VoiceOver and say time by pressing right Option + T.
> Of course I enabled the keyboard comander and the key combination is right 
> Option + T. 
> On my iMac it works fine. But on my new MacBook Air 13 inch, newest edition, 
> it doesn't. On both machines runs Snow Leopard with all updates. 
> When I press right Option + T on the MacBook Air in most cases VoiceOver 
> crashes. Then I have to press CMD + F5 several times until VO restarts. I 
> guess it happens in 4 of 5 cases.
> I also wrote to They asked for my VoiceOver settings 
> file and I sent it. After a few days the answer was that there was no problem 
> on their MacBook Air. VoiceOver behaved OK.
> So I want to ask if anyone here also discovered such problems by using right 
> Option + T. 
> Thanks and regards
> Jürgen
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Re: VoiceOver and say time

2011-03-07 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
no, all fine on my 27in iMac and my 11in Air.


Neil Barnfather
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On 7 Mar 2011, at 07:53, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

Hi All,

I have an issue with VoiceOver and say time by pressing right Option + T.

Of course I enabled the keyboard comander and the key combination is right 
Option + T. 
On my iMac it works fine. But on my new MacBook Air 13 inch, newest edition, it 
doesn't. On both machines runs Snow Leopard with all updates. 
When I press right Option + T on the MacBook Air in most cases VoiceOver 
crashes. Then I have to press CMD + F5 several times until VO restarts. I guess 
it happens in 4 of 5 cases.

I also wrote to They asked for my VoiceOver settings 
file and I sent it. After a few days the answer was that there was no problem 
on their MacBook Air. VoiceOver behaved OK.

So I want to ask if anyone here also discovered such problems by using right 
Option + T. 

Thanks and regards

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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

I too do the same thing, I have the iTunes library set up on a NAS unit that 
the iMac and Air both share, now yes, I cannot use them both at the same time 
owing to the constraints of the XML table for iunes, but since I do not use 
both machines at the same time, well certainly not for iTunes, I do not mind 
this limitation.



Neil Barnfather
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On 7 Mar 2011, at 07:55, Neil James wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion. I had considered doing just that but for now my 
iTunes library happily resides on an external hd which is connected to my 23 
inch iMac. The air is just perfect for my portable computing needs though.


On Mar 6, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Neil,
> I have the 11in air with the 128Gb SSD and the upgrade on the processor and 
> RAM, makin it a 1.62Ghz and 4Gb of RAM, and totally agree with you, its 
> lightening fast...
> more than enough for my portable requirements.
> in terms of storage, if you find yourself running low, consider not keeping 
> your iTunes libruary on it, and also getting a remote storage drive such as 
> Mobile Me's solutions.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @NeilBarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
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> On 6 Mar 2011, at 01:10, Neil James wrote:
> Agreed. The air is a really nice machine. If you have the means and wouldn't 
> mind a slightly larger machine though, I hardily recomamnd the 13 inch air 
> with the faster cpu and twice the capacity of the ssd. I have the 13 inch air 
> with the 128 gig ssd and 4 gb ram and it is screaming fast for what my needs 
> are.
> Neil
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 9:53 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> air has also got my vote. unless there is something that is both ipad and 
>> ios specific you are hoping to accomplish...
>> On 2011-03-04, at 12:50 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The IPad is wonderful but honestly, the Air is probably a better fit if you 
>>> have the IPhone already.
>>> Typing is easier for most with a real keyboard and you get the whole OSx 
>>> environment.  The Air should also be more powerful.
>>> Either device will be good but I'd vote air.
>>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
 hello all,
 i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is 
 light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can 
 get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port 
 for external media like a usb drive, is there?
 my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
 bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for external 
 media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on the ipad.
 that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
 well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know the 
 ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation ipad 
 users here.
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Jailbreak iPhone 3G S

2011-03-07 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Good morning,

I'm curious if there is a reasonably accessible tool, and / or reasonably 
accessible instructions, for jailbreaking, but not unlocking, an iPhone 3G S.


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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

the Air ships with a USB thumb drive with the OSx on it, so you can do 
everything you can do with any other Mac that comes with a recovery disc.

the Air is indeed twice the cost of the basic WiFi only iPad.

but the top of the line iPad is only like £100 / US$200 less than the Air 11in. 
so it depends on what you are comparing. the basic iPad has only 16Gb of RAM, 
the Air has 128Gb, the Air is superior in every measurable tech spec going.

When you line up an iPad with a blue tooth keyboard or one of those Zag Mate 
cases, the Air is now smaller if you consider the 11in version.

If I disable WiFi and Blue tooth and dim the screen on the Air 11in to 0%, and 
only type I get 11 plus hours out of my Air.

if I leave WiFi on and have e-mails from 5 mail accounts retrieving on the 
minute, and surf the net, I get about 3 and a half hours out of it.

I think this covers your points.


Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

Twitter @NeilBarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 7 Mar 2011, at 07:54, William Windels wrote:

Hello all,
I have also some toughest about this discussion.

At the moment, I have a macbook and a iphone4.
I was planning to buy a ipad2 when it came out but, after reading this tread, 
perhaps I am changing my mind.

The most important thing I have read here is:
pages isn't working well on the ipad with voiceover,
it's more comfortable to type on a macbook air then on a ipad , but you can use 
a external keyboard with the ipad?
The wight and size is quiet the same.
But , I have also some toughest against a macbook air:
You can have 2 ipads for the price of a basic macbook air
what about the battery life of a macbook air
And, perhaps the most important reason against a macbook air:
since there is no cdrom/dvdrom drive in the macbook air, it's impossible 
perhaps to reinstall the os or to do a permission or disc repair of the system 
from the dvd or it's perhaps much more difficult to reset the system based on a 
time-machine backup.

Of course , with a ipad , this isn't possible also but a ios-device has no need 
for this.

I am looking forward to your reactions.

Best regards,
William Windels
Op 4-mrt-2011, om 14:48 heeft Denise Avant het volgende geschreven:

> hello all,
> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is 
> light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can get 
> pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port for 
> external media like a usb drive, is there?
> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
> bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for external 
> media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on the ipad.
> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know the 
> ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation ipad 
> users here.
> thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 3G S

2011-03-07 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Assuming your on 4.2 then use green ppois0n. Once the jailbreaks done,
use redsn0w to install cydia - thanks to rose for that handy tip!

On 07/03/2011, E.J. Zufelt  wrote:
> Good morning,
> I'm curious if there is a reasonably accessible tool, and / or reasonably
> accessible instructions, for jailbreaking, but not unlocking, an iPhone 3G
> S.
> Thanks,
> Everett
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 3G S

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is a wonderfuolly guide on that discusses this. it is very 
well written and very comprehensive lol!

Take care.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:28 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> I'm curious if there is a reasonably accessible tool, and / or reasonably 
> accessible instructions, for jailbreaking, but not unlocking, an iPhone 3G S.
> Thanks,
> Everett
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Re: Very annoying "Safari Busy" message

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Norman
Another thing I tried, which I'm not sure has worked or not:

Go to Voiceover Utility (VO+f8), then press command + 8 (I think), to
get to the web catigory. Next, find the two radio buttons under
"Navigate web pages by:", and try using "Navigate by grouped items",
or whatever it's called.

Didn't sort out my thing with FB Mobile not submitting comments
propperly. Has anyone got in touch with apple or not? I'm guessing
it's purely a VO issue, otherwise it'd have been caught in the testing

HTH a bit,

On Mar 7, 4:26 am, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Try this.  Open safari and go to preferences with command comma.  now 
> interact with the toolbar and select appearances.  Stop interacting with the 
> toolbar now and navigate to display images when webpage opens and uncheck  
> it.  This should help a bit.
> hth
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 10:29 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
> > It happens constantly to me and I don't know why. Especially when loading 
> > up larger websites. Then, when I try and navigate it before it's ready, it 
> > can sometimes crash for no particular reason.
> > I usually give up in frustration and go to Internet explorer in fusion, 
> > because I almost always have windows doing something (usually it's irc, and 
> > mudding which I use it for).
> > hth...somewhat?
> > On 2011-03-04, at 7:43 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> >> I was just on the Facebook mobile site and clicked the "delete" button
> >> on a message in my inbox.  After I clicked the button, Voiceover began
> >> saying "Safari busy" whenever I tried to press a key.  It did this for
> >> at least a minute, sometimes saying "Safari ready" and then "Safari
> >> busy" again a second or two later.  I have had this problem once or
> >> twice before, but this was the first time I have had it consistently.
> >> I turned my Mac off, took it home, and tried to delete another message
> >> only to encounter the same problem.  Could anyone tell me why these
> >> "Busy" messages are used?  I've never encountered anything like this
> >> on an iPhone, iPad or PC.
> >> Thanks in advance.
> >> Eric
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Re: magic trackpad

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Norman
I'd heard it didn't work with VO, but maybe I'm wrong there. Are the
Magic Trackpad, and the Magic Mouse different things? I think I'm
thinking of magic mouse, or mighty mouse, or whatever the hell Apple
called it LOL.

On Mar 7, 4:07 am, Bart Bunting  wrote:
> Hi David,
> You need to hold down the vo key and make a clockwise cyrcle with two to
> enable the trackpad commander.
> Then it should work fine.
> Reverse, that is anti clockwise to turn it off.
> Cheers
> Bart
> fingers
>  On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:17 -0800 (PST), David Geiger 
>  wrote:
> > hey guys  i got the magic trackpad  and paired it up  it is detected
> > but i cannot figure out how to control voiceover  with it  what do i
> > need to do i want to use it as a commander  if it dont work with vo
> > please tell me so i can take it back please
> > --
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> --
> Bart Bunting
> URSYS Pty. Ltd                                                            
> 461 Parramatta Rd. Leichhardt NSW  2040  Australia
> Ph.           +61 2 8745 2811
> Fax          +61 2 8745 2828

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Re: VmWare Fusion, xp and jaws

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Norman
I tried Sharp Keys, but it sayd (with the MSI version), that the
application was too big to fit in memory, and (with the Zipped
version), that there was a big application error, who's code I can't

The VM's running with a gig of RAM, and I'm sticking with NVDA until I
can sort it.

BTW, still got the major problem that the Video intersept gets a
general error, when I try to install it. ANyone come up with a fix for
that yet? :P


On Mar 7, 3:20 am, Tyler wood  wrote:
> I use sharp keys. My command key is my capslock key, my grav key is the alt 
> key, I have some other keys which also help.
> hope that helps
> On 2011-03-04, at 3:54 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > Just got my new macbook pro  yesterday.
> > I'm trying to configure a virtual machine using vmware fusion and jaws.
> > I have taken an existing xp machine from my linux install.  It appears
> > to boot up fine, and jaws starts talking, complaining about the video
> > intercept not being installed actualy :(.
> > My issue is of course that the capslock key is being captured by VO.
> > Seamingly the same for alt tab.
> > I initially tried virtualbox which is what I use under linux, but it's
> > sound performance was crap.
> > From the small amount of talking jaws has managed to do sound appears
> > quite clean in fusion.
> > Can anyone offer any hints as to how one gets around this capslock
> > issue?
> > I've done a bit of a search and have found a couple of people having the
> > same issue but no good work arounds.
> > Any assistance would be much appreciated.
> > Cheers
> > Bart
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Re: magic trackpad

2011-03-07 Thread Anne Robertson
The Magic Trackpad works fine with VO.



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Re: magic trackpad

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell
The Magic Trackpad does work with VO and you are thinking of the mouse.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Chris Norman wrote:

> I'd heard it didn't work with VO, but maybe I'm wrong there. Are the
> Magic Trackpad, and the Magic Mouse different things? I think I'm
> thinking of magic mouse, or mighty mouse, or whatever the hell Apple
> called it LOL.
> On Mar 7, 4:07 am, Bart Bunting  wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> You need to hold down the vo key and make a clockwise cyrcle with two to
>> enable the trackpad commander.
>> Then it should work fine.
>> Reverse, that is anti clockwise to turn it off.
>> Cheers
>> Bart
>> fingers
>>  On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:17 -0800 (PST), David Geiger 
>>  wrote:
>>> hey guys  i got the magic trackpad  and paired it up  it is detected
>>> but i cannot figure out how to control voiceover  with it  what do i
>>> need to do i want to use it as a commander  if it dont work with vo
>>> please tell me so i can take it back please
>>> --
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>> --
>> Bart Bunting
>> URSYS Pty. Ltd
>> 461 Parramatta Rd. Leichhardt NSW  2040  Australia
>> Ph.   +61 2 8745 2811
>> Fax  +61 2 8745 2828
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Re: languages on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread richard watson
This is great!
just another thing off my list before I purchase a mac. I'm currently
a windows and jaws user and saw the mac and am rather impressed.

On 3/4/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Richard,
> You can get voices for all kinds of languages from AssistiveWare, and their
> is a multi-lingual Braille package which includes Greek, Arabic, Russian,
> Hebrew and Icelandic, that you can download from:
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 4 Mar 2011, at 21:59, richard watson wrote:
>> Good afternoon list,
>> I am considering a mac and had a off-the-wall question.
>> how does voice over handle such things as greek fonts?
>> thanks
>> rick
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Re: rtf-epub convertor

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Jar files are not a full fledged program but a set of java libraries that can 
be used with a java program.  Most likely your original program should be able 
to be scripted  with apple script.

Something like

set myDocuments to the path to Documents
repeat with afile in files in myDocuments whose name ends with ".pdf"
tell application "pdf2epub" to open afile 
end repeat

If thepdf2epub program exits after it does its conversion then the above should 

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 4, 2011, at 10:25 AM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I found a rtf-epub convertor.
> Ik would like to convert rtf to pub so that I can read more comfortable 
> documents on my iphone.
> I would like to make conversions with a lot of files at the same time.
> So, I was looking on the internet and fount:
> rtf2epub-0.2.0.jar
> I have made it executable and I was runing it in the terminal but with a lot 
> of errors.
> If someone can give my hints to use this kind of programs or another (free) 
> solution to convert files to pub, it would be very much appreciated!!!
> best regards,
> William Windels
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Re: rtf-epub convertor

2011-03-07 Thread Rose Morales
Or you could just use Stanza. It's accessible and easy to use. And it has a 
GUI. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to ask.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Jar files are not a full fledged program but a set of java libraries that can 
> be used with a java program.  Most likely your original program should be 
> able to be scripted  with apple script.
> Something like
> set myDocuments to the path to Documents
> repeat with afile in files in myDocuments whose name ends with ".pdf"
> tell application "pdf2epub" to open afile 
> end repeat
> If thepdf2epub program exits after it does its conversion then the above 
> should work.
> Jon
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 10:25 AM, William Windels wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I found a rtf-epub convertor.
>> Ik would like to convert rtf to pub so that I can read more comfortable 
>> documents on my iphone.
>> I would like to make conversions with a lot of files at the same time.
>> So, I was looking on the internet and fount:
>> rtf2epub-0.2.0.jar
>> I have made it executable and I was runing it in the terminal but with a lot 
>> of errors.
>> If someone can give my hints to use this kind of programs or another (free) 
>> solution to convert files to pub, it would be very much appreciated!!!
>> best regards,
>> William Windels
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Numeric keypad not working

2011-03-07 Thread Tom Frank
I have an Apple wireless keypad where the numeric keypad is not working.

I have numpad commander off, have pressed the numlock key, and checked the 
Apple help file which recommends to check that Mouse Keys are not turned on. 
Mouse Keys are off.

Is there anything else I should try?


Tom Frank

On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:16 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi,
> thanks. i had tried it and the file did not open which was why i thought i 
> was suppose to use quick look attachment. but i can give your way another try 
> because these are word docs.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>> Dear Denise,
>> I am totally blind now, so I don't have any use for the quick look button in 
>> mail.  According to the Mail Help topic it is used to view images or a slide 
>> show.  Well if it is a slide show or image  VoiceOver is not going to be 
>> able to read it.  It is possible that if the images have captions then 
>> VoiceOver may be able to read them, but I cannot help  with that.
>> If the attachment is a MicroSoft Word file it should end with a .doc file 
>> type.  If you click on it with the spacebar it should open in TextEdit and 
>> you should be able to read the file.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Sincerely Yours,
>> robert Nelson
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i have an e-mail with a couple of word files attached. but vo also says its 
>>> an attached image. when i do a quick look attachment, and try to open one 
>>> of them, nothing seems to happen. all i hear is html. can someone tell me 
>>> what's going on? thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: MikeH: a question about external drives and the mac.

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
There is a setting for disk drive sleep in the energy saver system preference.  
I have not tried adjusting that.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 4, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Mike Huckabay wrote:

> Hi dus enny one know if there's a way of making external drive's stay awake 
> and not go to sleep or randemley diskonect from the mac?
> -- 
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Re: languages on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Well, out of the box Snow Leopard will tell you the name of the character if 
you navigate it using the single character move voice over cursor.  I have 
tried this primarily with Cyrillic and Hebrew characters.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:59 PM, richard watson wrote:

> Good afternoon list,
> I am considering a mac and had a off-the-wall question.
> how does voice over handle such things as greek fonts?
> thanks
> rick
> -- 
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Re: Question about backup

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Every version of MacOS since X preview has had a way to do an upgrade where 
none of the user files are effected.  The Take Control books group usually 
produces a set of books about each new operating system that is released the 
same day as the new OS.  One of these books will be Take Control of  Upgrading 
Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 4, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a question about backing up my harddrive with OS X 10.6. How do I 
> restore my preferences for my applications if I won't restore the complete OS?
> I am thinking of using Carbon copy cloner to this task, and it would  save me 
> a lot of time if I could migrate my preferences and mail accounts etc. but 
> what do I do when Lion comes out? Do I need to start all over again? What did 
> some of you do when SnowLeopard came out or even before SnowLeopard?
> Best regards
> Thomas
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> New Version" I purchased both the Leopard and Snow Leopard versions of the 
> upgrade book, and they documented the benefits and problems with each style 
> of upgrade.  They also talk about conflicts you might expect  with 
> Applications that don't work anymore.  A good example of this with Leopard 
> was that "ONe Password" and quite a few keyboard macro programs stopped 
> working after Apple improved security of the keyboard drivers.  (Making it 
> harder to have a program track every key you type and send it off to a 
> identity theft ring.

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Re: VoiceOver and say time

2011-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

Remember on your new computer to go to VO utilities and under general, check 
the option "allow voiceover to be controlled with apple script.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an issue with VoiceOver and say time by pressing right Option + T.
> Of course I enabled the keyboard comander and the key combination is right 
> Option + T. 
> On my iMac it works fine. But on my new MacBook Air 13 inch, newest edition, 
> it doesn't. On both machines runs Snow Leopard with all updates. 
> When I press right Option + T on the MacBook Air in most cases VoiceOver 
> crashes. Then I have to press CMD + F5 several times until VO restarts. I 
> guess it happens in 4 of 5 cases.
> I also wrote to They asked for my VoiceOver settings 
> file and I sent it. After a few days the answer was that there was no problem 
> on their MacBook Air. VoiceOver behaved OK.
> So I want to ask if anyone here also discovered such problems by using right 
> Option + T. 
> Thanks and regards
> Jürgen
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Re: Problems Accesing Mobile ME

2011-03-07 Thread Esther
Hi Les, 

On Mar 6, 2011, at 16:15, Les Kriegler wrote:

> On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, Safari 
> is reported to be busy.  I want to set up an account, and I went to 
>, and still get the Safari Busy message.  It may say ready, but 
> goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen.  What can 
> be done to rectify this?  

I haven't tried to access the MobileMe web site this way from a new account.  
I'd suggest that you might try using the System Preferences menu for 
"MobileMe", where there is a sign up button for a new trial subscription.  I 
can't check what the process is like, because although I set up a new MacBook 
Air for someone recently, they're postponing any decisions about MobileMe.  
(This is his first Mac, and he has no iDevices of any type).  There's some 
speculation that the MobileMe service will substantially change the way it is 
administered in the near future, especially since the retail box sets are 
disappearing from inventory.

Try going to the "MobileMe" menu in "System Preferences" (Control-F2 or VO-M to 
the menu bar, arrow down, press "s y" to "System Preferences", then navigate to 
"MobileMe" and VO-Space).   On systems with no MobileMe setup, there will be a 
login that lets you sign in with your Member Name (e.g. ) and password in the text boxes, and then a "Sign In" button you can press 
(VO-Space).  The other part of that pane will be a "Try MobileMe" side with 
button to a web page for trial subscription. I haven't used this for the trial 
subscription, but that might work for you.  People with an existing account who 
have signed into MobileMe, will find instead four tabs -- "Account", "Sync", 
"iWeb", and "Back to My Mac".  Pressing the button for "Account Details" on the 
"Account" tab basically takes you to the Safari Login page for MobileMe, and 
will open up in your Account page after you log in. (I usually just log into my 
account manually by going to: to sign in).  I'm including the account information 
just for completeness -- new users like Les won't see this.  However, the "Try 
MobileMe" part of the MobileMe menu in System Preferences may work for him.

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: languages on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread richard watson
just curious,
what happened when you left vo speak the entire hebrew word?

On 3/7/11, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> Well, out of the box Snow Leopard will tell you the name of the character if
> you navigate it using the single character move voice over cursor.  I have
> tried this primarily with Cyrillic and Hebrew characters.
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:59 PM, richard watson wrote:
>> Good afternoon list,
>> I am considering a mac and had a off-the-wall question.
>> how does voice over handle such things as greek fonts?
>> thanks
>> rick
>> --
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more issues with mobileme

2011-03-07 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi all, 

I am having a little different problem with Mobileme. I got an account setup
and I am now trying to let someone upload files to my public folder of
idisk. I have the public folder setup to allow people to write to it and I
have enabled a password for it. When My friend or myself try to log into the
public folder the login goes as expected. Once logged in though, the
controls that allow for uploads and downloads do not show up either using
voiceover, Jaws or window-eyes. After messing around for a bit you can
usually get a file downloaded but I cannot find a way to upload file from

I have no problem uploading files as the account owner but the issue is if a
guest wants to upload a file. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 


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Re: magic trackpad

2011-03-07 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
I've got the magic mouse and that also works with vo!
Although I've not used it fully, what I have done has worked no problem!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 7 Mar 2011, at 11:21, Scott Howell wrote:

> The Magic Trackpad does work with VO and you are thinking of the mouse.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Chris Norman wrote:
>> I'd heard it didn't work with VO, but maybe I'm wrong there. Are the
>> Magic Trackpad, and the Magic Mouse different things? I think I'm
>> thinking of magic mouse, or mighty mouse, or whatever the hell Apple
>> called it LOL.
>> On Mar 7, 4:07 am, Bart Bunting  wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You need to hold down the vo key and make a clockwise cyrcle with two to
>>> enable the trackpad commander.
>>> Then it should work fine.
>>> Reverse, that is anti clockwise to turn it off.
>>> Cheers
>>> Bart
>>> fingers
>>> On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:17 -0800 (PST), David Geiger 
>>>  wrote:
 hey guys  i got the magic trackpad  and paired it up  it is detected
 but i cannot figure out how to control voiceover  with it  what do i
 need to do i want to use it as a commander  if it dont work with vo
 please tell me so i can take it back please
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>>> --
>>> Bart Bunting
>>> URSYS Pty. Ltd
>>> 461 Parramatta Rd. Leichhardt NSW  2040  Australia
>>> Ph.   +61 2 8745 2811
>>> Fax  +61 2 8745 2828
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Making Skype Read chats

2011-03-07 Thread Jane
I have updated to the latest version of Skype, and I would like for it to read 
my chat messages that come in.  How do I set it to do so?


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found something to help with the see more stories on FB mobile

2011-03-07 Thread Christina
The easiest way for me to see more stories on the mobile version of Facebook is 
to switch to dom right before activating the "see more stories" link.  After I 
switch to DOM I click the "see more stories" link.  Then I need to vo left or 
up arrow in order to back up a bit to get to where I left off reading last.  
The VO cursor does not start out in exactly the correct spot after I click the 
"see more stories" link.  Then I switch back over to navigating by groups 
because that's how I prefer to navigate.  I know it's not the best but it's 
been the least frustrating for me.  I don't remember how but a long time ago I 
set up voice over so that I would have a simple key stroke to switch between 
DOM and groups and I use that.


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Re: magic trackpad

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell
I imagine it works similarly to the regular mouse. THe limited time I spent 
with it was not as usable as the trackpad, but hey I guess it depends on what 
you want to do. :) ALthough the mouse is pretty neat looking.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi there!
> I've got the magic mouse and that also works with vo!
> Although I've not used it fully, what I have done has worked no problem!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 7 Mar 2011, at 11:21, Scott Howell wrote:
>> The Magic Trackpad does work with VO and you are thinking of the mouse.
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Chris Norman wrote:
>>> I'd heard it didn't work with VO, but maybe I'm wrong there. Are the
>>> Magic Trackpad, and the Magic Mouse different things? I think I'm
>>> thinking of magic mouse, or mighty mouse, or whatever the hell Apple
>>> called it LOL.
>>> On Mar 7, 4:07 am, Bart Bunting  wrote:
 Hi David,
 You need to hold down the vo key and make a clockwise cyrcle with two to
 enable the trackpad commander.
 Then it should work fine.
 Reverse, that is anti clockwise to turn it off.
 On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:17 -0800 (PST), David Geiger 
> hey guys  i got the magic trackpad  and paired it up  it is detected
> but i cannot figure out how to control voiceover  with it  what do i
> need to do i want to use it as a commander  if it dont work with vo
> please tell me so i can take it back please
> --
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 Bart Bunting
 URSYS Pty. Ltd
 461 Parramatta Rd. Leichhardt NSW  2040  Australia
 Ph.   +61 2 8745 2811
 Fax  +61 2 8745 2828
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Granados
Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal action.

Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money spinning 
their wheels.

On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:

> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
> constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the screen 
>> room you wil have for braille right there.
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I like the IPad, actually.
>>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording and 
>>> what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with much 
>>> more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, true, 
>>> but that's only a single dimension.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  wrote:
 Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
 iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook Pro 
 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad is only 
 a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot faster 
 processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay the higher 
 price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
 The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained about 
 the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the PacMate QT 
 would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
 - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
 Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Me personally,
 If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
 fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
 bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
 Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
 really missing in not getting an iPad?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hello all,
> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is 
> light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can 
> get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port 
> for external media like a usb drive, is there?
> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
> bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for 
> external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on 
> the ipad.
> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know 
> the ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation 
> ipad users here.
> thanks.
> -- 
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Re: languages on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread Massimo
In data Lunedě 7 Marzo 2011 16.42.26, richard watson 
 ha scritto:

what happened when you left vo speak the entire hebrew word?

It say nothing.

On 3/7/11, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

Well, out of the box Snow Leopard will tell you the name of the character if
you navigate it using the single character move voice over cursor.  I have
tried this primarily with Cyrillic and Hebrew characters.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:59 PM, richard watson wrote:

Good afternoon list,
I am considering a mac and had a off-the-wall question.
how does voice over handle such things as greek fonts?

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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to benefit 
current high priced offerings?

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Granados" 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal action.

Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money spinning 
their wheels.

On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:

> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
> constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the screen 
>> room you wil have for braille right there.
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I like the IPad, actually.
>>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording and 
>>> what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with much 
>>> more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, true, 
>>> but that's only a single dimension.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  wrote:
 Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
 iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook Pro 
 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad is only 
 a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot faster 
 processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay the higher 
 price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
 The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained about 
 the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the PacMate QT 
 would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
 - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
 Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Me personally,
 If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
 fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
 bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
 Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
 really missing in not getting an iPad?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hello all,
> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is 
> light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can 
> get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port 
> for external media like a usb drive, is there?
> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
> bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for 
> external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on 
> the ipad.
> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know 
> the ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation 
> ipad users here.
> thanks.
> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to benefit 
current high priced offerings?

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Granados" 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal action.

Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money spinning 
their wheels.

On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:

> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
> constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the screen 
>> room you wil have for braille right there.
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I like the IPad, actually.
>>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording and 
>>> what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with much 
>>> more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, true, 
>>> but that's only a single dimension.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  wrote:
 Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
 iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook Pro 
 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad is only 
 a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot faster 
 processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay the higher 
 price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
 The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained about 
 the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the PacMate QT 
 would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
 - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
 Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Me personally,
 If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
 fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
 bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
 Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
 really missing in not getting an iPad?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hello all,
> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is 
> light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can 
> get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port 
> for external media like a usb drive, is there?
> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
> bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for 
> external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on 
> the ipad.
> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know 
> the ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation 
> ipad users here.
> thanks.
> -- 
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accessibility of xm radio

2011-03-07 Thread Adam
I just saw that a least one aspect of xm radio has become compatible
with voiceover.

Does anyone use XM and is it totally accessible.  In particular I'm
looking for the portable model.

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Re: MikeH: a question about external drives and the mac.

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Don't think tjhat that that works. 

On 07/03/2011, at 6:38, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> There is a setting for disk drive sleep in the energy saver system 
> preference.  I have not tried adjusting that.
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Mike Huckabay wrote:
>> Hi dus enny one know if there's a way of making external drive's stay awake 
>> and not go to sleep or randemley diskonect from the mac?
>> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeppers. That's why. 

On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
> benefit current high priced offerings?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal action.
> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money spinning 
> their wheels.
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
>> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
>> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
>> constantly suing.
>> Jane
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the screen 
>>> room you wil have for braille right there.
>>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 I like the IPad, actually.
 I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
 entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording and 
 what seemed to me a quick start interface.
 In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
 much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
 As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, true, 
 but that's only a single dimension.
 Cheree Heppe
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  wrote:
> Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
> iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook Pro 
> 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad is 
> only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot 
> faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay the 
> higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
> The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained about 
> the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the PacMate QT 
> would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Me personally,
> If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
> fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
> bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
> Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
> really missing in not getting an iPad?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that 
>> is light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you 
>> can get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there is no 
>> port for external media like a usb drive, is there?
>> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
>> bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for 
>> external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on 
>> the ipad.
>> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
>> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know 
>> the ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation 
>> ipad users here.
>> thanks.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> You received this message because you ar

Re: Email signatures

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn appears to do this.  I don't know 
anything about it, I just found it via google.

I might be more tempted to use AppleScript   Something like

set Siglist to {}
set list to list & "My first Quote"
set list to list & "my Secon Quote"
set SignatureText  to some item of  Siglist
tell mail to make new outgoing message with body SignatureText 

I am not positive that Body is the right property for the text of an e-mail 
Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 2, 2011, at 4:02 PM, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a application that will  add a saying to my e-mail signature? This 
> saying should change for every new e-mail.
> Thanks
> louie
> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Jim Barbour
Oh come on!  Are you really saying that if only Freedom Scientific
hadn't come up with the signed Braille driver that we'd have
universal, inexpensive Braille displays?

I would say that Braille displays are expensive to produce and
maintain, which is one big reason we don't have more affordable
braille displays.

I would also say there's been little demand for universal Braille
displays, assuming universal means that it works with the HID


On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:40:54AM -0800, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeppers. That's why. 
> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
> > Cheree Heppe here:
> > 
> > Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
> > intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
> > benefit current high priced offerings?
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Cheree Heppe
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Scott Granados" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
> > Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> > 
> > 
> > Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
> > action.
> > 
> > Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
> > spinning their wheels.
> > 
> > 
> > On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
> > 
> >> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
> >> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
> >> constantly suing.
> >> 
> >> Jane
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> >>> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> >>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
> >>> 
>  Cheree Heppe here:
>  I like the IPad, actually.
>  I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>  entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>  and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>  In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
>  much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>  As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
>  true, but that's only a single dimension.
>  Regards,
>  Cheree Heppe
>  Sent from my iPhone
>  On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  
>  wrote:
> > Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
> > iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook 
> > Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad 
> > is only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a 
> > lot faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay 
> > the higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
> > 
> > The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained 
> > about the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the 
> > PacMate QT would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> > 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
> > Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> > 
> > 
> > Me personally,
> > 
> > If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
> > fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
> > bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
> > Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
> > really missing in not getting an iPad?
> > 
> > JMO
> > 
> > Ricardo Walker
> >
> > Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> > 
> >> hello all,
> >> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that 
> >> is light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because 
> >> you can get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there 
> >> is no port for external media like a usb drive, is there?
> >> my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a 
> >> little bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port 
> >> for external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can 
> >> have on the ipad.
> >> that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
> >> well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know 
> >> the ipad 2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first 
> >> generation ipad users here.
> >> thanks.
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> >> Groups "MacVisionari

Re: VoiceOver and say time

2011-03-07 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Oh Dear, that's so embarrassing. ;) That's it.
You solved my problem and made my day. :)

I didn't expect that Option + T works if this little check box is not checked. 
But obviously it does in a way but not really correct and that was the problem.

Thanks again and
all the best

Am 07.03.2011 um 16:05 schrieb Ricardo Walker:

> Hi,
> Remember on your new computer to go to VO utilities and under general, check 
> the option "allow voiceover to be controlled with apple script.
> hth
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have an issue with VoiceOver and say time by pressing right Option + T.
>> Of course I enabled the keyboard comander and the key combination is right 
>> Option + T. 
>> On my iMac it works fine. But on my new MacBook Air 13 inch, newest edition, 
>> it doesn't. On both machines runs Snow Leopard with all updates. 
>> When I press right Option + T on the MacBook Air in most cases VoiceOver 
>> crashes. Then I have to press CMD + F5 several times until VO restarts. I 
>> guess it happens in 4 of 5 cases.
>> I also wrote to They asked for my VoiceOver 
>> settings file and I sent it. After a few days the answer was that there was 
>> no problem on their MacBook Air. VoiceOver behaved OK.
>> So I want to ask if anyone here also discovered such problems by using right 
>> Option + T. 
>> Thanks and regards
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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Re: languages on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
In facebook it just blurped about a style change.  I wonder if I put 
punctuation to all if that would change.


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:42 AM, richard watson wrote:

> just curious,
> what happened when you left vo speak the entire hebrew word?
> On 3/7/11, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
>> Well, out of the box Snow Leopard will tell you the name of the character if
>> you navigate it using the single character move voice over cursor.  I have
>> tried this primarily with Cyrillic and Hebrew characters.
>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:59 PM, richard watson wrote:
>>> Good afternoon list,
>>> I am considering a mac and had a off-the-wall question.
>>> how does voice over handle such things as greek fonts?
>>> thanks
>>> rick
>>> --
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help with time machine, please?

2011-03-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm trying to back up my system.  Two things are happening that seem strange.  
the first is that it's taking less than five seconds to perform a back up.  The 
second is that in the brief period I see a message that says something like  
"backing up 0 of 465 KB."  Can someone tell me what's wrong and how I can fix 

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selecting a table in safari

2011-03-07 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi all,

is there a way to select and copy a table in safari and put it say in numbers 
to send as an email attachment?

I don't seem to find a way.


Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

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VMWare Fusion and Talking Communities Software

2011-03-07 Thread Michael Busboom
Greetings to all,

I recently assisted the European Blind Union by liaising with Talking 
Communities regarding the purchase of a server. As many of you may know, the 
Talking Communities software for Windows works fine.  Their software for the 
Mac is still being developed, though a version is currently available.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience running the Windows version of the 
Talking communities software under VMWare Fusion.  I have currently allocated 
two GB/RAM for my Windows virtual machine on my Mac.  In my next meeting using 
the TC software, I will be a moderator, and I don't have a dedicated Windows 
machine in my office.  The current iteration of the Mac software is too limited 
for what I need.

My thanks to all in advance,


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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell
In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to the 
high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. It is 
possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the fact that:
1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the parts 
for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in a 
monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille display 
may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that perhaps a lcd 
screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may be $20 per cell. 
3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
product and specialized skill set.
4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors sell 
Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In fact Baum 
makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce displays 
for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.

There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. However, 
my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider that any 
company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. The X cost 
has to take into consideration research and development, marketing, 
distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of what most 
Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have no idea what 
it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could make the argument 
that the research and development has probably been paid for several times 
over, but consider that innovation of new features and technology has not 
stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by the hundreds of 
thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. So, I have not seen 
any evidence presented that supports the argument that "intrenched" providers 
artificially inflate prices to control the market at the expense of consumers. 
If there is some evidence to support this then great, but consider what you are 
saying would mean there is a conspiracy among the manufacturers and vendors. 
Does make for a fascinating discussion.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Yeppers. That's why. 
> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>> action.
>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money spinning 
>> their wheels.
>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
>>> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
>>> off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
>>> constantly suing.
>>> Jane
>>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the screen 
 room you wil have for braille right there.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> I like the IPad, actually.
> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording and 
> what seemed to me a quick start interface.
> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
> much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
> true, but that's only a single dimension.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  wrote:
>> Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
>> iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook Pro 
>> 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad is 
>> only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot 
>> faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay the 
>> higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
>> The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained 
>> about the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't th

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Richie Gardenhire
Scott, To add to your point, consider that our dollar has been  
devaluated to the point that, when goods and services are imported to  
the US, our foreign competitors can flood our shores with things that  
are sometimes cheaper than what American companies can make them.   
Therefore, I would venture to say, there are more factors to consider  
than supply and demand.  Richie Gardenhire, Anchorage, Alaska.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different  
argument to the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play  
devil's advocate here. It is possible that the high cost of Braille  
displays may be related to the fact that:
1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally  
higher in order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than  
the parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to  
be used in a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells  
of a Braille display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This  
would mean that perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for  
a Braille display may be $20 per cell.
3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness  
of the product and specialized skill set.
4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several  
vendors sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually  
produce them. In fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own  
name, but they also produce displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps  

There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies  
have produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for  
thousands. However, my argument stated above would justify this to  
some extent. COnsider that any company produces a product for X  
dollars and sells it for Y dollars. The X cost has to take into  
consideration research and development, marketing, distribution, and  
other overhead. Does this justify the cost of what most Braille  
displays? I could not answer that question because I have no idea what  
it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could make the  
argument that the research and development has probably been paid for  
several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and  
technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were  
sold by the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be  
considerably less. So, I have not seen any evidence presented that  
supports the argument that "intrenched" providers artificially inflate  
prices to control the market at the expense of consumers. If there is  
some evidence to support this then great, but consider what you are  
saying would mean there is a conspiracy among the manufacturers and  
vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Yeppers. That's why.

On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:

Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays?  
Because intrenched providers are holding new development and  
innivation back to benefit current high priced offerings?

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message -
From: "Scott Granados" 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings  
legal action.

Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money  
spinning their wheels.

On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:

We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can  
pull it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of  
the market by constantly suing.


On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of  
the screen room you wil have for braille right there.

On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:
I like the IPad, actually.

I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very  
intuitive, easy entre into the Apple environment.  No commands  
and keystroke chording and what seemed to me a quick start  

In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done  
so with much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices  

As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an  
IPad, true, but that's only a single dimension.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  

Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an  
iPhone or iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying  
the basic MacBook Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the  
processor in the new iPad is only a 1.0 gigahert duel core  
processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a lot faster processor than  
that and so does the Ayer if 

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If only 
we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a higher 
demand for braille desplays lol!
On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
> fact that:
> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
> be $20 per cell. 
> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
> product and specialized skill set.
> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce 
> displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider 
> that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. 
> The X cost has to take into consideration research and development, 
> marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of 
> what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have 
> no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could 
> make the argument that the research and development has probably been paid 
> for several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and 
> technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by 
> the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. 
> So, I have not seen any evidence presented that supports the argument that 
> "intrenched" providers artificially inflate prices to control the market at 
> the expense of consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then 
> great, but consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy 
> among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>> and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
>> much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
>> true, but that's only a single dimension.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  
>> wrote:
>>> Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
>>> iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook 
>>> Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the proc

Re: selecting a table in safari

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
I've been looking for an  answer for about a year and have not yet found one. 
Anyone? anyone? lol!
On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> Hi all,
> is there a way to select and copy a table in safari and put it say in numbers 
> to send as an email attachment?
> I don't seem to find a way.
> thanks, 
> Rafaela Freundt
> E-mail/MSN:
> Skype: rafafreundt
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: help with time machine, please?

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Time machine is will only actually copy over those files that have changed in 
the last hour.  Try purchasing an album or ripping an album into iTunes and 
then force time machine to run a back up and see if that still run quickly.

Also, are you running your macintosh with more then one non-backup disk?


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to back up my system.  Two things are happening that seem strange. 
>  the first is that it's taking less than five seconds to perform a back up.  
> The second is that in the brief period I see a message that says something 
> like  "backing up 0 of 465 KB."  Can someone tell me what's wrong and how I 
> can fix it?
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Granados

you're dead on right with your comments although I think your scales / numbers 
are even at their reduced level to high.

Realistically, how many braille devices are sold per year?  1000, maybe?  Maybe 
a few hundred?  
With costs being fixed such as over head and payroll you have to make X 
times more per sale if you only make a few hundred sales per year.
Look at how people argue and fight as it is, there's no way you'd get 
the various vendors to conspire to keep prices high.  I think basic economics 
does this well enough already.

Remember too though just to counter you a little that more than one 
accessibility provider pays their employees little enough that they can remain 
on SSI and get the medical / medicade and financial coverage with out having to 
pay out of their pockets.  So the tax payers are funding the payrolls of some 
of these vendors.

Still though I think the economies of scale are what's causing the issue.


On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
> fact that:
> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
> be $20 per cell. 
> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
> product and specialized skill set.
> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce 
> displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider 
> that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. 
> The X cost has to take into consideration research and development, 
> marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of 
> what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have 
> no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could 
> make the argument that the research and development has probably been paid 
> for several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and 
> technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by 
> the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. 
> So, I have not seen any evidence presented that supports the argument that 
> "intrenched" providers artificially inflate prices to control the market at 
> the expense of consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then 
> great, but consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy 
> among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre 

Re: VMWare Fusion and Talking Communities Software

2011-03-07 Thread Paul Hunt
I use TCConference with VMFusion and have any problems.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:26 AM, Michael Busboom  wrote:

> Greetings to all,
> I recently assisted the European Blind Union by liaising with Talking 
> Communities regarding the purchase of a server. As many of you may know, the 
> Talking Communities software for Windows works fine.  Their software for the 
> Mac is still being developed, though a version is currently available.
> I was wondering if anyone has had experience running the Windows version of 
> the Talking communities software under VMWare Fusion.  I have currently 
> allocated two GB/RAM for my Windows virtual machine on my Mac.  In my next 
> meeting using the TC software, I will be a moderator, and I don't have a 
> dedicated Windows machine in my office.  The current iteration of the Mac 
> software is too limited for what I need.
> My thanks to all in advance,
> Mike
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Granados
I don't think the dollar is at work here.

China hangs their currency against ours so that's not a factor and the Euro is 
falling against the dollar. 

On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Richie Gardenhire wrote:

> Scott, To add to your point, consider that our dollar has been devaluated to 
> the point that, when goods and services are imported to the US, our foreign 
> competitors can flood our shores with things that are sometimes cheaper than 
> what American companies can make them.  Therefore, I would venture to say, 
> there are more factors to consider than supply and demand.  Richie 
> Gardenhire, Anchorage, Alaska.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
> fact that:
> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
> be $20 per cell.
> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
> product and specialized skill set.
> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce 
> displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider 
> that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. 
> The X cost has to take into consideration research and development, 
> marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of 
> what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have 
> no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could 
> make the argument that the research and development has probably been paid 
> for several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and 
> technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by 
> the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. 
> So, I have not seen any evidence presented that supports the argument that 
> "intrenched" providers artificially inflate prices to control the market at 
> the expense of consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then 
> great, but consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy 
> among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why.
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>> and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
>> much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller th

mod note/was macbook air vs iPad 2

2011-03-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Ok guys:
I don't think the mac is anywhere in evidence here.  Please shut this down 
immediately, if not sooner.  It's a fine discussion, but irrelevant for most.
Thank you.

Carolyn H
On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I don't think the dollar is at work here.
> China hangs their currency against ours so that's not a factor and the Euro 
> is falling against the dollar. 
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Richie Gardenhire wrote:
>> Scott, To add to your point, consider that our dollar has been devaluated to 
>> the point that, when goods and services are imported to the US, our foreign 
>> competitors can flood our shores with things that are sometimes cheaper than 
>> what American companies can make them.  Therefore, I would venture to say, 
>> there are more factors to consider than supply and demand.  Richie 
>> Gardenhire, Anchorage, Alaska.
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
>> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
>> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
>> fact that:
>> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
>> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
>> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
>> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
>> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
>> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
>> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
>> be $20 per cell.
>> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
>> product and specialized skill set.
>> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
>> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
>> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also 
>> produce displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
>> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
>> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
>> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. 
>> COnsider that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for 
>> Y dollars. The X cost has to take into consideration research and 
>> development, marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify 
>> the cost of what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question 
>> because I have no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I 
>> suppose you could make the argument that the research and development has 
>> probably been paid for several times over, but consider that innovation of 
>> new features and technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille 
>> displays were sold by the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would 
>> be considerably less. So, I have not seen any evidence presented that 
>> supports the argument that "intrenched" providers artificially inflate 
>> prices to control the market at the expense of consumers. If there is some 
>> evidence to support this then great, but consider what you are saying would 
>> mean there is a conspiracy among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make 
>> for a fascinating discussion.
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Yeppers. That's why.
>>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
 intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
 benefit current high priced offerings?
 Cheree Heppe
 - Original Message -
 From: "Scott Granados" 
 Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
 Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
 spinning their wheels.
 On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull 
> it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market 
> by constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
>> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I like the IPad, actually.
>>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, 
>>> easy e

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Small numbers notwithstanding, if a company needed a good taxx break and a 
subsidy, they could produce the display and gain a lot of good from various 

The argument for Braille as a reading mode for a select few has the same ring 
as that argument lots of U.S. cities use for public transport.

You know, few ride public transport, so because few ride, let's cut it back 
even more.

Totally backward reasoning.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Alawami" 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:35
Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If only 
we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a higher 
demand for braille desplays lol!
On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
> fact that:
> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
> be $20 per cell. 
> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
> product and specialized skill set.
> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce 
> displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider 
> that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. 
> The X cost has to take into consideration research and development, 
> marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of 
> what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have 
> no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could 
> make the argument that the research and development has probably been paid 
> for several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and 
> technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by 
> the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. 
> So, I have not seen any evidence presented that supports the argument that 
> "intrenched" providers artificially inflate prices to control the market at 
> the expense of consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then 
> great, but consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy 
> among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>> and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have 

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Small numbers notwithstanding, if a company needed a good taxx break and a 
subsidy, they could produce the display and gain a lot of good from various 

The argument for Braille as a reading mode for a select few has the same ring 
as that argument lots of U.S. cities use for public transport.

You know, few ride public transport, so because few ride, let's cut it back 
even more.

Totally backward reasoning.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Alawami" 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:35
Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If only 
we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a higher 
demand for braille desplays lol!
On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
> fact that:
> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
> be $20 per cell. 
> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
> product and specialized skill set.
> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also produce 
> displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. COnsider 
> that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for Y dollars. 
> The X cost has to take into consideration research and development, 
> marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify the cost of 
> what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question because I have 
> no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I suppose you could 
> make the argument that the research and development has probably been paid 
> for several times over, but consider that innovation of new features and 
> technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille displays were sold by 
> the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would be considerably less. 
> So, I have not seen any evidence presented that supports the argument that 
> "intrenched" providers artificially inflate prices to control the market at 
> the expense of consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then 
> great, but consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy 
> among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>> and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have 

Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Granados
Cheree, it's not that simple.

Tax law isn't static enough and it's not certain you would get any credits at 

However, that aside, we better stop this thread.  Even though it's on topic in 
the sense that braille is a big part of access of devices people use the Mods 
have their feathers ruffled and have asked us to stop.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 1:57 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> Small numbers notwithstanding, if a company needed a good taxx break and a 
> subsidy, they could produce the display and gain a lot of good from various 
> quarters.
> The argument for Braille as a reading mode for a select few has the same ring 
> as that argument lots of U.S. cities use for public transport.
> You know, few ride public transport, so because few ride, let's cut it back 
> even more.
> Totally backward reasoning.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sarah Alawami" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:35
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
> higher demand for braille desplays lol!
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
>> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
>> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
>> fact that:
>> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher in 
>> order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
>> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
>> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used in 
>> a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
>> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
>> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
>> be $20 per cell. 
>> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
>> product and specialized skill set.
>> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
>> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
>> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also 
>> produce displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
>> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
>> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
>> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. 
>> COnsider that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for 
>> Y dollars. The X cost has to take into consideration research and 
>> development, marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify 
>> the cost of what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question 
>> because I have no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I 
>> suppose you could make the argument that the research and development has 
>> probably been paid for several times over, but consider that innovation of 
>> new features and technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille 
>> displays were sold by the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would 
>> be considerably less. So, I have not seen any evidence presented that 
>> supports the argument that "intrenched" providers artificially inflate 
>> prices to control the market at the expense of consumers. If there is some 
>> evidence to support this then great, but consider what you are saying would 
>> mean there is a conspiracy among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make 
>> for a fascinating discussion.
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
 intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
 benefit current high priced offerings?
 Cheree Heppe
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Scott Granados" 
 Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
 Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
 spinning their wheels.
 On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull 
> it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market 
> by constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don

Re: reading attachments in mail

2011-03-07 Thread Tom Frank
Actually, the Quick Look function is figurative. Voice OVer works fine. 
Sometimes you have to select the previous document and then interact with the 
HTML file to read the document.  Use Command Y to open the Quick Look file and 
then play around to make it work. 
Tom Frank

On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:16 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi,
> thanks. i had tried it and the file did not open which was why i thought i 
> was suppose to use quick look attachment. but i can give your way another try 
> because these are word docs.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>> Dear Denise,
>> I am totally blind now, so I don't have any use for the quick look button in 
>> mail.  According to the Mail Help topic it is used to view images or a slide 
>> show.  Well if it is a slide show or image  VoiceOver is not going to be 
>> able to read it.  It is possible that if the images have captions then 
>> VoiceOver may be able to read them, but I cannot help  with that.
>> If the attachment is a MicroSoft Word file it should end with a .doc file 
>> type.  If you click on it with the spacebar it should open in TextEdit and 
>> you should be able to read the file.
>> I hope this helps.
>> Sincerely Yours,
>> robert Nelson
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i have an e-mail with a couple of word files attached. but vo also says its 
>>> an attached image. when i do a quick look attachment, and try to open one 
>>> of them, nothing seems to happen. all i hear is html. can someone tell me 
>>> what's going on? thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell
Yes sir that is a good point. I got on a role and neglected to add that to the 
mix. :)

On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:34 PM, Richie Gardenhire wrote:

> Scott, To add to your point, consider that our dollar has been devaluated to 
> the point that, when goods and services are imported to the US, our foreign 
> competitors can flood our shores with things that are sometimes cheaper than 
> what American companies can make them.  Therefore, I would venture to say, 
> there are more factors to consider than supply and demand.  Richie 
> Gardenhire, Anchorage, Alaska.

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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell
Ture, but I was using that for illustrative purposes. There is no question 
those little buggers cost a chunk for sure. I have no idea how they are 
produced, but probably takes some special equipment. I wonder if I could find 
an article on how Braille cells are made, h think I shall Google it. :)
You do make a good point about Braille literacy, which it seems Braille is sort 
of dying a slow death or so some stats say. 

On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
> higher demand for braille desplays lol!

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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Howell

You are perhaps right, but my numbers were really only for illustrative 
purposes. I did not spend time researching the cost of producing cells nor the 
cost of paying employees. I don't disagree with the employment aspect, but the 
devil truly in this case is in the details. :)

On Mar 7, 2011, at 4:00 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Scott,
> you're dead on right with your comments although I think your scales / 
> numbers are even at their reduced level to high.
> Realistically, how many braille devices are sold per year?  1000, maybe?  
> Maybe a few hundred?  
>   With costs being fixed such as over head and payroll you have to make X 
> times more per sale if you only make a few hundred sales per year.
>   Look at how people argue and fight as it is, there's no way you'd get 
> the various vendors to conspire to keep prices high.  I think basic economics 
> does this well enough already.
> Remember too though just to counter you a little that more than one 
> accessibility provider pays their employees little enough that they can 
> remain on SSI and get the medical / medicade and financial coverage with out 
> having to pay out of their pockets.  So the tax payers are funding the 
> payrolls of some of these vendors.
> Still though I think the economies of scale are what's causing the issue.
> Thanks
> Scott

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mod note/macbook air ...closed topic

2011-03-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello guys:

This really has nothing to do with things mac/apple related.  Once again, I 
respectfully request that this topic be put to rest.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Carolyn HOn Mar 7, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Ture, but I was using that for illustrative purposes. There is no question 
> those little buggers cost a chunk for sure. I have no idea how they are 
> produced, but probably takes some special equipment. I wonder if I could find 
> an article on how Braille cells are made, h think I shall Google it. :)
> You do make a good point about Braille literacy, which it seems Braille is 
> sort of dying a slow death or so some stats say. 
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
>> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
>> higher demand for braille desplays lol!
> -- 
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Re: A more explicit description of my weird iTunes issue

2011-03-07 Thread Frank Carmickle
Hi Christine

I have never seen this before.  I guess you should try deauthorizing the mac.  
Then make sure that the mac has the same itunes username as the windows 
machine.  Reauthorize and then sync the phone.  

If you continue to have problems make an appointment at your nearest Apple 
store and some one will help you sort this out.

Take care

On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> I realize that I should have given more information about what I did before 
> giving up in frustration the other night when I could not sync my iPhone. 
> Some of the suggestions I received I already tried, e.g., my first try was 
> after checking do not sync all content, and I did try powering everything 
> down and then back up.  I did see the iPhone in the Sources menu, and 
> initially, the summary was correct. I was continually asked whether I wanted 
> to transfer purchased items to the library, and I kept telling it to 
> transfer. But when I attempted to sync, everything went crazy.  I kept 
> getting the message that the iPhone was not connected, even though it was 
> still in the Sources menu. Now though, the capacity was completely wrong.  
> When I disconnected the iPhone, the only music on it was the recently 
> purchased music -- 12 songs!  All of my apps were unmolested and fine. 
> Must I deauthorize my other computer; currently, both are authorized, but I 
> only intend to use the Mac for syncing with the iPhone from this point 
> forward, with the PC as an unlikely back-up.
> Thanks for any further ideas.
> Christine
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Scott Granados

I believe the cells are made by hand.

In some of the designs the pins are set by hand, in others they use piaso 
electric materials.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Ture, but I was using that for illustrative purposes. There is no question 
> those little buggers cost a chunk for sure. I have no idea how they are 
> produced, but probably takes some special equipment. I wonder if I could find 
> an article on how Braille cells are made, h think I shall Google it. :)
> You do make a good point about Braille literacy, which it seems Braille is 
> sort of dying a slow death or so some stats say. 
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
>> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
>> higher demand for braille desplays lol!
> -- 
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Re: Accessibility of Reaper on the Mac

2011-03-07 Thread Frank Carmickle

I did try reaper.  I found it as you did.  We need to get in touch with the 
developers and send them a link to the Apple accessibility developer guide.  I 
am hopeful that they will work to make it accessible.

Take care

On Mar 6, 2011, at 5:47 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hello,
> I've downloaded and tested an app for audio and midi editing that is cross 
> platform between Windows and Mac called Reaper. It looks promising, exept 
> that you can't read the tools in the toolbar nor times, meters and the like, 
> but at least some times you can actually play and manipulate sounds in it. 
> What i want to know is if anyone else has tried out this program and maybe 
> talked to whoever one should talk to regarding better access to things in 
> Reaper or have we completely given up this? If the latter, that would be too 
> bad since the app seems to be absolutely loaded with neat little keyboard 
> shortcuts and menus and dialogs are accessible, so i wonder what gives here?
> /Krister
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Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Wes Smith
So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get a 
educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they both 
look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 128 gig 
I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need that, just 
320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a superdrive, while 
the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the weight and how thin 
the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, what do you  guys 
recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.

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Re: reading attachments in mail

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually i use it to view voice memos and stuff I don't want to download.

On Mar 5, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:

> Dear Denise,
> I am totally blind now, so I don't have any use for the quick look button in 
> mail.  According to the Mail Help topic it is used to view images or a slide 
> show.  Well if it is a slide show or image  VoiceOver is not going to be able 
> to read it.  It is possible that if the images have captions then VoiceOver 
> may be able to read them, but I cannot help  with that.
> If the attachment is a MicroSoft Word file it should end with a .doc file 
> type.  If you click on it with the spacebar it should open in TextEdit and 
> you should be able to read the file.
> I hope this helps.
> Sincerely Yours,
> robert Nelson
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i have an e-mail with a couple of word files attached. but vo also says its 
>> an attached image. when i do a quick look attachment, and try to open one of 
>> them, nothing seems to happen. all i hear is html. can someone tell me 
>> what's going on? thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Wes:
You sight some pretty strong reasons to go with the macbook pro rather than the 
air in terms of memory, solid state drive etc.  I would add that with the pro 
you would  be getting cd/dvd rive and capabilities, and the sd card reader, 
that I don't think are part of the Macbook Air.
either way, you're in for a great system.:)

Happy deciding.


On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get 
> a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they 
> both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 
> 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need 
> that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a 
> superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the 
> weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, 
> what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Jim Barbour
the primary reason to go with the air is weight and size.  It's a road
warrier's machine.

Since you say you don't care about those things, get the pro for sure!


On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 05:37:29PM -0700, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Wes:
> You sight some pretty strong reasons to go with the macbook pro rather than 
> the air in terms of memory, solid state drive etc.  I would add that with the 
> pro you would  be getting cd/dvd rive and capabilities, and the sd card 
> reader, that I don't think are part of the Macbook Air.
> either way, you're in for a great system.:)
> Happy deciding.
> Carolyn
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
> > So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
> > get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
> > they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
> > biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
> > wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
> > it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
> > about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
> > would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> > 
> > -- 
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> >
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> >
> > 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Eric Brinkman
I have the 13-inch Air with a 256 gig flash drive, four gigs of ram
and a 2.13 GHZ processor.  It's my first Mac and it's very nice.  I
love the fact that it turns on so quickly and is very light.  But if
you don't care about weight, go for the pro.


On 3/7/11, Jim Barbour  wrote:
> the primary reason to go with the air is weight and size.  It's a road
> warrier's machine.
> Since you say you don't care about those things, get the pro for sure!
> Jim
> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 05:37:29PM -0700, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Wes:
>> You sight some pretty strong reasons to go with the macbook pro rather
>> than the air in terms of memory, solid state drive etc.  I would add that
>> with the pro you would  be getting cd/dvd rive and capabilities, and the
>> sd card reader, that I don't think are part of the Macbook Air.
>> either way, you're in for a great system.:)
>> Happy deciding.
>> Carolyn
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
>> > So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I
>> > would get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the
>> > specs, and they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash,
>> > and it's biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500
>> > gig HD (I wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro
>> > solid state, and it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I
>> > don't really care about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO,
>> > I guess my question would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss
>> > up for me.  LOL.
>> >
>> > --
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:

If you don't care about the weight, go for the most power and features you can 
get for your money.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 07/03/2011, at 16:29, Wes Smith  wrote:

> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get 
> a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they 
> both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 
> 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need 
> that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a 
> superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the 
> weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, 
> what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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quarter tones in garage band

2011-03-07 Thread joseph
hello list

can quarter tones be played in garage band?  if so, please give instructions as 
this would be helpful.

thank you in advance


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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood
No, but FS sure isn't helping the price go down any.

It couldn't anyway, not yet anyway. The cells that produce the braille are 
super expensive.

I can't believe FS is still selling the pac mate, actually. I miss the days of 
the braille lites.

On 2011-03-07, at 1:48 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> Oh come on!  Are you really saying that if only Freedom Scientific
> hadn't come up with the signed Braille driver that we'd have
> universal, inexpensive Braille displays?
> I would say that Braille displays are expensive to produce and
> maintain, which is one big reason we don't have more affordable
> braille displays.
> I would also say there's been little demand for universal Braille
> displays, assuming universal means that it works with the HID
> protocal.
> JIm
> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:40:54AM -0800, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
>>> intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
>>> benefit current high priced offerings?
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Scott Granados" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
>>> action.
>>> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
>>> spinning their wheels.
>>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
 We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull it 
 off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market by 
 constantly suing.
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I like the IPad, actually.
>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, easy 
>> entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke chording 
>> and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
>> much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
>> true, but that's only a single dimension.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  
>> wrote:
>>> Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone or 
>>> iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic MacBook 
>>> Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the new iPad 
>>> is only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 13 has a 
>>> lot faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you want to pay 
>>> the higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard drive.
>>> The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained 
>>> about the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the 
>>> PacMate QT would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Me personally,
>>> If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
>>> fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
>>> bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
>>> Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
>>> really missing in not getting an iPad?
>>> JMO
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
 hello all,
 i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that 
 is light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because 
 you can get pages to write with. the only problem here is that there 
 is no port for external media like a usb drive, is there?
 my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a 
 little bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port 
 for external media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can 
 have on the ipad.
 that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.

Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Neil James
I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and 
the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However, the 
pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and firewire 
ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.


- Original Message - 
From: "Wes Smith" 

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.

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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood
>From wat you're stating, mbp would be the way to go. It's not much more - for 
>the base core i5, 13 in model. And since you don't much care about the 

Or you could get an old 15 in model like mine which is only 1500 or so now, or 
maybe a bit more.

Just some thoughts.

On 2011-03-07, at 6:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get 
> a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they 
> both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 
> 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need 
> that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a 
> superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the 
> weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, 
> what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood
Ok, here we go with my rant.

Why in the world doesn't apple let the 11 in users get these? (256 gb, 2.1 ghz 

I just don't understand. It drives me up the wall because that's what I would 
gladly go for with the 11 inch.

Rant over, sorry.
On 2011-03-07, at 6:57 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> I have the 13-inch Air with a 256 gig flash drive, four gigs of ram
> and a 2.13 GHZ processor.  It's my first Mac and it's very nice.  I
> love the fact that it turns on so quickly and is very light.  But if
> you don't care about weight, go for the pro.
> Eric
> On 3/7/11, Jim Barbour  wrote:
>> the primary reason to go with the air is weight and size.  It's a road
>> warrier's machine.
>> Since you say you don't care about those things, get the pro for sure!
>> Jim
>> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 05:37:29PM -0700, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Wes:
>>> You sight some pretty strong reasons to go with the macbook pro rather
>>> than the air in terms of memory, solid state drive etc.  I would add that
>>> with the pro you would  be getting cd/dvd rive and capabilities, and the
>>> sd card reader, that I don't think are part of the Macbook Air.
>>> either way, you're in for a great system.:)
>>> Happy deciding.
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
 So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I
 would get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the
 specs, and they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash,
 and it's biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500
 gig HD (I wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro
 solid state, and it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I
 don't really care about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO,
 I guess my question would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss
 up for me.  LOL.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood

You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.

Just pointing that out.

Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
What is it mainly used for?

On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:

> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and the 
> 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However, the pro 
> does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and firewire ports 
> which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
> Neil
> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get 
> a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they 
> both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 
> 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need 
> that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a 
> superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the 
> weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, 
> what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread wes smith
I don't use sd cards, and I only use wifi.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:

> Hi,
> You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.
> Just pointing that out.
> Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
> What is it mainly used for?
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and 
>> the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However, the 
>> pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and firewire 
>> ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Neil
>> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
>> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
>> it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
>> about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
>> would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>> --
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Kaare Dehard
if you're doing something like music production that requires a lot of space on 
a grand scale then the pro. Mine was my desktop replacement.

On 2011-03-07, at 7:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would get 
> a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and they 
> both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's biggest is 
> 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I wouldn't need 
> that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and it has a 
> superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care about the 
> weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question would be, 
> what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Eric Brinkman
Firewire is another communication method similar to USB but apparently
faster.  When I got my first iPod back in 2003, I needed a firewire
card for my PC for the pod, but I haven't needed it since then.  I
know some people go for the Macbook Pro over Apple's other notebooks
because of the firewire port.


On 3/7/11, Tyler wood  wrote:
> Hi,
> You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.
> Just pointing that out.
> Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
> What is it mainly used for?
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and
>> the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However,
>> the pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and
>> firewire ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Neil
>> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
>> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would
>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and
>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's
>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I
>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state,
>> and it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really
>> care about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my
>> question would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.
>> LOL.
>> --
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep the pro is my desktop replacement. I do a lot of music and production work.

Take care.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> if you're doing something like music production that requires a lot of space 
> on a grand scale then the pro. Mine was my desktop replacement.
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
>> it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
>> about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
>> would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>> -- 
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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Wes Smith
Well, I don't do any music production at all.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 6:35 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> if you're doing something like music production that requires a lot of space 
> on a grand scale then the pro. Mine was my desktop replacement.
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
>> it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
>> about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
>> would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cheree
Cheree heppe here:
I have a working Millennium 20 and really like it.  I don't care that it is a 
legacy device.

Cheree heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 07/03/2011, at 17:12, Tyler wood  wrote:

> No, but FS sure isn't helping the price go down any.
> It couldn't anyway, not yet anyway. The cells that produce the braille are 
> super expensive.
> I can't believe FS is still selling the pac mate, actually. I miss the days 
> of the braille lites.
> Tyler
> On 2011-03-07, at 1:48 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> Oh come on!  Are you really saying that if only Freedom Scientific
>> hadn't come up with the signed Braille driver that we'd have
>> universal, inexpensive Braille displays?
>> I would say that Braille displays are expensive to produce and
>> maintain, which is one big reason we don't have more affordable
>> braille displays.
>> I would also say there's been little demand for universal Braille
>> displays, assuming universal means that it works with the HID
>> protocal.
>> JIm
>> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:40:54AM -0800, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Yeppers. That's why. 
>>> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? Because 
 intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation back to 
 benefit current high priced offerings?
 Cheree Heppe
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Scott Granados" 
 Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
 Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
 spinning their wheels.
 On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull 
> it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market 
> by constantly suing.
> Jane
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
>> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I like the IPad, actually.
>>> I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, 
>>> easy entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke 
>>> chording and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
>>> In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
>>> much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
>>> As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
>>> true, but that's only a single dimension.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  
>>> wrote:
 Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone 
 or iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic 
 MacBook Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the 
 new iPad is only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 
 13 has a lot faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you 
 want to pay the higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard 
 The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained 
 about the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the 
 PacMate QT would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
 - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
 Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
 Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
 Me personally,
 If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a full 
 fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find yourself 
 bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things done.  
 Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What are you 
 really missing in not getting an iPad?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hello all,
> i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something 
> that is light to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 
> because you can get pages to write with. the only problem here is 
> that there is no port for external

RE: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Cameron
Hi.  Yeah, firewire 800 is a great solution for audio interfaces and fw hard
drives.  Keep in mind though that the new mac book pros just introduced have
thunderbolt by Intel.

Whether someone is involved in music production or not, thunderbolt will be
very valueable when it comes to transferring and backing up data as well as
running other devices as it uses many protocols including firewire, USB, PCI
express, etc.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Brinkman
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

Firewire is another communication method similar to USB but apparently
faster.  When I got my first iPod back in 2003, I needed a firewire
card for my PC for the pod, but I haven't needed it since then.  I
know some people go for the Macbook Pro over Apple's other notebooks
because of the firewire port.


On 3/7/11, Tyler wood  wrote:
> Hi,
> You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.
> Just pointing that out.
> Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
> What is it mainly used for?
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and
>> the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However,
>> the pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and
>> firewire ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Neil
>> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
>> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would
>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and
>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's
>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I
>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state,
>> and it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really
>> care about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my
>> question would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.
>> LOL.
>> --
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RE: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Cameron
Hi.  I'd only back that statement up to a certain degree.  If you are
running sessions with high track counts, using virtual instruments that have
large sample libraries, etc, then you want to work with at least a second
hard drive in the first place.  Doing everything with one 5400 rpm hard
drive, or even an internal 7200 rpm drive, you're going to run into
bottlenecking.  It's not so much the processor or ram that dictate track
limitations and plug in limitations with modern machines, but the physical
characteristics of a mechanical drive which by design, create a data cap
that you can't go over with said single drive.

This is where thunderbolt is going to really change things in terms of
project studios and mobile recording.  For example, you could have an
external chassie with multiple hds in a raid configuration if you wish, and
also have one or more fw interfaces as it's rated at 10gb per sec.

I can't wait to design a new mobile recording rig when I have the cash.  It
won't be cheap, but I think it's going to be a huge step up!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kaare Dehard
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

if you're doing something like music production that requires a lot of space
on a grand scale then the pro. Mine was my desktop replacement.

On 2011-03-07, at 7:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would
get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and
they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's
biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I
wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and
it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care
about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question
would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
> -- 
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RE: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Cameron
With everything you've said thus far, it sounds like the air would be your
best bet.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of wes smith
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

I don't use sd cards, and I only use wifi.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:

> Hi,
> You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.
> Just pointing that out.
> Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
> What is it mainly used for?
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and
the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However, the
pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and firewire
ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Neil
>> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
>> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would
get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and
they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's
biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I
wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and
it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care
about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question
would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>> --
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RE: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Cameron
Sorry about that, I meant to say pro, not air for my choice suggestion.
Coffee is wearing off over here!  

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of wes smith
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

I don't use sd cards, and I only use wifi.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:

> Hi,
> You can get an adapter that plugs into the air for ethernet connectivity.
> Just pointing that out.
> Firewire...I have never used it. I haven't even seen it in use.
> What is it mainly used for?
> On 2011-03-07, at 7:13 PM, Neil James wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe you can get the air with a 256 gb ssd and
the 13 inch air does have the sd card reader just like the pro. However, the
pro does add the benefit of the super drive as well as lan and firewire
ports which the air does not come with. Hope this helps a bit.
>> Neil
>> - Original Message - From: "Wes Smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:29 PM
>> Subject: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.
>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would
get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and
they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's
biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I
wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and
it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care
about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question
would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>> --
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Re: selecting a table in safari

2011-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
I guess you might have to select the entire page and paste it into your 
document, then delete the stuff around it.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I've been looking for an  answer for about a year and have not yet found one. 
> Anyone? anyone? lol!
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> is there a way to select and copy a table in safari and put it say in 
>> numbers to send as an email attachment?
>> I don't seem to find a way.
>> thanks, 
>> Rafaela Freundt
>> E-mail/MSN:
>> Skype: rafafreundt
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Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

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Re: selecting a table in safari

2011-03-07 Thread Rafaela Freundt
I tried that, and pasted the page into text edit but the table didn't appear 
like a table anymore so I thought there might be a better way.


Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 07/03/2011, a las 21:27, Ricardo Walker escribió:

> I guess you might have to select the entire page and paste it into your 
> document, then delete the stuff around it.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I've been looking for an  answer for about a year and have not yet found 
>> one. Anyone? anyone? lol!
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> is there a way to select and copy a table in safari and put it say in 
>>> numbers to send as an email attachment?
>>> I don't seem to find a way.
>>> thanks, 
>>> Rafaela Freundt
>>> E-mail/MSN:
>>> Skype: rafafreundt
>>> -- 
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> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
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The politics and manufacture of Braille displays [Was, Re: macbook air vs ipad 2]

2011-03-07 Thread Bryan Jones
I have nothing to say about this topic. However, since some people are 
apparently not willing or able to listen to two Mod requests to end the 
discussion, I've changed the subject line to at least make it match the wayward 
contents of the last thousand messages in this thread, seeing how it has 
nothing to do with the original topic of "macbook air vs ipad 2.".

Sigh, LOL, Roll eyes,

On Mar 7, 2011, at 9:35 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Lol,
> I respectfully disagree.  Tax breaks and subsidies? Why? and from whom?
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> Small numbers notwithstanding, if a company needed a good taxx break and a 
>> subsidy, they could produce the display and gain a lot of good from various 
>> quarters.
>> The argument for Braille as a reading mode for a select few has the same 
>> ring as that argument lots of U.S. cities use for public transport.
>> You know, few ride public transport, so because few ride, let's cut it back 
>> even more.
>> Totally backward reasoning.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:35
>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
>> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
>> higher demand for braille desplays lol!
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument to 
>>> the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate here. 
>>> It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related to the 
>>> fact that:
>>> 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher 
>>> in order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
>>> 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
>>> parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used 
>>> in a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
>>> display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
>>> perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display may 
>>> be $20 per cell. 
>>> 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of the 
>>> product and specialized skill set.
>>> 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
>>> sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
>>> fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also 
>>> produce displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
>>> There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
>>> produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
>>> However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. 
>>> COnsider that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it for 
>>> Y dollars. The X cost has to take into consideration research and 
>>> development, marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this justify 
>>> the cost of what most Braille displays? I could not answer that question 
>>> because I have no idea what it really costs to produce such a device. I 
>>> suppose you could make the argument that the research and development has 
>>> probably been paid for several times over, but consider that innovation of 
>>> new features and technology has not stopped either. I imagine if Braille 
>>> displays were sold by the hundreds of thousands or millions the cost would 
>>> be considerably less. So, I have not seen any evidence presented that 
>>> supports the argument that "intrenched" providers artificially inflate 
>>> prices to control the market at the expense of consumers. If there is some 
>>> evidence to support this then great, but consider what you are saying would 
>>> mean there is a conspiracy among the manufacturers and vendors. Does make 
>>> for a fascinating discussion.
>>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Yeppers. That's why. 
 On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? 
> Because intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation 
> back to benefit current high priced offerings?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
> action.
> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
> spinning their wheels.
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote

Re: The politics and manufacture of Braille displays [Was, Re: macbook air vs ipad 2]

2011-03-07 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Look guys, its all preference. If you like to have I Devices and say you have a 
darlin person that is sited to share with, get the IPad. If you have like real 
need for keyboard access, memory and flash, then get yourself a computer, 
laptop or Air. Its real easy.

Apple is fun for me and I use it that way. I need windows for work because of 
the office products. I want an IPad for my wife and I. I want a macbook air or 
pro because I can share it with my wife and I don't have to worry about all the 
windows clutter.

My advice is to enjoy the chance to have options.

Cheers and good luck to all,
On Mar 7, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> I have nothing to say about this topic. However, since some people are 
> apparently not willing or able to listen to two Mod requests to end the 
> discussion, I've changed the subject line to at least make it match the 
> wayward contents of the last thousand messages in this thread, seeing how it 
> has nothing to do with the original topic of "macbook air vs ipad 2.".
> Sigh, LOL, Roll eyes,
> Bryan
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 9:35 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Lol,
>> I respectfully disagree.  Tax breaks and subsidies? Why? and from whom?
>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> Small numbers notwithstanding, if a company needed a good taxx break and a 
>>> subsidy, they could produce the display and gain a lot of good from various 
>>> quarters.
>>> The argument for Braille as a reading mode for a select few has the same 
>>> ring as that argument lots of U.S. cities use for public transport.
>>> You know, few ride public transport, so because few ride, let's cut it back 
>>> even more.
>>> Totally backward reasoning.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:35
>>> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
>>> Actually try maybe a few hundred per cell but you do make a good oint. If 
>>> only we had all blind  and vi people reading  braille then we would  have a 
>>> higher demand for braille desplays lol!
>>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 In reading this thread, I feel compelled to present a different argument 
 to the high cost of Braille displays and thus will play devil's advocate 
 here. It is possible that the high cost of Braille displays may be related 
 to the fact that:
 1. There is a small market, which means the cost will be naturally higher 
 in order to offset the fact that fewer units would be purchased.
 2. The cost of the components are produced at a much lower rate than the 
 parts for other technology. FOr example, the cost of a display to be used 
 in a monitor may be produced by the millions where the cells of a Braille 
 display may be produced by the tens of thousands. This would mean that 
 perhaps a lcd screen might cost $20 and the cells for a Braille display 
 may be $20 per cell. 
 3. The cost of research and development is more do to the uniqueness of 
 the product and specialized skill set.
 4. Less competition in the market. COnsider that although several vendors 
 sell Braille displays, only a few manufacturers actually produce them. In 
 fact Baum makes displays they sell with their own name, but they also 
 produce displays for APH, Human Ware, and perhaps others.
 There has been examples of how developers of adaptive technologies have 
 produced products for less than hundreds and sold them for thousands. 
 However, my argument stated above would justify this to some extent. 
 COnsider that any company produces a product for X dollars and sells it 
 for Y dollars. The X cost has to take into consideration research and 
 development, marketing, distribution, and other overhead. Does this 
 justify the cost of what most Braille displays? I could not answer that 
 question because I have no idea what it really costs to produce such a 
 device. I suppose you could make the argument that the research and 
 development has probably been paid for several times over, but consider 
 that innovation of new features and technology has not stopped either. I 
 imagine if Braille displays were sold by the hundreds of thousands or 
 millions the cost would be considerably less. So, I have not seen any 
 evidence presented that supports the argument that "intrenched" providers 
 artificially inflate prices to control the market at the expense of 
 consumers. If there is some evidence to support this then great, but 
 consider what you are saying would mean there is a conspiracy among the 
 manufacturers and vendors. Does make for a fascinating discussion.
 On Mar 7, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeppers. That's why. 
> On 07/03/2011, at 11:05

Re: Problems Accesing Mobile ME

2011-03-07 Thread Les Kriegler
Yes, I got to the log in page, but as soon as I tried to proceed from there, I 
got the "Safari Busy" message.  Unloading and reloading VO had no positive 
On Mar 6, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Have you tried restarting voice over to see if that helps?
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM:
> website:
> Podcast:
> youtube:
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, 
>> Safari is reported to be busy.  I want to set up an account, and I went to 
>>, and still get the Safari Busy message.  It may say ready, 
>> but goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen.  
>> What can be done to rectify this?  Thanks.
>> Les
>> -- 
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Re: help with time machine, please?

2011-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna,

You might want to go into time machine preferences and see if anything is being 
excluded from the backup.  I doubt this but, its worth a look.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to back up my system.  Two things are happening that seem strange. 
>  the first is that it's taking less than five seconds to perform a back up.  
> The second is that in the brief period I see a message that says something 
> like  "backing up 0 of 465 KB."  Can someone tell me what's wrong and how I 
> can fix it?
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

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Re: Macbook Pro VS. Macbook Air.

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood
This thing kicks my desktops butt. So pretty much my workhorse. It's plugged 
into all my drives, I guess I should have got the imac. Oh well..
On 2011-03-07, at 7:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Yep the pro is my desktop replacement. I do a lot of music and production 
> work.
> Take care.
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> if you're doing something like music production that requires a lot of space 
>> on a grand scale then the pro. Mine was my desktop replacement.
>> On 2011-03-07, at 7:29 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
>>> So I'm trying to decide between a Macbook Pro, or a Macbook AIr.  I would 
>>> get a educational discount (I'm in college.)  I looked at the specs, and 
>>> they both look good.  Though, the MAcbook Air is only flash, and it's 
>>> biggest is 128 gig I think.  While the Macbook pro has a 500 gig HD (I 
>>> wouldn't need that, just 320 gigs.)  And, the Macbook Pro  solid state, and 
>>> it has a superdrive, while the Macbook AIr doesn't.   I don't really care 
>>> about the weight and how thin the Macbook Air is.  SO, I guess my question 
>>> would be, what do you  guys recommend?  It's a toss up for me.  LOL.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> -- 
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Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Tyler wood
I have a braille lite 2000, and 40. I love them both and they actually still 
work. I still read books with them.

On 2011-03-07, at 7:50 PM, Cheree wrote:

> Cheree heppe here:
> I have a working Millennium 20 and really like it.  I don't care that it is a 
> legacy device.
> Regards,
> Cheree heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 07/03/2011, at 17:12, Tyler wood  wrote:
>> No, but FS sure isn't helping the price go down any.
>> It couldn't anyway, not yet anyway. The cells that produce the braille are 
>> super expensive.
>> I can't believe FS is still selling the pac mate, actually. I miss the days 
>> of the braille lites.
>> Tyler
>> On 2011-03-07, at 1:48 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Oh come on!  Are you really saying that if only Freedom Scientific
>>> hadn't come up with the signed Braille driver that we'd have
>>> universal, inexpensive Braille displays?
>>> I would say that Braille displays are expensive to produce and
>>> maintain, which is one big reason we don't have more affordable
>>> braille displays.
>>> I would also say there's been little demand for universal Braille
>>> displays, assuming universal means that it works with the HID
>>> protocal.
>>> JIm
>>> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:40:54AM -0800, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Yeppers. That's why. 
 On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? 
> Because intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation 
> back to benefit current high priced offerings?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
> action.
> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
> spinning their wheels.
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
>> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull 
>> it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market 
>> by constantly suing.
>> Jane
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Yeah don't forget it's thinner. When haptics comes out think of the 
>>> screen room you wil have for braille right there.
>>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Cheree wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 I like the IPad, actually.
 I went for the I-devicees first because they open a very intuitive, 
 easy entre into the Apple environment.  No commands and keystroke 
 chording and what seemed to me a quick start interface.
 In a bit, I'm ggoing to get an Air or Mac, but would have done so with 
 much more trepidation if not having tried the I-devices first.
 As to the base measurements of a PacMate being smaller than an IPad, 
 true, but that's only a single dimension.
 Cheree Heppe
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 05/03/2011, at 19:07, "David Tanner"  
> Well, let's see, the iPad is clunkier to carry around than an iPhone 
> or iTouch.  The iPad is almost as expensive as buying the basic 
> MacBook Pro 13 with two gigabytes of memory, and the processor in the 
> new iPad is only a 1.0 gigahert duel core processor.  The MacBook Pro 
> 13 has a lot faster processor than that and so does the Ayer if you 
> want to pay the higher price for solid state memory instead of a hard 
> drive.
> The iPad makes me think of all the blind folks that have complained 
> about the size of the PacMate QT.  In fact, I don't think that the 
> PacMate QT would be as large in flat area as the iPad.
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:46 PM
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Me personally,
> If I need to get work done, I would go with a Macbook air.  Its a 
> full fledged computer, and besides the added size, you will find 
> yourself bumping up against less barriers when trying to get things 
> done.  Especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch already.  What 
> are you really missing in not getting an iPad?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:48 AM, Denise Avant wr

Re: Problems Accesing Mobile ME

2011-03-07 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Ester,

Thanks for your detailed message.  Unfortunately, when I go to, and I 
try to bring up the menu, I hear a message that Safari is busy.  If I type VO M 
again, I get to the Time Machine Menu.  This is the only page I am encountering 
this issue, so I don't know what is going on that is preventing me access to 
this site.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Les, 
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 16:15, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, 
>> Safari is reported to be busy.  I want to set up an account, and I went to 
>>, and still get the Safari Busy message.  It may say ready, 
>> but goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen.  
>> What can be done to rectify this?  
> I haven't tried to access the MobileMe web site this way from a new account.  
> I'd suggest that you might try using the System Preferences menu for 
> "MobileMe", where there is a sign up button for a new trial subscription.  I 
> can't check what the process is like, because although I set up a new MacBook 
> Air for someone recently, they're postponing any decisions about MobileMe.  
> (This is his first Mac, and he has no iDevices of any type).  There's some 
> speculation that the MobileMe service will substantially change the way it is 
> administered in the near future, especially since the retail box sets are 
> disappearing from inventory.
> Try going to the "MobileMe" menu in "System Preferences" (Control-F2 or VO-M 
> to the menu bar, arrow down, press "s y" to "System Preferences", then 
> navigate to "MobileMe" and VO-Space).   On systems with no MobileMe setup, 
> there will be a login that lets you sign in with your Member Name (e.g. 
> ) and password in the text boxes, and then a "Sign 
> In" button you can press (VO-Space).  The other part of that pane will be a 
> "Try MobileMe" side with button to a web page for trial subscription. I 
> haven't used this for the trial subscription, but that might work for you.  
> People with an existing account who have signed into MobileMe, will find 
> instead four tabs -- "Account", "Sync", "iWeb", and "Back to My Mac".  
> Pressing the button for "Account Details" on the "Account" tab basically 
> takes you to the Safari Login page for MobileMe, and will open up in your 
> Account page after you log in. (I usually just log into my account manually 
> by going to:
> to sign in).  I'm including the account information 
> just for completeness -- new users like Les won't see this.  However, the 
> "Try MobileMe" part of the MobileMe menu in System Preferences may work for 
> him.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Final Moderator Note -was- Re: macbook air vs ipad 2

2011-03-07 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi All;

I say final mod note in the subject because from here on out if people insist 
on ignoring some very polite yet clear requests from *any* of our mods, to 
either bring this topic back to Apple products or close it, then their posting 
privileges will simply be revoked; no questions asked.

Now before anyone whines and complains (as some have already done) that we're 
being too heavy-handed or clueless in terms of list moderation, let me just say 
that if you honestly think we're really that much of a tyrannical bunch, then 
you really haven't seen tough moderation. I'm serious. There are many lists out 
there that have, not only extremely precise list rules to follow, but quite a 
few such rules as well. So for God's sake just chill out and stop being so 
techy! :)

I mean really! :) We're just making some really simple requests of you so that 
the list traffic stays reasonably focused and manageable for the list at large. 
this is not about some ridiculous power trip or censorship thing. So please, 
simply respect the mods when you're nicely asked to curb a topic and move on, 
K?… -Simple as that…

Please realize that we're all about this list remaining the great informational 
source that it has been over the past several years, K? We really want to make 
this the best Mac oriented list for VI users on the web, and we'll do the best 
we can, but we need you to help us. -This doesn't happen by itself. It takes 
some cooperation. -Know what I mean?…

Remember, we all make this list what it is. -And that means every single one of 
us. :) If you have a request or complaint, rather than sending it to the list, 
send it to one of us privately. I can assure you that we really do care and do 
read these. It may take a while for one of us to get back with you, this isn't 
because your notes don't matter to us. they truly do. -And this is not 
something I'm just saying. I really mean this. -Without you there'd be no list. 
:) this list is about you and for you. -But because of that, there simply need 
to be some basic guidelines; -one of which is that this list is topical. This 
means that posts should stay relevant to the Mac / Apple products. -Know what I 
mean? This way the list traffic can be more pertinent and manageable for all 
list members.

Thanks so much and please do continue the great content and participation! Have 
a lovely night and catch y'all laters!


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Mar 7, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Tyler wood wrote:

I have a braille lite 2000, and 40. I love them both and they actually still 
work. I still read books with them.

On 2011-03-07, at 7:50 PM, Cheree wrote:

> Cheree heppe here:
> I have a working Millennium 20 and really like it.  I don't care that it is a 
> legacy device.
> Regards,
> Cheree heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 07/03/2011, at 17:12, Tyler wood  wrote:
>> No, but FS sure isn't helping the price go down any.
>> It couldn't anyway, not yet anyway. The cells that produce the braille are 
>> super expensive.
>> I can't believe FS is still selling the pac mate, actually. I miss the days 
>> of the braille lites.
>> Tyler
>> On 2011-03-07, at 1:48 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Oh come on!  Are you really saying that if only Freedom Scientific
>>> hadn't come up with the signed Braille driver that we'd have
>>> universal, inexpensive Braille displays?
>>> I would say that Braille displays are expensive to produce and
>>> maintain, which is one big reason we don't have more affordable
>>> braille displays.
>>> I would also say there's been little demand for universal Braille
>>> displays, assuming universal means that it works with the HID
>>> protocal.
>>> JIm
>>> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:40:54AM -0800, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Yeppers. That's why. 
 On 07/03/2011, at 11:05, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Is that why we don't have universal, affordable, Braille displays? 
> Because intrenched providers are holding new development and innivation 
> back to benefit current high priced offerings?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:32
> Subject: Re: macbook air vs ipad 2
> Apple isn't going to car if some nat of a company like fS brings legal 
> action.
> Apple can simply use stalling tactics and let them run out of money 
> spinning their wheels.
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Jane wrote:
>> We're assuming they will do Braille. That'd be neat, *if* they can pull 
>> it off and *if* Braille display makers don't push them out of the market 
>> by constantly suing.
>> Jane
>> On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Sara

Re: Problems Accessing Mobile ME

2011-03-07 Thread Les Kriegler

Okay, I didn't grasp your original e-mail.  I did go through System Preferences 
and chose a trial account.  I got all the way through the sign-up process, 
except I could not enter the characters shown at the end of the process.  So 
I'll await sighted assistance and complete the process.  Sounds like I'll be 
set from there.  Thanks.

On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Les, 
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 16:15, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, 
>> Safari is reported to be busy.  I want to set up an account, and I went to 
>>, and still get the Safari Busy message.  It may say ready, 
>> but goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen.  
>> What can be done to rectify this?  
> I haven't tried to access the MobileMe web site this way from a new account.  
> I'd suggest that you might try using the System Preferences menu for 
> "MobileMe", where there is a sign up button for a new trial subscription.  I 
> can't check what the process is like, because although I set up a new MacBook 
> Air for someone recently, they're postponing any decisions about MobileMe.  
> (This is his first Mac, and he has no iDevices of any type).  There's some 
> speculation that the MobileMe service will substantially change the way it is 
> administered in the near future, especially since the retail box sets are 
> disappearing from inventory.
> Try going to the "MobileMe" menu in "System Preferences" (Control-F2 or VO-M 
> to the menu bar, arrow down, press "s y" to "System Preferences", then 
> navigate to "MobileMe" and VO-Space).   On systems with no MobileMe setup, 
> there will be a login that lets you sign in with your Member Name (e.g. 
> ) and password in the text boxes, and then a "Sign 
> In" button you can press (VO-Space).  The other part of that pane will be a 
> "Try MobileMe" side with button to a web page for trial subscription. I 
> haven't used this for the trial subscription, but that might work for you.  
> People with an existing account who have signed into MobileMe, will find 
> instead four tabs -- "Account", "Sync", "iWeb", and "Back to My Mac".  
> Pressing the button for "Account Details" on the "Account" tab basically 
> takes you to the Safari Login page for MobileMe, and will open up in your 
> Account page after you log in. (I usually just log into my account manually 
> by going to:
> to sign in).  I'm including the account information 
> just for completeness -- new users like Les won't see this.  However, the 
> "Try MobileMe" part of the MobileMe menu in System Preferences may work for 
> him.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Problems Accessing Mobile ME

2011-03-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
they don't have an audio captcha? Oh wow. hopefully that changes with mobile me 
new version or what ever it will be called.
On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:31 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> HiEster,
> Okay, I didn't grasp your original e-mail.  I did go through System 
> Preferences and chose a trial account.  I got all the way through the sign-up 
> process, except I could not enter the characters shown at the end of the 
> process.  So I'll await sighted assistance and complete the process.  Sounds 
> like I'll be set from there.  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Les, 
>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 16:15, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> On several occasions, I've tried to access Mobile ME and in all cases, 
>>> Safari is reported to be busy.  I want to set up an account, and I went to 
>>>, and still get the Safari Busy message.  It may say ready, 
>>> but goes back to saying busy when I try to navigate the initial screen.  
>>> What can be done to rectify this?  
>> I haven't tried to access the MobileMe web site this way from a new account. 
>>  I'd suggest that you might try using the System Preferences menu for 
>> "MobileMe", where there is a sign up button for a new trial subscription.  I 
>> can't check what the process is like, because although I set up a new 
>> MacBook Air for someone recently, they're postponing any decisions about 
>> MobileMe.  (This is his first Mac, and he has no iDevices of any type).  
>> There's some speculation that the MobileMe service will substantially change 
>> the way it is administered in the near future, especially since the retail 
>> box sets are disappearing from inventory.
>> Try going to the "MobileMe" menu in "System Preferences" (Control-F2 or VO-M 
>> to the menu bar, arrow down, press "s y" to "System Preferences", then 
>> navigate to "MobileMe" and VO-Space).   On systems with no MobileMe setup, 
>> there will be a login that lets you sign in with your Member Name (e.g. 
>> ) and password in the text boxes, and then a "Sign 
>> In" button you can press (VO-Space).  The other part of that pane will be a 
>> "Try MobileMe" side with button to a web page for trial subscription. I 
>> haven't used this for the trial subscription, but that might work for you.  
>> People with an existing account who have signed into MobileMe, will find 
>> instead four tabs -- "Account", "Sync", "iWeb", and "Back to My Mac".  
>> Pressing the button for "Account Details" on the "Account" tab basically 
>> takes you to the Safari Login page for MobileMe, and will open up in your 
>> Account page after you log in. (I usually just log into my account manually 
>> by going to:
>> to sign in).  I'm including the account 
>> information just for completeness -- new users like Les won't see this.  
>> However, the "Try MobileMe" part of the MobileMe menu in System Preferences 
>> may work for him.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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air cards on the mac

2011-03-07 Thread chad
hi do you guys know what air cards are accessible on the mac
just wondering i know of verizon and a t t not sure if its accessible

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